ORD 2037 06 OtA4 ORDINANCE NO . AN ORDINANCE providing for the vacation of a portion of N . E . 2nd Avenue . WHEREAS , by Resolution No . 774 adopted July 24 , 1995 , the City Council initiated proceedings to vacate a portion of N . E . 2nd Avenue as more particularly described hereafter , and WHEREAS , said resolution set the 14th day of August , 1995 , at 7 : 00 p . m . in the Council Chambers in the City Hall of Camas , Washington , as the time and place for a public hearing on said proposed vacation , and WHEREAS ` pursuant to said resolution , the City Clerk caused notices to be posted and mailed in accordance with the requirements of law , and WHEREAS , at the time and place set for said hearing , the Council considered the testimony of all persons commenting on said vacation , and WHEREAS , the Council finds that the portion of N . E . 2nd Avenue proposed. to be vacated is not currently being utilized for road purposes , and that there are no plans to improve said portion of N . E . 2nd Avenue for road purposes , and WHEREAS , the Council_ finds that one - half of the va 1_ ue of said portion of N . E . 2nd Avenue proposed to be vacated is $ 3 , 000 . 00 , now , therefore , THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMAS DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS . Section I The following described portion of N . E . 2nd Avenue be and the same is hereby vacated : Vacation of a portion of N . E . 2nd Avenue located Ira. Sectlon 11 , Township 1 North , Range 3 East , Willamette Meridian . Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 4 , Block 18 as shown on the Plat of La Camas as recorded to Book B at Page 25 , Records of Clark County , Washington , said point being the TRUE POINT OF BEGGINNING of th .i• s description ; Thence South 53 30 ' West along the northerly .right of way line of N . E . 2nd Avenue a distance of 100 . 00 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 3 , Block 18 ; Thence South 36 30 ' East a d. istanc: e of 70 . 00 0890 Ordinance No ., Page 2 feet to the southerly rightofway line of N . E . 2nd Avenue ;Thence North 53 30 ' East along said southerly right of way line a distance of 100 . 00 feet ; Thence North 36 30west a distance of 70 . 00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of this description . Said vacation tract containing 7 , 000 square feet , more or less . SUBJECT TO a 15 . 00 foot wide sanitary sewer easement .lying 7 . 50 feet on each side of the following described centerline : Beginning at said southeast corner of Lot 4 of Block 18 ; Thence South 360301 East a distance of 32 . 12 feeto said easement centerline ; Thence South 29 43 ' 15 " West a distance of 100 . 69 feet to the terminus of said easement centerline . Said easement tract containing 1 , 391 square feet , more or less . Section II Said vacation is subject to reservation of an easement for sanitary sewer as described above in Section I . Section III Said vacation is contingent upon the abutting property owner payi ng to the City of Camas the sum of $ 3 , 000 . 00 , which represents one - half of the value of said property . Section IV Said vacation is further subject to the abutting property , owner paying the cost of publication of this ordinance . Section V This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five ( 5 ) days from and after its publication according to .law . PASSED by the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this � .. day of September , 1995 . SIGNED . _ _ Mayor s ATTEST . -r- CleFrk f : - APPROVED s o f orm _ City Attorney 089 - � Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF CLARK ) ORDINANCE NO . 2037 AN ORDINANCE providing for the va - cation of a portion of N . E . 2nd Avenue . WHEREAS , by Resolution No . 774 I , Michael Gallagher , being first adopted July 24 , 1995 , the City Council mi - duly sworn , depose and say that I am the owner , editor , publisher tiated proceedings to vacate a portion of N . E . of The Post - Record , a weekly newspaper . That said newspaper is 2nd Avenue as more particularly described a legal newspaper and has been approved as a legal newspaper by hereafter, and WHEREAS , said resolution set the 14th order of the superior court in the county in which it is published and day of August, 1995 , at 7 : 00 p . m . in the it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of Council Chambers in the City Hall of Ca - the publication hereinafter to , published in the English language mas , Washington , as the time and place for a continuously as a weekly newspaper in Camas , Clark County , public hearing on said proposed vacation , Washington , and it iand s now and during all of said time was printed WHEREAS , pursuant to said resolution , in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication the City Clerk caused notices to be posted and mailed in accordance with the require - ments of law , and WHEREAS , at the time and place set for of said newspaper , that the ORDINANCE NO . 2037 said hearing, the Council considered the tes - timony of all persons commenting on said vacation, and WHEREAS , the Council finds that the portion of N . E . 2nd Avenue proposed to be vacated is not currently being utilized for road purposes , and that there are no plans to improve said portion of N . E . 2nd Avenue for 0AA% road purposes , and a printed copy of which is hereto annexed , was published in the WHEREAS , the Council finds that one - / J entire issue of said newspaper for One half of the value of said portion of N . E . 2nd successive and consecutive weeks in the following issues ; Avenue proposed to be vacated is $3 , 000. 00, ' now , therefore , � � Issue date Oct . 3 , 19 9 5 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY �% OF CAMAS DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS , Section I The following described portion of N . E . Issue date 2nd Avenue be and the same is hereby va - cated . Vacation of a portion of N . E . 2nd Avenue Issue date located in Section 11 , Township 1 North , Range 3 East , Willamette Meridian . Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 4, Block 18 as shown on the Plat of La Camas Issue date as recorded in Book B at Page 25 , Records of Clark County , Washington , said point being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of this description ; Thence South 53 °30 ' West along Issue date the northerly right of way line of N . E. 2nd Section III Said vacation is contingent upon the abut. Avenue a distance of 100 . 00 feet to the south - ting property owner paying to the City of west corner of Lot 3 , Block 18 ; Thence South Camas the sum of $3 , 000. 00, which repre - Issue date 36 °30 ' East a distance of 70. 00 feet to the sents one -half of the value of saidproperty . southerly right of way line of N. E . 2nd Av. Section IV enue ; Thence North 53 °30 ' East along said The fee charged for the above publication was : southerly right of way line a distance of Said vacation is further subject to the abutting property owner paying the cost of 67 . 27 100 . 00 feet ; Thence North 36 °30 ' West a publication of this ordinance . $ 1,, distance of 70 . 00 feet to the TRUE POINT Section V OF BEGINNING of this description . This ordinance shall take force and be in � - Said vacation tract containing 7 , 000 effect five (5) days from and after its publica - square feet, more or less . tion according to law . Publisher SUBJECT to a 15 . 00 foot wide sanitary PASSED by the Council and AP - ;�� sewer easement lying 7 . 50 feet on each side of PROVED by the Mayor this 25th day of / the following described centerline . Begin - September, 1995 . G�9 ning at said southeast corner of Lot 4 of SIGNED • Dean Dossett, Mayor Subscribed and sworn to before me this Block 18 ; Thence South 36 °30 ' East a dis - ATTEST : /s/Joan M . Durgin, Clerk tance of32 . 12 feet to said easement centerline ; I APPROVED as to form : Thence South 29 °43 ' 15 " West a distance of /s/Roger D . Knapp , City Attorney . 100 . 69 feet to the terminus of said easement No . 3778—Oct. 3 , 1995 day of 19 centerline . Said easement tract containing 1 ,391 square feet , more or less . Section II Notary Public in and for the Said vacation is subject to reservation of State of Washington , an easement for sanitary sewer as described above in Section L Residing at Camas , Washington PUBLICATION 1 - J '� HE FOLLOWING PUBLTCArIaN9. ORDINANCE NO . RESOLUTION NO . NOTICE WAS RECEIVED BY THE POST RECORD ON2:2 DATE AT FOR PUBLICATION ; . TIME DATE SIGNITURE OF PERSON RECEIVING PUBLICATION : CITY OF CAMAS 616 Northeast Fourth Avenue - P. Q . Box 1055 Camas , Washington 98607 November 1 , . 1995 Clark County Assessor PO Box 5000 Vancouver, WA 99607 . . _ RE : Street Vacations I have enclosed a true and accurate copy of Ordinance No . 2037 , which vacated a portion of NE Second Avenue, and was passed by the Camas City Council on September 25 , 1995 . This copy is for your records . In addition, our records do not show that you have been notified of the following street vacations : Ordinance No . 1768 Portion of NE Adams Street July9 , 1990 Ordinance No . 1801 Portion of NW Seventh Avenue March 25 , 1995 Ordinance No . 1855 Portion of SE Payne Road December 23 , 1991 Ordinance No . 1856 Portion of NE 22 Avenue December 23 , 1991 If you need more information regarding the above street vacations , please call me at ( 360) 834. 2462 . Sincerely, "A*, Joan M . Durgin Finance Director JMD/pob w Parks & Administration Building Finance Fire Library Police Public Works Recreation ( 360) 834-6864 ( 360 ) 834-8860 ( 360 ) 834- 2462 ( 360) 834 - 2262 ( 360) 834-- 4692 ( 360 ) 8344151 ( 360) 834-3451 ( 360 ) 834- 7092 yam:....-...�:. ..7'.. .:l :lr ,. ._.._ .«. . _.... . .�.. .�� ....�.�� ._ ._.� : .� _7•.... . _ .S. L•: , .. :1_.... _� . .. ... i::...+,: .� � �....-:a�. .r �ser . ... ...� . _ . _ _ . . __ _ _ �a,•�... � c. . .. . . _ �..w. ... r...r....+.�� �....��.....e . CITY OF CAMAS 616 Northeast Fourth Avenue --=_- _ - P. O . Box 1055 Camas , Washington 98607 INVOICE L . E . Dickerson Westhe FordmMercury , Inc . 314 NE Birch Street Camas WA 98607 INVOICE NO . 4162 DATE November 7 , 1995 DEPARTMENT Street - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Publication costs ( Ordinance No . 2037) for Street Vacation per Council approval August 28 , 1995 - a portion of NE 2nd Avenue , west of NE Cedar Street . 67 . 27 AMOUNT DUE 67 . 27 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 41 cc : Finance Department CG/INVOICE Parks & Administration Building Finance Fire Library Police Public Works Recreation ( 360 ) 834- 6864 ( 360 ) 834-8860 ( 360 ) 834- 2462 ( 360 ) 834- 2262 ( 360 ) 834-4692 ( 360 ) 8344151 ( 360 ) 834- 3451 ( 360 ) 834- 7092 - N - IN �� ? \ ,0O d IN i ' `', hktl `� It <ReIV O IN lite I jam. -� �O � - 0 0 toIt 19 'toot voott s oo < s�bN ,let It 65 .ttr , 1Op0 o • o° VA�A�ti BY ORp • �� LEGEND CITY OF CAMAS STREET VACATION CAMAS WASHINGTON SEWER EASEMENT - -- - - - STREET DEPARTMENT SEWER LINE VAGGON OF A FORM OF NE 2nd AVENUE RIGHT OF WAY SCALE: N.T. S. DATE: 9/5/95 SHEET: 1 / 1 DRAWN BY: WGH PROJECT NO. DRAWING N0. DESIGNED 6Y: 31 APPROVED BY. EDL i97