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ORD 21-012
ORDINANCE NO. 21-012 AN ORDINANCE amending the City of Camas' 2021-2022 Budget Ordinance No. 20-011. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Camas approved Ordinance No. 20-011 and adopted a budget for the years 2021 and 2022; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Camas desires to effectively utilize and manage the City's financial resources; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Camas finds that the proposed adjustments to the Biennial Budget for 2021-2022 reflect revenues and expenditures that are intended to ensure the provision of vital municipal services at acceptable levels; and, WHEREAS, funds received in excess of estimated revenues during the current fiscal year, when authorized by an ordinance amending the original budget, may be included in the expenditure limitation, pursuant to RCW 35A.34.200(1)(d); and WHEREAS, the City desires to undertake activities, which were not foreseen at the time of adopting the 2021-2022 budget; and WHEREAS, the financial activities in the following funds could not have been reasonably foreseen at the time of adopting the 2021-2022 budget, and WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 20-011, the City of Camas established a Biennial Budget process pursuant to the provisions of RCW 35A.34, including therewith procedures for a mid- biennial review and modification of the Biennial Budget; and WHEREAS, the proposed budget modifications as set forth herein have been provided to the City Council and to the public; and WHEREAS, a public hearing as required on the proposed budget modifications has been held. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMAS AS FOLLOWS: Section I Budget Amendment -Effect on Fund Revenues and Expenses. In summary form, modifications to the totals of estimated revenues and appropriations for each separate fund and the aggregate totals for all such funds combined are as shown on Attachment A for 2022. ORDINANCE NO. 21-012 Section II Adoption. The 2021-2022 Amendments to the Biennial Budget of the City of Camas are hereby adopted. Section III Effective Date. This ordinance shall take force and be in effect January 1, 2022, after its passage, approval, and its publication according to law. PASSED BY the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this 15th day of November, 2021. APPROVED as to form: diftti0- City Attorney SIGNED:& 4? ~ Mayor SIGN~~ Clerk EXHIBIT A City of Camas 2022 Budget Gene r al City Street Tree Fund C/W Fire and EMS Lodg ing Tax Cemetery Unlimited G.O. Bond Debt Service Limited G.O. Bond Debt Service Real Estate Excise Tax Capital Park Impact Fee Capital Transportation Impact Fee Capital Fire Impact Fee NW 38th Ave Phase 3 Construction Facilities Capital Legacy Lands Project Storm Water Utility City Solid Waste Water-Sewer Water -Sewer Capital Projects North Shore Sewer Construction Project 2019 Water Construction Projects Water -Sewer Capital Reserve Water -Sewer Bond Reserve Equipment Rental Firefighter's Pension Retiree Medical LEOFF 1 Disablity Board Total City Budget 2022 11/15/2021 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12,044,236 $ 29,185,397 1,878,089 $ 3,475,028 15,508 $ 225 3,750,883 $ 12,582,632 50,389 $ 21,040 223,482 $ 256,117 10,838 $ - -$ 4,198,725 10,810,084 $ 6,078,781 5,796,724 $ 1,311,505 3,220,739 $ 1,526,110 1,100,583 $ 212,905 708,295 $ 513,000 -$ 500,000 4,539,097 $ - 3,051,994 $ 1,991,992 3,677,915 $ 3,270,202 14,183,980 $ 15,003,587 -$ 425,000 417,128 $ - 6,741,932 $ 50,000 17,201,620 $ 4,748,878 1,715,230 $ 22,428 2,879,277 $ 1,812,960 1,219,449 $ 12,279 41,473 $ 130,135 495,716 $ 166,551 95,774,661 $ 87,495,477 $ 31,487,826 $ 9,741,807 * $ (2,302,429) $ 3,376,077 $ 1,977,040 $ 98,951 $ -$ 15,733 $ 225 $ 13,980,221 $ 2,353,294 $ (1,397,589) $ 10,000 $ 61,429 $ 11,040 $ 255,921 $ 223,678 $ 196 $ -$ 10,838 $ $ 4,198,725 $ -$ $ 5,810,248 $ 11,078,617 $ 268,533 $ 1,831,750 $ 5,276,479 $ (520,245) $ 945,542 $ 3,801,307 $ 580,568 $ 360,000 $ 953,488 $ (147,095) $ 813,000 $ 408,295 $ (300,000) $ 500,000 $ -$ $ -$ 4,539,097 $ $ 2,564,913 $ 2,479,073 $ (572,921) $ 3,665,912 $ 3,282,205 $ (395,710) $ 17,363,123 $ 11,824,444 $ (2,359,536) $ 425,000 $ -$ $ 417,128 $ 0 $ (417,128) $ 500,000 $ 6,291,932 $ (450,000) $ -$ 21,950,498 $ 4,748,878 $ -$ 1,737,658 $ 22,428 $ 2,522,845 $ 2,169,392 $ (709,885) $ 89,889 $ 1,141,839 $ (77,610) $ 138,799 $ 32,809 $ (8,664) $ 217,593 $ 444,674 $ (51,042) $ 91,474,511 $ 91,795,626 $ (3,979,035) 4 EXHIBIT A City of Camas Summary of Budgeted Revenues, Expenditures and Reserves Estimated Beginning Fund Balance 1/1/2021 $ 12,044,236 $ 5,918,351 $ 10,838 $ 26,175,522 $ 46,989,799 $ 2,879,277 $ 1,756,638 $ 95,774,661 Taxes $ 21,199,853 $ 2,505,449 $ -$ 3,164,344 $ 26,869,646 Licenses and Permits $ 1,321,544 $ 68,640 $ 1,390,184 Intergovernmental $ 703,131 $ 541,796 $ 3,330,118 $ 4,575,045 Charges for Services $ 5,376,923 $ 5,715,841 $ 2,950,384 $ 24,564,159 $ 1,792,942 $ 40,400,249 Fines and Forfeitures $ 214,024 $ 4,466 $ 218,490 Miscellaneous Revenue $ 369,922 $ 44,452 $ 197,455 $ 522,928 $ 20,018 $ 12,279 $ 1,167,054 Non-Revenues $ -$ -$ Transfers $ -$ 7,454,398 $ 4,198,725 $ 500,000 $ 425,000 $ 296,686 $ 12,874,809 Total Revenue $ 29,185 ,397 $ 16,335,042 $ 4,198,725 $ 10,142,301 $ 25,512,087 $ 1,812,960 $ 308,965 $ 87,495,477 Total Available Resources $ 41,229,633 $ 22,253,393 $ 4,209,563 $ 36,317,823 $ 72,501,886 $ 4,692,237 $ 2,065,603 $ 183,270,138 Salaries and Benefits $ 16,217,444 $ 12,298,604 $ 4,671,709 $ 607,834 $ 359,773 $ 34,155,364 Supplies and Services $ 6,104,379 $ 3,359,062 $ 49,574 $ 9,271,066 $ 630,254 $ 19,414,335 Intergovernmental $ 1,167,063 $ 214,385 $ 764,472 $ 2,145,920 Capital $ 738,864 $ 1,520,584 $ 5,360,118 $ 4,117,128 $ 1,284,757 $ 13,021,451 Debt Service $ -$ 4,198,725 $ 5,663,907 $ 9,862,632 Transfers $ 7,260,076 $ 229,584 $ 4,850,848 $ 447,794 $ 86,508 $ 12,874,810 Total Expenditures $ 31,487,826 $ 17,622,219 $ 4,198,725 $ 10,260,540 $ 24,936,076 $ 2,522,845 $ 446,281 $ 91,474,512 Estimated Ending Fund Balance $ 9,741,807 $ 4,631,174 $ 10,838 $ 26,057,283 $ 47,565,810 $ 2,169,392 $ 1,619,322 $ 91,795,626 Total Expenditures and Reserve Balance $ 41,229,633 $ 22,253,393 $ 4,209,563 $ 36,317,823 $ 72,501,886 $ 4,692,237 $ 2,065,603 $ 183,270,138 11/15/2021 5 EXHIBITA City of Camas Revenue Budget Summary for 2022 Intergovernmental Chorges for Services Fines and Forfeitures Miscellaneous Revenue Intergovernmental Miscellaneous Revenue Transfers from other fund s Total Street Fund Licenses and Permits M ls cell3neous Revenue Total Tree Fund S 20,267,926 7.2% $ 1,356,201 $ 20,225;534 -0.2% $ (42,392) $ 21,199,053 4.6% $ 931,927 Residential Growth with Robust Sales Tax $ 1,539,932 7.9% $ 113,009 $ 656,360 ·57.4% $ (803,572) S 1,321,544 -14.2% $ (718,380) Slower Residential Growth 667,226 $' 857,304 20.5% $ 029,482 ·3.2% $ (27,822) $ 655,037 -21.0% $ (174,445) $ 703,131 ·15.2% $ (126,351) Pre· ARPA Adjusted 4,927,099 $ 4,261,319 -13.5% $ 5,4 01.002 26 .7% $ 1,139,683 $ 4,988,260 -7.6% $ (412,742) $ 5,376.923 ·0.4% $ (24,079) Assumes COVID·19 trends 207,992 $ 164,710 ·20.8% $ 159,484 . -3.2% $ (5,226) $ 182,359 14.3% $ 22,875 $ 214,024 34.2% $ 54,540 Trend Based 409,069 $ 246,299 ·39.9% $ 363,059 47.4% $ 116,760 $ 320,603 ·9.5% $ [34,376) $ 369,922 1.9% S 6,863 Ad lusted for one· time contributions 25.457,099 $ 25,060,280 1.6% $ 28,560,885 10.4% $ 2,692,605 $ 27,036:233 ·5.3% $ (1 ,524,652) $ 29,185,397 2.19% $ 624,512 (29,390) $ 57,979 $ 23,159 ·60.1% $ 12,647 -45.4% $ (10,512) $ 39,796 214.7% $ 27,149 $ 13,938 10.2% S 1,291 Higher Interest Income due to higher fund balance 2,103,360 $ 2,301,542 _ 5.4% $ 3,060,203 33.3% $ 766,741 $ __ 2.913,007 -5.0% $_ (154.396) $ _ 2.920,584 -4.0% $ (147,699) Preservation & GF Subsidy 2,775,560 $ 2,826,970 1.9% $ 3,693,877 30.7% $ 866,899 $ 3,537,240 ·4.2% $ (156;637) $ 3,475,028 ·5.9% s (218,049) 15,000 ·100.0% 122 $ 491 302.5% $ 225 ·54.2% $ [266) 306 71.6% 161 225 0.0% 15,122 $ 491 ·96.0% $ 225 ·54.2% $ [266) 396 71.6% 161 225 0.0% Tax es $ 2,120,166 $ 2,231,196 4.0% $ 2,356,923 5.6% $ 125,727 $ 2,506,303 6.3% $ 149,300 $ 2,404,790 5.4% $ 127,067 EMS Levy reaches levy limit Licenses and Permits $ 107,158 $ 77,279 ·27.9% $ 00,753 4.5% $ 3,474 $ 56,550 ·30.0% $ (24,195) $ 60,640 ·15.0% $ (12,113) Residential construction slows Intergovernmental $ 656,638 $ 1,578,149 100.0% $ 673,445 ·57.3% $ (904,704) $ 1,290 ·99.8% $ (672,155) $ 1.290 ·99.8% $ (672,155) Coronavlrus Relief Funds and GEMT Charges for Services $ 5,346.424 $ 5,229,140 ·2.2% S 5,215,730 -0.3% $ (13,410) $ 5,754,390 10.3% $ 530,652 $ 5,660,491 0.5% $ 444,753 GEMT and ftreftghter adjustment Fines and Forfeitures $ 16,517 $ 2,888 ·82.5% $ 4,361 51 .0% $ 1,473 $ 17,934 311 .2% $ 13,573 $ 4.466 2.4% S 105 Post COVID·19 Miscellaneous Revenue $ 24,889 $ 37,024 40.8% $ 55,307 49 .4% $ 10,203 $ 44,104 ·20.1% $ (11,123) S 29,141 ·47.3% $ (26,166) Transfe rs from other funds $ 3,847,391 $ 3,549,137 -7.0% $ 3,590,350 1.2% $ 41,221 $ 3,905,762 11.0% $ 395,404 S 4,333,814 20.7% $ 743,456 GEMT and Rreftl!hter adjustment Total C/W Fire and EMS Fund $ 12,127,103 $ 12,704,821 4.0% $ 11,976,085 ·5.7% $ (727,936) $ 12,366,421 3.3% $ 309,536 $ 12,502,632 5.1% $ 605,747 Taxes $ 16,500 $ 15,726 ·4.7% $ 20,057 27.5% $ 4,331 $ 12,769 ·36.3% S (7,209) S 20,659 3.0% Mls ce llonc ous Revenue $ 304 $ 612 59.4% $ 369 ·39.7% $ [2431 $ 042 120.2% S 473 $ 381 3.3% Total Lodging Tax Fund $ 16,892 $ 16,330 -3.3% $ 20,426 25 .0% S 4,000 $ 13,611 ·33.4% S (6,815) $ 21,040 3.0% Intergovernmental $ 4,292 100.0% $ -100.0% $ (4,292) $ $ Charges for Services $ 41,443 $ 72,974 76.1% $ 105,272 44.3% $ 32,290 $ 55,350 -47.4% $ (49,922) $ 55,350 -47.4% S Miscellaneous Revenue $ 727 $ 1,2 97 78.4% $ 3,471 167.6% $ 2,174 S 767 ·77.9% $ (2,704) $ 767 -77.9% $ Transfers from otherfunds $ 100,000 $ 200,000 11 .1% S 200,000 0.0% $ $ 200,000 0.0% $ $ 200,000 0.0% $ 602 12 614 Coronavlrus Relief Funds (49,922) Population (2,704) Transfers from other funds 1,850,BOl $ 2,223,972 20.2% $ 4,227,071 90.1% $ 2.003,099 $ 2,413,123 ·42.9% $ {1,013,940) $ 4.198,725 -0.7% $ {28,3461 Based on OS schedules Total Debt Service l'und Intergovernmental Miscellaneous Revenue Transfers from othe r fund s Total Real Estate Excise Tax Fund 1,050,801 $ 2,223,972 20.2% $ 4,227,071 90.1% $ 2.003,099 $ 2,413,123 ·42.9% $ (1,013,940) $ 4.190,725 -0.7% $ (20,346) (530,348) New Construction and Population Growth 2,462,110 State Grant for Bridge and RCO Grant 123,761 $ 159,421 20.0% $ 164,484 3.2% $ 5,063 $ 261,447 58.9% $ 96,963 $ 97,319 -40.0% $ (67,165} 44,392 $ 20,044 -36.0% $ 202,817 623.2% $ 174,773 $ ·100,0% $ [202,817) _-100,0% $ _(2_02L01'l) 3,006,041 $ 3,412,019 13.5% $ 4,416,993 29 .5% $ 1,004,974 $ 4,412,234 ·0.1% $ (4,759) $ 6,070,701 37.6% $ _l,6fil,780 Charges for Services $ 1,5 72,667 $ 2,575,668 63 .0% $ 1,710,886 ·33.3% $ (056,782) $ 1,257,950 ·26.8% $ (460,920) $ 1,257,950 ·26.8% S (460,9ZB) Mule-Family Development and slowing of new constr. Mis cellaneous Revenue $ 44,302 $ 71,670 61 .0% $ 51 ,987 ·27.5% $ [19,683) $ 53,547 3.0% $. ___ 1,560 _$ ___ 5~,S.47 _ _______1,Q%_j~_~l 560 Total Park Imp act Fee Fund $ 1,616,969 $ 2,647,330 63.7% $ 1,770,873 ·33.1% $ (076,465) $ 1,311,505 _ -25.9% _ $ _ (4_59,368) L__1IUd_05 ·25.9% $ (459,360) Charges for Services $ 1,046,310 $ 2,413,003 130.6% $ 2,366,110 -1.9% $ (46,893) $ 1,554,033 -34.3% $ (811,277) $ 1,490.411 ·37.0% $ (875,699) Mult-Famlly Development and slowing of new constr. Mi scellaneous Revenu e $ 26,718 $ 40,091 53.0% $ 34,659 -15.2% $ (6,232) $ 54,119 56.1% _$ __ 19,460 $ 35 699 3.0% $ 1,040 Total Transportation Impact Fee Fund $ 1,073,036 $ 2.453,894 120.7% $ 2,400,769 -2.2% $ [53,125) $ 1,608,952 -33.0% $ (791,017) $ 1,526,110 ·36.4% $ (074,659) 11/15/2021 EXHIBIT A 333,517 S 271,296 -18.7% $ 19B,22B -26.9% $ (73,0SB) $ 202,015 1.9% $ 3,787 $ 202,015 Miscellaneous Revenue $ 11,777 $ 17,566 49.2.% $ 10,573 -39.8% $ 2.,547 $ 23,984 126.8% $ 13,411 $ 10,890 3.0% Total Fire Impact Fee Fund $ 345,294 $ 288,052 -16.3% $ 208,801 -27.7% $ (70,511) $ 225,999 B.2% $ 17,198 $ 212,905 2.0% 4,104 Intergovernmental Transfers from other funds 513,000 100.0% $ 513,000 $ 513,000 100.0% $ 513,000 State Grant for Design and ROW $ $ __ $ 5~,no_ 100.0% $ 546,220 $ _ -1 00.0% $ (546,2201 -100.0% s (546,2201 Transfers from TIF and REET Total NW 30th Ave Phase 3 Construction $ s s 546,220 100.0% $ 546,220 $ 513,000 -6.1% $ (33,220) $ 513,000 -6.1% $ (33,220) Miscellaneous Revenue Transfers from other funds S 45,631 $ 49,836 9.2% $ ·100.0% $ [49,8361 $ 500,000 100.0% $ 500,000 $ 500,000 100.0% $ 500,000 Transfers from REET Total Faclllties Capital Fund $ 45,639 $ 49,836 9.2% $ -100.0% $ (49,836) $ 500,000 100.0% $ 500,000 $ 500,000 100.0% $ 500,000 Intergovernmental S 532,843 $ 2,047,157 284.2% -100.0% $ (2,047,157) Miscellaneous Revenue S 106,643 $ 24,743 -76.8% $ 20,000 -19.2% $ (4,743) Debt Proceeds $ 10,483,757 1.0% -100.0% $ (10,483,757) Transfers from other funds $ 4,012 1.0% -100.0% $ (4,0121 Total Legacy Lands Project Fund $ 639,486 $ 12.559,669 1064.0% S 20,000 -99.8% $ (12,539,669) Intergovernmental $ 50,000 $ 32,977 -34.0% $ 110,500 259.3% $ 05,523 Charges for Services $ l,650,765 $ 1,761,995 6.7% $ 1,912,448 8.5% $ 150,453 $ 1,964,127 2.7% $ 51 ,679 $ 1,964,127 2.7% $ 51,679 Rate Model and Increase In Population Miscellaneous Revenue $ 60,277 $ 53,656 ·11.0% $ 27,503 ·48.7% $ (26,153) $ 75,690 175.2% $ 48.187 $ 27,865 1.3% $ 362 Transfer from other funds $ 134 $ 3,095 22.09.7% S 11,048 100.0% $ 7,953 -100.0% $ fll,04Bl Total Storm Drainage Fund $ 1,761,042 $ 1,851,723 5.1% S 2,069,499 11 .8% $ 209,823 $ 2,039,817 -1.4% $ 99,866 $ 1,991,992 ·3.7% $ (77,507) Intergovernmental Charges for Services Mlscellaneous Revenue Total Solid Waste Fund 3,372 100.0% ·100.0% $ (3,372) 2,806,308 $ 2,937,537 4.7% $ 3,030,782 3.2% $ 93,245 $ 3,240,680 6.9% $ 209,898 $ 3,240,680 6.9% $ 209,898 Rate Increase 2.5% +Population 47,i98 _$ _____M.11_6__ 18.6% $ 28944 -48.4%J __ f27,172l_$_ 79,566 _ 171.4% $ 49,624 $ 29,522 2.0% $ 579 2,053,606 $ 2,993,653 4,9% $ 3,0~9,726 -2.2% $ 66,073 $ 3,319,248 8.5% $ 259,52.2 $ 3,270,202 6.9% $ 210,476 Intergovernmental $ $ 67,417 100.0% -100.0% $ (67,417) Charges for Services $ 12,612,123 $ 13,593,113 7.8% $ 15,587,685 14.7% $ 1,994,572 $ 14,732,2 31 -5.5% $ (955.454) $ 14,732,233 ·5.5% $ (855,452) Rate Model and Increase in population Miscellaneous Revenue $ 474,015 $ 294,158 -37.9% $ 252,347 -14.2% $ (41,811) $ 361,285 43.2% $ 108,938 $ 271,354 7.5% $ 19,007 Non-Revenues $ 115,747 $ 304,392 163.0% $ 42,016 -86.2% $ (262,376) -100.0% $ (42,016) ·100.0% $ (42,016) Transfer from other funds $ 10,589,785 $ 4,720,781 _-,55,4% $ 11,042 -99.8% $ (4,709,7391 -100.0% S fll,0421 -100.0% $ (11,0421 Total Water/Sewer Fund $ 23 ,791,670 $ 18,979,861 _ ~20.2% $ 15,893,090 ·16.3% $ (3,019,354) $ 15,093,516 ·5.0% $ (799,574) $ 15,003,587 ·5.6% $ (089,503) Miscellaneous Revenue $ 5 100.0% ·100.0% $ (5) Debt Proceeds $ 97,872 -100.0% $ Non-Revenues S 65,150 -100.0% $ Transfer from other funds $ 2,274,820 $ 1,150,377 -49.4% $ 1,040,000 -9.6% $ fll0,377) $ 425,000 -59.1% $ (615,0001 $ 425,000 -59.1% $ (615,0001 SOC Contributions & Rates Total W/S Capital Fund $ 2,437,842 $ 1,150,382 -52.8% $ 1,040,000 ·9.6% $ (110,382) $ 425,000 ·59.1% $ (615,000) $ 425,000 0.0% $ Miscellaneous Revenue Transfer from other funds Total North Shore Sewer Construction 100,625 s 22,319 -77.9% $ 320 ·98.6% $ (21,999) -100.0% $ (320) ·100.0% $ (320) 31,152 $ 95,408 206.3% $ 13,808 ·85.5% $ (81.6001 -100.0% $ (13,808) ·100.0% $ (13,808) 131,777 s 117,727 -10.7% $ 14,128 -88.0% $ (103,599] $ ·100.0% $ (14,128) -100.0% $ (14,1281 Miscellaneous Revenue $ 99,202 $ 226,524 128.3% $ 24,216 ·89.3% $ (202,308] ·100.0% $ (24,216) $ 50,000 106.5% $ 25,784 Debt Proceeds $ 21,531,894 $ 1,543,377 -92.0% -100.0% S (1,543,377) Transfer from other funds S 963 $ 18,462 1817.1% $ 8,539 -53.7% $ (9,923) ·100.0% $ [8,539) ·100.0% $ [8,539) Total 2019 Water Proj Construction $ 21,632,059 $ 1,788,363 -91.7% $ 32,755 ·98.2% $ (1,755,608) $ -100.0% $ (32,755) $ 50,000 52.6% $ 17,245 Charges for Services $ 4.107,875 $ 3,826,855 -6.8% S 4,365,966 14.1 % $ 539,111 $ 4,959,399 13.6% $ 593,433 $ 4,627,119 6.0% $ 261,153 Mult-Famlly Development and slowing of new constr. Miscellaneous Revenue S 105,246 S 267,753 44.5% $ 131,967 -50.7% $ (135,786) $ 118,213 ·10.4% $ [13,7541 $ 121,759 ·7.7% S fl0,2081 Total Water/Sewer Cap, Fund $ 4,293,121 $ 4,094,608 ·4.6% $ 4,497,933 9.9% $ 403,325 $ 5,077,612 12.9% $ 579,679 $ 4,748,870 5.6% $ 250,945 Miscellaneous Revenue $ 30,072 $ 21,774 -27.6% $ 33,541 54.0% $ 11,767 $ 34,547 3.0% $ 1,006 $ 22,428 -33.1% $ (11.113) Total Water/Sewer Bond Res. Fund $ 30,072 $ 21,774 -27.6% $ 33,541 54.0% $ 11,767 .. $ 34,547 3.0% $ 1,006 $ 22,428 -33.1% $ (11,113) 11/15/2021 EXHIBIT A Transfers from other funds 154.822 $ 169.399 9.4% s 128,071 -24.4% s [41.328} $ 130,135 1.6% $ 2,064 s 130,135 1.6% $ 2.064 Total Retiree Medical Fund 154.822 $ 169,399 9.4% $ 128,071 -24.4% $ [41,328) s 130,135 1.6% $ 2,064 s 130,135 1.6% s 2,064 Transfer from other funds $ 418,407 $ 502,107 20.0% $ 162,076 -67.7% $ [340,0311 S 166.551 2.8% S 4,475 $ 166,551 2.8% $ 4,4 75 Total LEOFF 1 Disability Fund $ 418.407 $ 502,107 20.0% $ 162,076 -67.7% $ (340,031) $ 166,551 2.8% $ 4,475 $ 166,551 2.8% $ 4,475 11/15/2021 EXHIBIT A City of Camas Budget Appropriation Summary fo r 2 022 Sol a rl es on d 8enoft ts Su pplies and Services lnterRovernmentnl Capital Transfers to other funds Total Street fund Supplle• and Seivlces Total Tree fund 612,659 $ 737 ,300 20,3% $ 723,269 ·1.9% $ (14,031) $ 835,406 15 ,5% $ 112,137 $ 825,130 14.1% $ 101,861 Positions ftlled,seasonal a 1,049,574 $ 951 ,703 -9.3% $ 1,108,775 16.5 % $ 157,072 $ 1,175,587 6.0% $ 66,812 $ 1,402,779 2 6.5% $ 294,004 Trans portation Plan , CDP 3 ERP. Do wntown Pro) 31,923 $ 78,170 144.9% $ 33,886 -56.7% S (44,284) $ 39,378 16.2% $ 5,492 $ 39,378 16.2% $ 5,492 StrJplnR Prol!l'am 754,027 $ 722,574 ·4.2 % $ 1,416,609 96.1% $ 694,035 $ 913.887 ·35.5% $ (502,7221 $ 9 20,584 ·35.0% $ (496,0251 Preservation Proit,, Brodv &Gra nd Rldiie, 181.854 $ 183,261 0.8 % $ 188,393 2.8% $ 5,132 $ 188.206 ·0.1% $ (1871 $ 188,206 ·0.1% $ (1B7l 2,630,037 $ 2,673,008 1.6% $ 3,470,932 29.9% s 797,924 $ 3,152,464 ·9.2% $ (318,468) $ 3,376.077 -2.7% $ (9 4,855) Salaries and BeneOts $ 9 ,200,707 $ 9,096,365 ·1.l % $ 9,064,193 ·G.4% $ (32,1721 $ 10,577,872 16.7% $ l,513,679 $ 11,344,917 25.2% S 2.280,724 4 Or•ft Rhters ·COLA. Market Adlustmonts, and Benent cost lncres ses Su p plies and Seivlces $ 1,849,544 S 1.526,087 ·17.5% $ 1,623,824 6.4% $ 97,737 $ 1,854,669 14.2% $ 230,8 45 S 1,818,919 12.0% S 195,095 TralnlnR and eQulpm ent, hl~henorn for med supo, Electronic Patient Care Ro t. 6RP lnter~o ve rnmental $ 165,732 $ 150,099 -9.4% $ 146,805 ·2.2% $ 188,250 $ 174,832 19.1% S 28,027 $ 175,007 19.2% $ 28,202 CRESA ra tes Capital $ 260,610 $ 149,499 ·42.6% $ 231,813 100.0% $ 82,314 $ 600,000 158.8 % S 360,187 $ 600,000 158,8% S 368,187 En~n e Transfer to other funds $ 95,388 $ 67,081 ·29.7% $ 41,343 100.0% $ (25,7381 $ 41,378 0.1% $ 35 $ 4 1,378 0.1% $ 35 Total C/W Fire and EMS Fund $ 11,571,981 S 10,989,131 ·5.0% S 11,107,978 1.1 % $ 118,847 $ 13,248,751 19:3% $ 2,140,773 $ 13,980,221 25.9% $ 2,872,243 Suoolles and Services S 11.779 $ ·100.0% S 10,000 100.0% $ 10,000 $ 10,000 0.0% S $ 10,000 0.0% $ Conservative with chanRln~ economic conditions Total LodRin RTax Fund $ 11,779 $ ·100.0% $ 10,000 100.0% $ 10,000 $ 10,000 _ 0.0% S --~ _ $ ___ 1(),(!QQ___ __O,!J% $ Principal Interest Total Unlimited GO Debt Srv Fund Supplies and Services Capital Transfers to other fund s Total Re el Estate Exci se Tax fund 1,246 s 128,080 579,000 $ 603,000 4.1 % $ -100.0% $ (603,0001 43,734 $ 22,311 ·49.0% s -100.0% s (22,3111 622.734 $ 625,311 D.4% s -100.0% $ [625,311) 1,019,317 $ 1,100,626 15 .8% $ 2,061,040 142.4% S 1,681 ,214 $ 1,341,730 ·53.1% S (1,520,110) $ 2,911,975 1.8% $ 50,135 1 maturity In 202 1 831.484 $ 1.D43,347 25 .5% $ 1,365,231 Jo.9% $ 321,884 $ 1,071,393 ·21.5% $ [293,8381 $ 1.206,750 -5 .7% $ (78,4811 l,850,801 $ 2,223,973 20.2% $ 4,227,071 90.1% $ 2,003,098 $ 2,.U3,123 ·42.9 % s [l,813,948] $ 4,198,725 -0 .7% $ (28,3 46) 6,789 $ 40,489 496.4% $ 52,704 30.2% $ 12,215 $ 49,574 ·5.9% $ (3,1301 s 49,574 ·5.9% $ {3,1301 1,119,345 $ 484,283 -56.7% $ 686,389 41.7% $ 202,106 S 2,730,000 297.7% S 2,04 3,611 $ 3,747,118 445.9 % $ 3,060,729 CDBG Pro!. Ska te Pa rk. ADA ramps, Curri e Trail . 3rd Ave BrldR •. Crown Park 454,5% $ 1,001.432 120.3% $ 1,762,073 76.0% $ 760,641 $ 1,190,966 ·32.4% S [571,1071 S 2,013,556 14.3% $ 251,483 Annex Bulldlnit. Debt Se rvice, Me tchlnR funds for NW 30th Av e 1,580,680 $ 1,526,204 ·3.4% S 2,501,166 63.9 % $ 974,962 $ 3,970,540 . _ 58.7% $ 1,469,374 $ 5,810,248 132.3% $ 3,309,082 Capital $ 3,715 $ 2,213 ·40.4% $ ·100.0% $ (2,213) S 300,000 100,0% $ 300,000 $ 300,000 100.0% $ 300,000 Pa rklands to H e rl ta~e Trall Transfers to other funds $ 431 ,876 $ 631,024 46.1% S 713,580 13.1% $ 82,556 j __ 7_12,920 __ -_0 .1% $ {6§0) $ 1,531,750__ _ 1_1 4,Z'l!> __ L _B18_.11!l__~a_nm Lo.clge and North Shore Dobt Servi ce Total Park Impact Fee Fund S 435,591 $ 633,237 45.4% $ 713,580 12.7% S 80,343 $ 1,012,920 41.9% $ 2~9,340 $ 1,831,750 156.7% _ $ 1,118,170 Transfers to other funds $ 771,559 $ 775,680 0.5% $ 1,171,063 51.0%_ $ 395,JB:l _ j __ 801,359 _·3t,i;% $ _fl§l),ZQ4L L ~---_ _-_1J ,1_%_j __ _J~25 5211 Debt S~lce for Tranm_o~tton and M11JfhJm! for NW 30th Ave . Phase 3 Total Transportation Impact Fee Fund $ 771,559 $ 775,680 0.5% $ 1,171,063 51.0% $ _ 395,3113 ___ $ 801,359 _ ·31.6% $ [369,704) _ $ _145,~42_ _ .. ·19.3%_J _ _j22~ Tre ns fers to other funds $ S S 360,000 100,0 % S 360,000 $ 360,000 100.0% $ 360,000 Debt Service for Fire Truck Total Fire Imp a ct Fe e Fund $ $ $ 360,000 100.0 % $ 360,000 S 360,000 100.0% $ 360,000 Capi tal $ $ 241,465 100.0% $ 241,465 $ 513,000 112.5% $ 271,535 $ 813,000 236.7% $ 571,535 DeslRn a nd Right of Way Total NW 38th Ave Phase 3 Construction $ $ S 241,%5 100.0% $ 2 4 1.465 $ 513,000 112.5% $ 271,535 $ 813,000 236.7 % $ 571,535 11/1 5/2021 EXHIBIT A Salaries and BeneOts $ 521,020 $ 683,046 31.1% $ 697,567 2.1% $ H,521 S 783,752 12 .4% $ 86,185 $ 882,058 26,4% $ 184,491 Soasonals Supplies and Sorvlcos $ 841,186 $ 724,210 ·13.9% $ 787,732 8.8% $ 63,522 $ 1,183,974 50.3% $ 396.242 $ 1,329,484 68.8% $ 541,752 Hydroseeder.addtl inal~tactMtlos lnterRovernmental $ 31.695 $ 105,269 232.1% $ 71,959 -31.6% $ (33,310) $ 68,499 -4.8% $ (3 ,460) $ 68.498 -4,8% $ (3,4611 DOE Permit Capital $ 231,324 S 100,655 ·56.5% $ 207 ,466 106.1% $ 106,811 $ 352,000 69.7% S 144,534 S 225,ooo 8.5% S 17.534 Damsand LakeQuallcv Debt Service Pavments $ 56.519 $ 56.675 0.3% $ 60,037 100.0% $ 3,362 $ 59,871 -0.3% $ (1661 S 59,873 -0.3% $ (164) Wetland Mlt!Ratlon Debt Se rvic e Total Storm Water fund S 1,681,744 $ 1,669,855 ·0.7 % $ 1,824,761 9.3% $ 154,906 S 2,448,096 342% S 623,335 $ 2,564,913 40.6% $ 740,152 Salaries and BeneOts $ 481.085 S 473,658 ·1.5% S 497,542 5.0% S 23,884 $ 592,509 19.1% $ 9M67 $ 610,325 22 .7% $ 112,783 Now driver In 202 1 Supplies and Services $ l,808,177 $ 2,177,570 20.4% $ 1,773,414 -18.6% $ (404,156) S 2,409.166 35,8% S 635,752 $ 2,410,732 36.4% $ 645,318 CDP 3 ERP System Capital $ 60,000 100.0% $ 60,000 S 500,000 100.0% $ 440,000 $ 500,000 733.3% $ 440,000 CDP 47 Now Truck lnterRovernmcntal $ 118,659 $ 121.599 2.5% $ 125,756 3.4% $ 4.157 $ 136,855 8.8% $ 11,099 $ 136,855 8.8% $ 11,099 Total Solid Waste fund $ 2,407,921 $ 2,772,827 15.2% $ 2,456,712 -13.6% $ (376,115) $ 3,639,530 30.2% $ 741,818 $ 3,665,912 49.2% $ 1.209,200 Salaries and Benents S 2,502,883 $ 2.596,023 3.7% S 2.623,817 1.1% $ 27,794 $ 3,087,151 17.7% S 463,334 S 3.179,326 21.2% $ 555,509 Ooen oosltlons Oiled Supplies and Serv ices $ 4,293,168 $ 4,500,979 4.8% $ 4,268,834 -5.2% $ (232,145) $ S,492,525 28.7% $ 1.223,691 $ 5,522,850 29.4% $ 1.254,016 CDP 3 ERP lnteCRovernmental $ 646,669 $ 555,060 ·14.2% $ 444,866 -19.9% $ (110,2021 $ 550,347 23 .7% $ 105,491 $ 559,119 25.7% $ 114,253 Capital $ 229,992 $ 74.925 ·67.4% $ 588,831 685.9% $ 513,906 $ 2,050,000 $ 1,461,169 $ 2,050,000 248,1% $ 1,461,169 CDP 16TrallerMountedAttenuator Debt Service Payments $ 4,512,371 $ 5,017,945 11.2% $ 4,534,608 ·9.6% $ (483,337) $ 5,604,034 23.6% $ 1,069,426 $ 5,604,034 23 .6% $ 1,069,426 Debt Service Schedules Transfors to other funds $ 2,155,918 $ l,324,054 ·38.6% $ 735,483 -44.5% $ (588,5711 $ 447,794 -39.1% $ (287,6991 $ 447,794 -39.1% $ 1287,689) Match Ina funds for CDBG Total Water/Sewer Fund S 14,341,001 $ 14,068,994 ·1.9% $ 13,196,439 -6.2% S (872,555) $ 17,231,851 30.6% $ 4,035,412 $ 17,363,123 31.6% S 4-.166.684 Capital $ 1,749,030 $ 1.202,666 -31.2% $ 1,040,000 -13.5% $ (162,6661 $ 425,000 ·59.1% $ (615,0001 $ 425,000 -59 ,1% $ (615,0001 CDP 49,50,54,55,56 Total W/SCapltal Prolects $ 1,749,030 $ 1,202,666 -31.2% $ 1,040,000 -13 .5% $ (162,666) $ 425,000 ·59,1% $ (615,000) $ 425,000 -59.1% $ (615,0001 Capital $ 503,649 $ 3,797,099 653.9% $ 98,116 -97.7% $ (3,708,983) -100.0% S 189,116) $ 417,128 373.4% $ 329,012 WWfP Protects for tho last of tho 2015 Revenue Bond Proceeds Total North Shore Construction $ 503,649 $ 3,797,099 653.9% $ 89,116 -97.7% $ (3 ,708,903) $ ·100.0% $ [89,116] S 417,128 373.4% S 329,0U Capital $ 622,481 $ 4,727,849 659,5% $ 771,128 -83.7% $ (3,956.7211 $ 500,000 ·35.2% (271,1281 $ 500,000 ·35 .2% $ f271,128l CDP 48,51,52 ,53 Transfers to other funds $ 10.589.785 -100.0% Total2019 Water Constructlon Prolects $ 11,212,266 S 4,727.849 -57.8% $ 771,126 -83.7% $ (3.956,721) $ 500,000 · 100.0% 271,129) $ 500,000 -35 .2% s [271,128 Transfers to other funds $ 255,143 $ 4,720,781 1750.2% $ -100.0% $ 14,720,7811 Total Water/Sowe r Cap . Fund $ 255,143 $ 4,720,781 1750.2% $ -100.0% S 14.720,7811 Transfers to other funds 21.6% S 108,106 Mechanic FTE Salary and BoneOts $ 1.200 $ 3,500 100.0% S 3,199 -8,6% $ (3011 S 3,302 3.2% $ 103 $ 3,391 5.7% $ 192 Transfers to otherfunds $ 376,040 $ 382,867 1.9% $ 91,999 -79 .6% $ 1300,9691 $ 86,508 5.6% S 4,610 S 86,508 5.6% $ 4,610 Total FlroORhters's Pension Fund $ 377,240 S 386,367 2.4% S 85,097 -78.0% $ 1301 ,270] $ 89,810 5.5% S 4,713 $ 89,899 5.6% $ 4,792 Salary and BeneOts $ 139 375 $ 127 575 ·8.5% $ 140 240 9.9% $ 12 665 $ 130 942 -6.6% $ (9 2991 S 138;799 -1.0% $ (14411 Total Retiree Medlen! Fund $ 139,375 $ 127,575 ·8.5% $ 140,240 9.9% $ 12,665 $ 130,942 ·6.6% $ (9.299) $ 138,799 -1.0% $ [1,441J Salarv and Bencflts $ 304,579 $ 150,500 ·50.6% $ 154,046 100.0% $ 3,546 $ 166,551 8.1% $ 12,505 $ 217,593 41.3% $ 63,547 Total LEOFF 1 Dlsnbillty Fund $ 304,579 $ 150,500 -50,6% $ 154,046 100.0% $ 3,546 _$ __ 166,551 ___ 8.1% _$ 12.SOS $ 217,593 41.3% $ 63,547 11 ll/15/2021 EXHIBIT A City of Camas General Fund Expenditure Budget Summary for 2022 79.8% s 6,414 s 16,295 102.6% $ 8,253 WCIA cost Increases Total Legislative $ 178,669 $ 173,392 ·3.0% $ 186,825 7.7% $ 13,433 $ 196,667 5.3% $ 9,842 s 244,916 31.1% $ 58,091 Salaries and Benefits $ 210,536 $ 231,496 10.0% $ 233,852 1.0% $ 2,356 $ 247,637 5.9% s 13,785 $ 232,422 -0.6% s (1,430) COLA and Benefit cost Increases Sup piles and Services $ 189,786 $ 158,735 -16.4% $ 218,494 37.6% $ 59,759 $ 158,375 -27.5% s (60,119) s 189,151 -13.4% $ (29,343) Security Upgrades In 2021 Intergovernmental $ 95,808 $ 92,247 ·3.7% $ 93,904 1.8% $ 1,657 $ 95,640 1.8% s 1,736 s 96,628 2.9% $ 2,724 Increase In Clar k County Costs Total Judicial $ 496,130 $ 482,478 -2 .8% $ 546,250 13.2% $ 63,772 $ 501,652 -8.2% $ (44,598) $ 518,201 -5.1% $ (2B,Q49) Salaries and Benefits $ 315,694 $ 341,847 8.3% $ 380,795 11.4% $ 38,948 $ 457,114 20.0% $ 76,319 s 592,727 55 .7% s 211,932 New Com Dir 2021 Supplies and Services $ 52,006 $ 178,624 243 .5% $ 116,356 -34.9% $ (62,268) $ 95,380 -18.0% s (20,976) s 97,244 ·16.4% s (19,112) Comm Survey, Equity Programming Intergovernmental $ 16,651 $ 4,221 -74.7% $ -100.0% $ (4,221) $ 22,052 100.0% s 22,052 $ 22,052 100.0% s 22,052 Community Outreach Total Executive $ 384,351 $ 524,692 36.5% $ 497,151 -5 .2% $ (27,541) $ 574,546 15.6% $ 77,395 $ 712,023 43.2% $ 214,872 Salaries and Benefits $ 1,156,364 $ 1,172,509 1.4% $ 1,122,964 -4.2% $ (49,545) $ 1,252,768 11.6% $ 129,804 $ 1,687,424 50.3% $ Supplies and Services $ 219,310 $ 219,059 -0 .1% $ 265,672 21.3% $ 46,613 $ 668,845 151.8% $ 403,173 s 804,417 202 .8% $ Intergovernmental $ 39,245 $ 64,610 64.6% $ 58,591 -9.3% $ (6,019) $ 66,714 13.9% $ 8,123 s 67,000 14 .4% $ Total Finance $ 1,414,919 $ 1,456,178 2.9% $ 1,447,227 ·0.6% $ (8,951) $ 1,988,327 37.4% $ 541,100 $ 2,558,841 76.8% $ SuEElies and Services $ 145,837 $ 129,835 -11.0% $ 139,261 7.3% $ 9,426 $ 172,722 24.0% $ 33,461 $ 175,077 25 .7% s Total Legal $ 145,837 $ 129,835 -11.0% $ 139,261 7.3% $ 9,426 $ 172,722 24.0% $ 33,461 $ 175,077 25.7% $ t '~Otll I I''- Salaries and Benefits $ 170,734 $ 174,035 1.9% $ 175,075 0.6% $ 1,040 $ 291,065 66.3% $ 115,990 $ 379,883 117.0% SuEElies and Services $ 15,756 $ 51,423 226.4% $ 23,621 -54.1% $ (27,802) $ 112,624 376.8% $ 89,003 $ 112,664 377 .0% Total Human Resources $ 186,490 $ 225,458 20.9% $ 198,696 -11.9% $ (26,762) $ 403,689 103.2% $ 204,993 $ 492,547 147.9% .. ... ,. c ... • ~!: 9!'l(-l • Salaries and Benefits $ 149,850 $ 154,199 2.9% $ 155,604 0 .9% $ 1,405 $ 163,343 5 .0% $ 7,739 $ 176,523 13.4% $ 20,919 COLA and Benefit cost Increases Supplies and Services $ 204,067 $ 82,647 -59.5% $ 138,806 68.0% $ 56,159 $ 203,778 46.8% $ 64,972 $ 203,778 46.8% $ 64,972 Placeholder for temps Intergovernmental $ 56,800 $ 48,560 ·14.5% $ 63,908 31.6% $ 15,348 $ 65,100 1.9% $ 1,192 $ 65,100 1.9% $ 1,192 State Contract Cost Increases Total Administrative Services $ 410,717 $ 285,406 -30.5% $ 358,318 25.5% $ 72,912 $ 432,221 20.6% $ 73,903 $ 445,401 24.3% $ 87,083 Salaries and Benefits $ 4,478,192 $ 4,851,159 8.3% $ 4,842,661 ·0.2% $ (B,498) $ 5,110,964 5.5% $ 268,303 $ 5,244,714 8.3% $ 402,053 Fully Staffed Supplies and Services $ 629,225 $ 634,826 0.9% $ 635,223 0.1% $ 397 $ 775,530 22.1% $ 140,307 $ 876,690 38.0% $ 241,467 New Vehicles rental rates & SROs Intergovernmental $ 271,368 $ 233,285 -14.0% $ 229,720 -1.5% $ (3,565) $ 396,839 72.7% $ 167,119 $ 396,839 72.7% $ 167,119 Sheriff Support Cost Allocation Ca Ital $ 57,962 $ $ $ $ $ Total Law Enforcement $ 5,436,747 $ 5,719,270 5.2% $ 5,707,604 -0.2% $ (11,666) $ 6,283,333 10.1% $ 575,729 $ 6,518,243 14.2% $ 810,639 Salaries and Benefits $ 100,646 $ 93,415 -7.2% $ 88,457 -5 .3% $ (4,958) $ 110,328 24.7% $ 21,871 $ 100,630 13.8% $ 12,173 Fully Staffed Supplies and Services $ 54,143 $ 57,523 6.2% $ 24,110 -58.1% $ (33,413) $ 84,779 251.6% $ 60,669 $ 86,550 259 .0% $ 62,440 ERR rate Increase & WCIA Increase Intergovernmental $ 141,184 $ 252,735 79.0% $ 257,352 1.8% $ 4,617 $ 261,607 1.7% $ 4,255 s 261,607 1.7% $ 4,255 Jail Costs Total Detention and Correction $ 295,973 $ 403,673 36.4% $ 369,919 ·8.4% $ (33,754) $ 456,714 23.5% $ 86,795 $ 448,787 21.3% $ 78,868 11/15/2021 EXHIBIT A Salaries and Benefits $ 547,945 $ 560,790 2.3% $ 505,891 -9.8% $ (54,899) $ 595,167 17.6% $ 89,276 $ 784,086 55.0% $ 278,195 Fully Staffed Supplles and Services $ 239,671 $ 273,252 14.0% $ 437,076 60.0% $ 163,824 $ 324,968 -25.6% $ (112,lOB) $ 475,668 8.8% $ 38,592 COVIO related software support Capital $ 27,987 $ ·100.0% $ $ $ 50,000 100.0% $ 50,000 $ 150,000 100.0% $ 150,000 Phone System & Volcemall in 2022 Total information Services $ 815,603 $ 834,042 2.3% $ 942,967 13.1% $ 108,925 $ 970,135 2.9% $ 27,168 $ 1,409,754 49 .5% $ 466,787 Salaries and Benefits Supplies and Services Intergovernmental Total Engineering 1,329,511 110,556 21,721 1.461,788 1,410,817 89,225 l,500,D42 6.1% ·19.3% 2.6% 1,452,986 120,894 1,573,880 3.0% 35.5% 4.9% 42,169 31,669 73,838 1,682,641 189,006 1,871 ,647 15.8% $ 56.3% $ $ 18.9% $ 229,655 68,112 297,767 1,944,703 189,006 2,133,709 33 .8% $ 56.3% $ $ 35 .6% $ 491, 717 Fully Staffed 68,112 Temps 559,829 Salaries and Benefits $ 284,777 $ 189,345 -33.5% $ 210,867 11.4% $ 21,522 $ 314,405 49.1% $ 103,538 $ 278,002 31 .8% $ 67,135 Fill vacant positions Supplies and Services $ 16.469 $ 5,627 ·65.8% $ 6,495 15.4% $ 868 $ 64,121 887.2% $ 57,626 $ 518,655 7885 .5% $ 512,160 COP 3 ERP Total CommunityDevelopment $ 301,246 $ 194,972 -35.3% $ 217,362 11.5% S 22,390 $ 378,526 74.1% $ 161,164 $ 796,657 266.5% $ 579,295 Salaries and Benefits $ 576,910 $ 602,759 4.5% $ 619.458 2.8% $ 16,699 S 636,768 2.8% $ 17,310 $ 668,116 7.9% $ 48,658 SuppllesandServices $ 74,222 $ 83,980 13.1% $ 190,071 126.3% $ 106,091 $ 168,305 -11.5% $ (21 ,766) $ 278,305 46 .4% $ 88,234 OOP8CompPlan&NorthShore Intergovernmental $ 48,121 $ 117,799 144.8% $ 37.442 ·68.2% $ (80,357) $ 110,078 194.0% $ 72,636 $ 110,078 194 ,0% $ 721636 EconomlcOevelopment Total Planning $ 699,253 $ 804,538 15.1% $ 846,971 5.3% $ 42.433 $ 915,151 8.0% $ 68,180 $ 1,056,499 24.7% $ 209.528 Supplles and Services $ 140 -100.0% $ 523 100.0% $ 523 $ 538 2.9% $ 15 $ 538 2.9% $ 15 Intergovernmental $ 108,018 $ 110,961 2.7% $ 128,000 15.4% $ 17,039 $ 132,000 3.1% $ 4,000 $ 132,000 3.1% $ 4,000 New Humane Soc Contr act Total Animal Control $ 108,158 $ 110,961 2.6% $ 128,523 15.8% S 17,562 $ 132,538 3.1% S 4,015 $ 132,538 3.1% $ 4,015 Salaries and Benefits $ 437,922 $ 402,953 -8.0% $ 444,045 10.2% $ 41,092 $ 468,972 5.6% $ 24,927 $ 494,062 11.3% $ 50,017 Supplies and Services $ 376,302 $ 212,650 ·43.5% $ 227,350 6.9% S 14,700 $ 346,829 52.6% $ 119,479 $ 507,570 123.3% $ 280,220 Parks Comp Plan & Tennis Crt Rehab Total Parks and Recreation $ 814,224 $ 615,603 -24.4% $ 671,395 9.1% $ 55,792 $ 815,801 21 .5% $ 144,406 $ 1,001,632 90.9% $ 610,457 Salaries and Benefits $ 550,874 $ 751,152 36.4% $ 773,533 3.0% $ 22,381 S 858,307 11.0% $ 84,774 $ 852,019 10.1% $ 78,486 OOP 5 Malnt Worker Supplles and Services $ 459 ,988 $ 485,117 5.5% $ 500,798 3.2% $ 15,681 $ 627,514 25.3% $ 126,716 $ 6261163 25.0% $ 125,365 OOP 12 Hydroseeder, COP Tennis Crt Intergovernmental $ 10,006 100.0% $ 5,280 -47.2% $ (4,726) $ 15,759 198.5% $ 10,479 $ 15,759 198.5% $ 10,479 Capital $ 324,436 $ -100.0% $ $ $ 399,000 100.0% $ 399,000 $ 399,000 100.0% $ 399,000 COP33 ,COP34 ,COP35 Total Parks Maintenance $ 1,335,298 $ 1,246,275 -6.7% $ 1,279,611 2.7% $ 33,336 $ 1,900,580 48.5% $ 620,969 $ 1,892,941 47.9% $ 613,330 Salaries and Benefits $ 648,084 S 685,374 5.8% $ 733,458 7.0% $ 48,084 $ 732,974 -0 .1 % $ (484} $ 996,704 35 .9% $ 263,246 Staffing Reallocation Supplies and Services S 38,943 S 80,409 106.5% $ 161,302 100.6% $ 80,893 $ 65,237 -59.6% $ (96,065} $ 186,379 15 .5% $ 25 ,077 Cred it card fees & contract alloc Ca ital $ 21,721 S -100.0% Vehicle In 2019 Total Building $ 708,748 S 765,783 8.0% 894,760 16.8% 128,977 798,211 -10.8% (96 ,549) 1,183,083 32.2% 288,323 Salaries and Benefits $ 95.565 $ 116,306 21.7% $ 119,739 3.0% $ 3.433 S 204,820 71.1% $ 85,081 $ 231,749 93 .5% $ 112,010 OOP2MalntWorkerandReclass Supplies and Services $ 146,132 $ 140,573 -3.8% $ 118,606 -15 .6% $ (21,967) $ 185,547 56.4% $ 66,941 $ 185,547 56.4% $ 66,941 FaGllJties Condition Assessment Vehicle $ $ $ 25,000 100% $ 25,000 OOP 2 Truck Total Central Services $ 241,697 $ 256,879 6.3% $ 238,345 -7.2% $ (18,534) $ 390,367 63.8% $ 152,022 $ 442,296 85.6% $ 203,951 Salaries and Benefits $ 1,205,308 $ 1,148,378 -4.7% $ 1,133,306 -1.3% $ (15,072) Supplies and Services $ 351,647 $ 492,793 40.1% $ 473,709 -3 .9% $ (19,084) Capital $ 154,752 $ 192,146 0.0% $ 161,918 -15.7% $ (30,228) Total Library $ 1,711,707 S 1.833,317 7.1% $ 1,768,933 -3.5% S (64,384) 11/15/2021 1,335,031 563,845 164,864 2,063,740 17.8% $ 19.0% $ 1.8% $ 16.7% s 201,725 $ 90,136 $ 2,946 $ 294.807 $ 1,324,785 574,955 164;864 2,064,604 16 .9% 21.4% 1.8% 5.9% 191,479 Positions filled 101,246 Repairs , Sec Sys, OOP 7 2,946 104,192 EXHIBIT A -8.3% TOTAL GENERAL FUND 23,845,240 24,170,165 1.4% 25,541,668 5.7% 1,371,503 28,151,894 10.2% 2,610,226 31,487,825 23 .3% 5,946,157 14 11/15/2021 City of Camas 2022 Revenue Budget ._.._ .. (_ .... EJ.-.... _....... . ... : .• - General Government Operations General Fund $ 21,199,853 $ 1,321,544 $ 703,131 $ 5,376,923 $ 214,024 $ 369,922 $ $ $ 12,044,236 $ 41,229,633 Special Revenue Street Fund 540,506 13,938 2,920,584 1,878,089 5,353,117 Tree Fund 225 15,508 15,733 Camas/Washougal Fire and EMS 2,484,790 68,640 1,290 S,660,491 4,466 29,141 4,333,814 3,750,883 16,333,515 Lodging Tax 20,659 381 50,389 71,429 Cemetery 55,350 767 200,000 223,482 479,599 5ubTotal 2,505,449 68,640 541,796 5,715,841 4,466 44,452 7,454,398 5,918,351 22,253,393 Debt Service Unlimited G.O . Bond Debt Service 10,838 10,838 Limited G.O . Bond Debt Service 4,198,725 4,198,725 Sub Total 4,198,725 10,838 4,209,563 Capltal Projects Real Estate Excise Tax Capital 3,164,344 2,817,118 97,319 10,810,084 16,888,865 Park Impact Fee Capital 1,257,958 53,547 5,796,724 7,108,229 Transportation Impact Fee Capital 1,490,411 35,699 3,220,739 4,746,849 Fire Impact Fee 202,015 10,890 1,100,583 1,313,488 NW 38th Ave Phase 3 Construction 513,000 708,295 1,221,295 Facilities Capital Fund 500,000 500,000 Legacy Lands Pro ject 4,539,097 4,539,097 Sub Total 3,164,344 3,330,118 2,950,384 197,455 500,000 26,175,522 36,317,823 Enterprise Storm Water Utility 1,964,127 27,865 3,051,994 5,043,986 City Solid Waste 3,240,680 29,522 3,677,915 6,948,117 Water-Sewer 14,732,233 271 ,354 14,183,980 29,187,567 Water-Sewer Capital Projects 425,000 425,000 North Shore Sewer Construction Project 417,128 417,128 2019 Water Cons truction Projects 50,000 6,741,932 6,791,932 Water-Sewer Capital Reserve 4,627,119 121,759 17,201,620 21,950,498 Water-Sewer Bond Reserve 22,428 1,715,230 1,737,658 5ubTotal 24,564,159 522,928 425,000 46,989,799 72,501,886 Internal Support Equipment Renta l 1,792,942 20,018 2,879,277 4,692,237 Reserves Firefighter's Pension 12,279 1,219,449 1,231,728 Retiree Medical 130,135 41,473 171,608 LEOFF 1 Disabl ity Board 166,551 495,716 662,267 Sub Total 12,279 296,686 1,756,638 2,065,603 --.Total s 26,869,646 $ 1,390,184 $ 4,575,045 $ . 40,400,249 $ 218,490 $ 1,167,054 $ $ 12,874,809 $ 95,774,661 $ 183,270,138 15 City of Camas 2022 General Government Operations General Fund $ 11,487,974 $ 4,729,470 $ 477,916 $ 5,626,463 $ 1,167,063 $ 7,260,076 $ $ 738,864 $ 31,487,826 $ 9,741,807 Speclal Revenue Street Fund 579,792 245,338 77,778 1,325,001 39,378 188,206 920,584 3,376,077 1,977,040 Tree Fund 15,733 Camas/Washougal Fire and EMS 8,725,804 2,619,113 417,032 1,401,887 175,007 41,378 600,000 13,980,221 2,353,29 4 Lodging Tax 10,000 10,000 61 ,429 Cemetery 88,556 40,001 22,194 105,170 255 ,921 223,678 Sub Total 9,394,152 2,904,452 517,004 2,842,058 214,385 229,584 1,520,584 17,622,219 4,631,174 Debt Service Unlimited G.O . Bond Debt Service 10,838 Limited G.O. Bond Debt Service 4,198,725 4,198,725 Sub Total 4,198,725 4,198,725 10,838 Capital Projects Real Estate Excise Tax Capital 49 ,574 2,013,556 3,747,118 5,810,248 11,078,617 Park Impact Fee Capital 1,531,750 300,000 1,831,750 5,276,479 Transportation Impact Fee Capital 945,542 945,542 3,801 ,307 Fire Impact Fee 360,000 360,000 953,488 NW 38th Ave Phase 3 Construction 813,000 813,000 408,295 Facilities Capital Fund 500,000 500,000 Legacy Lands Project 4,539,097 Sub Total 49,574 4,850,848 5,360,118 10,260,540 26,057,283 Enterprise Storm Water Utility 610,827 271 ,231 30,037 1,299,447 68,498 59,873 225,000 2,564,913 2,479,073 City Solid Waste 413 ,838 196,487 50,189 2,368,543 136,855 500,000 3,665,912 3,282 ,205 Water-Sewer 2,173,271 1,006,055 930,189 4,592 ,661 559 ,119 447,794 5,604,034 2,050,000 17,363,123 11 ,824,444 Water-Sewer Capital Projects 425,000 425,000 North Shore Sewer Construction Project 417,128 417,128 2019 Water Construction Projects 500,000 500,000 6,291 ,932 Water-Sewer Capital Reserve 21,950,498 Water-Sewer Bond Reserve 1,737,658 Sub Total 3,197,936 1,473,773 1,010,415 8,260,651 764,472 447,794 5,663,907 4,117,128 24,936,076 47,565,810 Internal Support Equipment Rental 445,764 162,070 283,910 346,344 1,284,757 2,522,845 2,169,392 Reserves Flreflghter's Pension 3,381 86,508 89,889 1,141,839 Retiree Medical 138,799 138,799 32,809 LEOFF 1 Dlsablity Board 217,593 217,593 444,674 Sub Total 359,773 86,508 446,281 1,619,322 Total $ 24,525,826 9,629,538 2,289,245 17,125,090 2,145,920 12.,874,810 9,862.,632 13,02.1,451 91,474,512 91,795,62.6 0 16 Capital Program 2022 Budget Program -11/15/2021 2022 SOURCES OF FUNDING Grants/ Department/Fund Title 2022 aud1et General Streets ARPA CWFO PIF REET 1 REET 2 Contributions Debt Storm Water Solid Waste Water Sewer Shortfall llGeneralGovt. Major Building Maintenance 100,000 100,000 21 General Govt. 3 I General Govt. Anne x Building (BofA) ERP Replacement System (City-wide) 300,000 1,400,000 300,000 I I I Is 34 ,3951 $ 108,7951 $ 134,2351 $ 111,224 I s 25, 759 I s 4 24,444 I s 11,910 489,238 50,000 I I I I I I 920,887 41 Streets/Capital ADA Acces s Upgrades 50,000 5 I Streets/Capltal Pavement Management Program 920,887 6 I Streets/Capltal 381h Avenue Phase 3-Design and ROW 813,000 813,000 71 Str eets/Capltal NE 3rd Ave . Bridge Seismic Retrofll 2,917,118 2,917,118 8I CW FD Ne w Fire Eng ln• (Pumper) 600,000 I I s 600,000 91Park s Open 5pacefrralls/Park Upgrade< 255,000 255,000 lo I Parks Parklands To Heritage Troll T·l 300,000 $ 300,000 - lllParks Crown Park Restrooms and Sport Court 450,000 J.' 450,000 12 1 Parks Skate Park Improvements 75,000 ,, .. 75 ,000 13IParks Community Center Reno vation 100,000 100,000 141Parks Louis Dloch Bleacher and ADA Acce ss Improvement 325,000 325,000 j.; 15(Parks Larg e M ow er 74,000 74,000 ~~~ 16\Stormwater Dam Improvements 75,000 75,000 171Slorrnwater Lacamas Loke Water Quality 150,000 150~ --,- 18 I Solld Waste New Garbage Truck 500,000 500,000 500.000 I I Is 275,000 19IPW/Water Meter Replacement Program 275,000 20IPW/Water 343 Zone! Reservoir 500,000 21 I PW/Water Wa •hougal River Wellfield Improvements 50,000 50,000 22 IPW/Water Dall as Street Water Transmi ssion· 3rd Ave to RR 100,000 100,000 23 I PW/Sewer WWTP Upgrades 417,128 417,128 -------------------- 10,747,133 888,23 8 s 946 ,646 s 42 4,4 44 s 7 1,9 10 s 300,000 s 450,000 s 880,000 s 3,730,118 s l ,517,128 s 259,395 s 608,795 s 559,235 $ 111 ,224 $ 11/7/20 21 C i ty of Cama s 2022 Budget Readoption FTE Emp l oyees by Resource Area a n d Depa r tment Culture and Recreation Cemetery Senior Grounds Worker Library Library Director Administrative Support Assistant I Technology and Collections Manager Programming and Outreach Coordinator Circulation Ser-Vices Specialist Library Aide Library Aide Library Aide Library Aide Library Aide Library Aide Library Aide Library Associate Library Associate Library Associate Library Associate Library Associate Library Associate Library Aide -Substitute Library Aide -Substitute Library Aide -Substitute Library Aide -Substitute Library Associate -Substitute Library Associate -Substitute Library Associate -Substitute Library Associate -Substitute Parks and Recreation Parks and Recreation Director Recreation Facili t ies Coordinator Recreation Coordinator Rec reation Coordinato r Rec reation Leader Recreation Leader Recreation Leader Recreation Leade r Recreation Leader Recreation Leader Recreation Leader Recreation Leader Recreation Leader Recreatio n Leader Recreation Aide CEM.FTE.01 LIB.FTE .01 LIB .FTE.11 LIB.FTE.02 LIB.FTE.03 LIB.FTE.04 LIB .PTE .17 LIB.PTE .14 LIB.PTE .13 LIB .PTE.18 LIB.PTE .12 LIB .PTE .16 LIB .PTE .15 LIB.FTE .08 LIB.FTE.06 LIB.FTE .12 LIB .FTE.07 LIB.FTE.13 LIB.FTE.14 LIB .TMP.24 LIB.TMP.23 LIB.TMP.25 LIB.TMP.21 LIB.TMP.19 LIB .TMP.27 LIB.TMP.26 LIB.TMP .20 PNR.FTE.01 PNR.FTE.02 PNR .FTE.03 PNR.PTE .04 PNR .TMP .11 PNR.TMP .08 PNR.TMP.12 PNR.TMP.07 PNR.TMP.13 PNR .TMP .10 PNR.TMP .16 PNR.TMP .09 PNR.TMP.14 PNR .T MP.05 PNR.TMP .06 1 General Government .~ .... Parks Maintenance Lead Grounds Worker Senior Grounds Worker Grounds Worker II Grounds Worker I Grounds Worker I Grounds Worker I Grounds Worker I Grounds Worker I Administrative Services Administrative Services Director City Clerk Records Coordinator Administrative Support Assistant II Equipment Rental Lead Mechanic Mechanic Mechanic Mechanic Custodial Aide Senior Administrative Support Assistant Executive Mayor City Administrator Executive Assistant Communications Director College Intern -Communications College Intern -Communications Finance Finance Director Assistant Finance Director Sen.ior Accountant Accountant Procurement Specialist Financial Analyst Accounting Assistant Accounting Assistant Accounting Assistant Financial Assistant Financial Assistant Financial Assistant Financial Assistant College Intern -Finance PMT.FTE.01 PMT .FT E.02 PMT .FT E.08 PMT.FTE.07 PMT.FTE .04 PMT.FTE.05 PMT.FTE.06 PMT.FTE.03 ADM.FTE.01 ADM.FTE.02 ADM.FTE.03 ADM.FTE.06 ERR.FTE.02 ERR.FTE.03 ERR.FTE.04 ERR.FTE.05 ERR.PTE.06 ERR .FTE.01 EXE.ELC.01 EXE.FTE.02 EXE.FTE.06 EXE .FTE.03 EXE.PTE.05 EXE.PTE.04 FIN.FTE.01 FIN .FTE.13 FIN.FTE.15 FIN.FTE.03 FIN.FTE .16 FIN.FTE.04 FIN.FTE.12 FIN.FTE.14 FIN.FTE.11 FIN.FTE.08 FIN.FTE.09 FIN.FTE.07 FIN.FTE.17 FIN.INT.10 2 Human Resources Human Resources Assistant Human Resources Analyst Information Technology Information Technology Director IT Network Administrator IT Support Specialist IT Systems Analyst/Programmer GIS Coordinator College Intern -IT Legislative -Elected Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Municipal Court Lead Court Clerk Court Clerk Court Clerk Natural and Economic Environment Community Development Community Development Director Administrative Support Assistant II Building Building Division Manager/Building Official Building Inspector I Building Inspector I Plans Examiner Plans Examiner Senior Permit Technician Permit Technician Permit Technician Planning Planning Manager Senior Planner Senior Planner Planner College Intern -Planning HRS.FTE.01 HRS.FTE.02 TEC.FTE.01 TEC.FTE.02 TEC.FTE.03 TEC.FTE.04 TEC.FTE.06 TEC.INT .05 LEG.ELC.01 LEG.ELC.02 LEG.ELC.03 LEG.ELC.04 LEG.ELC.05 LEG.ELC.06 LEG.ELC.07 MCT.FTE.01 MCT.FTE.02 MCT.PTE.03 CDV.FTE.01 CDV.FTE.02 BLD.FTE.01 BLD.FTE.02 BLD.FTE.03 BLD.FTE.04 BLD.FTE.05 BLD.FTE.06 BLD.FTE.07 BLD.FTE.08 PLN.FTE.01 PLN.FTE.02 PLN.FTE.03 PLN.FTE.04 PLN.INT.06 3 Public Safety Detention and Corrections Offender Crew Leader Offender Crew Leader Offender Crew Leader -Substitute Law Enforcement Police Chief Police Captain Police Sergeant Police Sergeant Police Sergeant Police Sergeant Police Sergeant Police Sergeant Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Code Enforcement Officer Lead Police Records Clerk Police Records Clerk/Dispatcher II Police Records Clerk/Dispatcher II Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Police Records Clerk/Dispatcher II Parking Enforcement Officer Police Records Clerk/Dispatcher I -Substitute DNC.PTE .01 DNC.PTE.02 DNC.TMP.03 POL.FTE.01 POL.FTE .02 POL.FTE.03 POL.FTE.04 POL.FTE.05 POL.FTE.06 POL.FTE.07 POL.FTE.08 POL.FTE.09 POL.FTE.10 POL.FTE.11 POL.FTE.12 POL.FTE.13 POL.FTE.14 POL.FTE.15 POL.FTE.16 POL.FTE .17 POL.FTE .18 POL.FTE.19 POL.FTE .20 POL.FTE .21 POL.FTE .22 POL.FTE .23 POL.FTE.24 POL.FTE.25 POL.FTE.26 POL.FTE.27 POL.FTE.28 POL.FTE .29 POL.FTE.30 POL.FTE.31 POL.FTE.32 POL.FTE.33 POL.FTE .34 POL.PTE.35 POL .PTE .36 POL.TMP.34 4 Camas-Washougal Fire Department Fire Chief EMS.FTE.01 Division Chief -Emergency Medical Services EMS.FTE.02 Senior Administrative Support Assistant EMS.FTE .03 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS.FTE.04 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS.FTE .05 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS.FTE.06 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS.FTE.07 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS.FTE.08 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS.FTE.09 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS.FTE.10 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS.FTE.11 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS.FTE .12 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS.FTE.13 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS.FTE.14 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS.FTE.15 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS.FTE.16 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS .FTE.17 Fi refighter/Paramedic EMS.FTE.18 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS.FTE.19 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS .FTE.20 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS.FTE.21 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS.FTE.22 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS.FTE.23 Firefighter/Paramedic EMS.FTE.24 Battalion Chief FIR.FTE.02 Battalion Chief FIR.FTE.03 Battalion Chief FIR.FTE.04 Division Chief-Fire Marshal FIR.FTE.05 Deputy Fire Marshal FIR.FTE.06 Deputy Fire Marshal FIR.FTE.07 Administrative Support Assistant II FIR.FTE.08 Fire Captain FIR.FTE.10 Fire Captain FIR.FTE.11 Fire Captain/Paramedic FIR.FTE.13 Fire Captain FIR.FTE.14 Fire Captain FIR.FTE .15 Fire Captain/Paramedic FIR.FTE.16 Fire Captain/Paramedic FIR.FTE.17 Firefighter/Paramedic FIR.FTE.18 Firefighter/Paramedic FIR.FTE.19 Firefighter/Paramedic FIR.FTE.20 Firefighter/Paramedic FIR.FTE.21 Firefighter/Paramedic FIR.FTE.22 Firefighter/Paramedic FIR.FTE.23 Firefighter/Paramedic FIR.FTE.24 Firefighter FIR.FTE.26 Firefighter FIR.FTE.28 Firefighter FIR.FTE.29 Firefighter FIR.FTE.30 Firefighter FIR.FTE.31 Firefighter/Paramedic FIR.FTE.32 Firefighter FIR.FTE.33 Firefighter/Paramedic FIR.FTE.36 5 Transportation Utilities Firefighter Firefighter/Paramedic Fire Captain Firefighter/Paramedic Firefighter/Paramedic Firefighter/Paramedic Firefighter/Paramedic Firefighter/Paramedic Firefighter/Paramedic Fire Captain/Paramedic Firefighter/Paramedic ·Battalion Chief Central Services Lead Facilities Operations Specialist Facilities Operations Specialist Engineering Engineering Manager Engineering Project Manager Engineering Project Manager Engineer Ill Engineer II Engineer II Engineer II Senior Engineering Technician Engineering Technician Senior Administrative Support Assistant Administrative Support Assistant 11 Engineer I Engineering Technician Asset Management Coordinator Streets Public Works Operations Supervisor Lead Maintenance Worker Maintenance Worker I Senior Maintenance Worker Maintenance Worker II Maintenance Worker II Maintenance Worker I Maintenance Worker I Engineering Engineer II -Storm Engineer II -W/S FIR.FTE.37 FIR.FTE.38 FIR.FTE.39 FIR.FTE.40 FIR.FTE.41 FIR.FTE.42 FIR.FTE.43 FIR.FTE.44 FIR.FTE.45 FIR.FTE.46 FIR.FTE.47 FIR.FTE.48 CSV.FTE.01 CSV.FTE.02 ENG.FTE.01 ENG.FTE.02 ENG.FTE.03 ENG.FTE.04 ENG.FTE.07 ENG.FTE.09 ENG.FTE.10 ENG.FTE.11 ENG.FTE.12 ENG.FTE.13 ENG.FTE.14 ENG.FTE.15 ENG.FTE.16 ENG.FTE.17 STR.FTE.01 STR.FTE.02 STR.FTE.03 STR.FTE.04 STR.FTE.05 STR.FTE .06 STR.FTE.07 STR.FTE.08 ENG.FTE.05 ENG.FTE.06 6 Solid Waste Lead Sanitation Worker Sanitation Worker Sanitation Worker Sanitation Worker Sanitation Worker Storm Water Maintenance Worker I Maintenance Worker II Lead Maintenance Worker Senior Maintenance Worker Wastewater Treatment Operations Supervisor-Wastewater Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Lead Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Water and Sewer Public Works Director Utilities Manager Operations Supervisor -Water/Sewer Senior Administrative Support Assistant Lead Utility Maintenance Worker Water Supply Operator Senio r Maintenance Worker Senior Utility Maintenance Worker Utility Maintenance Worker Utility Maintenance Worker Utility Maintenance Worker Utility Maintenance Worker Utility Maintenance Worke r Utility Maintenance Worker Utility Maintenance Worker Utility Maintenance Worker Utility Maintenance Worker Utility Maintenance Worker Sewer Maintenance Worker GIS Coordinator SAN.FTE.01 SAN.FTE.02 SAN .FTE.03 SAN.FTE.04 SAN.FTE.05 STM.FTE.02 STM .FTE .03 STM.FTE .04 STM.FTE.05 WWT .FTE.01 WWT.FTE .02 WWT.FTE.03 WWT.FTE.04 WWT.FTE.05 WWT.FTE.06 WWT.FTE.07 WWT.FTE.09 WSW .FTE.01 WSW.FTE.02 WSW.FTE.03 WSW.FTE.04 WSW.FTE.05 WSW.FTE.06 WSW.FTE.07 WSW .FTE.08 WSW .FTE.10 WSW.FTE.11 WSW.FTE .12 WSW.FTE .13 WSW.FTE .14 WSW.FTE.15 WSW.FTE .16 WSW.FTE.17 WSW.FTE.18 WSW.FTE.19 WSW.FTE.20 WSW.FTE.21 7