AN ORDINANCE amending Chapter 2 . 12 of the Camas
Municipal Code by combining the positions of Parking
Enforcement Officer and Part - Time Clerk in the Police
Department , by providing for the appointment of the
Parking Enforcement Officer/Clerk from eligibility
lists submitted by the Civil Service Commission of
the City of Camas , and appointing the current incumbent
to the newly created position of Parking Enforcement
Officer/Clerk .
Section I
The Council makes the following findings :
A . The City currently maintains a part - time parking enforcement
officer position and a part - time clerical position in the Police
Department .
B . The Council has determined that it is in the best interests
of the City to combine the two part- time positions into a full - time
position to be known as the Parking Enforcement Officer /Clerk position .
C . Washington law requires that all full - time positions within
the Police Department be part of the classified civil service system ,
and that appointments to such positions be made only on the basis
of merit ascertained by open competitive examination .
D . Washington law further provides that open competitive
examinations were not required for the appointment of persons employed
in a police department at the time civil service was implemented .
E . The rationale for the appointment of existing police officers
without competitive examination was to prevent any delay , injury
or interruption in the public service .
F . The rationale of state law for dispensing with an open
competitive examination for police officers at the time civil service
was implemented is equally applicable to the merger of the part - time
parking enforcement officer and part - time clerk positions .
Section II
Section 2 . 12 . 020 of the Camas Municipal Code is amended to
provide as follows :
2 . 2 . 020 - Personnel - Positions Designated . The positions
within the Police Department shall be chief , captain ,
Ordinance No . 194 Page 2
sergeant , corporal , police officer , social service
specialist , parking enforcement officer/clerk , and
administrative personnel . The number of positions
in each classification shall be as the Council may
provide from time to time . The positions of social
service specialist , parking enforcement officer/ clerk ,
and administrative personnel shall not be law enforce -
ment officers as defined by Chapter 41 . 26 of the
Revised Code of Washington .
The department may have a reserve membership . Each
police reserve shall be required to pass a thorough
background , medical and physical examination in
order to be eligible to serve as a police reserve .
Section III
Section 2 . 12 . 030 of the Camas Municipal Code is amended to
provide as follows :
2 . 12 . 030 - Personnel - Appointment . All full paid employees
of the Police Department ,. except the chief , shall
be appointed by the Mayor selected from an eligibility
list submitted by the Civil Service Commission
of the city . The other personnel of the Police
Department shall be appointed by the Mayor . The
membership of the police reserve shall be selected
by members of that group , subject to the approval
and appointment by the chief .
Section IV
Section 2 . 12 . 060 of the Camas Municipal Code is hereby repealed .
Section V
Section 2 . 36 . 010A of the Camas Municipal Code is amended to
provide as follows :
2 . 36 . 010 - Classified Civil Service System Established -
Applicability - Basis for Appointments and Promotions .
A . There is established a classified civil service
system for the Police and Fire Departments
of the city . The provisions of the classified
civil service system shall apply to all full
paid members of the Police and Fire Departments
of the city , except the police chief and fire
chief . the term " full paid members " means
regularly commissioned police officers and
firefighters who are employed full time and
paid regularly by the city , and who devote
their entire duty time to police , fire or emer -
gency service . The term " full paid members "
shall also include the social service specialist ,
the parking enforcement officer/ clerk , and
clerical and administrative personnel of the
police and fire departments who are employed
full time and paid regularly by the city , and
who devote their entire duty time to police ,
fire , or emergency service .
Section VI
In order to prevent delay , injury , or interruption in the
Ordinance No . Page 3
public service , the person currently occupying the position of
part - time clerk in the Police Department and currently serving
as temporary parking enforcement officer is hereby eligible for
permanent employment under civil service to the position of Parking
Enforcement Officer/Clerk . Such appointment shall be without open
competitive examination and without probation , and such person
so appointed shall be inducted permanently into civil service as
completely and effectually , and to all intents and purposes as
if such person had been permanently appointed thereto under civil
service after examination and investigation .
Section VII
This ordinance shall be published according to law and shall
take force and effect five ( 5 ) days from and after its publication .
PASSED by the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this
day of September , 1994 .
ATTEST : 47ric /�
APPROVED as to form :
City Attorney
Section I chief and Bre chief. The term "run paid
The Council makes the following find- embers" means regularly commissioned
ings: police officers and firefighters who are em-
Affidavit of Publication A. The City currently maintains a part- ployed full time and paid regularly by the
time parking enforcement officerand a part- city, and who devote their entire duty time to
time clerical position in the Police Depart- police, Bre or emergency service. The term
ment. "full paid members" shall also include the
B. The Council has determined that it is social service specialist, the parking en force-
in the best interests of the City to combine merit officer/clerk, and clerical and adminis-
STATE OF WASHINGTON ) the two part-time positions into a full-time trative personnel of the police and tire de-
positiontobe knownas the Parking Enforce- partments who are employed fun time and
COUNTY OF CLARK ) merit Officer/Clerk position. paid regularly by the city, and who devote
C. Washington law requires that all full- their entire duty time to police, fire, or emer.
time positions within the Police Department gency service.
be part of the classified civil service system, Section VI
I, Michael Gallagher , being first and that appointments to such positions be In order to prevent delay, injury, or in-
duly sworn, depose and say that I am the owner, editor, publisher made only on the basis of merit ascertained terruption in the public service, the person
by open competitive examination. currently occupying the position of part-
of The Post-Record, a weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is D. Washington law further provides that time clerk in the Police Department public
a legal newspaper and has been approved as a legal newspaper by open competitive examinations were not re- service, the person currently occupying the
order of the superior court in the county in which it is published and quired for the appointment of persons em- position of part-time clerk in the Police De-
it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of ployed in a police department at the time partment and currently serving as tempo-
the publication hereinafter to, published in the English language civil service was implemented. rary parking enforcement officer is hereby
E. The rationale for the appointment of eligible for permanent employment under
continuously as a weekly newspaper in Camas, Clark County, existing police officers without competitive civil service to the position of Parking En-
Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed examination was to prevent any delay, in- forcement Officer/Clerk. Such appointment
in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication jury or interruption in the public service. shall be without open competitive examina-
F. The rationale of state law for dispens- tion and without probation, and such person
ing with an open competitive examination so appointed shall be inducted permanently
for police officers at the time civil service was into civil serviceascompletelyandeHecm-
implemented is equally applicable to the any, and to all intents and purposes as if such
of said newspaper, that the ORDINANCE NO . 1997 merger of the part-time parking enforce- person had been permanently appointed
ment officer and part-time clerk positions. thereto under civil service after examination
Section II and investigation.
Section 2.12.020 of the Camas Municipal Section VII
Code is amended to provide as follows: This ordinance shall be published ac-
2.12.012—Personnel—Positions Desig- cording to law and shall take force and effect
noted. The positions within the Police De- five (5) days from and after its publication.
partment shall be chief, captain, sergeant, PASSED by the Council and AP-
a printed copy of which is hereto annexed, was published in the corporal, police officer, social service spe- PROVED by the Mayor this 12th day of
entire issue of said newspaper for One cialist, parking enforcement officer/clerk, September 1994.
successive and consecutive weeks in the following issues; and administrative personnel. The number SIGNED: Dean Dossed, Mayor
of positions in each classification shall be as ATTEST: /s/Joan M. Smith, Clerk
Issue date Sept . 20 , 1994 the Council may provide from time to time. APPROVED as to form:
Thepositionsof social servicespecialist, park- /s/Roger D. Knapp
ing enforcement officer/clerk, and adminis. City Attorney
trative personnel shall not be law enforce- No. 3526—Sept. 20, 1994
Issue date ment officers as defined by Chapter 41.26 of
the Revised Code of Washington. --- - - -
The department may hav e a reserve mem-
Issue date bership. Each police reserve shall be re-
quiredtopassathoroughbackground, medi-
cal and physical examination in order to be
eligible to serve as a police reserve.
Issue date Section ItI
Section 2.12.030 of the Camas Municipal
Code is amended to provide as follows:
Issue date 2.12.030—Personnel—Appointment An
full paid employees of the Police Depart-
ment, except the chief, shall be appointed by
Church, 4020 M St., holds a senior list
Issue date ;oup and bread lunch on the thirdsion
Friday of each month at the church . yor.
The fee charged for the above publication was: Admission is free. hall
$ 90o 61 Anyone needing a ride to the lunch tithe
can call the church at 835 -3494 .
u fisher
40 uc
— cos:
Subscribed rid sworn to before me this _ -'for
gyp„ - asfs for
Appointments and Promotions.
A. There is established a classified civil
day of , 19 service system for the Police and Fire De-
partments of the city. The provisions of the
classified civil service system shall apply to
all full paid members of the Police. and Fire
Notary Public in and for the Departments of the city, except the police
State of Washington,
Residing at Camas, Washington