ORD 1994 ORDINANCE NO . AN ORDINANCE providing for the submission to the voters of the City of Camas of a proposition authorizing an excess property tax levy at the rate of $ 0 . 25 per $ 1 , 000 . 00 of assessed valuation for six ( 6 ) consecutive years commencing in 1995 for the purpose of funding an Emergency Medical Services Program . WHEREAS , the City of Camas has _in con junction with the City of Washougal , Clark County Fire Protection District No . 1 , and Clark County Fire Protection District No . 9 , operated a combined. Emergency Medical Services Program , and WHEREAS , the funding for said program expires at the end of 1994 and additional funds will thereafter be required to continue said Emergency Medical Services Program , and WHEREAS , the elected officials of said cities and fire districts have agreed that it will be desirable to continue such Emergency Medical Services Program , and WHEREAS , there will not be sufficient funds from general taxation to pay the Cid Emergency ty ' s pro - rata share of the cost of sal Medical Services Program , and WHEREAS , it will be necessary to submit a proposition to the voters of the City of Camas for an excess property tax levy as authorized by RCW 84 . 59 . 069 , now , therefore , THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMAS DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : Section I The Council of the City of Camas hereby declares a need exists requiring the calling of an election , and the County Auditor of Clark County , Ex - Officio Supervisor of Elections for said county , is hereby requested to find and declare the existence of a need for an election . Said County Auditor is further requested and directed to call and conduct an election in the City of Camas in the manner provided by law , to be held therein on September 20 , .1994 , between the hours of 7 : 00 a . m . and 8 : 00 p . m . ( Pacific Daylight Time ) for the purpose of submitting to the electors of the City of Camas for their approval or rejection , a question whether or Ordinance No . Page 2 not a tax levy shall be made upon all the taxable property within the limits of the City of Camas at the rate of $ 0 . 25 per $ 1 , 000 . 00 of excessed valuation in excess of the maximum tax levy provided by law for Non - Charter Code Cities , the proceeds thereof to be used for the sole purpose of continuing the operation and maintenance of the Emergency Medical Services Program . Section II The " Ballot Title " of the aforesaid proposition shall be as follows : PROPOSITION NO . EMERGENCY MEDICAL PROGRAM EXCESS LEVY Shall the City of Camas renew an existing emergency medical services property tax levy of $ 0 . 25 per $ 1 , 000 . 00 of assessed valuation for six ( 6 ) consecutive years com - mencing in 1995 with the proceeds thereof to be used to continue provision of emergency medical services ? TAX LEVY , Yes . . . TAX LEVY , No . . . . Section III The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to certify said proposition to the Supervisor of Elections for Clark County , ith and as provided by law . Washington , forthw Section IV The County Supervisor of Elections and / or the City Clerk is hereby authorized , directed and empowered to cause notices of such election to be given for the time and in the manner and form provided by the laws of the State of Washington , and the ordinances of the City of Camas , and to take all other steps necessary and proper to bring about and carry on such election . Section V This ordinance shall be in force and effective five ( 5 ) days from and after its publication according to law . PASSED by the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this �J day of July , 1994 , 40ara SIGNED : 9 Mayor ATTEST : C er APPRbVE o form : d L City Attorney PROPOSED BALLOT TITLE EMERGENCY MEDICAL PROGRAM EXCESS LEVY Shall the City of Camas renew an existing emergency medical services property tax levy of $ 0 . 25 per $ 1 , 000 . 00 of assessed valuation for six ( 6 ) consecutive years com - mencing in 1995 with the proceeds thereof to be used to continue provision of emergency medical services ? TAX LEVY , Yes . . . TAX LEVY , No . . . . F1 CrIUNTY CL ARK WA SH I IV G T O IV r : AUDITOR LIZ LUCE August 9 , 1994 City of Camas Dale E . Scarbrough, City Clerk P . 0 . Box 1055 Camas WA 98601 `7 PRIMARY ELECTION - September 20 , 1994 This is to inform you that the Clark County Elections Department has received the City of Camas , Clark County, Washington, Ordinance No . 1994 for submission of PROPOSITION NO . 1 , City of Camas , Emergency Medical Program Excess Levy, " Shall the City of Camas renew an existing emergency medical services property tax levy of $ 0 . 25 per $ 1 , 000 . 00 of assessed valuation for six ( 6 ) consecutive years commencing in 1995 with the proceeds thereof to be used exclusively to continue provision of emergency medical services " , to be presented at the September 20 , 1994 election . The ordinance arrived in our office on July 28 , 1994 . Our reception of the above - mentioned resolution is hereby confirmed . The Washington State Public Disclosure commission has requested they be notified when any ballot measures are submitted to the Auditor' s Office . They have further advised that any political committee formed to support or oppose a ballot measure must be sure to file the proper P . D . C . forms . If you know of any political committee actively supporting or opposing this measure , please have them contact the Elections Department for the proper P . D . C . forms . If you have any questions or comments , please call the Elections Department at 699 - 2345 . Virginia Maxwell , Administrative Assistant Elections Department cc : Public Disclosure Commission 1200 FRANKLIN STREET • P. O . BOX 5000 • VANCOUVER , WASHINGTON 9B666 - 5000 [ 206 ] 653 - 2241 • FAX [206 ] 737 - 6007 Affi davit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF CLARK ) ORDINANCE NO . 1994 AN ORDINANCE providing for the sub - ' mission to the voters of the City of Camas of I , Michael Gallagher , being first dui sworn depose and say that I am the owner , editor , publisher a proposition authorizing an excess prop = p y , p erty tax levy at the rate of $0 .25 per $ 1 , 000 . 00 of The Post - Record , a weekly newspaper . That said newspaper is of assessed valuation for six (6) consecutive a legal newspaper and has been approved as a legal newspaper by years commencing in 1995 for the purpose of rejection , a question whether or not a tax order of the superior court in the county in which it is published and funding an Emergency Medical Services levy shall be made upon all the taxable prop = it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of Program . erty within the limits of the City of Camas at the publication hereinafter to , published in the English language WHEREAS , the City of Camas has in the rate of $ 0 . 25 per $ 1 , 000 . 00 of excessed , conjunction with the City of Washougal , valuation in excess of the maximum tax levy continuously as a weekly newspaper in Camas , Clark County , Clark County Fire Protection District No . 1 , provided by law for Non - Charter Code Cit - Washington , and it is now and during all of said time was printed and Clark County Fire Protection District ies , the proceeds thereof to ban used for the in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication No . 9, operated a combined Emergency Medi- sole purpose of continuing the operation and cal Services Program , and maintenance of the Emergency Medical Ser. WHEREAS , the funding for said pro - vices Program . gram expires at the end of 1994 and addi - Section II tional funds will thereafter be required to The " Ballot Title " of the aforesaid propo - of said newspaper , that the ORDINANCE N O . 1994 continue said Emergency Medical Services sition shall be as follows : Program , and PROPOSITION NO . WHEREAS , the elected officials of said EMERGENCY MEDICAL PROGRAM cities and fire districts have agreed that it EXCESS LEVY will be desirable to continue such Emer- Shall the City of Camas renew an exist - i gency Medical Servces Program , and ing emergency medical services property tax WHEREAS , there will not be sufficient levy of $0 . 25 per $ 1 , 000 . 00 of assessed valu - funds from general taxation to pay the City ' s ation for six (6) consecutive years commenc - a printed copy of which is hereto annexed , was published in the pro - rata share of the cost of said Emergency ing in 1995 with the proceeds thereof to be entire issue of said newspaper for One Medical Services Program , and used to continue provision of emergency successive and consecutive weeks in the following issues ; WHEREAS , it will be necessary to sub - medical services ? mit a proposition to the voters of the City of TAXES LEVY , Yes . . . Issue date August 2 , 1994 Camas - for an excess property tax levy as TAXES LEVY , No . . . 0 authorized by RCW 84 . 59 . 069 , now , there - Section III fore , The City Clerk is hereby authorized and THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF directed to certify said proposition to the Issue date CAMAS DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : Supervisor of Elections for Clark County , Section I Washington , forthwith and as provided by The Council of the City of Camas hereby law . Issue date declares a need exists requiring the calling of Section IV an election , and the County Auditor of Clark The County Supervisor of Elections and/ County , Ex- Officio Supervisor of Elections or the City Clerk is hereby authorized , di - for said county , is hereby requested to find rected and empowered to cause notices of Issue date and declare the existence of a need for an such election to be given for the time and in election . Said County Auditor is further re - the manner and form provided by the laws of quested and directed to call and conduct an the State of Washington , and the ordinances Issue date election in the City of Camas in the manner of the City of Camas , and to take all other provided by law , to be held therein on Sep - steps necessary and proper to bring about tember 20 , 1994 , between the hours of 7 : 00 and carry on such election . a . m . and 8 : 00 p . m . (Pacific Daylight Time) Section V Issue date for the purpose of submitting to the electors This ordinance shall be in force and ef- of the City of Camas for their approval or fective five (5) days from and after its publi - The fee charged for the above publication was : cation according to law . PASSED by the Council and AP - $ 6 6 . 6 3 PROVED by the Mayor this 25th day of July , 1994 . SIGNED : Dean Dossett , Mayor ATTEST : /s/ Dale E . Scarbrough Clerk Publishe APPROVED as to form : /s/Roger D . Knapp , City Attorney No . 3507 August 2 , 1994 Subscribed and sworn to before me this da of ,, y 1994 Notary Public in and for the State of Washington , Pq Residing at Camas , Washington PUBLICATION THE FOLi, OWING PUBLICATION : ORDINANCE NO . IqCIL RESOLUTION NO , NOTICE WAS RECEIVED BY THE POST RECORD ON C2& qq - DATE A `r FOR PUBLICATION � � TIME DATE SIGNITURE OF PERSON RECEIVING PUBLICATION :