ORD 2073 ORDINANCE NO .'21i23 An ORDINANCE relating to historic preservation , and providing for the execution of an interlocal agreement with Clark County to implement the provisions of this ordinance . WHEREAS the Growth Management Act establishes the identification and preservation of historic sites as one of the planning goals for cities , and WHEREAS , the Growth Management Hearings Board Remand Order provided that it was necessary for the City of Camas to take further action to implement its comprehensive plan policies concerning cultural and historic resources ; and WHEREAS , the City Council finds that adoption of this ordinance together with amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and regulations to preserve archeological will resources will fulfill the Growth Management Hearings Board Remand Order with regard to preservation of historic and cultural resources ; and WHEREAS , the City Council finds that adoption of this ordinance which authorizes the Clark County Heritage Trust to operate on behalf of the City of Camas together with an executed intergovernmental agreement with Clark County , will enable the City of Camas to effectively discharge its duties to preserve historic resources ; and WHEREAS , the City Council finds that adoption of this ordinance will further the public health , safety , and general welfare ; WHEREAS , the Planning Commission held a duly advertised public hearing on this ordinance ; NOW , THEREFORE , THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMAS DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS Section I There is hereby added to the Camas Municipal Code a new Chapter to provide as follows : HISTORIC PRESERVATION 16 . 07 . 010 PURPOSE The purpose of this ordinance is to provide for the identification , evaluation , and protection of cultural and historic resources in the City of Camas and to encourage the preservation , restoration and rehabilitation of these resources for future generations in order to : Page # 1 Historic Preservation A . Safeguard the heritage of Camas as represented by those buildings , districts , objects , sites and structures which reflect significant elements of the city ' s history ; Be Increase recognition of Camas ' s cultural and historic resources ; C * Foster a sense of identity based upon the city ' s history ; Do Assist , encourage and provide incentives to property owners for preservation , restoration and reuse of significant buildings , districts , objects , sites and structures ; and E . Promote and facilitate the early identification and resolution of conflicts between preservation of cultural and historic resources and alternative land uses . 16 . 07 . 020 APPLICABILITY This ordinance applies to : A . Property (ies ) within the City of Camas listed or eligible to be listed on any historic or cultural resource inventory for Clark County ; Be Property (ies ) within the City of Camas listed or eligible to be listed on the National Register of Historic Places , Washington State Heritage Register , Clark County Heritage Register or other local register for Clark County . 16 . 07 . 030 DEFINITIONS The following words and terms when used in this ordinance shall mean as follows , unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context : A . " Board " shall refer to the Clark County Board of Commissioners , except where reference is made to the " Local Review Board " for purposes of the Special Valuation tax incentive program . Be " Cultural resources " consist of historic or prehistoric or archaeological sites and standing- structures , cemeteries , burial grounds and funerary objects and distributions of cultural remains and artifacts . C . " Clark County Cultural Resources Inventory " or " Inventory " means a comprehensive inventory of historic resources within the boundaries of Clark County including resources identified in the Clark County Cultural Resources Inventory and other inventories by local jurisdictions within Clark County . Do " Commission " means the " Clark County Historic Preservation Conmssion . " E . " Contributing " means a property which dates to the historic period and retains sufficient physical integrity so as to convey its historic character . F . " Historic District " is a geographically definable area possessing a significant concentration , linkage , or continuity of sites , buildings , structures , or objects united by past events or aesthetically by plan or physical development . G . " Emergency repair " means work necessary to prevent destruction or dilapidation to real property or structural appurtenances thereto immediately threatened or damaged by fire , flood , earthquake or other disaster . H . " National Register of Historic Places " means the national listing of properties significant to our cultural history because of their documented importance to our history , architectural history , engineering , or cultural heritage . I . " Non-contributing " means a property which either does not date to the historic period or has not retained sufficient physical integrity so as to convey its historic character . Page # 2 Historic Preservation e ; 4 J . " Ordinary repair and maintenance " means work for which a permit issued by the City of Camas is not required by law , and where the purpose and effect of such work is to correct any deterioration or decay of or damage to the real property or structure appurtenance therein and to restore the same , as nearly as may be practicable , to the condition prior to the occurrence of such deterioration , decay , or damage . Ke , " Qualified archaeologist " means a person who has had formal training and/ or experience in archaeology over a period of at least three years , and has been certified in writing to be a qualified archaeologist by two professional archaeologists , as defined in RCW 27 . 53 . 030 . L . " Significance " shall refer to a quality of a property which helps one understand the history of the local area , state , or nation by illuminating the local , statewide , or nationwide impact of the events or persons associated with the property , or its architectural type or style in information potential . The local area may be as large as Clark County or Southwest Washington , or as small as a neighborhood . Local significance may apply to a property that illustrates a theme that is important to one or more localities ; state significance to a theme important to the history of the state ; and national significance to property of exceptional value in representing or illustrating an important theme in the history of the nation . M . " Special Valuation Tax Incentive Program " or " Special Valuation " means the local option program makes available to property owners a special tax valuation for rehabilitation of historic property (les ) under which the assessed value of an eligible historic property is determined at a rate that excludes , for up to ten years , the actual cost of the rehabilitation . N . " Washington Heritage Register " means the state listing of properties significant to the colunity , state , or nation but which do not meet the criteria of the National Register of Historic Places . 16 . 07 . 040 CLARK COUNTY HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION A * Authority The Clark County Historic Preservation Commission shall serve as the review authority on matters of historic preservation as outlined in Section . 040 (0 ) below for properties within the City of Camas . Be Composition of the Commission Appointments to the Commission shall be made by the Clark County Board of Commissioners . All members shall be selected based on the professional or demonstrated expertise criteria (CCC 18 . 328 . 040 (B ) ) , rather than by geographic distribution . Ce Powers and Duties The major responsibilities of the Commission are to identify and actively encourage the conservation of the county ' s historic and cultural resources by initiating and maintag a register of historic places and reviewing proposed changes to register property (ies ) ; to raise community awareness of the county ' s historic and cultural resources ; and to serve Page # 3 Historic Preservation as the county ' s primary resource in matters of historic preservation . In carrying out these responsibilities , the Commission shall engage in the following activities . 1 . Maintain a comprehensive inventory of historic and cultural resources within the boundaries of the City of Camas to be included in the Clark County Cultural Resource Inventory ; publicize and periodically update inventory results . 2 . Maintain the Clark County Heritage Register . This official register shall be comprised of buildings , structures , sites , objects , and districts identified by the Commission as having historic significance worthy of recognition by the county and encouragement of efforts by owners to maintain , rehabilitate , and preserve properties . 3 . Review nominations to the Clark County Heritage Register and National Register of Historic Places according to criteria in Sections 16 . 05 . 050 and . 060 of this ordinance . Make designations to the Clark County Heritage Register . 4 . Review proposals as required in Sections 16 . 07 . 060 (B ) and (C ) for historic districts on the Clark County Heritage or National Registers . 5 . Submit nominations to the Washington State Heritage Register and National Register of Historic Places . 6 . Provide for comment by the Commission on all applications for approvals , permits , environmental assessments or impact statements , and other similar documents pertaining to identified historic or cultural resources or adjacent property (ies ) upon staff request . 7 . Provide information , comment and support to the public and agencies on matters related to historic preservation . 8 . F Encourage recognition of noteworthy efforts in the rehabilitation or maintenance of historic buildings , structures , sites and districts , and new construction in historic areas . 9 . Serve as the local review board for Special Valuation pursuant to RCW 84 . 26 . D . Rules and Officers . 1 . The Commission shall establish and adopt its Rules and Procedures not inconsistent with this chapter . 2 . The Commission shall select from among its membership a chairperson and vice chair to conduct the Commission ' s business . E . Commission Staff. Staff for the Commission shall be provided by the Clark County Department of Community Development with additional assistance and information to be provided by other county or City of Camas departments as may be necessary to aid the Commission in carrying out its duties and responsibilities under this ordinance . He Interlocal Agreement Required . An interlocal agreement shall be established between the City of Camas and Clark County implementing the provisions of this ordinance . 16 . 07 . 050 NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES Page # 4 Historic Preservation i R A . Nominations to the National Register of Historic Places shall be reviewed as established in the Code of Federal Regulations (36CFR60) . Be The Co 11 1 Ussion shall hold a duly advertised public hearing at a regularly scheduled meeting at which the applicable criteria are reviewed and a recommendation forwarded to the State Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (OAHP) within 60 days of the date of application . The OAHP shall complete the designation process and notify the applicant of the designation decision . 16 . 07 . 060 CLARK COUNTY HERITAGE REGISTER A . Criteria for Deternining Eligibility for Designation in the Register . Any building , structure , site , object , or district may be designated for inclusion in the Clark County Heritage Register if it : 1 . Has integrity of location , design , setting , materials , workmanship , feeling and association ; AND 2 . Is at least 50 years old , or is of lesser age and has exceptional importance ; AND 3 . Is significantly associated with the history , architecture , archaeology , engineering , or cultural heritage of the community ; AND 4 . Meets at least one of the following criteria . a . Is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of national , state , or local history ; OR be Embodies the distinctive architectural characteristics of a type , period , style , or method of design or construction , or represents a significant and = distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction ; OR c . Is an outstanding work of a designer , builder , or architect who has made a substantial contribution to their field ; OR d . Exemplifies or reflects special elements of the county ' s history ; OR e . Is associated with the lives of persons significant in national , state , or local history ; OR f. Has yielded or may be likely to yield important archaeological information related to history or prehistory ; OR 90 Is an historic building or cultural resource removed from its original location but which is significant for architectural value , or association with an historic person or event , or prehistory ; OR h . Is a birthplace or grave of a prehistoric or historical figure of outstanding importance and is the only surviving structure or site associated with that person ; OR i . Is a cemetery or burial site which derives its primary significance from age , from distinctive design features , or from association with historic events , or cultural patterns ; OR J . Is a reconstructed building that has been executed in an historically accurate manner on the original site ; OR Page # 5 Historic Preservation k . Is a creative and unique example of folk architecture and design created by persons not formally trained in the architectural or design professions , and which does not fit into formal architectural or historical categories . Be Nominating , Designating and Listing Property (les ) or Districts to the Clark County Heritage Register . 1 . Any person may nominate a building , structure , site , object , or district for inclusion in the Clark County Heritage Register . The owner must consent to placement of the nominated resource prior to consideration for designation by the Commission . In its designation decision , the Commission shall consider the Clark County Cultural Resources Inventory and the Camas Urban Area Comprehensive Plan . 2 . The Commission shall consider the merits of the nomination , according to the criteria in Section 16 . 07 . 060 (A) and according to the nomination review standards established * its Rules and Procedures , at a public hearing . Adequate notice will be given to the public , the owner ( s ) and the author(s ) of the nomination , if different , and lessees , if any , of the subject property prior to the public meeting according to standards for public meetings established in rules and in compliance with RCW 42 . 30 , Open Public Meetings Act . Such notice shall include publication in a newspaper of general circulation in Clark County and posting of the property per CCC 18 . 600 . 080 . If the Commission finds that the nominated property is eligible for the Clark County Heritage Register , the Commission shall list the property in the register with owner ' s consent . 3 . In the case of individual property ( ies ) , the designation shall include all exterior features , interior features , and outbuildings which directly contribute to the significance of the historic or architectural character . 4 . In the case of districts , the designation shall include description of the boundaries of the , district ; the characteristics of the district which justifies its designation ; and a list of all property (ies ) including features , structures , sites , and objects which contribute to the designation of the district . 5 . The public , property owner (s ) and the author ( s ) of the nomination , if different , and lessees , if any , shall be notified of the listing by mailed notice . C * Designating Historic Districts 1 . Historic districts may be identified and nominations made in conformance with the criteria in this chapter . A simple majority of property owners within the proposed historic district must consent , in writing , to nomination of properties prior to designation . Design guidelines shall be adopted as an integral part of each historic district designation . 2 . Commission staff together with City of Camas staff shall a . Review the proposal for land use impacts , consistency with the comprehensive plan , neighborhood action plan , and other related plans and codes . The designation of a historic district should not have the effect of significantly hampering redevelopment in conunercial areas . Staff shall submit its analysis of these issues to the Commission . Page # 6 Historic Preservation b . Draft design guidelines for the proposed historic district and submit them to the Commission . 3 . The Commission shall hold a duly advertised public hearing to review the proposal . It shall make findings concerning the proposed district ' s historic significance ; the appropriate boundaries of such a district ; land use impacts , consistency , and compatibility issues ; and appropriate design guidelines . Contributing structures and features as well as non-contributing structures shall be identified . The Commission shall issue a final determination designating the historic district or denying the proposal following the public hearing . 4 . Designated historic districts shall be recorded on the official zoning maps of the City and the County . 5 . A decision of the Commission designating a building , structure , site , object or district or denying such a proposal may be appealed to the City Council . Do Removal of Property ( les ) or Historic Districts from the Clark County Heritage Register 1 . A property owner may request a review of a property for possible removal from the Clark County Heritage Register . A written request may be submitted to the Commission and considered at a public meeting . However , there is no automatic right to have a property removed from the Register . 2 . In the event that any property or historic district no longer meets the criteria for designation to the Clark County Heritage Register , the Commission may initiate removal from such designation by the same procedure as provided for in establishing the designation , except that a property or historic district may be removed from the Clark County Heritage Register without owner consent . The decision to remove a property or district from the Clark County Heritage Register may be appealed to the City Council . E . Effects of Designation and Listing on the Register 1 . Designation and listing on the Clark County Heritage Register is an honorary designation denoting significant association with the historic , architectural , archaeological , engineering , or cultural heritage of the community . Property ( ies ) is (are) listed individually or as contributing propeM (ies ) to an historic district . 2 . Prior to the commencement of any work associated with the significant features as defined in the designation of the Register property or historic district , excluding ordinary repair , maintenance and emergency measures defined in Section 16 . 07 . 070 , the owner must request and receive a Certificate of Appropriateness from the Commission for the proposed work . 3 . Prior to whole or partial demolition of a register property or historic district , the owner must request and receive a Waiver of a Certificate of Appropriateness . 4 . After demolition of a structure the Commission may initiate removal of the property from the Clark County Heritage Register . 5 . While Clark County is certified as Certified Local Government (CLG) , all properties and historic districts designated on the Clark County Heritage Register and the National Register of Historic Places may be eligible for a special tax valuation on their rehabilitation pursuant to CMC 16 . 07 . 090 . Page # 7 Historic Preservation F . Recording Designations and Listings All properties which are designated and listed on the Clark County Heritage Register shall have a copy of the listing recorded with the County Auditor ' s Office . A copy of the designation and listing letter for recording shall be forwarded to the auditor ' s office by Commission staff. 16 . 07 . 070 REVIEW OF CHANGES TO CLARK COUNTY HERITAGE REGISTER PROPERTY (IES) - DESIGN REVIEW A . Review Required . No person shall construct any new building or structure , or reconstruct , alter , restore , remodel , repair , move , demolish or make any material change affecting significant historic features as listed in the designation application to any existing property on the Clark County Heritage Register or within an historic district on the Clark County Heritage Register , whether the property is contributing or non-contributing , without review by the Commission and without receipt of a Certificate of Appropriateness , or in the case of demolition , a Waiver of Certificate of Appropriateness , as a result of the review . L For individual or contributing properties , the review shall apply to all features of the property , interior and exterior , that contribute to its designation and are listed on the designation . 2 * For non-contributing properties , the review shall apply to exterior changes . The purpose of the review in this case is to ensure that the proposed changes do not further detract from the property ' s compatibility with the historic district , and to encourage changes which would enhance its compatibility with the historic district . 3 . For new construction or redevelopment , the review shall apply to the exterior of the structure (s). The purpose of the review is to ensure that the exterior design of the proposed structure enhances the historic district through conformance with the its adopted design guidelines . This requirement shall apply whether or not the proposed alteration also requires a building or other permit , except as noted under " B " below . Information required by the Commission to review the proposed changes are established in its Rules and Procedures . A pre - application conference is recommended but must be requested by the applicant . B . Exemptions . The following activities do not require a Certificate of Appropriateness or review by the Commission . 1 . Ordinary repair and maintenance activities , including painting and emergency measures as defined in Section 16 . 07 . 030 , which do not affect significant historic features . 2 . Ordinary repairs and maintenance which do not alter the appearance of a significant feature and do not utilize substitute materials do not require a Certificate of Appropriateness . Page # 8 Historic Preservation r r, Y 3 . If there are no interior features of significance , repairs to or replacement of utility systems do not require a Certificate of Appropriateness if such work does not alter a significant feature . Ce Review Process 1 . Requests for Review and Issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness or Waiver . The building or zoning official shall report any application for a permit to work on a designated Clark County Heritage Register property or in a Clark County Heritage Historic District to the Commission . If the activity is not exempt from review , the Commission or staff shall notify the applicant of the review requirements . The building or zoning official shall not issue any such permit until a Certificate of Appropriateness or a Waiver is received from the Commission but shall work with the Commission in considering building and fire code requirements . 2 . There shall be two (2 ) types of reviews for issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness : a . An administrative review by Commission staff for repairs and replacements - in-kind as listed below , but not limited to , the following : i . Repairs (other than ordinary repair and maintenance) using the same materials and design as the original . so 11 . Re-roofing using the same type and color of material . 111 . Replacement of sidewalks and driveways using the same type and color of materials . IV * Replacement of foundations or major portions thereof, using the same type and color of materials . v . Replacement of utility systems if contributing interior features of significance are present . vi . Structural or seismic upgrades which do not alter or affect significant features . b . A public hearing review by the Commission for alterations in appearance , replacement of historic materials , new construction or additions , or demolition or removal of a Clark County Heritage Register building or cultural resource . Demolition of structures or facilities with recognized historical significance is also subject to the State Environmental Policy Act . 3 . When a Certificate of Appropriateness is required , the following procedures shall govern according to the type of review required . a . Applications requiring administrative review for Certificates of Appropriateness shall be reviewed by the Commission staff. b . Applications for the certificate shall be submitted to the Commission staff on forms provided by the Commission and must include a clear photograph or photographs of the building , object , site or structure , a brief description of the intended work , and samples of replacement material for comparison with the existing or the original building or structure . Page # 9 Historic Preservation ra, c . Decision of the Commission staff on the application shall be made within fifteen ( 15 ) days from the date on which the Commission staff receives a technically complete application . d . The Commission staff may , on his or her own motion , refer the application to the Commission for a decision in accordance with the procedures set forth for a Public Hearing Review . The time for a decision of the Commission on the application shall run from the date that the application is referred to the Commission by the staff. e . Appeals from the decision of the Commission staff regarding the issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness under administrative review may be appealed to the Co i i ussion (not the Hearing Examiner) . 4 . Public Hearing Review . Alterations in appearance , replacement of historic material (other than in-kind) , new construction or additions . Alteration in the appearance of a significant contributing feature , the replacement of historic material (other than in-kind) in a significant feature , additions to a Clark County Heritage Register (CCHR) or new construction on a CCHR property or in an historic district , or any excavation on a archaeological site requires a public hearing review for a Certificate of Appropriateness . The owner or his /her agent (architect , contractor , lessee , etc . ) shall apply to the Commission for a review of proposed changes on a Clark County Heritage Register property or within a Clark County Heritage Register Historic District and request a Certificate of Appropriateness or , in the case of demolition , a Waiver . Each application for review of proposed changes shall be accompanied by information as required by the Co i i n ussion in its Rules and Procedures for the review of the proposed project . The Commission staff shall meet with the applicant and review the proposed work according to the design review criteria established in rules . Notice of the design review shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation with the agenda for a public hearing and the property posted . The Commission shall complete its review and make its recommendations decision within the timelines established in CCC 17 . 600 . 080 , unless an extension of time is necessary . The Commission ' s decision shall be in writing and shall state the findings of fact and reasons relied upon in reaching its decision . If the owner agrees to the Commission decision , a Certificate of Appropri onsateness shall be awarded by the Commission according to standards established in its Rules and Procedures . The Commission ' s recommendations and decision , and , if awarded , the Certificate of Appropriateness shall be transmitted to the building or zoning official . If a Certificate of Appropriateness is awarded , the building or zo�g official may then issue the permit . 5 . Demolition . A waiver of Certificate of Appropriateness is required before a permit may be issued to allow whole or partial demolition of a designated Clark County Heritage Register property or in a Clark County Heritage Register historic district . Demolition is subject to review under the State Environmental Policy Act . Page # 10 Historic Preservation { a . The owner or his /her agent shall attend a pre- application conference with staff to review demolition or alternative plans . b . After the pre - application conference , the owner or agent may apply to the Commission for review of the proposed demolition and request a Waiver of Certificate of Appropriateness through a public hearing . With the application , the applicant shall provide a bona fide list of alternatives to demolition (which includes , but is not limited to , economic analysis ; offers to lease , sell or dedicate site to a private , public or non-profit entity , and outcome of the offer ; relocation of building , etc . ) c . Such review shall last no longer than 45 days from the date of application , unless the Commission finds that an extension of time is necessary . In no case shall the Commission extend the review period beyond an additional 45 days . c . If no alternative to demolition is agreed upon , the Commission shall issue a Waiver of Certificate of Appropriateness . The Commission may attach to the Waiver , pursuant to the public hearing , conditions mitigating the loss of the Clark County Heritage Register property . Mitigation measures may include , but are not limited to , an identification plaque , use of an architectural element in new construction , moving the building , and/ or buffering of the historic or cultural resource . The Waiver and any attached mitigation conditions shall be transmitted to the official in charge of issuing demolition permits . Any attached mitigation conditions shall become conditions of approval should a demolition permit be granted . d . After demolition of a property , the Commission may initiate its removal from the Clark County Heritage Register . 6 . Appeal of Approval or Denial of a Waiver of a Certificate of Appropriateness . The CorIr1 1 Ussion ' s decision regarding a waiver of a Certificate of Appropriateness may be appealed to the City Council . Appeal of the City Council ' s decision regarding a Waiver of a Certificate of Appropriateness may be appealed to Superior Court . 16 . 07 . 080 RELATIONSHIP TO ZONING A . Property (ies ) designated to the Clark County Heritage Register shall be subject to the provisions set forth herein , as well as the bulk , use , setback , and other controls of the zoning district in which they are located . Nothing contained herein shall be construed to be repealing , modifying , or waiving any zoning provisions . 1 . Property (les ) on any historic register or the Clark County Cultural Resources Inventory shall be so noted in the city ' s manual or electronic permit tracking system or other database to alert staff and public as to the presence of an historic site , structure , object or building . Archaeological sites are exempt from this requirement . Page # 11 Historic Preservation icate an " HR- C " for " Historic or Heritage 20 An official county map shall ind Register - Camas " for any property listed on the National , State , or Local Registers , with the exception of specific archaeological sites . 3 . Property ( les ) within the City of Camas listed on the Clark County Cultural Resource Inventory shall be indicated on an official maps with an " HI- C " for " Historic Inventory - Camas " with the exception of specific archaeological sites . 4 . Historic district boundaries approved by the Conu mssion shall be indicated on the City ' s official zoning maps . 5 . Any application for development of building permit review on a property designated HR- C or HI- C shall be routed to Commission and City staff for review or action pursuant to this ordinance and the Commission ' s Rules and Procedures prior to permit approval . Be The Clark County Planning Division with assistance from City staff is responsible for review of impacts to potential or existing historic resources . All applications for approval , permits , environmental assessments or impact statements , and other similar documents pertaining to property (les ) on the Clark County Cultural Resource Inventory or adjacent property (les ) shall be reviewed by appropriate staff or a qualified consultant . Comments shall be forwarded to the responsible staff for the application under consideration . If a property or historic district is on the National Register of Historic Places or the Clark County Heritage Register , the Commission staff shall contact the property owner ( s ) or agent( s) in writing and advise them of the register status and applicable requirements . 16 . 07 . 090 REVIEW AND MONITORING OF PROPERTY (IES ) FOR SPECIAL PROPERTY TAX VALUATION This section implements the local option Special Valuation tax incentive program as established in RCW 84 . 26 . A . Time Lines 1 . Applications must be filed by the first day of October with the County Assessor ' s office and shall be forwarded to the Commission by the assessor within 10 days of filing . 2 . For applications filed at least 30 days prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Commission , the case may be put on the agenda for that meeting , If there are not 30 days , the case will be scheduled for the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Commission . 3 . Applications shall be reviewed by the Commission before December 31 of the calendar year in which the application is made . 4 . Commission decisions regarding the applications shall be certified in writing and filed with the assessor within 10 days of the decision . Be Procedure 1 . The applicant files an application for Special Valuation with the County Assessor ' s office no later than October 1 preceding the tax assessment year for which they wish to apply . A fee is required as established in CC 17 . 60 and is payable to the Clark County Department of Columty Development . Page # 12 Historic Preservation 2 . The assessor forwards the application(s ) to the Commission within 10 days of receipt of the completed application . 3 . The Commission reviews the application(s ) , consistent with its Rules and Procedures , and determines if the application(s ) are complete and if the property ( ies ) meet the criteria set forth in WAC 25447 -070 ( 1 ) and listed in Section 16 . 07 . 090 (C) ( 3 ) of this ordinance . a . If the Commission fords the properry ( ies) meet all the criteria , then it shall approve the application(s ) . b . If the Commission determines the property (les ) do not meet all the criteria , then it shall deny the application( s ) . 4 . The Commission certifies its decisions in writing and states the facts upon which the approvals or denials are based and files copies of the certifications with the assessor . 5 . For approved applications : a . The Commission staff forwards copies of the agreements , applications , and supporting documentation (as required by WAC 25447 - 090 (4 ) and identified in Section 16 . 07 . 090 (C ) of this ordinance) to the assessor ; b . The Commission staff forwards the signed agreement and application documents to the County Auditor for recording . The applicant shall be assessed fees for recording as provided for in CCC 17 . 60 and other applicable county codes ; c . Notifies the Washington State Advisory Council that the property ( ies )-_ , have been approved for special valuation ; and d . Monitors the property (les ) for continued compliance with the agreements throughout the 10 year special valuation period . Monitoring may include an annual site visit by staff or Commission members . 6 . The Commission determines in a manner consistent with its rules of procedure , whether or not property (les) are disqualified from special valuation either because of: a . The owner ' s failure to comply with the terms of the agreement ; or b . A loss of historic value resulting from physical changes to the building or site . 7 . For disqualified property ( les ) pursuant to RCW 84 . 26 . 080 , the Commission shall notify the owner , assessor , and Washington State Advisory Council in writing and state the facts supporting its findings . C . Criteria 1 . Historic Property Criteria . The class of property eligible to apply for Special Valuation in Clark County shall mean all property ( ies ) listed on the National Register of Historic Places , Clark County Heritage Register or property ( ies ) certified as contributing to local and/ or National Register Historic Districts which have been substantially rehabilitated at a cost and within a time period which meets the requirements set forth in Chapter 84 . 26 RCW . Page # 13 Historic Preservation 2 . Application Criteria . Complete applications shall consist of the following documentation . a . A legal description of the historic property , be A copy of the nomination form to the National Register of Historic Places or Clark County Heritage Register for the subject property (ies ) . c . Comprehensive exterior and interior photographs of the historic property before and after rehabilitation . Photographs should be 4 " x 6 " or 5 " x 7 " format either black and white or color , with negatives and must be clearly labeled to identify case , location , subjects and the direction the photograph was taken . i . Photos taken prior to construction . lie Historic photos or other source materials of replicated features . iii . If in an historic district , a current streetscape . d . Architectural plans or other legible drawings depicting the completed rehabilitation work signed by the architect or draftsperson , and e . Notarized affidavit(s ) : is attesting to the actual itemized cost of the rehabilitation work completed prior to the date of application and , iie indicating rehabilitation work was completed within the 24 month period of time prior to application for special valuation . Documentation of both must be made available to the Commission . f. Samples of utilized materials may be required by the Commission . g . Other information as required by staff or the Commission at a pre - application meeting . 3 . Property Review Criteria . In its review the Commission shall determine if the property (les ) meet all the following criteria . a . The property is historic property which is designated to the local and/ or national registers ; b . The property has been rehabilitated at a cost which meets the definition set forth in RCW 84 . 26 . 017 (2) within twenty -four months prior to the date of application ; and C * The property has not been altered in any way which adversely affects those elements which qualify it as historically significant as determined by applying the Washington State Advisory Council ' s Standards for the Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Historic Properties (WAC 25447400 ( 1 ) and listed in Section 16 . 07 . 090 (C ) (4) of this ordinance) . 4 . Rehabilitation and Maintenance Criteria . The Washington State Advisory Council ' s Standards for the Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Historic Properties in WAC 254- 17 - 100 shall be used by the Commission as mum requirements for determining whether or not an historic property is eligible for special valuation and whether or not the property continues to be eligible for special valuation once it has been so classified . Do Agreement . Page # 14 Historic Preservation 1I I 1 1 '„ 3 A The historic preservation special valuation agreement in WAC 25447417 shall be used by the Comssion as the mium agreement necessary to comply with the requirements of RCW 84 . 26 . 050 (2) . E . Appeals . Any decision of the Commission acting on any application for classification as historic property , eligible for special valuation , may be appealed to Superior Court under Chapter 34 . 04 . 130 RCW in addition to any other remedy of law . Any decision on the disqualification of historic property eligible for special valuation , or any other dispute , may be appealed to the County Board of Equalization . 160070 100 CLARK COUNTY CULTURAL RESOURCES INVENTORY A . Purpose of the Inventory The Clark County Cultural Resources Inventory is a tool for plag and research , and includes those resources believed to have cultural or historic significance for Clark County , the region , or the nation , regardless of current ownership . BO Effect of Listing on the Inventory Listing on the Clark County Cultural Resources Inventory does not result in any regulatory requirements pursuant to this ordinance . C * Application for Listing on the Inventory 1 . A property owner may make application for listing on the Inventory by completing an inventory form available from the Clark County Department of Colunity Development and submitting it to the Commission staff, if the building , structure , site , object , or district is at least 50 years old , or is of lesser age and has exceptional architectural , historical or cultural importance . 2 . The City of Camas or Clark County may conduct an historic and cultural resource inventory and make application for listing on the inventory . Do Listing on the Inventory 1 . New listings of buildings , structures , sites , objects , or districts to the Inventory is subject to review by the Department of Coiunity Development together with staff from the City of Camas . Consideration of listing shall based upon development of a comprehensive inventory methodology which determines a rank order . 2 . Property (les ) which are demolished shall be maintained in the Inventory records for historical research purposes , 16 . 07 . 110 VIOLATIONS AND ENFORCEMENT Violations of this chapter shall be grounds for the Commission to review the property for removal from the register . The property owner may also be subject to Special Valuation disqualifications as stated in WAC 45845 -070 and all applicable laws . Page # 15 Historic Preservation Section II This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five ( 5 ) days from and after its publication according to law . PASSED by the City Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this day of June , 1996 . U SIGNED : Mayor ATTEST : - 0 - Clerk APPROVED s to form : d. d ity Attorney r C4 Page # 16 Historic Preservation ORDINANCE NO . 2073 Affi davit of Pubfication I ON yr f +VOO 50er :•t: ' �d ra,•:� •x Df VAS1A � - A :e STATE OF WASHINGTON ) f ) I° � D COUNTY OF CLARK OOOZ ) t %el I , Michael Gallagher MEMEMEN , being first u / �: ' duly sworn , depose and say that I am the owner , editor , publisher 9 ` , of The Post - Record , a weekly newspaper . That said newspaper is iii a legal newspaper and has been approved as a legal newspaper by in order of the superior court in the county in which it is published and y it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of I I r k the publication hereinafter to , published in the English language Dn : . ' asaa � " au i aad paonn aup � � do � py � • e continuously as a weekly newspaper in Camas , Clark County , Washington , and it is now and during all of said time was printed Iy ; A I in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication en _ n1 9t lssejppv r Is, of said newspaper , that the ORDINANCE NO . 2073 id ; a W D N V 1di 4 �a�s1oGIDS Gf5DJDf3 an ; 1poojCr 1 4 IDpeoud n 91K) s jo; a printed co of which is hereto annexed was published in the be ■ s P Py One P e ■ ; .� entire issue of said newspaper for successive and consecutive weeks in the following issues ; e al r� Issue date June MIN 18 , 1996 0 s ar S of L 10e v Issue date Ill is Issue date ov Ia r ► f Issue date h i- 4 'otf%' • ; 4W 1996 V u; •a ew si QoI eaI dde a aI M uI aeaj( ae Qa ue aa�Qo ou se P . . � . 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