AN ORDINANCE adding a new section to
Chapter 1. 6 . 06 of the Camas Municipal Code
providing policies for the identification
and preservation of archeological resources .
Section I
There Is hereby added to Chapter 16 . 06 of the Camas Municipal
Code a new section to provide as follows :
16 . 06 . 015 .
A . Pol icy Background .
1 . The City of Camas has sites containing objects
of archeological and historical.. signficance .
Z . The discovery , identification , excavation ,
preservation , and study of archeological resources ,
the inventory .ing of archeological sites and
collections , and the providing of information
to state , federal , and private construction
agencies .regarding the impact of constructon
activities on archeological resources are
public functions , and the City of Camas is an
appropriate agency to assist in the carrying
out of these functions .
3 . The conversion of undeveloped lands into
residential , commercial_ and industrial uses
may result in the destruction of archeological
resources .
4 . Development of land should be regulated to
mitigate adverse impacts to archeological
resources .
B . Policies .
1 . It is the City ' s policy to identify ,
inventory , and preserve archeological resources
and archeological sites located within the City .
2 . Whenever a development proposal contains
a known or suspected archeological site , the
responsible officials shall assess the probable
effect of the .impact and the need for mitigating
measures .
3 . Whenever the responsible official, determines
that a development project may contain an arche -
ological site or may adversely impact a known
archeological site , the proponent may be
required to retain the services of a qualified
professional archeologist to assess the impact
of the development , and to propose such miti -
gating measures as may be necessary .
4 . The responsible official . shall notify the
Washington State Office of Archeology and
Historic Preservation , Department of Community
Development , of any development activity that
may adversely impact a recognized or suspected
archeological site .
Ordinance No . ✓ Page 2
5 . If the responsible official makes a written
finding that a development project will
adversely impact an archeological site , then
the responsible official may condition or deny
the development project to minimize such
adverse impact .
6 . Mitigation measures may include .
a . Reduc - tion in size or scope of the project .
b . Requiring the implementation of mitigation
measures as recommended by a professional archeo �
logist .
C . Requiring compliance with any permits or
conditions as may be imposed or recommended by the
Washington State Office of Archeology and Historic
Preservation .
7 . If archeological resources are discovered on
a development site after approval_ of the development
by the City without the imposition of appropriate
mitigation measures , then the responsible official
may issue an order to cease and desist all develop -
ment activity in the affected area until such time
as an appropriate archeological resources assessment
can be undertaken and mitigating measures , if
necessary , implemented .
Section 2
This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five ( 5 )
days from and after its publication according to law .
PASSED by the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this
day of June , 1996 .
M -
APPROVED as to form .
y �' City Attorney
• AN ORDINANCE adding a new section
Affidavit of Pubfication to Chapter 16. 06 of the Camas Municipal
Code providing policies for the identifica -
tion and preservation of archeological re -
sources .
Section I
There is hereby added to Chapter 16 . 06
COUNTY OF CLARK ) of the Camas Municipal Code a new . section
to provide as follows : -
16 . 06 . 015 .
P411 c h a e 1 Gallagher A. Policy Background .
I , , being first 1 . The City of Camas has sites containing
duly sworn , depose and say that I am the owner , editor , publisher objects of archeological and historical sig -
of The Post - Record , a weekly newspaper . That said newspaper is nificance.
a legal newspaper and has been approved as a legal newspaper by 2 . The discovery, identification , excava -
tion , preservation , and study of archeologi �
order of the superior court in the county in which it is published and cal resources, the inventorying of archeologm
it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of it sites and collections, and the providing
the publication hereinafter to , published in the English language of information to state, federal , and private
continuously as a weekly newspaper in Camas , Clark County , construction agencies regarding the impact
Washington , and it is now and during all of said time was printed of construction activities on archeological
in an office maintained at the aforesaid lace of publication resources are public functions , and the City
P P of Camas is an appropriate agency to assist
in the carrying out of these functions .
3 . The conversion of undeveloped lands
into residential , commercial and industrial
of said newspaper , that the ORDINANCE NO . 2072 uses may result in the destruction of archeo �
logical resources .
4. Development of land should be regu -
lated to mitigate adverse impacts to archeo -
logical resources.
B. Policies .
1 . It is the City 's policy to identify, invenw
tory, and preserve archeological resources
a printed copy of which is hereto annexed , was published in the and archeological sites located within the
One city.
entire issue of said newspaper for 2 . Whenever a development proposal .
successive and consecutive weeks in the following issues ; contains a known or suspected archeologi -
June 18 1996 cal site, the responsible officials shall assess
Issue date the probable effect of the impact and the
need for mitigating measures.
3 . Whenever the responsible official de .
termines that a development project may
Issue date contain an archeological site or may ad -
versely impact a known archeological site,
the proponent may be required to retain the
Issue date services of a qualified professional archeolo -
gist to assess the impact of the development,
and to propose such mitigating measures as
may be necessary.
Issue date 4 . The responsible official shall notify
the Washington State Office of Archeology
.. and Historic Preservation , Deepartrnen : of
Issue date Community Development, of any de elr.pp -
ment activity that may adversely ' impact a
recognized or suspected archeological site.
19965 . If the responsible official makes a
Issue date
written finding that a development project
will adversely impact an archeological site,
The fee charged for the above publication was : then the responsible official may condition
PAor deny the development project to minim
$ 67 . 27 Mize such adverse impact.
6 . Mitigation measures may include :
a . Reduction in size or scope of the pro-
.. b. Requiring the implementation of mit -
kPuNher igation measures as recommended by a pro -
fessional archeologist.
c. Requiring compliance with any per-
wits or conditions as may be imposed or rec -
Subscribed and sworn to before me this ommended by the Washington State Office
of Archeology and Historic Preservation .
Q/ 000
7 . If archeological resources are discov -
day of � , 1
eyed on a development site after approval of
the development by the City without the iM -
position of appropriate mitigation mea -
sures, then the responsible official may issue
!`-''' an order to cease and desist all development
e Notary Public in and for the activity in the affected area until such time
State of Washington , as an appropriate archeological resources
Residing at Camas , Washington assessment can be undertaken and mitigat-
ing measures, if necessary, implemented .
Section II
This ordinance shall take force and be in
effect five (5 ) days from and after its publi -
cation according to law.
. _