INDEX of ORDINANCES NO 1 through 15-027Page l !Jo. Subject 1. 2. J. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. lO. ll. l2. lJ. l4. l5. l6. Sidewalk-width Sidewalk-repair YJisdemeanors-disorderly conduct Dogs-licensing Nuisances-defining Sidewalk-width Swine-at large Sidewalks-width Sidewalks-width Elections-notice & regulation Council meeting-time & place Elections-returns Sidewalks-width Licenses -business Liquor-regulation-license L.I.D. No. l l7. * L.I.D. No. 2 l8. Bicycles-regulation l9. Animals-at large 20. L.I.D. Ho. 3 Amended or Date Enacted Amends or Repeals Application Repealed by: Action rn/l6/o6 l0/23/06 l0/23/ 06 ll/l3/06 ll/7/o6 ll/27/06 l2/l8/o6 l/l5/07 2/26/07 5/14/07 5/ll>/07 6/25/07 6/25/07 11/36/07 Amends #l Amends #l & 6 Amends #l & 6 Amends #l & 6 G -p G - P G -p G - P G -p G - P G - P G -p G - P G -p G -p G -p G - P G -p G - P S - T S - T G -p G - P S - T Repealed by 825 ,/ Exclude Repealed by 825 Exclude Amended by 470 Repealed by 825 Exclude Sections 2 & 4 amended by l60 Repealed by 825 ·. Exclude Repealed by 825 Exclude Repealed by 825· Exclude Repealed by 825 Exclude Repealed by 825 Exclude Repealed by 825 Exclude Repealed by 825 Exclude Repealed by 748 Exclude Repealed by 825 Exclude Repealed by 825 Exclude Repealed by 367 Exclude Repealed by J67 Exclude Exclude Exclude Implied amend-Exclude ment by 80, Repealed by 351 Lmplied repeal by Exclude Ord. No 1 s. 47 & ll6 . Exclude Page 2 Amended or No_. ____ Qll bi e ct ___ Date Enacted Amends or Repeals Application Repealed by: Action 2l. L.I.D. No. 4 S -T Exclude 22. Franchise-tramway S -T Not accepted Exclude 23. Franchise-railroad 12/24/07 s -p Exclude 24. Grades-establishing 08 G -p Exclude ,/ 25. Streets-vacating 1/4/08 s -p Exclude 26. Franchise-tramway & railroad-2/25/08 (App.) s -p Exclude city street 27. Prohibiting minors in certaiL placecl 4/27/08 (App.) 28. Franchise-poage-telephone Temp. Exclude 29. Est. L.I.D. No. 4 5/26/08 (App.) Special Exclude JO. Est. L.I.D. No. 5 5/26/08 (App.) Special Exclude 31. Est. L.I.D. No. 6 7 /14/08 (App.) Special Exclude 32. Est. L.I.D. No. 7 7/14/08 (App.) Special Exclude 33. Est. L.I.D. No. 8 7 /14/08 (App.) Special Exclude J4. Est. L.I.D. ~To. 9 7 /14/oe Special Exclude 35. Reg.-sale & use of firearms & 2 /11/08 (App.) G -P Repealed by 825 Exclude fireworks Sec. 2 amended by 165 36. Est. width of sidewalks & 7/28/oe (App.) G -p Repealed by 825 Exclude material which to be built 37. Est. L.I.D. No. 10 11/24/08 Special Exclude 38. Est. L. I.D. No. 11 11/24/08 Special Exclude 39. Est. L.I.D. !lo. 12 11/24/08 Special Exclude ,/ 40. Franchise-Parker telephone 2/23/09 Temp. Exclude / 41. Franchise-Cottrell electricity 2/23/09 Temp. Exclude Page 3 Amended or No. Subject -------Date Enacted Amends or Repeals Application Repealed by: Action 42. Est. L.I.D. No. l3 5/25/09 Special Exclude 43. 44. Est. L.I.D. No. 14 11/9 /09 Special Exclude 45. Est. L.I.D. No. 15 l/11/10 Special Exclude 46. Re-Est. Grade 3rd St. 5/12/10 (Pub.) s -p 47. Prevent animals to run at large 5/25/lO G - p Repealed by 825 / Exclude 48. Prevent certain people on street G -p Amended by 524 Exclude after hours Repealed by 689 49. Est. L.I.D. No, 16 Special Exclude 50. Est. L.I.D. No. l7 Special Exclude 51. Grades-establishing 6/8/10 s - p Repealed by 336 / Exclude ( 52. l1onuments-(corners)establishing 6/8/lo s -p Exclude "' 53. Grades-establishing 8/15/lO s - p Exclude 54. Est. L. I. D. No. l8 8/30/lO s - T Exclude 55. Est. L.I.D. noG l9 8/30/lO s - T Exclude v 56. Grades-establishing 9/6/lO s - p Exclude 57. 58. SidewalksTconstruction of on 9/27 /lo G -p Repealed by 825 Exclude certain streets 59. Est. L.I.D. No. 20 9/27/10 s - T Exclude y 60. Vacation of part of Columbia St. l0/25/10 s - p Exclude 61. Intoxicating liquors-regulation l/10/ll G - p Repealed by 367 Exclude 62. Saloons-excluding mirrors 1/24/ll G - p Implied repeal Exclude by 388 STANDARD B & P "NQ!§AR" STANDARD B & P "NQI Page 4 No. Subject Amended or Date Enacted Amends or Repe als Application Repealed by: Action Indexed 63. ,/ 64. Ill' 65. ./66. 67. 68. 70. 71. 72. 73. ¥74 . 75. 76. 77. 78 . { 79, 80. Franchise-Mt. Hoo d electtic Franchise N.W. Electric Franchise-Mt. Hood Electric Licenses-business T Regu l ations for establishing , assessing & financing L .I.D. Est. L.I.D. No. 21 Est. L.I.D. No. 22 Est. L.I.D. No. 23 2 /28/ll 3/14/11 2/28/11 4/11/11 4/25/11 ~./25/ll 4/25/11 4/25/ll Nuisances -sa nitary 4/25/ll Card rooms, pool rooms , gambling -4/l~./11 age & hours Est. L.I.D. No. 27 5/23/11 Est. L.I.D. No. 25 4/3/ll Gra des 5/9/11 Sidewalks 8/22/11 Signs-regulating Bicycles & motorcycles- regula ting 6/13/11 7/25/11 7/25/11 Re peal s #63 Re p eals Sec. 2, Ordinance 14 Amends 18 by implication S -T S -T S -T G -p S - T S - T S - T G -p G -p S -T S - T s -p G -p G -p G -p S -T Repealed by 65 Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclude Re pealed by 825 Exclude Exc l ude Exclude Exc l ude Repealed by 825 Exclude Amended by 197 Sec.6 amended b y 120 Include (IV-K) / Sec.6 amended by 164 ~ended by 288 lf~~~dy~ ffrr7€Y io10 Repealed by 1175 Exclude Exclude Exclude Repealed by 825 i..-Exclude Include (VI-A) ( Repealed by 825 Exclude Ex c lude Page 6 No. ___ _sg_bj ect lOl. Dancing-regulating 102. Dancing-license lOJ. Est. L. I. D. No. 36 104. Clean up Day 105. Est. L.I.D. No. JS 106. Est. L.I.D. No. 39 107. Vagrancy-defining & prohibiting Amended or Date Enacted Amends or Repeals Application Repealed by: Action Indexed 6/11/12 6/11/12 (App.) 6/25/12 (App.) 7/9/12 7 /23/12 (App.) 7/23/12 (App.) 9/10/12 G -P G -p S -T G -P S - T S - T G -P Repealed by 825 Exclude Sec.2 amended by 118 Repealed by 367 Exclude Exclude Repealed by 825 Exclude Exclude Exclude Repealed by 825 Exclude 108. Regulating L.I.D. bonds, contracts,9/24/12 See Ord. #68 G -p Amended by 203 Repealed by 825 levies & assessments 109. Approv. Assm't. Roll-L.I.D. 35 9/24/12 (App.) S - T 110. lll. 112. ,/ 113. / 114. 115. Approv. Assm 1 t. Roll-L.I.D. 36 Est. L.I.D. No. ~,2 Est. L.I.D. No. 43 Franchise-electric wires, C.Z. Franchise-hydrant line, C.Z. Firearms-regulation of use by minors / 116. Livestock-at large v 117. 118. v 119. 120. -./ 12l. Firearms & explosives-111inors Dance License-fee Limiting Time of Completion- Sewer connection Dancing-regulation Streets & sewers-permit to tap 9/24/12 (App.) 9/27/12 (Pub.) 9/27/12 (Pub.) 9/24/12 9/24/12 10/8/12 10/22/12 See. Ord .#19, 47 1/14/13 See.Ord.#115 1/14/13 Amends Sec. 2, Ordinance 102 1/14/13 (App.) S - T S -T S -T G -T G -T G -p G -p G -p G -P G -P 1/28/13 3/11/13 Expressly amends G -P Ord.74, Sec. §. G -P Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclude Repealed by 825 Exclude Include (v-D) v Include (VI-C) J Repealed by 130 ,-Exclude Include (III~A) Repealed by 825 Exclude Repealed by 903• Include (III-A) STANDARD 8 & P "N~Rtt STANDARD B & P "NQffiAR" Page 7 Amended or No. Subject Date Enacted . Amends or Re12eals A02lication Re12ealed b:r:: Action I ndexed l22. Est. L.I.D. No. 43 4/8/13 (App.) S - T Amended by 124 Excl ude 123. Never passed 124. Amends Ord. 122 5/27 /lJ (App.) Amends Ord. 122 S -T Exclude 1 25 . Reg. speed of R.R. over Sts. 6/lJ/lJ (Pub.) G -p Repealed by 173 Exclude 126. Est. L.I.D. No. 44 6/10/13 S -T Exclude 127. Est. L.I.D. No . 45 6/27 /13 (Pub.) S -T Exclude 128. Est. L.I.D. No. 46 6/27/13(Pub.) S - T Exclude 129. Sidewalks -changes name 6/27 /lJ(Pub.) Amends Sec. 1, G -p Re pealed by 825 Exclude Ordinance 99 130. Repeals Ordinance No . l l 8 8/ 29 /13 (Pub.) Repeals Ord. #118 G -p Exclude l31. Setting of light, telegraph 9 /12/13 (Pub.) G -p Implied repeal Exclude and telephone poles by 468 ' 132. Fixing bond-Town Marsha ll 9/26/lJ(Pub.) G -p Repealed by 825 Exclude l J3. 134. Condemnin g priv ate property 12/12/13 (Pub.) S - T Exclude for streets 135. Prohibits women 's employment 'l/30/14(Pub .) G -p Amended by 167 Exc lude in sal oons Repealed by 825 1J6. Approv. Assm 't . Roll-L.I.D. 44 2/20/14(Pub.) S -T Exclude 137. 138. 139. Est. L.I.D. No . 47 3/13/14(Pub.) S -T Exclude l40. Est. L.I.D. No. 48 3/13/14(Pub.) S - T Exclude 14l. Re-Assessing L.I.D. No. 43 S - T Exclude Page 8 No. Subject l42. l43. l44. l45. l46. l47. l48. l49. l50. l5l. Est. L.I.D. No. 49 Est. L.I.D. No. 50 Approv. Assm't.Roll-L.I.D. 43 Est. L.I.D. No. 5l Prohibits driving across fire hose Dividing city into wards Speed limit-motor vehicles License-shows, etcG Vacation-Portion Columbia St. l52. Approv. Assm't Roll-L.I.D. 48 l53. Approv. Assm't. Roll-L.I.D. 50 l54. Approv. Assm't. Roll-L.I.D. 47 l55. l56. l57. l58. l59. l60. l62. Est. L.I.D. No. 52 Approv. Assm't.Roll-L.I.D. 45 Approv. Assm't. Roll-L.I.D. 46 Approv. Assm't. Roll-L.I.D. 4,2 Approv. Assm't. Roll-L.I.D. 43 License-Reg. & Restrain Dogs License-Hawkers, Peddling Amended or Date Enacted Amends or Repeals Application Repealed by: Action Indexed 4/l4/l4(Passed) 4/l4/l4(Passed) 4/28/l4 5/26/l4 6/l0/l4 8/ll/l4 9/22/l4 l0/13/l4 l0/l3/l4 lO/lJ/l4 l2/l5/l4 l2/l5/l4 l/l2/l5 l/l2/l5 Amends Sec. l, Ord. 85 Amends Sec. 6, Ord. l4 Amends Sec. 2 & 4, Ord. No. 4,, 6/23/l5(App.) Amends Sec. J, Ordinance No. l4 S -T S - T S - T S - T G -p G - P G -p G -p s -p s -p s -p s -p S - T s -p s -p s -p s -p G - P G - P Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclude Repealed by 35l Exclude Repealed by l82 Exclude Repealed by 35l Exclude Repealed by 825 Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclude Repealed by 367 Exclude Repealed by 367 Exclude Pa g e 9 No. Subject 163. Restaurants-partitions 164. Dancing-regulati on 1 65. Firearms & Fireworks 166 . Approv. Assm't.Roll -L.I.D. 52 167. Women employed i n saloons 168. Fixing time & place-Council 169. Firearms-sale to minors 17 0 . Vacating certain streets 171. 172. 173. 174. Theaters, dancing, licensing & regulating Vacating p ortion of 4th St. Railroads-speed regulation Fire limits 175. Roofs, moss on, prohibiting 176. Fireworks & firearms 177. Salary-Town Marshall 178 . Est. L.I.D. No. 53 179. Est. L.I .D. No. 54 l eo. Est. L.I.D. ~o. 55 181. Traffic regulation 182. Voting Wards 183. Approv. Assm't. Roll-L.I.D. 54 Amended or Date Enacted A_mends or Repe a ls Application Repealed by: Action Indexed 6/22/15 6 /22/15 6/22/15 G -p Expressly amends G -P Sec. 6, Ord. 74 Expressly amends G -P Sec. 2, Ord. 3 5 8/20/15(Pub .) s -p 10/12/15 Expres sly amends G -P Ord. No. 135 2 /29/15(Posted) G -P 1 2 /28 /15 See Ord. ffell5 G -P l/4/16(App.) s -P J/22/l6(App.) 5/29/16 1/9/17 5/29/16 6/13/16 7/18/16 7/25/16 7/25/16 ll/3/16(App.) 4/10/17 12/26/16 1/23/17 G -p s -p Expressly repeals G -P Ordinance 125 Expressly amenas G -P Ord. #95 & repeals Ord. #1 00 G -p Repeals Ord.#165 G -P which amendsOrd .#35 Amends Ord. #9~ G -P S -T S - T S - T G -p Repeals Ord. 148 G -P s -p Include (IV-M) Repealed by 825 ' Exclude Repealed by 176 Exclude Exclude Ord. 135 repealed Exclude by 825 ./ Amended by 263 Exclude Repealed by 748 Include (VI-C) Exclude Include (IV-L) Repealed by 8 25 Exclude Repealed by 825 Exclude Include Include (V-B) Amended by 849 Repealed by 825 Exclude Repealed by 210 • Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclude Amended by 254 Repealed by 293 Exclude Repealed by 351 Rep ealed by 303 Exclude Exclude Page 10 Amended or No. Subject ~~~~~~~~~~~~~D=a~t=e--=En=a=c~t~e=d,__=Am=e=n=d=so........=o=r--=R=ep~e=a=l=s'---=Ap~p~l=i=c=a~t=i=o=n---=R=e~p=e=a=l=ed=-cb~y~:'--~--'A~c~t=i=o=n.__I=n=d=e=x~e=-d 184. Bonds-City Att'y,Eng.,Police judge and clerk 185. W!Lghts & measures, standard 2/13/17 3/27 /17 G -p G -p Rep . by 923 Include (I-F) ' Include (II -D) 186. Not published 187. Condemn -l and, streets 188. Est . L. I. D. No. 56 189. Est. L.I.D. No. 57 1 90 . Approv.Assm't.Roll-L.I.D. 55 4/2 0/17 (Pub.) 6/12/17 (App.) 6/26/17 See Ord. #213 Repealed by 213 Exclude G -P Exclude S -T Ex clude S -T Ex clude S -P Exclude G- 191. Public Works-contractor's bond 7 /13/l7(F'ub.) 7 /13/17(F'ub .) 7/24/17 G -P Include (I-ft) l 9 l t . Reestablishes grade on 3 rd St. G -P 192. Est. L.I.D. No. 58 7 /17 /17 (App.) S -T 193. Sidewalds -widths 7/17/17 Amends Ord. #9.9 G -p 194. Approv. Assm 't. Roll-L.I.D. 53 7/17/17 s -p 195. Vacating p ortion of Columbia St. 7 /17/17 G -p 1 96. Est. L.I.D. No. 59 7/Jl/17 S -T 197 . Nuisances -sanitary 198. Approv. Assm't. Roll -L.I.D. 56 199 . Approv. Assm't. Roll-L.I.D. 57 200. Est. L.I.D. No. 60 201. Approv . Assm't.Roll-L.I.D . 59 202. Approv. Assm't. Roll-L .I .D, 58 203 . Reg ulating L.I.D. bonds, levies, assessments & con tra cts 204. Approv. Assm't. Roll-L .I.D. 60 8/28/17 9/17/17 9/4/17 1 0/12/17 (Pub.) 10/26/17 (Pub .) Amends Ord. #73 G -p s -p s -p S -T s -p ll/16 /17(Pub.) s -p 1 2/11/17 Amends Ord. #108 G -P l/11/18(Pub.) s -p Exclude Repealed by 825 Exclude Exclude Exclude Ex clude Rep ealed b y 825 Ex clude Exclude Exc lude Exclude Exclude Exclude Repealed by 825 Excl ude Exclude IARD 8 & p "NQ!§AR" STANDARD 8 & P "N~R" Page 11 Am ended or No . -~ubj_~c~t~~~~~~~~~~~~--"D~a~t~e-=En=a~c~t~e~d,__=Arn=e=n=d=s----o~r_R~e~p~e~al-==s~=Ap~p=l=i~c=a~t=i~on=-~R~e~p~e=a=l~ed"'-'b~Y~=~~--=A=c~t=i=o=n'-----'I=n=d=e=x=e=d 205 . Va cating por t ion of Columb i a St . 4th a nd 5th 206 . C.W.P. Co. Right t9 lay pipe 25 years -:-,,,·,,, ~ ~ 207 . Sp i tti ng -p r ohi b i ting 208 . Pou l trv at larg e-prohibiting 209 . Lic enses 21 0. Mar shal l -sal a r y 211. Prohibits sale of expl osive fireworks 21 2 . C.W .P . Co.~Fran c h is e, 25 yrs . 5 /18/18 3/26/18 3/14/1 8 s -p S - T G -p 4/23/18 G -P 4/23/18 Amends Sec. 6 , Ord . No . 14 Repeals Ord . 1194 5/l 7/l8(Pub .) Repeal s Ord . #177 G -P 5/13 /18 G -P 8/27/18 S -T 213. Sal e -ce metary lots 8 /l J/18 Repeals Ord . #186 G -P (No t published) 214 . Streets -naming & h ouse numbe r i n g 8/27/18 G -p 215. Se diti on 1 0/8/18 G -p 216 . 217. 21 8 . 21st. 219 . Creating licen se commi ttee Sewe rs-outdoor t o i l ets , cess p ool s, e t c.-regulating Dog s-licens e & re~i lat ion Sala ry-Ci t y En gine er Es t . L.I.D . No . 61 220 . Est. L.I.D. No . 62 22 1 . Est. L.I .D. No . 63 222 . Mi lk , r e gulating sale of 223 . Est . L.I.D . No . 64 224. Est. L .I .D. No . 65 1 0/8/18 11 /12/18 Ame nds Ord. #14 G -p G -p 1 2/1 0/18 Repeals Or d . #4 G -P and #160 1 2/4 /19 (Pu b .)Amends Se c .J,Or d .93 G-P 4/25/19 (Pub.) S -T 5 /16/19 (Pub .) 5 /30/19 (Pub.) 6 /10/19 7 /ll/19 (Pub .) 1 0/J l /1 9 (Pub.) S - T S -T G -p S -T S -T Ex clude Ex c lude Include (VI -A) I n clud e (V-D) Repealed by 356 Exclude Repealed by 367 Repealed by 825 Ex cl ude Rep eal ed by 251 Ex clude Ex clude Repealed by 825 Excl ude Re pealed by 4 07 Excl ude Re peal ed by 825 Ex clude Repeal ed by 825 r Ex clude Re p e?led by 9 1 6 a n a. n 3 I n clude (III-A) Imp lied repeal by Exc lude 811 Re p e a l ed by 825 Ex clud e Ex clude Ex clude Exclude Re pealed by 381 Exclud e Rep e a led by 479 Ex clude Exclude Page 12. Amended or No. Subject Date Enacted Amends or Repeals Application Reoealed by: Action Indexed 225. Approv. Assm't. Roll-L.I.D. 63 ll/14/19 s - p Exclude 226. Approv. Assm't, Roll-L.I.D. 61 12/16/19 s -p Amended by 227 Exclude 227. Amending Sec. IV, Ord. 226 2/24/20 Amends Sec. 4, s - p Exclude Ord. 226 228. Salary-Clerk & Attorney 3/9/20 G - p Amended by 289 229. Est. L.I.D. No. 66 3/26/20 s - T Exclude 230. Est. L.I.D. No. 67 4/16/20 s -T Exclude 231. Sidewalks-repair by abutting 5/25/20 G - p Include (II-C) owner 232. Est. L.I.D. No. 68 7/27/20 S - T Exclude 233, Est. L.I.D. No. 69 7/28/20 s - T Exclude 234. Est. L.I.D. No. 70 7/27/20 s -T Exclude 235. Est. L.I.D. No. 71 7/27/20 s - T Exclude 236. Approv. Assm't. Roll-L.I.D. 65 8/13/20 s - p Exclude 237. Approv. Assm't. Roll-L.I.D. 62 9/3/20 s -p Exclude 238. Approv. Assm't. Roll-L.I.D. 64 9/10/20 s - p Exclude 239. \Approv. Assm 't. Roll-L.I.D. 67 10/29/20 s -p Exclude 240. \ Vacating-portion of Grove st. 10/26/20 s - p Exclude 241. Est. L.I.D. No. 72 12/17/20 s - T Exclude 242. Approv. Assm't. Roll-L.I.D. 71 1/28/21 s - p Exclude 243. Approv. Assm't. Roll-L.I.D. 69 2/11/2"Jl s - p Exclude 244. Approv. Assm't. Roll-L.I.D. 68 2/ll/21 s - p Exclude 245. Approv. Assm't. Roll-L.I.D. 70 2/11/21 s -p Exclude Page 13. No. Subject 246. Approv. Assm 1 t. Roll-L.I.D. 66 247. License-Vehicl es-Goods & passengers 248 . Amend i ng Sec. 4, Or d. #242 249. License-Vehicles-Goods & Passengers 25 0. Liquor-prohibits sale, manufac- turing & disp 6siti on 251. Fireworks-regulating 252. Vac8ting-Clara Street 253 . Approv. Assm't Roll-Property omitted from Ord.237-L.I.D. 62 254. Traffic-Parking 255. Vacati ng -4th Street 256. Vacating -5th Street 257. Franchise-C.W.P.-spur 258 , ¢i ty of Camas Water System 259. Acquiring Water Works, Electi on for Bond Issue 260. Franchi se-Camas Te l ephone Co . STANDARD 8 & P "N.QI§A.R" Amended or Date Enact ed Amends or Repeals Application R=e~p=ea=l=e=d.._.b~v~=~~--=-A~c~t=i~o~n--=I~n~d~e~x~ed 2/11 /21 3/11/21 (Pub.) J/22/21 5/24/21 5/24/21 6/28/21 8/21/2l(Pub.) 11/22/21 4/1 1/22 5/23/22 8/8/22 11/8/22 1 /9/23 1/23 /23 6/12/23 Amends Sec. 4, Ordinance 242 s -p G -p s -p Amends Ord. #247 G -P G -p Amends Ord. #211 G -P s -p s -p Amends Sec . 6, G -P Ord.#181, Repeals 85 s -p s -p S - T S--T S - T Exclude Amended by 249 Exclude Re pealed by 262 Excl ude Repeal ed by 262 Exclude Repea led by 373 Exclude Repea l ed by 825 Exclude Exclude Ex clude Repealed by 293 · Excl ude Repealed by 351 Exclude Exclude Excl ude Repe a led by 259 Exclude Exclude Repealed by 622 Exclude Page 14. Amended or No. Subject~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~D=a=t=e~En=a=c=t=e=d~~Am~e~n~d=s_o~r~R=e~p~e=a~l~s~A~p~n~l~i~c=a~t=i=o~n~~R=ep~e=a~l~e=d"----"b~y~:~~--'A~c~t~i~o~n.__~I~nd~ex"""'e""'d 261. Bond Issue-Purchase & Construction 5/11/23 (Pub.) of Water System 262. License -Carriers 263. Council Meetings-Time & Place 264. Water-right of way-condemnation 265. Water-vote Bond Issue 266. Water-creating commission 267. Water-ruled & regulations 268. 269. 270. Budget -1924 Water-Issue Revenue Bonds 7/24/23 7/24/54 8/14/23 8/14/23 s/23/23 9/25/23 10/9/23 10/9/23 271. 272. Fire Equipment-Emergency Warrant 2/12/24 Est. L.I.D. No. 73 5/13/24 273. Fixing fire limits, Bldg. Mater- ials, Erect. & Const. Bldg. 274. Est. L.I.D. No. 73 275. Budget -1925 276. Vacating "E" Street 277. Vacating Jefferson Street 278. Establishes Park Commission 279. Approv. Assm't.Roll-L.I.D. 73 9/23/24 10/14/24 12/9/24 12/9/24 12/9/24 4/14/25 S - T Repeals 247 & 249 G -P Amends Ord. 168 G -P s -p S -T s -p s -p G -T S - T S -T S - T S -T S -T s -p s -p G -P s -p Exclude Repealed by 1005 Include (IV-N) Repealed by 748 Exclude Exclude Exclude Amended by 338 Exclude Amended by 359 Repealed by 382 Repealed by 382 Exclude Amended by 3,54 Amended by 849 Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclude Include (V-B) / Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclude Repealed by 825·· Exclude Exclude Page 15. No. Subject 280. Supp. Budget -1925 281. Est. L.I.D. No. 74 282. Traffic -stop signs 283. 284. 285. License -stables & barns Est. L.I.D, No, 75 286. Stables, operation, 287. 28'1. 288. Emergency Ord. -Budget Budget -1926 Cardrooms, pool rooms, tobacco- age and hours Amended or Date Enacted Amends or Repeals Apnlication REJPealed by: Action Indexed 4/14/25 5/12/25 7/14/25 7 /29 /25 8/25/25 9/22/25 10/5/25 12/8/25 Amends Ord. #74 S - T S - T G - P G - P S - T S - T S - T G - P Exclude Exclude Repealed by 825 v Exclude Repealed by 825 ' Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclude Include (IV-K) ' 289, 290. Salaries-Clerk, Treasurer & Att'y, 2/9/26 Amends Ord. #228 G - P Repealed by 825 Exclude Approv. Assm"t. Roll-L.I.D. 75 291. Appointment of Police Chief 292. Est. L.I.D. No. 76 293, Traffic-speed and parking 294, Approv. Assm't. Roll-L.I.D. 74 295, Approv. Assm't. Roll-L.I.D. 76 296. Est. L.I.D. No, 77 297. Traffic- 298. Budget -1927 299, Emergency Ord. Budget 2/23/26 3/9/26 4/27/26 4/27 /26 5/11/26 5/25/26 8/24/26 8/24/26 10/26/26 10/26/26 S - T G - P S - T Repeals Ord. #181 G - P and Ord. #254 s -p s -p S - T Amends Ord.#293 G - P S - T S - T Exclude Repealed by 825 ,, Exclude Exclude Amended by 297 Repealed by 351· Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclude Repealed by 351' Exclude Exclude Exclude Page 16. Amended or No. Subject Date Enacted Amends or Reueals Auulication Reuealed by: Action Indexed JOO. Replatting-Cowan's Addition 11/9/26 s - p Exclude JOl. Street.-Est. Name 12/28/26 G -p Repealed by 825 · Exclude 302. Est. L.I.D. No. 78 3/22/27 S - T Sec. 4 amended Exclude by 302 303. Wards-Fixing Boundary 4/12/27 Repeals Ord.#182 G -p Repealed by 456 Exclude 304. Approv. Assm't. Roll-L.I.D, 77 4/12/27 s - p Exclude 305. L.I.D.-Amends Ord. 302, Sec. 4 4/26/27 Amends Sec. 4, Ordinance No. 3 02 s - T Exclude 306. Est. L.I.D. No. 79 l/14/27 s - T Exclude 307. Est. L.I.D. No. 80 6/14/27 s - T Exclude 308. Est. L.I.D. No. 81 6/14/27 s - T Exclude 309. Enlarg.-L.I.D. No. 79 7/12/27 s - T Exclude 310. Est. L.I.D. No. 80 8/12/27 s - T Exclude / Jll. Vacating-Streets in City Park 8/9/27 s p Exclude ' 312. Vacating-Streets 8/9/27 s -p Exclude 313. Ord.-Delivery Deed to Mill 8/9/27 s -Exclude 314. Emergency -Budget 8/9/27 s -Exclude 315. Budget -1928 10/3/27 s -Exclude 316. Vacating-Tidland Ave. 10/3/27 s -p Exclude 317. Est. L.I.D, No. 82 10/11/27 s - T Exclude 318. Licenses-business & selling 12/13/27 Amends #14.& #161 G -p Amended by 353 Repealed by 82Y Exclude 319. Approv. Assm't. Roll-L.I.D. 78 12/19/27 s -p Exclude STANDARD 8 & P "NQTu,AR'' STAND Pa ge l 7. Amended or -""N=o_,_._--=S=u=b..._i"""ec::::..t,.__ ___________ __eD~a~t~e~En~a~c::::.ct~e~d Amends or Repeals Applicat ion Repealed by: Action Indexed J20. Salaries-Clerk, Treasurer & At t'y. 12/27/27 G -P 321 . Appr ov. Assm't. Roll-L.I.D . 79 3 22. Approv. Assm't. Roll-L.I.D. 80 3 23. Appr ov. Assm't. Roll-L.I.D. 80 324. Approv. Assm't . Ro ll-L.I.D. 81 325. Approv. Assm't. Roll-L.I.D . 82 326. Emergency -Bud get _ .327 . Est. L.I .D. Gua ranty Fund J28. Elec.Wiring-Rules & Regulation .3 29. Plumbing-Rules & Regulations ~ 3.30. Vacating -Streets 331. Improv. North Ba nk Highway 332. Streets -Change names 333. Approv. Assm1 t. Roll-L .I.D. 83 JJ4. Budg e t -19 29 3.35. Establ ishes Da tum p l ane a nd Ben ch mark 336 . Street -Establishes Grades 3.37. Vacating -Flemming Road 2/6/28 2/6/28 2/6/28 2/6/28 2/6/28 2/14/28 3/13 /28 5/8/28 5/27/28 4/10/28 4/10/28 4/28/28 9/25/28 s -p s -p s -p s -p s -p s - G -p G -p G -P s -p S - T G -p s -p s - 11/16/28 G -P 1 2/14 /28(Pub.)Repeals Ord. #51 G -P 2/2/29 s -p Sec. 2 amended by Exclude J89 -Repealed by 825 Amended b y 849 Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclude Excl ude Exclude I nclu de (I-E) Include (IV-D) Amende d by J.39 Include (IV-C) Am ended by 342 850 Repealed by 916 · Ex clude Exclude Repealed by 825 · Exclude Ex clude Excl ude Exclude Exclude Exc lude Page 18 . No . Subject Amended or Date Enacted Amend s or Repeals Application Repealed by: Action Indexe rl 338. Wate r -Commission 339. Pl umbing -Ru l es & Regu l ations, License 340. 341. Est. L . I.D . No . 84 341. Firemen-prohibiting interference with J42. Plumbing -License 343. Budget -1930 344. Library Board, Created 345. Approv. Assm 1 t . Roll-L.I.D. 84 346 . Signs & Awnings -regulat i ng & lic ensing 347 . License-bakeries, restaurants, gro-c eries, etc. 348 . Franchise-Western Light & Power Co. (electricity) 3/J2/29 4/23/29 6/23/29 9 /24/29 9/2A/29 10/8/29 1 0/22/29 ll/12/29 11/26 /29 n/26/29 11/26/29 349. Vacating -Portion of Cleveland St . J2/24/29 350. Est. L.I.D. No. 85 (enlarged) 2/11/JO 351. Traffic Regulation 3/11/30 352 . Grade s , Streets, Est. Oak Park 4/8/30 Amends Sec. l, 2, G -P & 3, Ord. #266 Amends Sec. 1 & 38,G -P Ord . #329 Amends Sec . 38 , Ord. #J29 Expires 3/14/6 1 S - T G -P G -p s G -p s -p G -p G -p S - T s -p S -T Rep eals 18,85, 9l, G -P 147, 149 , 181, 254, 293 & 297 G -p Repealed by 359 Repealed by 382 Exclude Incl ude (IV-C) Exc l ude Include (VI-A ) Include (IV-C) Excl ude Repealed by 410 Exclude Exclude Include (IV-B) I • Amended by 381 Include ~v:r:M) -Anrendea-by-J4? Amended by 479 Sec. 19 amended by 1006 Exclude Exclude Exclude Amended by 395, Incl u de (II-A)· 425, 4 28 , 437' 459 585 , & 765 83 1 Repealed 9o6 • Amended b 399 Amended by 500 Page 19. Amended or No. Su_Qj_ect ~~~~~~~~~~~~~D=a~t=e;..._,=;E=n=a~ct~e~d--~Am==e=nd=s"--'o=r~R=e=p~ea=l=s--~A=p~p=l1=·c=a~t=i=o=n'---R=e~p~e=a=l=e~d~b=y~:~~-=A~ct=i=o=n.:..-~I=n=de=xo.=.ed 353. License-peddlers & hawkers 354. Fire Limits -establishing 355. Approv. Assm 1 t. Roll-L.I.D. 85 356. License -Fees 357. Franchise-Natural Gas Corp. of Wn. (Pipe Lines) 358. Budget -1931 359. Water Commission 360. 361. 362. Poles-joint use-regulation 363. Radio interference-regulating 364. Budget -1932 365. Sidewalks -1 st Street 366. Budget -Emergency 367. License -Business & peddling 368. License-Dogs-Regulating 369, Budget -Emergency 370. 6/10/30 6/10/30 7 /8/30 8/14/30 Amends 14, 1 61 & G -P ' 3).8 .Amends Ord. #273 G -P s -p Amends Sec. 6,ord. G -P ~4, Repeals 209 8 /29/30(Pub.) (50 yrs.) S -T 10/6/30 s l/l6/3l(Pub.} Amends Sec .l,2,3 G -P & 7 , Ord. 266 3/15/32 5/12/31 10/5/Jl 11/10/31 12/22/31 4/12/32 5/24/32 Repeals 3.38 G -p G -p s s -p s Repeals 14, 15, G -P 16,61,1 02,160,161, 209,.353 & 356 G -p s Repealed by 367 Exclude Amended by 849 Include (V-B)· Exclude Repealed by J67 · Exclude Exclude Vl/-.J:; Exclude Repealed by J82 Exclude Repealed by 468 Exclude 0 Include (;J;IJ..-A) Exclude Repealed by 825 Exclude Exclude Amended by 396, Incl ude (IV-J)r .Amended by 490 Amended Sec. 7&8 by Amended by 738 & 907 Ord .1310 Amended bv 1008 Repeals ,p~ra 1 . by: 1005 Amended oy 512 Exclude Repealed by 811 ~ Exclude Page 20 . No. Sub,j ect 371. 372. 373 .• 374. 375 . Budge t -1933 Vacating-2nd St.-Portion Repea l ing Prohibition Ord. 250 Warrants, payment of b i lls Li quor-Licens e & regulation 376. Da n ces -hours 377. Barber shops -hours 378. Vacating-por t i on of Columb ia St. 379 . Budget -1 934 3 80. Budget -Emergency 381. Milk-regulation & con trol 382. Water-Establish i ng rates, rules, and regulati ons 383. Bond I ssue-Pr oposit ion ca lling Electi on City Hall 384. Water Department 3 8 5. Election , Special City Rall Bond Issue 386. Water -Treasurer authorized to hir e help 387. 388 . Int oxicatin g liquor-regulating Amended or Date En acted Amends or Re peal s Applicati on Repealed by: Action Indexed 1 0/14/32(Pub.) 11/22/32 3/14/32 Repeals Ord.#250 4 /25/33 /)'fY'J,'/.Je./l ~~';{/{ 7 /28/33 (Pub .) 0 Amends Ord. #74 s G -p G -p G -p G -p G -p s -p s s 7 /25 /33 8/8/33 9/15/33(Pub.) 10/13/33 (Pub.) 10/lJ/33 (Pub.) 1/5/34 Repe a ls Or d .#222 G -P Any sections of 347 i n conflict 1/12/34 (Pub.) Re p eals Ord. 266 , 267, 338 & 359 1 2/15/33(Pub.) 1/9/34 See Ord • #266 1/23/34 2/27/34 3/1 /34 s G -p s s G -p Exclude Exclude Include (I-H) Include (IV-G) Rep eal ed by 825 Exclude Repealed by 825 Ex clude Exclude Exclude Exclude Amended by 479 Include (IV-I) (Secs.l -6 & 9) Amended by 497 (Sec t i on 11) Repealedby 100 1 Re pealed by 825 ' Exclude Exclude Sec. 3 repealed Include (I-C-14 by Or d. #=548 Exclude Exc lude Sec , 2 amended by Incl ude (IV-G) " 752, amended by 7.D5; 877 -1168 '"' ;> , I amended by 977, Sec. IV byAJ,QJ_Q~!l09 2 STANDARD 8 & P "N~R" STANDARD B&P .. J Page 21. Amended or No. Subject Date Enacted Amends or &epe als Application Repealed by: Action Indexed 389. Salaries-City Treasurer, 4/24/34 Amends Sec. 2 , Rep ealed by 825 Exclude Water Collector Ordinance #320 Amended by Sec. 2, Ord. # 548 390. Vacating-Portion of 4th St . 6/12/34 s -p Exclude 391. Budget -Emergency 8/28/34 s Exclude 392. Budget -Emergency 9/14/34(Pub.) s Exclude 393. Budget -1935 1 0/ 5/34(Pub.) s Exclude 394. Election-Special-incur indebt. ll/16/34(Pub.) s Exclude for Library 395. Traffic -Parking 2/13/35 Amends Sec. 21, G -p Repe aled by 906 Exclude Ordinance #351 implication by 425 396. Licenses-amusements 4/9/35 Amends Ord. #=367 G -p Repeal Amended by 409 Include (IV-K) · byl005 Amended by 472 Include (IV -H} 397. Licenses-cleani ng & pressing 3/26/35 G -p Amended by 1002 v 398 . Licenses-laundries 3/26/35 G -p Amen ded by 777 Include (IV-H) Amended by 1003 399. Grades -Sts.Est.-Oak Park 5/28/35 Amends Sec. 4, G -p Exclude Ordinance #=352 400. Budget -Emergency 6/11/35 s Exclude 401. Budget -Emer gency 6/25/35 s Exclude 402. Bu d get -1936 1 0/1/35 s Exclude 40J. Bud get -Emergency 11/26/35 s Exclude 404. Fireman-Relief & Compen sation 1/14/36 G -p Repealed by 8 25 Exclude Fund 405. Fire Dept. -Civil Service 2/11/36 G -p Amended by 924 Include (I-C-5 Page 22. No. Subject Amended or Date Enacted Amends or Repeals Application Repealed by: Action Indexed 406. Planning Commission 407. Street & House numbering 2/18/36 3/24/36 408. Water-Bond Issue-Prune Hill Res. 3/10/36 409. Licenses-amusements 410. Library -Operation of 411. Streets-Names & House Nos. 412. Est. L.I.D. No. 86 413. Building Code 414 . Approv. Assm 't. Roll-L.I.D. 85 415. Building Code 416. Building Code 417. 418. Budget -1937 419. Authorizes emergency warrants 420. Sahries 421 . Authorizes emergency wa rrants 3/10/36 3/24/36 5/26/36 5/26/36 6/9/36 9/22/36 10/l J/36 1 0/13/36 10/19/36 11/10/36 12 /8/36 1 2/29/36 422. Bill Boards Never Passed E.A.R. 3/9/37 423. Bonds -City Hall 2/23/37 G -p Repeals Ord.#214 G -P s Amends Ord. #396 G -P Repeals Ord.#349:-G -P Amends Sec. 6 & 10,G -P Ordinance #407 S -T See. Ord. #430 G -p S -T Amends Ord. #413 G -P Amends Ord. #413 G -P S - T S -T G -P S - T S - T Include (I-C-4 • Amended by 411 Include (II-B-2 .. Amended by 540 -9 11 Amended by 7 68 Exclude Amended by 472 Exclude Repealed by 825 Incl ude (I..;.C-J "' Amended by 768 Include (II-B-2 · Excl ude Amended by 415 Include (V -B ) Amended by·416 849 Amended by 587 Amended by 849 Amended by 849 Exclude Include (V-B) / Include (V-B) " Exclude Exclude Repealed by 825 ./ Exclude Exclude Exclude Page 23. No. Supis!_gi__ Amended or .~~~~Date Enaq~fili __ Amends or Repeals Application Repealed by: Action Indexed 424. Est. L.I.D. No. 87 425. Traffic 426. Est. L.I.D. No. 88 427. Est. L.I.D. No. 89 428. Traffic 429. 430. Confirms Assm't. Roll-L.I.D. 87 Fire Limits-Establishing 431. Budget -1938 432. Vacates certain streets 433. Salaries 434. Confirms Assm't.Roll-L.I.D. 88 435. Confirms Assm't. Roll-L.I.D. 89 436. 437. 438. Police-Traffic-special events Traffic -Parking Bicycles-regulating 439. Est. L.I.D. No. 91 440. L.I.D. -Enlarged 441. Firemen-Pension Fund 442. Dogs (Tabled after 2nd reading) 443. Est. L.I.D. No. 92 4/l~/37 7/20/37 7 /20/37 8/10/37 8/10/37 10/26/37 10/26/37 10/26/37 10/26/37 10/26/37 11/9/37 11/9/37 12/28/37 1/26/38 3/8/38 6/28/38 6/28/38 7/12/38 9/13/38 9/13/38 Amends Ord .#351 Amends Ord.#351 See. Ord.#413 Amends Ord.#351 Repeals Ord.#425 S - T G -P S - T S - T G -p S - T G -p S - T s -p G -P S - T S - T Exclude Repealed by 437 ·· Exclude Exclude Exclude Repealed. by 906/ Include (II-A)' Exclude Sec. 1 amended by Exclude Ord. No. 551 Exclude Repealed by 778 • ·· Exclude Exclude Repealed by 825 Exclude Exclude Exclude G _ p Repealed by 906 Include (II-A)· G -P Sec.21, Para. (d)Amended Include (II-A) v by 502. Sec.21,Para.(c) amended by 514 Repealed by 906 ·• G -P Include (II-A) / S - T Exclude S - T Exclud.e G -P Repealed by 825 Exclude S - T Exclude Page 24. No. STI!lb j ect 444. 445. 446. 447. 448. 449. 450. 451. 452. 453. 454. Est. L.I.D. No. 93 Budget -1939 / Swimming pool-election Salaries Vacating streets Library-construction-election City Hall-construction-election Est. L.I.D. No. 94 Franchise-water pipe-C,Z. Grades-streets-establishing Confirms Assm't. Roll-L.I.D. 91 455. Grades-streets-establishing 456. Wards -establishing 457, Budget -1940 458. Vacates certain streets 459, Traffic 460. Emergency warrants 461. Cemetary-hauling garbage over roads 462. Stop Streets-designation by Police Comm. 463. City Hall Amended or Date Enacted Amends or Repeals Application Repealed b,~y~=~~---'A~c~t~i~o~n~:--"I~n~dsex;;s.ed 9/13/38 10/25/38 11/1/38 11/1/38 3/28/39 4/11/39 4/11/39 4/25/39 6/27/39 7 /11/39 7 /26/39 9/12/39 9/26/39 10/10/39 10/10/39 10/10/39 10/37/39 12/12/39 1/9/40 1/9/40 S -T S -T S -T G -P s -p S -T S -T S -T s -p G -P S -T G -P Repeals Ord. #303 G -P S -T s -p Amends Sec.34 & 35,G -P Ord. #351 Amends Sec. 1, Ord. #450 S -T G -p G -p S -T Exclude Exclude Exclude Repealed by 825 ·· Exclude Exclude Exclude Amended by 463 Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclude Repealed by 812 Exclude Exclude Exclude Repealed by 906 / Include (II-A)" Exclude Repealed by 825 Exclude Repealed by 906 Include (II-A)· Exclude Page 25. Amended or No . Subject Date Enacted Amends or Re peals Ap plica tion Re p ealed by: Action Indexed 464. City Ha ll bonds l/9/40 S -T Exc l ude 465 . City Hall bonds l/9/40 S - T Exclud e 466. 467 . Watershed -establishing 2/13/40 G -p Include (III-A)• 468. Light Poles-regul ating 3/6/40 Rep eals Ord .#362 G -p Am ended by 786 Include (I I -B)• 469. Street grades 3/26/40 s -p Exclude 470. Firea rms 6/11 /40 Amend s Sec.2 of G -p Inclua!E (VI-C)· Ord. #3 471. Gaso line Tanks 8/l J/40 G -p Incl ude (V-E) 472. Licens es-Amusements 8/27/40 .Amends 409 & 396 G -p Ame nded !>y 472 Exclud7e Repeal ed by 825 , 473. 474. Est. L. I.D. No. 25 ( ?) 9/10;40 S -T Exclude 475. 475. Franchise-R.R.-c.z. 10/8/40 s -p ' -\.Jo.11v=>5 J 1ue.1:;..) Exclude · J -..ot-... f Z. 476. Election-Bond Issue-Prune 8/22/40 S -T 0.,:-.~1 ) ( • ~11\6 I C,_. Exclude Hill Water Reservoir 477. Budge t -1941 8/22/40 s Exclude 478. Salaries 10/14/40 G -p Repealed b y 825 -" Exclude 479. Milk-rules & regulat ions 11/12/40 Amends Sec. 1-P, 6 & 9,0rd. #381 G -p Repealed by 1001 ' Include (IV-I) Repeals Ord. #222 & parts of Ord.#347 480 . 481. Emergency ordinance 12/20/40 S -T Exclude 482. Approv. Assm•t.Roll-L.I.D. 93 1/28/41 s -p Exclude 483. Approv. Assm•t. Roll-L.I.D. 95 1/28/41 s - p Exclude page 26. No. Subject 484. Est. L.I.D. No. 9'7 485. Approv. Assm•t. Roll-L.I.D. 94 486. Approv, Assm•t. Roll-L.I.D. 92 487. Vacation-portion Franklin St. 488. 489. 490. 491. 492. 493, Vacation with pay-Employees- hourly rate Amending 367-Peddlers & hawkers Vacation-Roadway-Blake Addition & N.W. 6th Avenue Vacation-Portion of N.W. 18-~h Est. L.I.D. No. 97 494, Est. L.I.D, No. 98 495. Amends Ord. No. 493 496. Est. L.I.D. No. 99 497. Milk -Amends Ord. #381 Amended or Date Enacted Amends or Repeals Application Repealed by: Action Indexed 3/25/41 4/22/41 4/22/41 6 ;10/41 S - T Repealed by 493 Exclude 6jl0/41 6/10/41 • 7 /8/41 7 /8/41 7/8/41 7 /8/41 7 /22/41 7 /22/41 8/26/41 Amends Sec, 5, Ord. #367 Repeals Ord.#484 Amends Sec. 4, Ordinance #493 Amends Sec, 11, Ord. #381 s -p s -p s -p G -p G -p s -p s -p S - T S - T S - T S - T G -p Exclude Exclude Exclude Include ( I-D-2)~ · Repealed by 738' Exclude Exclude Exclude Amended by 495 Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclude Amended by 584 Include (IV-I) 498, Vacation-portion of N.E. 17th Ave. 9/23/41 s -p Exclude 499. Creation of Civil Defense Comm. 500. Traffic 501. Budget -1942 502, Traffic 503. Restaurants-rules & regulations 504. Blackouts-National Defense 505. Approv. Assm•t. Roll-L.I.D, 98 9/16/41 9/23/41 10/11/hl 10/14/41 10/28}41 ' 12/23/41 2/10/42 G -p Amends Para. a G -P of Sec.2, Ord.#351 Adds -Sec. 31~ S Amends para. D G -P of Sec. 21,0rd.#437 G -p G -p s -p War (I-C-6)· Amended by 765 Include (II-A) , Repealed by 906 Exclude Repealed by 906 Include (II-A), Include (IV-M) Repealed by 825 War -Exclude Exclude STANDARD B&P ''N~R'' STANDARD B & P "NQTI;;AR" Page 27. Amended or No. Subject Date Enacted Amends or ReEeals Application Repealed by: Action Indexed 506. Trailers-Coaches & Parks, 2/10/42 G -p Amended by 541 Include (V-F) Regulating 2/24/42 507. Emergency Ordinance s Exclude 508. Salary-Defense Coordinator 2/24/42 G -p Include (I-D-1) 509. 510. Franchise-Defense Plant Corp. 5/12/1.~2 s -p Exclude Electric Lines .511. Fblioe-creating office of 5/12/42 s -p Include ( I-C-7) police sergeant 5/26/42 512. I:bgs Amends Sec. 7, G -p Repealed by 8ll · Exclude Ord . #368 . ' 513. Emergency Ordinance 6/30/42 s Exclude 514. Traffic-Parallel Parking 9/8/42 G -p Repealed by 906 Include (II-A) 515. Budget -1943 10/13/42 s Exclude 516. Restricted Lighting 10/13/42 G -p Repealed by 825 · War-Exclude 517. Approv. Assm 1 t. Roll-1. I. D. 97 10/27 /42 s -p Exclude .518. Approv. Assm't. Roll-L. I.D. 99 12/8/42 s -p Exclude 519. Dogs 3/23;43 Amends Ord. #512 G -p Repealed by 811 Exclude Adds Para.8-A to Ord. #368 Repealed by 790 Exclude 520. 521. Creating State Aid Fund & 6/8/43 G -p Include (I-H)• Liquor Tax Fund 6/8/43 Repealed by 825 War -Exclude 522. War Emergency-regulating buying G -p & selling of certain materials, etc. 523. Emergency Ord. -Salaries 7 /l/li3 s Exclude 524. Prohibiting persons under 18 from being on sts. after hrs. 7 /13/43 Amends Sec. Ord . #48 1&2, G -p Repealed by 689 Exclude Page 28. Amended or No. Subject Date Enacted Amends or Repeals Application Repealed by: Action Indexed 525. Fire-Creating office of Captain 7 /13/43 s -p Amended by 962 Include {I-C-8) of Fire Department 526. 527. Franchise-c.z.-Electric lines 9/lh/LJ 25 years s -p Exclude to Inn 528. 529. Franchise-C.Z.-Water line-11/23/43 25 years s -p Exclude Garfield Street 530. Emergency Ordinance 6/13/44 s Exclude 531. Licenses-Juke, Music & Phono. 8/22/44 G -p Ame nded b y 1004 Include (IV-J) 532. Licenses-Prohibits minors from 8/22/44 Amends para. 1 G -p Implied repeal playing pin balls Ordinance #472 by 699 -Repe aled Exclude by 825 . Exclude 533. Bond Issue Prop.-Storm Sewer 9/14/44 s Exclude 534. J:bnd Issue Prop.-Swimming R::>ol 9/14144 s Exclude 535. Budget -1945 10/10/44 s Exclude 536. Salaries-Clerk & Attorney 10/10/44 G -p Repealed by 825 Exclude 537. Punch Boards-(Prohibiting) 10/10/.lili G -p Repealed by 787 Exclude 538. Bond Issue-Storm Se~er 12/12/44 s Exclude 539. Emergency Ordinance 1 2/26/44 s Exclude 540. Streets-correcting names 12/26/44 Amends para. 11 & s -p Amended by 848 Include (II-B-2)'" Sec.10, Ord.#407 (v-f) .541. Trailers -Coaches & parks 1/24/45 Amends Sec. 2, 15-G -p Include Ord. #.506 adding 16-1 542. Electric Fences-(Prohibiting) 2/27 /45 G -p Include (V-G) 543. Zoning Ordinance 6/26/45 G -p Amended by 545, Include {V-A) 552, 554, 555, 559, .598, 663 , 626 , 630, 647, 648, ~94, 711 655 882 ' 79 'Repea l e d b y 98 1 ( ARD B & P "N~R,, STANDARD B ac P "NoTr.4-R" Page 29. A.mended or No. Subject Date Enacted Amends or Repeals Application Repealed by: Action Indexed 544. Est. t.I.D. No. 102 8/29/45 S -T Exclude 545. 7nning 9/18/45 Amends para. 6, G -p Include (V-A) 546. E)nergency Ordinance 10/jJ/45 Sec.14, Ord.#543 s Exclude 547. Budget -1946 10/9/45 s Exclude 548. Water Collector-establishing 11/13/45 (Amends Sec. 2,) G -p Amended by 611 Include (I-C-9) 549. Taxi-License, Rules & Regulations 11/27 /US (Ord.#389-Repeals) (Sec. 3, Ord.#384) G -p Include (IV-A) 55 0 . Franchise-c.z. Corp. pipe line 11/27 /45 s -p i::.1~~ 1~ '2-1(l1 r1 e-:= e, Lt" i~ Exclude r 1 ' r ( ' I .l rt:...a 551. Fire Linii ts 11/27 /45 Amends Sec. 1, G -p Ame n ded by 849 Include (V-B)/ 552. Zoning 2/13/46 Ord.#430 Amends Ord. #543 G -p Include (V-A)' Adding Sections 553. Firemen (Volunteers) Death 2/26/46 G -p Include (I-D-3) Benefits & Retirements 554. Zoning 2/26/46 Amends Sec. 8, G -p Include ( V-A) ,... Ord. #543 (Add Sec. 4) 555. Zoning Amends Ord. #543, G -p Include (V-A) Adding Section 556. Vacation-Portion of S.E. Fourth s Exclude 557. Est. L.I.D. lb. 102 4/23/46 S - T Exclude 558. Firemen(Regulars)-Death & 6/11/46 ~'.I -a&~ • .L"'CJ..J iiM:elude Retirement Benefits 559. Zoning 6/11/46 Amends Ord. #543 G -p Include (V-A) · Changes property I classification 560. Emergency Ordinance & Raising 6/25/46 s -p Amended Exclude Salaries Repealed by 825 561. Est. L. r.D. No. 103 6/25/46 S -T Exclude 562. Est. L. I.D. No. 101 7 /9/46 S - T Exclude Page JO. No . Subject Amended or Date Enacted Amends or rtepeals Application Hepealed oy: Action Indexed 563 . Inventory Clerk ~creatin g office; '(/C.J/46 564. Emergency Ord i nance -raising sal aries 565. Est. L.l.LJ. ~o . 106 5 66. Va cation-Portion of N.E.CCedar 567 .. .!!;st. L.I.D. i~o . 107 568. 569. Est. L.I.D. No. lo·o Franchi se-C.Z. Corp. Pipe line 570. Budget -1947 571. Vacaii:ion-Portion of N.E. 2nd , 3rd & Division Street 572. Approv. Assm•t. Ro ll-L.I.D. 102 573. Approv. Assm't. Roll-L.I.D. 1 03 574. Establ ishing salary & wage fund 575, Emergency Ordinance-raisirg salaries 576. Billboards-License-Rules and Regu l ations 577 • Est . L. I. D. No. 108 578. Est. L.I.D. No. 1 07 579, Est. L.I.D. No. 105 7 /'C.3/46 7/23/46 8/l j/4b 8/lJ/46 8/l J/46 9/24/46 10/8/46 11/26/46 ll/26/46 11/26/46 2/11/47 2/11/47 2/11/47 2/11/47 2/11/47 2/11/47 580. 581. 582 . Adopting Washington State J/ll/47 583. Criminal & Traffic Code Traffic-operating vehicles while 4/8/47 under influence of liquor or d rug s Billb oards 4/8/47 Ambulances-License, Rul es and regulations 4/22/47 Amends Sec. J, Ordinance #576 G -P s -p :::; -T s -p S -T S -T s -p s s -p s -p s -p G -p s -p G -p S -T S -T S -T G -p G -p G -p G -p lnclude \l-C,10)~ Hepealed by 025 ~elude ~elude hxclude Exc l ude c=-1'\!Mndd Lg ll Q4 Ex clude ·-,, l i::;.· ( .Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclude Include (I-H) ~~ Exclude Amended by 582 Include (IV-a ~ Amends Sec. III,999 Exclude Exclude Exclude it-A Rep. by 921 Include (II-A) Repealed by 906 · Include (II-A) Include (IV-B) Repealed by 909 ¥ Include (IV-Q) Pa ge Jl . Amended or No. S~ie=c~t~~~~~~~~~~~~~D~a~t=e~~~a~c~t=e=d~Arn~e~n~d~s~o~r~repeals ~pl i cation Repea l ed by: Ac t ion Indexed 584. Milk 585. Traffic-Parking-No left turn on N.E. Adams & 4th 586 . App r ov. Assm't. Roll-L.I.D. 101 587. Building Code 588 . Est. L.I .D. No . 1 09 589. Est. L.I .D. No. 110 590. Es t. L.I.D. No. 111 591. Es t . L.I .D. No . 112 592. Approv . Assm't.Roll-L.I.D. 1 06 593. Vacation-Portion of S. i. 2nd 5/13/47 5/l J/47 5/13/47 6/10/47 5f27 /47 5/27/47 6/24/47 6/24/47 7/8/47 7 /8/47 594. Emer gency Ordinance-Raising Sal. 718/47 595 . Approv. Assm't. Ro ll-L.I .D. 1 05 8/l2/47 596. Traffic -Parking Meters 9/9/47 597 . Bud ge t - 1 948 1 0/14/47 598. Zoning-Changes property classif. 1 0/14/47 599. Ap prov. Assm 1 t.Roll-L.I .D. 108 10/11/47 11/25/47 11/25/47 600. 601. 602 . 603. Approv. Assm't. Roll-L.I.D. 1 07 Water-Rates-Rul es & Regulations D Est. L.I .• No . 113 1 1/25/47 Zon i ng-changes zone c l assification 1 2/9/47 Amends Ord . #497 G -p Amends Sub -Sec. a G -P & b, Ord.# 351 s -p Amends portion of G -P building code EJS adopted by 413 S -T S -T S - T S -T s -p s -p s -p s -p G -p S - T Amends Ord. #543 G -p s -p s -p G -p S -T Ame nds Ord. #543 G -p Repealed by 1001 • Include (I V-I) i.. Sec. J repeal ed I n clude (II -A) by 585 Repealed by 906 Exc lude .Amende d by 849 Include (V-~ Ex clude Exclude Exclude Exclud e Ex c lude Ex.elude Ex.elude Exclu de Ame nded by 779 Include (II-A) R6.3 l 937 949 974 rr~q, 1392 Exclude Inc l u de (V-A) Exclude Ex.elude Amended by 775-83 4Inc lude (III-A) Amended by 702 -910 Am ended by 724 Amen ded by 868 Am ended b y 1035 '1103 ', 1105;1121 ; ll~~;l.~176', 1299 1360 , 1396 I n clude (V-A) l~RD 8 & P "Nc>rE;A.R " STANDARD BaP "N~R" Page 3 2. Amended or No. Sub j e=c~t~~~~~~~~~~~~~D=a~t=e"-En a cted Amends or Repeals Application Repea l ed by: Action I ndex ed 604. Salaries 6 05 . Emergency Ord. -St. Warra nts 11/9/47 l /lJ /48 6 0 ~.. Traffic-Parking Meters Permit 1/13/48 607. Approv. Assm't. Roll-L.I.D. 109 1 /13/48 608. Approv. Assm't. Roll-L .I .D. 110 1/27/48 609. Approv. As sm.1 t. Roll-L.I.D. ll2 3/23/48 610. Vacation-Portion of N .~. Franklin 3/23/48 611. Wa t er Collector & Assistant, office c r eated 612. Approv. Assm 1 t. Roll-L.r.D. ll3 613 . Traffic-Parking Meter Permits 614. Creat ing office -Fire Chief 615. Street-Condemnation for portion of 18th 616. Emerge n cy Ordinance -Sa laries 617 . Annexation -Wagon Wheel 618 . Est. L.I.D. No. 114 619 . Est. L.I.D. No . 117 620. Est. L.I.D. No. 116 621. Zoning-Changes zone classif. 622. Franchise-West Coast Te le . Co. 25 years. ~ 623. Vacation-Portion of ~.E. 12th 3/23/48 4/13/48 4/13/48 4/13 /48 4/13 /48 5/11/48 5/11 /48 5/11/48 5/ll/48 5/ll/4 8 5/25/48 6/8/48 5/25/48 Repeals any in conflict s -p S -T G -p s p s -p s -p s -p Amends Sec. 3 & 4, S -P Ord. #:548 s -p Amends Sec. l, G -P Ordinance #606 s -p S -T S -T s -p S -T S - T S - T G -p Repeals Ord. #2 6 0 S -T s -p Sec. I & II Include (I-F) r e p ea led by 825 • Exclude Ame nded b y 613 Exclude Repeal ed by 779 v Exclude Exclude Exc lude ·Exclude Include (I-C,9 ) ~ Exclude Repe a led b y 779 ' Exclude Include (I-C,ll Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclude Include (V-A) Exclude Exclude Page 33. Amended or No. Subj ect, ______________ =D~a~t,,.e~E~n~a~c~ted Amends or Repeal§___ Applic'i,~t""i"'o,,_,n~R"'e"'p""'e""a""l"'e"'d'-"b"-y-'-:---'A"'c'-'t"'i"'o"'n'--"'I""nd""e"'x""e"""d 624. Est. L.I.D. No, 115 625. Est. L.I.D. No. 118 626. 627. 628. 629. 630. 631. Zoning-Creating Additional Use District Vacation-Portion of N.~. Franklin Est. L.I.D, No. 119 Est. L.I.D. No. 120 Zoning-Changes Zone Classif, Salaries-establishes for Mayor and Council 632. Approv. Assm't. Roll-L.I.ti. lll 633, Approv. Assm't. Roll-L.I.JJ. 114 634. Approv. Assm 1 t. Roll-L.I.D. 117 635, Budget -1949 636. 637. 638. 639. 640. 641. 642. 643. 644. Approv. Assm't. Roll-L.I.D. 115 Sanitation~Disposal of Est.-Cumulative Res. Fund - 0. P. Bridge Est.-Cumulative Res. Fund- Swimming Pool Payment of Publication Fees of Ord. & Notice by Individuals Pensions-City joining in State Program Emergency Ord. -Publications Salaries-Mayor & Council Approv. Assm't. Roll-L.I.D. 116 5/25/48 8/10/48 8/10/48 8/24/48 8/24/48 8/24/48 9/14/48 9/28/48 9/28/48 9/28/48 9/28/48 10/4/48 2/22/49 10/12/48 10/12/48 10/12/48 10/26/~8 11/9/48 11/9/48 11/9/48 Arnends Ord. #543 Amends Ord. #543 !mpeals any Ord. in conflict S -T S -T G -p s -p S -T S -T G -p s -p s -p s -p s -p S -T s -p G -P s -p s -p G -p s -p S -T s -p s -p Exclude Exclude Include (V-A) Exclude Exclude Exclude Include (V-A) Rpealed by 825 Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclude Include (III-A) Rep. by 923 Exclude Rep. by 923 Exclude Include (I-H) Exclude Exclude .. Repealed by 825 Exclude Exclude Page 34. Amended or No, Subject Date Enacted Amends or Reneals Ap p lication Repealed by: Action Indexed _645. Ap prov . Assm 't. Roll-L.I.D. 119 1 1 /9/48 s -p Exclude 646 . Establishe s salaries & hourly 1 2/28/48 s -p Repealed by 8 25 Exclude r ates-city employees Amended by 704 Amended by 7 1 0 647 . Zoning-Changes zone classi f. 1 2/28/48 Amends Or d . #543 G - p Include (V-A)· 648. Zo ning -Cha nges znne c l assif. 1/11/49 Amends Ord. #=543 G -p I n clude (V-A) 649 . "Ne v er Passed" 650. Re peals Or dinance No. 5b8 J/22/49 Repea l s Ord. #5~8 s -T Exclude 651. Est. L.I.D . No . 100 5/22/49 s - T Ex c l ude 652. Vacation-Portion o f I one St . 4/26/49 s -p Exclude 653. Zoning-Ch a n ges z one cl assi f. 4/26 /49 Amends Ord. #543 s -p Include (V-A ) v ,, Ame nd ed by 654. Garbage-compulsory system of cnll. 4/26/49 G -p 10 8Q,11 2{ 115 2 13 89 Include (III-B)• 655. Est . L.I.D. No. 123 4/26/49 S - T Exclude 656 . Bldg. Cod e -excluding churche s 4/26/49 Amends Art. J, Sec. G -P • 0 Amended by 849 I nclude (V-jr) ./ 657. Garbage -rates 5/24/49 l-A & l-D,Ord.#41J G - p Re peal Ad by 825 Exclude 658 . Est. L.I.D. No. 1 25 6/14/49 s - T Exclude 959. Condemnation-water shed 6/14/49 S -T Exc l ude 660. Vacation-portion of N.E. 19 th 7/12 /49 s -p Exclude 661. Bud get -1949 -Supplement 7/12/49 s -T Exclude 662. Condemnati on-p rivat e property 7 /12 /49 s -T Exclude 663. SalariPS 7/12/49 Amen ds Sec. TI, s -p Re pealed by825 · Exclude Ord. I 646 664. Cit y Superint endent-creating 7/12/49 G -P Repealed by 679 • Exclude Page 35. No. Subject 665. Garbage 666. Nu isance-trees & weeds-removal 6 67. Vacating certain streets 668. Vac ating certa in s treets 669. Condemning certain property 67 0. Condemning certain property 671. Budget -1950 67 2 . Approv . Assm't. Roll-L.I.D. 1 20 673. Approv. Assm't. Roll-L.I.D . 1 23 674. Did not pass 675. Buil dj n g Code-adopting 67 6 . Approv. Assm 1 t. Roll-L.I.D. 118 677. Approv. Assm 1 t. Roll-L.I.D. 1 25 67 8 . Did not pass 679. Purchas;n g Age nt -creates 680. Swimming Pool -election 681. Approv. Assm't. Roll-L .I.D, 100 682 . Zoning -additional use 683 . 684. Park Commission -create s Li censes -amusements Amended or Date En act ed Ame nds or Repeals Applicat;on Repeal ed by: Action Index:ed 7/26/49 7/26/49 8/9/49 8/9/4 9 8/23/49 9/27 /49 10/3/49 1 0/25/49 1 0/25/49 10/25/49 1 0/25/49 11/8 /49 11 /8 /49 l l /22/49 12/20/49 12/20/49 1/10/50 2/14/§0 Amends Sec. 5 or G -P Ord.#654, adds Sec. 5A Sec. 1 repeal ed Ord. #725 G -p s -p s -p S -T S -T S -T S -T S T G -P S - T S - T Repeals Ord . #664 G -P S - T Amends Ord. #543 Amends Sec. 8, 9 Ord. #J67 S - T G -P G -p G -p Include (III-B)"' Include (V-C) 1 Exclude Exclude Ex clude Exclude Exc lude Exclude Exclude Ame nded by 836 Include (V-A) ~ 849 Exc l ude Exc lude Re p. Sec .II by Include (I-C,l) 923 Amended by 925 Amended by 1339 Exclude Exc l ude Include (V-A) Include (I-C,2)• Include (IV-J) Page 36. No. Subject Amended o~ Date Enacted Amends or Repeals Application Repealed by: Action Indexed 685, Est. L.I.D. No, 100 686, Garbage 687, Sanitation 688, Rates -Garbage 689. Minors -curfew 690. Annexation 691. Annexation 692, Juvenile Dept. -Police 693, Police Matron 694. Water Rates 695, Est. L.I.D, No. 121 696, Wages 697, Est. L,I,D. No. 126 698, Budget -1951 699, License-fees-pin balls 700. Pin balls -minors 701. Approv, Assm't. Roll-L.I.D, 121 2/28/50 3/14/50 3/14/50 5/24/50 4/11/50 5/23/50 5/23/50 5/23/50 5/23/50 6/13/50 6/27/50 8/8/50 9/12/ 50 10/3/ 50 11/14/50 11/14/50 11/14/50 702. Water Rates 11/28/50 703. Cummulate Res. Fund-Sewage Plant 12/12/50 704. Salaries 1/9/51 S -T Repeals Sec. 2 of G -P Ord. #665 Adds t~ Ord. #211 G -P Repeals Ord. #657 G -P Repeals ~B & 524 G -P s -p s -p G -P G -P Amends Sec. 12,13, G -P & 14 Ord. #601 Amends Sec. 3 OT Ord. #646 S - T G -p S - T S - T Sec. 9 of 367 G -P Repeals Sec. 3 of 384. G -P S - T Amends Sec. 12 oT G -P Ord. #601 Amends Sec. l& 2 Ord. #646 s -p G -p Rep. by 923 Exclude Include (III-B) ,, Include (III-A) RepealAd by 744 Exclude Repealed by 8511. Include (VI-B) Exclude Exclude Include (I-C,12 ,/ Include (I-c, 13 Repealed by 825 ' Exclude Exclude Repea1ed by 825,. Exclude Exclude Exclude // Repealed by 907' Include (IV-J) / Sec. I amended by Include (VI-B) ·• 1009 Exclude Amended by 775 Repealed by 825 Exclude Repealed by 923 ·'Exclude RepealAd by 825,.,/Exclude Page 37. Amended or No. Subject Date En acted Ame nds or Re~eal s AI:mlication Re12eal ed b;y:: Action Indexed 705. Liquor -hours fnr sale of 2/13/51 Am e nds Sec . 2 of' G -P Sec. 1 repealed I nclude (IV-G) Ord. #J88 by Ord. #75 2 70 6 . Emergency -Park fund 6/12/51 S -T Exclude 707. Of f i c e honrs 6/12/5 1 G -p Sec. 1 repealed Incl ude (I -I ) t.- by Ord . #747 708. Est. L.I.D. No. 127 7/7/51 S - T Exc l ude 709. Es t . L .I.D. No. 128 7/24/51 S -T Ex clude 710. Sal aries 7/24/5 1 Amends Sec. 2 of G -p Repealed by 825 Exc l ude Ord. #646 711. Zoning -certa;n areas 8/14/51 Amends Ord. #543 s -p Inc lude (V-A) 712 . Approv. Assm't . Ro l l-L.I.D. 126 8/28 / 51 S - T Exc l ude 713. Cummu lative Reserve Fund-streets 8/28/51 s -p I nclude (I -H ) 714. Traf fic 9/11/51 Repeal s Sec . Ord. #585 3 of G -p Repealed by 906 I nclude (II-A ) 715. Est. L.I.D. No. 129 9/25/51 s - T Exclude 716. Cumrnul ative Reserve Fund-Fire 9/25/51 s -p Incl ude (I-H) v Department 10/J/51 717. Budget -1952 s -T Exclude 718 . Approv. Assm't. Ro l l -L.I.D. 127 10f9/5 1 s -T Ex clude 719. Approv. .Assm 1t. Roll-L.I.D. 128 11/13/51 s -T Exclude 720. Salar iRs-officers & employees 11/27 I 51 G -p Repealed by 731 Exclude 739 & 774 72 1. Dance Hal l s -regulation 12/11/51 G -p Am.e nd e d Seel! Incl ude (IV-F)· by 919-Re pealed 722. Approv. Assm't. Ro ll-L.I.D. 129 2/12/5 2 S -T by Ord. 13 10 Ex clude 723. Est. L.I.D . No. 130 3/25/52 S - T Exclude 724. Water -meters 4/8 /52 Amends Ord. #60 1 G -p Include (I I I-A-. 725. Buil ding Code-ad opts Na t ional 4/8/ 52 Re~ea l s Sec. 1, G -p Rm.ended by 849 I n clude (V-~) Or • 1675 ~R" STANDARD B & P "N~R" STAND Page 38. Amended or No . Sub,ject Date Enacted Amends or Re12e a l ~ A1212lication Re12ea led bz: Action Indexed 726. Est. L.I.D. No. 133 7/8/52 S -T Exclude 727 . Est. L.I.D. No. 131 5/27/52 S -T Exclude 728. Fireworks -prohibiting 6/10/52 G -p Repea l ed by 983 Inclnde (VI-C) 729. Est. L.I.D, No. 132 6/24/52 s -T Exclude ?JO. Annexation -S,E . 6th 7/8/52 s -p Exclude ,/ 731. Wage rates 8/12/52 Amends Ord. #7 20 s -p RepealAd by 774 Exclude 732 . Bud get -1 953 1 0/6/52 S -T Exclude 733. Special election-sanitary disposal 10/23/52 s -T Exclude 734. Bonds -Oak Park Bridge 1 0/28/52 s -T Exclude 735. Employees-leave of absence 12/9/52 G -p Repealed b y 902 Include (I-D,2) 736. Approv. Assm 1 t. Roll-L.I.D. 131 11/28/52 s -T Excl11de 737, Approv. Assm't. Roll-L.I.D. 133 11/28/52 s - T Exclude 738. Licenses-peddlP.rs & hawkers 12/9/52 Amends Sec. 4, .5& G -p Amended by 874 Include (IV-E) • 13 of Ord.# 367 ..'.09-. Repe a ls Ord. #490 739. Salaries-officers & employees 12/9/52 Repeals Sec . l & 2 G -p Repeal"'d by 774 v ' Exclude of Ord. #720 740. Approv. Assm't . Roll-L.I.D. 130 12/23/52 S -T Exclude 741. Approv . Assm •t. Roll-L.I.D. 13 2 12/23/52 S -T Exclude 742. Condemnation-sewage plant 1/13/53 S - T Exclude 743. Sq l aries ~ employees 2/10/53 G -p (vf I ~fl/. Sec, I, by 997 Include (I-D,l) 744. Rates -garhage c~llection 3/10/53 Repe a l s Ord. #688 G -p Repealed by 841 Incl11de (III-B) Est. L.I.D. No, 137 3/1 0/53 S -T Exclude 745. Page 39. No . Subject 746. Annexation 747. City Offices -h01irs 748. Coun cil meetings -t;me & place 749. 750. 75l. 752. 753. 754. 755. 756. 757. 758. 759. 760. 76l. 762. Est. L.I.D. No. 134 Est. L.I.D. No. 135 Streets ~ vacating Intnxicating liquo r-ho11rs fnr sale of Bonds -sewage d1sposal Emergency warrant -insurance 1) Est. L.I •• No. 136 Est. L.I.D. No. 138 Approv. Assm 't. Roll-L.I.D. 117 Annexation Est. L.I.D. No. 139 Fire Department-merit svstem Budget -1954 Abatement of Faler & }'.\yers nuisances 763. Int oxicating liquo r -minors 764. Approv. Assm't. Roll-L.I.D. 114 765. Motor vehicle -spBed limits Amended or Date ~nact ed Amends or Repeals Aoplication Repealed by: Action Indexed. 4/28/53 4/28/53 4/28/53 4/28/53 7/14/53 5/12/53 5/28/53 6/23/53 7/14/53 7/14/53 7/14/53 7/28/53 8/11/53 9/22/53 10/5/53 10/13/ 53 10/13/53 10/27 I 53 10/27/53 s -p Repeals Sec. 1 of G -P Ord. #707 Repeals ll,l68,263 G -P S - T S - T s -p Amends Sec. 2 of 388 G-P Repeals Sec.l of 705 S -T S -T S -T S - T S - T s -p S.-T G -p S - T S -T G -p S -T Amends Ord. #500 G - p Amends Sec. 2 or 351 Exclude Include (I.$) Amended by 771 Incl11 de (I-A) Exclude Exclude Exclude Include (IV-G) •· Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclude Amended by 1346 Include (I-D,4 • Exclude Exclude ~/ 1 1094 Include (VI-B) Exclude Amended by 831 · Include (II-A) Re p ealed b y 9o6 " Page 40. No. Subject 766. Nuisances-defining & prohibiting 767. 768. 769. 770. 771. 772. lt Approv. Assm't. oll-L.I.D. 139 Ho11se numbers Approv. Assm't. Roll-L.I.D. 138 Fire Prevention Code-adoption of Council meetings-time and place Zoning certain areas 773. Water & Sewer -C"mbining 774. SalariRS-officers & employees 775. Water Rates 776. Water Rates 777. 778. 779. 780. 781. License-laundry-fee Fire limits -RepP.aling 430 Parking meters and pPrmits Water -Sewer -Amends 773 Bonds -water -sewer 782. Annexation -Westco 783. Emergency Budget 784, Est. L.I.D. No, 140 785. Emergency Ordinance 786. Electric Light Poles Date Enacted Amenrls or Repeals Amended or Application Repealed by: Action Indexed 12/2/53 11/10/53 11/10/53 11/24/53 11/24/53 12/8/53 12/8/53 12/8/53 12/22/53 12/22/53 2/9/ 54 2/9/54 4/13/54 4/27/54 4/27 I 54 4/27/54 4/27/54 5/11/54 5/11/54 6/8/54 6/8/54 Repealed G -P Sec.I by 923 Include (V-C) Amends 407 & 411 Amends Ord. #7 48 Repeals 720,731 & 739 Amends 601 & 702 Amends Ord. #775 S - T G -P S - T G -P G -p s -p s -p G -P G -P G -p Amends Sec.l of" 398 G -P Repeals Ord. #430 S -P Repeals 606 & 613 G -P Amends sec. 4 of" 596 Amends Sections 4 & G - P 5. Ord. 773 s -p s s S - T s Amends Sec.4 of 468 G -P Amended by 936, 1034, 1190; Repealed by 805 Include (II-B,? •/ Exclude Include (V-E) 1243 Include (I-A) Include (V-A) Amended by 780' Include (III-A) Amended by 79'5 ··Include (I-D,l)v· RepealAd by 829 ./ Amended by 776-Include (III-A) 910 . Incl;ide (III-A)·· Include (IV-H) / Exclude Include (II-A) Incl11de (III-A) Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclnde Incl11de (II-B, 1 Page 41. No. Subject Amended or _____ Date Enacted Amends or Repeals Application Repealed by: Action Indexed 787. Licensing Punchboards 788. Approv. Assm't.Roll-L.I.D. l35 789. Budget -l955 790. Admission Tax 79l. Approv. Assm't. Roll-L.I.D. l40 792. Approv. Assm't. Roll-L.I,D, l)6 793. Annexation -N.W. lOth Ave. 794. Zone Change 795. Salaries 796. Sewer System Imp. Reserve Fund 797. Est. L.I.LJ. l42 798. Est. L.I.D. l43 799. Zone Change 800. Creates Claim Fund 7/28/54 7 /28/54 l0/5/54 l0/l2/54 ll/9/54 ll/23/54 2/8/55 ll/23/54 ll/23/ 54 2/8/55 2/23/55 3/8/55 3/8/55 3/8/55 80l. Reg. Use o~ Public & Private Sewers 3/8/55 802. Est. L.I.D. l44 803. Emergency-Purchase Police Car 804. Changes Zone Boundries 805. Time & Place -Council Meetings 806. Est. L.I.D. l45 807. Est. L.I.D. l4l-W 3/22/55 4/l2/55 4/l2/55 4/l2/55 4/26/55 5/9/55 Repeals s -p s -p s -p Repeals Ord. #520 s -p s -p s -p Amends Ord. #543 s -p Amends Ord. #774 s -p s -p s s Amends Ord. 543 s -p s -p s -p s S - T Amends Ord. 543 s -p Repeals 748 & 77l S ~ P S - T S - T Repealed by 8l5 Exclude Exclude Exclude Excl11de Exclude Exclude Exclude Include (V-A) · RepealPd by 829 · Include (I-D,l)· Incl11de (I-H) v· Exclude Exclude Include V-A ' Sec. II amended by Include (I-H) 1013 Amended by 973 Include (III-A Exclude Exclude Include (V-A) · Include (I-A) v Exclude Exclude Page 42. Amended or No. Subject Date Enacted Amends o:r Repeals Application Repealed by: Action Indexed 808. Est. L.I.D. 146-W-S 5/9/55 s - T Exclude 809. Est. L.I.D. 147 5/23/55 s - T Exclude 810. Vacat;on-Port;on N.W. Park St. 5/23/55 s - T Exclude 811. Dogs -License & Regulation 6/13/55 Repeals 368, 512 & 519 G-P Amended by 896 Include (V-D) ,/ 978, 1200 812. Changing Wards 6/27/55 Repeals 456 G -p Repealed by 996''inclnde (I-B) 8:j_J • Providing Appropriation for 7/25/55 s - T Exclude Coin Sorter 814. Confirms Assm't. Roil 146-WTS 8/8/55 s - T Exclude 815. Prohibiting Punchbnards 8/8/55 Repeals 787 G -p Include (VI-A) ·· 816. Emergency -Extra Fireman 8/22/55 s - T Exclude 817. Conf;rms Assm 't. Roll L.I.D. 143 8/22/55 s - T Exclude 818. Confirms Assm't. Roll L.I.D. 144 8/22/55 s - T Excl11de 819. Confirms Assm't. Roll L,I.D. 142 9/12/55 s - T Exclude 820. Confirms Assm't. Roll L,I.D. 141-W 9/12/55 s - T Exclude 821. Confirms Assm't. Roll L,I.D. 145-W-l 9/12/55 s - T Exclude 822. Nuisance Ord. -permit displavs 9/12/55 Amends Sec.l, Para. G -p Include (V-C) · 8 & 11, Ord. #766 823. Confirms Assm't. Roll L.I.D. 147 9/26/55 s -T Exclude 824. Budget 1956 10/3/55 s - T Exclude 825. General Repealing Ord. 10/24/55 Numerous ordinances s Exclude 826. Zoning Areas Annexed by Ord. 746 11/28/55 Include (V-A) 793 827. Creating Office Police Captain 12/12/55 Include (I-C-15 828. Creating Office Fire Lieutenant 12/12/55 Amended by 1047 Include (I-C-16•/ STANDARD B&P ''N~'' STAND Page 43. No. Subject Date Enacted 829 . 1956 Sa l ary Ordinance ~2/1 2/55 830. Water ·Line Franchise c. z. 12/27 /SS 831. Increasing Speed Limit O.P. Bridge 3/12/56 832. L.I.D. No. 150 N. We Hill create. 4/9/56 833. L.I.D. No. 1.L.8 N. W. 13th Ave. 4/9/56 creating 834. Providing decrease to non residents 4/9/56 on water rates in summer 835. 836. O:>nstruction Parking lot Offices 5/28/56 837. Special Construction Fund for Improve 6/25/56 N. W. Seuenth Ave. and Ash 838. Authorize Election $90 1 000.00 Bonds o. o. 7 /9/56 839 Appropriating For Street J=Ulice repairs 7/9/56 840 Water Line Franchise c. z. 8/13/56 841 Increasing Garbage Rates 8/13/56 842 1957 Budget 10/1/56 843 Tax on Natural Gas 10/8/56 844 Confirming t. r. n. 148 Ro 11 10/8/$6 845 Confirming L. I. D. 150 Roll 10/8/56 846 Appropriating Money for P.D. Gas 11/26/56 847 19$7 Salary Ordinance 12/10/$6 Am e nd ed or Amend s or Repeals App licati on Repea led by: Act i on Indexed Rep e a ls 774, 795 & others in c nnfl ict with Re pea l ed by 8h7 Includ e (I-D-I) ~ Amends 765, 351 .Amends Section Xll, 601 Adds to Sec. Vlll,601 Adds to Or d 675 Repeals Ord. 744 Repeals 829 Include (Vil-A) 1. Repealed by 906 ' Include (ll-A ) Exclude Exclude Include ( 111-A ) ~ Re pealed by 8 u9 ' Include ( V-B ) Exclude Exclude Exclude Exclude Re pealed by 1099' Include ( JJ.1 B)' & 1086 ... Exclude Include ~11 R ) Exclude iicclude Exclude Repealed by-86 7" Include ( D-1) Page 44 No. Subject Date Enacted 848. Adopting Street names Westco. etc 1/28/57 849 Adopting 1955 Bldg. Code 3/25/57 850 Plumbing Ordinance 3/25/57 851 Curfew Ordinance 5/13/57 852 BS.3 854 855 856 Prohibiting intoxicating persons on streets L. I, D. 149 N, E. Franklin Zoning 0, P. District M-2 L,I,D, 152 N, E. 22nd Avenue 5/22/57 5/22/57 6/27 /57 7/8/57 857 Court Costs for Civil Service Comm. 7/22/57 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 L.I.D. 151 S East Highway Sewers Approp. money for Water Purchase Street Vacation N.W. Elm Franchise -Portland Gas & Coke L.I.D. 149 N.E. Franklin Parking Meter Violations Budget -1958 L.I.D. 152 N.E. 22nd Ave. 8/12/57 8/26/57 8/26/57 9 /9 /57 9 /!23/57 9 /23/57 10/7 /57 10/28/57 Amends or ReJ20als Supplements 540/ Application Amends 96,175,273, 328,354, 413, 415. 416, 430. 551,587~ 656, 675, 725, abd 836"' Amends Section l,33, and 38 of 329 •· Repeals 689 " Amends maps of Ord 543 "" Sec, X Ord, 596/ Amended or repealed by Action Indexed Include 11 B 2 ° Amended by ~ 933 V B Sec, I amended by 1008, 1222 Repealed by Include lV c 916 Include Vl B Include Vl A Exclude Incllude V11.. Exclude Include III A~ Include VIIIA Include VII B ' Include II A Page l~) :No.. Subject Date Enacted 867 Salaries 12/23/57 368 bi1l:Lngs for vJater chgs,, l/1J/_S8 869 Appropriatior1 for tractor 870 Vacating N.E. 7th Ave. So. 10 ft. 2/10/58 1 ·~41r'8 _,,/ c._ / 7 8 71 Appropriation for traffic counter 4/1L1-/S8 873 Zoning _Areas Etnnexed Ord .. 617 .Sanitar:t :3evver on 1~ .. E .. .ti._darr1s St., creating L. I. D. 153-S 874 Telepl1one So1iciti11g , i~s 'r··'8 Lj-j C / _7 4/28/58 6/23/58 876 App. Assessment Roll-L.I.D. 151--S 6/23/58 877 Reg. Hrs. for Liquor Sales 878 L.I.D. 154-s Sewer on Cedar 8 79 Rezone area in Weir Park to C-1 880 L.I.D. 153-S Sewer on N.E. Adams 881 Speed Limit 882 Zoning 883 Budget -1959 7/14/58 7/114/58 7/28/58 8/11/58 9/8/58 9/8/58 10/6 /58 884 Confirming Assessment Roll-L.I.D.155 10/14/58 885 Confirming L.I.D. 154-s 11/10/58 Arnends or Repeals Application Repeals Ord. B~7" lb11ends Sec~4 Ord .. 601'_/ Amends Sec.2 Ord. 388" Amends Ord. 543 / Amends Sec.2 Ord.351/ 11 Sec. 1 Ord. 765/ Amends Ord. 543 ' Amended or repealed by Action Indexed Rep •. 887 Amended by 910 Repealed by 906' 'T IJ ") \_L'--..L (III-A) (VlII-A) (V-A) ·· (Trr-1l) (IV-E) (IV-G) v (II-A (V-A) I~" STANDARD B&P "N~R" STAND Page 46 .Amended or No. Subject Date Enacted Amends or Repeals Application repealed by Action Indexed 886 Vacating Couch St. 11/10/58 (VIII-A)" 887 Salaries 12/22/58 Repeals 867 • Amended by 897 Q-0-1) I and 898 888 Civil Defense Council 3/9/59 ~ (VI-A) · Amended by 959 889 ', Annexing S.E. Third Ave. 3/23/59 890 Park Street -L.I.D. 157 5/25/59 891 Vacation portion Division St. 5/25/59 (VIII-A) 892 L. I. D. 156-S Westerly sewer 6/22/59 893 Franchise -Water Line 7/13/59 (Vll-A)"" Crown Zellerbach 894 L.I.D. 158-S Province Terrace sewer 6/22/59 895 Prohibiting Trespassing 7/13/59 (Vl-A) ' 896 Dog impounding 7/13/59 Amends Ord. 811 Amended by 1151 (V-D) 897 Salaries & hourly rates 7/27/59 Amends Ord. 887 Repealed b y 908 • (D-1) 898 Salaries & hourly rates 8/24159 Amends Ord. 887 Amended by 897 (D-1) Amends Ord. 897 Rep ea led b y 908 ~ 899 Budget -1960 10/5/59 900 L.-I.D. 157 -Assessment roll 10/13/59 901 L.I.D. 158-S -Assessment roll 10/13/59 902 Vacations and Leaves of absence 11/9/59 Repeals Ord. 735 l/ Amended by 956,fc/,( (D-2-) ~ 1112' 1182, 1301 903 Street Excavation -permits 11/9/59 Repea.ls Ord. 121 "' (TI-B-1)/ 904 Franchise -Pacific Northwest Pipeline Corp. 12/14/59 (VII-D) vf 905 Construction Contractors License 12/14/59 (IV-0) Page 47 Amended or No. Subject Date Enacted Am.ends or Repeals Applica tion rep ealed by Action Indexed 906 Regulating Traffic v 907 Pinballs & etc . 908 Salary Ordinance 909 Ambulance regulating 910 Water rates 911 Sy stem of street naming 912 Co n firming Assessment roll L.I.D . 156-S 913 Sale of First Aid Car 914 L.I.D. 159 -Improvement N.W. Couch St . 915 Sanitary Sewer in Crestview Spec. Const. Fund No. 2-S 916 Uniform Plumbing Code 12/14/59 12/28/59 1 2/28/59 2/8/60 2/8/60 2/23/60 2/23/60 2/23/60 4/25/60 6/12/60 6/13/60 917 Emergency -purchase aerial 7/11/60 ladder 918 Appropriate Certain Library funds 9/12/60 919 Dance Ord . 920 Spec.Const . Fund 3-W (Crestview) 921 Declaring certain acts unlawful 922 Spinning of Wheels 923 Repealing various ordinances 9/12/60 9/12/60 9/26/60 9/26/60 9/26/60 y ,,., R~peals~ 351., }35,42§ 4J6,4J 1,459,402,soo , Soz;S14 ,5 81~S BSr 11!{,'" 765;831;' & 881 .v I Repeal 699 Amend 367 Repeal 887 : 8~7 & 898 v Repeal 583 / / / Amend -601, 868, 775 Amend 407," v' 'v Re peal 217, 329,850 v Am.end Sec .II Ord.72i ; Repeals 580 ~ -./ Repeals 83,185,217,638, 639 ~687 ,7 03,Sec .I I o f 563 Sec .II of 679 ~ sub -sec 14 of Se c. I o f 766. Sec. 24,Amended by 1026 Sec . 24 Amended by 10 4 ' AJ-108~~ 101; 1163 Ad 1233 / (II-A) / (IV-J) • Amended by -(D-1) 1 931, 947 Repeal-961 ~ (IV-Q) • ../Repealed by 1173 Amend ed by 1038 Repealed by Ord. 1310 (III -A) " (II -B-21 (IV-C) "' (IV-F) Para GG, Sec. I / (VI -A) Amended by 10 66, 1217 (VI-A) .. _,.~<!.. -I "' / Page 48 Amended or No. Subject Date Enacted Am.ends or Repeals Application repealed by Action Indexed 924 Civi l Service 925 Duties of Purchasing Agent 926 1961 Budget 927 Appropriating $4,000 Water Dept. 928 Confirming Assessment roll L.I.D. 159 9/26/60 9/26/60 10/3/60 10/10/60 10/24/60 929 Vacation of portion N. E. Joy St. 11/14/60 930 Appropriating $779.67 931 Division St. Bridge 19 6 1 Salaries and wages 932 Codification of Ordinances 933 Na~ional Electrical Code 934 Transferring Funds Library 935 Group Hospital Insurance 936 Adopting 1960 Fire Prevention Code 937 Regulating Parking in meter zone 938 L.I.D. 1 6 1 N. E. Birch Street 939 L.I.D. 163 N. E. Everet t St. 940 Changing Use from R-1 to C-1 941 Reestab lish Grade First, Zenith Yale 942 L.I.D. 160 Crest View Streets 1 943 L .I.D. 1 62 Sunset Terrace Annex 944 Franchise to P P AND L power lines 1 2/12/60 1/1/61 1/9/61 1/23/61 1/23/61 1/23/61 2/27/61 2/14/61 3/13/61 3/13/61 3/27/61 4/10/61 4/10/61 4/10/61 5/8/61 Amends Sec.I &III of 405 Am.ends Sec.II of 679 Am.ends Sec. II & III of 908 v Am.ends Sec. XIII & XIV of 849 ~ Amends Sec.-I, IV, V, & VI of 7710 ' Am.ends Sec. VI & VIII of 596 "Repealed by 961 (I-C-5) / (I-C-1) ../ (VIII-A) c / ... (D-1) (IV-D) • • Sec. I Amended by;,-f .P -r; Ord. 1061, · 1154, V, 180, 1203, 1302 (V-E)...., (II-A) (V-A) ...,....--: VII -C - Page 49 Amended or No . Subject Date Enacted Amends or Repeals Application Repealed by Action Indexed 945 Franchise to Clark County PUD 946 Providing fo r acquiring First Aid Car 947 Working Hours of Fire Dept. 948 Admission tax on swim pool fees 949 Changing hours for parking 950 Creating Arterial Street Fund 951 Creating L .I .D. No. 160 952 Creating L .I .D. No. 163 953 Creating L .I .D. No . 162 5/8/61 5/22/61 5/22/61 5/22/61 7/24/61 7/24/61 8/28/.61 8/28/61 8/28/61 954 Emergency Ordir:iance for City Shop 9/11/61 955 Franchise to Brocardy, Inc . 9/25/61 956 Amending Sick Leave Ordinance 957 958 959 1962 Budget Confirming assessment roll L . I. D. 161 Ci v il Defense 9/25/61 10/2/61 10/9/61 10/9/61 960 Franchise to West Coast Telephone 11/27/61 961 962 Salary Ordinance Creating Fire Department Batta- lion Chi e f 963 Franchise C.Z . Power Line N . E . Adams 964 Vacation First Avenue 965 Annexation Weir Park - 1/1/62 2/13/62 2/26/62 4/9/62 4/9/62 Amends Se c . IV of 908 I/ Amends Sec . VI of 596 Amends Sec . III of 902 Amends Ord . No . .,,-'° 888, Sec. III J Repeals 908, 931 , 947 Amends Sec . I of 525 J Repealed by 961 - / VRe p ealed by 1037 Amended by 976 Sec .II, III , by 961 .; ' "Re 1100,1132, 1193, 1300 VIl-C / II-F (D-1) (II-A) v (I-D-2) t (VI-A) 1 (I-D-1) (I -C ~) .. 1/11 --If Page 50 No. Subject 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 Creating L.I.D. No. 164 Creating L.I.D. No. 165 Creating L.I.D. No. 166 Confirming assessment roll L.I.D. 164 Confirming assessment roll L.I.D. 165 Confirming assessment roll L.I.D. 166 1963 Budget 973 Time Council Meetings 974 Abolishing Parking Meter Fund 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 Establishing Cumulative Reserve Fund Salary Ordinance Intoxicating liquor-regulating Prohibiting dogs in packs Temporary loan C.E. to Library Creating Special Construction 4W Zoning Ordinance Relating to persons convicted of a crime Defining Fireworks 984 Creating L,I,D. No. 167 985 Creating L.I.D. No. 170 986 Creating L.I,D. No. 171S Date Enacted Amends or Repeals 4/23/62 5/14/62 7/9/62 9/24/62 9/24/62 9/24/62 10/1/62 11/26/62 11/26/62 12/10/62 1/1/63 12/26/62 3/11/63 3/11/63 3/25/63 5/27 I 63 4/22/63 4/22/63 5/13/63 5/13/63 5/13/63 Amends s;y. I of 805 Amends Bee. 12 and 13 of 596 '/ Amends Sec. II of 961 Amends Sec. IV of 388' Amends Sec, IV of 811 ' Repeal Ord. 543 ' Repeals 728 Amended or Application Repealed by Action Indexed Include (I-A) ' Include (II-A) 1-H Repealed by997 (I-D-1) v Include (IV-G) c/ Amended by v 1089 1129 by l109,1168,,/l181, 1214,1368,1369 (V-D) (V-A) 1187 (VI-A) (VI-C) Page 51 No, Subject 987 988 989 990 991 992 Creating L.I.D. No. 168S Creating L.I,D. No. 169S C,'Z. franchise water line & electric power cables Creating L.I.D. No. 172 Prohibiting livestock in the City parks Budget -1964 993 Confirming assessment roll L, I. D. 167 994 Confirming assessment roll L, I, D. 168S 995 996 997 998 Confirming assessment roll L.I,D, 169S Dividing City into wards Pay Plan Adoption Creating Department of Public Works 999 Poster Panel licenses 1000 Motion Picture license 1001 Licensing sales of milk 1002 Dry cleaning license 1003 Laundry license 1004 License juke boxes 1005 Licensing cards and pool tables I 1006 Licensing food establishments 1007 Licenses for Building Trades Amended or Date Enacted Amends or Repeals Application Repealed by Action Indexed 5/13/63 5/13/63 5/27/63 6/24/63 8/26/ 63 10/7 / 63 11/12/ 63 11/12/63 11/12/63 12/9/63 12/23/63 12/23/63 12/23/63 12/23/63 12/23/ 63 12/23/63 12/23/ 63 12/23/63 12/23/63 12/23/ 63 12/23/63 Repeals 812 Repeals /. Sec, .II & III,961 Sec. I, 743/& Ord, 976~ . Amend,s Sec, III of Ord. 576 Amends Sec, VI of Ord. 367' Repeals Ord. 381, 479, 584 Amends Sec, I, 397' Amends Sec, I, 393· Amends Sec, II, 531 Repe~ls Para.10, 367'/ ' Ord. 262 ,· 396 Amends Sec, 19' 347 (VII-,4) ~· (V-D) L- Sec. III & V. (I-B) / Amended by l 063, 1155 Amended by i~50, 1188 1290,13$1 (I-D-1) amended by 1325 · Amended by 1174 (C-17) v (IV-B) v (I'l -B) • (IV-I)/ (IV-H) (IV-H) ,/ (IV-J) (IV-K) (IV-M) •· (IV-0) Page 52 No. Sub'ect Date Enacted Amends or Re eals 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 Amending Building Code Prohibiting persons under 21 playing pinballs Permitting persons t o play p oo l or billiards Creating L,I ,D, No. 170 Creating L,I,D. No, 171 1013 Amending Claims Fund 1/13/64 2/24/64 2/24/64 3/9/64 3/9/64 3/23/64 1014 Mufflers on motor vehicles 4/13/64 1015 Creating W-S Capital Reserve Fund 4/13/64 1016 1017 1018 Special Construction Fund 5 -W Creating L.I.D. No. 172 Creating L.I.D. No. 173 5/25/64 6/8/64 6/8/64 1019 Vacation of a portion of S.E.hl~~ff 8-24/64 1020 1965 Budget 1021 Confirming L,I,D. NO. 172 Province Drive 1022 Confirming L.I.D, No. 173 Ione and Hayes 1023 Annexation N,W, Ninth Avenue 1024 Confirming Assessment role of L. I.D. No. 170 1025 Confirming assessment role of L, I.H. No. 171 10/5/64 10/26/64 10/26/64 10/26/64 11/22/ 64 11/9/64 Amends Sec. I, 849 ' Amends Sec. I, 700 ' Amends Sec_. IV, 31}8 Sec. I ~ VI .II, 74 ' Amends Sec, II, 800 v A lication Amended by 1390 Act ion Indexed (V-B) · ..- (VI-B) ~ (VI-B) (IV-G, K) .......-/ (I-H) '-- (I-H) (VIII-A)1 Page 53 Amended or No. Subject Date Enacted Amends or Repeals Application Repealed by Action Indexed 1026 Increasing speed limit N. W. Sixth 11/9 / 64 1027 Creating Equipment Rental Fund 12 /14 /64 1028 Defining an assault 12/14/64 1029 Appropriating $850.00 in Civil Defense 2/8/65 1030 Sub-Division Regulations 1<Pf s- 1031 Authorizing Sale of $315,000.00 G. o. Bonds 1032 P lan of Improvements Water-Sewer and authorizing $350,000.00 Revenue 3/8/65 Bonds 4/12/65 1033 Dec laring residence 522 N.W. Elm nuisance 5/24/65 1034 Adopting 1965 Edition of the Fire Prevention Code 6/14 /65 1035 Water Rate Increase 6/14/65 1036 $350,000.00 W-S Revenue Bonds 6/14/65 1037 Repealing 948-Adm ission Tax 1038 Provoking an Assault 7/12/65 103 9 Creating L.I.D. tl174-S 7/12/65 1040 Creating L.I.D. lfl7 5 7/12/65 1041 Creating L.I.D. 11176 8/9/65 1042 Amending L.I.D. 11 174-S 9/13/65 Amends Sec. 24,906 ,_, Amends Sec.1,4,5,6-770 Amends Sec 10,11,12,13,14 Ordinance 601 ...- / Repeals 948 .... Amends Sec 1,921 v Amends Sec. 3,1039 ....... Amended by 1942 ~ (11-A) ' (I-H) J (VI -A) (V-E) (III -A)' (VI-A) - Page 54 No. Sub j ect Date Enacted Amends or Repeals 1043 1966 Bu dget Or dinance 10/4/65 1044 Sidewalk Reg ulations Sub-d ivisions 10/11 /65 1045 104 6 1047 Creating L.I.D. #177 Creating L.I.D. #179 ~han ging Title Fire Lieutenant to 11/8/65 11/8/65 Fir e Cap tain 12/13/65 104 8 Vacation Provisions 12-13-65 ' "1 049 Granting CATV Franchise 1050 Amending Salary Ord inance 1051 Vacating Portion of N.E .Adam s 1052 Appropriati~g $55 0.00 in Equipment 12127/65 1/10/66 1/10 /66 Rental Fund 1/24/66 105 3 Rezoning a rea Division to Adams 1054 Confi rming assessment roll L.I.D. //177-N.E.Adams .. 1055 Confirming assessment roll L.I.D. #174-S-N.W . 1 0 th Av e 1056 Ann exing area on Prune Hill 1057 Ann exin g area on N.W . Te n th 105 8 "il'aaat i dn -<Difi-ipor tion N. E .Adams 1059 Fluorida tion 1060 S .E. Th ird Improvement 2/14/66 2/14/6 6 2/14 /66 2/28/66 2/28/66 2/28/66 2/28/66 3/28 /66 Amends Sec 1, 828 1 · Amends 902 Amends Sec . 1 ,997 '--1. Amended or Applicat i on Repealed by Action Indexed / L r (I-C) 1 I-D-2 l / V/1 -G (I-D) (V III-A) ,,_..,.,.. V-A ..,..,.- (VIII-A) III-A Page 55 Amended or No. Subject Date Enacted Amends or Repeals Application Repealed by Action Indexed 1061 Employee's Group Life Insurance 1062 Creating L.I.D. 180 Central Business District 1063 Changing Ward Boundaries 4/11/66 4/25/66 4/25/66 1064 Designating names of Streets in 5/9/66 Annexed Areas (Creating L.I.D. 181) 1065 (N.W. Ninth Ave. Street Improvement)5/23/66 1066 Redefining Vagrancy 6/13/66 1067 Vacating Portions East First,Adams 6/13/66 1068 Vacating Portions N.E. Franklin 1069 Air Polution 1070 Zoning Newly Annexed Districts 1071 Changing District Boundary Lines on Zone Map 1072 Crown Zellerbach Water Line Franchise -East First 1073 Declaring Residence a Nuisance 1074 Reducing Speed Limits 1075 Adopting 1967 Budget 1076 Approv. Ass. Roll L.I.D. 179 1077 Approv, Ass. Roll LID 175 6/27/66 7/11/66 7/11/66 7/11/66 8/22/66 9/26/66 9/26/66 10/3/66 10/10/66 10/10/ 66 Amends Sec , 1, 935 Sections III & V of • 996 Amends Para. GG, Sec, I, 921 Amends Sec. 24 Ord. 906, ,,,,-- Sec. 4.04.240 City Code v (I-B) (VI-A) ' (VIII.::_A) v (VIII-A) ' (V-A) ,/ (V-A) t (VII-A) (V-C) (II.:_ A) Page 56 No. Subject Date Enacted Amends or Repeals 1078 Approv Ass. Roll L.I.D. 181 1079 Authorizing Temporary Loan WS Cap. Res. to Cap. Improvements 1080 Providing for Unappropriated Expenditure Cap Improvements 1081 Establishing Finance Dept. and Office Finance Director 1082 Establishing Municipal Dept. in District Court 1083 Final Assessment Roll L.I.D. 180 Shopping Park 1084 Vacation of S.E. Tampa Street 1085 Improvement of N.W. 19th Avenue L. I.D. 182 -CREATING 4/:182 1086 Revising Garbage Collection 11/14/66 11/14/66 11/14/66 12/27/66 12/27/66 3-27-67 4-24-67 4-24-67 6-12-67 1087 Establishing Office Of City Clerk 6-12-67 Appointive 1088 Regulate Traffic Within Camas 1089 Changing District Boundary Line of Zoning Ordinance 7-10-67 7 -24-67 1090 Emergency Increase in Hourly Wages 8-14-67 1091 Vacation of S.E. Tampa South of S.E. Eighth 1092 Sale of Liquor on Sunday 1093 Contract with Clark County for Striping Traffic Control Lines 7-24-67 8-28-67 8-28-67 Ad .654, 841 Repea 1 s 906 Amends 981 Amends 1084 Re pea 1 s 388 Amends Sec I I Amended or Application Repealed by Action Indexed 1091 Repeals /cf?c Rep ea 1 ed by 1--8£-6- (I-C) (VIII-A) (III-B) (I-C) (II -A) (V-A) (I-ID) (VIII-A) (IV-G) (II -A) Page 57 Amended or No. Subject Date Enacted Amends or Repeals Application Repealed by Action Indexed 1094 Minor in Possession 9-11-67 1095 Regulating Operation of Motorcycles 9-11-67 1096 Approv. LID 176 Assess. Roll 1097 Approv. LID 182 Assess. Roll 1098 Budget & Taxes, 1968 1099 Revisilng Garbage Rates 1100 Salary Ordinance 1101 Setting Speed Limits 1102 25 Year of C.Z. Pipe under portion of NW Sixth 1103 Amending Water Rates and Chang- ing Administrative Provision 1104 Revising Garbage Collection Rts. 9-25-67 9-25-67 10-2-67 10-9-67 10-23-67 10-23-67 10-14-67 12-11-67 1-22-68 1105 Changes to Administrative Provi-3-11-68 sions of Water System & correcting 1106 1107 1108 1109 some Rates & Charges Creating LID 183 Creating LID 178 Creating LID 184-S Changing District Bndy Lines 4-22-68 4-22-68 5-27-68 6-10-68 1110 Submitting Special Levy to Voters 7-8-68 1111 1112 Junk Vacation & Leave Provisions 7-8-68 7-8-68 763 Amends / Arl!e>r!<ls' 654, Re pea 1 s 1086 961 Repealed 906 Amended , Sec.Ill,!V,VI,IX, XII ,XI II ,XIV Ord. 601 Amended , 1099 Re pea 1 ed Sec. IV,Xll,XI!l Ord. 601 Amended v98l Amended 1,,' ' 1v""' S I I v / ec. , III ,VI ,VII Ord. 902 Amended /Amended by 1143 //Re pea 1 ed by 1104 Amended by 1202 ~:~eJ1 ~d ~}'3fa24 Repealed by 1152 1 Am. Ord. 1114 (VI-B) 'll-A (III-B) v(D-1) (II-A) (VII-A) , (Ill-A) (Ill-B) (III-A) V-A V-H D-2 Page 58 No.' 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 Amended or Subject Date Enanc t ed Amends or Repeals Appli cation Repealed By Action Indexed Riot Control Junk Franchise CZ Power Line 1969 Budget & Taxes Ci vi l Defense Approving LID 183 Approving LID 184 -S Approving LID 178 Increase Utility Rates Franchise CZ-transmission line Vacation of East First Cum. Res. Fund-Emergency Rescue Creating LID 188-S CreaHng LID 186 Refuse Co l lection 1969 G.O. Bond Changing Bndrys Zoning Maps Annexation-Prune Hill Creating LID 187 Extra Pay-Salaried Personnel 8-12-68 9-9-68 10-7-68 10-28-68 11-12-68 11-12-68 11 -25 -68 11-25 -68 12-23-68 2-24-69 4-28-69 5-26-69 5-26 -69 5-26-69 6-9-69 6-9 -69 6-23-69 6-23-69 7-14-69 Combining Treasurer & City Clerk 8-28 -69 Am~Sec. V of 1111 VAms . Sec . IV,X,XI,XII, XIII,XIV Ord . 601 1 \ . I AmSec. 10 Ord . 654 981 Amended Am. Sec. IV Ord . 961 r Amended by 1150 . t VI-A V-H VII-A II-E III-A VII -A VII I-A _./1-H I II-B V-A I-D ,.t· I-c Page 59 No. 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 Subject Date Enacted Amends or Repeals Amended or Application Repealed by Action Declaring Bldgs. Nuisance Altering City Seal Reappropriating Funds General to Street Appropriated Art. Street Funds Zoning Prune Hill Confirming LID 188-S Levying Ad Valorem Taxes Final Assessment roll LID 187 Final Assessment roll LID 186 7-14-69 8-25-69 8-25-69 8-25-69 9-8-69 9-22-69 9-22-69 10-14-69 10-14-69 Regulating Operation of Motorcyclesl0-14-69 1970 Budget Overtime Parking Charges Speed Limit Portion N.E. Third Salary, Elective Officials Creating LID 189-S Sewers Prune Hill Area Emergency Warrant for New Vehicle Water Rates Redemption fee of Dogs Sanitary Rates Emergency 12-1-69 12-22-69 12-22-69 12-22-69 2-24-70 5-11-70 4-13-70 4-27-70 5-25-70 ,Amends Sec I Ord. No. 1095 ..,/Amends Ordinance 1121' /Amends Ordinance 896 •/Revises Ordinance No. 654 Rep ea ls Ordinance no. 1104 Indexed V-C V-A 1I-A 'II-A I-D /II I-A ' V-D III-B Page 60 No. 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 Subject Date Enacted Amends or Repeals Ammended or Application Repealed by Action Indexed Changing City Classification Redefining Employee and Officer Revising Boundary Lines of the Electoral Wards Police Positions Fire Positions Approving and Confirming Final Assessment Roll LID 189-S Emergency for Engineering Creating Emergency Rescue Fund Authorizing $400,000 G.O. Bonds Amending City Code Regulating Traffic Levying Ad Valorem Taxes 1971 Budget G~aves Setbacks Adjacent Dedicated 5-25-70 5-25-70 6-8-70 6-8-70 6-8-70 8-10-70 8-24-70 8-24-70 9-14-70 9-28-70 9-28-70 12-1-70 Street 12-15-70 Liquor Hours Utility Rates $400,000 G.o. Bond Imposing Sales & Use Tax Prohibiting Pinball Machines 12-28-70 1-11-71 1-25-71 5-19-71 2-22-71 Amends Sec III of Ord. 935 Amends Sec I of Ord. 996/ I-B Amended by 1226 I-H Amends Sec 4.04.910 and Amends Sec 91, Ord 906 ,,/ Amends Sec 71 of Ord No. 981 and Sec 11.56.130 / Amends Ord No. 388 last amended by Ord No. 1092 and Sec 9.32.020 II-A V-A IV-G Amends Sub-paragraph 1 of Sec IV or Ord No. Amended by 1205 '601 as last amended by Ord No. 1121 and ,,f II-A Sec 13.08.090 Rep ea 1 s Sec VII / by 1194 I-H ,, I V-J V' Page 61 No. Subject 1173 Plumbing Code 1174 Licensing 1175 Repealing No. 74 (Pool, card & Billiard Rooms) 1176 Water-Sewer Rates 1177 Sanitary Accounts Receivable Date Enacted Amends or Repeals Ammended or Application Repealed by Action 2-22-71 2-22-71 3-8-71 3-22-71 3-22-71 Amends Sec 10.16.010 ,/Repeals 916 Sec 1 of Ord No. 1007 and Sec 9.13.010 Amends Repealing Section III of Ordinance No,'"74 and Section 5,16.030 of the Camas City Code Amends Section XI of Ordinance No, 1 /601 as last amended by Ordinance No. 1169 and Section 13.08,270 of the Camas City Code 1178 Emergency Purchase of Copy Machine 4-26-71 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 Vacation S,E, Dallas St. Between SE, 3rd and S,E. 4th Med ica 1 and Hospital Insurance Rezoning Vacation & Leave Provisions Creating LID 192 Division Street Parking Budget Appropriations 4-12-71 4-12-71 4-26-71 4-26-71 ''- 5-24-71 6-14-71 6-14-71 Amends Sec I o:o,d II of Ord No. 935 and and Sec 1.46,010 and 1.46,020 of the Camas City Code Changes boundaries in Ord No. ,,981 and Sec 11.12.010 of the Camas City Code '~', Amending Sec II and III of Ord No. 902 and Sec 1.44.040 and 1.44.030 of the Camas City Code Amends of the v'5'j~ Ordinance No, ))-€r'T and Camas City Code Sec 4.12.060 Indexed vJV-C , IV-0 , IV-K I II-A I-H 'VIII-A I-D-5 V-A I-D-2 Il-B-1 Page 62 No. 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 Ammended or Subject Date Enacted Amends or Repeals Application Repealed by Action Indexed Weed Control Zone Change, N.W. 7th and Logan Pay for emergency rescue calls Annexation for Prune Hill Village Fire Prevention Code Authorizing Revenue Bonds for Water and Sewer improvements $1,000,000 W & S Revenue Bonds Overtime Pay Sales Tax Establishing L.I. Guarant y Fund Creating LID 1918-Sanitary Sewers-Oak Park 1972 Ad Valorem Taxes Final Assessment Roll LID 192 Increasing Appropriations for personal services Animal Control 1972 Budget 6-28-71 6-28-71 6-28-71 7/26/71 6-28-71 8-23-71 8-23-71 8-23-71 9-13-71 9-13-71 9-13-71 10-4-71 10-12-71 10-26-71 11-22-71 \, 12-1-71 Revising Personnel Classifications 12-13-71 Changes Boundary lines in Ord No ......... 981 and Sec 11.12.010 of the Camas City Code v Amends Sec I of Ord No. 997 and Chapter 1.40.025 of the Camas City Code Amends Ordinance No . 770 of the City and Chapter 2.04 of the Camas City Code .,,.. Amends Sec VI of Ord No 961 and Sec 1.40.040 Camas City Code v Repeals Sec VII of Ord No 1171 ,,_/ Amends Sec IV (a) of Ord 811 and Sec 8.04.040 of Camas City Code Amending sections of Chapter l.4Q,- of Camas City Code and Sec I Ord 1100 Amended by 1238 vV-E V-A 1-0-1 V-E 1-0-1 1-H I-H .::--~ · V-0 1-0-1 Page 63 No. 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 Subject Redefining a full time employee Creating LID 190S-Sanitary Sewers-One Stop Water-Sewer billing Annexation N.E. THIRD AVENUE Fire Department Emergency 1208 Appropriations for personal services 1209 1210 1211 Vacating poi'"tion 0£ N. W. Ash Shoreline Management Act National Bank of Commerce to act as Fiscal Agent 1212 Declaring Emergency & Providing Date Enacted Amends or Repeals Amended or Application Repealed by Action 12-13-71 12-27-71 2-14-72 3-14-72 3-27-72 3-27-72 3-27-72 5-8-72 5-12-72 y Amends Sec 1.46.030 Camas City Code Amends 935 · Amends Sec IV & XII Ord 1169 & Sec 13.08.100 for issuance of Emergency Warrants 8-14-72 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 Ad Valorem Taxes for 1973 Allowing additional signs in yard areas Creating Federal Shared Revenue Fund 1973 Budget Redefining acts of disorderly conduct Defining act of stealing or unlawfully obtaining property of another 9-25-72 10-24-72 11-27-72 12-1-72 12-26-72 12-26-72 Amends Sec 72 Ord No 981 & Sec 11.56.140 Camas City Code Amends SubSec Z Sec I Ord 921'/ & Sec 5.48.270 Camas City Code Indexed III-A VII I-A I-H V-A I-H VI-A Page 64 No. Subject Date Enacted Amends or Repeals Amended or Application Repealed by Action 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 CZ Franchise N.E. Adams Final Assessment Roll LID 191S Oak Park Final Assessment Roll LID 190S One Stop Building Codes-Adopting Vol 1 & 2 1970 Uniform Building Code National Electrical Codes 1971 Edition 1-8-73 3-12-73 3-12-73 2-26-73 2-26-73 1224 Increasing Appropriations for personal services 3-26-73 1225 Supplementing Budget with revenue 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 from Federal Shared Revenue Fund 4-9-73 Defining standards for personnel operation emergency rescue vehicle & apparatus 4-23-73 Providing for establishment of Consolidated Local Improvement District No. l; providing for issuance of bonds 5-14-73 Improvement N.W. Benton Drive L.I.D. 193 5-14-73 Appropriation for purchase of emergency communication network equipment 5-29-73 Appropriation for construction of communication network equipment building 6-11-73 / Amends Chapter 10.04 Camas City Code Repeals Ord 849 v" Amends Sec 3 Ord 1161 _,,/ & Sec 1. 16. 330 ./ amended by 1367 Indexed VII-A V-B V-B 1-H Amended or Page 65 No. Subject Date Enacted Amend s or Repeals Application Repealed b y Ac tion 1 231 Declaring e mergency and providing fo r sal a r y & bene fits for Patrolman and En gineering Aide 7-9-73 1232 Ap propriation f o r maintenance & opera t ion of Emergency Rescue Equipment 7-23-73 12 33 Decreasing speed limit on portio n o f N .E. Third Avenue 7-23-73 I 1234 Amending Ordinance No. 1216 by appropriating funds received in excess of anticipated revenue 1235 Final Assessment Roll LID 193 1236 Ad Valorem Ta xes for 1974 1237 Anne xation North of Province Drive -Peery Property 1238 Inc re~sing Councilmen Salary 1239 Adopting 1974 Budget 1240 Zoning Peery Annexation 1241 Defense of Legal Action Payment 1242 Appropriation of Federal Shared Revenue Funds 1243 ADOPTI NG 197 3-74 EDIT ION OF THE NATI ONA L FIRE CODE 9-10-73 9-24-73 9-24 -73 10-9-73 11 -12-73 12-3-73 12-10-73 " 12-26-73 1-28-74 2-25 -74 J 1244 FRANCHISE TO WASHOUGAL WATER LINE 3-11-74 1245 INCREASE APPROPRIATIONS FOR PERSONAL 3-25-74 SERVICES j Amends Sec 24-0rd 9Q6 ~ Amends 1216 Amends Sec I-Ord 1100 ~ Ord 1202 ~ AMENDS ORD 770 / Indexed II-A IX VII Page 66 No. 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 Amended or Subject Date Enacted Amends or Repeals Application Repealed by Action Police Department Vehicle Appropriation Permit Fee for Use of Non- licensed Special Mobile Equipment Equipment Rental Fund Appropriation -Storage Building Position of Parking Meter Attendant General Fund Appropriation 3-25-74 6-10-74 6-10-74 7-22-74 Parking Meter Attendant 8-12-74 ADVANCE TRAVEL EXPENSE FUND 9-9-74 1975 AD VALOREM TAXES 9-23-74 DOG LICENSE FEE 10-28-74 Appropriation for Funds 11/25/74 for remodeling Library Bldg. 1975 Budget 12/2/74 Adoption of 1973 edition 12/23/74 of Uniform Bldg. Code Adoption of 1973 edition 12/23/74 of Uni-form Mechanical Code Adoption of 1973 edition 12/23/74 of Uniform Plumbing Code v Indexed I-D Amended or Page 66 No. Subject Date Enacted Amends or Repeals Application Repealed by Indexeda Action 1259 Adopting 1973 edition Uniform Fire Code 12/2 3/7 4 ./ 1260 Redefining Vagrancy 12/9/74 Amend. Ord. #921 & 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 Loitering and Prowling Equipment Rental Fd.- Police Dept. Vehicles Collection of Refuse 12/9/74 v 12/23/74 { 1 /13/75 ,,. Schedule of Refuse 1/13/75 / Charges Establishing Regulations 1 /27/75 y for City Water System Connections 1266 Appropriations for per-2/10/75 sonal service budget acct . 1267 Regulating Gambling with-2/24/75 v in City Limits 1268 Appropriation Emergency 4/14/75 Rescue Fd . for Emergency Vehicle 1269 L.I.D. 196 S.E. 8th Ave. 4/14/75 1270 L.I.D. 198-N.W. 8th Ave 4/14/75 1271 Additional Funds Library 4/14/75 Remodeling 1272 1273 G.O.Bonds for Library Renovation Emergency Rescue Stan- dard & Pay 5/12/75 v 6/23/75 No. 1066 Sec. 5.48.340 I & II of Ord.1027 Sec. 1.16.260 & 1.16 .27 0 Ord. #654 & Chapter 7.04 Ord. # 654 Chapter 7.04 Ord. no. 601 Section 12.08.190 Ord.1152 Repealed by Ord 1348 Ord.1161 Sec.1 .16.330 Page 67 No. 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 Subject Final Assessment Rol1 L. I.D. 196 Final Assessment Roll L.I.D. 198 Annexation of Mc Enry & Rodgers Appropriating Funds for City Attorney Date Enacted 7 /14/7 5 7/14/75 8/11/75 8/16/75 Vacation of N.E. Everett 10/14/75 N.E. 2nd to N.E. 3rd Levying Ad Valorem Taxes 9/22/75 for 1976 Changing District Bound-10/14/75 ary lines of Zoning Ord. Advance Travel Expense Revolving Fund Amount 1976 Budget 11/24/75 12/01/75 Charges for Emergency Rescue 12/08/75 Ambulance Services Additional Funds for Profes-12/22/75 sional Services Additional Funds for City 12/22/75 Sanitary Fund Expenses Additional Funds for Equipment12/22/75 Rental Fund Expenses Additional funds for payment 1/26/76 of Mental & Physical Health Amends or Repeals Application Section II of Ord #1251 Section 1.16.520 Section 2 of Ordinance #946 & Section 6.20.030 ORDINANCE #1255 ORDINANCE #1255 ORDINANCE #1255 ORDINANCE #1281 Amended or Rep~aled by Indexed Action Page 68 No. 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 Subject Date Enacted Additional Funds for payment 1/26/76 of Senior Citizen Recreational Program Appropriations for personal service budget accounts 1/26/76 Revising pay for services not 1/26/76 included in pay schedule Defining standards for personnell/26/76 in operation of the Emergency Rescue veh i cle and apparatus Amending ORD #1281, by appro-2/9/76 priating additional funds for payment of uniform and clothing allowance in the City Police Dept . Amending ORD #895 by redefining 2/23/76 trespass and changing the penalty for the violation thereof . Amending ORD #763 and the City 2/23/76 Code by restricting persons under twenty-one yea r s to have in their possession intoxicating liquor Changing District boundary l i nes3/8/76 on the zoning mapsto include areas incorporated into the City by ORD #1023,1189,1206 Amending ORD #1281 which adopted 3/22/76 the 1976 Budget by appropriating additional funds for payment of recreational services to Camas School District Amends or Repeals Application Amended or Indexed ORDINANCE #1281 Section 1.40.025 Section 3 of Ord #1161 Section 1.16.330 ORDINANCE #1281 ORDINANCE #895 Chapter 5.44 Section II & IV of ORD #763 and Sections 5.08.020 & 5.08.040 ORD #980 & Section 11.12.010 ORDINANCE #1281 Repealed by Action Page 69 Subject Date Enacted Amends or Repeals Application Amended or Indexed No. Repealed by Action 1297 Increasing certain appropri-4/ 12/76 ations for personal service budget accounts as set forth in the 1976 budget. 1298 Amending ORD #1282 which 4/12/76 ORDINANCE #1282 adopted the 1976 budget by appropriating additional funds for payment of professional services. 1299 Amending ORD #601 by provid-4/26/76 ORDINANCE #601 II I-A ing for increases to the utility rates & charges for services supplied & furnished by the Camas Municipal Water System 1300 Amending ORD #961 by 4/26/76 ORDINANCE #961 I-D-1 revising working conditions & benefits 1301 Amending ORD #902 by changing 4/26/76 ORDINANCE #902 l-D-2 vacation & leave provisions of City employees 1302 Amending ORD. #935 by 4/26/76 ORDINANCE #935 I-D-5 increasing insurance benefits for officers & employees of the City of Camas 1303 Amending ORD #1281 5y appro-6/14/76 ORDINANCE #1281 priating funds for payment of mosquito control 1304 Changing boundaries by in-6/14/76 ORDINANCE # 980 eluding additional property in C2 V-A Page 70 Subject Date Enacted Amends or Repeals Application Amended or Indexed No. Repealed by Action 1305 Declaring emergency on 6/28/76 quantity of municipal water 1306 Opening or consumption 8/23/76 of liquor within City Limits 1307 Authorizing fees charged 9/13/76 ORDINANCE 981 by Zoning Code to be established by resolution 1308 Filing fees for land 9/13-76 ORDINANCE 1030 partitioning be fixed by resolution 1309 Levying ad valorem taxes 9/27 /76 for 1977 1310 amending Camas City Code 10/25/76 Ordinance 721 which regulates public Ordinance 919 dances Ordinance 367 1311 amending Camas City Code which regulates tr.affic by updating state statutes 11/22/76 Ordinance 906 1312 amending Camas City Code 11/22/76 Ordinance 596 by providing for 1 vehicle to occupy a parking space and to prohibit vehicles from backing into spaces marked for angle parking 1313 Adopting bud get for 1977 12/6/76 Amended by 1340, 1341, 1342, 1343 Page 71 No. 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 Subject Date Enacted Extend hours for sale of liquor on Sunday 12-13-76 Defining crime of vehicle prowl 12-13-76 Antirecessional Fiscal Assistance Fund 12-27-76 Appropriating additional funds to Emergency Rescue Fund 12-27-76 Increasing appropriations for personal service 1-24-77 Establishing position of community service specialist 1-24-77 Appropriation of Antirecession Fiscal Assistance flund Additional funds for public safety Appropriating additional funds for animal shelter 2-14-77 3-14-77 Defining controlled substances and establishing penalties for possession thereof. 3/28/77 Decreasing maximum speed certain streets 4-25-77 Allow Grade ''A'' raw milk to 5-9-77 be sold Amends or Repeals Ordinance 388 Ordinance 921 Ordinance 1156 Ordinance IJ.309 Ordi.nance 1101 Ordinance 1001 Application Amended or Repealed by Action Indexed Page 72 Subject Date Enacted Amends or Repeals Application Amended or Indexed No. Repealed by Action 1326 Adopting guidelines for 5-23-77 V-A State Environmental Policy Act 1327 Granting General Telephone 7-11-77 VII-E Co. franchise for fuel oil storage tank 1328 Allow 8 story building in 6-27-77 V-A R4 district by conditional use 1329 Establishing provisions for 7-11-77 V-A Planned Unit Developments 1330 Adopting plan & method of III-A paymept for water improve- men ts 8-22-77 1331 Providing for metering of Amending 601 II I-A water services by 12-31-79 8-22-77 1332 Providing regulations for persons operating or riding upon motorcycles or motor- driven cycles 9-12-77 Amending 1095 II-A 1333 Specifying construction & installation of certain additions for Deep Well #8 9-12-77 III-A 1334 Levying ad valorem taxes for 1978 9-26-77 1335 Changing terms & provisions for Fern Prairie water system 10-24-77 Amending 1330 Page 73 Subject Date Enacted Amends or Repeals Application Amended or Indexed No. Repealed by Action 1336 Appropriating Additional funds for Equipment Rental expenses 11-14-77 1337 Unsafe building & public nuisance & providing for abatement 11-14-77 1338 Adopting budget for the 12-05-77 Amended by fiscal year ending 1338 12/31/78 1339 Amending Ord #683 to 12-12-77 Ordinance #683 increase the number of park commissioners to five and granting rule-making power 1340 Amending ORD #1313 to appropriate additional funds for payment of City Sanitary Fund Expenses 12-27-77 Ordinance #1313 1341 Amending ORD # 1313 to appropriate additional funds for payment of Emergency Rescue Fund Expenses 12-27-77 Ordinance #1313 1342 Amending ORD #1313 to appropriate additional funds for payment of Equipment Rental Fund Expenses 12-27-77 Ordinance #1313 1343 Amending ORD #1313 to appropriate additional funds for payment of City Street Fund Expenses 12-27-77 Ordinance #1313 Page 74 No. 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 135~ 1 1~ ~ Su bject Date Enacted Annexing Reinhart area 1-23-78 Increasing appropriations for personal services 1-2 3-78 Amending Ord . 760 merit system for volunteer firemen 1-23-78 Amending Ord. 1338 by appro- priating additional funds for payment of Library expenses 2-14-78 Revising schedule of charges for services rendered in removal of refuse or garbage 2-14-78 Amending Ord. 1218 & rev1s1 ng : definition of ~isdemeanors 3/13/78 Sewer improvements in Blake Highland and South Prune Hill, creating LID #2 01 3/27/78 Revising pay for services not included in pqy schedule 4/10/78 Appropriating additional funds for Community Service Expenses 6/12/78 Authorizing conduct of amusement games at a cormnunity-wide civic festival 6/26/78 Appropriating additional 8/28/78 funds for payment of Sanitary Fund expenses Amends or Repeals Application Amended or Indexed Amends Ordinance #760 Amends Ordinance #1338 Repeals Ordinance #1264 Amends Ord. #1218 Arnends Ord , 997 Amends Ord. 1338 Amends section II Ord. 1267 and Section 5.~8.020 of City Code Amends Ord. #1338 Repealed by Action Page 75 Ord.No. 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 T364 1365 Subject Creating Unemployment Compensation Fund Appropriating Federal Funds for placing pavement markers on streets Chgs for north service area connecting to water mains & installation chg for fire protection systems Levying ad valorem taxee for 1979 Adopting thermal insula- tion standards for new dwellings Providing for increases to utility rates Authorizing condemnation of land for right-of-way for public street Adopting budget for the fiscal Date Enacted 6/26/78 7 /10/78 7 /10/78 9/25/78 10/9/78 11/27 /78 11/27 /78 year ending 12/31/79 12/05/78 Amending Ord No 1338 by appropri-12/11/78 ating additional funds for payment of Emergency Rescue Fund expenses Appropriating additional funds for City Street Fund 12-26-78 Appropriating additional funds for Equipment Rental Fund 12-26-78 Amends or Repeals Amended or Re pea 1 ed by Application Action Ord. 601, Section XIII and Section 13.08.330 Camas City Code Ord. 601,Sec VI,IX,X,XI XII & 13.08.170, 240, 250, 260' 2 70' 280' 300' 310 Camas City Co de Ord No. 1338 Ord. No. 11338 Ord. No. 1338 Amended by 1366 Amended by 1381 Indexed Page 76 Ord. No.' Subject Date Enacted 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 Amending Ord No ]358 by appro- priating additional funds to pur- chase Cardio Pulmonary Resuscita- tion training equipment 1-22-79 Adopting 1978 edition National Electrical Code 2-26-79 Changing District boundary lines Zoning Ordinance by including additional property in R4 2-26-79 Changing off street parking requirements for real property used for residential purposes 2-26-79 Appropriating fWlds received from Fed Gov't for traffic safety purposes & amending the 1979 Budget 3-12-79 Amending Ord #981 & Chapter 3-12-79 11.68 of the Camas City Code by creating a Board of Adjustment 1372 Providing for improvement of N.E. 19 Avenue & N.E. Oak Street - 1373 1374 1375 1376 creating LID 199 3-26-79 Increasing appropriation of Federal funds for traffic safety purposes Adjust excessive water bills resulting from broken pipes Appropriating funds received from CZ Corp for traffic safety 4-23-79 5-14-79 purposes 5-14-79 Increasing salaries of the Mayor & members of the City Council 5-14-79 Amends or Repeals Ord No 1358 Ord No 1223 Ord No 981 Ord No 981 Ord No. 981 Ord No. 1370 Ord No 601 Ord No 1362 Ord No 1100 Amended or Repealed by Application Action Indexed Page 77 Ord. No. 1377 Subject Providing penalties for second conviction of driving while under Date Enacted the influence 5-29-79 1378 Appropriating funds received from federal and state grants for water- sewer improvements 5-29-79 1379 Proposition authorizing levy for Emergency Medical Program 6-11-79 1380 Approving & confirming assessments 1381 1382 & Assessment roll for LID 201 6/25/79 Appropriating additional funds for Cumulative Reserve Fund for replacing equipment in Fi re Dept. 6/25/79 Approving & confinning final assessment roll on property for LID #199 7 /23/79 1383 See below #1384 1384 Amending Ordinance No. 1362 by appropriating additional funds for the Library Rental AccoW1t to replace copy machine 8/27 /79 1383 Providing for the issuance of bonds 8/13/79 for LID #201 in the principal 1385 1386 sum of $639,294.48 Appropriating additional funds for the Library Rental Account to replace copy machine 9/24/79 Proposition authorizing levy for Emergency Medical Program 9-24-79 Amends or Repeals Ord. No. 906 Amends Ord. No. 1362 Ord #1362 Repeals Ord #1384 Amended or Repealed by Application Action Indexed Page 78 Ord. No. 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 Subject Reinhart Annexation Auto-Vue Theatre Area Levying ad valorem taxes for 1980 Amending Sanitary Ordinance by ITBking it unlawful for any person to bury, burn or dump debris upon private property of another Revising the testing standards of vehicle rrnlff lers Providing violations of the zoning oode to be a public nuisance Providing for parking pennits in 3-hour zone and revising Parking Date Enacted 9-24-79 9-24-79 10-8-79 10-8-79 10-8-79 Meter Zones 10-22-79 1393 Adopting 1980 Budget 12-3-79 1394 Granting to the City of Washougal 12-26-79 a franchise for 25 years to install 1395 1396 1397 1398 and maintain a 2" water line under a portion of N.E. Weir Street Revising schedule of charges for refuse oollection Provide for increases to the utility 12-26-79 rates 1-14-80 Adopting 1976 edition of Uniform Building Code Adopting 1976 Edition of Uniform Mechanical Code 2/26/80 2/26/80 Amends or Repeals Amended or Repealed by Application Action Section V of ORD #654 Section 1 of ORD #1014 Amends Sections 2 & 6 of Ord. 596 Repealing Ord #1348 Amends Sections X, XI, XII of Ordinance 601 Amending Ord. 1222 Repealing Ord. 1256 Amending chapter 10.04 of Camas City Code Amending Ord. 1257 and Chapter 10.12 of Camas City Code Indexed Ord. No. Subject Date Enacted 1399 1400 '!· . 1401 14 02 1403 14 04 1405 140 6 1407 Adopting 1976 Edition of International Assoc . of Plumbing & Mechanicals Uniform Plumbing Code 2/26/80 Adopting 1976 Edition of Uniform Fire Code 2/26/80 Amending Ordinance No . 1393, 1980 3-10-80 Budget, by appropriating funds for Ambulance Rescue & Emergency Aid Fund Water-Sewer Rate Increases 3/24/80 Shoreline .Amending Section IV of Ord #60 1 & Section 13.08.110 of the Camas City Code to change the fonnula in making adjustments in water bills due to broken pipes Revising method for e l ection of members to the City Council Residential~equir~ments .for the Paramedics ~5./.d.bl1sJu.s. f6SL.h'1'K-of p~ ... "'"""-.l..1c..S · 4/14/80 4/14/80 5/12/80 .Amending Ord No. 1393 by appropri-7/14/80 ating additional ftmds to the Ambu- lance Rescue Fund for the purchase of supplies Amends or Repeals Amends Ord. 1173 and Chapter 10 .16 of Camas City Code and Repealing Ord. 1258 Amends Ord . 1259 and Chapter 2.04 of Camas City Code Amends Ord. 1393 Amended or Repealed by Application Action Amends Sections XI & XII of Ord #1396 and Sections 13.08.270 & 13.08.280 of the Camas City Code Amends Chapter 11. 76 of the Camas City Code repealing Ord #1210 Amends Section IV of Ord #601 and 13.08.110 of the Camas City Code Repeals Ord #996 Amends Chapter 2 .08 of etT/ftl1Wtl.J: L I Camas City Code ..:5 1J, eA.hc ;0 -Sl.u:>: fJO$.Ll-7tJJ 0 .::::,iJt,:/r X.~fr /ncdud.£. (!/<-'!-; ~f- /1 hr~ (!~ .,.,,, ,h,~J-­ .Arnends Ordinance No . 1393 Indexed Page 80 Ord. No. Subject· · Date Enacted 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 Requiring business proprietors to exclude minors from any place where drug paraphernalia is sold or displayed. 7-28-80 Amending Ord #1393 which adopted 8/11/80 the budget for the year 1980, by appropriating funds for disability leave and benefits for Gerald O. Bjorklund Providing for appropriation of 8/11/80 funds to pay for increased hauling expenses for commercial drop boxes and amending the budget for the City of Camas for the year 1980 Levying the ad valorem taxes for 1981 9/22/80 Adopting regulations for the issu- ance of bldg permits for the devel- . opment of real property within the limits of the City of Camas subject to flood hazards 11/10/80 Amendment increasing license fee & redemption fees establishing a pen- alty fee for failure to obtain a license by March 1 of each year and repealing ordinances #1253 & #1151 11/10/80 Adopting 1981 Budget 12/1/ 80 Amended or Repealed by Amends or Repeals · App'lication Action Indexed ·---'--=-=~~~~:;c_~~- Ord #1393 Amends Ord #811 Repeals Ord #1253 & #1151 ?/'fr:=__ ?l !'·! H 'l:T[' CT REPEALED ORD. NO. SUBJECT DATE ENACTED AMENDS OR REPEALS APPLICATION BY ACTION INDEXED 1415 ADD I TI ONAL FUNDS FOR PAYME~.JT OF CITY STREET FUND EXPENSES 12/22/80 AMENDS ORD. 1393 1416 ADOPTING WASH. MODEL TRAFFIC ORD. ALL OTHER ORDINANCES & OTHER TRAFFIC STATUTES TO AND SECTIONS OF ORDINANCES REGULATE TRAFFIC INSIDE CITY IN CONFLICT THEREWITH LIMITS I 12/22/80 ALL OTHER OR 1417 INCREASING PENALTIES FOR 12/22/80 SECTIONS 10 & 11 OF PARKING VIOLATIONS AND ORDINANCE 596 AND SEC. RECLASSIFYING PARKING VIOLATIONS 4.12.200 & 4.12.210 OF CITY CODE 1418 PROVIDING EXCISE TAX WITH RESPECT TO RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION CREATING PARK ACQUISITION & IMPROVEMENT FUND 1/12/81 1419 REGULATING PARKING IN LOCATIONS 1/12/81 OTHER THAN THOSE AREAS ZONED FOR PARKING METERS 1420 STREET VACATION OF PORTION OF 2/9/81 S.E. 4 AV, S.E. DALLAS & S.E. EVERETT 1421 CREATING FUND FOR CONS1RUCTION OF 2/9/81 A 14" & 12" WATER TRAl\JSMISSION MAIN & PUMP STATION 1422 GRANTING FRANCHISE WITH NW NATURAL 2/9/81 GAS CO. 1423 $390,000 BONDS FOR SEWER 2/23/81 REHAB! LI TA TI ON 1424 REVISED GARBAGE RATES 3/23/81 AMENDS ORD 654 AND EC 7.08.010 REPEALS ORD 1395 PAGE 82 ORD. NO. SUBJECT 1425 LICENSES FOR AMUSEMENT DEVICES 1426 PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN 1427 REVISING WATER & SEWER RATES 1428 ADOPTING 1981 EDITION NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 1429 FRANCHISE RADIANT TV 1430 VACATION OF PORTION S.E. ADAMS 1431 SEWER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE 1432 WATER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE 1433 CONNECTION CHARGES FOR WATER SYSTEM 1434 $550,000 WATER AND SEWER REVENUE BONDS 1435 APPROPRIATING ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR 1981 BUDGET FOR LIBRARY 1436 REVISING STANDARDS FOR VARIANCES 1437 APPROPRIATING ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR 1981 BUDGET FOR EMERGENCY RESCUE 1438 REVISING PROCEDURES FOR PRELIMI- NARY PLATS 1439 REVISING PROCEDURES FOR FINAL PLATS 1440 SEWER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE DATE ENACTED AMENDS OR REPEALS 4/13/81 REPEALS ORD 1172 AMENDS ORD 367 4/ 13/81 AMENDS ORD 1329 4/27 /81 AMENDS ORD 601 AMENDS ORD 1367 & 4113/81 SEC 10.28.140 CITY CODE 4/27/81 5/26/81 6/22/81 6/22/81 AMENDS ORD 601 & 7/13/81 SEC 13. 08. 330 CITY CODE 7 /13/81 AMENDS ORD 1414 8/10/81 8/24/81 AMENDS ORD 981,1371 SEC 11.68.080 CITY CODE AMENDS ORD 1414 8/24/81 AMENDS ORD 1030 & 9/14/81 CHAPTER 14.12 CITY CODE AMENDS ORD 1030 & 9/14/81 CHAPTER 14.16 CITY CODE 9/14/81 AMENDS ORD 1431 & SEC 13.30.020 CITY CODE AMENDED OR APPLICATION REPEALED BY ACTIONJ\IDEXED PAGE 83 ORD.NO. SUBJECT 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 WATER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE AD VALOREM TAXES FOR 198 i- Adopting 1982 Budge t EMERGENCY APPROPRIATION FOR SANITARY DISPOSAL Adopting 1980 edition of the Washington State Energy Code Revising garbage charges REGULATION OF POSSESSION OF JvlARHfUANA Annexing Lady's Island ADDING NEW SECTION RELATING TO REGULATION O ~ POSSESSION OF JvlAR Ii:°UANA REVISING THE REGULATION FOR TRAILERS EXTENDING PARKING TIME LIMIT ON STREETS NOT POSTED ADOPTING ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC OFFENSES ESTABLISHED BY STATE LAW .St-J. n<:..F REVISING PAY FOR ~ERVCS NOT INCLUDED IN THE PAY SCHEDULE OF THE CITY AMENDED OR DATE ENACTED AMENDS OR REPEALS APPLICATION REPEALED~_Bl' ACTJON lNDEXECT" 9/14/81 9/24/81 12/7/81 12/14/81 1/11/82 1/11/82 2/8/82 2-11-82 2/22/82 3/8/82 3/8/82 3/8/82 3/8/82 AMENDS ORD 1432 & SEC 13.18 .020 Repeals Ordinance #1359 Revises Ord #654 & chapter 7.04 of the Camas City Code and Repeals Ord #1424 AMENDS ORD 1323 & CHAPTER 5.72 ADDS TO CHAPTER 5 .72 OF CAMAS CITY CODE (4MENDS ORD 506 AND CHAPTER 10.24 OF THE CITY CODE AMENDS SECTIONS II AND VIII OF ORD #1419 AND CHAPTER 4 .08.020 OF THE CPMAS CITY CODE AMENDS SECTION VII OF ORD #1416 AMENDS SECTION 1.40.025 OF THE CAMAS CITY CODE PAGE 84 AMENDED OR ORD. NO. SUBJECT DATE ENACTED AMENDS OR REPEALS APPLICATION REPEALED BY ACTION INDEXED 1454 ZONING OF REAL PROPERTY ANNEXED 3/22/82 TO CITY BY ORD 1448 1455 APPROPRIATING ADDITIONAL FUNDS 4/12/82 AMENDS ORD 1443 FUNDS FOR CITY STREET FUND 1456 JUNIOR LIEN WATER & SEWER 4/26/82 REVENUE BOND 1457 PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS PERTAIN- ING TO DOG REGULATIONS 5110/82 AMENDS ORD 811 1458 REPEALING ORD 1418 RELATING TO EXCISE TAXES RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION 5/10/82 REPEALS ORD 1418 1459 PROPOSITION AUTHORIZING EXCESS PROPERTY TAX LEVY FOR EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES PROGRAM 5/24/82 1460 Amending Ord #1443 which adopted 6/14/82 Amends ORD 1443 the budget for 1982 by appro- priating additional funds for purchasing Life Pak 5 Heart Monitor & Defibrillator 1461 Establishing procedure for fore- closure of delinquent LID's 6-14-82 1462 Adding two new sections to 6-14-82 Chapter 13.08 providing for a sprinkling water rate during sumner rronths & for adjustment of sewer charges for non-residential users. 1463 AMENDING ORD 1443 WHICH ADOPTED 1982 BUDGET BY APPROPRIATING 7-12-82 AMENDS ORD 1443 ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR PARKING METERS 1464 REGULATION OF FIREWORKS 6-28-82 REPEALS ORD 983 PAGE 85 ORD. NO. 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 SUBJECT DATE ENACTED AMENDING SECTION 10 Of ORD 1080 RELATING TO VIOLATIONS BUREAU 9-13-82 LEVYING AD VALOREM TAXES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1983 9-27-82 APPROPRIATING ADDITIONAL FUNDS SANITARY HAULING & WASTE DISPOSAL EXPENSES 11-22-82 ADOPTING 1983 BUDGET 12-6-82 Appropriate additional funds 12-13-82 for wages, salaries, & over- time for Fire Department Transferring flilds from the 12-13-82 General Flild to the Street Flild & appropriating additional flilds for street lighting and storm drainage. Revising the regulations per-12-13-82 taining to parking meters. ESTABLISHING A RESIDENTIAL PARKING ZONE 2-14-83 REFUSE COLLECTIONS RATES 2-28-83 ORGANIZATION OF PUBLIC WORKS 3-28-83 DEPARTMENT ALLOWING CHARITABLE/NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS TO CONDUCT CERTAIN GAMBLING ACTIVITIES REPEALING ADOPTION NATIONAL 4-25-83 ELECTRICAL CODE REVISING WATER & SEWER RATES 4-25-83 AMENDS OR REPEALS AMENDS SECTION 10 ORD 1080 Amends Ord #1443 Amends Ord #1443 Amends Chapter 4.12 of Camas City Code AMENDS ORD 654 & CHAPTER 7.04 OF CITY CODE AMENDS ORD 998 & CHAPTER 1.22 OF CITY CODE AMENDS SECTION 5,28.020 CAMAS C !TY CODE REPEALS ORD 1223, 1367, 1428 & CHAPTER 10.28 AMENDS ORD 601 & CHAPTER 13. 0 8 AMENDED OR APPLICATION REPEALED BY ACTION INDEXED PAGE 86 ORD. NO. SUBJECT DATE ENACTED AMENDS OR REPEALS 1478 A/R CLASSIFICATION 5-9-83 1479 PROCEDURES FOR ISSUANCE OF PERMITS PERTAINING TO SALE, DISPLAY, DISCHARGE OF FIREWORKS 5-23-83 1480 LEBRUN ANNEXATION -SE SHEPHERD ROAD 6-13-83 1481 REINHART ANNEXATION -DOROTHY FOX SCHOOL 6-13-83 1482 $110,000 APPROPRIATION FOR REHABIL- ITATION SANITARY SEWERS 6-27-83 1483 TEMPORARILY REDUCING WATER RATES FOR RESIDENTIAL USERS 7-11-83 1484 CROWN ZELLERBACH-SHIPLER ANNEXATION 7-11-83 1485 1486 REVISING SALARIES FOR ELECTIVE OFFICERS ESTABLISHING SPEED LIMIT ON SE LAKE ROAD 7-11-83 8/22/83 1487 PROVIDING ZONING OF REAL PROPERTY 8/22/83 ANNEXED TO CITY BY ORD 1480 1488 1489 1490 1491 MONTHLY SEWER SERVICE CHARGES WHERE SERVICE IS NOT AVAILABLE WATER AND SEWER REVENUE WARRANT 1983 -JUNIOR LIEN LEVYING 1HE AD V ALORE>I TAXES FOR 1HE FISCAL YEAR ENDING 12/31/84 VACATION OF A PORTION OF N.E. SIX1H AVE SOUTI!OF BLOCK 57, Original Townsite 9-12-83 9-12-83 9/26/83 9/26/83 AMENDS SEC l,ORD llOO & 1. 40. 010 CITY CODE AMENDS SEC 24 ORD 906 & SEC 4.04.070 CITY CODE AMENDS SEC 4 ORD 1396 & 13.08.290 AMENDED OR APPLICATION REPEALED BY ACTION INDEXED PAGE 87 AMENDED OR ORD. NO. SUBJECT DATE ENACTED AMENDS OR REPEALS APPLICATION REPEALED BY ACTION INDEXED 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 Vacation of a portion of N.E. 12th Avenue ASSIGNING NUMBERS TO HOUSES AND BUILDINGS ASSIGNING NAMES TO STREETS LEVIED AD VALOREM TAXES NECESSARY FOR 1984 DEFINING CRIMES OF ASSAULT AND RECKLESS ENDANGERMENT 9/26/83 11/14/83 11/14/83 11/28/83 11/28/83 REPEALING CERTAIN CRIMINAL OFFENSES,12/12/83 ADDING NEW CRIMINAL OFFENSES, AND REVISING PROVISIONS RELATING TO OTHER CRIMINAL OFFENSES Adopting 1984 Budget 12/5/83 REPEALING CERTAIN LICENSING 12/12/83 ORDINANCES & REVISING LICENSE FEES IN OTHER LICENSING ORDINANCES REVISING BOUNDARY LINES OF ELECTORAL 12/12/83 WARDS AMENDING 1983 BUDGET TRANSFERRING FUNDS FROM GENERAL TO STREET 12/27/83 1502 IMPOSING 1/10 OF 1% SALES & USE TAX 1/23/84 1503 ZONING CROWN-SHIPLER ANNEXATION 1/23/84 1504 1505 1506 REVISING REGULATIONS FOR CONNECTIONS 2/13/84 TO WATER SYSTEM APPROPRIATING $10,000 FOR LIBRARY BOOKS WATER-SEWER REVENUE BOND 1984 JUNIOR LIEN 2/27/84 3/12/84 AMENDS ORD 407 & CHAPTER 10.20 AMENDS ORD 407 & CHAPTER 12.08 AMENDS ORD 1028 & CHAPTER 5.46 AMENDS ORD 921 & CHAPTER 5.48 REPEALS 347,367,397,398, 905,909,1001,1002,1003 AMENDS 531,738,1000,1004,1005 AMENDS ORD 812 & CHAPTER 1.48 AMENDS ORD 1468 AMENDS ORD 601 & CHAPTER 13. 08 AMENDS ORD 1498 PAGE 88 ORO NO. SUBJECT DATE ENACTED 1507 FEES FOR LICENSING AND IMPOUNDING OF DOGS 3/26/84 1508 VACATION PORTION N.E. 22 AVENUE & N.E. NEVADA STREET 3/26/84 1509 1510 1511 151 2 CHANGING ZONING CLASSIFICATION - FROM C3 TO C2 (NE ADAMS) REGULATION RELATING TO TEMPORARY VENDORS' STANDS OR CONCESSIONS BOOll-tS APPROVING A CCNPREHENSIVE PLAN REVISING PROCEIXJRES & REGULATIONS 4-9-84 5-29-84 6-11-84 REGARDING THE PLANNING CCMMISSION 6-11~84 1513 1514 REVISING PAYMENT SCHEDULE FOR EME RGENCY RESCUE PERSOl\INEL REVISING REMOVAL OF VEGETATION ~/HEN OtJNER FAILS TO REMOVE OR DESTROY >8.i6>d~ Adopting State Envrionmental Policy 1516 Protection Act, policies and proce- dures that are consistent with the 8/13/84 8/13/84 rules of the Dept of Ecology. 9/24/84 1515 1517 1518 Amending Section 1 of Ord #374 by revising the procedures for the signing of warrants. Levying the ad valorem ta xes necessary to financ ~ the antici- pated requirements of the City of Camas for the fiscal year ending 12/31/85. Annexing MacKay/MacDonald Area 9/ 1'0/84 9/24/84 10/22/84 AMENDED OR AMENDS OR REPEALS APPLICATION REPEALED BY ACTION INDEXED AMENDS ORD 811 AMENDS ORD 981 AMENDS ORD 367 REPEALS 1963 CCNPREHESIVE PLAN .AMENDS Oiapter 1. 28 CODE AMENDS SEC 1 ORD 1453 AMENDS SEC 3 ORD 1186 AMENDS Section 1 of Ord #374 PAGE 89 ORD. NO. SUBJECT ' DATE ENACTED 1519 ADCPTING THE 1982 EDITION OF THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE. 11/13/84 1520 ADOPTING THE 1982 EDITION OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE. 11/13/84 1521 ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL 12/3/84 YEAR ENDING 12/31/85 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 PROVIDING FOR A CIVIL SERVICE SYSTEM IN THE POLICE AND FIRE DEPTS ESTABLI- SHING A CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 12/10/84 PROVIDING FOR THE CREATION OF AN EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE DEPT 12/10/84 APPROPRIATING ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR 1984 SALARIES & WAGES AND PERSONNEL BENEFITS FOR ENGINEERING DEPT PERSONNEL 12/10/84 Creating a lieutenant's position within the Police Dept and repealing ORD 692 which provides for a division of juvenile welfare within the Police Dept. 12/26/84 Amending Ordinance 1521 which adopted the budget for the year 1985 by appro- priating $25,000 for renovation of the ventilation and heating system at City Hall 1/14/85 amendinq "The Maps of the Zoninq ORD 1/28/85 of 1963, by chan\nci the zoninci for certain real oropertv to Commercial District Three (C3) AMENDED OR AMENDS OR REPEALS APPLICATION REPEALED BY ACTION INDEXED AMENDS CHPT. 2.04 - Camas City Code REVISING ORD. 1222 AMENDED BY ORD.1397 REPEALS Ords 405 & 924 REPEALS Sections III & IV or ORD #1406 AMENDS ORD NO. 1498 AMENDS Sect II of ORD 1156 REPEALS ORD 692 Amends ORD #1521 Amends ORD No. 981 & Section 11.12.010 PAGE 90 ORD NO. 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 SUBJECT Creating L.I.D. 203 Rezoning area in Oak Park from R4 to C3 Appropriating $21,500 for the purchase & installation of a telephone communications system in the Municipal Bldg. annexing an unincorporated area to the City purusant to petition sub- mitted by Ray Bachelder and others DATE ENACTED 3/25/85 3/25/85 4/8/85 4/8/85 Adding N.E. Third Avenue Loop to those 5/28/85 streets where the speed limit is reduced to 20 mph Revising the standards for off-street parking. 6/10/85 Revising certain definitions in the zoning code. 6/10/85 1535 Establishing ii Light Industrial/Country 6/10/85 Tech Zone within the corporate limits of 1536 1537 the City of Camas Revising the density provisions in the 6/10/85 SR District Revising the density provisions in the 6/10/85 R1 District. 1538 Providing for the zoning of real property7/8/85 annexed to the City of Camas by Ordinances 1518 & 1531. AMENDED OR AMENDS OR REPEALS APPLICATION REPEALED BY ACTION INDEXED amends ORD 981 Section 11.12.010 of Camas City Code amends ORD #1521 amends ORD #1324 amends Section 11.GU.020 of Camas City Code amends Chapter 11.08 of the Camas City Code amends Chapter 11. 16 of the Camas City Code amends Chapter 11.20 of the Ciimas City Coci(" PAGE 91 ORD. NO. 1539 SUBJECT Revising the utility rates for water, and sewer service and providing for the rate increase to effective August 1 ' 1985. DATE ENACTED 7/22/85 1540 Revising schedule of charges for services 7/22/85 rendered in the removal of refuse or 1541 1542 garbage as directed under Ordinance No. 654 and Chapter 7.04 of the Camas City Code. Relating to monthly sewer service charges 7/22/85 where sewer service is not available. Revising the procedures for minor land partitioning by requiring a surveyor's map 7/22/85 1543 Adding a new section to Chapter 12.08 by design- ating the names for certain streets. 8/26/85 1544 1545 1546 1547 Revising the regulations pertaining to the use of firearms within the City of Camas 8/26/85 Providing for uses from the Code. the exclusion of certain industrial application of the Uniform Fire 8/26/85 Revising Ord. # 1513 and Chapter certain industrial uses from the the Uniform Building Code. 10.04 by excluding application of 8/26/85 Revising the regulations for signs in yard areas. 1548 Levying the ad valorem taxes for the fiscal year 1549 ending 12/31/86 9/23/85 Correcting the legai description of that 10/14/85 portion of N.E. Cedar Street previously vacated. AMENDED OR AMENDS OR REPEALS APPLICATION REPEALED BY ACTION INDEXED Amends Ord #601, 1427 Chapter 1308 Camas City Code Amends Section IV or ORD #1396 & Section 13.08.290 Amends Capter 6.12 of the Camas City Code. Amends Chapter 2.04 and Ordinance #1519 Amends Section 72 of Ord. # 981 and Section 11. 56 .140 Amends ORD #566 PAGE 92 ORD. NO. 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 SUBJECT DA TE ENACTED Providing for minor adjustments and 10/14/85 amendments to approved applications for developments in the Light Industrial/ Country Tech Zone Annexing an 1mincorporated area to the City of Camas, Washington, pursuant to a petition submitted by Kegley, Deines, and White 10/14/85 Creating a 1985 Street Capital Project 10/14/85 Fund, appropriating $870,000.00 for said 1985 Street Capital Project Fund Creating a 1985 Pressure Sewer Line Construction Fund, appropriating $1,760,000.00 for the 10/14/85 construction of a pressure sewer line. Creating a 1985 Industrial WastE Construction Fund, appropriating $1,500,000.00 for said 10/14/85 fund. 1555 Approving and confirming the assessment 1556 roll in Local Improvement District No. 203 10/28/85 N.E. 7 Avenue Amending Section 2.04.050 of the Camas City 11/12/85 Code and Section V of Ordinance 1259 by permitting the storage of flammable liquids in outside above-ground containers in the Light Industrial/Country Tech Zone. 1557 Adopting the 1986 budget 1558 Creating a Community Center Advisory Board, 12/9/85 defining its duties and powers, providing for the number and appointment of board members, and providing for the organization of said board. 1559 Revising schedule of charges for services 1/13/86 rendered in the removal of refuse or garbage AMENDED OR AMENDS OR REPEALS APPLICATION REPEALED BY ACTION INDEXED Adds a section to ORD #1535 Amends ORD #1521 Amends ORD #1521 Amends ORD #1521 Amends Section 2.04.050 of the Camas City Code & Section V of Ord #1259 Amends Section 7.08.010 of Code & Ord 654 PAGE 93 ORD. NO. 1560 SUBJECT DATE ENACTED Revising the street designation system 2/24/86 for the City of Camas 1561 Providing for the assignment of address2/24/86 numbers to buildings located on circles and courts 1562 Annexing Crown View Plaza, Crown View 3/10/86 Plaza-2, Caribou Acres, Lacamas Ridge, Heritage Heights-1, Heritage Heights-2 1563 Appropriating $30,450 for Community Center 3/10/86 1564 Revising names of certain streets 3/10/86 located within City and changing names 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 of streets in areas recently annexed Modifying certain provisions in the zoning code and creating a core commercial district 1/27 /86 Revising provisions relating to crime 3/24/86 of 1 i tteri ng Appropriating funds for 1986 Storm 4/28/86 Sewer Capital Proj. Fund. Prohibiting Parking in the downtown core area during certain hrs. 4/28/86 Appropriating Funds from Fire Equip. 4/28/86 Cum. Reserve Fund. Revising the regulations for the storage of famable liquids. 4/28/86 Appropriating funds for A Park & Recreation Master Plan. 4/28/86 AMENDED OR AMENDS OR REPEALS APPLICATION REPEALED BY ACTION INDEXED Amends Ord 407 & 12.08 of Code Amends Ord 1557 Amends Ord 981 & 11.12.020 of Code Amends Ord 921 & 5.48.140 of Code Amends Ord 1557 & the 1986 Budget Amends Ord 1557 & the 1986 Budget Amends Sec. 2.04.050 of the Camas City Code Amends Ord 1557 & the 1986 Budget PAGE 94 ORD l!O 1572 SIJR,!ECT APPROPRIATING ADDITIONAL $13,000 FOR PURCHASE OF AN llMBULANCE 1573 Establishing a late-comer charge for properties connecting to the Fisher DATE ENACTED 5/12/86 Basin Sewer line. 5/27/86 1574 Defining works & phrases & setting forth general provisions governing the interpretation & construction of ordinances of the City of Camas. 5/27/86 1575 Providing a general penalty for violations of the ordinances of the City of Camas, except where a different punishment is prescribed by ordinance. 5/27/86 1576 Establishing office hours for the City of Camas 1577 Revising the requirements for furnishing 5/27/86 official bonds. 1578 Updating the segregated funds of the City by repealing those special funds which are obsolete and no longer used. 5/27/86 1579 Abolishing the provisions relating to a purchasing and procurement agent for the City. 1580 Repealing Ordinance 1211 & C~hpter 1.76 of the Camas City Code 5/27/86 1581 Providing for the indemnification & legal 5/27/86 defense of claims, suits, and actions brought against officers & employees•of the City in connection with the performance of their official duties. 1582 Revising the provisions relating to employee work schedules, employee time records, and overtime pay. AMENDED OR AMENDS OR REPEALS APPLICATION REPEALED BY ACTION INDEXE:D /\MENDS ORD 1557 & 1968 BUDGET Amends Section III of Ordinance 604 Repeals Section I of Ord 679 & Section I of Ord 925 & Cahpter 1.20 of the Camas City Code Amends Section IV of Ord 961 as last amended by Section I of Ordinance 1300 and Section 1.40.040 of the Camas City Code PAGE 95 ORD NO 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 SUBJECT Providing for the City of Camas' participation in the Washington Public Elnployees Retirement System Repealing Section II of Ordinance 1082 and Section 1.56.020 of the Camas DATE ENACTED 5/27/86 City Code 5/27/86 Abolishing the Position of Police i"htron. Amendi.ng Section I of ORD 1007 i'ls last amended by Ordinance 1174 & Section 5/27 /86 9.13.010 of the Camas City Code 5/27/86 Revisinq the standnrds for revoca- tion of licenses for card & bUliard rooms. Relating to regulations of food esti'lblishments Regulating the sale of intoxicating ligl!or 5/27 /86 5/27/86 5/27 /86 Providing for the licensing & regulating of ambulances in the City of Camas ;md providj_ng penal ties for the violation thereof 5/27/86 Repealing Ord 1117 which provided i'l system of civil defense 5/27 /86 Revising the procedures & requlations 5/27 /86 pertaining to the licensing of t;ixi-cabs Revising the provisions of Ord 1.16 relating to regulabng Li'restock in public pl;ices 5/27/86 AMENDED OR AMENDS OR REPEALS APPLICATION REPEALED BY ACTION INDEXED Repeals Ord 641 Repe;ils Section VI of Ord 1156 & Section 3.04.060 of the Camas City Code. Amending Section IV or Ord #1005 & Section 9.26.040 of the Cnmas City Code Repe;i.15 Ord 1.63 & Chapter 9.20 of the Camas Ci.ty Code Repeals ORd 388, "ection I of ORD 1314 & Chapter 9.32 of the Camas City Code Repeals Ord 1117 & Chnpter 6.04 of the Camas City C.Dde Amends Ord 549 and Chapter 9. 48 of the Camas City Cnde PAGE 96 ORD NO 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1.604 SUR TE~ Amending the penalty provisions for permitting poultry tn be at-large. DA"'E ENAC'T'ED 5/27/86 Repealing Section 24 of Ord 906 as 5/27/86 last amended by Ord 1.486 rel nting to incrensing the speed limit in certain mnes & repealing Sec 25 or Ord 906 as last amended by Ord 1532 relating to decreasi_ng the speed limit i_n certa.in zones 01rfew for minors 5/27 /86 Crime of T .Di. teri.ng 5 /2 7 /86 Redefini_ng the age of minor to be a 5/27/86 person 1mder eighteen (18) for p11rposes of regulating mi_nors' play of pinbalJ games RevL;ing the prrnns1_ons of Chript 5. 16 5/27/86 of the CamFJ . .s CUy Code by defining a minor a.s " person unclcer the aqe of eighteen (18) yei'lrs fnr certiili.n prnhib2-ted ac:ti>1.i. ti.e~ Amending thce pen.slty for placi.ng signs 5/27/86 on 11tU .i.tv on1es. Revising the penalties for spitting i_n 5/27/86 p11bl .i_r:o pleices Registration of felons. Repei'!Jj_nq certi'lin cri_mi nal offenses. & Revising provisions relating to other r:oriminal offenses. 5/27 /86 5/27/86 Reli'lting to theft and pos . .session of 5/27 /86 stolen property & estc1bUshi_ng penal ti es therefor. AMENDED OR AMENDS OR REPEAT ,S APPLICA'T'ION REPEALED RY ACTION INDEXED Repeals Sec 24 or Ord 906 & Sec 4.04.070 of the Camas City Code & Repealing Sec 25 or Ord 906 & Sec 4.04.080 of the Camas Ci tv Cnde Repeals Ord 851 & Chapter 5. 040 of the Cami'ls Ci.ty Code Rene,,Js Ord 1261. & Chaptec 5.68 of the CNma.s City Code Amends Section I of Ord 700 "lS 1 ilS t amended by i'l part of Ord 1009 & Sec 5. 1.2. 01.0 of the Camris Ci ty Cnde Revises provj_si.ons of Chcipt 5. 16 of the Comc-,,0 • r-:i tv C.Dde AmRnds Secti_on II of Ocd 79 & Sec 5. 36. 020 of the rami'ls Ci_ty Code Amends Sec II of Ord 207 & Sec 5.40.020 of the Camas Ci_ tv Code Repeills Ord 982 & Chnp 5 .02 of the CamCJs City Code Amends Ord 921 & Chapter 5 .48 of the C<'HDi'S City Corle Reperi Ls Sec III of Ord 121.8 i'!S lns t amended by Sec II of Ord 1.349 & Sec 5.64.030 of the Cilmas City Code relciting to stolen property, 3mending .Sec IV or Ord 1218 & Sec 5. 64. 040 of the Cnmils Ci_ tv rnde by revisi_ng thR penc;lties foe thefts & fr-s11ds & nddinq 2 new sec to ChC\pt 5.64 of PAGE 97 ORD NO 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 161.2 1613 SUBJ EC"' DA'l'E ENAC"ED Relctti.ng to radio interference 5/27 /86 Revising the penal ties for violation 5/27 /86 of the sign ordinance & RevisJ_nq permit fees for signs correcting the statutory reference 5/27/86 to the Revised Code of Washington Providing for i1 hectri.ng prior to dis-5/27 /86 cnnnec:tinq water service for non- payment Revising the procedures for inspection 5/27 /86 of wctter connections & fi.xtures Rev.isi.ng the procedures relating to 5/27 /86 inspection of sewer connections & fociUties RelF>tinq to jun~ yctrds as public 5/27/86 nuisance.s, relating to noisy dogs cts pubHc nuisances, relating to g;imbling premises as public nuisances, revising the enforcement procedures for public nuis;inces, revising the procedures for ;ibatement of public nuiscinces, by revising the penal ties for fa.Uure to abate il public rn ii_sance. Repecil ing Section VII or Ordinance 41.0 & Section 13.40.060 of the Camcis Ci_ty Code 5/27/86 Establishing a petty cash fund for the 6/9/86 Li.brary to be known cis the CnrrHs Public Library Revolv.ing Fund. AMENDED OR AMENDS OR REPEAi S APP! ,ICA1'ION REPEAT ED BY AC1'ION INDEXED Revises Sections II & III of Ord 363 & Sec: 5.32.020 & 5. 32. 030 of the Crimas City o-,de Amends Sec: II of Ord 346 & Sec: 12.24.020 of the Camas City Code --Repeals Sec III of Ord 346 & Sec 12.24.030 of the Camas c:i ty Code rel ctti.nq to i_nartistic: & offensi_ve si qns & amending Sec VII of Ord 346 & Sec 12 .24.100 of the C<".mcts Ci.ty Code Amends Sec I of Ord 1432 & Sec l3. 1.8. 010 Amends Sec IV (1) of Ord 601 i'lS last ;imended by Sec: VIII of Ord 1539 & Sec 13.08.090 of the Crimas City Code Amends Sec: ti on V or Ord 601 & Sec 1.3. 08. 160 of the Cam;is City Code Amends Sec: III of Ord 801. & Sec 13. 28. 030 of the Cilmas City Code Repeills Sec I of Ord 766 & Sec: 5 .20 .080 of the Comils City Code, Repeals ;i protion of Sec I or Ord 766 & Sec: 5. 20 .190 of the Camas City Code, Repeals a portion of Sec I of Ord 766 & Sec 5. 20. 230, Amends Sec IV or Ord 766 & Sec: 5. 20. 240 of the Cam;is City Code, Amends Sec V or Ord 766 & Sec 5.20. 250 of the Camas City Code AMENDED OR PAGE C)R ORD NO SUBJECT DATE ENACTED AMENDS OR REPEALS APPLICJ\'T'ION REPEAJ ED BY ACTION INDEXED ~-----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 Establishing cash fund for Police Dept. Increasing appropriations for service budget accounts. Appropriating funds from the Federal Shared Revenue Fund. Establishing the Heritage Trust of 7 /14/86 7/14/86 7/28/86 Cl ark County as the Local Review Board. 8/11/86 Granting Northwest Natural Gas Co. the 8/25/86 right and franchise to construct, lay, maintain and operate a gas pipeline. Providing for the regulation of dogs and 8/25/86 other animals. Amending 1422 by revising the liability insurance requirements of said franchise. 9/8/86 Amending Section V of 11.76.050 by revising Management Permits. Ord. 1403 and Sec. the fees for Shoreline 9/8/86 1622 Levying the advalorem taxes necessary to 9/22/86 finance the anticipated requirements of 1623 1624 the City of Camas for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1987. Amending Ord #1562 which annexed certain 10/13/86 real property to the City of Camas, by correcting the legal description of the property. Vacating the Short Plat of RCA/Sharp Microelectronics recorded in Book 2 of Short Plats at Page 109, Clark County Auditor\s File No. 8512170024. 11/10/86 1986 Amends Ordiance 1557 and the Budget of the City of Camas. Amends Ordinance #1562 PAGE 99 ORD NO 1625 1626 1627 SUBJECT Granting a franchise to 'IWin City Sanitary Service for the collection, transportation, and disposal of garbage, refuse, and trade waste in those areas recently annexed to the City of Camasc. Defining jun&' vehicles & declaring same to be a nuisance Amending Section II of ORD #79 by revising the penalties for placeing signs on utility poles DATE ENACTED 11/24/86 11/25/86 11/24/86 1628 Adopting the budget for the City of Camas 12/1/86 Washington, for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1987. 1629 M:ldifying connection charges for the City 12/8/86 water system by deleting charges pertaining to the North Service Area 1630 Providing for the zoning of real property 01/26/87 annexed to the City of Camas by Ordinance 1631 1632 1633 1551 and 1562. Appropriating $11,000 from the General Fund 02-23-87 for the purpose of hid_ng a park consultant and amending Ordinance 1628 and the budget of the City of Camas for the year 1987, for such expenditure. Revising the membership for the Park Com- mission by eliminating the requirement that one member of the Commission be a member of the Ci_ ty Council Repealing Ordinance 1408 and regulating the use, delivery, possession, manufacture and advertisement ofldrug paraphernalia. 03--9-87 03-09-87 fa.MENDED OR fa.MENDS OR REPEALS APPLICATION REPEALED BY ACTION INDEXED' Amends Sec II of ORD 79 Amends ORD 1628 PAGE 100 ORD NO SUBTECr DATE ENACTED 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 Adopting the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings 3/23/87 Adopting the 1985 Edition of the Uniform Housing Code 3/23/87 Approving a Comprehensive Park and Recreation Plan and repealing the Parks & Recreation Master Plan developed in 1977. 3/23/87 Appropriating $1,000.00 from the 3/23/87 General Fund for the purpose of paying for expenses relating to a hazardous materials incident, and amending Ordinance No. 1628 & the budget of the City of Camas for the year 1987. Adopting regulations for the issuance of building permits for the develop- ment of real property subject to flood hazards located within the limits of the city. 4/13/87 Appropriating $4,736 from the General 4/13/87 Fund for the purpose of paying for expenses relating to drug enforcement & amending Ord 1628 and the Budget of r the City for 1987. Appropriating $5,988 from the Federal 4/13/87 Library Services & Construction Act Funds for a laser cat project & amending Ord # 1628 & the 1987 Budget of the City 1641 Providing for the zoning of real property 1642 annexed to the City of Camas by Ord 1481 4/27/87 Amending Sec 5.28.020 by authorizing certain establishments to utilize punch- boards & pull-tabs as a commercial stimulant 4/27/87 AMENDED OR i APPLICATION REPEALED BY ACTION INDEXE AMENDS OR REPEATS Repeals Ord #1628 ORD #1628 Amends ORDIU628 Amends Sec 5.28.020 & Adds new section to Chapter 5.28. of the Camas City Code PAGE ".l.01 ORD NO 1643 SUBJ ECT' Providing for the ccxi i fication of the ordinances of t he City of Cama s into a document entitled "Camas Municipal Code " DA'T'E ENACT'E D 5/26/87 1644 Adding a new section to Chapter 11.20 of 5/26/87 the Camas City Code cla~ifyin g the status of real prot;'Prty z oned R1 prior to the adoption of Ord 1537 1645 Adding the new chapter to the Camas Municipal 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 Code regulating skateboards, roller skates, 6/8/87 c oasters, bicycles and other similar devices within the Ci ty limits o~ Camas. Repealing Chapter 10.12 of the Camas 7/13/87 Municipal Code, which chapter provides for parking meters in certain designated zones. Establishing a petty cash fund for the Camas Municipal Court to be known as the Municipal Court Revolving Fund. Providing for and ordering the impr ovement;: 7I13/87 of a portion of N.W. Third Avenue lying west of Illwaco Street of the City of Camas; creating Local Improvement District No. 204; providing for the payme nt of the cost of such improvement by special assessments on t h e property within said Local ~vement District; and creating a Local Imp~,overnent District No . 204 Fund 6/27/87 Appropriating $44,100 from the Federa! Shared 8 /24 /87 Revenue Fund for the purchase of real property owned by Glenn Farrell and Helen Farre ll, and amending Ordinance #1628 & the budget of the City of Camas for the year 1987. Revising the standards for Street and Roaaway 9/2/87 widths 1 AMENDF.D OR AMENDS OR REPEALS APPL I C'..A'T'ION REPEALED BY ACT'ION INDEXE Repeals Chapter 10.12 .Amends Ord #1628 Amends Sect 17.020.160 of the Camas city Code PAGE 102 ORD NO 165(1 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 SUBJECT DATE ENl':CTED Appropriating $4,000 from unappropri-9/14/87 ated funds in the General Fund for the purpose of paying for an appraisal of certain real property and amending budget ordinance for said expenditure. Levying advalorem taxes necessary to finance the anticipated requirements for the fiscal year ending 12/31/88. Increasing the salary of the Mayor to $500.00 per month Regulating garage and yard sales 9/28/87 10/26/87 10/26/87 Revising density provisions in the 11/9/87 Light Industrial/Commercial Dist. Revising the accessory uses permitted in the core commercial district 11/9/87 Requiring qtrly pm'ts of taxes on 11/9/87 gambling activities to be paid by the 30th day of the month following the end of each quarter, and by placing a ballot issue on punch- boards and pull-tabs on the general election scheduled for Nov 8, 1988 Rezoning a portion of Tidland Heights 11/24/87 from R2 '!Wo-Family District to R1 Single-Family District Adopting 1988 Budaet 12/7/87 Appropriating $15,641.33 from C'£neral Fund for purchasing accumu- lated si_ck leave of two LEOF'F-I employees 12/14/87 Providing for approprii1ti.on of funds 12/14/87 to pay for increasecl expenses for waste disposal AMENDED OR AMENDS OR REPEALS APPLICATION REPEALED BY ACTION INDEXE Amends Ord #1628 Amend.s Section 2.64.010 of Qi.mas Municipal Code Amends Sect. 18.52.060 of Camas Municipal Code Amends Sec 18.56.030 Amends Ord #1642 Amends ORD 1628 Amends budget for 1987 PAGE 103 ORD NO 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1675 / SUBJECT Appropriation to pay for increased expenses for Library Facilities Revising rates for water service Effective February 1, 1988 DATE ENACTED 12/28/87 1/11/88 Revising charges for Sewer service 1/11/88 Revising the deposit for a water meter test 1/11/88 Revising water disconnection and 1/11/88 collection fees Revising the regulations for oversized 1/25/88 garbage containers Increasing the sales tax from one-tenth of one (1%) of the selling price to three-tenths of one (1%) of the selling price. 1/25/88 Providing for a lien for unpaid refuse 1/25/88 collection charges. Providing a definition of trash-covered 2/8 /88 premises Requiring the installation of under- ground utilities in newly created subdivision. 2/8 /88 Bond Ordinance 2/8/ 88 Appointing the state fiscal agency as 2/8/88 bond registrar Appropriating $2,000 for the Community 3/14/88 Education Program. Appropriating $3,150.00 for the payment 3/14/88 of equipment expenses of the Fire Dept AMENDED OR AMENDS OR REPEALS APPLICATION REPEALED BY ACTION INDEXEj Amends Budget for 1987. Amends Chapter 13.36 of the Camas Municipal Code Amends Chapter 13.64 of the Camas Municipal Code Amends Chapter 13.40 of the Camas Municipal Code Amends Chapter 13.44 of the Camas Municipal Code Amends Section 13.80.050 of the Camas Municipal Code Amends Section 3.08.040 of the Camas Municipal Code Amends Chapter 13.80 of the Camas Municipal Code Amends Section 8.04.050 of the Camas Municipal Code Amends Sections 4,5,13, & 14 of Ordinance No. 1506 Amends Sections 3,5,11,15 & 16 of Ordinance No. 1456 Amends the budget for the 1988 Amends the budget for the year 1988 PAGE 104 ORD NO. 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 SUBJECT DATE ENACTED Adding a new section to Chapter 10.08 of the Camas Municipal Code regulating the manner of parking in marked parking spaces 3/28/88 Appropriating $1 1 625,000 from the water transmission main construction fund for the financing of additions to and better- ments and extensions of the City's existing water and sewer systems, and amending the Budget for the year 1988 to provide for such expenditure. 3/28/88 Authorizing the issuance and sale of water and sewer revenue bonds in the amount of $1,250,000.00 4/4/88 Providing for a rate of pay for reserve 4/11/88 police officers Transferring $13,000 from the General 4/26/88 Fund to the Street fund to provide construction & installation of side- walks. Approving and confirming the assessments and the assessment roll for LID 204 for the construction of certain improvements to N.W. Third Avenue, and levying and assessing the amounts thereof against certain property benefited thereby as shown on said assessment roll. Requiring the installation of sidewalks prior to the issuance of occupancy permits, and repealing Chapter 12.08 of the Camas Muncipal Code which required sidewalk construction deposits. Appropriating $8,108.00 to be contri- buted to the Lacamas Lake r~toration project and amending the Budget for the 6ity of Camas for the year 1988 to provide 5/9/88 5/9/88 for such expenditure. 5/23/88 AMENDED OR AMENDS OR REPEALS APPLICATION REPEALED BY ACI'ION INDEXE! Amends Section 2.64.020 of the Camas Municipal Code Amends 1988 Budget Amends 1988 Budget PAGE 105 ORD NO. 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 SUBJECT DATE ENACTED Imposing a curfew on minors during designated hours in the downtown core area and the Crown Park area and providing a penalty for vio- lation thereof. Creating a 1988 Sanitary Sewer Capital Projects Fund, appropria- ting $380,000.00 for said fund, and amending Ordinance 1659 and the Budget of the City of Camas for the year 1988 for such expen- diture. Revising the penalty provisions for violation of the curfew on minors. Appropriating $23,300.00 to fund a financial consulting services contract with CCA Inc. for a drainage district feasibility study and a long-range regional facility financing study, and amending the budget for such expenditure. 5/23/88 5/23/88 13 6/191/88 6/13/88 Providing for the submission to the 6/13/88 voters of the City of Camas of a proposition authorizing an excess property tax levy at the rate of $0.25 per $1,000.00 of assessed valuation for six (6) consecu- tive years commencing in 1989 for the pur- pose of funding an Emergency Medical Services Program. Prohibiting the use of motor vehicle brakes commonly known as Jacob or "Jake" brakes within the city limits and providing for penalty for vio- lation thereof. 6/27/88 Appropriating $140,000.00 to fund the 6/27/88 purchase of certain real property owned by the Harold Blake Trust and the Estate of Marjorie Blake AMENDS OR REPEALS Amends ORD #1684 Amends 1988 Budget Amends 1988 Budget AMENDEI'l OR APPLICATION REPEALED BY ACTION INDEXEi PAGE 106 ORD NO. 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 SUBJECT DATE ENACTED Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City at a special election to be held therein on Sept 20, 1988 of the proposition of whether or not the City should issue its general obligation bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $1,350,000, for the purposes of acquiring and making certain impro- vements to the park and recreation facilities of the City. Adding new section to the zoning code as required by RCW 70.105, the Hazardous Waste Management Act. 7/25/88 8/8/88 Levying the ad valorem taxes necessary 9/26/88 to finance the anticipated requirements of the City for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1989. Providing for the exercise of the 10/10/88 powers of initiative and re~ndurn in the City of CArnas. Amending "Maps of the Zoning Ordinance 11/28/88 of the City of Camas, WA 1963" establi- shed by Ord 981 and Sec. 18.16.010 of the Camas Municipal Code by cha~ng the zoning for certain real property from Core Commercial (CC) to Light Industrial/ commercial (LI/C). Creating the position of City Administrator 11/28/88 providing for the appointment of a City Administrator, and defining the duties and responsibilities of a City Administrator. l\rnending Chapter 13.64 of the Camas Munici-11/28/88 pal Code by revising the charges for sewer service. AMENDS OR REPEALS AMENDED OR APPLICATIONREPEALED BY ACTION INDEXED Amends ORD 981 & SEC 18.16.010 of the Camas City Code PAGE 107 ORD NO. 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 SUBJECT DATE ENACTED Revising rates for water service and providing for the rate increase to be effective February 1, 1989. Revising Water disconnection and collection fees Amending Section 13.36.070 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the charges for rental of fire hydrants. Adopting the budget for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1989. 11/28/88 11/28/88 11/28/88 12/5/88 Amending Section 9.20.090 of the 12/12/88 Camas Municipal Code by repealing the authority for commercial establishments to utilize punchboards and pull-tabs as a commercial stimulant to such business. Providing for appropriation of funds to pay for increased expenses for waste disposal and amending the budget for the year 1988. Repeals Chapter 13.76 of the Camas Municipal Code, which established a Fisher Basin Pressure Sewer Line Late-Corner's Charge. Annexing to the City of Camas two (2) lots presently located in the cor- porate boundaries of the City of 12/12/88 12/12/88 Washougal 2/27/89 An ordinance providing for the vacation of a portion of N.W. Second Avenue 2/27/89 AMENDED OR AMENDS OR REPEALS APPLICATION REPEALED BY ACTION INDEXS Chapter 13.36 of the Camas Municipal Code Amends Chapter 13.44.020 of the Camas Municipal Code Amends Section 13.36.070 of the Camas Municipal Code Amends Section 9.20.090 of the Camas Municipal Code Amends 1988 Budget Repeals chapter 13.76 of the Camas Municipal Code. Repeals the authority for punchboards and pull-tabs in commercial establish- ments. providing o o tion a co e j~~~~~a~s~t~o~rrn~~d;r~a~in~a~g;e~u;t;1~·1~1~·t~y~,~~~~~--; plan for the o nd surface Please see next page. ~~~~hl~~h~n~ ~~~........., ~-~~n~~~ PAGE 108 ORD NO. 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 SUBJECT DATE ENACTED Creating a storm drainage utility, providing for the adoption of a comprehensive plan for the manage- ment of storm and surface water, establishing a storm drainage utility fund, creating a Fisher Basin drainage basin, and estab- lishing drainage development fees for the Fisher Basin. Appropriating $2,500 to pay for hepatitis shots for fire and ambulance personnel, and amends the Budget for the year 1989 to 2/27/89 provice for such expenditure. 3/13/89 Appropriating $2,500 to pay for improvements to the Camas Community Center, and amending the budget of the f2,ity of Camas for the year 1989 to provide for such expenditure. 4/10/89 Adding standards for structures, setbacks, site improvements, signs, landscaping, and building design to the Light Indus- trial/Country Tech Zone. 4/24/89 Amending "The Maps of the Zoning Ord. 5/8/89 of the City of Camas, WA, 1963" esta- blished by Ord 981 and Sect. 18.16.010 of the Camas Municipal Code by changing the zoning for certain real property from Light Industrial/Commercial (LI/C) to Light Industrial/Country Tech (LI/CT) Providing for the construction & instal-5/22/89 lation of sanitary sewers in that area known as "Lacamas Heights", creating LID #208, providing for the payment of the cost of such improvement to be made in part by special assessment upon the property in said Local Improvement District, and creating a L.I.D. #208 Fund. AMENDED OR AMENDS OR REPEALS APPLICATION REPEALED BY ACTION INDEXE1 Amends 1989 Budget Amends 1989 Budget Amends Chapter 18.54 of the Camas City Code Amends ORD 981 & Section 18.16.010 of the Camas City Code PAGE 108 ORD NO. 1713 1714 1715 1716 SUBJECT Providing for the issuance in special circumstances of mobile home permits authorizing mobile homes to be used as residences outside of a trailer park. Providing for an odering the improve- ment of a portion of Ostenson Canyon Road by the installation of a 6-inch waterline; creating LID 207 providing for the payment of the cost of such improvement by special assessments on the property within said LID and creating an LID 207 fund. Providing for the issuance and sale of limited tax General Obligation Bonds of the City in the Principal Sum of $500,000 for the purpose of providing funds to finance certain storm sewer improvements within the City; providing the date, form, terms and maturities of said bonds; pro- viding of such bonds; providing for the annual levy of taxes to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds; and providing for the sale thereof. Providing for the issuance and sale of unlimited tax general obligation bonds of the City in the principal sum of $1,350,000 for the purposes of acquiring park and recreation facilities for the City; providing the date, form, terms and maturities of said bonds; providing for the dis- position of the proceeds of sale of such bonds; providing for the annual levy of taxes to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds; and pro- viding for the sale thereof. DATE ENACTED 6/8/89 6/26/89 6/26/89 6/26/89 AMENDED OR AMENDS OR REPEALS APPLICATION REPEALED BY ACTION INDEX Chapter 8.44 of Camas City Code PAGE 109 ORD NO. 1717 1718 1719 1720 (North Everett) 1721 (Round Lake) 1722 SUBJECT DATE ENACTED Establishing a Park Commission, providing 6/26/89 for the appointment and tenure or members thereof, prescribing the duties and responsi- bilities of the Park Commission, and repealing Chapter 2.27 of the CMC. Creating a 1989 Lacamas Heights Sanitary 7/10/89 Sewer Construction fund, and appropriating $705,535.00 for the construction of a STEP sanitary sewer system in the L~camas Heights area, and amending the Budget of the City of Camas for the year 1989 to provide for such expenditure. Annexing an unincorporated area to the City 7/10/89 of Camas, Washington, pursuant to the direct petition method authorized by Chapter 35A.14 Revised Code of Washington. Annexing an unincorporated area to the City of Camas, Washington, pursuant to the direct petition method authorized by Chapter 35A.14 Revised Code of Washington. 7/10/89 Amending "The Maps of the Zoning Ordinance 7/10/89 of the City of Camas, Washington, 1963" established pursuant to Section 18.16.010 of the Camas Municipal Code by changing the zoning for certain real property from Rl Single Family District to SR-20 Single Family District. 1723 Revising schedule of charges for services rendered 7/24/89 in the removal of ref use or garbage as directed under Ordinance No. 654 and Chapter 13.84 of the Camas City Code. AMENDS OR REPEALS APPLICATION REPEALED BY ACTION INDEX Repeals Chapt. 2.28 of the Camas Municipal Code Amends 1989 Budget Amends "The Maps of the Zoning Ordinance established pursuant to SEC 18.16.010 of CMC. PAGE 110 ORD NO. 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 SUBJECT Abolishing the ward system and pro- viding for the election of all DATE ENACTED council members at large. 8/14/89 Deleting the requirement as to the number of Captains in the Fire Dept. 8/14/89 Providing for the Acceptance of a 8/28/89 loan from CERB in the principal sum of $850,000 for the of providing funds to finance certain public improvements providing the terms and conditions of such loan and the form of the final contract; providing for the disposition of the proceeds of such loan; and pro- viding for the annual levy of taxes to pay the principal of and interest on said loan. Providing for the acceptance of a loan 8/28/89 from the CERB in the principal sum of $720,000 for the purpose of providing funds to finance certain public im- provements; providing the terms and conditions of such loan and the form of the final contract; providing for the disposition of the proceeds of such loan; and providing certain covenants for payment of principal of and interest on such loan. · f h' ·-rwiri c.;l..,.-,e 8/28/89 Granting a ranc ise to \temeet1JEi1 W' Sanitary Service for the collection, transportation, and disposal of garbage refuse, and trade waste in those areas recently annexed to the City of Camas. Imposing penalties for the late payment 8/28/89 of taxes imposed upon punchboards and pull-tabs. Changing the names of certain streets in the Lacarnas Shores Development 8/28/89 AMENDS OR REPEALS APPLICATION REPEALED BY ACTION INDEXt Amends Chapter 2.16 of the Camas City Code Amends Section 9.20.095 of the Camas Municipal Code Adds new section to Chapter 12.24 of the Camas Municipal Code PAGE 111 ORD NO. 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 SUBJECT Provides for the creation and admini- stration of an Unemployment Compen- sation Fund Revising the designation of streets within City which provides for the method of assigning address numbers on circles and courts. Levying the ad valorem taxes for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1990. Appropriating $720,000.00 for the cons- truction of a STEP sanitary sewer line to serve the Fisher Basin DATE ENACTED 9/11/89 9/11/89 9/25/89 9/25/89 Revising the density provisions in the Rl District 10/9/89 Increasing the salary for council members 10/9/89 to $150.00 per month Permitting residential structures or mobile 10/23/89 homes to be utilized as temporary sales offices as a conditional use in the Rl Single Family District. Amending Chapter 9.20.095 of the Camas 11/13/89 City Code by requiring all persons utilizing punchboards and pull-tabs to pay a tax of five (5%) percent of the gross receipts from such punchboards and pull-tabs 1739 Adopting the budget for the City of 12/4/89 Camas, Washington, for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1990 1740 Approving and confirming the assessments 12/11/89 and the assessment roll for LID 207 for the installation of a 6-inch water line on a portion of Ostenson Canyon Road, and AMENDS OR REPEALS APPLICATION REPEALED BY ACTION INDEX) Repeals Chapter 3.60 of the Camas Municipal Code Amends Chapter 12.24.030 Repeals Section 12.28.040 of Camas City Code Amends the Budget for the year 1989 to provide for such expenditure. Amends Chapter 18.24 of the Camas City Code Amends Sction 2.64.010 of the Camas Municipal Code Amends Section 18.24.030 of the Camas Municipal Code Amends Chapter 9.20.095 of the Camas City Code levying and assessing the amts thereof against certain property benefited thereby as shown on said assm't roll PAGE 112 ORD NO. SUBJECT DATE ENACTED 1741 Extending the time for filing a final plat from one (1) year to three (3) years fol- lowing approval of the preliminary plat 12/11/89 1742 Providing for the zoning of real property annexed to the City of Camas by ordi- nances 1720 and 1721 1743 1744 1745 Appropriating $7,084.00 for salaries, wages, and personnel benefits for library employees, appropriating $28,899.00 for salaries, wages, and personnel benefits for emergency rescue personnel, appropriating $2,487.00 for salary and wages for equipment rental personnel, and amending the budget of the City of Camas for the year 1989 to provide for such expenditures. Providing for the vacation of a portion of N.E. Garfield St. Permitting mobile home or trailer parks mobile home or trailer parks as a condi- tional use in the Cl Commercial District. 12/11/89 12/26/89 1/8/90 1746 Providing for and ordering the improve-1/8/90 ment of a poartion of N.W. View Ridge Court by improvement of the street, and instal- lation of water, sewer and storm sewer lines; creating Local Improvement District No. 209; providing for the payment of the cost of such improvements by special asses- ments on the property within said Local Improvement District; and creating a Local Improvement District No. 209 Fund. 1747 Annexing an unincorporated area consisting 2/12/90 of approximately 1,475.82 acres to the City of Camas pursuant to the direct petition method authorized by Chapter 35A.14 RCW. AMENDS OR REPEALS APPLICATION REPEALED BY ACTION INDEX; Amends Section 17.16 of the Camas Municipal Code Amends the budget for 1989 Amends Section 18.40.040 of the CMC PAGE 113 ORD NO. 1748 1749 1750 1751 SUBJECT DATE ENACTED Adopting the 1987 Edition of the Northwest Energy 2/12/90 Code promulgated by the Bonneville Power Admini- stration, adopting the 1986 Washington State Energy Code, and adopting the Conversion Standard Equivalent Code Amendments to the Model Enegery Code. Amending the zoning code by revising the regulations 2/26/90 for home occupations, providing for the licensing of home occupations, and providing procedures and penalties for violations thereof. Amending "The Maps of Zoning Ordinance of the City 2/26/90 of Camas, Washington, 1963" established pursuant to Section 17.16.010 of the Camas Municipal Code by changing the zoning for certain real property from Rl-6 Single Family District to Rl-12 Single Family District. Revising the setbacks for the Light Industrial/ 3/12/90 Country Tech Zone 1752 Vacating to the City of Camas that portion of 3/12/90 S.E. Third Avenue lying east of the east boundary of S.E. Garfield Street and west of the Washougal 1753 River Appropriating $34,400.00 for repairs to the Camas 3/12/90 Conununity Center, and amending the budget"for the City of Camas for the year 1990 to provide for such expenditure 1754 Granting a franchise to Twin City Sanitary Service 3/12/90 for the collection, transportation, and disposal of garbage, refuse, and trade waste in those areas recently annexed to the City of Camas by Ord #1747. 1755 Condemning for public park purposes a parcel of land 3/26/90 lying within the City of Camas and abutting the southwest shore of Lacamas Lake. AMENDS OR REPEALS APPLICATION REPEALED BY ACTION-IND Amends Section 18.16.010 of the Camas Municipal Code Amends Section 18.54.031 of the of the Camas Municipal Code Amends 1990 Budget EX PAGE 114 ORD NO. 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 SUBJECT DATE ENACTED Amending "The Maps of the Zoning ord., 1963" by changing the zoning for real property located west of N.E. Everett Rd. and south of S.E. Lake Rd from C-3 Cormnercial District to LI/CT Light Industrial/Country Tech District. Excluding the Chiefs of the Police and Fire Departments from the Classified Civil Service System. Establishing procedures for the appointment and removal of the Police Chief and Fire Chief. Changing the names of Streets in certain real property annexed to the City of Camas pursuant to Ordinance No. 1747. Revising the boundary lines of the electoral wards of the City of Camas and amending Chapter 1.20 of the Camas Municipal Code. 4/9/90 5/14/90 5/14/90 5/14/90 5/29/90 Appropriating $67,000.00 from the Storm Sewer 5/29/90 Drainage Utility Fund for the acquisition of storm drainage right-of-way and for the design and construction of a sanitary sewer and storm drainage sewer crossing, and amending the Budget for the City of Camas for the year 1990 to provide for such expenditure. Zoning real property annexed to the City of Camas 5/29/90 by Ordinance 1705 as Rl Single Family District 7.5 Appropriating $36,000.00 from Sanitary Fund for acquisition of recycling containers and promo- tional costs in implementing Recycling Program. Changing the name of S.E. 227th Court a private road, to N.W. Eighth Way, a private road. Appropriating $10,000.00 from the Street Fund for the purchase and installation of street name signs. 6/4/90 6/25/90 AMENDS OR REPEALS APPLICATION REPEALED BY ACTION INDEX "The Maps of the Zoning Ord, 1963 Pursuant to Section 18.16.010 of CMC Armnends Section 2.36.010 of the CMC Amends Chapter 1.20 of the CMC Amends 1990 Budget Amends 1990 Budget PAGE 115 ORD NO. 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 SUBJECT Further defining the powers and duties of the Board of Adjustment Revising the notice requirements for amendments to the text of the zoning code and changes in the zoning of real property. Providing for the vacation of a portion of N.E. Adams Revising the regulations for floodways within areas of special flood hazard DATE ENACTED 7/9/90 7/9/90 7/9/90 7/23/90 Granting to JAMES RIVER CORP. and its successors 7/23/90 and assigns a franchise for a period of 25 years to install and maintain a 24" water line of pipe and electric power cables in and under a portion of S.E. Sixth Avenue of the City of Camas Creating the position of Social Services Specialist, defining the responsibilities and duties of such position, and providing for the compensation thereof. 8/13/90 Creating Oak Park Capital Project Fund; appropri-8/27/90 ating $249,000 for construct sidewalk, waterline, street improvements, and amending budget for Coe. Appropriating $48,000 from Arterial St. Fund for 8/27/90 SW 6th Ave. street project and amending budget for Coe. Appropriating $500,000 from 89 CERB St Project 8/27/90 Fund for Pacific Rim Blvd. construction and amending budget for Coe . Appropriating $50,000 from General Fund for 8/27/90 consultant's fees for preparation of zoning regulation for area annexed to CoC by Ord .1747 Appropriating $13,042 from General Fund for 8/27/90 salary & benefits for Social Service Specialist AMENDS OR REPEALS APPLICATION REPEALED BY ACTION INDEX Amends Sec.18.76.100 of CMC Amends Sec. 18.84.040 of CMC Amends Sec. 15.28.170 of CMC Amending the Budget for year 1990 Amending the Budget for year 1990 Amending the Budget for year 1990 Amending the Budget for year 1990 Amending the Budget for year 1990 PAGE 116 ORD NO. 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 SUBJECT Providing for the vacation of a portion of Mcintosh Road. Providing for the collection of re- cyclable solid wastes generated by residences within City; and estab- lishing rates for collect service. Condeming for public park purposes a parcel of land lying within the City of Camas and abutting the south shore of the Washougal River. Adopting rules and regulations for recreation and park areas maintained by the City of Camas. Amending Ordinance No. 1779 by mod- ifying the legal description of real property condemned for public park purposes. Levying ad valorem taxes to finance the re- quirements of 1991. Adding to zoning code to provide for overlay zone to protect environmentally sensitive areas. Provides for review of site plans for areas zoned with P-suffix. Amends SEPA regulation by eliminating exemp- tion for environmentally sensitive areas. Provides for interim zoning of property annexed to city by Ordinance 1747 (Van- couver View) Changes name of NW Ellsworth to NW Elliot Approves and confirms assessments and assess- rolls for LID 209. DATE ENACTED AMENDS OR REPEALS APPLICATION BY ACTION INDEX 9/24/90 9/24/90 9/24/90 11/04/90 11/04/90 11/13/90 11/26/90 11/26/90 11/26/90 11/26/90 11/26/90 11/26/90 Amends Ordinance 1779 Repeals Resolutions 663 and 666 PAGE 117 ORD. NO. 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 SUBJECT Restricts heavy truck traffic on SW 6th between Sierra and Zillah Adopts budget for fiscal year ending December 31, 1990. Permits funds in Cumulative Reserve Fund to be used for new Fire Equip- ment. Appropriating f6,000 from Library Fund for employee benefits and arrending Budget for expenditures. Appropriates funds for construction of Buttler Reservoir booster station. Appropriates funds for stonn sewer con- struction in Oak Park area Creates corporal position within,Police Department I:rrplements rronthly charge for sprinkler systems with a 10 inch service Changing name of NW Maple to NW 6th Way Appropriates $34,400 for repairs to the Camas Comrmmity Center, and amends 1991 budget. Permits Heraeus Shin-Etsu to pay water and sewer development charges in install- ments. I:rrposes sign regulations in SR, C2, C3, CC and Ml Districts. Provides for vacation of portion of NW 7th Ave. DATE ENACTED AMENDS OR REPEALS 11/26/90 12/3/90 12/26/90 01/14/91 01/28/91 01/28/91 01/28/91 02/11/91 02/25/91 02/25/91 03/11/91 03/11/91 Amends Section 18.64.170 of CMC 03/25/91 APPLICATION BY ACTION INDEX PAGE 118 ORD. NO. 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 SUBJECT A!'Jj3ft6p'i7.1a 'E1lil of telephone $15,000 for installation system DATE ENACTED 04/08/91 Extending interim regulations to identify 04/08/91 and protect environmentally sensitive areas Extend interim regulations for overlay 04/08/91 zone on P-suffix areas to August 31, 1991 Extends interim zoning of property annexed04/08/91 by Ordinance 1747 to August 31, 1991 Revises regulations relating to excavations4/22/91 and encroachments in public right of ways Approves and adopts a Capital Facilities 04/22/91 Plan. Establishes a front parking setback, LI/CT zone Authorizes City Council to direct City Engineer to impose parking time limits 05/28/91 06/10/91 Imposes an excise tax on ~ of 1% on the 06/10/91 sale of real estate in the City of Camas 1811 Changes NW 6th Pl. Ct to NW 6th Ct, NW 18th Ave. 06/24/91 Loop to NW 18th lDop, and NE 3rd Ave. Loop to NE 1812 1813 3rd Loop. Arrends CMC by increasing rate of pay for reserve 06/24/91 police officers, providing rate of pay court security officer, and increasing rate of pay for volunteer firefighters Granting Franchise to Public Utilities of Clark County. 06/24/91 AMENDS OR REPEALS APPLICATION BY ACTION IND Amends 1991 Budget Amends Ordinance 1783 Amends Ordinance 1784 Amends Ordinance 1786 Amends Chapter 12.12 of CMC Amends Chapter 18.54 of CMC Amends Section 10.08.010 of CMC Amends Section 2.64.020 of CM: r ,-'i.", PAGE 119 ORD. NO. SUBJECT DATE ENACTED 1814 Provides for vacation of a portion of NW Sierra St. 07/22/91 1815 Defines marginal access streets and inposes restric-07/22/91 tions on accesses to such streets. 1816 ~bdifies and supplements the Corrphrensive Plan for the City of Camas 08/12/91 1817 Adopts certain m:Jdifications and additions to the 08/12/91 1987 Corrphrensive Park & Recreation Plan 1818 Provides for the zoning of real property annexed to 08/12/91 the City of Camas 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 Amends the City of Camas subdivision ordinance by 08/12/91 adding provisions Adds new chapter to the City zoning code 08/12/91 Adds new chapter to the City's SEPA Ordinance 08/12/91 AmendsSection 18.92.080(B) 08/12/91 Adds new chapter to City ~oning code 08/12/91 Appropiates $5,000.00 for repairs to Library:roof and amending 1991 Budget to provide for expenditure 08/12/91 Amends Section 18.08.660 of the CMC 08/28/91 Adds new section to Chapter 18.08 of the CMC Olil/26/91 1827 Adopts document "Standard Details and Specificanions for Erosion Control Plans, City of Camas, WA 08/26. 08/26/91 1828 Amends Section 13.60.050 of CMC and adds section 08/26/91 AMENDS OR REPEALS APPLICATION BY ACTION INDEX Amends Chapter 17.20.230 of CMC Amends CMC Section 17.12.090 Adds CMC Section 18.62.010 - 18. 62. 070 Adds CMC Chapter 16.06.010 - 16.06.040 Amends CMC Section 18.92.080(B) Adds CMC Section 18.61.030 -18.61.060 Amends 1991 Budget for repairs Adds CMC Section 18. 08. 055, •· 18. 08. 300, 18. 08. 625, 18.08.445, 18.08.627, 18.08.715, .and new sections 18.67.010 and 18.67.020. Amends Sections 13.60.050,and adds new section 13.60.055 PAGE 120 ORD. NO. SUBJECT DATE ENACI'ED · AMENDS OR REPEAIS . APPLICATION BY ACTION INDEX 1829 Amends Chapter 13.52 of CMC 09~09/91 1830 Adds Definiption of "City" and revising rates for sewer system development 09t99/91 1831 Creates and establishes special fund known as "Growth Management Act Capital Projects Fund" 09/09/91 1832 Appropiates $345,000.00 for additional expenses and upsizing of water Teservoir 10/14/91 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 Grants a franchise to James River II, Inc. to install and maintain a utility tunnel beneath a portion of NE Sixth Avenue Adds new sections to Chapter 9.32 of the CJlllC Defines crime of urination/defecation in public 10/14/91 10/28/91 Adds new Chapter to Title 9 of the CMC 10/28/91 one person criminally responsible for another Amends Chapter 9.08 of the CJlllC 10/28/91 Revisies reckless endangerment Amends Chapter 9. 04 of the CMC 10/28/91 Revisies definition for resisting arrest Amends Chapter 9.12 of the CJlllC 10/28/91 Redefines offense of trepressing Amends Section 1.24.010 of the CJlllC 10/28/91 Revises penalties for offenses corrmitted in Camas Adds a section to Chapter 9 .16 of the CMC 10/28/91 Adds penalty for disorderly disconduct Amends Section 8.40.020 of the CMC 10/28/91 Illegal possession of drug paraphernalia Amends Section 9.24.050 of the CMC 10/28/91 Revisies penalty for minor in possession Amends Sect~on 9.20.070 of the CMC 10/28/91 Revisies cr:une ~lty for possession of marijuana Approves and conrinns assessments for LID 208 11/12/91 Adds new section to Chapter 12.24 of the CMC 11/12/91 1846 Changing the name of NW Quartz Court to NW Crystal Court, NW Park Court to NW Seneca Court, and NW Park Place to NW Center Court 11/25/91 Amends Chapter 13. 52 CMC Amends Chapter 13. 71 CMC Amends 1991 Budget -,·.; "··,. /') 'C-;~_j Amends CMC Chapter 9.32 Adds Chapter to Title 9 of the CMC Amends CJlllC Chapter 9 • 0 S Amends CJlllC Chapter 9.04 Amends CMC Chapter 9 .12 Amends CMC Section 1.24.010 Adds CJlllC Chapter 9. 16 section Amends CMC Section 8.40.020 Amends CMC Section 9.24.050 Amends CMC Section 9.20.070 Amends CJlllC Section 12. 24 (new chapter section) PAGE 121 ORD. NO. .SUBJECT DATE ENACTED · · AMENDS OR REPEAIS · · APPLICATION BY ACTION INDEX 1847 1848 1849 Appropriates $260,220.00 for payment of salaries 11/12/91 and wages, errployee benefits, and legal expenses to pay the settlement in the firefighters lawsuit and amending the Budget of the City of Camas for the year 1991 to provide for such expenditure Amends Section 15.04.090 of the CMC by clarifying the penalities for violations of the UBC 11/25/91 Adopting the budget for th City of Camas for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1992 11/25/91 1850 Levying the ad valorem taxes necessary to finance the anticipated requirements of the City of Camas for the Fiscal year ending December 31, 1992 11/25/91 1851 Condemns for public park purposes a parcel of land lying within the City of Camas and abutting the sw shore of Lacarnas Lake 11/25/91 1.852 1853 1854 Amends Chapter 13.36 of the CMC by revising rates for water service and providing for the rate increases to be effective January 1, 1992 and January 1, 1993 12/9/91 Amends Chapter 13.64 of the CMC by revising the charges for sewer service and providing for the rate increases to be effective January 1, 1992 and January 1, 1993 12/9/91 Appropriates $50,000.00 for the purchase of real 12/9/91 property located at the NW =rner of NE Everett St and NE 3rd Ave, and amending the Budget for the City of Camas for the year 1991 to provide for such expenditure 1855 Provides for the vacation of a portion of SE Payne Rd 12/23/91 1856 Provides for vacation of a portion of NE 22nd Avenue 12/23/91 1857 Appropiates $41,000.00 from Lacamas Heights Sanitary Amends 1991 Budget for the City of Camas Amends Section 15.04.090 of the CMC Adopt budget for 1992 Amends Chapter 13.36 of the CMC Amends Chapter 13.64 of the CMC Amends 1991 Budget of the City of Camas Sewer Fund 12/23/91 Amends 1991 Budget for the City of Camas 1858 Appropiates $15,500.00 in Oak Park Capital Project Fund for payments of expenses 12/23/91 Amends 1991 Budget for the City of Camas PAGE 122 ORD. NO. . SUBJECT DATE ENACTED . AMENDS OR REPEALS . APPLICATION BY ACTION INDEX 1859 Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds 1992; sale of 1/13/92 1860 Revising levy of ad valorem taxes for budget 1/13/92 year 1992 (Ordinance 1850) 1861 Changes zoning for certain real property 1/13/92 located on Prune Hill from C-2 Commerical District to C-3 Commerical District 1862 Appropiates. $48,015.00 from the General Fund to 1/27/92 pay consultant's fees for services rendered in preparation of an impact fee ordinance, updating the Comphrensive Plan, and m:xlifying zoning and subdivision regulations, and amending the Budget of the City of Camas for the year 1992 to provide for such expenditure. Amends 1992 Budget for the City of Camas Amends "The Maps of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Camas, Washington, 1963" Amends 1992 Budget for the City of Camas 1863 Appropriates $31,680.00 from Emergency Rescue Fund 1/27/92 / Amends 1992 Budget for City of Camas for repairs to one ambulance 1864 Appropriates $100,000.00 for purchase and improvements of the Queen Anne Apartments 2/24/92 /Amends Ordinance #1854 1865 Adopts regulations for the disposal of construction 3/09/92 debris 1866 Amends the City of Camas subdivision ordinance 3/09/92 Amends Sectioncl7. 36 of CMC 1867 Revises the parking space requirements for residential 3/09/92 structures 1868 Appropriates $141,060 for salaries, wages and benefits for City Employees 3/09/92 1869 Appropriates $37,845 from the Library Fund to pay for upgrading the Library Computer system 3/09/92 1878 Adds Chapter to CMC requiring payment of water connection 3/23/92 charges at time of issuance of the plumbing or building permit 1871 Amends CMC by requiring payment of water system development 3/23/92 charge with the plumbing or building permit PAGE123 ORD. NO. 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 ·sUBJEcr Amends CMC by r~}hring payment of sewer service development charge with issuance of plumbing or building permit Adopts a schedule of :impact fees for public streets and roads, etc DATE . ENACTED 3/23/92 3/23/92 Accepts the repayment provisions for the loan from 3/23/92 CERB (change from 23 year loan to 20 year loan) Creates a merit system for a nominal fee for services provided by Reserve Police Officers Appropriates $4,922.00 from the City Street Fund to pay for the widening of N.W. Cascade Street Eliminates the water system development charges for ll;j inch meters and by exempting from water system development charges meters installed to an existing service for the purpcse of metering water used for irrigation. 3/23/92 4/13/92 4/13/92 Establishes a connection charge for the install-4/13/92 ation to an existing water service of a second water meter for metering water used for irrigation purpcses. AMENDS OR REPEALS . APPLICATION.BY.ACTION INDEX Amends Ordinance #1727 Amends the 1992 Budget for the City of Camas Amends Chapter 13. 52 of the CMC Adds a new subsection to Section 13.36.050 of the CMC 1879 Provides for and ordering the improvement of 4/27/~2 Creates LID #2]3 for Victoria Hills Subdivision sanitary Victoria Hills Subdivision by the installation sewer system of a sanitary sewer system and appurtenances thereto; creating Local Improvement District N. 213; providing for the payment of the cost of such improvement by by special assessment on the property within said Local Improvement District; and creating a Local Improvement District No. 213 Fund. 1880 Restricts heavy truck traffic on S.E. James Street 5/11/92 from S.E. Whitney to N.E. Second Avenue, and on S.E. Second Avenue from S.E. James Street to S.E. Lecher Street. PAGE 124 ORD. NO. SUBJECT DATE ENACI'ED · AMENDS "OR 'REPEALS ·· APPLICATION ·BY ACTION INDEX 1881 Creates an Operations Center capital Project Fund for the construction os a .new operations center for public 'IMJrks operations and equipment maintenance; transferring $6,000.00 from the Water- Sewer Fund to the Operations Center capital Project Fund; and transferring $77,000.00 from the Equipment Rental Fund to the Operations Center capital Projec t Fund. 5/11/92 1882 Appropriating $83,000.00 from ·the Operations 5/26/92 Center capital Project Fund to pay for preliminary design and survey expenses to be incurred in the construction of a new operations center for public 'IM'.)rks operations and equipment maintenance. 1883 Amends Chapter 15.04 of the CMC by adopting the 6/08/92 1991 Edition of the Unifonn Building Code as amended by Chap ter 51-20 of the Washington Administrative Code; repealing Sections 15.04.020-A and C and 15.04.030; and amending Section 15.04.060-B and C. 1884 Adopts the 1991 Edition of the UnifonnMechanical 6/08/92 and providing an expemption from application of Uniform Mechanical Code from certain industrial properties. 1885 Adopts the 1991 Edition of the Washington State 6/08 /92 Ventilation and Indoor Ait Quality Code as amended 1886 1887 l 1888 by Chapter 51-13 of the Washington Administrative code Adopts the 1991 Edition of the Washington State Energy Code as amended by Chapter 51-11 of the Washington Administrative Code. Amends Section 15.10.010 of 01C by adopting the 1991 Edition of the Uniform Housing Code. 6/08/92 6/08/92 Adopts the 1991 Edition of the Uni£orm Plumbing 6/08/92 Code, providing an exenption from the application of said code to certain indutrial properties, and repealing Sections 15.08.030, 15.08.040, 15.08.050, 15.08 .060, 15 .08.070, 15.08.080, 15.08.090, 15.08.100, 15.08.110, and 15.08.120 of CM: PAGE 125 ORD. NO. SUBJECT DA'IE ENACTED . AMENDS OR REPEALS . APPLICATION BY ACTION INDEX 1889 Amends Section 15.06.010 of the CMC by adopting the 1991 Edition of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings 6/08/92 1890 Increases the number of stories permitted in 6/08/92 residential structures from two (2) stories to three (3) stories 1891 Adds a new Section to Chapter 18.64 of CMC defining 6/08/92 entrance structures, establishing regulations and requirements for entrance structures, and providing procedures for the submission of applications for entrance structures 1892 Adds a new section to Chapter 18.62 of the CMC 6/08/92 providing an exemption to the open space requirement for short plats two (2) acres or less in size that are not contiguous or adjacent to a permanent open space network and that are developed as an in-fill project in an already developed area. 1893 Amends Section 18.61.040(C) (2) and 6/08/92 Section 18. 61. 04 0 ( C) ( 4) by substituting the "Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual, Environmental Laboratory, 1987" for the "Federal Manual for Indentifying and DElineating Jurdisdictional Wetlands, January 1989" 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 as the standard for delineating wetlands under the City's Wetlands ordinance. Revises the requinnents for connection to the sanitary sewer system Approves and adopts the "Capital Facilities Plan for the City of Camas, May, 1992 Edition." 6/22/92 6/22/92 Transfers $16,050 from the General Fund to the Oak 7/13/92 Park Capital Project Fund Appropriates $1,500 from the General Fund to 7/13/92 purchase traffic safety costumes Appropriates $3,000 from the General Fund to 7/13/92 purchase a new computer for the Police Department Ordinance 1807 Amended by this ordinance Amends 1992 Budget for the City of Camas Amends 1992 Budget for the City of Camas Amends 1992 Budget for the City of Camas PAGE 126 ORD. NO. SUBJECT DATE ENACTED · AMENDS OR REPEAIS -APPLICATION BY ACTION INDEX 1899 1900 Amends Chapter 13.84 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the schedule of charges for the rerroval of refuse and solid waste Modifies the collection rate for residential recycling. 7/13/92 7/13/92 1901 Adopts procedures and regulations for Septic Tank 7/13/92 Effluent Purrping Systems 1902 1903 Transfers $94,000.00 from the Water-Sewer Capital 7/27/92 Reserve Fund to the Water-Sewer Revenue Fund Adopting the 1991 Edition of the Uniform Fire Code 7/27/92 and the Uniform Fire Code Standards, providing an exemption from the application of said code to certain industrial properties 1904 Provides for the submission to the qualified 8/10/92 electors of the City of Camas, Washington, at a special election to be held herein on Noveml(lber 3, 1992 of a proposition authorizing the City to issue its generalobligation bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $5,950,000 for the purpose of constructing and equipping additions and irrprovements to the City of Camas City Hall Corrplex and providing for the annual levy and collection of taxes for such purposes if approved. 1905 Transfers $183,000.00 from the Water-Sewer Capital 9/14/92 Reserve Fund to the Water Reservoir Construction and appropriating $)98,000.00 from the Water Reservoir Construction Fund to pay for capital irrprovement expenses incurred in the construction of the new water reservoir and purrp station. 1906 Appropriates $20,000.00 from the Growth Management 10/12/92 Act Project Fund to pay a portion of the expenses incurred Phase I of the Dorothy Fox Park Project. Amends CMC & Ordinance --1723 Amends Ordinance 1778 Amends Budget for 1992 Repeals Section 15.16.040 of CMC 12'7 PAGE ORD. NO. 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 SUBJECT DATE ENACTED AMENDS OR REPEAIS Regulation of gates that restrict or limit notor 10/26/92 vehicular access from private property to public street, requiring permits for such gates, adopting standards for the construction and installation of such gates, and providing remedies for violation of such regulations Adoption of regulations for the location and 10/26/92 development of telecorrmunications facilities in the City of Camas Adopting the budget for the City of Camas, WA 11/23/92 for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1993 Levying the ad valorem taxes necessary to finance 11/23/92 the anticipated requirements of the City of Camas for the Fiscal year ending December 31, 1993 Appropriates $220,000.00 from the General Fund to 11/23/92 the One Stop Capital.Project Fund, and amending the budget of the City of Camas for the year 1992 to provide for such expenditure 1912 Provides for appropriation of funds to pay for 12/14/92 increased expenses for waste disposal, and amending 1913 1914 1915 the Budget for the City of Camas for the year 1992 Amends Sections 13.44.010 and 13.44.020 of the of the Camas Municipal Code by revising water disconnection procedures and charges. 12/14/92 Merges the Emergency Medical Services into the 12/14/92 Fire Department, creating a new position of Firefighter/Paramedic, amending the Civil Service Ordinance to include the position of Firefighter/Paramedic within the classified civil service, and providing for the appointment of currently errployed paramedics to the position of Firefighter/Paramedic without competetive examination Amends Section 15.28.160 of the Camas Municipal 12/28/92 Code by revising construction requirements for structures located within areas of special flood hazards APPLICATION BY ACTION INDEX ( PAGE 128 ORD. NO. SUBJECT DATE ENACTED 1916 Ad.opts the City Conmute Trip Reduction (CTR) plan and implementing measures as required 01/11/93 1917 Adopts regulations, standards, and procedures for 01/25/93 the processing of short subdivsions 1918 Amends Chapter 17.04 of the CMC by adding a new 02/08/93 defining short subdvision · 1919 Amends . :Chapter 17. 08 of the CMC by defining the 02/08/93 planning control area within the City and provides for the administration and enforcement of the City's ordinances pertaining to the subdivision and short subiivision of land. 1920 Amends Section 17.16.020(B) by adding a subsection 02/08/93 requiring that a detailed cost estimate be provided at the time of submission of a final plat identifying the total cost of improvements to the City. 1920 Amending Section 17.16.020(B) by adding a subsection 02/09/93 requiring that a detailed cost estimate be provided at the time of sul:mission of a final plat identifying the total cost of improvements dedicated to the City 1921 Adopts an impact fee for schools, and imposes such 02/f22/93 impact fee on new developnent activity within the- Ci ty of Camas. 1922 Amends Section 13 .36 .050 by revising connection 02/22/93 charges to the City water system 1923 Adds a new section t o Chapter 13.64 of the camas 02/22/93 Municipal Code irnp::>sing a connection charge for users of STEP sewer systems that connect to the City of camas se-wer system. 1924 Amends Section 9.20.095 of the camas Municipal Code 02/22/93 by requiring taxes on the gross receipts from punchboards and pull tabs to be paid monthly. 1925 Grants a non-exclusive franchise to Evergreen Waste 03/22/93 Systems, Inc. for providing drop box services, and the collection, transportation, and disposal of solid wast e ( AMENDS "OR "REP.EAIS APPLICATION BY ACTION INDEX Required by RCW 70. 94. 527 PAGE ORD. NO. 129 SUBJECT DATE .ENACI'ED AMENDS -oR -REPEAIS APPLICATION -BY ACTION INDEX 1926 Amends the capital Facilities Plan for the City of 03/22/93 for the City of camas, May, 1992 F.dition, by adding . 1927 to such plan the capital Facilities Plan for the Camas School 'District No. 117 . Repeals Ordinance 549 and 1592 and Chapte r 5.32 of 04/12/93 the Camas Municipal Code relating to the procedures and regulations pertaining to the licensing of taxicabs and taxicab drivers, and provtding for a new chapter pertaining to ·the licensing of taxicabs and taxicab drivers. 1928 Creating a new basic subclass ification under the 04 /12/93 Culture and Recreation basic classification o f the 1929 General Fund, and transferring $9,400 from the Corrmunity Education basic classification to the new basic subclassification so created. Amends Chapter 2.2 8 of the Camas Municipal Code by 04 /12/93 transferring the d utie s of the Corrrnunity Center Advisory Board to the Parks & Recreation Corrmision, increasing the number of Commissioners from seven to eight, and repealed Chapter 2.80 of the Canas Municipal Code · 1930 Changes the narre of N.W. 26th Circle to N.W. Ivy Court. 04 /26/93 1931 Amends the Capital Facilities Plan for the City of 05/10/93 canias, May 1992 lliition, by adding to such the N. W. Sixth Avenue realignment project 1932 Amends Section 6.08.070 of the canias Municipal Code 05/10/93 by clarfying the fees for irrpounded dogs 1933 Adds a new section to Chapter 10.08 regulating the 05/10/93 parking of certain vehicles in areas zoned for residential use. 1934 Amends Ordinance 1923 by revising the connection 05/24/93 charge for users of STEP sewer systems that connect to the City of carnas sanitary sewer system. Repeals Ordinance 549 and 1592 Amends Chapter 2.28 of the Q.1C and repeals Chapter 2.80 od the CMC Amends Capital Facilities for the City of camas Amends Chapter 6.08.070 of the CMC Adds section to Chapter 10.00 of the CMC Amends Ordinance 1923 PAGE ORD. NO. 130 SUBJECT DATE ENACTED AMENDS 'OR 'REPEALS APPLICATION BY ACTION INDEX 1935 Amends Section 13.36.050 of the Camas Municipal Code 05/24/93 by revising connection charges to the city water system. 1936 Amends Section 13.88.090 of the Camas Mun i cipal Code 05/24/93 by revising the procedures for calculating sto:rrn water development charges. •- 1937 Appropriates $1,635.11 from the General Fund, -_ 05/24/93 allocating said appropriation to the Law Enforcement Office and Operating Supplies line item, and amending the Budget for the year 1993 1938 -R.rovi'ding for and ordering the improverrent of a portion 06/14/93 of N.E. 3rd Loop. Creating local Improvement District No. 214, and creating a Local Improvement District No. 214 ft.md. 1939 Appropriates $60,000.00 from the Growth .Management Act 06/14/93 capital Projects Fund for the acquisition of additional parks land and paying for part of the developnent costs of the Ibrothy Fox Park. 1940 Appropriates $346,350.00 from the Parks Acquisition 06/14/93 Capital Projects Fund to be used for the acquisition of additional parks land~ 1941 Amends Section 18.64.170(A) of the Camas Municipal Code 06/29/93 by revising the sign regulations for the Rl, R2, R3 , R4 and SR districts. 1942 Amends Section 13.64.040 of the Camas Municipal Code 07/12/93 by revising the service charge of dumping sewage from septic tanks into the City sewer system. 1943 Appropriates $1,500.00 from the General Fund for the 07/12/93 acquisition of a computer for the Police Department and for drug enforcement. 1944 Amends Section 2.12.020 of the Camas Municipal Code 07 /12/93 by e liminating the position of lieutenant and adding the position of captain. Amends Section 13.36.050 of the CMC Amends Section 13.88.090 of the CMC Amends 1993 Budget for the City of camas Amends 1993 Budget for the City of Camas Amends 1993 Budget for the City of Camas Amends Section 18.64.170(A) of the CMC Amends Section l3.64.040 of the CM: Amends 1993 Budget for the City of Canas Amends Section 2 .12 .020 of the CMC PAGE 13\ ORD. NO. SUBJECT DATE ENACl'ED AMENDS OR REPEALS APPLICATION BY ACTION INDEX 1945 Grants James River II, Inc., and its successors and assigns, a franchise for a period of 25 years to install and maintain a 66 KV electric power transmission line over and across portions of N.W. Sixth Avenue and N.W. Seventh Avenue of the City of Camas 1946 Provides for the licensing of adult entertainment businesses and adding a new chapter to Title 5 of the Camas Municipal Code. 07/26/93 07/26/93 1947 Creates the Forest Home Road Capital Project Fund, 08/09/93 and appropriates $130,410.00 to this fund. Allo- cating the appropriation to oonstruction projects. 1948 Appropriates $48,000.00 for the bike pedestrian 08/09/93 trail on N.E. Everett/State Route 500. 1949 Amends Section 18.64.170(A) of the CMC by revising 08/23/93 the sign regulations for the R1, R2 , R3, R4, and SR districts. 1950 Zoning of adult entertainment uses and adding a new 09/13/93 chapter to Title 18 of the Camas Municipal Code. 1951 Amends Section 18.64.130 of the CMC by clarifying 09/13/93 the standards to be used for measuring the height of walls, fences, and hedges. 1952 Amends Section 18.24.030 of the CMC by adding 09/13/93 restaurants, cafes, and bed and breakfast establish- ments as a conditional use in the R1 single-family district. 1953 Adding a new section to Chapter 2.04 of the CMC 09/13/93 providing for the City Council to conduct workshop meetings on the first and third M:mday of each rronth. Amends 1993 Budget for the City of Camas Amends 1993 Budget for the City of Camas Amends Section 18.64.170(A) of the CMC ~Amends Section 18.64.130 of the CMC Amends Section 18.24.030 of the CMC - PAGE 132- 0RD. NO. SUBJEcr DATE ENACTED AMENDS .OR .REPEALS APPLICATION BY AC'I'ION INDEX 1954 195 5 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 Changes the name of N.W. 39th Avenue to N.W. 40th Avenue. 9/27/93 Amends Section 10.20.010 of the CM.C by revising 9/27/93 the times when noter vehicl es are prohibited from being parked in the downtown core area. Amends Section 18.64.060 of the CMC by revising 10/11/93 the exceptions to yard set-backs. Amends Section 2.16.030 of the CMC by providing 10/11/93 for the appointment of administrative personnel of the Fire Departm:mt from an el:Lbility list submitted by the Civil Service eorrlnission. Amends Chapter 2.12 of the CM.C by adding the Social 10/11/93 Service Specialist as a member of the Police Deparbnent , by eliminating the position of Conmunity Service Specialist, and by providing for the appointment of the Social Service Specialist, and administrative personnel from eligibility lists submitted by the Civil Service Corrmission of the City of Camas. Amends Section 2.88.010 of the CMC by placing 10/11/93 the Social Services Specialist in the Police Department and under the supervision of the Chief of Police or his designee. Amends Section 2. 36._010 (a) of the CMC by 10/11/93 including administrative and clerical personnel of the Police Department and the Fire Department within the classified civil service, and providing for the appointment of currently employed a&ninistrative and clerical personnel without competitive examination. Approves and confirms the assessment and the assessment roll for LID No. 213 (Victoria Hills). 10/25/93 Amends Section 10.20.010 of the CMC Amends Section 18.64.060 ·Of the CMC. Amends Section 2.16.030 of the CMC. Amends Chapter 2.12 of the CMC. Amends Section 2.88.010 of the CMC. Amends Section 2.36.0lO(a) of the CM:. ?AGE 133 ORD . NO. SUBJECT DATE ENACTED AMENDS .OR .REPEALS APPLICATION 'BY ACTION INDEX 1962 1963 1964 Amends Section 2.64.010 of the CMC by increas-10/25/93 ing the Mayor' s salary to $6 50. 00 per m:mth and by increasing the salary of Councilmernbers to $200.00 per rronth. Amends Section 2.44.040 of the CMC by 11/8/93 eliminating the free public library fund and providing for library expenditures to be through the general fund of the City of Camas. Amends Ordinance 1950 by revising the definitions 11/8/93 of the zoning regulation for adult entertainment uses. 1965 Adgpts the budget for the City of Camas, for the 11/22/93 fiscal year ending December 31, 1994 1966 Levys the ad valorern taxes necessary to finance 11/22/93 the anticipated requirements of the City of camas for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1994. 1967 Creates the Sixth Avenue Capital Projects Fund. 11/22/93 1968 Appropriates funds to pay for increased e xpe nses 12/13/93 for waste collection and disposal. 1969 Transfers $2 1,900 from the City Street Fund to 12/13/93 the One Stop Capital Project Fund and appropriates 1970 1971 1972 $17,900 from the One Stop Capital Fund. Amends Sections 18.24 .040 and 18.28.040 by 12/27/93 revising lot coverage standards in Rl '& R2 Distict. Amends Chapter 8/04 of the Camas Municipal Code 12/27/93 b y adding a section declaring basketball hoops erected within the right-of-way of public streets a nuisance and adding a section assessing costs of abatement. Amends Section 2.64.020-B by revising compensation 12/27/93 paid to volunteer firefighters. Amends Section 2.64.010 of the CMC. Amends Section 2.44.040 of the CMC Amends Ordinance 1950. Amends Sections 18.24.040 and 18.28.040 Amends Chapter 8.04 of the CMC Amends Section 2.64.020-B of the CMC PAGE l3't ORD. NO. SUBJECT DATE ENACTED AMENDS OR REPEAIS APPLICATION ·BY ACTION INDEX 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Amends Section 2.18.030 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the point schedule for volunteer firefighters Repeals Section II of Ordinance 1953. Changes the name of NW 24 Circle to NW 25 Circle Revises the membership of the Shorelines Mgmt. Review Corrmittee. Prohibits disposal into the city sanitary system of septic tank and chemical toilet waste generated outside of the city limits. Establishes a small works roster pursuant to RCW 35.23.352(3) and RO~ 39.04.155. Permits any law enforcement officer or other designee of the Chief of Police to inspect and certify junk vehicles. Changes the name of NW Hood Drive to NW Douglas Street, and NW Vista Ridge Court to NW 20 Circle. Appropriates $80,000 from Water/Sewer Revenue Fund to pay for upgrades to the sewer treatment plant sludge beds. Makes licensed liquor establishments a conditional use in the Core Commercial District and establishes regulations and criteria for such uses. Approves the assessment for LID 214 -improvement of a portion of NE Third Avenue Loop. 12/27/93 1/24/94 1/24/94 2/14/94 2/14/94 2/14/94 2/14/94 2/14/94 2/28/94 3/28/94 3/28/94 Eliminates the water system development charge for 4/11/94 additional water meters installed by residential users for irrigation purposes. Amends Section 2.18.030 of CMC Repeals Section II of Ordinance 1953 Amends Section 18.88.070 of CMC Amends Section 13.64.040 of CMC Amends Section 8.08.020 of the CMC Amends the 1994 Budget of the City of Camas Amends Chapter 18.56 of CMC Amends Section 13.52.030(B) PAGE J3S ORD. NO. SUBJECT DATE ENACTED AMENDS OR REPEAIS APPLICATION ·By ·ACTION INDEX 1985 Adopts a traffic :impact fee, provides for certain 4/25/94 credits and exemptions from :impact fees, and revised the procedures for collecting :impact fees. 1986 Provides for the :imposition of inspection fees for 4/25/94 certain developments of real property. 1987 1988 1989 1990 l991 "' 1993 1992 > Appropriates $21,500 from General Fund to pay salary and benefits for an additional building inspector. Adopts by reference the Washington Model Traffic Ordinance (M'TO) as contained in the WAC Chapter 308-300. Amends Section 1.04.040 of CMC by revising office hours for the Building Department. Appropriates $6,000 from City Sanitary Fund to purchase 100 additional yard waste containers. 5/9/94 6/13/94 6/13/94 6/13/94 Amends Chapter 13.86 of the CMC by :implementing 6/27/94 a voluntary yard waste program for residences within the City of Camas, and establishing rates for such collection service. Adopts by reference Sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 6/27/94 12, and 23 of Chapter 275, laws of 1994 and RCW 46.20.730, as amended by Section 23 of Chapter 275, laws of 1994. Appropriates $15,000 for professional services for 6/27/94 preliminary building need studies for the Police and Fire Departments, and amends the Budget for 1994. 1994 Provides for the submission to voters of City of 7/25/94 a proposition authorizing an excess property tax levy at the rate of $0.25 per $1,000.00 of assessed valuation for funding of an Emergency Medical Services Program. Amends the 1994 Budget Repeals Chapter 10.04 of CMC Amends Section 1.04.040 of CMC Amends Chapter 13.86 of CMC Amends Section 23 of Chapter 275, laws of 1994 Amends· the 1994 Budget PAGE /3lP ORD. NO. SUBJECT DATE ENACTED AMENDS .OR .REPEALS APPLICATION .BY ACTION INDEX 1995 Adopts the 1994 Wastewater Facilities Plan. 8/22/94 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Appropriates $70,000. from the General Fund, and the Growth Management Act (GMA) Capital Project Fund, Transportation Impact Fee (TIF) Account, to pay for the widening of NW Parker Street, and amending the Budget of the City of Camas for the year 1994 to provide for such expenditure . Combines the positions of Parking Enforcement Officer and Part-Time Clerk in the Police Department, and appoints the current incumbent to the newly created position of Parking Enforcement Officer/Clerk . Adopts the "Capital Facilities Plan 1995-2014 11 by reference, as the capital facilities plan - element of the City Comprehensive Plan . 8/22/94 9/12/94 9/26/94 Revises the rates for sanitary sewer service. 10/10/94 Revises rates for water service. 10/10/94 Appropriates $99,195 from the City Street Fund 10/10/94 for construction of sidewalks, and amends the 1994 Budget. Clarifies the impact fee credits for low income 10/10/94 housing and industrial expansion. Appropriates $4,200 from the Sanitary Fund for 10/10/94 the purchase of 200 recycling bins . Appropriates $3,900 from the Park Acquisition 10/10/94 f • Capital Project Fund to pay for asbestos removal and demolition of a vacant house on City greenway property. Appropriates $80,000 from the Growth Mgmt. Act 10/10/94 Capital Projects Fund for acquisition of additional open space property . 1994 Budget Chapter 2.12 of CMC Section 13.64.010 of CMC Section 13.36.010 of CMC 1994 Budget Section 3.88 .140-B of CMC 1994 Budget 1994 Budget 1994 Budget PAGE 1"31 ORD. NO. 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 SUBJECT DATE ENACTED Appropriates &80,000 from the Growth Mgmt. Act 10/10/94 Capital Projects Fund for acquisition of additional park land from James River, Corp . Appropriates $26,000 from the Growth Mgmt. Act 10/24/94 Capital Projects Fund to pay for survey, wetlands delineation, archaeological assessment, traffic study, and other expenses to evaluate the feasibility of developing certain real property for a police station. Revises the boundary lines of the electoral wards. Provides for the acceptance of $600,000, CERB 1 oan. Increase the rate of pay for volunteer fire- fighters to $8.00 per hour after the first hour , and establishes a rate of pay for EMS volunteers of $8.0 0 per response and $8 .00 per hour after the first hour. Adopts the Budget for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1995. Adopts a Comprehensive Plan in accordance with C~pter 36,70A, also known as the Growth Management Act . Levyies the ad valorem taxes for the fiscal year ending December 31, t995. Appropriates $10,000 from the General Fund to pay for labor negotiation expenses and the compensation study performed by LGPI. Appropriates $90,0 00 from the Water-Sewer Fund to pay for sales tax and b & O tax on water- sewer sales and development fees, repairs on sanitary sewer lines and public utility costs. 10/24/94 11/14/94 11/14/94 11/28/94 12/12/94 12/27 /94 12/27 /94 12/27 /94 12/27/94 AMENDS .OR .REPEALS APPLICATION BY ACI'ION INDEX 1994 Budget 1994 Budget Chapter 1.20 of CMC Section 2.64.020(8) of CMC PAGE /3'6' ORD. NO. SUBJECT DATE ENACTED AMENDS OR REPEAIS APPLICATION BY ACTION INDEX 2016 Adds two (2) new sections to the CMC Chapter 3.88, 3/13/95 by providing for a preliminary review prior to the imposition of impact fees, and provides for the adoption of resolutions establishing the monetary amount of impact fees. 2017 Restricts heavy truck traffic on NW Norwood ST 3/13/95 from its intersection with NW 6 AV to NW 10 AV, and on NW Benton ST from NW 12 AV to NW 18 AV. 2018 Appropriates $53,000 from the General Fund ··~ 3/13/95 for salary, benefits, and other expenses associated with the hiring of a new police officer. 2019 Revises the definition of recyclables to include 3/27/95 mixed paper, and increases the monthly rate for service to $2.30 per month. 2020 Adopts rev1s1ons to the Comprehensive Land Use 4/24/95 Map of the City of Camas. 2021 Revises the City's zoning ordinance to incorporate 4/24/95 changes resulting from the planning activities conducted pursuant to the Growth Management Act. 2022 Amends Chapter 18.88 of the CMC by revising definitions, procedures, and penalties relating 5/8/ 95 to the Shoreline Management Act. 2023 Appropriates $5,000 from the General Fund to pay 5/8/95 consultant's fees to conduct an indoor air quality evaluation of City Hall. 2024 Appropriates $15,000 from the Water/Sewer Fund 5/8/95 to pay for the expense of transporting bio-solids from the waste water treatment plant to a different site. Chapter 13.86 of CMC Title 18 of CMC Chapter 18.88 of CMC Amends Budget. Amends Budget - PAGE l''i ORD. NO . SUBJECT' DATE 'ENACTED AMENDS ·oR 'REl?F..AI.S APPLICATION .BY ACTION INDEX 2025 Appropriates $2,600 from the General Fund to pay 5/8/95 Amends Budget for uniforms and equipment in the Police Department. 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 Repeals Section 2.68 .060(8) of the CMC. Revises certain provisions relating to Impact Fees. 5/22/95 Appropriates $7 ,500 from the Water/Sewer Fund to · 6/12/95 pay for repairs on the clarifier at the STP. Revises the adjustment for the portion of anti-: 6/26/95 c ipated additional tax revenues fo r the open space impact fee subcomponent. Adopts regulations for the design, construction, installation of electrical transmission and distribution facilities . 7/10/95 Appropriates $40,200 from the General Fund 7/24/95 to pay for miscellaneous items. Tran sfers $81,410 from the General Fund to the 7/24/95 Street Fund and appropriates $231,410 from the Street Fund to pay for miscellaneous street improvements. Adds a .new sub-section to Section 13 .40.010 8/14/95 of the CMC by adopting regulations for water meters for multi-family residential units. Appropriates $45,000 from the Water-Sewer 8/14/95 Fund to pay for the upsizing of a water line. Amends Ordinance No. 1429, whic h granted Radiant 9/11/95 Radiant TV, Inc. a franchise, by adding a new section adopting procedures for franchise renewal proceedings, and increasing the fee from three to five percent of the gross subscriber revenues. Appropriates $9,800 from the Water-Sewer Fund 9/25/95 to pay for construction of an 8" ductile iron water line on NW 28 Avenue and appropriates $36,300 from the Growth Management Capital Section 2.68 .060(B) of CMG Revises Chapter 3.88 of CMC Amends Budget Amends Section 3.88 .070(c)(6) of CMC Amends Budget Amends Budget Section 13 .40.010 of CMC Amends Budget Amends Or dinance No . 1429 Amends Budget PAGE11.}o ORD. NO. SUBJECT DATE ENACTED AMENDS 'OR REPEALS 2036 cont. Project Fund to pay for street improvements to NW 28 Avenue. 2037 2038 2039 Provides for the vacation of a portion of NE 2 Avenue. 9/25/95 Appropriates $84,350 from the General Fund to 9/25/95 pay for salaries and personnel benefits for employees granted cost of living increases and salary adjustments. Appropriates $4 ,200 from the General Fund 10/23/95 to pay expenses for the City 1 s Child Abuse and Domestic Violence Program. 2040 Restricts heavy truck traffic on that portion 10/23/95 of NW 38 Avenue commencing at the intersection of NW Parker Street west to the Camas City limits. 2041 Rrovi"des for the vacation of a portion of 11/13/95 NW 18 Street. 2042 2043 2044 Appropriates $15,000 from the General Fund 11/13/95 to pay for upgrades in the software used to issue building permits, and to pay for professional services incurred in plan reviews for certain large projects, and amending the budget for the year 1995. Appropriates $190,500 from the water-sewer 11/13/95 fund to pay for certain supplies, professional service contracts, and equipment. Levies the ad valorem ta xes necessary to finance anticipated requirements for the ending December 31, 1996 . 11/27 /95 Amends Budget Amends Bud ge t Amends Budget Amends Budget APPLICATION BY ACTION' INDEX PAGE 14 1 ORD. NO. 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 - SUBJECT DATE .ENACTED AMENDS .OR REPEALS Adopts the budget for the year ending December 31, 1996. 11/27/95 Appropriates $34,000.00 from the Emergency Rescue 12/11/95 Fund to pay for overtime salaries for paramedic personnel, and ambulance repairs. Transfers $130,00 0 from the General Fund to the 12/26/95 Street Fund, and appropriates $75,000 from the Street Fund ·to pay for additiona l Christmas lights for the downtown mall, excess street lighting expenditures to C.P.U., emergency repairs resulting from the landslide on Forest Home Road, and repairs necessitated by two storms. Amends the zoning code (Title 18) as follows : 1/22/96 revises the definition of lot line is Section 18.08.530; revising the definition of mobile home park in Section 18.08.600; revises the side yard set back for the Rl 15 zone in Section 18.24.040(F)(5); modifies Section 18.48.050(b)(9) to increase the ma ximum lot coverage for a mobile home /man ufa ctured home from 40 % to 50 %; modifies Section 18.64.050 to revisecthe maximum roof overhang for s ide yard set backs; modifies Section 18.64.070(b) by revising the exceptions for front yard set backs on sloping properties ; and modifies Section 18.68 .010 by revising the policy for off-street parking. Adds a new subsection to Section 17.36.030 adopting the Puget Sound Storm Water Design Manual; and adds a new Section to Chapter 17.36 imposing certain requirements on con- struction of infrastructure improvements after Sept. 1 of any year and prior to Ap ril 15 of the following year. 1/22/96 Amends 1995 Budget Amends 1995 Budget Amends CMC Amends CMC APPLICATION .BY ACI'ION IlIDEX PAGE /i./-Z.. ORD. NO. SUBJECT DATE 'ENACTED AMENDS OR 'REPEAIS 2050 2051 2052 2053 2055 Amends Section 13.80.050(c)(2) by granting the 1/22/96 Director of Public Works the authority to approve all locations for garbage containers, to require screening for garbage containers, and to approve the size of garbage containers. Adds a Section to Chapter 13.62 of the CMC 1/22/96 pertaining to e xp osure of STEP or STE riser lids. Amends Section 17 .20.050 by revising the design 1/22/96 standards for cul-de-sacs, and adds a new section to Chapter 17 .20 requiring a sec ondary emergency or temporary access for certain developments. Amends Section 16.40.020 of the CMC by increasing 1/22/96 the SE PA application fee to $35 0.00. Modifies Section 3.88.030 of the CMC by adding 1/22/96 definitions to the City Impact Fee Ordinance, adds a new section to Chapter 3.88 requiring findings of adequacy for planned facilities, amends Section 3.88.120 by revising the pro- cedures for collection of impact fees, amends Section 3.88.130 by revising the exemptions from impact fees, adds a new section to Chapter 3.88 providing for an independent fee cal- culation of impact fees, adds a new subsection to Section 3.88.160 relating to accounting procedures for impact fees, adds a new subsection to Section 3.88.170 pertaining to the expenditure of impact fees, and adds a new section to Chapter 3.88 providing for an annual review of impact fees. 2054 Changes the name of NW 46 Court to NW 46 Circle. 1/22/96 2056 Authorizes the issuance and sale of water and 1/22/96 sewer revenue bonds in the principal amount of $1,870, 000. Amends CMC Amends CMC Amends CMC Amends CMC Amends CMC APPLICATICN BY ACTION IlIDEX PAGE 143 ORD. NO. 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 SUBJECT Revises the definition of manufactured/mobile home, and adds a new section providing for supremacy of the National Manufactured Homes Construction and Safety Act of 1974 standards. Changes the name of NW Aspen Court to NW Aspen Street. Establishes rate of pay for volunteer fire- fighters to $8.00 per response and $8.00 per hour after the first hour, establishes a rate of pay for EMS vo lunteers of $8.00 per response and $8.00 per hour after the first hour, provides for payment of $16.00 to EMS volunteers for attendance at EMS drills and approved training seminars, and establishes a rate of pay for reserve police officers and court security officers of $12 .00 per hour. Authorizes the Public Works Director to prohibit or restrict motor vehicle traffic due to inclement weather . Changes the name of a portion of NW Aspen Court to NW Aspen Street. Transfers $30,000 from the General Fund to the Street Fund, and appropriates $30,000 from the Street Fund to pay for improvements to NW Lake Road. Appropriates $54,000 from the Water Construction Fund to pay for repair expenses to the Fisher Basin Watermain Intertie. DATE ENACTED AMENDS .OR REPEAIS APPLICATION .BY ACTION INDEX 2/12/96 2/12/96 2/12/96 2/26/96 3/ 11/96 4/8/96 4/8/96 Section 18.08.590 and 8 . 44 . 010 ( b) , Chapters 15.04, 15.08, 15.12, 15.14 15.16 and 15.20 of CMC Amends CMC Repeals Ordinance No. 2058 Amends 1996 Budget Amends 1996 Budget PAGE 11+4 ORD. NO. 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 SUBJECT DATE ENACTED AMENDS ·oR "REPEALS An Ordinance appropriating $43,200 from the General 4/22/96 Fund to pay for consultant's fees to the Education Service District 112 in connection with the planning and construction of the new police faci l ity, and amending the Budget for the Year 1996. An Ordinance appropriating $20,000 fro'm the Water-4/22/96 Sewer Fund to pay for engineering services in connection with the repair of the Crown View Plaza Waste Water Pump Station, and amending the Budget for the Year 1996. An Ordinance creating the Parker Street Capital 4/22/96 Project Fund for the design and construction of the extension of Parker Street north from NW 38 Avenue; transferring from the Growth Management Capital Projects Fund to Parker Street Capital Project Fund the sum of $355,000; appropriating from the Parker Street Capital Project Fund the sum of $355, 000 to pay for preliminary design, environmental assessments, and final design for the Parker Street extension; and amending the Budget for the Year 1996 . An Ordinance appropriating the sum of $220,000 4/22/96 to pay for professional services for structural engineering review, hazardous materials review, and building plan review for the TSMC facility; and amending the budget for the year 1996. An Ordinance appropriating $20,000 from the 5/13/96 General Fund to pay for consultant's fees for fire code compliance for the TSMC facility, and amending the Budget for the 1996. 1996 Budget 1996 Budget 1996 Budget 1996 Budget 1996 Budget APPLICATION -BY ACTION INDEX PAGE 145 ORD. NO. 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 . SUBJECT An Ordinance transferring $305,000 from the Growth Management Capital Projects Fund to the Police Facility Fund, appropriating $305,500 for site improvements and street improvements for the new police facility and amending the budget. Transfers $550,000 from the Water Sewer Capital Reserve Fund to the Sewer Treatment Plant Fund, appropriates ·$550,000 from the Sewer Treatment Plant Fund to pay for the Sewer Treatment Plant clarifier project and other upgrades to the existing Sewer Treatment Plant. Amends the Comprehensive Plan by adopting provisions relating to the preservation of lands, sites, and structures that have historical or archelogical significance. Adds a new section to Chapter 16.06 of the CMC providing policies for the identification and ~servation of archeological resources. Relates to historic preservation, and provides for the execution of an interlocal agreement with Clark County to implement the provisions of this ordinance. Amends the Comprehensive Plan by adopting provisions relating to the treatment of storm water, and adds a new section to the storm water drainage utility ordinance adopting the Puget Water Quality Authority's storm water management standards to insure proper quality and quantity of storm water run off. .~ DATE .ENACTED AMENDS .OR REPEALS APPLICATION BY ACTION INDEX 5/28/96 1996 Budget 6/10/96 1996 Budget 6/10/96 Comprehensive Plan 6/ 10/96 CMC 6/10/96 6/10/96 Comprehensive Plan PAGE 141.o ORD. NO. SUBJECT DATE ENACTED AMENDS 'OR 'REPEATS 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 Amends the Comprehensive Plan by rev1s1ng prov1s1ons 6/17/96 relating to the Urban Growth Boundary, providing for a mix of new residential development of appro ximately 40 percent multi-family and 60 percent single family, and adopts strategies for affordable -housing . Implements the affordable housing strategies of the Comprehensive Plan. Repeals Chapter 18.92 of the CMC and adopts new regulations for planned developments. Appropriates $84,000 from the General Fund to pay for unbudgeted repairs to the roof of the library building. Transfer $50,000 from the General Fund to the Street Fund, appropriates $50,000 from the Street Fund to pay for sidewalk improvements. Appropriates $33,400 from the General Fund to pay for salaries and personnel benefits for an additional engineer technician in the Public Works Depart ment and an accountant in the Finance Department. 6/17 /96 6/17/96 6/24/96 7 /8/96 7 /8/96 2081 Adopts regulations regarding time, manner and area 7/22/96 of boating operations on waters in the City of Camas. 2082 Creates LID No. 218. 8/26/96 2083 2084 Add s a new section to Chapter 18 .08 of the CMC setting forth regulations for the use of trailer coaches, campers, motor homes, and manufactured/ mobile homes as construction offices. Appropriates $18,500 from the General Fund to pay for arbitration .e xpenses for IAFF and AFSMCE and to purchase an employee treadmill . 8/26/96 8/26/96 Comprehensive Plan CMC 1996 Budget 1996 Budget 1996 Budget CMC APPLICATION BY ACTION INDEX PAGE J4-1 ORD. NO. 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 SUBJECT Adds a new section to Chapter 3 .88 of the CMC by adopting provisions for a fire facility impact fee. Appropriates $30,000 from the Genera~ Fund to pay for architect fees and construction costs for the library modification project in excess of previously budgeted amounts. Amends the City of Camas boating ordinance by adopting ·regulations for seaplanes . Appropriates $21,000 from the General Fund to pay for additional expenses in the library re-roofing project . Appropriates $2 ,475,000 from the Police Facility Construction Fund to pay for construction of the new police facility. THIS NUMBER WAS INTENTIONALLY NOT USED Appropriates $126,700 from the General Fund to pay for radio communication s equipment for the police depa r tment. Autho r izes the issuance and sale of unlimited tax general obligation refunding bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $1,000 ,000 and limited tax general obligation and refunding bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $3,110,000. Grants an e xtension of the cable television franchise now held by TCI of Southern Washington from November 1, 1996 through November 26, 1997. DATE .ENACTED AMENOS .OR .REPEAIS APPLICATION BY ACTION INDEX 9/9/96 CMC 9/9/96 1996 Budget 9/23/96 Amends Ordinance 2081 10/14/96 1996 Budget 10/ 14 /96 1996 Budget 10/28/96 1996 Budget 10/28/96 10/28/96 Franchise PAGE 14 8' ORD. NO. SUBJECT DATE .ENACTED AMENDS "OR .REPEAIS 2094 Amends Title 17 of the Camas Municpal Code, adds the definition of "substantially complete subdivision", adds a new section to Chapter 17.08 and adds provisions to final plat time and information required. 11/12/96 2095 Levys the ad valorem taxes necessary to finance 11/25/96 the anticipated requirements of the City of Camas for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1997. 2096 Adopts the budget for the City of Camas, for 11/25/96 the fiscal year ending December 31, 1997. 2097 Adds a new section to Chapter 18 .32 of the 12/9/96 Camas Municpal Code establishing density provisions for row houses in the multi-family district. 2098 Adds a new title to the Camas Municipal Code 12/9/96 combining the environmental review process for land development projects with the project permitting process, and consolidating the application, review, approval, and appeal pro- cesses for land use development permits . 2099 Appropriates $40,000 from the General Fund to 12/23/96 pay for overtime costs in the Fire Dept., appropriates $35,000 from the Emergency Rescue Fund to pay for overtime costs for paramedics, transfers $19,000 from the General Fund to the Benton St Capital Project Fund to pay for expenses in excess of the budgeted amount. 2100 Vacates a portion of NW 40th Avenue. 12/23/96 2101 Revises the boundary lines of the electoral 12/23/96 wards of the City of Camas. CMC CMC CMC R /1"'1,_.,..d I. . 1996 Budget Chapter 1 .20 of CMC APPLICATION .BY ACI'ION INDEX PAGE 14'1 ORD. NO. 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 SUBJECT Approves and confirms the assessments and the assessment ro ll for LID 218 for the construction of a one-half street improvement on NE Adams St. from NE 12th Avenue. Adopts by reference certain provisions of the revised Code of Washington constituting mis- demeanors and gross misdemeanors . · DATE ENACTED 2/10/97 2/ 10/97 Appropriates $150,000 from the Police Facility 2/24/97 Capital Proje.ct Fund to pay for furnishings and equipment. Amends the Capital Facilities Plan, May 1994 2/24/97 Edition. Repeals Section 18.08.590 of the CMC, adds 2/24/97 definitions of designated manufactured home, manufactured home, mobile home and modular home to Chapter 18 of the CMC and amends Section 18.24.030 to permit designated manufactured homes and manufactured homes as cond it ional uses in the Rl single-family zone. Amends Section 2.1 6.020(a) by adding the position 2/24/97 of Deputy Fire Marshall to the Fire Department . Altering the seal of the City of Camas. FAILED Transfer $70,000.00 f rom the General Fund to the street fund, appropriating $70,000.00 from the st reet fund to pay for additional street overlays and for a profes s ional services cont r act with a gee-technical firm for monitor- ing of a land s lide. Amend s Chapter 13.84 of the Camas Municipal Code by revi s ing the schedule of charges for t he r emoval of r efuse and solid waste. 3/24/97 3/24 /97 3/24/97 AMENDs ·oR ·REJ?EAIS APPLICATION .BY ACTION INDEX 1997 Budget Capital Facilities Plan Section 18 .08.590, 18 .24.030 of CMC Section 2.16.020(a) of CMC 1997 Bud get Chapter 13 .84 of CMC PAGE /SD ORD. NO. SUBJECT 21 1 1 Modifies Subsection 3.88. 130(a)(6) by rev1s1ng the e xempti on for public sc hool districts from paying impact fees. 2112 Transfers $50,000 from the General Fund to the Street Fund , appropriating $300,000 from the Street Fund to pay for structural overlay improvements for SE Firs t Street, a~d ·ammend­ i ng the Budget for the year 1 997 to prov ,i de for such expenditure. 2113 Transfers $1 2,650 from the Gene ra l Fund to the Equipment Rental Fund , appropriating $35,000 from the Equipment Rental Fund to pay for the purcha se of a new police vehicle and related equipment. r: 1.111 "11/ 1'1: • 2114 Transfers $45,000 f nom the General Fund to pav for imp ro vements to Goot Park. aop r opriating $10,000 to fund the minigrant pro qram of the United Camas Association of Neiqhborhoods 2115 Transfers $27,000 from t~e Growth Management Fund to t he Police Fa c ility Construction Fund , transferring $170,000 from the General Fund to the Police Facility Construction Fund, ap pro- pri ating $259.915 from the Police Fa c ility Construction Fund to pay for certain fixtures and equipment for the new police fa c ility. 2116 Adds a new Chapter to the Camas Municipal Code providing standards for the placement, development, permitting and removal of wi r e - less telecommuni cation facilities. 2117 Adds a new Chapter to the Camas .,Mun i cipal Code setting forth requirements for telecommunication carriers and providers use of the public rights of way and public property , describing the pro- cedures for a pplication and approval of tele- c omrnun i ca ti on business registrations, tele- communi c ations right of wa y use uathor i z atins, frnachises, and facilities leases, desc ribing violations , and establishing penalties DATE ENA.CTED AMENDS .OR "REPEAIS APPLICATION ·BY .AC!'ION INDEX 4/14/97 Subsection 3.88.130(a)(6) 4/14/97 1997 Budge t 4/14/97 ~997 Budget 4/14/97 1997 Budqe t 4/14/97 1997 Bu d9 et 5/12/97 CMC 5/12/97 CMC PAGE 151 ORD. NO . 21 1 8 2 11 9 21 20 2 1 21 21 22 21 23 2124 2 125 21 26 SUBJECT Adopts the June 1997 City of Camas Waste Water Facility Plan. Amends Chapter 13.72.010 of the Camas Mu n icipal Code by revising the sewer system development charges. An ordinance amendi ng Section 2 .28.010 (a) of the Camas Municipal Code by reducing the number of Park Commissioners from eight (8) to seven (7). Amen ds Section 18 .88 .050 of the Camas Municipal Code by providing for the appli- cation fee for shorel in e s pe r mits to be e stablished by resolution of the Ci t y Counci l from time to time. Adopts by reference the text of that document entitled "1 997 Capital Facilities Plan Update, June 12 , 1997." Adop ts a map entitled "City of Camas Archaeological Probability Map, July 1,1 997 " Amends Section 17.16.010 of t h e Camas Municipal code by extending the time for submitting a final plat from three (3) years to fi ve (5) years following approval of a preliminary plat. Transfers $2,850.00 from the Emergency Rescue Fund t o the General Fund, appropriating $51,160 .00 from t h e General Fu nd to pay for t he costs Of hiring three additional fulltime Fire De partment Personnel, a nd amending the Budget for the year 1997 t o provide for such expenditure . DATE .ENACI'.ED 6/9/97 6/9/97 6/23/97 7/14/97 7/1 4 /97 7/28/97 7/28/97 8/25/97 Amends Title 1 7 ot the Camas Municipal Code by 8/25/97 revising the City 's subdivision ordinance to provide for access easements and access panhandle lots. AMENDS 'OR 'REPEAIS APPLICATION ·BY ACI'ION INDEX Chapter 13. 72 .010 Section 2.28.010(a) Section 18.88.050 Amends Section 17.16.010 Amends Title 17 of CMC PAGE 152. ORD. NO. 2127 21 28 2129 2130 21 31 21 32 ?133 SUBJECT DATE ENACTED Amends Section 18.71.080 of the Camas Municipal Code by deleting Subsection 1 which required a con- ditional use permit for antennas & add-on single family dwellings. 8/25/97 Annexes an unincorporated area consist- ing of approximately 673 acres to the City of Camas, Washington, pursuant to the direct petition method authorized by Chapter 35A.14, Revised Code of Washington. Grants Electric Lightwave, a De1a- ware corporation, its successors & assigns, the right, privilege, authority & franchise for 5 years, to construct, maintain, operate, replace and repair a telecommunication system in, across, over, along, under, through and below certain designated public rights-of-way and public properties of the City of Camas, Washington. Repeals Section 17.16.050 of the Camas Municipal Code which provides for Planning Commission review and approval of final plats submitted pursuant to Chapter 17.16 of the Camas Municipal Code. Appropriates $77,000.00 from the General fund to appraise and then acquire a res- idential property to be developed for affordable housing. Amends Section 2.64.010 by revising the salaries for the· .,Mayor and Council members. 9/8/97 9/8/97 9/22/97 9/22/97 1 0/1 3/97 Revises the boundary lines of Electoral Ward t0/1J/q7 No. 3 of the City of Camas and amending Chapter 1. 20 of the Camas Municipal Co:de. AMENDS OR REPEALS APPLICATION BY ACTION INDEX Amends Section 18. 71.080 Repeals Section 17.16.050 Amends Section 2.64.010 PAGE 153> ORD. NO. 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 SUBJECT DATE ENACTED Imposes an infiltration and inflow mitigation charge on new users who connect to the sanitary sewer system of the City of Camas. 1 0/1 3/97 Transfers $236,150.00 frvm the Water Sewer Capital Reserve Fund to the Sewer Treatment Plant Fund, appro- priating $966,150.00 from the Sewer Treatment Plant Fund to pay fo.r pro- fessiona_l services to design the waste water treatment plant expansion, and amending the Budget for the Year 1997. 1 0/27/97 Adopts regulations for entrance structure 11/10/97 setbacks_, providing for certain front yard requirements in residential zoning districts. Adopts regulations fo.'l"'.' the preservation of archaeological resources establishing procedures for predetermination standards and reports, for archaeological resource surveys, and providing for the enforce- ment of such standards. 11/10/97 Modifys Section 3.B of Ordjnance No.2134 11/10/97 by basing the infil tr a ti on and inf.low mitigation charge for commercial, liqht industrial and manufacturing properties upon the maximum daily flow measures in gallons and adding a new Subsection to Sectj_on IV of Ordinance No. 21 34 providing for imposition of an infiJtration and inflow mitiqati.on charge upon commercial, light industriaJ., and industria.l users who in- crease their daily maximum flow. AMENDS OR REPEALS APPLICATION BY ACTION INDEX Amends 1997 Budget PAGE I S'i ORD.· NO. 2139 21 40 21 41 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 214 7 2148 SUBJECT DATE ENACTED Levies the ad valorem taxes necessary to finance the anticipated requirements of the City of Camas for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1998. Adopts the budget for the City of Camas, Washington, for thE fiscal year endinq December 31, 1998. Amends Section 18.76.090 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the require- ments for Board of Adjustment memebers. Amends Section 2.28.010(A) of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the qualifications for mernebers of the Parks and Recreation Commission. 11 /24/97 11 /24/97 12/22/97 12/22/97 Amends Section 2.32.020 of the Camas 12/22/97 Municipal Code by revising the qualifications for mem .bers of the Planning Commission. Amends Section,,2.44.020 of the Camas 12/22/91 Municipal Code by revising the requirements for Trustees of the Library Board. Amends Section 2.36.020(A) of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the membership requi_rements for the Civil Service Commission. Amends Chapter 10.36, the City Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Plan adop~ed pursuant to RCW 71J.94.527. Imposes fees for various fire prevention activities including ·plan reviews and inspections of firA related items provided for in the Uniform Fire Code, and providinq for the council to establich the amount of such fees from time to time. 1 2/22/97 12/22/97 12/22/97 Appropriates $140,000.00 from the General Fund 12/22/97 to pay for jail and det~ntion costs owinq to Clark County exceed1nq the budget est1mat~s, AMENDS OR REPEALS APPLICATION BY ACTION INDEX Amends Section 18.76.090 Amends Section 2.28.010(A) Amends Section 2.32.020 Amends Section 2.44.020 Amends Section 2.36.020(A) Amends Chapter 10.36 PAGE 155 ORD.NO. SUBJECT DATE ENACTED 2148 **CONT'D. appropriating $40,000.00 from the General 2149 21 50 21 51 2152 2153 2154 Fund to pay for additional expenses incurred when installing the irrigation system at Goat Park, appropriatinq $455000.00 from the Emergency Rescue Fund to pay for overtime expenses, transferring $173,000.00 from the General Fund to the Police Facility Fund, appropriating $105,000.00 from the Po~ice Facility Fund, to pay for fibeL" optics installation, additional architect fees, and change orders, and amending the budqet for t~e year 1997 to provide for such expenditures. Supplements Ordinance No. 2139, which levied ad valorem taxes necessary to finance the anticipated ~equirements of the City of Camas for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1998. Amends provisions of the LI/CT zone, and adds provisions for a planned industrial develop- ment overJay within the LI/CT zone. A.l ters the seal of the City of Camas. Amends Section 9.20.090 by authorizing certain establishments to utilize punch- boards and pull-tabs as a commercial stimulant, and revising the gambling tax for bona fide charitable or nonprofit organizations. Restricts heavy truck traffic on NW 16 Ave. from NW Tidlt_nd Street to NW Brady Road, on T.idland Street from NW 16 Ave. to NW 18 Ave., and on NW 18 Ave. from NW Tidland Street to the west city limits. Repeals Ordinance No. 2040 and Sections 10. 32. 190 th.rough 10.32.230 inclusive, of the Camas MunicipaJ Code, which restricted heavy truck traffic on a portion of NW 38 Ave. 01 /26/98 02/09/98 02/09/98 02/09 198 02/09/98 AMMENDS OR REPEALS APPLICATION BY ACTION INDEX Amends provisions of LI/CT zone Amends Section9.20.090 Repeals Ord. 20 4 0 PAGE l'51Q SUBJECT DATE ENACTED AMENDS OR REPEALS APPLICATIN BY ACTION INDEX ORD,__r:J_O.~~~~~~~~~~'...'_~~~~~~~~~:..=.__.::.'.:'._'.::.:.::_'.:'._~__:_::_:=.::.::_:::..:__:.:.::.:..:.:..:::::.__:_c..:..:::.:..:.:..'-'-='--'------'.:_:_-'-----"'-"- 2155 Restricts heavy truck traffic on NE Dallas 03/09/98 Street from NE 6 Ave. to NE 14 Ave. 2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 2161' 2162 Adopts a new master p_rogram entitled 11 Camas Shoreline Master Program, February 2, 1998 11 as the master program for regulation of the shorelines within the-·City of Camas .. Amends Section 2.68.060 by revising the provisions for leaves of absence_ An ordinance appropriating $90,000.00 from the Police Facility Fund to pay for professional services and constr- uction costs, appropriating $29,000.00 from·. the General Fund to pay for a voice stress analyzer, and books and training for drug enforcement and education, appropriating $85,000.00 for the Washougal River Bridge painting project, and amending the Budget for the Year 1998 to provide for such expenditures. Amends Section 18.76.180 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the notice requirements for variances .. Amends subsection 5.20.060(i) of the Camas Municipal Code by exempting civic, patriotic, and benevolent organizations from the application fee for a temporary vendors' stands or concessions booths. Approves and adopts by reference the text of that certain document entitled Camas School District Capital Facility Plan, March 27, 1 998' Adopts by reference that document entitled "City of Camas, Washington Capital Facilities Plan, May, 1998." 03/23/98 03/23/98 04/13/98 04/13/98 04/27/98 05/11/98 05/11/98 Section 2.68.060 Section 18.76.180 Subsection5.20.060(i) PAGE 151 ORD. NO. 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 SUBJECT Adopts revisions to the Comprehensive Land Use Map of the City of Camas and to the zoning map of the City of Camas. Adopts the 1998 Water System Master Plan.( Adopts the "Grass Valley Water Supply Develop- ment Study" as a supplement to the Water System Master Plan for the City of Camas. Changes the names of sreets located within:' the North Dwyer Creek Annexation Area. Provides for and orders the improvement of a portion of Vista Del Rio Road by the install- ation of an 8-inch water main, fire hydrants, pressure reducing valves, and other appurt- enances; creating Local Improvement District No. 220; providing for the payment of the cost of such improvement by special assess- ments on the property within said Local Improvement District; ~·and creating a Local Improvement District No. 220 Fund. Revises the Comprehensive Land Use Map of the City of Camas and the zoning map of the City of Camas. DATE ENACTED 5/11/98 5/11/98 5/11/98 5/26/98 5/26/98 5/26/98 Revises Section 18.24.040 of the Camas City 5/26/98 code by restraining density, set-back, lot coverage, and building height requirements for property zoned R1 single-family district, amend- ing Section 18. 32. 010 by allowing single-family detached dwellings in property zoned MF multi- family district, amending Section 18.32.040 by restating the density, set-back, building cover- age and building height requirements for property zoned MF multi-family, and amending Section 18.32.050 by restating the density, set-back, lot coverage, and building height req\lirements for row houses located on Iand classified MF multi-family- AMENDS OR REPEALS APP. BY ACTION INDEX Amends Sections 18.32.010, 18.32.040, 18.32.050 PAGE 158 ORD. NO. 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 SUBJECT DATE ENACTED An ordinance adopting a Comprehensive Emergency 6/8/98 Management Plan for the City of Camas .. and adding a new chapter to the Camas Mllnicipal Code entitled Chapter 8_56 Emergency/Disaster Services_ An ordinance amending section 10.08.035 of the Camas Municipal Code by regulating the parking of commercial vehicles in residential zones. Amends Subsection 3.88.030 (u) of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the definition of low income housing. 6/8/98 6/8/98 Appropriates $41,000.00 from the Growth Manage-6/22/98 ment Fund to reimburse Lugliani In-Vestment Co. for the installation of a half-street improvement on the tiorth side of NW 16 Ave .. and amending the Budget for the Year 1998 to provide for such expenditure. Amends the traffic element of the Compreherisive Plan. Amends Section 3.88.060 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the traffic impact fee formula. Appropriates $14,000.00 from the General Fund to pay for increased costs for pressure washing and painting of City Hall, and amending the budget for the year 1998 to provide for such expenditure_ Repeals Ordinance 1684 and Sections 9.24.140, 9.24.150, and 9.24.160 of the Camas Municipal Code which adopted a cufew·IfOr··-Ii.linors during specified, -'hOurs in the downtown core area and the Crown Park area. 6/22/98 6/22/98 8/24/98 8/24/98 AMMENDS OR REPEALS Amends Section 10.08.035 Amends Subsection 3.88.030 (u) Amends 1998 Budget Amends the Comprehensive Plan Amends Section 3.88.060 Amends 1998 Budget Repeals Ordinance 1684 and Sections 9.24.140,150, 160 PAGE 159 ORD. NO. 2178 2179 2180 2182 2183 SUBJECT Appropriates $85,000.00 from the General Fund to pay for additional inspection costs of the Wafertech project, and amends the budget for the year 1998 to provide for such expenditure. Amends Section II of Ordinance 2166, which pro- vided for the names of private··-:roads located within the North Dwyer Creek Annexation area_ Amends the zoning code by adopting a definition for .. binding site plan11 and amending Section 18.54.100 of the Camas Municipal Code by allow- ing binding site plans as an alternative method of land division only within the ~~ zone_ DATE ENACTED 9/14/98 9/28/98 9/28/98 Authorizes the issuance and sale of water and 1 0/1 2/98 sewer revenue and refunding bonds of the city in the aggregate principal amount of $4,370,000 including bonds in the principal amount of $3,385,000 to pay the costs of financing capital improvements to the water and sewerage system and the costs of issuanceJ and bonds in the principal amount of $985,000 to refund certain outstanding water and sewer revenue bonds; fixing the dateJ formJ termsJ maturities and covenants of said bonds; providing certain covenants for the payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds; reserving the right to isstte additional revenue bonds on a parity with said bonds upon compliance with certain conditions; approving the sale of said bonds; and approving the form of the official statment •.and the ditribution thereof. Restricts heavy truck traffic on NW Deerfern Avenue 10/12/98 from NW 18th to 300' south of NW 14th. Appropriates $6450.00 from the General Fund to pay for 11/09/98 transportation planning and engineering services related to the proposed library expansion project_ AMENDS OR REEALS Amends the 1998 Budget Amends Section II of Ordinance 2166. Amends zoning code and Section 18.54.100 of CMC. PAGE 160 ORD. NO. 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 SUBJECT Levy•s the ad valorem taxes necessary to finance the anticipated requirements of the City of Camas for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1999. Adopts the budget for the City of Camas, Washington, for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1999. Amends Section 13.84 of the Camas Municipal Code by revis~ ing the schedule of charges for the removal of refuse and solid waste~ Adopts two (2) amendments to the 1997 Wastewater Facility Plan of the City of Camas. DATE ENACTED 11/23/98 11/23/98 12/14/98 12/14/98 Repeals Ordinance No. 2184; and levys the ad valorem taxes 1/4/99 necessary to finance the anticipated requi.rements of the City of Camas for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1999. Appropriates $34,000.00 from the General Fund to pay for a<. · 1/li/99 salary analysis of city employee positions_ Adds a new subsection to Section 18.76.090 of the Camas Municipal Code providing for the election of a Chairman of the Board of Adjustment. Adopts a new master program entitled '"Camas shoreline Master Program. December 14, 1998~ as the master program for reg- ulation of the shorelines within the City of Camas, and re- pealing Ordinance No. 2156. The City Council of the Clty of Camas, declares a future substantial need to protect future property tax levy capacity- Adopts a new ehapter of the Camas Municipal Code relating to neighborhood preservation. Provides for the vacation of a section of the original NW Parker Street Alignment. 1/11/99 1/11/99 2/8/99 2/22/99 2/22/99 AMENDS" oR· REPEALS Section 13.84 ofCMC Repeals Ord. 2184 Repeals Ord. 2156 PAGE 161 ORD. NO. 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 SUBJECT Amends Section 10.16.010 of the Camas Municipal Code by adding additional locations to the res- idential parking zone in the high school neighbor- hood. Amends Section 2.06.010 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the procedure fo.r appointment and removal of the City Administrator to require the consent of a majority of the City Council. Amends Section 13.68.020(a) of the Camas Municipal Code by requiring persons improperly discharging storm water into the sanitary sewer system to take corrective action within ninety (90) days of notification of such violation by the Public Works Director. Amends Title 17 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the procedures and standards for approval of subdivisions. Appropriates $520,000.00 from the Growth Management Fund to pay for costs in excess of budgeted amounts for the acquisition of two parcels of real property and amending the Budget for the Year 1999 to provide for such expenditures. Amends Section 13.86.060 of the Camas Municipal Code by increasing the residential recycling rate to $2.50 per month. Provides for the vac il.tion of portions of E. 1st Avenue SE 2nd Avenue, SE 3rd Avenue, SE Adams Street, and SE Birch Street. Amends Chapter 12.12 of the Camas Municipal Code to require compliance with encroachment permit procedures prior to the issuance of a building permit or cert- ificate of occupancy. DATE ENACTED AMENDS OR REPEALS 03/08/99 Section 10.16.010 CMC 03/08/99 Section 2.06.010 CMC 03/22/99 Section 13.68.020a CMC 04/12/99 Title 17 CMC 04/12/99 Amends 1999 Budget 04/26/99 Section 13.86.060 CMC 04/26/99 05/10/99 Amends 12.12 CMC PAGE 162 ORD. NO. 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 22 13 SUBJECT Prohibits the removal of vegetat ion from steep and unstable slopes, adopting a penalty for vio- lation thereof, and declaring an emergency. Adopts regulations for the management of vegetation removal in environmentally sensitive areas, estab- lishing standards for preliminary reviews, vegeta- tion management plans, and the issuance of permits, and providing for the enforcement of such regulations. Adopts Emergency OperaHo~ Center procedures. Amends Chapter 10.36 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the City Comnute Trip Reduction (CTR) plan adopted pursuant to RCW 10.94.527. Revises the Comprehensive Land Use Map of the City of Camas and the zoning map of the Ci t y of Camas. Adopts by references that document entitled '1City of Camas, Washington Capital Facilities Plan, April, 1999". Amends Section 13.84 of the CMC by revising the schedule of charges for the removal of refuse and solid waste. Amends Section 13.36.030 of the CMC by revising the water and sewer rate for combined residential and corrmercial uses, and amending Section 13.36.070 by revising the utility charges for government services. Repeals Chapter 13.20 of the CMC which provided for customer applications for connections to the City's water service. Amends Section 13.44 of the CMC by revising the procedures for billing and collection of water & sewer charges. Repeals Chapter 13.24 of the CMC which prescribed use restrictions for customers of the water system. DATE ENACTED 5/10/99 5/24/99 6/14/99 6/14/99 6/14/99 7/12/99 7/26/99 7/26/99 7/26/99 7/26/99 7/26/99 AMENDS OR REPEALS Amends Section 13.84 of CMC Amedns Section 13 .36.030/070 of CMC Repeals Chapter 13.20 of CMC Amends Section 13.44 of CMC Repeals Chapter 3.24 of CMC PAGE 163 ORD. NO. 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 ,• 2221 2222 2223 2224 SUBJECT Amends Chapter 13.80 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the regulations for tk ~ collection and disposal of refuse. Changes the name of a section of NW 36th Avenue to NW Sierra Loop. Provide for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Camas at an election to be held on November 2, 1999, of a proposition authorizing the City to issue its general obligation bonds in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $7,960,000 for the purpose of providing funds to expand and improve the City Library. Adopts the 1991 Edition of the Washington State Historic Building Code as set forth in Chapter 51-19 of the Washington Administrative Code. DATE ENACTED 08/23/99 09/13/99 09/13/99 Amends Section 15.08.020 of the Camas Municipal Code by 09/13/99 adopting the 1997 Edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code. Amends Section 15.20.010 of the Camas Municipal Code by 09/13/99 adopting the 1997 Edition of the Washington State Energy Code as set forth in Chapter 51-11 of the Washington Administrative Code. Amends Section 15.14.010 of the Camas Municipal Code by 09/13/99 adopting the 1997 Edition of t~ Washington State Ventil- ation and Indoor Quality Code as set forth in Chapter 51-13 of teh Washington Administrative Code. Amends Section 15.10.010 of the Camas Municipal Code by 09/13/99 adopting the 1997 Edition of the Uniform Housing Code. Amends Section 15.12.010 by adopting the 1997 Edition of the 09/13/99 Uniform Mechanical Code. Amends section 15.04.010 of the Camas Municipal Code by 09/13/99 adopting the 1997 Edition of the Unifom Building Code. Amends Section 15.06.010 of the Camas Municipal Code by 09/13/99 adopting the 1997 Edition of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings . AMENDS OR REPEALS Amends Chapter 13.80 of CMC Amends Section 15.08.020 of CMC Amends Section 15.20.010 of CMC Amends Section 15.14.010 of CMC Amends Section 15.10.010 of CMC Amends Section 15.12.010 of CMC Amends Section 15.04.010 of CMC Amends Section 15.06.010 of CMC PAGE 164 ORD. NO. 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 SUBJECT DATE ENACTED Amends Chapter 8.06 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising 09/27/99 the penalty schedule for nuisance code violations. Repeals Chapter 3.48 of Camas Municipal Code, which establi-10/11/99 shed procedures for transfers from the'Water Sewer Revenue Fund to the City Sanitary Service Fund. Amends Section 3.04 of the Camas Municipal Code, by authorizing 10/11/99 the use of warrants for the payment of city obligations. Modifys Chapter 13.86 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising 10/11/99 the regulations relating to recycling. Amends Section 13.64.020 of the Camas Municipal Code by re- vising sewer charges for commercial and industrial customers during summer months. 10/11/99 Appropriates $158,000.00 from the Sanitary Service Fund to pay 10/11/99 for costs incurred in excess of budgeted amounts due to imp- lementation on operation of the new automated garbage collection system. Amends Chapter 3.24 of the Camas Municipal Code by providing for 10/11/99 use of checks for the obligations of the claims fund. Amends Section 3.32.010 of the Camas Municipal Code by poviding 10/11/99 for the issuance of checks from the Water and Sewer Capital Reserve Fund. Repeals Chapter 3.56 of the Camas Municipal Code which created 10/11/99 the Federal Shared Revenue Fund. Repeals Chapter 3.76 of Camas Municipal Code which established 10/11/99 thFI, Municipal Court Revolving Fund. Adopts the 1997 Edition of the Uniform Fire Code and the Uniform 10/25/99 Fire Code Standards, regulating ,tm storage of certain flammable and hazardous materials, providing for the issuance of permits by the fire department, and establishing fees for fire prevention activities. Repeals Chapter 8.32 of the Camas Municipal Code, which regulated 10/25/99 the sale and use of fireworks. AMENDS OR REPEALS Chapte 8.06 of CMC Chapter 3.48 of CMC Section 3.04 of CMC Chapter 13.86 of CMC Section 13.64.020 of CMC Chapter 3.24 of CMC Section 3.32.010 of CMC Chapter 3.56 of CMC Chapter 3.76 of CMC Chapter 8.32 of CMC PAGE 165 ORD. NO. 2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 SUBJECT Repeals Ordinance 2147, which provided for the imposition of fees for various fire prevention activities. Amends Ordinances 2139 and 2149 by revising the levy of ad valorem taxes necessary to finance the anticipated require- ments of the City of Camas for the fiscal year ending Decemeber 31, 1998. DATE ENACTED 10/25/99 10/25/99 Levys the ad Valorem taxes necessary to finance the antici-11/8/99 pated requirements of the City of Camas for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2000. Adopts by reference certain provisions of Revised Code of 11/8/99 Washington constituting misdemeanors and gross misdemeanors. Amends Chapter 12.32 of the Camas Municipal Code to prohibit 11/8/99 dogs from enter~ing or remaining within the confines of Crown Park, amending sections which are in conflict with Revised Code of Washington, and amending the penalties for park violations. Amends Chapter 2.12 of the Camas Municipal Code to provide for the exercise of arrest powers by social service spec- ialists within the City of Camas Police Department. Amends subsection 3.88.100(a)(2) of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the school impact fee component formula. Amends Section III of Ordinance 2206 and Section 10.36.060 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the City Commute Reduction (CTR) Plan. Amends Chapter 9.28 of teh ~s Municipal Code to provide for the designation of certain dangerous weapons, banning the possession of dangerous weapons in designated public areas, and providing for the disposal of forfeited firearms. Adds a new section to Chapter 3.84 by imposing an additional excise tax of one quarter (1/4) of one (1%) percent on the sale of real estate within the corporate limits of the City of Camas as authorized by RCW 82.46.035. 11/8/99 11/8/99 11/8/99 11/22/99 11/22/99' AMENDS OR REPEALS Repeals Ord. 2147 Amends Ord. 2139 & 2149 Amends 12.32 of CMC Amends 2.12 of CMC Amends 3.88.100(a)(2) CMC Amends 10.36.060 of CMC and Ordinance 2206 Amends 9.28 of CMC PAGE 166 ORD. NO. 2247 2248 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 SUBJECT Adopts the budget for the City of Camas, Washington for t~he fiscal year ending December 31, 2000. Amends Section 2.18.020 by revising the point system for compensation of volunteer firefighters. Modifies Section 3.88.040 of the Camas Municipal Code by specifying the time for calculating impact fees. Revises water system development charges. DATE ENACTED 12/13/99 12/13/99 12/13/99 12/13/99 Amends Section 13.64.010 of the Camas Municipal Code by 12/13/99 revising the rates for sanitary sewer service. Appropriates $40,000.00 from the Equipment Rental Fund to 12/27/99 pay for unanticipated supplies and repairs for garbage trucks and other equipment, and amendsing the budget for the year 1999 to provide for such expenditures. Approves the Camas School District 1999 Capital Facilities Plan. Approves the Washougal School District No. 112-6 Capital Facilities Plan 1999. Provides for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Camas at an election to be held on March 14, 2000, of a proposition authorizing the City to issue its general obligation bonds in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $7,960,000 for the purpose of providing funds to expand and improve the City Library. 12/27/99 12/27/99 01/10/00 Amends Section 15.32 of the Camas Municipal Code, to provide 01/10/00 for erosion prevention and sediment control, adopting standards of review, provide for the submission of a final erosion prevention/sediment control plan, and prescribiing a penalty for violations. Amends Section 17.36.110 of the Camas Municipal Code, by revising the erosion prevention/sediment control measures for subdivisions. 01/10/00 AMENDS OR REPEALS Amends 2.18.020 of CMC Amends 3.88.040 of CMC Amends 13.64.010 of CMC Amends 1999 Budget Amends 15.32 of CMC Amends 17.36.110 of CMC PAGE 167 ORD. NO. 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 2266 SUBJECT Amends Section 15.36 of the Camas Municipal Code to allow for the issuance of a stop work order; provide for the imposition of cleanup costs; and providing a civil infraction penalty for violations. Approves and adopts a comprehensive park and trecreation plan and repealing the Parks and Recreation Master Plan developed in 1987. Transfers $265,000.00 from the general fund to the street fund, appropriating $265,000.00 from the street fund to pay for certain street improvements that were not provided for in the 2000 budget, and amending the budget for the year 2000 to provide for such expenditures. Appropriates $224,263.00 from the general fund to pay for salary increases and employee benefits in excess of budgeted amounts, and amending the budget for the year 2000 to provide for such expenditures. Appropriates $502,000.00 from the general fund to pay for certain improvements to the school district's footbal and soccer field, and amending the budget for the year 2000 to provide for such expenditure. Appropriates $13,700.00 from the general fund to pay for a thermal imaging camera helmet, and amending the budget for the year 2000 to provide for such expenditure. DATE ENACTED 01/10/00 01/24/00 02/28/00 02/28/00 02/28/00 04/24/00 Appropriates $15,000.00 from the General Fund to purchase 04/24/00 a projector, electronic white board, personal computer and related software, and amending the budget for the year 2000 to provide for such expenditure. Repeals Chapter 13.74 of the Camas Municipal Code, which 04/24/00 establishes an infiltration and inflow mitigation charge for properties connecting to the City sanitary sewer system. Revises the Comprehensive Land Use Map of the City of Camas 06/12/00 and the zoning map of the City of Camas. AMENDS OR REPEALS Amends Section 15.36 of CMC Amends 2000 Budget Amends 2000 Budget Amends 2000 Budget Amends 2000 Budget Amends 2000 Budget Page 168 ORD. NO. 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 SUBJECT Adopts regulations pertaining to use, transportation, and storage of explosives within the City of Camas. changes the name of a section of NW 35'" Avenue to NW Pacific Rim Dr. 6/26/00 Appropriates $950,000.00 from the Sewer Treatment Plant Construction Fund to pay for costs in excess of the estimated total project cost for the Design, construction, and project management for the sewer treatment Plant expansion, and amends the Budget for the Year 2000 to provide for Such expenditure. Appropriates $680,000.00 from the General Fund to pay for the acquisition of the Moose Lodge property, and amending the Budget for the Year 2000 to provide for such expenditure. DATE ENACTED 6/26/00 7/10/00 7/10/00 Provides for the submission to the voters of the City of Camas or a proposition 7/24/00 authorizing an excess property tax levy at the rate of $.25 per $1,000.00 of assessed valuation for six (6) consecutive years commencing in 2001 for the purpose of funding an Emergency Medical Services Program. Changes street names in the Meadows Planned Residential Development 8/14/00 Phase I. Approves and confirms the assessments and assessment roll for Local 8/14/00 Improvement District No. 220 for the extension of a water main on SE Brady Road and Vista Del Rio Drive. Approves and adopts a residential overlay zone for the North Dwyer Creek 8/28/00 area. Creates a library construction fund, appropriating $675,000.00 from the Library Construction Fund to pay for architect services for the design and Remodel of the library, and amends the budget for the year 2000 to provide For such expenditure. 9/11/00 AMENDS OR REPEALS Amends 2000 Budget Amends 2000 Budget Amends 2000 Budget 2276 Amends Chapter 18.54 of the Camas Municipal Code by Changing the Light 9/11/00 Amends 18.54 of CMG Industrial/Country Tech zone to Light Industrial/Business Park, by revising the Provisions for secondary uses within the LI/BP zone, and by modifying the Provisions for planned industrial development overlays. 2277 Provides for the issuance and sale of unlimited tax general obligation bonds 11/13/00 of the City in the principal sum of $7,960,000 for the purpose of providing funds to expand and improve the City Library; and providing the form and terms the bonds. 2278 Re-enacts Ordinance No. 2250 and revises water system development charges. 12/4/00 2279 Re-enacts Ordinance No. 2210, and amends Section 13.36.070 of the Camas 12/4/00 Amends 13.36.070 of CMG Municipal Code, by revising the utility charges for government services. 2280 Re-enacts Ordinance No. 2235, and establishes fees for certain fire code 12/4/00 inspection and enforcement activities. 2281 Re-enacts Ordinance No. 2246, adding a new section to Chapter 3.84 by 12/4/00 by imposing an additional excise tax of one-quarter (1/4) of one (1 %) percent on the sale of real estate within the corporate limits of the City of Camas as authorized by RCW 82.46.035. 2282 Re-enacts Ordinance No. 2251, and amends Section 13.64.010 of the Camas 12/4/00 Amends 13.64.010 of CMG Municipal Code by revising the rates for sanitary sewer s~rvice. 2283 Re-enacts Ordinance No. 2218, and amends Section 15.08.020 of the Camas 12/4/00 Amends 15.08.020 of CMG Municipal Code by adopting the 1997 Edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code. 2284 Re-enacts Ordinance No. 2222, and amends Section 15.12.010 by adopting the 12/4/00 Amends 15.12.010 of CMG 1997 Edition of the Uniform Mechanical Code. 2285 Re-enacts Ordinance No. 2223 and amends Section 15.04.010 of the Camas 12/4/00 Amends 15.04.010 of CMG Municipal Code by adopting the 1997 Edition of the Uniform Building Code. Page 170 ORD. NO. 2286 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 SUBJECT DATE ENACTED Levy's the ad valorem taxes necessary to Finance the anticipated requirements 12/11/00 of the City of Camas for the Fiscal year ending December 31, 2001. Adopts the budget for the City of Camas, Washington, for the fiscal year ending 12/11/00 December 31, 2001. Repeals Section 5.20.050 of the Camas Municipal Code, which provided for license fees for certain amusement devices and activities. 01/08/01 Adopts the City of Camas Traffic Management Plan, and adding a new section 02/26/01 to Chapter 17.20 of the Camas Municipal Code requiring compliance with the Traffic Management Plan. Amends provisions of the Camas Municipal Code relating to non-conforming 02/26/01 uses, conditional use permits, variances, and development code administration and adding new chapters governing temporary use permits, unclassified use permits, comprehensive plan amendments, and zoning map amendments. Adopts a Design Review Manual, adopting regulations to implement the 03/26/01 guidelines and standards of the Design Review Manual, establishing a review process, and providing remedies for violation of the design review regulations. Revises the Comprehensive Land Use Map of the City of Camas and the 04/23/01 zoning map of the City of Camas. Amending Section 13.86.060 of the Camas Municipal Code by increasing the residential recycling rate to $2.65 per month. Adds a new subsection to Section 18.41.060 of the Camas Municipal Code by authorizing the City Planner to extend the time limitations for expiration of nonconforming uses. Amends provisions of the Camas Municipal Code relating to general provisions, definitions, zoning map and districts, use authorization, density and development, parking, signs, supplemental development standards, North Dwyer Creek residential overlay and planned industrial development overlays, light industrial/business Park, row houses, accessory dwelling units, manufactured home parks, sensitive areas and open space, adult Entertainment, and landscaping. AMENDS OR REPEALS CMG 5.20.050 CMG title 18 CMG 13.86.060 05/29/01 05/29/01 Page 170 ORD. NO. 2296 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303 2304 SUBJECT DATE ENACTED Amends Section 13.86.065 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the rates 06/11/01 for the collection of recyclable yard debris. Revises the boundary lines of the electoral wards of the City of Camas and 06/25/01 amends Chapter 1.20 of the Camas Municipal Code. Amends Table 18.55-1 of the Camas Municipal Code by adding home occu-07/23/01 pations to the responsibilities of the City Planner, amending Section 18.55. 040(c) of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the authority of the Director of Planning or the Director of Public Works to issue administrative approvals under the zoning code, amending Section 18.55.190(a) of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the authority of the Director to make administrative approvals ,Without notice, and amending Section 18.55.200(a) by revising the authority of The Director to issue administrative approval subject to notice. Amends the Camas Municipal Code by adding a new chapter regulating planned 7/23/01 residential developments, adding a new chapter regulating telecommunication facilities, adding a new chapter regulating home occupations, and repealing Chapters 18.66, 18.71, and 18.93 of the Camas Municipal Code. Amends Chapter 5.32.010 of the Camas Municipal Code by exempting persons properly licensed in the jurisdiction in which their principal office is located from obtaining a taxicab driver's license issued by the City of Camas. Adopts a "Downtown Camas Vision and Implementation Plan". Excludes certain costs from the expenses to be assessed against properties in Local Improvement District No. 220. Levying the ad valorem taxes necessary to finance the anticipated requirements of the City of Camas for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2002 An ordinance adopt•ing the budget for the City of Camas, WA, for the fiscal year ending 12-31-01. 08/13/01 09/10/01 10/8/01 11/26/01 12/10/01 2305 An ordinance appropriating $115,000.00 from the Unappropriated 12/10/01 Fund balance in the Emergency Rescue Fund to pay for ~nanticipated personnel expenses and higher cost of medical and other operating supplies than anticipated, and amending the budget for the year 2001 to provide for such expenditures. AMENDS OR REPEALS Amends CMG 13.86.065 Amends CMG 1.20 Amends CMC 18.55 Amends CMC 18.66, 18.71 and 18.93 Amends CMG 5.32.010 Page 171 ORD NO. 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 SUBJECT DATE ENACTED An ORDINANCE amending Section 18.43.050 of the Camas 12/10/01 Municipal Code by amending the criteria for conditional use permits, and adding a new section to 18.43 establishing special conditions for licensed liquor establishments in the downtown commercial zone. AN ORDINA1\1CE of the City of Camas, State of Washington, approving the Camas School District 2001 Capital Facilities Plan. Provides for the vacation of a portion of SE 12th Ave. Repeals Chapter 13.64.030 of the Camas Municipal Code, which ass~ssed a monthly sewer service charge for utility customers located within the city limits where there is no "ewer service available. 1/14/02 02/11/02 02/11/02 Amends Section 13.72.040(b) of the Camas Municipal Code by 03/11/02 allowing a credit against sewer system development charges in an amount <>~l to the monthly sewer service charges paid by properties not connected to the City's sanitary sewer syst:em. Amends Subsections 13.44.020 (c) and (e) of the Camas Municipal 03/11/02 C.ode by revising the notification proceaures for the termination of water service due to non-payment of water and sewer service charges and revising the amount of the disconnection charge. Revises Chapters 18.03, 18.07, 18.09, 18.11, 18.15, 18.19, 03/11/02 18.21, 18.31, 18.39, 18.41, 18.45, 18.47, and 18.55 of the Camas Municipal Code by correcting improper gramnar and typo- graphical errors, by including inadvertently omitted sections from the prior zoning code, and by making other minor revisions. Approves a development agreement between the City of Camas and Shockley Company, LLC, for a residential development on certain property within the City of Camas. 04/08/02 AMENDS OR REPEALS Amends Section 18.43.050 of the Camas Municipal code. Amends CMC 13.64.030 Amends CMC 13.72.040h Amends CMC 13.44.020c/e Amends CMC 18 PAGE 172 ORD. NO. 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 SUBJECT Amends Section 3.88.090 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the formula for the calculation of the fire facility impact fee Revises Sections 18.15.020 of the Camas Municipal Code by clarifying the scope of the chapter regulating signs. Adds a new Chapter to the Camas Municipal Code recreating the Board of Adjustment. Transfers $40,000.00 from the Water Sewer Fund to the Equipment Rental Fund, $10,000.00 from the Street Fund to the Equipment Rental Fund, and $10,000.00 from the Sanitary Fund to the Equipment Rental Fund, and appro- priating $60,000.00 to pay for a storage building at the Operations Center. Appropriates $100,000.00 from the General Fund to pay for a professional services contract awarded to J.D. White for professional planning and public involvement in Phase II of the City's Comprehensive Plan Update. DATE ENACTED 6/10/02 6/10/02 6/10/02 6/24/02 6/24/02 Adds a new Chapter 5.50 to the Camas Municipal Code for . 6/24/02 the issuance of pawnbroker and secondhand dealers licenses establishing a license fee; and imposing a penalty for violations. Amends the definition of "fence" and "site-obscuring fence" 6/24/02 in Section 18.03.030 of the Camas Municipal Code, and amending Section 18.17.050 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the development standards for a fence. Arnedns Section 3.16.010 of the Camas Municipal Code by 08/12/02 revising the time to commence foreclosure proceedings for delinquent Local Improvement District Assessments. Amends Chapter 18.55 of the Camas Municipal Code by 08/26/02 revising the procedures for land development permits. AMENDS OR REPEALS Amends CMC 3.88.090 Amends CMC 18.15.020 Adds CMC 5.50 Amends CMC 18.03.030 & CMC 18.17.050 !\mends CMC 3.16, 010 Amends CMC 18.55 PAGE 173 ORD. NO. 2323 2324 2325 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 SUBJECT Levys the ad valorem taxes necessary to Finance the anticipated requirements of the City of camas for the Fiscal Year ending December 311 2003. Amends Section 3.88.040 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the provisions for payment of impact fees. DATE ENACTED 11 /12/02 11 /12 /02 Adopts the 2001 Water System Master Plan. 11 /25/ol. Adopts the budget for the City of Camas, Washington, 12/9/02 for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2003. Appropriates $32,000.00 from the Grass Valley Park Fund 12/9/02 to pay for the costs in excess of the budgeted amount for the improvement of 38th Street done in conjunction with the Grass Valley Park development. Amends the traffic element of the Capital Facilities Plan to include as traffic impact fee eligible impro- vements those projects identified in the Memorandum for OKS Associates, dated October 15, 2002. Amends Section 3.88.060 o f the Camas Municipal Code by revising the traffic impact fee formula '. 12/9 /02 12/9/02 Re vises the procedures and regulations for boundary line 01 /13/03 adjustments, short subdivision, subdivisions, planned developments, binding site plans, design and improvement standards, and procedures for public improvements. Provides foe the vacation of a portion of NW 6th Ave. 01/27/03 Approves a Development Agreement between Jesse and 01 /27 /03 Teresa Schacher, Chris and Beth Swanson, and Lyle and Cleta Miller, as property owRers, and the City of Camas. Revises Chapter 18.19 of the Camas Municipal Code by add-02 /24 /03 ing design review standards for mixed use, multi-famil y and gateway developments. Amends the budget of the City of Camas, Washington, for 02/24/03 the fiscal year ending December 31 1 2003. TuJ0 - 23 2.5 AMENDS OR REPEALS Amends CMC 3.88.040 I Amends 3.88.060 of CMC Amends CMC 18.19 Amends 2003 Budget PAGE 174 ORD.NO. 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 2341 SUBJECT Repeals Section 2.32.080 of the Camas Municipal Code which provided for the chairman of the Planning Commission to prepare an annual budget. Appropriates $400,000.00 from the Library Construction Fund for the acquisition of equipment for the library building, and amending Ordinance No. 2325 and the budget for the year 2003. DATE ENACTED 03/10/03 03/24/03 Revises the boundary lines of the electoral wards of the 05/27/03 City of Camas and amending Chapter 1.20 of the Camas Municipal Code. Amends Section 17.23.020 of the Camas Municipal Code, by 06/09/03 revising the enforcement provisions for the subdivision code. Modifies Sections 18.55.400 and 18.55.410 of the Camas 06/09/03 Municipal Code, by revising the enforcement provisions of the zoning code and:bycevising the general penalty for violations of Titles 15 through 18 of the Camas Municipal Code. Adds a new section to Chapter 13.64 of the Camas Municipal 07/28/03 Code by adding procedures for the adjustment of sewer charges due to broken water pipes for non-residential customers, and amending Section 13.44.030 of the Camas Municipal Code by deleting from said section procedures for a sewer credit on commercial property for broken water pipes. Authorizes the acquisition of certain personal property and authorizes the execution of a financing contract and related documentation relating to the acquisition of said personal property. 07/28/03 Amends Chapter 10.40 of the Camas Municipal Code designating 08/11/03 the Chief of Police with enforcement authority, providing for the examination of waterbourne vessels, and providing certain definitions. AMENDS OR REPEALS Repeals CMC 2.32.080 Amends Ord. 2325 & 2003 Budget Amends CMC 1.20 Amends CMC 17.23.020 Amends CMC 15 &L 18 Amends CMC 13.64 & 13.44 Amends CMC 10.40 PAGE 175 ORD. NO. 2342 2343 2344 2345 2346 2347 2348 2349 SUBJECT DATE ENACTED Adopts by reference certain prov1s1ons of the revised Code of Washington constituting misdemeanors and gross misdemeanors. 08/11/03 Amends Camas Municipal Code Section 10.40.160 concerning 08/25/03 the designation of certain violations as misdemeanors. Amends Section 2.68.060 by revising the procedures for leaves 08/25/03 of absence without pay. Amends Section 17.11.050 and Section 17.13.020 of the Camas 10/13/03 Municipal Code, by revising procedures for plat amendments and plat alterations. Requires automatic fire sprinkler education prior to issuance 10/13/03 of a residential building permit, and requiring automatic fire sprinklers in all new model homes and new homes used as sales offices. Appropriates $430,000 from the General Fund to pay for 10/27/03 adjustments to salaries and wages resulting from collective bargaining settlements, to pay for construction of the Skate Park, and to pay for replacement of the commercial dishwasher at the Community Center; appropriating $117,859.00 from the Emergency Rescue Fund to pay for increased salaries and benefits resulting from collective bargaining settlements; transferring the LID Guaranty Fund balance to General Fund; and appropriating $5000.00 from the Firemen's Pension Fund to pay for additional pension benefits resulting from increased salaries under the collective bargaining agreements. Levy's the ad valorem taxes necessary to Finance the anticipated 11/10/03 requirements of the City of Camas for the Fiscal year ending December 31, 2004. Amends Chapter 12.32 of Camas Municipal Code by adding a defin-11/10/03 ition of Park, Prescribing park hours, and designating certain prohibited activities. AMENDS OR REPEALS Amends CMC 10.40.160 Amends CMC 2.68.060 Amends CMC 17.11.050 and 17.13.020 Amends CMC 12.32 PAGE 176 ORD. NO. 2350 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 2356 2357 2358 ' 2359 2360 SUBJECT Annexes the Lacamas Heights area to the City of Camas pursuant to the election method authorized by Chapter 35A.14 Revised Code of Washington. Amends Section 13.36.010 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the rates for water service. Amends Section 13.64.010 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the rates for sanitary sewer charges. AmendsSection 13.84 of the Camas Municipal Code by re- visng the schedule of charges for the removal of refuse and solid waste. Revises the water systems development charges. Revises sewer system development charges. Adopts the budget for the City of Camas, Washington, for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2004. Appropriates $136,000.00 from the Sanitary Fund to pay for expenses in excess of budgeted amounts, and amends Ordinance 2325 and the budget for the year 2003 to pro- vide for such expenditures. DATE ENACTED 12/08/03 12/08/03 12/08/03 12/08/03 12/08/03 12/08/03 12/08/03 12/22/03 Amends Ordinance 2348 which levied ad valorem taxes nee-12/22/03 essary to Finance the anticipated requirements of the City of Camas for the Fiscal year ending December 31, 2004. Condemns for public street purposes certain land lying within the City of Camas and abutting NW Lake Road and SE First Street. Changes the names of streets in the Lacamas Heights Annexation. 01/12/04 01/12/04 AMENDS OR REPEALS Amends CMC 13.36.010 Amends CMC 13.64.010 Amends CMC 13.84 Amends CMC 13.52.060 Amends CMC 13.72.060 Amends Ord 2325 Amends Ordinance 2348 PAGE 177 ORD. NO. SUBJECT DATE ENACTED 2361 Adopts a Revised Comprehensive Plan in accordance with the goals and requirements of Chapter 36.?0A, Revised Code of Washington, also known as the Growth Management. Act. 01/26/04 2362 2363 2364 2365 2366 Adopts the "Zoning Map of the City of Camas, January 20, 2004'' as the revised zoning map for the City of Camas. 01/26/04 Amends Chapter 18.09 by revising certain density and 01/26/04 dimension provisions for development activity. Amends Chapter 18.23 of the Camas Municipal Code by 01/26/04 revising standards and regulations for planned residential development. Adds a new section to Chapter 18.20 of the Camas Municipal 01/26/04 Code that adopts Supplemental Use and Performance Standards for Specified Areas of the North Dwyer Creek Subarea. Adds a new section to Chapter 18.05 of the Camas Municipal 01/26/04 Code adopting Supplemental Standards for Residential Development within ''Area E''. 2367 Adopts new standards for critical areas including new gen-02/09/04 eral provisions, regulations for critical aquifer recharge 2368 2369 areas, regulations for frequently flooded areas, and regulations for geologically hazardous areas. Amends Chapter 18.05 of the Camas Municipal Code by revis-02/09/04 ing the designation of zoning districts and adding an R-5 Residential 5000 Zone. Revises Table-1 of Section 18.07.030 by eliminating resi~ 02/09/04 dential uses in the regional commercial zone. 2370 Adopts the "Zoning Map of the City of Camas, March 8,2004" 03/08/04 as the revised zoning map for the City of Camas. AMENDS OR REPEALS CMC 36. ?DA CMC 18.09 CMC 18.23 CMC 18.20 CMC 18.05 CMC 18.05 CMC 18.07.030 PAGE 178 ORD. NO. 2371 2372 2373 2374 2375 2376 2377 2378 2379 SUBJECT Amends Section 2.06.010 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the procedure for appointment and removal of the City Administrator. Appropriates $2,400,000.00 from the SE 1st/Lake Road Capital Project Fund, to pay for expenses in excess of budgeted amounts, and amending Ordinance No. 2356 and the budget for the year 2004 to provide for such expenditure. Appropriates $701,000.00 from the Water-Sewer Fund to pay for water and sewer lines to be installed in the SE 1st Lake Road Expansion Project, and amending Ord. No. 2356 and the budget for the year 2004 to provide for such expenditure. Granting the re-zone request of David and Rochelle Moss and Ken and Christine Trammel to change the zoning of certain real property from R-12 to R-10, and amending the zoning map of the City of Camas to document re-zone. DATE ENACTED 04/12/04 05/10/04 05/10/04 07/12/04 Amends Title 17 of the Camas Municipal Code by correcting 07/12/04 grammatical errors, typographical typographical mistakes, and inaccurate cross references, and by making other minor revisions designed to clarify the provisions of the zoning code. Amends subsection 13.44.010(c) of the Camas Municipal Code 07/12/04 by revising the charge for NSF checks from $20.00 to $30.00. Amends Chapter 2.34 of the Camas Municipal Code by estab-07/26/04 lishing the commencement date for the terms of the Board of Adjustment. Adds a new Chapter 18.18 to the Camas Municipal Code to 08/23/04 provide procedures for the review of site plan applications. Zones the Lacamas Heights area annexed to the City of Camas 09/13/04 by Ordinance 2350, and revising the Comprehensive Land Use Map of the City of Camas and the Zoning Map of the City of Camas. AMENDS OR REPEALS Amends 2.06.010 of CMC Amends Ord. 2356 & 2004 Budget Amends Ordinance 2356 & 2004 Budget Amends Title 17 of CMC Amends 13.44.010(c) of CMC Amends 2.34 of CMC Amends CMC 18.18 Amends Ord. 2350 PAGE 179 ORD. NO. 2380 2381 2382 2383 2384 SUBJECT Modifies charges for connection to the city water system and for temporary water service. Amends the inspection fee for installation of STEP/STE systems, and amending connection charges for STEP/STE systems. Requires automatic fire sprinkler education prior to issuance of a residential building permit, requiring automatic fire sprinklers in all new model homes and new homes used as sales offices, and repealing Ordinance Number 2346. Amending Title 18 of the Camas Municipal Code by adopting a new chapter establishing a mixed-use zone (MX) class- ification. Adopts a new Chapter 6.20 prohibiting the possession of exotic animals within the City of Camas and deletes Section 6.08.170. DATE ENACTED 09/13/04 09/13/04 09/27/04 10/ 11/04 10/25/04 2385 Changes the name of a section of SW Trout Street to SW 10/25/04 Trout Street to SW Trout Court. 2386 Levys the advalorem taxes for obligations of the General 11/8/04 Fund for fiscal year ending December 31, 2005. 2387 Levys the ad valorem taxes for obligations of the Emergency 11/8/04 Medical Services for fiscal year ending December 31, 2005 2388 Levys the ad valorem taxes for the Unlimited General Obli-11/8/04 gation Bonds for fiscal year ending December 31, 2005. 2389 Amends Chapter 18.55 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising 11/8/04 the administrative procedures for land use development permit applications. 2390 Adopts the budget for the City of Camas, Washington, for the 12/13/04 fiscal year ending December 31, 2005. AMENDS OR REPEALS Repeals Ordinance 2346 Amends Title 18 of CMC Amends CMC 6.20 & Deletes6.08.170 Amends CMC 18.55 PAGE 180 ORD. NO. 2391 2392 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 2400 SUBJECT DATE ENACTED Aproves the Evergreen School District 2003 Capital Facilities Plan. Adopts a new Chapter of the Camas Municipal Code establishing storm water utility service charges. Amends Chapter 9.36.0lO(A) of the Camas Municipal Code by adopting by reference RCW 16.52.207; Animal Cruelty in the Second Degree. Amends Chapter 9.20.030 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the penalty for public consumption of alcohol from a misdemeanor to a civil infraction. Amends Chapter 9.12.060 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the language for fraud -insufficient funds check. Changes the name of NW 37th Circle to NW 37th Avenue, and changes the name of NL~ Sierra Loop to NW 37th Avenue, NW Norwood Street and NL~ 36th Avenue. 12/ 13/04 12/13/04 01/10/05 01/10/05 01/10/05 01/10/05 Amends the budget of the City of Camas Washington, for the fiscal 01/24/05 year ending December 31, 2005. Amends Chapter 9.04, Chapter 9.24, and Chapter 9.28 of the Camas 02/14/05 Municipal Code by amending the public officer obstructing and false reporting provisions, prescribing a penalty for violations thereof, amending the penalty for the offense of minor in possession/ supplying liquor to a minor, and amending provisions of certain firearm offenses. Adds a new Chapter 10.25 to the Camas Municipal Code by adopting 02/14/05 regulations for the operation of motorized foot scooters. Amends the street component of the Capital Facilities Plan and I revising the transportation map in Appendix F to the City of Camas 03 14 /D 5 Comprehensive Plan. AMENDS OR REPEALS Establish Storm Water Utility Chapter. Amends CMC 9.36.0lO(A) Amends CMC 9.20.030 Amends CMC 9.12.060 Amends 2005 Budget Amends CMC 9.04, 9.24, 9.28 Adds CMC 10. 25 PAGE 181 ORD. NO. 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411 SUBJECT Adopts rev1s1ons to the Comprehensive Land Use Map of the City of Camas and to the Zoning Map of the City of Camas. Amends Section 13.44.010 of the Camas Municipal Code by changing the due date for payment of utility billing. Appropriates $169,495.00 from the General Fund to pay for the addition of a Police Officer, the addition of a Planner I position, the replacement of bullet-proof vests, the cost of establishing the Police Facility as the East County Emergency Operation Center, and.the professional service costs for conducting an evaluation of the City's ability to deliver the desired level and service that is supported by the General Fund. Amends Subsection 2.72.020(d) of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the eligibility standards for post- retirement medical insurance benefits. Changes the name of Friberg Street to Friberg/Strunk Street Revises the boundary lines of the electoral wards of the City of Camas and amending Chapter 1.20 of the Camas Municipal Code. Annexes real property known as the Gregg Reservoir area to the City of Camas. Amends Title 18 of the Camas Municipal Code by adopting minor clarification amendments to the Zoning Code. Amends Title 17 of the Camas Municipal Code by adopting minor clarification amendments to the City Land Division Code. DATE ENACTED 4/25/05 4/25/05 4/25/05 4/25/05 5/9/05 5/23/05 06/13/05 o6/13/05 06 /13/05 Adding a new chapter to the Camas Municipal Code establishing 06/27/05 policies and procedures for responding to water shortage emergencies. Amends Chapter 17.19.040 of the Camas Municipal Code by equiring all residences subject to the standards of Table 17.19-2 to have automatic fire sprinkler systems. 07 /11/05 AMENDS OR REPEALS Amends CMC 13.44.010 Amends CMC 2.72.020(d) Amends Chapter 1.20 of CMC Amends Title 18 of CMC Amends Title 17 of CMC Amends Chapter 17.19.040 PAGE 182 ORDINANCE NO. 2412 2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 2418 SUBJECT Amends Camas Municipal Code Sections 2.04.020 and 2.04.050, revising the schedule for City Council meetings and workshops. Amends Subsection 2.16.020A of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the positions within the Fire Department. Appropriating $134,000.00 from the Emergency Rescue Fund for the purchase of a used ambulance, new Accounts Receivable software, and a laptop computer, and amending the budget for the year 2005 to provide for such expenditure. DATE ENACTED 07I11/05 07 /25/05 07 /25/05 Adopts the 2003 International Building Code, the 2003 08/15/05 International Residential Code, the 2003 International Mechanical Code, the 2003 International Fire Code, the 2003 Uniform Plumbing Code, the 2003 International Fuel/Gas Code, 2003 Third Edition, the Washington State Energy Code Chapter 51.11 WAC. the 2003 Washington State Ventilation and Indoor Quality Code, the 2003 International Existing Building Code, and repealing Chapters 15.04, 15.06, 15.08, 15.10, 15.12, 15.14, 15.16, 15.18, and 15.20 of the Camas Municipal Code/ Re-Zoning certain real property from Heavy Industrial (HI) to Light Industrial (LI). 09/06/05 Amends Camas Municipal Code Section 2.12.020, by creating a new position of Community Service Officer, within the Police Department. Amends 5.20 of the Camas Municipal Code relating to business licenses and regulations for Special Events. 09/06/05 10/3/05 AMENDS OR REPEALS Amends 2.04.020 and 2.04.050 Amends subsection 2.16.020A Repeals 15.04, 15.06, 15.08, 15.10, 15.12, 15.14, 15.16, 15.18, and 15.20 Amends 2.12.020 Amends 5._20 PAGE 183 ORDINANCE NO. 2419 2420 2421 2422 2423 2424 2425 2426 SUBJECT Authorizes the issuance and sale of an unlimited tax general obligation refunding bond of the City in the aggregate principal amount of $5,432i000 to refund certain outstanding unlimited ta;z';.general obligation bonds of the City; authorizing the appointment of an escrow agent and the execution of and escrow agreement; and providing the form and terms of the refunding bond. DATE ENACTED 10/3/05 Restricting heavy truck traffic on NE 38th Avenue 10/3/05 from NE Everett Street to NE Hayes Street and on NE Franklin Street from NE 38th Avenue to NE 43rd Avenue. Amends subsections 17.19.040(b)(7) of the Camas Municipal Code by having the Building Official designate street names and b~ding address numbers. Amends Chapter 9.36.0lO(A) of the Camas Municipal Code by adopting by reference RCvi 9A.76.170(1), (2) and (3) (d), Bail Jumping. 10/17 /05 10/17 /05 Adopts a new chapter to the Camas Municipal Code 11/07/05 providing for a Hearings Officer to conduct public hearings and enter decisions on specified land use permits and applications. Transfers $1,300,000.00 from the Fisher Basin Storm 11/07/05 Water Fund to the Storm Water Drainage Utility, Fund 419. Appropriates $35,000.00 from the Equipment Rental Fund 11/07/05 for the purchase of a passenger van and trailer for the Work Crew Program, and amending the budget for the year 2005 to provide for such expenditure. Appropriates $61,448.00 from the General Fund to pay 11/07/05 for salaries, benefits, and equipment for the Police Department, and amends the budget for the year 2005 to provide for such expenditure. .. 8MENDS OR REPEALS Amends subsections 17.19.040 (b) (7) Amends Ch 9.36.0lO{A) PAGE 184 ORDINANCE NO. 2427 2428 2429 2430 2431 2432 2433 2434 2435 )UBJECl DATE ENACTED Adds a new Chapter to the Camas Municipal establishing the Community Developement Department, and providing for the duties, responsibilities and organization of said Code 11/7/05 department. Levies the ad valorem taxes for obligations of the 11/21/05 General Fund for fiscal year ending 12/31/06 Levies the ad valorem taxes for the Unlimited 11/21/05 Tax General Obligation Bonds for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2006 Levies the ad valorem taxes for obligations of 11/21/05 the Emergency Medical Services for fiscal year ending December, 31 2006 Adopts the budget for the City of Camas, Washington 12/05/05 for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2006. Approves the Capital Facilities Plans of the 12/05/05 Camas School District, the Washougal School District and the Evergreen School District, and incorporating the same into the City of Camas Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Provides for the vacation of portions of NW Artz Ct 12/19/05 Transfers $125,000.00 from the General Fund to the 12/19/05 Street Fund, appropriates $125,000.00 to pay for 2005 operating expenses of the Street Fund, and amends the Budget for the year 2005 to provide for such expenditure. Annexes real property to the City of Camas. 01/03/06 AMENDS OR REPEALS Page 185 ORDINANCE NO. 2436 2437 2438 2439 2440 2441 2442 2443 2444 2445 2446 SUBJECT DATE ENACTED Amends CMC 9.36.0lO(A) by adopting by reference 01/17/06 RCW 77.160: Washington Clean Indoor Air Act. Relates to emergency management by replacing 02/06/06 Ordinance 2170 with a revised and updated emergency management ordinance. Provides for the vacation of a portion of E. 1st Ave, 02/06/06 a portion of SE 2nd Ave, and a portion of SE Cedar St. Adopts revisions to the Zoning Map at the City of Camas. 03/06/06 Adding a new Section 2.12.060 authorizing the Chief 03/20/06 of Police to issue Special Police Officer Commissions. Providing for the vacation of portion of NW 2nd 04/03/06 Avenue. Providing for the vacation of a portion of NW 60th Avenue. 04/03/06 Amending Chapter 16.05, 16.12, 16.40, and 16.50 04/17/06 of the Camas Municipal Code, and amending Titles 17 and 18 of the Camas Municipal Code, by revising regulations relating to environmental land division, and zoning matters. Modifying miscellaneous fees for Water Department services. 05/15/2006 An Ordinance appropriating $90,000.00 from the 06/05/2006 Emergency Management Service Fund to pay for refurbishing the City's 1997 Ford ambulance, and amending the budget for 2006 to provide for such expenditure. An Ordinance providing for the submission to the 06/05/2006 voters of the City of Camas of a proposition authorizing an excess property tax levy at the rate of $0.35 per $1,000.00 of assessed valuation for six (6) consecutive years commencin~ in 2007_for the purpose of funding an Emergency Medical Services Program. AMENDS OR REPEALS Amends Ch. 9.36.0lO(A) Replaces Ordinance 2170 Amends Ch. 16.05, 16.12, 16.40, and 16.50 Page 186 ORDINANCE NO. 2447 2448 2449 2450 2451 2452 2453 2454 SUBJECT Amending Section 13.86.060 of the Camas Municipal Code by increasing the rate for collection of recyclables from $2.65 per month to $2.90 per month, and amending Section 13.86.065 of the Camas Municipal Code by amending the rates for collection of recyclables yard debris to $6.32 per month or $60.15 per year. Granting an extension of the cable television system franchise now held by Comcast of Washington V, LLC from July 3,2006 through July 2, 2011. DATE ENACTED 06/ 19/2006 07 /03/2006 Adopting revisions to the Zoning Map at the City of Camas. 08/07/06 /'°' ~ 1\,-' Amending sectid1 19.19.040(c) of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the design standards for utilities in the City's Land Development Regulations. Amends Table 1 of Section 18.55.030 of the Camas Municipal Code, by clarifyin~the approval process for plan developments, amending Section 18.55.030 (a) of the Camas Municipal Code, by clarifying procedures for Type I decisions, amd amending Section 18.23.130 of the Camas Municipal Code by clarifying procedures for a planned residential development. An Ordinance providing for the vacation of a por~ion of NW 9th Avenue and NW Elm Street. An Ordinance granting an extension of the Non-Exclusive Gas Utility Franchise now held by Northwest Natural Gas Company. An Ordinance modifying Chapter 15.17 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the regulations for residential automatic fire sprinkler systems. 08/07 /06 08/07 /06 08/21/06 08/21/06 09/05/06 AMENDS OR REPEALS A~enctsc Sec. 13.86.060 & Section 13.86.065 Amends Section 19.19.040 Amends Section 18.55.030 18.23.130 Amends Chap. 15.17 Page 187 ORDINANCE NO. 2455 2456 2457 2458 2459 2460 SUBJECT DATE ENACTED Amending Section 18.030.040 of the Camas 09/18/2006 Municipal Code by revising the definitions of "Short Subdivision" and "Subdivision", amending Section 17.09.0lO(A) of the Camas Municipal Code to permit Short Subdivisions for land being divided into nine or fewer lots, amending Section 17.11.010 by modifying the scope of the regulations for subdivisions, and amending Section 18.55.110 to include signage requirements for Short Subdivisions. Transferring $150,000.00 from the General Fund to the Street Fund, appropriating $150,000.00 from the Street Fund for street repairs to Northwest Benton Street, and amending the Budget for the year 2006 to provide for such expenditure. Providing for the submission to the voters of the City of Camas of a proposition authorizing an excess property tax levy at the rate of $0.35 per $1,000.00 of assessed valuation for six (6) consecutive years commencing in 2007 for the purpose of funding an Emergency Medical Services Program. Modifying Chapter 13.88 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the regulations relating to stormwater system development charges. 09/18/2006 09/ 18/2006 10/2/06 Adding a new Chapter 2.94 authorizing the Chief 10/2/06 of Police to appoint a Code Compliance Officer with 1 imi ted 1 aw enforcement powers. Amending Chapter 2.12 designating the Code Compliance Officer as a position within the City of Camas Police Department. 10/2/06 AMENDS OR REPEALS Amends Sec. 18.03.040, 17.09.0lO(A), 17.11.010 & 18.55.110 Amends Ch. 13.88 Amends Ch. 2.12 PAGE 187 ORDINANCE NO. 2461 2462 2463 2464 2465 2466 2467 2468 SUBJECT DATE ENACTED Amends Section 1.20.010 of the CMC by 10/16/06 providing for the City to be divided into three electoral wards, amending Sections 1.20.020, 1.20.030, and 1.20.040 of the CMC by revising the ward boundaries for Ward Nos. l, 2, and 3, repealing sections 1.20.050, 1.20.060, and 1.20.070 of the CMC, and amending Section 2.04.010 to provide that two oounciil 'persons · shall be elected from each ward. Provides for the vacation of a portion of 11/06/06 SE 202ND Court within the Hinton/Hannah Annexation area. Amends CMC 2.04.010 by providing for two 11/06/06 persons to be elected from each ward, and further providing for staggered terms for the positions in each ward. Grants the extension of the Non-Exclusive 11/06/06 Gas Utility Franchise now held by Northwest Natural Gas Company. Establishes a new Chapter 5.55 of the 11/06/06 Camas Municipal Code establishing a utility tax for Natural Gas Company right-of-way use within the City of Camas. Levying th:e ac vaiorern t<:.>.E~; for U~'; s«t;cr,, E/2C/c2Illlii of the General Fund for the fiscal year ending December 31,2007 Levying the ad valorem taxes for the Emergency 11/20/06 Medical Services for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2007 Levying the ad valorem taxes for the obligations 11/20/06 of the Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bonds for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2007 AMENDS OR REPEALS CMC 1.20.010, 1.20.020, 1.20.030, 1.20.040, 1.20.050 1.20.060, 1.20.070, 2.04.010 CMC 2.04.010 CMC 5.55 Page 188 8rdinance No. 2469 2470 2471 2472 2473 2474 2475 2476 Subject Date Enacted An ordinance adopting the budget for the City of Camas,Washington, for the year begining January l, 2007 12/04/2006 An ordinance adopting revisions to Comprensive Land Use Map of the City of Camas and to the Zoning Map of the City of Camas. 12/04/2006 An ordinance providing for the vacation of a portion 12/04/2006 of NW Astor Street. ,Adopting regulations and procedures for the 12/18/06 operation and maintenance of the Camas Cemetery Changes street names in the Lacamas Meadows 12/18/06 Residential Development. Appropriates $468,800.00 from the General 12/18/06 Fund to pay for various unbudgeted expenses, and amends the Budget for 2006 to provide for such expenditures. Appropriates $620,000.00 from the Street Fund 12/18/06 to pay for repaires to Forest Home Road, and amends the Budget for 2006 to provide for such expenditures. Amends Chapter 12.36 of the Camas Municipal 12/18/06 Code by revising the regulations for gates and other road barriers. Amends or Repeals Amends CMC 12.36 Page 189 Ordinance Nwnber Subject 2477 An Ordinance adding a new Chapter 16.60 regulating wetlands, adding a new Chapter 16.95 regulating fish and wildlife habitat conservation area amending Section 16.50.070 by redefining lands subject to critical area regulations and repealing Sections 18.31.050, 18.31.070 and 18.31.080. Date Enacted 0112012007 2478 An Ordinance appropriating $94,000 from the Emergency Management 02/05/2007 Fund to refurbish the City's 1997 Ford Ambulance. 2479 An Ordinance providing for the vacation of a portion of NW 2nd Ave. 02/2/2007 2480 An Ordinance providing for the vacation of a portion of NE Birch St. 02/20/2007 2481 2482 2483 2484 An Ordinance amending Title 18 of the Camas Municipal Code by adopting minor clarification amendments and adding new sections to the Zoning Code. An Ordinance providing for the vacation of NE 13th Avenue from NE Birch to NE Dallas Street. An Ordinance amending Title 17 of the Camas Municipal Code by adopting amendments and repealing sections to the Land Development Code. An Ordinance amending Section 3.08.040 imposing the one-half of one percent additional sales and use tax authorized pursuant to RCW 82.14.030. 0410212007 0410212007 0410212007 04/16/2007 Amends or Appeals Amending Section 16.50.070 Amending Title 18 of the Camas Municipal Code. Amending Title 17 of the Camas Municipal Code. Amending Section 3.08.040 Page 190 Ordinance Number Subject Date Enacted Amends or Appeals 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 2490 2491 Repealing Section 13.36.080 9(C) of the Camas Municipal Code establishing a rate for sprinkling of seventy-six cents per hundred cubic feet. Adding a new section to Chapter 13 .14 of the Camas Municipal Code requiring commercial, industrial, irrigation and governmental customers of the water department to irrigate lawns and landscape on alternate days between June 1 and October 31. Revising Section 18.15.170 by modifying the City's regulations for temporary signs. Amending Camas Municipal Code Section 18.15.090(H), by prohibiting the placement of portable signs within the public right-of-way. Repealing Camas Municipal Code Section 9.28.055. Authorizing the issuance and sale of$ 5,520,000.00 principal amount of water and sewer revenue bonds to obtain funds for capital improvements the City's water and sewerage system, providing the form, terms and covenants of the Bonds, and providing for the refunding of the 1996 Bonds. An Ordinance amending Subsections 17.19.040 (A) and (B) of the Camas Municipal Code by modifying the infrastructure standards for private and public streets. 0610412007 CMC 13.36.020 0610412007 06118/2007 18.15.170 08/06/2007 CMC 18.15.090 08/06/2007 CMC 9.28.055 08/20/2007 0910412007 17.19.040 Page 191 Ordinance Number Subject Date Enacted Amends or Appeals 2492 An Ordinance amending Chapter 15 .04 of the Camas 0911712007 CMC 15.04 2493 2494 2495 2496 Municipal Code by adopting the 2006 International Code, the International Residential Code, the 2006 International Mechanical Code, the 2006 International Code, the 2006 International Fire Code, the 2006 Uniform Plumbing Code, the 2006 International Fuel Gas Code, the 2006 Edition, Washington State Energy Code, the 2006 Edition of the Washington State Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Code, and the 2006 Edition of the International Existing Building Code. Authorizing the acquisition of certain personal property, and authorizing the execution of a financing contract and related documentation relating to the acquisition of said personal property. An Ordinance providing for the vacation of a portion of NW Astor Street. Adding a new section to Chapter 18.31 of the Camas Municipal Code by adopting regulations requiring a tree survey and the retentions requiring a tree survey and the retention of significant trees for specified land development proposals. Appropriating $39,000.00 from the Cemetery Fund to pay for labor and benefit costs in excess of budgeted amounts, to pay for the cost of supplies in excess of budgeted amounts, and to pay for liability and property insurance in excess of the budgeted amounts. 0911712007 10/15/2007 11/05/2007 11/05/2007 Page 192 Ordinance Number Subject Date Enacted Amends or Appeals 2497 Levying the ad valorem taxes for the Unlimited 11/19/2007 Tax General Obligation Bonds for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2008. 2498 Levying the ad valorem taxes for the Emergency 11/19/2007 Rescue fund for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2008. 2499 Levying the ad valorem taxes General Fund for 11/19/2007 the fiscal year ending December 31, 2008. 2500 Adopting the budget for the City of Camas, Washington, 12/03/2007 for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2008. 2501 Adopting revisions to the Comprehensive Land Use Map 12/17/2007 of the City of Camas and to the Zoning Map of the City of Camas. 2502 Adopting a Revised Comprehensive Plan in accordance with 12117 /2007 the goals and requirements of Chapter 36.70A, Revised Code of Washington, also known as the Growth Management Act. 2503 Adopting a revised Zoning Map in accordance with the goals 12117/2007 and requirements of Chapter 36.70A, Revised Code of Washington, also known as the Growth Management Act. 2504 Annexing real property to the City of Camas. 1/07 /2008 Page 193 Ordinance Number Subject Date Enacted 2505 Amending Section 2.68.020 of the CMC by amending provisions for employee vacations, amending Section 2.68.030 of the CMC by revising the sick leave benefits for employees, amending Section 2.68.040 of the CMC by revising the provisions relating to employees serving jury duty or other civic responsibilities, adding a new section to Chapter 2.68 setting forth holiday benefits for City employees, and adding a new section to Chapter 2.68 of the CMC for bereavement leave. 2506 Amending Chapter 2.40 of the CMC by modifying the provisions for Municipal Court. 2507 Adopting standards for the regulation and control of vehicular access and connection points of ingress to, and egress from, city streets that are designated as state highways. Amends or Appeals 1/22/2008 1/22/2008 2/4/2008 2508 Amending Section 3.88.120 of the CMC relating to the timing and collection of impact fees for commercial and industrial development. 4/7/2008 2509 Adding a new section to the CMC requiring a public hearing prior 4/7 /2008 to the sale, conveyance, exchange ,transfer ,or other disposition of open space, park, or other recreational land owned by the City. 2510 Annexing the real property described in Annexation File No. ANX07-04 4/21/2008 to the City of Camas pursuant to the direct petition method. 2511 Annexing the real property described in Annexation File No. ANX07-05 4/21/2008 to the City of Camas pursuant to the direct petition method. Page 194 Ordinance Number Subject Date Enacted Amends or Appeals 2512 Annexing the real property described in Annexation File No. ANX07-06 4/21/2008 to the City of Camas pursuant to the direct petition method. 2513 Annexing the real property described in Annexation File No. ANX07-07 4/21/2008 to the City of Camas pursuant to the direct petition method. 2514-Annexing the real property described in Annexation File No. ANX07-09 4/21/2008 to the City of Camas pursuant to the direct petition method. 2515 Adopting revisions to Title 18 of the Camas Municipal Code by making 5/5/2008 minor clarifications and corrections to land use, zoning and development regulations. 2516 Appropriating $100,000.00 from the General Fund to pay for operating 5/16/2008 costs for the Camas Cemetery, and amending the budget for 2008 to provide for such expenditures. 2517 Amending Title 16 by making minor revisions clarifying certain Sections and amending Camas Municipal Code Section 17.19.020 adding a requirement for developers to install centralized mail delivery boxes as determined by the U.S. Postal Service. 8/18/2008 2518 Amending Chapter 18.19 of the Camas Municipal Code by incorporating the Downtown 9/02/2008 Design Manual. 2519 Appropriating $20,000.00 from the General Fund to pay for operating costs for the abatement of a public nuisance at 1936 SE 6th Avenue, and amending the budget for 2008 to provide for such expenditure. 910212008 Page 194 Ordinance Number Subject 2520 Amending Chapter 8.06 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising definitions, adding provisions relating to nuisance determinations and proscribing a revised penalty. 2551 Amending Chapter 8.08 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising Section 8.08.110 providing for the restoration of junk vehicles. 2522 Amending Chapter 8.12 of the Camas Municipal Code by re-titling the Chapter as "Vegetation Management", amending tree overhang requirements, and proscribing a revised penalty. 2523 Amending Title 10 of the Camas Municipal Code by adding a new Chapter 10.356, entitled "Commute Trip Reduction Plan". 2524 Levying the ad valorem taxes for the Emergency Rescue Fund for fiscal year ending, December 31, 2009. 2525 Levying the ad valorem taxes for obligations of the General Fund for fiscal year ending, December 31, 2009. 2526 Levying the ad valorem taxes for the Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bonds for fiscal year ending December 31, 2009. 2528 Adopting the budget for the City of Camas, WA for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2009. Date Enacted Amends or Appeals 911712008 Chapter 8.06 9/17/2008 Chapter 8.08 9/17/2008 Chapter 8 .12 11/03/2008 Title 10 11/17/2008 11/17/2008 11/17/2008 12/01/2008 Page 195 Ordinance Number Subject 2529 Adopting revisions to the Comprehensive Land Use Map of the City of Camas and to the Zoning Map of the City of Camas. 2530 Amending the Capital Facilities Plan by revising the Capital Projects List. Date Enacted 12/15/2008 12/15/2008 2531 Appropriating $160,000.00 from the Public Works Trust Fund to pay 12/15/2008 for the design of the extension of the Water and Sewer lines on NW 38th A venue, and amending the Budget for 2008 to provide for such expenditure. 2532 Transferring $850,000.00 from the Water Sewer Capital Reserve Fund 12/15/2008 to the Water Sewer Fund, appropriating $850,000.00 from the Water Sewer Fund to pay for construction costs, and amending the budget for 2008 to provide for such expenditure. 2533 Appropriating $1,020,990.00 from the Emergency Service Fund to pay for 01/20/2009 unbudgeted personnel expenditures and equipment expenditures, and amending the Budget for the year 2009 to provide for such expenditure. 2534 Appropriating $468,702.00 to pay for unbudgeted personnel expenditures 02/02/2009 and preservation of Historical Cemetery Records, transferring $20,869.00 from the General Fund to the City Street Fund, and amending the Budget for the year 2009 to provide for such expenditure. 2535 Modifying miscellaneous fees for Water Department services. 0210212009 Amends or Appeals Capital Facilities Plan Amending the 2008 Budget Amending the 2008 Budget Amending the 2009 Budget Amending the 2009 Budget Page 196 Ordinance Number Subject 2536 Authorization for the acquisition of a fire engine and execution of a financing contract and related documentation relating to the acquisition of said fire engine. 2537 Authorizing the assignment of the franchise granted under Ordinance No. 2129 to Electric Lightwave, LLC, dba Integra Telecom of Washington, Inc., a Washington corporation, and extending the term of said franchise for a period of five years, expiring January 31, 2014. 2538 Providing for the vacation of a portion of NW Couch Street. 2539 Amending Sections 13.36.010 and 13.36.040 by revising the monthly service charges and rates for water service. 2540 Amending Section 13.64.010 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising monthly sewer rates. 2541 Amending Section 13.89.040 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the unit rate for storm water utility service charges. 2542 Amending Subsection 13.36.070(B) of the Camas Municipal Code by increasing the rate for rental of fire hydrants located outside the City limits. 2543 Repealing Sections 13.88.080 through Section 13.88.120 of the Camas Municipal Code, which Sections established the Fisher Basin Stormwater System Development Charges. Date Enacted Amends or Appeals 0210212009 0310212009 *Waiting for deed to record 0311612009 0311612009 0311612009 03/16/2009 03/16/2009 Amending Sections 13.36.010 & 13.36.040 Amending Section 13.64.010 Amending Section 13.89.040 Amending Subsection 13.36.070(B) Page 197 Ordinance Number Subject 2544 Amending the 1998 City of Camas Shoreline Master Program by allowing appropriately designed trails in shorelines with natural designations, and by modifying the geographic boundaries of the conservancy and urban medium designations on the north side of the Washougal River. 2545 Adopting modifications to Title 15, Title 17, and Title 18 of the Camas Municipal Code. 2546 Amending Section 9.32.050 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the regulations for public disturbance noises. 2547 Adding a new Chapter to the Camas Municipal Code for a Mixed Use (MX) Zone, amending Section 18.05.020 and Section 18.05.050 to include the MX Zone, amending Section 18.07.030 Table I of the Camas Municipal Code to include the MX Zone and the Table of Uses in the Commercial, Industrial and High Technology Land Uses, amending Section 18.09.03 of the Camas Municipal Code by establishing bulk regulations, setbacks and lot coverage requirements for the MX Zone, amending Section 18.11.010 by establishing parking requirements in the MX district, amending Section 18.11.050 by exempting the MX district from off street parking requirements triggered by a change of use or modification to a structure, amending Section 18.17.030 by not requiring vision clearance areas in the MX Zone, and amending Chapter 18.22 by changing the name of the zone from Mixed Use to Mixed Use Planned Developments (MXPD). Date Enacted 0410612009 0510412009 0510412009 0511812009 Amends or Appeals Amending the 1998 City of Camas Shoreline Master Program Amending Section 9.32.050 Amending Sections 18.05.020, 18.05.050, 18.070.030 Table I, 18.09.03, 18.11.010, 18.11.050, 18.17.030, Chapter 18.22. Page 198 Ordinance Number Subject 2548 Adopting revisions to the Comprehensive Land Use Map of the City of Camas and to the Zoning Map of the City of Camas. 2549 Amending Sections 1.20.020, 1.20.030, and 1.20.040 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the boundaries for Ward #1, Ward #2, and Ward#3. 2550 Appropriating $550,000.00 from the Library Construction Fund to pay for books, the acquisition of land, machinery and other improvements, and amending the Budget for the year 2009 to provide for such expenditure. 2551 Amending the 1998 City of Camas Shoreline Master Program by allowing appropriately designed trails in shorelines with natural designations, and by modifying the geographic boundaries of the conservancy and urban medium designations on the north side of the Washougal River. 2552 Repealing Camas Municipal Code, Chapter 10.16 -Residential Parking Zones. 2553 Transferring $65,000.00 from the Growth Management Fund to the General Fund, appropriating $65,000 from the General Fund to pay for additional expenses in the remodeling of Fire Station 41, and amending the budget for the year 2009 to provide for such expenditure. 2554 Amending Subsection 5.24.030(J) of the Camas Municipal Code by increasing the application fee for peddlers, hawkers, solicitors and canvassers to $40. Date Enacted Amends or Appeals 05/18/2009 0510412009 Amending Sections 1.20.020, 1.20.030 and 1.20.040. 0511812009 Amending the Budget for the year 2009. 0611512009 Amending the 1998 City of Camas Shoreline Master Program. 0710612009 Repealing Camas Municipal Code, Chapter 10.16. 0710612009 Amending the Budget for the year 2009. 0712012009 Amending Subsection 5.24.030(J) of the Camas Municipal Code Page 199 Ordinance Number Subject 2555 Repealing Chapter 2.92 of the Camas Municipal Code, which established a small works roster for public works contracts. 2556 Adopting regulations for illicit discharges into the stormwater system and illicit connections to the stormwater system, and providing a penalty for violation of the regulations. 2557 Amending Section 12.32.150 of the Camas Municipal Code by eliminating the restriction on possession of firearms given the preemption of State firearm laws. 2558 Permitting the City to enter into Development Agreements for the reservation of water capacity in the municipal water system when such agreement will promote the public good and general welfare. 2559 An Ordinance of the City of Camas, Washington, levying an excise tax of 2% on the sale of or charge made for the furnishing of lodging by any hotel, rooming house, tourist court, bed and breakfast facility, motel, or trailer camp. 2560 An Ordinance of the City of Camas, Washington, creating a Hotel-Motel Lodging Tax Fund, an.d specifying the uses to be made of monies deposited in said fund. 2561 Amending Chapter 18.39 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the regulations for home inspections. Date Enacted 08/03/2009 08/17/2009 09/08/2009 09/21/2009 09/21/2009 09/21/2009 10/19/2009 Amends or Appeals Repealing Chapter 2. 92 Of the Camas Municipal Code. Amending Section 12.32.150 of the Camas Municipal Code. Amending Chapter 18.39 of the Camas Municipal Code. Page 200 Ordinance Number Subject 2562 An Ordinance of the City of Camas, Washington, levying an excise tax of 2% on the sale of or charge made for the furnishing of lodging by any hotel, rooming house, tourist court, bed and breakfast facility, motel, or trailer camp. 2563 Levying the ad valorem taxes for the Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bonds for fiscal year ending December 31, 2010. 2564 Levying the ad valorem taxes for obligations of the General Fund for fiscal year ending December 31, 2010. 2565 Levying the ad valorem taxes for substantial need obligations of the General Fund for fiscal year ending December 31, 2010. 2566 Levying the ad valorem taxes for the Emergency Rescue Fund for fiscal year ending December 31, 2010. 2567 Levying the ad valorem taxes for substantial need obligations of the Emergency Rescue Fund for fiscal year ending December 31, 2010. 2568 Adopting the budget for the City of Camas, Washington, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2010. 2569 Adopting a revised Zoning Map in accordance with the goals and requirements of Chapter 36.70A, Revised Code of Washington, also known the Growth Management Act. Date Enacted Amends or Appeals 10/19/2009 11116/2009 11/16/2009 11116/2009 11/16/2009 11116/2009 12/07/2009 12/07/2009 Page 201 Ordinance Number Subject 2570 Amending Section 13.36.010 by revising the monthly service charges and rates for water service. 2571 Amending Section 13.64.010 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising monthly sewer rates. 2572 Amending Section 13.84.010 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the schedule of charges for the removal of refuse and solid waste. 2573 Amending Section 13.89.040 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the unit rate for storm water utility service charges. 2574 Amending Section 13.86 by revising the definitions in the recycling Code, by revising the provisions relating to containers used for recycling, and by revising the customer's obligations to sort recyclables. 2575 Amending Section 13.86.060 of the Camas Municipal Code by increasing the rate for collection of recyclables from $2.90 per month to $3.32 per month, and amending Section 13.86.065 of the Camas Municipal Code by amending the rates for collection of recyclable yard debris to $6. 73 per month or $64 .. 06 per year. Date Enacted 12/2112009 1212112009 12/21/2009 12/2112009 12/2112009 12/2112009 Amends or Appeals Amending Section 13.36.010 of the Camas Municipal Code Amending Section 13.64.010 of the Camas Municipal Code Amending Section 13.84.010 of the Camas Municipal Code Amending Section 13.89.040 of the Camas Municipal Code Amending Section 13.86 of the Camas Municipal Code Amending Sections 13.86.060 & 13.86.065 of the Camas Municipal Code ~ ,. 'l ti\, '1·_.' :; J\"~'-·' -1,~' ' " , __ :-: Page202 Ordinance Number Subject 2576 Amending Chapter 17.07 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the Regulations for boundary line adjustments 2577 Appropriating $35,000.00 from the Storm Water Drainage Fund to pay for costs incurred from two storm water pond failures, and amending the Budget for the year 2009 to provide for such expenditure. 2578 Transferring $60,000.00 from the Growth Management Fund to the General Fund, appropriating $60,000 from the General Fund to pay for additional expenses incurred in remodeling of Fire Station 41, and amending the budget for the year 2009 to provide for such expenditure. 2579 Levying the ad valorem taxes for~the Emergency Rescue Fund for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2010, and repealing Ordinance No. 2566. 2580 Levying the ad valorem taxes for the obligations of the General Fund for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2010, and repealing Ordinance No. 2564. 2581 An Ordinance of the City of Camas, Washington, levying an excise tax of 2% on the sale of or charge made for the furnishing of lodging by any hotel, rooming house, tourist court, bed and breakfast facility, motel or trailer camp. 2582 An Ordinance adopting a new Chapter 14.02 relating to Stormwater control And modifying the provisions of Section 17.19.020 and 17.19.040. Date Enacted Amends or Appeals 1212112009 Amending Chapter 17.07 of the Camas Municipal Code. 12/21/2009 Amending the Budget for the year 2009 12/21/2009 Amending the Budget for the year 2009 . ,_,-.-,,_., 12/2112009. 12/21/2009 12/21/2009 02/01/2010 Page 203 Ordinance Number Subject 2583 An Ordinance amending Chapter 18.55 of the Camas Municipal Code by adopting additional procedural requirements for appeals and Civil Regulatory Orders. 2584 An Ordinance amending Chapter 5.36 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the license regulations for sexually oriented businesses; amending Section 18.07.030 Table - 1 relating to permitted, conditional, prohibited, and temporary zoning use regulations in commercial, industrial and high technology districts; and repealing Chapter 18.37 of the Camas Municipal Code, which contained zoning regulations for adult entertainment businesses. 2585 An Ordinance amending Section 10.08.045 of the Camas Municipal Code to permit back-in parking in angle parking spaces if specifically designated by markings or signs. 2586 An Ordinance amending Chapter 2.26 of the Camas Municipal Code to reflect a reorganization of the Community Development Department and subordinate departments. 2587 An Ordinance amending Chapter 2.24 of the Camas Municipal Code to reflect a reorganization of the Department of Public Works and subordinate departments. 2588 An Ordinance adding a new Chapter to the Camas Municipal Code establishing a Violations Bureau for the processing of parking violations. Date Enacted Amends or Appeals 04/05/2010 Amending Chapter 18.55 of the Camas Municipal Code 05/03/2010 Amending Chapter 5.36 of the Camas Municipal Code 05/19/2010 Amending Section 10.08.045 of the Camas Municipal Code. 06/21/2010 Amending Chapter 2.26 of the Camas Municipal Code 06/21/2010 Amending Chapter 2.24 of the Camas Municipal Code 07/06/2010 Page 204 Ordinance Number Subject Date Enacted 2589 An Ordinance adding a new Section to Chapter 10.08 adopting by reference 07/06/2010 certain parking infractions set forth in the Revised Code of Washington and the Washington Administrative Code, adding a new Section to Chapter 10.08 regulating erasure of chalk mark identifications, adding a new Section to Chapter 10.08 establishing a rebuttable presumption of ownership, and amending Section 10.08.060 by revising the penalties for parking violations. 2590 An Ordinance amending the Capital Facilities Plan by revising the Capital Projects Lists. 2591 An Ordinance approving the Capital Facilities Plans of the Camas School District, the Washougal School district and the Evergreen School District, and incorporating the same into the City of Camas Comprehensive Land Use Plan. 2592 An Ordinance adopting revisions to the Comprehensive Land Use Map of the City of Camas and to the Zoning Map of the City of Camas. 2593 An Ordinance amending Chapter 13.72 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the Sewer System Development Charges for areas within and without the 2004 City of Camas Urban Growth Boundary. 2594 An Ordinance amending Chapter 13.52 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the Water System Development Charges or areas within and without the 2004 City of Camas Urban Growth Boundary. 2595 An Ordinance amending Chapter 15.04 of the Camas Municipal Code by adopting the most current addition of Building Code adopted by the Washington State Building Code Council as amended. 0711912010 07/06/2010 0710612010 07/19/2010 0711912010 08/02/2010 Amends or Appeals Amending the Capital Facilities Plan Amending Chapter 13.72 of the Camas Municipal Code Amending Chapter 13.52 of the Camas Municipal Code Amending Chapter 15.04 of the Camas Municipal Code Page 205 Ordinance Number Subject 2596 An Ordinance adopting a Comprehensive Land Use Designation and Zoning for lands being annexed into the City of Camas. 2597 An Ordinance annexing the real property described in Annexation File No. ANX 10-01 to City of Camas pursuant to the direct petition method. 2598 An Ordinance amending Sections 9.28.020 and 9.28.030 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the regulations for discharge and aiming offuearms. 2599 An Ordinance Repealing All Sections of Chapter 12.24 and adopting a new Chapter 12.24 with new guidelines for naming streets and avenues in the City of Camas. 2600 An Ordinance repealing and replacing Chapter 18 .15 of the Camas Municipal Code to clarify regulations and administration of the permitting of signs in the City of Camas. 2601 An Ordinance levying the ad valorem taxes for obligations of the General Fund for fiscal year ending December 31, 2011. 2602 An Ordinance levying the ad valorem taxes for the Emergency Rescue Fund for fiscal year ending December 31, 2011. 2603 An Ordinance levying the ad valorem taxes for the Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bonds for fiscal year ending December 31, 2011. Date Enacted 08/16/2010 08/16/2010 09/20/2010 10/18/2010 11/01/2010 11/15/2010 11/15/2010 11115/2010 Amends or Appeals Amending Sections 9.28.020 & 9.28.030 of the Camas Municipal Code. Page 206 Ordinance Number Subject 2604 An Ordinance appropriating $125,000.00 from the General Fund to pay for construction of an entrance ramp at the community Center, to transfer $60,000.00 to the Street Fund and amending the Budget for the year 20 I 0 to provide for such expenditure. 2605 An Ordinance transferring $60,000 from the General Fund to the Street Fund, and appropriating $282,000.00 from the Street Fund to pay for the Construction of sidewalk ramps in the Evergreen Terrace Neighborhood, for repairs to the guard rail on Dallas Street over the Mill Ditch, and amending the budget for the year 2010 to provide for such expenditure. 2606 An Ordinance adopting revisions to the Commute Trip Reduction Ordinance, Camas Municipal Code 10.36. 2607 An Ordinance providing for the vacation of a portion of an unnamed public alley located south of SE Second Avenue and west of SE Lechner Street. 2608 An Ordinance adopting the budget for the City of Camas, Washington, for the fiscal year beginning January I, 2011. 2609 An Ordinance transferring $20,000.00 from the General Fund to the Cemetery Fund, transferring $25,000.00 from the General Fund to the Street Fund, appropriating $13,000.00 from the Cemetery Fund to pay for unanticipated operating costs and equipments costs, and amending the budget for the year 20 I 0 to provide for such expenditure. 2610 An Ordinance transferring $4,144.89 from the Local Improvement District Fund to the General Fund, and amending the budget for the year 2010 to provide for such expenditure. Date Enacted 12/06/2010 11115/2010 11115/2010 12/06/2010 12/06/2010 1212012010 12/20/2010 Amends or Appeals Amending the Budget for the year 2010. Amending the Budget for the year 2010. Amending the Budget for the year 2010. Amending the Budget for the year 2010. Page 207 Ordinance Number Subject 2611 An Ordinance creating the Community Center Capital Project Fund, defining the purposes for which monies deposited in the fund may be expended, and establishing guidelines for the investment and management of monies in the fund. 2612 An Ordinance adopting modifications to Title 16, Title 17, and Title 18 of the Camas Municipal Code by making minor clarifications and corrections to the development regulations. 2613 An Ordinance repealing Chapter 15.32 of the Camas Municipal Code and adopting a new Chapter 14.06 relating to Erosion and Sediment Control. 2614 An Ordinance amending Chapter 2.11 of the Camas Municipal Code by Modifying the provisions relating to the appointment and removal of the Police Chief and Fire Chief. 2615 An Ordinance amending Section 3.88.140(A) of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the provisions relating to Developer Credits for Impact Fees, and amending Section 3.88.030(K) by revising the definition of Developer. 2616 An Ordinance amending Section 13.52.040 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the provisions relating to Credits for Water System Development Charges. 2617 An Ordinance amending Section 13.72.040 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the provisions relating to Credits for Sewer System Development Charges, and adding a new Section 13. 72. 060 relating to the payment of Sewer System Development Charges. Date Enacted 12/20/2010 02/07/2011 03/07/2011 03/07/2011 04/04/2011 04/04/2011 04/04/2011 Amends or Appeals Repealing Chaper 15. 3 2 of the Camas Municipal Code Amending Chapter 2.11 of the Camas Municipal Code Amending Section 3.88.140(A) and Section 3.88.030(K) of the Camas Municipal Code Amending Section 13.52.040 of the Camas Municipal Code Amending Section 13.72.040 of the Camas Municipal Code Page 208 Ordinance Number Subject 2618 An Ordinance approving and adopting by reference the text of that certain document entitled Camas School District Capital Facilities Plan 2011-2017. Date Enacted 05/02/2011 2619 An Ordinance approving and adopting by reference the text of that certain 05/02/2011 document entitled Evergreen Public Schools Capital Facilities Plan 2011-2017. 2620 An Ordinance approving and adopting by reference the text of that certain 05/02/2011 document entitled Washougal School district Capital Facilities Plan 2011-2017. 2621 An Ordinance annexing real property to the City of Camas. 2622 An Ordinance zoning an area annexed to the City of Camas by Ordinance 2621, 05/02/2011 and revising the Zoning Map of the City of Camas. 2623 An Ordinance amending Camas Municipal Code Section 15.04.030(D)(6) and 05/02/2011 adding a new Chapter 8.58 to the Camas Municipal Code entitled "Fireworks" and establishing an effective date. 2624 An Ordinance amending Chapter 13. 72 of the Camas Municipal Code by 05/16/2011 revising the Sewer System Development Charges for areas within and without the 2004 City of Camas Urban Growth Boundary. 2625 An Ordinance appropriating $85,000.00 from the Equipment Rental Fund 05/16/2011 For the purchase of a new backhoe, and amending the Budget for the year 2011 to provide for such expenditure. 2626 An Ordinance adding a new Chapter to the Camas Municipal Code to be entitled Contracting Requirements -Lawful Hiring Compliance For Contractors of Public Work. 09/06/2011 Amends or Appeals Amending Sec. 15.04.030(D)(6) of the Camas Municipal Code Amending Chapter 13.72 of the Camas Municipal Code Amending the Budget for the year 2011 Page 209 Ordinance Number Subject Date Enacted Amends or Appeals 2627 An Ordinance granting to Northwest Natural Gas Company, its successors 10/17/2011 and assigns, the right and franchise to construct, lay, maintain and operate a gas pipline for the transmission of gas, in, over, and upon four (4) concrete piers in Lacamas Lake, adjacent to the west side of the lake bridge, on State Highway 500, and specifying the limitations and conditions of such grant. 2628 An Ordinance adding a new Chapter 18.26 to the Camas Municipal Code 10/17/2011 by adopting provisions for flexible development. 2629 An Ordinance annexing real property to the City of Camas. 11/07/2011 2630 An Ordinance zoning the area annexed to the City of Camas by Ordinance 11/07/2011 2629, and revising the Comprehensive Land Use Map of the City of Camas and the Zoning Map of the City of Camas. 2631 An Ordinance levying the ad valorem taxes for obligations of the General 11121/2011 Fund for fiscal year ending December 31, 2012. 2632 An Ordinance levying the ad valorem taxes for the Emergency Rescue Fund 11/21/2011 for fiscal year ending December 31, 2012. 2633 An Ordinance levying the ad valorem taxes for the Unlimited Tax General 11121/2011 Obligation Bonds for fiscal year ending December 31, 2012. 2634 An Ordinance adopting the budget for the City of Camas, Washington, 12/05/2011 for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2012. 2635 An Ordinance amending the Capital Facilities Plan by revising the Capital 12/19/2011 Amending the Capital Projects Lists. Facilities Plan Page 210 Ordinance Number Subject 2636 An Ordinance transferring $10,000 from the General Fund to Cemetery Fund, appropriating said sum to pay for refunds to owners of cemetery plots, and amending the budget for the year 2011, to provide for such expenditures. 2637 An Ordinance amending Section 13.52.060 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the rates for water system development charges. 2638 An Ordinance amending Section 13.72.060 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the rates for sewer system development charges. 2639 An Ordinance amending Chapter 2.28 of the Camas Municipal Code by amending the Parks and Recreation Commission monthly meeting time. 2640 An Ordinance amending Chapter 12.32 of the Camas Municipal Code by amending park rules relating to alcohol use within Fallen Leaf Lake Park and clarifying the designated rules for exhibitions and special events within city parks. 2641 An Ordinance amending Chapter 5 .20 of the Camas Municipal Code, by revising the permit fee and clarifying the special event permit process for certain uses within city parks. 2642 An Ordinance amending Sections 13.44.0lO(D), 13.44.020(C), 13.44.020(E), and 13.44.020(1), by revising fees relating to delinquent utility accounts. Date Enacted 12119/2011 03/05/2012 03/05/2012 03/05/2012 03/05/2012 03/05/2012 03/05/2012 Amends or Appeals Amending the budget for the year 2011 Amending Section 13.52.060 of the Camas Municipal Code Amending Section 13.72.060 of the Camas Municipal Code Amending Chapter 2.28 of the Camas Municipal Code Amending Chapter 12.32 of the Camas Municipal Code Amending Chapter 5.20 of the Camas Municipal Code Amending Sections 13.44.0lO(D), 13.44.020(C), 13.44.020(E), and 13.44.020(J) of the Camas Municipal Code Page 211 Ordinance Number Subject 2643 An Ordinance adopting a new master program entitled "Camas Shoreline Master Program" as the master program for regulation of the shorelines within the City of Camas, and repealing Ordinances 2191, 2544, and 2551, repealing Camas Municipal Code, Chapter 18.88 Shoreline Management, and amending Camas Municipal Code, Section 18.55.330. 2644 An Ordinance amending Chapter 17.0l.030(b) of the Camas Municipal Code, by adding an exemption to land division requirements for conveyances of land to municipal corporations or governmental agencies for public purposes. 2645 An Ordinance amending Sections 17.09.040, 17.11.060, and 18.55.260, by revising the time requirements for recording of final plats and final short plats. Date Enacted 03/05/2012 03/05/2012 03/19/2012 2646 An Ordinance providing for the submission to the voters of the City of Camas 04/02/2012 of a proposition authorizing an excess property tax levy at the rate of $0.46 per $1000.00 of assessed valuation for six (6) consecutive years commencing in 2013 for the purpose of funding an Emergency Medical Services Program. 2647 An Ordinance amending Chapter 16.57 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the regulations for frequently flooded areas, and repealing Chapter 15.28 of the Camas Municipal Code. 2648 An Ordinance amending Sections 18.03.040 and 18.03.050 of the Camas Municipal Code, by revising the definitions for development terms and the environmental definitions. 05/21/2012 05/21/2012 Amends or Appeals Repealing Ordinances 2191, 2544, 2551. Repealing Chapter 18.88 Shoreline Management, & Section 18.55.330 of the Camas Municipal Code. Amending Chapter 17.0l.030(b) of the Camas Municipal Code Amending Sections 17.09.040, 17.11.060, and 18.55.260 Amending Chapter 16.57 and repealing Chapter 15.28 of the Camas Municipal Code. Amending Sections 18.03.040 and 18.03.050 of the Camas Municipal Code. Page 212 Ordinance Number Subject 2649 An Ordinance amending Section 18.45.010 of the Camas Municipal Code by revi sing the standards for variances to the Environmental and Zoning Co de. 2650 An Ordinance amending Section 3.88 .060 of the Camas Municipal Code by amending certain components of the traffic impact fee formula . 265 1 An Ordinance repealing Chapter 2.88 oftbe Camas Municipal Code, which established the po sition of Social Service Specialist. 2652 An Ordinance granting an extension of the cable television system franchise now held by Comcast of Washington V, LLC, for a term of August 6, 2012, through August 5, 2022. Date Enacted 05 /21/2012 05/21/2012 06/18/2012 07/16/20 12 2653 An Ordinance creating the NW Friberg Street Construction Fund, appropriating 07/16/2012 $520,000 from said fund , and amending Ordinance No. 2634 and the budget for the year 2012 to provide for such expenditure. 2654 An Ordinance amending Camas Municipal Code Section 18.03 .030 by 07/16 /2012 amending certain land use definitions . 2655 An Ordinance repealing Section 18.43.115 of the Camas Municipal Code, 07/16/2012 concerning special conditions and criteria for licensed liquor establishments in the downtown commercial zone. 2656 An Ordinance amending Table 1 of Camas Municipal Code Section 18.07.030 07116/2012 Relating to commercial, industrial, and high technology land u ses. Amends or Appeals Amending Section 18.45.010 of the Camas Municipal Code. Amending Section 3.88.060 of the Camas Municipal Code. Amending Ordinance No. 2634, and the budget for the year 2012. Amending Section 18.03.030 of the Camas Municipal Code. Repealing Section 18.43 .115 of the Camas Municipal Code. Amending Section 18.07 .030 of the Camas Municipal Code. Page 213 Ordinance Number Subject 2657 An Ordinance condemning for public street purposes certain land lying within the City of Camas for the purpose of extending and constructing NW 3 81h A venue and SE 20th Street. 2658 An Ordinance amending Sections 1.20.020, 1.20.030, and 1.20.040 of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the boundaries for Ward #1, Ward #2, and Ward#3. 2659 An Ordinance providing for the vacation of NW 5th Place in the Glenwood Heights Addition. 2660 An Ordinance repealing Section 8.56.090(9) of the Camas Municipal Code. 2661 An Ordinance granting to Washington State Department of Transportation the right and franchise to construct, lay, maintain and operate a storm water line and outfall for the transmission of storm water over, under, and across certain real property, and specifying the limitations and conditions of such franchise. 2662 An Ordinance amending Section 12.40.290(D) of the Camas Municipal Code by allowing one additional marker per grave for cremated remains. 2663 An Ordinance levying the ad valorem taxes for obligations of the General Fund for fiscal year ending December 31, 2013. 2664 An Ordinance levying the ad valorem taxes for obligations of the Emergency Medical Services for fiscal year ending December 31, 2013. Date Enacted 08/07/2012 08/07/2012 08/20/2012 08/20/2012 09/04/2012 11/05/2012 11/19/2012 11/19/2012 Amends or Appeals Amending Sections 1.20.020, 1.20.030 and 1.20.040 of the Camas Municipal Code. Amending Section 8.56.090(9) of the Camas Municipal Code. Amending Section 12.40.290(D) of the Camas Municipal Code. Page 214 Ordinance Number Subject 2665 An Ordinance levying the ad valorem taxed for the Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bonds for fiscal year ending December 31, 2013. 2666 An Ordinance adopting revisions to the Comprehensive Land Use Map of the City of Camas and to the Zoning Map of the City of Camas. 2667 An Ordinance amending Chapter 18.05 to include park zones, amending Chapter 18.07 to include a park use table, and adopting a new Chapter to Title 18 of the Camas Municipal Code. 2668 An Ordinance amending the Capital Facilities Plan by revising the Capital Projects Lists. 2669 An Ordinance adopting the budget for the City of Camas, Washington, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2013. 2670 An Ordinance appropriating $150,000.00 from the Emergency Rescue Fund to pay for unbudgeted overtime expenses and the cost of an addition one and a half employee for the Fire Department, and amending the Budget for the year 2012 to provide for such expenditure. 2671 An Ordinance appropriating $100,000.00 from the General Fund to pay for Employee expenses in the Fire Department, and amending the Budget for such expenditure. 2672 An Ordinance amending Section 18.05.020 by revising the designation of zoning districts; amending Section 18.07.030 Table I by revising the commercial, industrial and high technology land uses table; amending Section 18.09.030 Table I by revising density and dimensions for commercial and industrial zones; and adding a new Chapter 18.37 establishing a business park zoning district and regulations pertaining thereto. Date Enacted 11/19/2012 12/17/2012 12/17/2012 12/17/2012 12/17/2012 12/17/2012 12/17/2012 112212013 Amends or Appeals Amending Chapter 18.05 and Chapter 18.07 Amending the Capital Facilities Plan. Amending the Budget for the year 2012. Amending the Budget for the year 2012. Amending Sections 18.05.020, 18.07.030 Table I & 18.09.030 Table I. Page 215 Ordinance Number Subject 2673 An Ordinance granting to Sawtooth Technologies, LLC. the right and franchise to construct, maintain, and operate a fiber optic network, and related appurtenances, for the transmission of broadband Inte rnet services, over, under, and across certain real property; and specifying the limitations and conditions of such franchise. 2674 An Ordinance authorizing for the acquisition and installation ofHV AC equipment and execution of a financing contract and related documentation relating to the acquisition of said equipment. Date Enacted 04/15/2013 05 /20/2013 2675 An Ordinance repealing Chapter 2.08 of the 05/20/2013 Camas Municipal 05 /20/2013 Code, which combined the offices of City Treasurer and City Clerk, adopting a new Chapter 2 .07 providing for the combination of the City Clerk with the City Administrator and prescribing the duties of the City Clerk; and adding a new Chapter 2 .09 providing for the appointment of a City Treasurer and prescribing the duties therefore. 2676 An Ordinance authorizing the execution of a Local Agency Financing Lease with the Washington Finance Offices Association relating to the construction and improvement of the Lacamas Lake Lodge Facility. 2677 An Ordinance authorizing the acquisition of personal property and the execution of a financing contract and related documentation relating to the acquisition of said personal prope1ty . 2678 An Ordinance adopting revisions to the Camas Comprehensive Plan Map and the City of Camas Zoning Map and adopting the Comprehensive Stormwater Drainage Plan. 06/J 7/2013 07/01/2013 09/16/2013 Amends or Appeals Repealing Chapter 2.08 of the Camas Municipal Code Page 216 Ordinance Number Subject Date Enacted 2679 An Ordinance related to land use and zoning, declaring an emergency, and 11/04/2013 adopting a moratorium on the establishment, location, operation, maintenance or continuation of marijuana retail sales facilities, processing facilities, manufacturing facilities, and growing facilities asserted to be authorized or actually authorized under Washington Initiative Measure No. 502, or proposed Washington Administrative Code Chapter 314-55, or any other laws of the state of Washington; and providing for an immediate effective date. 2680 An Ordinance adopting revisions to the Camas Comprehensive Plan Map and 11/18/2013 and the City of Camas Zoning Map and adopting the Comprehensive Stormwater Drainage Plan. 2681 An Ordinance amending Section 13.36.010 of the Camas Municipal Code by 12/02/2013 Revising the rates for water services. 2682 An Ordinance amending Section 13.64.010 of the Camas Municipal Code by 12/02/2013 Revising the rates for sewer services. 2683 An Ordinance amending Section 13.89.040 of the Camas Municipal Code by 12/02/2013 Revising the rates for storm water rates. 2684 An Ordinance amending Section 13.84.0IO(a) of the Camas Municipal Code 12/02/2013 by revising the curbside rates for sanitation collection services, and amending subsection 13.84.0lO(f) by amending the rates for residential and commercial 1.5 and 2 cubic yard containers. 2685 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Camas, Washington, 12/02/2013 Amending the City's 2013 Budget Ordinance 2669. 2686 An Ordinance levying the ad valorem taxes for obligations of the Emergency 1210212013 Rescue Fund for fiscal year ending December 31, 2014. Amends or Appeals Amending Section 13.36.010 of the Camas Municipal Code Amending Section 13.64.010 of the Camas Municipal Code Amending Section 13.89.040 of the Camas Municipal Code Amending Section 13.84.0lO(a) & Subsection 13.84.0IO(f) of the Camas Municipal Code. Amending the City's 2013 Budget Ordinance 2669 Page 217 Ordinance Number Subject 2687 An Ordinance levying the ad valorem taxes for obligations of the General Fund for fiscal year ending December 31, 2014. 2688 An Ordinance levying the ad valorem taxes for the Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bonds for fiscal year ending December 31, 2014. 2689 An Ordinance adopting the budget for the City of Camas, Washington, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2014 2690 An Ordinance condemning for public street purposes certain land lying within the City of Camas for the purpose of extending and constructing NW 38th Avenue. 2691 An Ordinance adopting modifications to Title 16, Title 17, and Title 18 of the Camas Municipal Code by making minor clarifications and corrections to the development regulations. 2692 An Ordinance condemning for public street purposes certain land lying within the City of Camas for the purpose of extending and constructing NW 38'h Avenue. 2693 An Ordinance condemning for public street purposes certain land lying within the City of Camas for the purpose of constructing NW Friberg/ Strunk Street and NE Goodwin Road. 2694 An Ordinance adopting amendments to the Development Standards of Residential Zoning Districts within Title 18 of the Camas Municipal Code. 2695 An Ordinance amending Section 12.40.340(F) of the Camas Municipal Code granting the City Administrator the right to make exceptions to certain cemetery use regulations. Date Enacted Amends or Appeals 12/02/2013 12/02/2013 12/02/2013 12/02/2013 01/21/2014 02/03/2014 02/03/2014 02/03/2014 02/18/2014 Page 218 Ordinance Number Subject 2696 An Ordinance annexing a portion of NE Goodwin Road to the City of Camas, pursuant to the provisions ofRCW 35A.14.300, Annexation for Municipal Purposes. · 2697 An Ordinance adopting a new Chapter 2.38 of the Camas Municipal Code, establishing a Salary Commission for the City of Camas. 2698 An Ordinance related to land use and zoning, adopting a moratorium on the establishment, location, operation, maintenance or continuation of marijuana retail sales facilities, processing facilities, manufacturing facilities, and growing facilities asserted to be authorized or actually authorized under Washingon Initiative Measure No. 502, or proposed Washington Administrative Code Chapter 314-55, or any other laws of the state of Washington; and providing for an immediate effective date. Date Enacted 03/03/2014 04/07/2014 2699 An Ordinance repealing Chapter 2.18 of the Camas Municipal Code relating to 04/07/2014 a merit system for volunteer firemen; repealing Section 2.16.040 of the Camas Municipal Code relating to volunteer fire department personnel; repealing Section 2.64.020(B) of the Camas Municipal Code by deleting compensation provisions for employees not included in the official pay plan of the City; and enacting a new Chapter 2.18 of the Camas Municipal Code providing for volunteer firefighters, for the participation of the volunteer firefighters in the Volunteer Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund, and establishing a merit system for reimbursing volunteer firefighters. 2700 An Ordinance annexing a portion of SE 40th Street, also known as NW 18'h 04/21/2014 Avenue, to the City of Camas, pursuant to the provisions of RCW 35A.14.300, Annexation for Municipal Purposes. 2701 An Ordinance amending the City's Budget for the year 2014 and Ordinance 2689, to address budgetary issues relating to the merger of the Camas and and Washougal Fire Departments. 05/05/2014 Amends or Appeals Repealing Chapter 2.18 & Sections 2.16.040 & 2.64.020(B) of the Camas Municipal Code Amending City's Budget for 2014 and Ordinance 2689. Page 219 Ordinance Number Subject Date Enacted 2702 An Ordinance adding a new Section to Chapter 8.58 of the Camas Municipal 05/05/2014 Code by authorizing the fire official to issue permits to religious and private Organizations and persons for the discharge of consumer fireworks on prescribed dates and locations. 2703 An Ordinance transferring the sum of$2,125,698 from the 2014 budget of the 05/05/2014 Camas Fire Department from the City's General Fund to the Camas-Washougal Fire Department Fund. 2704 An Ordinance adopting a new Chapter 2.88 of the Camas Municipal Code Entitled "Parking Advisory Committee". 2705 An Ordinance amending Chapter 10.08 of the Camas Municipal Code by adding certain provisions relating to the City's Parking Advisory Committee and adopting additional state laws. 0511912014 05/19/2014 2706 An Ordinance of the City of Camas, Washington, establishing a revolving 06/16/2014 line of credit and providing for the issuance and sale of a limited tax general obligation bond anticipation note in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $7,000,000 to evidence the line of credit to pay for capital improvements to City facilities and working capital expenditures; and fixing the form, covenants and terms of the note. 2707 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Camas, Washington amending 06/16/2014 the City's 2014 Budget Ordinance 2689 and Ordinance 2701. 2708 An Ordinance establishing a Biennial Budget for the City of Camas beginning January 1, 2015 and providing for a mid-biennial review and modification of budget in accordance with RCW Chapter 35A.34. 06/16/2014 Amends or Appeals Amending Chapter 10.08 of the Camas Municipal Code Amending the City's 2014 Budget Ordinance 2689 & 2701. Page 220 Ordinance Number Subject Date Enacted 2709 An Ordinance granting to Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products (Camas) LLC, a 07/21/2014 Washington limited liability company, and to its successor and assigns an extension of a previously ordained franchise for an additional period of twenty-five (25) years to maintain and operate a utility tunnel beneath a portion of NE 6th Avenue and an 18-inch process sewer beneath a portion of NE 6th Avenue. 2710 An Ordinance of the City of Camas, Washington, relating to contracting 07/21/2014 indebtedness; providing for the issuance, sale and delivery of not to exceed $10,500,000 aggregate principal amount oflimited tax general obligation bonds to provide funds to acquire a pool and sports facility for a community center, make road and transportation improvements, acquire buildings and other capital improvements to City facilities and to pay the costs of issuance and sale of the bonds; fixing or setting parameters with respect to certain terms and covenants of the bonds; appointing the City's designated representative to approve the final terms of the sale of the bonds; and providing for other related matters. 2711 An Ordinance amending Chapters 13.36, 13.40, 13.44, 13.62, 13.64, 13.80, 13.84, and 13.86 of the Camas Municipal Code. 2712 An Ordinance amending Camas Municipal Code Sections 18.03.030 and 18.07 .030 by adopting land use and zoning regulations, and establishing prohibitions on the location of marijuana-related facilities. 2713 An Ordinance revising Section 15.04.040 of the Camas Municipal Code. 2714 An Ordinance amending Chapters 5.04, 5.12, 5.16, 5.20, 5.24, 5.28, 5.32, 5.50 6.08, 8.44, 12.12, 15.04, and 15.40 of the Camas Municipal Code by adopting a fee schedule for charges imposed under the respective chapters of the code. 10/06/2014 12/01/2014 Amends or Appeals Chapters 13.36, 13.40, 13.44, 13.62, 13.64, 13.80, 13.84 & 13.86 of the Camas Municipal Code. Camas Municipal Code Sections 18.03.030 & 18.07.030. Chapters 5.04, 5.12, 5.16, 5.20, 5.24, 5.28, 5.32, 5.50, 6.08, 8.44, 12.12, 15.04, & 15.40. Page 221 Ordinance Number Subject 2715 An Ordinance levying the ad valoem taxes for obligations of the General fund for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2015. 2716 An Ordinance levying the ad valorem taxes for obligations of the Emergency Rescue Rund for fiscal year ending December 31, 2015. 2717 An Ordinance levying the ad valorem taxes for the Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bonds for fiscal year ending December 31, 2015. 2718 An Ordinance amending the City's 2014 Budget Ordinance 2689, Ordinance 2701, and Ordinance 2707. Date Enacted 12/01/2014 12/01/2014 12/01/2014 12/01/2014 2719 An Ordinance adopting the biennial budget for the City of Camas, Washington, 12/01/2014 for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2015. 2720 An Ordinance amending Section 18.07.030, Table 1 -Commercial and Industrial Land Uses, of the Camas Municipal Code. 2721 An Ordinance adopting a new Chapter 3.86 of the Camas Municipal Code, relating to the imposition of a multi-family housing tax excemption program. Beginning January 1, 2015 12/15/2014 12/15/2014 New numbering system for Ordinances - New Page Started Amends or Appeals Ordinances 2689, 2701 and 2707. Section 18.07.030 of the Camas Municipal Code. Page 222 Ordinance Number Subject 15-001 15-002 15-003 15-004 15-005 15-006 15-007 15-008 15-009 An Ordinance amending Chapter 16.53 of the Camas Municipal Code. An Ordinance adopting revisions to the City of Camas Comprehensive Plan, to the Comprehensive Land Use Map of the City of Camas, and to the Zoning Map of the City of Camas. An Ordinance of the City of Camas, Washington, ratifying and approving various loans with the State of Washington. An Ordinance amending Section 15.04.030(D)(2) of the Camas Municipal Code by revising the training and certification Requirements for fire alarm system installation. An Ordinance adopting a new Section 18.55.140 of the Camas Municipal Code, relating to the expiration of complete land use applications. An Ordinance adopting a new Section 13.04.020 of the Camas Municipal Code, relating to the abandonment of utility services. An Ordinance adopting limited amendments to the Camas Shoreline Master Program to comply with new mandates from the Department of Ecology. An Ordinance amending Camas Municipal Code Chapter 18.23, to allow for limited commercial uses within a planned residential development. An Ordinance amending Section 6.08.lOO(A), of the Camas Municipal Code. Date Enacted 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 0211712015 02117/2015 04/20/2015 03/02/2015 03/16/2015 03/16/2015 03/16/2015 Amends or Appeals Amending Chapter 16.53 of the Camas Municipal Code. Amending Section 15.04.030(D)(2) of the Camas Municipal Code. Amending Chapter 18.23 of the Camas Municipal Code. Amending Section 6.08.100 (A) of the Camas Municipal Code. Page 223 Ordinance Number Subject 15-010 15-011 15-012 15-013 15-014 15-015 15-016 15-017 An Ordinance amending Table 2 of Camas Municipal Code Section 18.09.040, relating to increasing lot coverage limits. An Ordinance amending the Camas Municipal Code adopting revisions relating to the transition of the Engineering Department from Community Development to Public Works. An Ordinance repealing and replacing Camas Municipal Code Chapter 18 .22, relating to Mixed Use Planned Developments, and amending the Commercial and Industrial Uses Table as set forth in Camas Municipal Code Section 18.07.030-Table 1. An Ordinance of the City of Camas, Washington, relating to contracting indebtedness; providing for the issuance, sale and delivery of not to exceed $25,000,000 aggregate principal amount of water and sewer revenue and refunding bonds to finance improvements to the City's water and sewer system, to refund certain outstanding water and sewer bonds of the City, and to pay the cost of issuance and sale of the bonds; fixing or setting parameters with respect to certain terms and covenants of the bonds; appointing the City's designated representative to approve the final terms of the sale of the bonds; and providing for other related matters. An Ordinance amending Chapter 8.58 of the Camas Municipal Code, revising the dates and times for fireworks sales and discharge in the City of Camas and authorizing the Mayor to prohibit fireworks discharge during times of extreme fire danger. An Ordinance annexing real property to the City of Camas. An Ordinance establishing zoning for an area to become effective upon annexation to the City of Camas. Date Enacted 08/17/2015 04/20/2015 08/17/2015 08/17/2015 09/21/2015 10/05/2015 10/05/2015 Amends or Appeals Amending Section 18.09.040 Amending the Camas Municipal Code. Repealing & replacing Chapter 18.22 and amending Section 18.07.030 - Table 1. Amending Chapter 8.58 of the Camas Municipal Code. Page 224 Ordinance Number Subject 15-018 15-019 15-020 15-021 15-022 15-023 15-024 15-025 15-026 15-027 An Ordinance levying the ad valorem taxes for obligations of the General Fund for fiscal year ending December 31, 2016. An Ordinance levying the ad valorem taxes for obligations of the Emergency Rescue Fund for fiscal year ending December 31, 2016. An Ordinance levying the ad valorem taxes for the Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bonds for fiscal year ending December 31, 2016. An Ordinance annexing real property to the City of Camas. An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Camas, Washington Amending the City's 2015-2016 Budget Ordinance 2719. An Ordinance amending certain provisions of the Camas Municipal Code relating to the definitions for land uses and commercial and industrial land uses. An Ordinance amending certain provisions of the Camas Municipal Code to prohibit the retail sale of marijuana within the City of Camas and to repeal the sunset date provided under CMC 18.07.030 Table 1, Note 9. An Ordinance amending the City of Camas' 2015-2016 Budget Ordinance No. 2719. An Ordinance approving and adopting by reference the text of that certain document entitled Camas School District Capital Facilities Plan 2015-2021. An Ordinance approving and adopting by reference the text of that certain document entitled Evergreen Public Schools Capital Facilities Plan 2011-2021. Date Enacted 11116/2015 11/16/2015 11116/2015 11116/2015 11/16/2015 11/16/2015 11116/2015 11116/2015 12/2112015 12/2112015 Amends or Appeals Amending the City's 2015-2016 Budget Ordinance 2719. Amending the C.M.C. relating to the definitions for land, commercial & industrial uses. Amending the C.M.C. on the sale of marijuana & repeal the sunset date under 18.07.030 Table 1, Note 9. Amending the City's 2015-2016 Budget Ordinance 2719.