AN ORDINANCE appropriating $ 80 , 000 . 00 from
the Growth Management Act Capital Projects
Fund for the acquisition of additional park
land from . James River Corporation , and amending
the Budget of the City of Camas for the year
1994 to provide for such expenditure .
WHEREAS , the City has negotiated with James River Corporation
for the acquisition of approximately 2 . 5 acres on East Eighth Street
to be developed as additional park land , and
WHEREAS , the estimated cost of such acquisition is $ 80 , 000 . 00 ;
WHEREAS , such expense was not budgeted in the 1994 Budget , and
WHEREAS , there are sufficient unappropriated funds in the
Growth Management Act Capital Projects Fund to pay for such expenditure ,
now , therefore ,
Section I
The sum of $ 80 , 000 . 00 is hereby appropriated from unappropriated
funds in the Growth Management Act Capital Projects Fund to pay
for the acquisition of additional park property , and is allocated
as follows :
Line Item Account No . Amount
Land 300 00 594 760 61 $ 80 , 000 . 00
Section II
Ordinance 1965 and the Budget of the City of Camas for the
year 1994 are amended to provide for the aforestated expenditure .
Section III
This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five ( 5 )
its publication according to law .
days from and after
PASSED by the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this
day of October , 1994 .
APPROVED a to form .
City Attorney
Affidavit of Publication
I , Michael Gallagher , being first
duly sworn , depose and say that I am the owner , editor , publisher
of The Post - Record , a weekly newspaper . That said newspaper is
a legal newspaper and has been approved as a legal newspaper by ORDINANCE NO , 2006
order of the superior court in the county in which it is published and AN ORDINANCE appropriating
it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of $ 80, 000. 00 from the Growth Management
the publication hereinafter to , published in the English language Act Capital Projects Fund for the acquisi -
continuously as a weekly newspaper in Camas , Clark County , tion of additional park land from James
Washington , and it is now and during all of said time was printed River Corporation , and amending the Bud .
in an office maintained at the aforesaid lace of publication get of the City of Camas for the year 1994 to
P P provide for such expenditure .
WHEREAS , the City has negotiated with
James River Corporation for the acquisition
of approximately 2 . 5 acres on East Eighth
of said newspaper , that the ORDINANCE N O . 2006 Street to be developed as additional park
land , and
WHEREAS , the estimated cost of such
acquisition is $ 80 , 000 . 00 ; and
WHEREAS , such expense was not bud -
geted in the 1994 Budget , and
WHEREAS , there are sufficient
unappropriated funds in the Growth Man -
a printed co of which is hereto annexed was published in the agement Act Capital Projects Fund to pay
P Py � P for such expenditure , now , therefore,
entire issue of said newspaper for One BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL
successive and consecutive weeks in the following issues ; OF THE CITY OF CAMAS AS FOLLOWS :
Issue date Oct . 18 , 1994 Section I
The sum of $ 80 , 000 . 00 is hereby appro -
priated from unappropriated funds in the
Growth Management Act Capital Projects
Issue date Fund to pay for the acquisition of additional
park property , and is allocated as follows :
Line Item : Land ; Account No . : 300 00
Issue date 594 76161; Amount : $80, 000. 00 .
Section II
Ordinance 1965 and the Budget of the
City of Camas for the year 1994 are amended
Issue date to provide for the aforestated expenditure .
Section III
This ordinance shall take force and be in
Issue date effect five (5) days from and after its publica -
tion according to law .
PASSED by the Council and AP =
Issue date PROVED VED by the Mayor this 10th day of
4 .
OctoThe fee charged for the above publication was : SIGNED : Dean Dossett, Mayor
ATTEST : /s/Joan M . Smith , Clerk
$ 31 . 98 APPROVED as to form :
/s/Roger D . Knapp
City Attorney
No . 3548—Oct . 18 , 1994
Pub ' her
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
day of , 19NOV
Notary Public in and for the r ; 'SOONitv :£
State of Washington ,
Residing at Camas , Washington