ORD 2044 ORDINANCE NO . 2044
AN ORDINANCE levying the ad valorem taxes necessary to
finance the anticipated requirements of the City of Camas for
the fiscal year ending December 31 , 1996 .
WHEREAS , the Mayor of the City of Camas has provided the Council with current
information on the estimates of revenues for the year 1996 ; and
WHEREAS , the Council has considered the City ' s anticipated financial requirements for
the year 1996 and has determined at this time the estimated millage required to be raised by ad
valorem taxes to finance same .
NOW, THEREFORE , IT IS HEREBY ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Camas
as follows ;
Section I
There is hereby levied against the taxable property in the City of Camas , Clark County,
Washington , designated as Camas Code No ' s . 117 . 000 , 117 . 0021 117 . 0235 112 . 001 , and 117 . 026
by the Assessor of said county, a levy of $ 4 , 716 , 000 which is a levy of 3 . 60 mills on the
estimated assessed valuation of $ 1 , 310 , 000 , 000 for the purpose of raising funds for the operation
of the General Government and paying interest and general obligation bond redemption of the
City of Camas .
Section II
There is hereby levied against the taxable property in the City of Camas , Clark, County ,
Washington , designated as Camas Code No ' s . 117 . 000 , 117 . 002 , 117 . 0231 112 . 001 , and 117 . 026
by the Assessor of said county, a levy of $ 128 , 265 . 00 which is a levy of approximately . 098
mills on the estimated assessed valuation of $ 1 , 310 , 000 , 000 for the purpose of raising funds for
payment of bonds and interest for the 1989 Park and Recreation Facilities General Obligation
Bonds authorized by a vote of the electorate of the City of Camas to be paid without limit to the
tax levy .
Section III
There is hereby levied against the taxable property in the City of Camas , Clark County,
Washington , designated as Camas Code No ' s . 117 . 000 , 117 . 002 , 117 . 023 , 112 . 001 , and 117 . 026
by the Assessor of said county, a levy of $ 327 , 500 which is a levy of . 25 mills on the estimated
assessed valuation of $ 1 , 310 , 000 , 000 for the purpose of providing emergency medical services
as authorized by a vote of the electorate of the City of Camas .
Section IV
That upon the adoption of this ordinance , the Clerk shall certify a copy of same to the
Board of County Commissioners for Clark County as required by R . C . W . 84 . 52 . 020 .
Section V
This ordinance shall be in force and take effect five ( 5 ) days from and after its
publication according to law .
PASSED by the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this 27th day of November,
1995 .
APP &EL..DJLfSrm :
davit of Publication
AN ORDINANCE levying the ad valo -
STATE OF WASHINGTON ) rem taxes necessary to finance the antici-
pated requirements of the City of Camas for
COUNTY OF CLARK ) the fiscal year ending December 31 , 1996*
WHEREAS , the Mayor of the City of
Camas has provided the Council with cur-
rent information on the estimates of rev-
I ,
Michael Gallagher , being first enues for the year 1996 ; and
duly sworn , depose and say that I am the owner , editor , publisher WHEREAS , the Council has considered
of The Post - Record , a weekly newspaper . That said newspaper is the City ' s anticipated financial requirements
a legal newspaper and has been approved as a legal newspaper b for the year 1996 and has determined at this
gpp gy time the estimated millage required to be
order of the superior court in the county in which it is published and raised by ad valorem taxes to finance same .
it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY
the publication hereinafter to , published in the English language ORDAINED by the Council of the City of
continuously as a weekly newspaper in Camas , Clark County , Camas as follows ;
Washington , and it is now and during all of said time was printed Section I
in an office maintained at the aforesaid lace of publication There is hereby levied against the tax-
P p able property in the City of Camas , Clark
County , Washington, designated as Camas
Code No ' s . 117 . 000 , 117 . 0029 117 . 023 ,
112 . 001 , and 117. 026 by the Assessor of said
of said newspaper , that the ORDINANCE NO . 2 0 4 4 county , a levy of $4, 716, 000 which is a levy of
3 . 60 mills on the estimated assessed valua -
tion of $ 1 ,310, 000, 000 for the purpose of
raising funds for the operation of the Gen-
eral Government and paying interest and
general obligation bond redemption of the
City of Camas .
Section II
a printed copy of which is hereto annexed , was published in the There is hereby levied against the tax-
entire issue of said newspaper for One able property in the City of Camas , Clark
County, Washington, designated as Camas
successive and consecutive weeks in the following issues ; Code No ' s . 117 . 000 , 117 . 0029 117 . 0239
5 19 9 5 112 . 001 , and 117. 026 by the Assessor of said
Issue date Dec . r county , a levy of $ 128 , 265 . 00 which is a levy
of approximately . 098 mills on the estimated
assessed valuation of $ 1 ,310, 000, 000 for the
Issue date purpose of raising funds for payment of
bonds and interest for the 1989 Park and
Recreation Facilities General Obligation
Bonds authorized by a vote of the electorate
Issue date - + . ,.,, of the City of Camas to be paid without limit
to the tax levy.
:i Section III
There is hereby levied against the tax-
Issue date able property in the City of Camas , Clark
ACounty, Washington , designated as Camas
Code No ' s . 117 . OU0 117 . 002 11 .
, , 7 023 ,
Issue date 112 . 001 , and 117. 026 by the Assessor of said
county, a levy of $327,500 which is a levy of
. 25 mills on the estimated assessed valuation
liof $ 1 ,310, 000 ,000 for the u ose of rovidIssue date p p
ing emergency medical services as autho-
rized by avote of the electorate of the City of
The fee charged for the above publication was : Camas .
Section IV
52 . 65 4That upon the adoption of this ordinance,
the Clerk shall certify a copy of same to the
Board of County Commissioners for Clark
County as required by R. 0 - W. 84 . 52 . 020.
- - Section V
blisher This ordinance shall be in force and take
effect five (5) days from and after its publica -
�� -�- > - tion according to law .
Subscribed and sworn to before me this PASSED by the Council and AP -
- PROVED by the Mayor this 27th day of
November, 1995 .
SIGNED : Dean Dossett
day of 19 ATTEST: /s /Joan M. Durgin
' APPROVED as to form :
/s/Roger D . Knapp
City Attorney
No . 3829—Dec . 5 , 1095
' Notary Public in and for the - - --- - - - - -
State of Washington ,
Residing at Camas , Washington
AT ' 0C�
121. S/�7 .�
• , a
616 Northeast Fourth Avenue
P. O . Box 1055
Camas , Washington 98607
Nov ,
Clark County Assessor
PO Box 5000
Vancouver , WA 98668
SUBJECT : Levy for ad valorem taxes for the fiscal year
ending December 31 , 1996
Stre t v on - tr
I have enclosed a true and accurate copy of Ordinance 2044 , which
was passed by the Camas City Council on November 27 , 1995 and
levies the the ad valorem taxes for the fiscal year ending December
31 , 1996 and Ordinance No . 2041 , which was passed on November
13 , 1995 which vacates a portion of NW 18 Street . The enclosed
copies are for your records .
If you have any questions or need additional information , please call
me at ( 360 ) 834 - 2462 .
very 'Truly Yours ,
PoanM . Durgin
Finance Director
Parks &
Administration Building Finance Fire Library Police Public Works Recreation
( 206 ) 834 - 6864 ( 206 ) 834- 8860 ( 206 ) 834- 2462 ( 206 ) 834- 2262 ( 206 ) 834- 4692 ( 2. 06 ) 834-4151 ( 206 ) 834 - 3451 ( 206 ) 834 - 7092