ORD 2672 oRDrNANCE NO . �
AN ORDINANCE amending Section 18 . 05 . 020 by revising the
designation of zoning districts ; amending Section 18 . 07 . 03 0 Table
1 by revising the commercial , industrial and high technology land
uses table ; amending Section 18 . 09 . 03 0 Table I by revising density
and dimensions for commercial and industrial zones ; and adding a
neer Chapter 18 . 37 establishing a business park zoning district and
regulations pertaining thereto .
The Council of the City of Camas do ordain as follows :
Section I
Section 18 . 05 . 020 of the Camas Municipal Code is amended as set forth in Exhib 't " A "
attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein .
Section 11
Section 18 . 07 . 030 Table I of the Camas Municipal. Code is amended as set forth in
Exhibit f B " attached hereto and by this reference incorporated. herein .
Section III
Section 18 . 09 . 030 Fable I of the Camas Municipal Code is amended as set forth in
Exhibit " C " attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein .
Section IV
Where is hereby added to the Camas Municipal Code a new Chapter 18 . 37 Business Park
as is set forth in exhibit " D " attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein .
Section V
This Ordinance shall take force and be in effect five days from and after its publication
according to lay .
PASSED BY the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this =` day of January , 2013 .
ATTEST : Clerk
APPROVED as to form :
City Attorney
City of Camas
Attachment " A"
Zoning Code Amendments
CMC Chapter 18 . 05 Zoning Map and Districts
Section 18 . 05 . 020 Districts designated.
For the purposes of the Code , the city is divided into zoning districts designated as follows :
District Symbol Comprehensive Plan
Residential 20 , 000 R - 20 Single - family Low
Residential 151000 11 - 15 Single - family Low
Residential 12 , 000 R42 Single - family Medium
Residential 10 , 000 R - 10 Single - family Medium
Residential 7 , 500 R - 7 . 5 Single - family Medium
Residential 6 , 000 R - 6 Single - family High
Residential 5 , 000 R - 5 Single - family High
Multi4amily - 10 MF40 Multi - family Low
Multi4ami108 MF - 18 Multi - family High
Multi - family - 24 MF - 24 Multi - family High
Neighborhood Commercial NC Commercial
Community Commercial CC Commercial
Regional Commercial RC Commercial
Mixed Use MX Commercial
Downtown Commercial DC Commercial
Light Industrial LI Industrial
Heavy Industrial HI Industrial
Business Park BP Industrial
Light Industrial / Business Park LI / BP Light Industrial / Business
Page 1 of 10
Attachment " B "
Zoning Code Amendments
CMC Chapter 18 . 07 Use Authorization
Section 18. 07. 030 Table I - Commercial, Industrial and high technology land uses .
KEY : P = Permitted Use C = Conditional Use X = Prohibited Use T = Temporary Use
Zoning Districts IVC DC CC RC MX BP LI / BP I LI HI
Commercial Uses
Animal kennel , commercial / X X X C X C X X X
Animal shelter X X X C X C X C P
Antique shop6 P P P P P C X X P
Appliance sales and service X P P P P P X C P
Automatic teller machines P P P P P P P5 P P
( ATM ) 6
Automobile repair ( garage ) ' X P C P X P X P P
Automobile sales , new or X P X P X P X P P
Automobile service station X P C P X P X P P
Automobile wrecking6 X X X X X X X X C
Bakery ( wholesale ) ' X X X P X P P5 P P
Bakery ( retail ) ' P P P P P P P5 P P
Banks , savings and loan X P P P P P P5 P P
Barber and beauty shops6 P P P P P P P5 P P
Boat building6 X X X C X C X C P
Boat repair and sales ' X P X P X P X P P
Book store C P P P P P P5 P P
Bowling alley/ billiards6 X P X P P P X P P
Building , hardware and garden X P C P P P X P P
supply store
Bus station X C C P C P X P P
Cabinet and carpentry shop6 X P C P C P P5 P P
Candy ; confectionery store P P P P P P P5 P P
Cart vendors6 C P C P C P P5 P P
Cemetery X X X C X X X C P
Clothing store C P P P P P X P P
Coffee shop or cafe P P P P P P P5 P P
Convention center X P X C C P P C X
Day care center C P P C P C P5 C C
Day care , adult P P :::::
Day care , family home ' P P P P P X P5 P X
Day care , mini - center6 P P P P P P P5 P X
Delicatessen ( deli ) 6 P P P P P P P5 P P
Department store X P C P P P X P X
Page 2 of 10
Zoning Districts NC DC CC RC MX BP LI / BP LI HI
Equipment rental6 C P C C C P P5 P P
Event center X P C P C P P P P
Feed store X X X P X C X P P
Fitness center/ sports club X P P P P P P5 P P
Funeral home X P C P P X X X X
Florist shop6 P P P P P P P5 P X
Food delivery business X P C P C P X P X
Furniture repair ; upholstery ' X P C P P P X P P
Furniture store X P C P P P X P X
Gas /fuel station X P C P X P X P P
Gas /fuel station with mini X P C P X P X P P
Grocery , large scale X P C P P C8 X P P
Grocery , small scale P P C P P P X P P
Grocery , neighborhood scale P P P P P P P5 P X
Hospital , emergency care X C P P P P X P X
Hotel , motel ' X C C P P P X P X
Household appliance repair X P C P P P X P P
Industrial supplies store X P X C C C X C P
Laundry/ dry cleaning X X X P X X X P P
( industrial )
Laundry/ dry cleaning ( retail ) 6 P P P P P P P5 P P
Laundry ( self- serve ) P P P P P P X P P
Liquor store X P C P C C X C C
Machine shop6 X X C C C C P5 C P
Medical or dental clinics C P P P P P P5 P P
( outpatient ) 6
Mini - storage /vehicular X X C C X P X P P
Manufactured home sales Iot6 X X X P X X X P P
Newspaper printing plant6 X P C C X X X P P
Nursery , plant6 X P C C C C X C P
Nursing , rest , convalescent , C P P P P X X X X
retirement home
Office supply store X P P P P X P5 P P
Pawnshop ' X X X X X X X C C
Parcel freight depots6 X P X P X P P5 P P
Pet shops6 X P P P P P X P C
Pharmacy6 X P P P P P P5 P P
Photographic/ electronics X P P P P P P5 P P
Plumbing , or mechanical X X X P C P X P P
service '
Printing , binding , blue C P P P P P P5 P P
Page 3 of 10
Zoning Districts NC DC CC RC MX BP LI / BP LI HI
Professional office s ) 6 C P P P P P P P P
Public agency C P P P P P P P P
Real estate office C P P P P P T P P
Recycling center X X X X X X X P P
Recycling collection point Tor P T or T or C C P5 P P
Recycling plant6 X X X X X X X C P
Research facility6 X P C C X P P P P
Resta u ra nt6 C P P P C P P5 P P
Restaurant , fast food X P C P C P P5 P P
Roadside produce stand T T T T C X T T T
Sand , soil , gravel sales and X X X X X X X C P
Second - hand / consignment C P P P P P X P P
Sexually Oriented Business1p5X X X X X X P X X
Shoe repair and sales6 P P P P P P X P P
Stock broker, brokerage firm P P P P P P P P P
Specialty goods production P P P P P P P P P
( e . g . brew pub )
Tavern S6 X P C P C P X P P
Theater, except drive ~ in6 X P C P P P X P P
Truck terminals6 X C X C X X X C P
Veterinary clinic6 X P C P P P X P P
Video rental store P P P P P P X P X
Warehousing , wholesale and X X X C C P P5 P P
Warehousing , bulk retail6 X X X C C X X P P
Manufacturing and / or processing of the following .
Cotton , wool , other fibrous X X X X X P X P P
Food production or treatment X X X C C P X P C
Foundry X X X X X X X C C
Furniture manufacturing X P X X C C X P P
Gas , all kinds ( natural , X X X X X X X X C
liquefied )
Gravel pits / rock quarries X X X X X X X C P
Hazardous waste treatment — X X X X X X X X P
off- site
Hazardous waste treatment — X X X X X X X X P
on - site
Junkyard /wrecking yard X X X X X X X X C
Metal fabrication and X X X X X C X X P
Hazardous waste treatment — X X X X X X X X P
Page 4 of 10
Zoning Districts NC DC CC RC MX BP LI / BP LI HI
on - site
Paper, pulp or related X X X X X X X X P
Signs or other advertising X X X C C C P C P
Electronic equipment X P X X X X P P P
Industrial Uses
High - tech industry X P X X P P P2 X X
Manufacturing of X X X X C X X P P
miscellaneous goods ( e . g .
musical instruments , toys ,
vehicle parts )
Optical goods X C C C C P P5 P P
Packaging of prepared X X C P C C P5 C P
Scientific and precision X P X X X P P P P
Recreational , Religious , Cultural Uses
Auditorium C P P P P P X P P
Community club C P P P P P X P P
Church ' P P P P P P X P P
Golf course / driving range P X P P X P P5 P P
Library 6 C P P P P P X P P
Muse um6 C P P P P P X P P
Recreational vehicle par 1( 6 X X X C X X X P P
Open space P P P P P P P P P
Park or playground P P P P P P P P P
Sports field S6 C X P P P P X P P
Trails P P P P P P P P P
Educational Uses
College/ university6 P P P P P P X P P
Elementary school6 P P P P P P X P P
Junior or senior high school6 P P P P P P X P P
Private , public or parochial P P P P P P X P P
Trade , technical or business P P P P P P P P P
Residential Uses
Adult family home C P P X P X X P X
Assisted living C P P X P X X X X
Bed and breakfast P P P X P X X P X
Designated manufactured X X X X P X X X X
Duplex or two -family dwelling X C/ P ' X X P X X P X
Page 5 of 10
Zoning Districts NC DC CC RC MX BP EBPLI HI
Group home C P P X P X P X
Home occupation P P P X P X X P X
Housing for the disabled P P P X P X X X X
Apartment X P X X P X X P X
Residence accessory to and P P P X P X X P X
connected with a business
Single -family attached ( e . g . X C/ P ' X X P X X X X
rowhouses )
Single - family dwelling X X X X P X X X X
Communication , Utilities and Facilities
Major telecommunication X X X X X X X X C
Minor telecommunication P P P P P P P C P
Wireless communications
facility3 , 6
Facilities , minor public P P P P C P P C P
Facility , essentia16 X X C C C C P C C
Railroad tracks and facilities6 C X C C C X X C C
Temporary Uses
Temporary sales office for a T T T T T T T T T
Notes .
1 . See CMC Chapter 5 . 36 Sexually Oriented Businesses for additional regulations for siting sexually oriented
business facilities .
2 . Similar uses are permitted in the zone district only at the discretion of the community development
director or designee .
3 . See CMC Chapter 18 . 35 " Telecommunication Ordinance " for wireless communication uses permitted
according to the zone district .
4 . See CMC Chapter 18 . 47 " Temporary Uses " for additional regulations .
5 . See secondary use provisions of LI / BP zone .
6 . See CMC Chapter 18 . 19 " Design Review " for additional regulations . CMC Chapter 18 . 19 is not applicable
to development in the LI / BP zone .
7 . Residential uses may be outright permitted if part of a mixed use building , where residential use is not
located on the ground level ; otherwise it shall be a conditional use .
8 . If grocery store is less than 100 , 000 square feet then use is outright permitted . If 100 , 000 square feet or
over then a conditional use permit is required .
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Attachment " C "
Zoning Code Amendments
CMC Chapter 18 . 09 Density and Dimensions
Section. 18 . 09 . 030 - Table 1 Density and dimensions for cornnzercial and industrial zones .
Bulk Regulations
Minimum lot 500000 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 1 , 800 10 , 000 %i acre Note 1 10 acres
area ( square
feet )
Minimum lot 4. 0 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 100 100 Note 1 Not specified
width ( feet )
MaXi !4161114 40 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 100 Note 1 Not specified
Minimum lot
depth ( feet )
Minimum front 15 Note 5 Note 5 Note 5 Note 6 Not 15 Note 1 5 ' per 1 foot of
yard ( feet ) Note 3 specified building height
( 200 ' minimum )
Minimum side Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 15 ' or 25 ' If 15 Note 1 100 ' f o r
yard ( feet ) 10 Note abutting a building ; 25 ' for
2 residential
minimum rea h Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 25 , 50 Note 1 100 ' f o r
yard ( feet ) building ; 25 ' for
parking area
Lot Coverage
Lot coverage 85 % Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 70 % 50 % Note 1 1 story ( 30 % )
( percentage ) 2 stories ( 40 % )
3 stories ( 45 % )
Building Height
Maximum 2 . 5 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 acre or less : Note 1 Note 1 60
building height stories 35 '
( feet ) ; or 35 1 to 2 acres :
45 '
2 acres or
more : 60 '
Notes :
1 . No limitation .
2 . If along a flanking street of corner lot .
3 . On corner parcels , ( parcels bordered by two or more streets ) , the setback requirements shall be the same for
all street frontages . Front setback restrictions shall apply .
4 . The densities and dimensions in the LI / BP zone may be reduced under a planned industrial development . See
Chapters 18 . 20 North Dwyer Creek Residential Overlay and 18 . 21 Light Industrial / Business Park .
5 . Residential dwelling units shall satisfy the setbacks of CMC Section 18 . 09 . 040 Table 2 , based on comparable
lot size .
6 . Maximum setback at front building line is ten feet .
Note : This is a correction to a Scribner ' s error .
Page 7 of 10
Attachment " D "
Zoning Code Amendments
Chapter 18. 37 Business Park
Sections :
18 . 37 . 010 Purpose
18 . 37 . 020 Permit Process
18 . 37 . 030 Architectural design standards
18 . 37 . 040 Landscaping standards
18 . 37 . 050 Subsequent permits and minor adjustments
18 . 37 . 060 Expiration of business park approval
18 . 37 . 010 Purpose
The Business Park ( BP ) district is intended to provide for employment growth in the city by protecting industrial
areas for future employment . Design of business park facilities in this district will be " campus - style , " with
landscaped buffers , and architectural features compatible with , and not offensive to , surrounding uses .
18 . 37 . 020 Permit Process
A . In addition to the Site Plan permit requirements of Chapter 18 . 18 Site Plan , any person desiring to
establish or significantly modify a use on land zoned BP shall also address the applicable provisions of
this chapter .
B . Design Review is required pursuant to CMC Chapter 18 . 19 Design Review . The design review committee
recommendations shall be based on the architectural design standards specific to this chapter .
18 . 37 . 030 Architectural design standards Exhibit 1 : Tiltedlass
A . Building height , setbacks and lot coverage shall be as set g
forth in Section 18 . 09 . 030 Table 1 . Fitted Glass
B . Parking . Parking shall be provided as per CMC Chapter 18 . 11 Tilting glasis in a windi4w serves
Parking of this title . two benefits LEECH method tn.
r3 u
Wk toe meat an ar ivon
C . Building materials in ^ ids a Dili inn; and redLI 821
a . A minimum of 75 % of the walls visible to the right - of- bill- stri ves by re #1e1_:tirg the
I �?
gr fund , and not an s rje route
way ( excluding glass ) shall be indigenous such as ; Jnrird .
cedar, wood logs , brick , stone , rusticated block or I
comparable modular masonry are preferred . New
materials that convey the texture , scale , color and
finish similar to these natural products will be
considered where appropriate . Large blank walls facing the right of way are prohibited .
b . Secondary materials such as metal siding may be used as accents and may compose 25 % of the walls
visible from the right - of- way ( excluding glass ) .
c . Prefabricated metal buildings or structures are not permitted .
d . Glare Reduction . All glazing must be low - reflective . Given the city ' s location near airports and
within the Pacific Flyway , the use of tinted glass , tilted glass or other bird - friendly glazing methods
( See Exhibit 1 ) are preferred .
e . Use muted earth tone colors for building and roof materials .
i . Bright colors are only appropriate for accents .
lie A minimum of 75 % of the exterior walls seen from the public right of way shall have muted
tones .
Page 8 of 10
D . Building massing and scale ( See Exhibit 2 )
a . Provide a human scale to the primary entrance .
b . Express the position of each floor in the external design of the building by changing materials
between floors , or use an expression line , or articulate structural elements .
c . Avoid large panelized products or extensive featureless surfaces .
E . Roof form . Incorporate at least two of the following features to add architectural articulation .
a . A flat roof with a parapet that screens rooftop equipment from view ;
b . A cornice or molding to define the top of a parapet ;
c . Overhanging eaves ;
d . Sloping roofs with a minimum pitch of 4 : 12 ; and /or
e . Multiple roof planes
F . All vents , flues , or other protrusions through the roof, less than sixteen inches in diameter need not be
screened from view, but must be painted or treated to blend with the color of the background . All such
vents , flues , or other protrusions through the roof, more than sixteen inches in diameter shall be considered
mechanical equipment and shall be screened from view .
G . Refuse/Storage . Refuse areas and service/storage areas are to be located under cover, and /or not visible
from the public right - of- way or adjacent properties .
H . Fencing heights may exceed those specified at CMC Chapter 18 . 18 - Supplemental Development Standards
as follows . A wrought - iron fence , vinyl - coated chain link, masonry, stone or a combination , may be up to six
feet high along the front property
line or within the front yard Exhibit 2 : Massing and Scale
setback .
I . Security fencing shall be
compatible with landscaping of the
entire site . Evergreen plant
material will be located adjacent Inappropriate architectural treatment.
to security fencing, and shall
provide a vegetative screen when
mature ,
J . Lighting . Lighting shall be directed = y- ,-
v --
� fe` t
to the interior of the site , and
shielded from adjacent properties .
Building lighting is to be concealed Appropriate use of vertical Appropriate use of horizontal Appropriate use of roof height
and indirect . articulation . articulation . variations to add architectural
18 . 37 . 040 landscaping standards
In addition to the landscaping requirements of CMC Chapter 18 . 13 Landscaping of this title , all proposed
development in this zone shall generally comply with the following standards . Variations may be considered by
the Design Review Committee and authorized by the approval authority where reasonable factors such as
topography or other site constraints will make strict compliance unreasonable .
A . The entire street frontage will receive landscaping of trees , shrubs , and ground cover plants that will create
a unifying effect throughout the area . Tree groupings shall be located for interest and variety . Generally,
landscape frontage shall be a minimum of 154eet deep . Landscaping buffers shall also be placed along both
sides of driveways for their full length .
B . Curvilinear design is encouraged to create interest and variety .
Page 9 of 10
C . Native species of plants should be maintained where possible . Landscaping that includes features to attract
native wildlife ( birds , chipmunks , bees , butterflies , etc . ) is is and may offset other landscaping
requirements of this chapter . ( Refer to the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife for guidance
at httpa. //wdfw . wa . gov/ living/ landscaping/ )
D . Foundation Planting . Landscaped areas shall be planted and maintained within 104eet of the building ,
excluding loading dock areas and those areas not within view of the public right of way .
E . Stormwater management facilities may be incorporated into the required landscape buffers if they are
designed in compliance with Chapter 14 . 02 Stormwater Management .
F . Permeable paving ( where feasible ) may count toward a portion of the required landscaping .
G . Lawns are discouraged in the BP district given that they require a lot of water to stay green and healthy .
Lawns , if proposed , must consist of drought -tolerant grasses .
H . Areas used for storage , loading, etc . , which would make landscaping inappropriate or superfluous will not
require landscaping . Those areas have their own requirements for screening . Walls and fences that extend
out from the main , structure for purposes of screening shall also have a minimum of ten feet of landscape
strip adjacent to the exterior facing side of the wall .
I . Large site areas that are intended to remain undeveloped shall be improved with landscape materials that
relate to the natural environment and the particular site . Tree clusters , mounding and native undergrowth ,
combined with employee recreational uses should result in an esthetically pleasing effect .
18 . 37 . 050 Subsequent permits and minor amendments
A . Applications for subsequent permits or minor amendments shall be approved only when substantially in
conformance with the approved development plan .
Be The subsequent application shall be considered substantially in conformance with the approved final plan
when the proposal .
1 . Is within the scope and intent of the final plan ;
2 . Is of a similar size and scale and does not increase environmental impacts from those identified during
the initial site plan review decision ;
3 . Does not reduce overall acreage identified as dedicated public areas , open space or buffering areas ;
4 . Does not propose to modify any development standard of Titles 17 and 18 .
CO A decision as to whether the subsequent application is substantially in conformance with the approved site
plan shall be processed as a Type I permit pursuant to Chapter 18 . 55 ,
D . A determination of consistency with the final plan shall not exempt the subsequent application from the
necessity of obtaining any other required local , state , federal permits , or compliance with any other applicable
requirements .
18 . 37 . 060 Expiration of business park approval
Site plan approval within the business park zone shall expire and become void unless substantial construction is
commenced within five ( 5 ) years of the date of approval of the final plan , or within a longer period if specifically
authorized in a phasing plan ; provided , such time periods shall be tolled during the pendency of any litigation
related to the project that prevents the applicant from commencing or completing such construction ; and
further provided , that prior to the expiration of the approval , an applicant may apply directly to the Community
Development Director ( director ) for one or more extensions not to exceed one year each . The director shall
approve such extension or extensions upon a finding of good cause .
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