ORD 2071 ORD I NANCE NO . (r
AN ORDINANCE amend I ng the Comprehensive
Plan by adopting provisions relating to the
preservation of lands , sites , and structures
that have historical or archeological
significance .
WHEREAS , RCW 36 . 70A . 020 ( 1. 3 ) establishes as a planning goal
under the Growth Management Act the identification and preservation
of lands , sites , and structures that have historical or archeological
s ign .i f icance , and
WHEREAS , the Western Washington Growth Management Hearings
Board has remanded to the City of Camas its Comprehensive Plan for
adoption of appropriate language relating to archeological and
historic preservation , and
WHEREAS , staff has prepared proposed revisions to the Compre -
hensive Plan to comply with the order of the Western Washington
Growth Management Hearings Board , and
WHEREAS , such proposed .language has been considered at a public
hearing before the Planning Commission and at a public hearing
before the City Council ,
Section I
The Comprehensive Plan of the City of Camas is amended to
include provisions for the conservation of historical and archeo -
logical resources as set forth in Exhibit " A " attached hereto and
by this reference incorporated herein .
Section 2
This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five ( 5 )
days from and after its publication according to law .
PASSED by the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this C
day of June , 1996 .
APPROVED as t form :
City Attorney
5 �
Within Camas and the Urban Growth Area, The City should work in cooperation with
_y cultural and special features exist the Clark County Historic Preservation
which need to be recognized and taken into Commission in order to achieve the
consideration in the Plan . It is the gal of followingg purpo_
the City to identify and to promote the
pr_otection of historically and architecturally Identify cultural resources .
significant structures and sites .
• Identify federal , state and local historic
One of the most beautiful and historic sites and archaeological lands , sites or
directly connected with the early histo� structures of significance .
Camas is the Leadbetter House , located on
the northern banks of Lacama.s Lake. This Encourage owners of historic sites or
home , listed on the National Registry , is structures to preserve and maintain them
located in a very special setting Lacamas in good condition , consistent with their
Lake . Being man - made , Lacamas Lake historic character.
could also be considered a cultural and
historic feature because it has been used to Develop financial and other incentive
provide water to early industries . programs for owners of historic
properties to maintain their properties and
A natural feature with historic importance is make them available Modically for
Prune Hill , Prune Hill ' s green slopes can public education .
be seen from vituraUy every part of the
cloz It provides spectacular vistas for • Identify archaeological and historic
those on the Hill . The importance of the resources , protect them, and educate the
prune mdustry in Camas is not in evidence public about the history of the region .
now , but was an important part historically.
• Establish criteria for the identification of
The prehistory , or archeology of the area archaeological and historical resources ,
has been studied by the Washington State and establish a process for resolving
Office of Archeology and Historic conflicts between preservation of these
Preservation ( OAHP ) . Although they have resources and development activities .
extensive information about the location
and si mificance of archeolo tical sites in the
area , they do not make these public , in
order to protect the sites . However, as a
subdivision or building permit or other
request is made , this review is completed
by the OAHP and ming„ acing measures , if r
anv , described .
Camas has a long and varied history , and
many structures and sites remain which
were a part of that history . Many of these
structures and sites help define the character
of the City . The following policies will
help ensure a coordinated approach to their
preservation within the City and Urban
Growth Area .
Conservation of Historic Features
davit of Publication
AN ORDINANCE amending the Com -
prehensive Plan by adopting provisions re -
I ,
Michael Gallagher , being first lating to the preservation of lands, sites, and
duly sworn , depose and say that I am the owner , editor , publisher structures that have historical or archeolog-
of The Post - Record , a weekly newspaper . That said newspaper is ical significance.
a legal newspaper and has been approved as a legal newspaper by WHEREAS , RCW 36 . 70A. 020 ( 13 ) es -
tablishes as a planning goal under the
order of the superior court in the county in which it is published and Growth Management Act the identification
it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of and preservation of lands, sites, and struc-
the publication hereinafter to , published in the English language tures that have historical or archeological
continuously as a weekly newspaper in Camas Clark County , significance, and
Washington , and it is now and during all of said time was printed WHEREAS , the Western Washington
in an office maintained at the aforesaid lace of publication Growth Management Hearings Board has
P p remanded to the City of Camas its Compre -
hensive Plan for adoption of appropriate
�rn) 1 language relating to archeological and his -
, w , ' I toric preservation, and
of said newspaper , that the ORDINANCE NO . 117 ' .,. � WHEREAS , staff has prepared pro -
a00ppposed revisions to the Comprehensive Plan
to comply with the order of the Western
Washington Growth Management Hearings
Board, and
WHEREAS , such proposed language
has been considered at a public hearing be -
fore the Planning Commission and at a pub -
_ a printed copy of which is hereto annexed , was published in the lic hearing before the City Council,
entire issue of said newspaper for One NOW, THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL
successive and consecutive weeks in the following issues ; AS FOLLOWS :
Section I
Issue date June 18 , 1996 The Comprehensive Plan of the City of
Camas is amended to include provisions for
the conservation of historical and archeo -
Issue date logical resources as set forth in Exhibit "A"
attached hereto and by this reference incor-
porated herein .
Section II
Issue date This ordinance shall take force and be in
effect five (5) days from and after its publi -
cation according to law.
PASSED by the Council and AP -
Issue date PROVED by the Mayor this 10th day of
June, 1996.
SIGNED : Dean Dossett, Mayor
Issue dates r40
q ATTEST: /s/Joan M. Durgin, Clerk
y APPROVED as to form :
/s/Roger D . Knapp, City Attorney
Issue date � � �,,;., � Q � EXHIBIT #4
a s 1996 + CITY OF CAMAS
The fee charged for the above publication was :
with the Clary Cc uoty historic Preserva -
84 . 82 tion Commission it'. 7rder to achieve the fol -
lowing purposes .
• Identify culture 1 resources .
-- • Identify federal , state and local historic
and archaeological lands , sites or structures
ublishelko,, of significance.
• Encourage owners of historic sites or
structures to preserve and maintain them in
good condition , consistent with their his -
Subscribed and sworn to before me this toric character.
• Develop financial and other incentive
f •. programs for owners of historic properties
� �� to maintain their properties and make there
day of 9 ,- available period for public education .
(/ �,.�- • Identify archaeological arb hi toric re -
sources, protect there and educate the pub -
lic about the historic of the region .
Notary Public in and for the • Establish criteria for the identification
State of Washington , of archaeological and historical resources ,
and establish a process for resolving can ®
Residing at Camas , V; ashington flicts between preservation of these re "
sources and development activities .
No . 3957�June 18, 1996