ORD 1991 ORDINANCE NO . AN ORDINANCE amending Chapter 13 . 86 of the Camas Municipal Code by implementing a voluntary yard waste recycling program for residences with - in the City of Camas , and establishing rates for such collection service . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMAS DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : Section I There is hereby added to Section 13 . 86 . 010 of the Camas Municipal Code the following definitions Ll k 13 - 86 . 010 - Definitions . ' 1 . " Yard debris " shall mean grass clippings , leaves , weeds , prunings , brush and vegetative materials up to four ( 4 ) inches in diameter and five ( 5 ) feet in length originating on the served property . 2 . " Yard debris container " shall mean a 90 - gallon roller can with a weight limit of 200 pounds designed for automated collection of yard debris . 3 . " Yard debris extra containers " shall mean a 30 - gallon can , kraft bags , or bundles tied with twine or string . Plastic bags are not permitted . Section II There is hereby added to Chapter 13 . 86 of the Camas Municipal Code a new section to provide as follows : 13 . 86 . 020 - Residential Yard Debris Recycling . There is estab - lished a voluntary system for the collection of yard debris generated by residential dwellings within the service area of the City . Any person who owns any residential dwelling within the service area may enroll with the City to have yard debris collected , transported , and disposed of . Persons enrolling in the yard waste recycling program will be furnished a yard debris container by the City . Section III There is hereby added to Chapter 13 . 86 of the Camas Municipal Code a new section to provide as follows : 13 . 86 . 065 - Rates For Yard Debris Collection . The rates for collection of recyclable yard debris shall be as follows : A . Basic Service . Basic yard debris service shall include the pick up of one ( 1 ) yard debris container every other week for ten ( 10 ) months , and once per month for the months of December and January . The rate for basic service shall be $ 5 . 00 per month for the months of March through December . Ordinance No . Page 2 B . Excess Material . Yard debris set out in excess of the basic service amount shall be charged at the rate of $ 2 . 00 per 30 - gallon can or kraft bag , and $ 10 . 00 per cubic loose yard . Co On - Call Service . On - call service is available for customers who only want occasional pick up . The charge for on - call service shall be at the rate of $ 3 . 00 per 30 - gallon can or kraft bag with a $ 6 . 00 minimum charge for pick up , and $ 12 . 00 per loose cubic yard . D . Restart Fee . Customers who stop , and then restart yard debris recycling services without having completed one ( 1 ) year shall be charged an $ 18 . 00 restart fee . Section IV This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five ( 5 ) days from and after its publication according to law . PASSED by he Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this NEW day of 1994 . SIGNED . 07 M or ATTEST . 111) /06 r K APPROVED to form . tF Ci � y Attorney ORDINANCE NO , 1991 AN ORDINANCE amending Chapter 13 . 86 of the Camas Municipal Code by Affidavit of Publication mentin voluntary and waste recycling g a � ry y program for residences within the City of Camas, and establishing rates for such col - lection service . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF STATE OF WASHINGTON ) CAMAS DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS , Section I COUNTY OF CLARK ) There is hereby added to Section 13 . 86. 010 of the Camas Municipal Code the following definitions . 13 . 86. 010—Definitions : I . "Yard debris " shall mean grass clip- I , Michael C� G �. l_ a qhe r , beingMINE first pings, leaves, weeds, prunings , brush and duly sworn , depose and say that I am the owner , editor , publisher vegetative materials up to four (4) inches in of The Post - Record , a weekly newspaper . That said newspaper is diameter and five (5) feet in length originat- a legal newspaper and has been approved as a legal newspaper by ing on the served property . order of the superior court in the county in which it is published and 2 . " Yard debris container" shall mean a it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of 90 -gallon roller can with a weight limit of 200 pounds designed for automated collec - the publication hereinafter to , published in the En lish language tion of yard debris , continuously as a weekly newspaper in Camas , Clark County , 3 . " Yard debris extra containers " shall Washington , and it is now and during all of said time was printed mean a 30 -gallon can , kraft bags , or bundles in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication tied with twine or string. Plastic bags are not permitted . Section II There is hereby added to Chapter 13 . 86 of the Camas Municipal Code a new section of said newspaper , that the ORDINANCE NO . 19 91 to provide as follows : i 13 . 86. 020—Residential Yard Debris Re - cycling. There is established a voluntary sys - tem for the collection of yard debris gener- ated by residential dwellings within the ser- vice area of the City . Any person who owns any residential dwelling within the service area may enroll with the City to have yard a printed copy of which is hereto annexed , was published in the debris collected , transported , and disposed entire issue of said newspaper for One of. Persons enrolling in the yard waste recy - successive and consecutive weeks in the following issues ; being program will be furnished a yarddew 6*% is container by the City . Issue date July 5 1994 Section IIIThere is hereby added to Chapter 13 . 86 of the Camas Municipal Code a new section to provide as follows : 13 . 86. 065—Rates For Yard Debris eol - Issue date lection . The rates for collection of recyclable yard debris shall be as follows : A. Basic Service . Basic yard debris ser- Issue date vice shall include the pick up of one ( 1 ) yard debris container every other week for ten ( 10) months , and once per month for the months of December and January . The rate Issue date I for basic service shall be $5 . 00 per month for the months of March through December. B . Excess Material . Yard debris set out in Issue date 414310 excess of the basic service amount shall be e charged at the rate of $2 . 00 per 30 -gallon can or kraft bag, and $ 10. 00 per cubic loose yard . C . On - Call Service . On - call service is Issue dates available for customers who only want occam , . sional pick up . The charge for on - call service The fee charged for the above publication was : �� ~ �� . shall be at the rate of $3 . 00 per30- gallon can or kraft bag with a $6. 00 minimum charge $ 5 3 . 3 O �57 s-- : t for pick up, and $ 12 . 00 per loose cubic yard . - D . Restart Fee . Customers who stop , and •�' ` then restart yard debris recycling services without having completed one ( 1 ) year shall j be charged an $ 18 . 00 restart fee . ub ' sher Section IV This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five (5) days from and after its publica - �-- Subscribed and sworn to before me this tion according to law . PASSED by the Council and AP - PROVED by the Mayor this 27th day of June , 1994 , day of 119 SIGNED : Dean Dossett , Mayor ATTEST : /s/Dale E . Scarbrough , Clerk APPROVED as to form : /s/Roger D . Knapp Notary Public in and for the City Attorney State of Washington , No . 3491 July 5 , 1994 Residing at Camas , Washington PUBLICATION THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATION : ORDINANCE NO . RESOLUTION NO . NOTICE a WAS RECEIVED BY THE POST RECORD ON DATE AT70` t3 - Ck. � OR PUBLICATION TIME TE SIGNITURE OF PERSON RECEIVING PUBLICATION :