ORD 21-011ORDINANCE NO. 21-011
AN ORDINANCE amending the City of Camas' 2021-2022 Budget
Ordinance Nos. 20-011 and 21-007.
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Camas approved Ordinance No. 20-011 and
adopted a biennium budget for fiscal years 2021-2022; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Camas approved Ordinance 21-007 amending
the Budget Ordinance 20-011; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Camas desfres to effectively utilize and manage
the City's financial resources; and,
WHEREAS, the City will receive additional revenues that were not anticipated at the time of
adopting the budget for 2021-2022; and
WHEREAS, funds received in excess of estimated revenues during the current fiscal year
when authorized by an ordinance amending the original budget may be included in the expenditure
limitation; and
WHEREAS, the City desires to undertake activities which were not foreseen at the time of
adopting the 2021-2022 budget; and
WHEREAS, the financial activities in the following funds could not have been reasonably
foreseen at the time of adopting the 2021-2022 budget.
Section I
Budget Amendment: The City of Camas' 2021-2022 Budget as adopted in Ordinance No.
20-011 and amended by Ordinance 21-007 is amended as follows:
1. Modify the 2021 Budget for 2021 Legislation provide funding and associated expenditures
for body cameras.
2. Modify the 2021 Budget for the movement of budget from Executive to Central Services.
3. Modify the 2021 Budget for 2021 general obligation loan payments.
4. Supplement the 2021 Budget for replacement plotter for Building and Engineering.
5. Supplement the 2021 Budget for a Study of the City's Water System for risk and
6. Supplement the 2021 Budget for painting Station 43.
7. Supplement the 2021 Budget for increase credit card fees for remote transactions.
8. Supplement the 2021 Budget for a study of the City's Sewer infrastructure.
9. Supplement the 2021 Budget for improvements to the Crown Road Booster Station.
10. Supplement the 2021 Budget for additional labor costs for CWFD.
11. Supplement the 2021 Budget for American Rescue Plan Act funding and utility assistance
Section II
Budget Amendment -Effect on Fund Revenues and Expenses: The foregoing increases
affect the City funds as shown on Attachment A.
Section III
Effective Date. This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five days from and after its
publication according to law.
PASSED BY the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this 15th day ofNovember 2021.
YED as to form:
City Attorney
Attachment A
2021 Budget Amendment -Fund Summary
Budget Budget Estimated Budget Amendment Amended
Beg Fund Balance Revenues (1) Expenses (1) End Fund Balance Revenues Expenses Fund Balance Note: Budget Packages % Impact .... : .
General $ 9,917,694 $ 26,479,338 $ (28,860,907) $ 7,536,125 $ 103,471 $ (234,471) $ 7,405,125
Streets $ 1,229,954 $ 3,752 ,557 $ (3 ,881,630) $ 1,100,881 $ $ 1,100,881
ARPA Funds $ $ $ $ $ 3,408,118 $ (100,000) $ 3,308,118
Tree Fund $ 15,422 $ 225 $ $ 15,647 $ 15,647
Camas/Washougal Fire & EMS $ 2,967,442 $ 11,193,800 $ (12,141,102) $ 2,020,140 $ (365,588) $ 1,654,552
Cemetery s 114,450 $ 265 ,010 $ (245,929) $ 133,531 $ 133,531
·-· t . ,c .. ·"f.•J,•"'nr: :~. 'l.t:f,.•.;..i;,~
Unlimited GO Debt Service $
Limited GO Debt Service $
Park Impact Fee $
Transportation Impact Fee $
Fire Impact Fee $
NW 38th Ave Phase 3 $
Brady Road Construction $
Larkspur Construction $
Legacy Lands $
La ke and Everett $
Fac itilies Capi t al Fund $
Storm Water $
Solid Waste $
Water/Sewer $
W/S Capital Projects $
North Shore Construction Projec t $
Water Capital Projects $
WS Capital Reserve $
WS Bond Reserve $
Reserve Funds
Lodging Ta x s
Firemen's Pension $
Equipment Rental and Replacement $
Retiree Medical $
LEOFF 1 Disab ility Board $
9,226 $ $ $
$ 2,449,298 $ (2,449,298) $
10,162,097 $ 5,755,365 $ (6,789,321) $
5,144,594 $ 2,095,963 $ (1,253,331) $
3,153,085 $ 2,530,072 $ (1 ,171,063) $
1,080,373 $ 345,398 $ $
403,539 $ 766,000 $ (766,000) $
684,478 $ 300,000 $ (300,000) $
$ $ $
6,235,093 $ 20,000 $ (500,000) $
222,245 $ 675,000 $ (675,000) $
$ 889,874 $ (889,874) $
2,772,413 $ 2,047,686 $ (3,226,062) $
3,027,046 $ 3,152,552 $ (3,018,396) $
6,138,896 $ 14,505,870 $ (16,737,691) $
52 ,393 $ 1,040,000 $ (1,040,000) $
493,499 $ $ (350,000) $
8,671,632 $ 925,000 $ (5,630,000) $
16,240,620 $ 8,016,936 $ (1,365,000) $
1,715,230 $ 33 ,541 $ $
35,716 $ 13,214 $ (10,000) $
1,292,940 $ 36 ,562 $ (85 ,126) $
2,130,517 $ 1,771,629 $ (1,891,584) $
53,642 $ 127,583 $ (127,583} $
528,735 $ 157,124 $ (157,124) $
84,492,975 $ 89,345,597 $ (93,562,021) $
9,226 $ 9,226
$ 1,777,776 $ (1,777,776) $
9,128,141 $ (818,830) $ 8,309,312
5,987,226 $ (818,829) $ 5,168,397
4,512,094 $ (140,117) $ 4,371,977
1,425,771 $ 1,425,771
403,539 $ 403,539
684,478 $ $ $ 684,478
5,755,093 $ 5,755,093
222,245 $ 222,245
1,594,037 $ 1,594,037
3,161,202 $ $ 3,161,202
3,907,075 $ (306,000) $ 3,601,075
52,393 $ 52,393
143,499 $ $ 143,499
3,966,632 $ 95 ,000 $ (95,000) $ 3 ,966,632
22 ,892,556 $ 22,892,556
1,748,771 $ 1,748,771
38,930 $ 38,930
1,244,376 $ 1,244,376
2,010,562 $ 2,010,562
53,642 $ 53,642
528,735 $ 528,735
80,276,551 $ 5,384,365 $ (4,656,610) $ 81,004,305
$ 727.755
(1) Budgeted revenues and ex penses refl ect the 2021 Adopted Budget
Ord Budget
2022 Budget
2021 Budget
Spring Omnibus
Adjusted Budget
$ 170,586,145
$ 82 ,380,048
$ 88,206,097
$ 1,139,500
$ 89,345,597
Carry Forward
170,689,983 Administrative $ 1,881,247 $ (3,659,022)
81,569,462 $ (1, 777, 775)
89,120,521 Supplemental $ 3,731,118 $ (1,225,588)
4,441,500 $ 2,505,530
93 ,562,021 $ 727, 755
A-1,A-2,5 -1,5·4 ·2%
S-3 ·18%
A-3 0%
A-3 ·9%
A-3 ·14%
A-3 -3%
5-2,S-5,S-6 -8%
S-6 0%
Attachment A
A-1 jstate Shared Revenue I Leg One-Time Cost Allee I 001 Is Is 103,471 !001 -00-335-040-10 Is 103,471 I Is 103,471 I
A-1 Small Tools and Equ ~ent ___ "!ody Camera;_ and soft!'are 001 s 75,780 s 179,251 001-08-521-220-35 $ (103,471) $ (103,471)
A-2 Professional Services Move to Central Services 001 s 237,949 s 187,949 001-03-513-100-41 s 50,000 s 50,000
A-2 Professional Services Move from Exec 001 s 55,000 s 105,000 001·23-518-300-41 s (50,000) s (50,000)
A-3 GO Bonds Principal Adjust for budget error 240 s 814,811 s 818,446 240-00-591-210-7 8 $ (3,635) s (3,635)
A-3 Prine-Land Contract Land Contract Debt Srv 240 s $ 1,412,659 240 .00 .591.760 .77 s (1 ,412,659) $ (1,412,659)
A-3 Princ-PWTF Loans Streets Adjust for Lake & Everett 240 s 371,842 s 483,288 240 .00 .591.760.77 $ (111,446) s (111,446)
A-3 Int PWTF Loans Streets Adjust for Lake & Everett 240 s 24,563 $ 49,599 240 -00-592 -595 -83 s (25,036) $ (25,036)
A-3 Int on Land Contract Land Contract Debt 5rv 240 s s 225,000 240-00-592 -760-83 s (225,000) s (225,000)
A-3 Transfer in -TIF Lake and Everett DS & adj 240 s 836,063 $ 976,180 240-00-397-302-00 s 140,117 $ 140,117
A-3 Transfer in -REET Land Contract Debt Srv 240 s 691,199 s 1,510,029 240-00-397-300-00 s 818,830 s 818,830
A-3 Transfer in -PIF Land Contract Debt Srv 240 $ 713,580 s 1,532,409 240-00-397 -301 -00 s 818,829 s 818,829
A-3 Transfer to -DS TIF transfer for DS 302 s 836,063 s 976,180 302-00-597 -240-00 $ {140,117) s (140,117)
A-3 Transfer to -DS REET transfer to DS 300 s 691,199 $ 1,510,029 300-00-597 -240-00 s (818,830) $ (818,830)
A-3 Transfer to -DS PIF transfer to DS 301 s 713,580 s 1,532,410 301-00-597-240-00 s (818,829) s (818,829)
A-3 Adjust Fund Balance Transportation Imp Fees 302 s 4,512,094 s 4,371,977 302-00-308 -000-00 s 140,117 s 140,117
A-3 Adjust Fund Balance REET 300 s 9,128,141 $ 8,309,311 300 -00-308 -000 -00 s 818,830 $ 818,830
A-3 Adjust Fund Balance Par k Impact Fees 301 s 5,987,226 $ 5,168,396 301-00-308 -000 -00 s 818,829 $ 818,829
S-1 Small Tools and Equipment Engineering 001 s 1,027 $ 6,527 001-13 -518-910-35 s {5,500) $ {S,500)
S-1 Small Tools and Equipment Building 001 s s 5,500 001 -22-524-200-35 $ (5 ,500) s {5 ,500)
S-1 Adjust Fund Balance General Fund 001 s 7,536,125 $ 7,525,125 001 -00-308 -000-00 s 11,000 $ 11,000
S-2 Risk and Resilience Study Water 424 s 150,000 s 286,000 424-00-534-810-41 $ (136,000) $ (136,000)
S-2 Adjust Fund Balance Water 424 $ 3,907,075 $ 3,771,075 424 -00-308 -000-00 s 136,000 $ 136,000
S-3 Repairs and Maintenance Station 43 Painting 115 s 60,067 s 79,067 115-09-522-500-48 s (19,000) s (19,000)
S-3 Adjust Fund Balance CWFD 115 s 2,020,140 s 2,001,140 115-00-308-000-00 $ 19,000 $ 19,000 -
S-4 Professional Services Building 001 s 4,736 s 124,736 001 -22-524-200-41 s (120,000) s (120,000)
5-4 Adjust Fund Balance General Fund 001 s 7,536,125 s 7,416,125 001-00-308-000-00 $ 120,000 $ 120,000
S-5 General Sewer Plan Sewer 424 s s 75,000 424 -00-535 -812-41 s (75,000) s (75,000)
5-5 Adjust Fund Balance Sewer 424 s 3,907,075 s 3,832,075 424 -00-308-000-00 s 75,000 s 75,000
S-6 Crown Road Booster Station Construct. !water/Sewer Capital I 426 Is IS 95,ooo 1426-40-594 -346-65 I IS (95,ooo)I S (95,oooJI
S-6 Operating Transfer In !Water/Sewer Capital I 426 Is 600,000 I s 695,000 1426-00-397-424-00 IS 9s,ooo I Is 9s,ooo I
5-6 Operating Transfer Out Water/Sewer Fund 424 s 600,000 s 695,000 424 -00-597-426-00 $ (95 ,000) s (95,000)
5-6 Adjust Fund Balance !Water/Sewer Fund I 424 Is 3,9o7,o7s I s 3,812,075 1424-00-308 -000-00 IS 9s,ooo I Is 9s,ooo I
5-7 EMS Salaries CWFD 115 s 1,783,824 s 1,850,634 115-00-522 -720-11 s (66,810) $ (66,810)
5-7 EMS Overtime CWFD 115 s 206,000 s 214,240 115-00-522-720-12 $ (8,240) $ (8,240)
5-7 EMS Benefits CWFD 115 s 606,348 s 629,180 115 -00-522-720 -21 $ (22,832) s (22,832)
S-7 Fire Salaries CWFD 115 s 4,153,870 $ 4,318,474 115 -09-522-210-11 $ {164,604) s (164,604)
S-7 Fire Overtime CWFD 115 s 420,000 s 436,878 115 -09-522-210-12 s (16,878) s (16,878)
S-7 Fire Benefits CWFD 115 $ 1,381,975 $ 1,436,915 115-09-522-210-21 $ {54,940) $ (54,940)
5-7 FM Salaries CWFD 115 $ 428,375 $ 437,572 115 -09 -522 -300-11 s (9,197) s (9 ,197)
5-7 FM Overtime CWFD 115 s 14,000 $ 14,482 115 -09 -522-300 -12 $ {482) s {482)
S-7 . FM Benefits CWFD 115 $ 133,920 $ 136,525 115-09-522-300-21 $ (2,605) $ (2,605)
S-7 Adjust Fund Balance CWFD 115 s 2,020,140 $ l,673,SS2 115 -00-308-000-00 s 346,588 $ 346,588
t -
S-8 COVID-19 ARPA Fed Stimulus Fds ARPA Funds 113 s s 3,408,118 113 -00 -332-920-10 s 3,408,118 $ 3,408,118
5-8 Utility Assistance Funds ARPA Funds · 113 s $ 100,000 113-00-s (100,000) $ (100,000)
5-8 Adj Fund Balance ARPA Funds 113 $ $ 3,308,118 113 -00-508 -000-00 $ {3,308,118) $ {3,308,118)
2021 Fall Omnibus Budget -Fund Balance Impacts
C/W Fire & Limited GO Transp Imp Water Capital
General Fund ARPA Funds EMS Debt Service REET Projects Park Imp Fee Fee Water/Sewer Projects Total Dept.
Beginning Balance $ 9,917,694 $ $ 2,967,442 $ $ 10,162,097 $ 4,567,847 $ 3,153,085 $ 6,138,896 $ 52,393
Revenues $ 26,479,338 $ $ 11,193,800 $ 2,449,298 $ 5,755,365 s 1,093,722 $ 2,530,072 s 14,505,870 $ 1,040,000
Expenditures s (28,698,907) $ $ (12,141,102) $ (2,449,298) ' $ (6,789,321) $ (1,199,193) $ (1,171,063) $ (16,737,691) $ (1,040,000)
Projected Ending Fund Balance $ 7,698,125 27% $ $ 2,020,140 $ $ 9,128,141 $ 4,462,376 $ 4,S12,094 $ 3,907,075 $ 52;393
Carry Forward Packages
Total Carry Forward
·Subtotal Fund Balance $ 7,698,125 27% $ 2,020,140 $ -$ 9,128,141 $ 4,462,376 $ 4,512,094 $ 3,907,075 $ '52,393 $
Administrative Packages
-. -----· --------·--"-------· -----. ---~ -~ --------A-1 Legislative One Time Cost Allocation $ 103,471 $ 103,471 Police
Body Cameras and Fil ing System $ (103,471) $ (103,471) Police
A-2 Move budget from Executive $ (50,000) $ (50,000) Executive
Move budget to Central Services s 50,000 s 50,000 Central Srv
t -----------------------~-------
A-3 Rose Land Contract $ (1,637,659) s (l,637,659) Debt Service
Transfer to fund from REET & PIF s 1,637,659 s (818,830) $ (818,829) $ REET &PIF
PWTF Loans for Lake and Everett, OS adj $ (140,117) $ (140,117) Debt Service
Transfer to fund from TIF $ 140,117 $ (140,117) $ TIF
Total Administrative $ $ $ $ (818,830) s (818,829) $ (140,117) $ s $ (1,777,776)
Subtotal Fund Balance $ 7,698,125 27% $ 2,020,140 $ $ 8,309,311 $ 3,643,547 $ 4,371,977 $ 3,907,075
Supplemental Packages -S-1 Replacement Plotter $ (11,000) $ (11,000) Engineering/Building
-~ ------~ ------------·--·~~ -----
S-2 Water Risk and Resilience Study $ (136,000) $ (136,000) Water
. ---. --·--· -----------.---------------
S-3 Fire Station 43 Painting $ (19,000) -----. -,_ ~--------~ -~------------$ (19,000) CWFO
S-4 Credit Card Fees for Remote Transactions s (120,000) $ (120,000) Building
-~---~ ----------
S-5 General Sewer Plan --------.-----------~-------
$ (75,000) -· s (75,000) Sewer
S-6 Crown Road Booster Station Improvements $ (9S,OOO) s (95,000) Water
Operating Transfer from Water/Sewer s (95,000) $ 95,000 $ Water ----
S-7 CWFD Additional Labor Costs for 2021 $ (346,587) $ ---· -----------------(346,587) CWFD
S-8 ARPA Utility Assistance Funds $ 3,408,118 $ 3,40B,118 Finance
Utility Assistance $ (100,000) s (100,000) Finance
Total Supplemental s (131,000) $ 3,308,118 s (365,587) s s s $ $ (306,000) s $ 2,505,531
Net Budget Adjustment $ (131,000) $ 3,308,118 $ (365,587) $ $ (818,830) $ (818,829) $ (140,117) $ {306,000) $ $ 727,755
Total Adjusted Fund Balance $ 7,567,125 26% $ 3,308,118 $ 1,654,553 $ -$ 8,309,311 $ 3,643,547 $ 4,371,977 $ 3,601,075 $ $ 727,755
City of Camas
2021 Updated Fall Omnibus Budget -Description of Packages
Package Title
A-1 Police Body Cameras
A-2 Facilities Assessment
A-3 Debt Service Adjustments
S-1 Replacement Plotter
S-2 Risk and Resilience Study
S-3 Station 43 Painting
S-4 Credit Cards Fees for Remote
S-5 General Sewer Plan
S-6 Crown Road Booster Station
S-7 CWFD Additional Labor Costs
S-8 APRA Utility Assistance Funds
2021 Legislation provided funding and mandates for body cameras
Move Budget from Executive to Central Services
Correct DS for Rose Property, Lake and Everett and adjustment
Plotter is used by Building and Engineering -both will share in the cost
Study of City Water Systems for risk and vulnerabilities
Station 43 is in Washougal and requires exterior painting
Use of remote credit card transactions with Building during COVID
Study of Sewer infrastructure and will be basis for updated Sewer SDCs
Improvements to the Crown Road Booster Station
Personnel cost with assumed cost of unsettled agreement
Urgent Utility Assistance Funding for COVID-19 delinquencies
Fund Impacted Overall Approriation
General Fund $
General Fund $
DS, REET, PIF, TIF $ {1,777,776)
General Fund $ {11,000)
Water/Sewer $ {136,000)
CWFD $ {19,000)
General Fund $ {120,000)
Water/Sewer $ {75,000)
Water/Sewer $ {95,000)
CWFD $ {346,587)
ARPA $ 3,308,118
Total $ 727,755