ORD 2076 ORDINANCE NO , 2076
AN ORDINANCE implementing the affordable housing strategies of the
Comprehensive Plan .
Section I
There is hereby added a new section to Chapter 18 . 08 of the Camas Municipal
Code to provide as follows :
18 . 08 . 03 S Accessory Dwelling Unit "Accessory Dwelling Unit" shall mean an
additional , smaller , subordinate dwelling unit on a lot with , or in an existing or new
house .
Section II
There is hereby added a new section to Chapter 18 . 08 of the Camas Municipal
Code to provide as follows :
18 . 08 . 63 S Rowhouses " Rowhouses " shall mean a multi - family dwelling structure
consisting of attached dwelling units owned individually and not in common by one
owner .
Section III
Section 18 . 24 . 020 (E� of the Camas Municipal Code is amended to provide as
follows :
18 . 24 . 020 Accessory Uses
E : Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU ' s ) , pursuant to Chapter 18 . 63 .
Section IV
A new subsection is hereby added to Section 18 . 24 . 030 of the Camas Municipal
Code to provide as follows :
18 . 24 . 03 0 Conditional Uses
O . Duplexes on any lot in the R1 zone .
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Affordable Housing Strategies
Section V
A new subsection is hereby added to the Camas Municipal Code to provide as
follows :
18 . 32 . 010 Principal Uses
D . Rowhouses .
Section VI
A new subsection is hereby added to the Camas Municipal Code to provide as
follows :
18 . 32 . 030 Conditional Uses
D . Manufactured/mobile home parks , but only in the MF 18 and MF 24 zones .
Section VII
Subsection 18 . 40 . 040 (B ) of the Camas Municipal Code is amended to provide as
follows :
18 . 40 . 040 Conditional Uses
B . Residential secondary to commercial (less than 50 percent of the development
density) and not as primary development design feature , not to exceed MF4 0 density .
Section VIII
There is hereby added to the Camas Municipal Code a new Chapter to provide as
follows :
18 . 63 . - Special Provisions and Uses
18 . 63 . 010 Purpose
In addition to other standards and requirements imposed by this title , all uses in
this section shall comply with the provisions listed herein . Should a conflict arise
between the provisions of this section and other sections of this title , the most restrictive
shall apply .
18 . 63 . 020 Uses and Provisions
A . Accessory Dwelling Units .
1 . Purpose : An accessory dwelling unit (ADU) is an additional
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Affordable Housing Strategies
s P
smaller , subordinate dwelling unit on a lot with , or in an existing or
new house . These units are intended to provide for a greater range
of choices of housing types in single - family and multi - family
residential districts . Accessory dwelling units are intended to :
a . Provide for a range of choices of housing in the city ;
b . Provide additional dwelling units , thereby increasing
densities with minimal cost and disruption to existing
neighborhoods ;
c . Allow individuals and smaller households to retain large
houses as residences , and ;
d . Enhance options for families by providing opportunities for
older or younger relatives to live in close proximity while
maintaining a degree of privacy .
2 . Applicability : Accessory dwelling units on residential lots . A
house with an accessory dwelling unit is different from a duplex
because the intensity of use is less due to the limitations of size and
number of bedrooms , and it has the appearance of a single family
structure . An accessory dwelling unit that meets the requirements
of this subsection may be allowed in the RI - 20 , R145 I R 14 2 , RI =01
1 -
10 R1 - 7 . 5 and Rl - 6 zones or on any multi - family zoned lot
developed with an existing single family dwelling , except as noted
herein .
3 . Development Standards
a . No more than one accessory dwelling unit per legal lot is
permitted and it must be accessory to a single family
residence . A lot of record lawfully occupied by two (2 ) or
more single family residences shall not be permitted to
have an accessory dwelling unit, unless the lot is short
platted under Title 17 of this code . If a short plat is
approved , an accessory dwelling unit for each dwelling unit
is permitted only if all dimensional standards of the
underlying zone and all other provisions of this ordinance
are met .
b . No accessory dwelling unit shall be permitted on a lot of
less than 5 , 000 square feet .
C * The applicant must apply for a building permit for an
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Affordable Housing Strategies
accessory dwelling unit . An accessory dwelling unit shall
comply with applicable building , fire , and health and safety
codes . Addressing of the accessory dwelling unit shall be
assigned by the Building Department with approval by the
Fire Department . An accessory dwelling unit cannot be
occupied until a Certificate of Occupancy is issued by the
building department .
d . An accessory dwelling unit may be created through :
( 1 ) internal conversion within an existing dwelling ;
(2 ) the addition of new square footage to the existing
house or to a garage and any addition thereto is
located at least 40 feet back from the front property
line ;
( 3 ) conversion of an existing garage if the garage is
setback at least 40 feet from the front property line ,
(4 ) inclusion in the development plans for, or as part of,
the construction of a new single family detached
dwelling unit ; or
( 5 ) a separate detached dwelling unit on the same lot as
the primary dwelling unit when the accessory unit is
located at least 10 feet behind the most distant back
or side wall or other structural element of the
primary dwelling unit structure .
( 6 ) Mobile homes are not considered an accessory
dwelling unit for the purposes of this ordinance .
e . An accessory dwelling unit shall conform to existing
zoning requirements for the primary residence , including ,
but not limited to lot coverage , front, side and rear yard
setbacks . Building height is limited to 25 feet for a
detached accessory dwelling unit . Building height
requirements of the underlying zone do apply to the
accessory dwelling unit for internal conversion or structural
addition to the existing primary dwelling .
f. The addition of an accessory dwelling unit shall not make
any lot, structure or use non- conforming within the
development site . All setbacks , including height
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limitations for the zone shall be met except as allowed in
CMC 18 . 76 (variances) .
g . For purposes of this section, an accessory structure ( such as
a garage or other outbuilding , but not a detached accessory
dwelling unit) which contains an accessory dwelling unit
may not cover more than 10 percent of the total site area .
h . The total gross floor area of an accessory dwelling unit
shall not exceed 40 percent of the area of the primary
dwelling ' s living area . The living area of the primary unit
excludes uninhabitable floor area and garage or other
outbuilding square footage whether attached or detached .
i . An accessory dwelling unit shall not contain more than one
bedroom .
Jo Parking : An accessory dwelling unit shall have a minimum
of one on- site parking space .
k . The exterior appearance of an addition or detached
accessory dwelling unit shall be architecturally compatible
with the primary residence . Compatibility includes
coordination of architectural style , exterior building
materials and colors , roof form and pitch , window style and
placement . other architectural features and landscaping .
( See Design Guidelines Section 4 . below . )
1 . For an accessory dwelling unit created by internal
conversion or by an addition to an existing primary
dwelling , only one entrance may be located on the front of
the house , unless the house contained additional front doors
before the conversion . Secondary entrances should be
located on the side or rear of the primary residence to the
extent possible .
m . An accessory dwelling unit shall connect to public sewer
and water .
n . A home or lot which has an accessory dwelling unit which
was established prior to adoption of this ordinance may be
approved for a building permit subject to the provisions of
CMC 1832 Nonconforming Uses , Structures , and Lots .
o . Accessory dwelling units shall be subject to impact fees at
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the same rate as those imposed for multi - family dwelling
units .
p . Owner Occupancy . Prior to issuance of a building permit
establishing an ADU , the applicant Works shall record as a
deed restriction in the Clark County Auditor ' s Office a
certification by the owner under oath in a form prescribed
by the City that one of the dwelling units is and will
continue to be occupied by the owner of the property as the
owner ' s principal and permanent residence for as long as
the other unit is being rented or otherwise occupied . The
owner shall show proof of ownership on forms provided by
the City and shall maintain residency for at least 6 months
out of the year , and at no time receive rent for, or otherwise
allow to be occupied , the owner- occupied unit . Falsely
certifying owner occupancy shall be considered a violation
of the Zoning Ordinance and is subject to the enforcement
actions .
4 . Design Guidelines :
a . Exterior finish materials : Plain concrete , concrete block,
corrugated metal , or plywood are prohibited if they are not
the predominant exterior finish material on the primary
dwelling , unless these materials duplicate or reflect the
predominate finish .
b . Roof slopes : For buildings over 15 feet in height, the slope
of the accessory dwelling unit roof must be the same as
that of the predominate slope of the primary dwelling
structure .
c . Historic structures : If an accessory dwelling unit is on the
same lot as or within an historic structure which has been
designated on the national , state or local historic register ,
the following design guidelines are applicable :
( 1 ) Exterior materials should be of the same type , size
and placement as those of the primary dwelling
structure .
(2 ) Trim on edges of elements of accessory structures
and additions should be the same as those of the
primary structure in type , size and placement .
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Affordable Housing Strategies
( 3 ) windows in any elevation which faces a street
should match those in the primary structure in
proportion, i . e . same height , width and orientation
(horizontal or vertical) .
(4 ) Pediment and dormers : Each accessory dwelling
unit over 20 feet in height should have either a roof
pediment or dormer if one or the other of these
architectural features are present on the primary
dwelling .
Be Calculating Maximum Residential Density in the Rl - 6 , Rl - 7 . 5 , R140
R142 R1 - 15 and R1 - 20 zoning districts .
1 . Purpose : To achieve the density goals of the Comprehensive Plan
with respect to the urban area, while preserving environmentally
sensitive lands and the livability of the single family residential
neighborhoods , while also maintaining compatibility with existing
residences .
2 . Density Transfer : The density for property developed in single
family zone districts , if encumbered by land identified as sensitive
due to the presence of steep slopes , unstable land , historical or
archeological sites , wetlands and buffers , or other permanent
physical development limitations as may be determined by the City
Planner or land voluntarily set aside for open space or commons
as approved by the City Planner, from the gross acreage may be
transferred to the remaining unencumbered land areas on the same
development site , subject to the following limitations :
a . Maximum number . The maximum number of units which
can be transferred is limited to the number of whole units
(fractions of units shall be rounded down) which would
have been allowed on the unbuildable area if not for the
above encumbrances ; PROVIDED , however , the maximum
number of units shall be calculated based on the gross area
of the site minus any public road right- of--way and the
maximum density allowed will be dependent upon site
characteristic and other factors .
b . The minimum lot depth of any lot abutting environmentally
sensitive lands shall be 55 feet .
c . For parent parcels larger than 2 . 5 acres .
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Affordable Housing Strategies
i . The resulting lots which abut property zoned for
single family residential shall :
a . Be at least 90 % of the minimum lot area
standard for the respective single - family
zone district .
b . Have a lot depth of not less than 80 % of the
minimum lot depth of the respective zoning
district .
C * Have a minimum lot width not less than 10
feet from the minimum lot width of the
respective zoning district .
11 . The resulting lots which are interior (not a part of
the parent parcel abutting an adjacent property line)
to the site shall conform to the lot requirements set
out in table 18 . 63 - l .
d . For parent parcels 2 . 5 acres or less , the lots
to be created shall conform to the lot
requirements in Table 18 . 634 .
e . This Density Transfer Development
provision may not be used in association
with, the provisions of Chapter 18 . 93 ,
Planned Unit Developments .
f. A recorded covenant shall be placed on
those areas or tracts from which density is
transferred prohibiting any development of
the parcel or tract inconsistent with its
intended use .
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Ordinance No . 2076
Affordable Housing Strategies
TABLE 18 , 634
Min .
Useable Avg . Avg .
Lot Lot Lot Lot
Classification Density ' Areae Width3 Depth4
(d . u . /acre ) ( s . f. ) (feet) (feet)
RI - 6 5 . 8 2 , 500 40 50
R1 - 7 . 5 4 . 6 3 , 000 50 50
R140 3 . 5 4 , 000 70 50
R142 2 . 9 4 , 500 80 50
R145 2 . 3 4 , 500 90 50
RI - 20 1 . 7 4 , 500 90 50
The maximum density listed is for the purpose of calculating maximum densities to be
transferred and is only provided for that area from which the density is being transferred .
The maximum densities listed are based upon dividing gross acres by the minimum lot
size in the zone and minus 20 % which would normally be devoted to public road right- of-
way in a typical subdivision .
2Minimum useable area is that portion of the lot which is unencumbered by the land
voluntarily set aside , environmentally sensitive lands to be protected and their respective
buffers , and shall exclude yard setbacks and easements . [Example : A typical 5 , 000
square foot lot would have 3 , 000 square feet of usable area, even if unencumbered by
environmentally sensitive lands . ]
3May be reduced subject to the provisions of Chapter 18 . 76 and the variance procedures .
4The minimum street side yard shall be ten ( 10 ) feet .
Definition : Open Space/Commons shall mean an area left open and undeveloped , for use
by the public but is not a formal park or recreation area managed or owned by the City .
The land shall be identified as a separate tract and shall be managed and maintained in
perpetuity for the intended use of the homeowners of the relevant development .
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Affordable Housing Strategies
C . Rowhouses
1 . Purpose : To provide opportunities for individual home ownership
in the Multi - family zoning districts by allowing rwhouses
developments consistent with density requirements of the base
zones . This ordinance provides alternative dimensional standards
and additional requirements which allows for the division of land
into small lots in conjunction with the construction of attached
single family units commonly referred to as Rowhouses or
Townhouses .
Attached wall developments within all MF zones and
2 . Eligibility :
PUD ' s .
3e Requirements :
a . Procedures .
Rowhouses development proposals utilizing the provisions
of this title shall be subject to the following procedures :
i . Land divisions shall be reviewed according to
Chapter 17 .
11 . In addition, if the land is subdivided , development
proposals must receive approval of a site plan
demonstrating how the proposal complies with this
chapter and all other applicable requirements . The
site plan shall be submitted and reviewed in
conjunction with the land division application . The
following materials are required :
a . Seven ( 7 ) copies of a site plan including one
reduced copy (maximum 11 " . x 17 " ) , drawn
to scale with dimensions , showing the layout
of existing and proposed structures , lot lines ,
public and/or private streets , off- street
parking , landscape areas , pedestrian walks ,
driveways , outdoor lighting , screening ,
fences , walls , water quality facilities and
other information deemed necessary by the
City Planner .
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b . Three ( 3 ) full size copies and one ( 1 )
reduced copy (maximum 11 " x 17 " ) of
architectural floor plans and elevations .
iii . Preliminary Plats may not be approved without
approval of the submitted site plan . Both the site
plan and preliminary plat must be fully consistent
with standards of this and all other applicable
ordinances .
iv . Preliminary Plats may be approved only where
conditions of approval are established to ensure that
subsequent or existing development on the resultant
parcels shall occur consistent with the approved site
plan .
V * Building permits may only be approved where fully
consistent with the approved site plan and land
division for all units with common walls .
b . Dimensional standards shall be determined by
Table 18 . 63 - 2 . A finding that the maximum densities will
not be exceeded by all proposed land divisions must be
demonstrated and appropriate conditions to assure the
ill be met are established . These conditions shall
density w
be identified on the face of the final plat and approved
plans .
C * Only one dwelling unit may occupy an individual lot . Each
attached dwelling may occupy no more than one lot . No
more than 8 attached dwellings are permitted in a row or
single group of structures .
d . Design Standards
L No more than 40 % of the total square footage of the
front facade of each unit may be garage door area .
e . Parking .
i . Amount . One space per dwelling unit is required .
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Affordable Housing Strategies
11 . Location . Required parking shall be provided either
on the same lot as the dwelling , or in shared parking
areas located primarily to the rear of or beneath the
units . Parking is encouraged to locate behind the
dwelling unit with access from an alley . If an alley
is utilized pedestrian access from the alley to the
dwelling shall be provided for each lot . On- site and
shared parking shall be the primary parking
location, off site parking may be used if approved
by the City Engineer .
f. Detached garages . Detached garages are allowed provided ,
they are accessed from an alley or driveway and do not
exceed eighteen ( 18 ) feet in height .
g . Impact Fees . Impact fees for rowhouses on individual lots
shall be assessed at the multi - family rate .
TABLE 18 . 63 - 2
SUBJECT MF4 0 MF4 8 MF - 24
Maximum Density 10 units/ac 18 units/ac 24 units/ac
Minimum lot area 2 , 800 sq . ft . 1 , 800 sq . ft . 1 , 500 sq . ft .
Minimum lot width 25 feet 25 feet 20 feet
Minimum lot depth 70 feet 50 feet 50 feet
Maximum building height 3 5 feet 3 5 feet 45 feet
Front yard setback 10 feet 10 feet 10 feet
Front garage door setback 18 feet 18 feet 18 feet
Street side yard setback 10 feet 10 feet 10 feet
Side yard setback 0 or 5 feet 0 or 5 feet 0 or 5 feet
Rear yard setback 0 or 5 feet 0 or 5 feet 0 or 5 feet
Setback from alley 0 or 5 feet 0 or 5 feet 0 or 5 feet
Maximum building coverage 60 percent 65 percent 70 percent
1For dwelling
2For garage door
3If not sharing a common wall the setback shall be five ( 5 ) feet .
4Setbacks may be 0 feet if units are to be attached at the rear property line ,
s p p y
0 feet for detached garages , five ( 5 ) feet for dwelling .
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Ordinance No . 2076
Affordable Housing Strategies
Section IX
This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five ( 5 ) days from and after its
publication according to law .
PASSED by the City Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this �� day of
June , 1996 .
40 " Mayor
r Clerk
7 ZOVjalto form :
C11 y Attorney
Page # 13
Ordinance No , 2076
Affordable Housing Strategies
Affidavit of 1'ublicati ® n
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