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ORD 16-023
ORDINANCE NO. 16-023 AN ORDINANCE adopting the biennial budget for the City of Camas, Washington, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2017. WHEREAS, the Mayor ofthe City of Camas, Washington completed and placed on file with the City Clerk a proposed budget and estimate of the amount of moneys required to meet the public expenses, bond retirement and interest, reserve funds and expenses of government of said City for the biennium beginning January 1, 2017, and a notice was published that the Council of said City would meet on the 2Pt day of November, 2016 at the hour of 7:00pm, in the Council Chambers in the City Hall of said City for the purposes of considering the budget for the biennium 2017-2018 and giving taxpayers within the limits of said city an opportunity to be heard upon said budget; and, WHEREAS, the said City Council has met and considered the matter of the budget for the biennium 2017-2018; and, WHEREAS, the said proposed budget does not exceed the lawful limit of taxation allowed by law to be levied on the property within the City of Camas for the purposes set forth in said budget, and the estimated expenditures set forth in said budget being all necessary to carry on the government of the said City for said years and being sufficient to meet the various needs of said city during said period; and, NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY CAMAS DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I The 2017-2018 budget of the City of Camas, Washington for the biennium beginning January 1, 2017 is adopted at the fund level in its final form and content as set forth in the document dated November 21, 2016 entitled City of Camas 2017-2018 Budget, three copies of which are on file in the Office of the Clerk. (Exhibit A) SECTION II The total estimated revenues and appropriations for each fund for the City of Camas and the aggregated total for all funds are as follows: SUMMARY O F ESTIMATED REVENUES, APPROPRIATIONS {AND USE OF F UND BALANCE) Projected 2017-2018 2017-2018 Ending Fund Change in Fund Fund Revenues Appropriation Balance Balance General $ 43,116,716 $ 42,306,038 $ 3,954,669 $ 810,678 City Street $ 5,498,685 $ 5,570,675 $ 30,659 $ (71,990) CjW Fire and EMS $ 19,303,029 $ 18,342,988 $ 1,054,138 $ 960,041 Lodging Tax $ 18,829 $ 20,000 $ 6,891 $ (1,171) Cemetery $ 469,837 $ 468,975 $ 4,066 $ 862 Unlimited G.O. Bond Debt Service $ 1,246,000 $ 1,248,814 $ 36,605 $ (2,814) Limited G.O. Bond Debt Service $ 2,316,0 92 $ 2,316,0 92 $ $ Real Estate Excise Tax Capital Fund $ 3,900,066 $ 3,802,846 $ 1,909,094 $ 97,220 Park Jmpact Fee Capital Fund $ 1,225,103 $ 1,391,896 $ 554,396 $ (166,793) Transportation Impact Fee Capital Fund $ 1,473,737 $ 1,399,592 $ 243,189 $ 74,145 Fire Impact Fee $ 208,871 $ 42,038 $ 234,712 $ 166,833 Brady Road Construction $ 1,465,020 $ 1,575,000 $ 458,148 $ (109,980) 2015 Capital Projects $ 951 $ 304,112 $ $ (303,161) Storm Wat er Utility $ 4,098,426 $ 3,925,434 $ 2,025,966 $ 172,992 City Solid Waste $ 5,272,804 $ 4,834,520 $ 1,847,991 $ 438,284 Water-Sewer $ 25,312,132 $ 25,908,407 $ 6,086,881 $ (596,275) Water-Sewer Capita l Projects $ 16,395,0 0 0 $ 16,395,000 $ $ North Shore Sewer Construction Project $ 70,000 $ 15,000,000 $ 899,026 $ (14,930,000) Water -Sewer Capital Reserve $ 3,974,609 $ 905,000 $ 8,315,928 $ 3,069,609 Water-Sewer Bond Reserve $ 36,318 $ $ 1,618,865 $ 36,318 Equipment Rental $ 3,580,202 $ 3,3 15,330 $ 1,605,470 $ 264,872 Fi r efighter's Pension $ 65,363 $ 231,905 $ 2,394,543 $ (166,542) Retiree Medical $ 171,070 $ 171,070 $ LEOFF 1 Disablity Board $ 386,614 $ 386,614 $ Total City Re commende d Budg:et2017-2018 $ 139,605,474 $149,862,345 $ 3 3,281,2 3 7 $ (10,256,872) SECTION ill The Finance Director is directed to transmit a cop y of t his bu dget to the Office of the Auditor of t he State of Washington, Municipal Research and Service Center, and to the Association of Washington Cities . SECTION IV This 2017-20 18 City of Camas Budget for the biennium beginning January 1, 2017 is hereby adopted as the budget for the City of Camas. SECTIONV Thi s ordinance shall be in force and take effect five (5) days after its publication according to law. PASSED by the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this 21st day ofNovember 2016. Approved as to form: City Attorney EXHIBIT A City of Camas Recommended Budget for 2017-2018 Projected Beginning Fund 2017-2018 2017-2018 Projected Ending Change in Fund Fund Balance Revenues Appropriation Fund Balance Balance General $ 3,143,991 $ 43,116,716 $ 42,306,038 $ 3,954,669 $ 810,678 City Street $ 102,649 $ 5,498,685 $ 5,570,675 $ 30,659 $ (71,990) C/W Fire and EMS $ 94,097 $ 19,303,029 $ 18,342,988 $ 1,054,138 $ 960,041 Lodging Tax $ 8,062 $ 18,829 $ 20,000 $ 6,891 $ (1,171) Cemetery $ 3,204 $ 469,837 $ 468,975 $ 4,066 $ 862 Unlimited G.O. Bond Debt Service $ 39,419 $ 1,246,000 $ 1,248,814 $ 36,605 $ (2,814) Limited G,O. Bond Debt Service $ -$ 2,316,092 $ 2,316,092 $ -$ -. -·-.. - Real Estate Excise Tax Capital Fund $ 1,811,874 $ 3,900,066 $ 3,802,846 $ 1,909,094 $ 97,220 Park Impact Fee Capital Fund $ 721,189 $ 1,225,103 $ 1,391,896 $ 554,396 $ (166,793) Transportation Impact Fee Capital Fund $ 169,044 $ 1,473,737 $ 1,399,592 $ 243,189 $ 74,145 Fire Impact Fee $ 67,879 $ 208,871 $ 42,038 $ 234,712 $ 166,833 Brady Road Construction $ 568,128 $ 1,465,020 $ 1,575,000 $ 458,148 $ (109,980) 2015 Capital Projects $ 303,161 $ 951 $ 304,112 $ -$ (303,161) Storm Water Utility $ 1,852,974 $ 4,098,426 $ 3,925,434 $ 2,025,966 $ 172,992 City Solid Waste $ 1,409,707 $ 5,272,804 $ 4,834,520 $ 1,847,991 $ 438,284 Water-Sewer $ 6,683,156 $ 25,312,132 $ 25,908,407 $ 6,086,881 $ (596,275) Water-Sewer Capital Projects $ -$ 16,395,000 $ 16,395,000 $ -$ North Shore Sewer Construction Project $ 15,829,026 $ 70,000 $ 15,000,000 $ 899,026 $ (14,930,000) Water-Sewer Capital Reserve $ 5,246,319 $ 3,974,609 $ 905,000 $ 8,315,928 $ 3,069,609 Water-Sewer Bond Reserve $ 1,582,547 $ 36,318 $ -$ 1,618,865 $ 36,318 Equipment Rental $ 1,340,598 $ 3,580,202 $ 3,315,330 $ 1,605,470 $ 264,872 Firefighter's Pension $ 2,561,085 $ 65,363 $ 231,905 $ 2,394,543 $ (166,542) Retiree Medical $ -$ 171,070 $ 171,070 $ LEOFF 1 Disablity Board $ -$ 386,614 $ 386,614 $ Total City Recommended Budget 2017-2018 $ 43,538,109 $ 139,605,474 $ 149,862,345 $ 33,281,237 $ (10,256,872) 11/21/2016 1 City of Camas Summary of Budgeted Revenues, Expenditures and Reserves Special Revenue Enterprise Internal Reset·ve General Fund Funds Debt Funds Capital Funds Funds Support Funds Funds Total Estimated Beginning Fund Balance 1/1/2017 $ 3,143,991 $ 208,012 $ 39,419 $ 3,641,275 $ 32,603,729 $ 1,340,598 $ 2,561,085 $ 43,538,109 Revenues Taxes $ 31,061,907 $ 2,859,240 $ 1,246,000 $ 3,846,350 $ 39,013,497 Licenses and Permits $ 1,889,842 $ 76,287 $ 1,966,129 Intergovernmental $ 1,172,933 $ 1,166,970 $ 1,460,000 $ 1,050,000 $ 4,849,903 Charges for Services $ 8,074,417 $ 9,715,623 $ 2,675,594 $ 36,934,744 $ 3,548,394 $ 60,948,772 Fines and Forfeitures $ 383,749 $ 31,959 $ 415,708 Miscellaneous Revenue $ 533,868 $ 66,060 $ 91,804 $ 2,899,545 $ 31,808 $ 65,363 $ 3,688,448 Non-Revenues $ -$ 10,950,000 $ 10,950,000 Transfers $ -$ 11,374,241 $ 2,316,092 $ 200,000 $ 3,325,000 $ 557,684 $ 17,773,017 Total Revenue $ 43,116,716 $ 25,290,380 $ 3,562,092 $ 8,273,748 $ 55,159,289 $ 3,580,202 $ 623,047 $ 139,605,474 Total Available Resources $ 46,260,707 $ 25,498,392 $ 3,601,511 $ 11,915,023 $ 87,763,018 $ 4,920,800 $ 3,184,132 $ 183,143,583 Expenditures Salaries and Benefits $ 22,566,764 $ 16,674,822 $ 6,529,962 $ 878,407 $ 557,684 $ 47,207,639 Supplies and Services $ 6,065,499 $ 5,211,958 $ 63,588 $ 14,125,223 $ 1,111,225 $ 26,577,493 Intergovernmental $ 1,720,632 $ 443,458 $ 1,271,429 $ 3,435,519 Capital $ 345,476 $ 1,564,015 $ 6,369,112 $ 33,333,000 $ 1,323,198 $ 42,934,801 Debt Service $ $ 3,564,906 $ 8,366,470 $ 2,500 $ 11,933,876 Transfers $ 11,607,667 $ 508,385 $ 2,082,784 $ 3,342,276 $ 231,905 $ 17,773,017 Total Expenditures $ 42,306,038 $ 24,402,638 $ 3,564,906 $ 8,515,484 $ 66,968,360 $ 3,315,330 $ 789,589 $ 149,862,345 Estimated Ending Fun a Balance $ 3,954,669 $ 1,095,754 $ 36,605 $ 3,399,539 $ 20,794,658 $ 1,605,470 $ 2,394,543 $ 33,281,237 Total Expenditures-and _______ ------ Reserve Balance $ 46,260,707 $ 25,498,392 $ 3,601,511 $ 11,915,023 $ 87,763,018 $ 4,920,800 $ 3,184,132 $ 183,143,583 11/21/2016 1 City of Camas Revenue Budget Summary for 2017-2018 Taxes $ 13,643,095 $ 14,354,971 5.2% $ 15,180,303 5.7% $ 825,332 $ 15,881,604 4.6% $ 701,301 Licenses and Permits $ 728,823 $ 899,383 23.4% $ 917,761 2.0% $ 18,378 $ 972,081 5.9% $ 54,320 Intergovernmental $ 521,959 $ 561,884 7.6% $ 580,827 3.4% $ 18,943 $ 592,106 1.9% $ 11,279 Charges for Services $ 2,757,077 $ 3,053,171 10.7% $ 3,947,417 29.3% $ 894,246 $ 4,127,000 4.5% $ 179,583 Fines and Forfeitures $ 197,248 $ 181,794 -7 .8% $ 189,975 4.5% $ 8,181 $ 193,774 2.0% $ 3,799 Miscellaneous Revenue $ 308,035 $ 323,744 5.1% $ 264,804 -18.2% $ (58,940) $ 269,064 1.6% $ 4,260 Total General Fund $ 18,156,237 $ 19,374,947 6.7% $ 21,081,087 8.8% $ 1,706,140 $ 22,035,629 4.5% $ 954,542 Taxes $ -$ 159,632 100.0% $ --100.0% $ (159,632) $ -$ Intergovernmental $ 439,983 $ 518,780 17.9% $ 677,421 30.6% $ 158,641 $ 486,969 -28.1% $ (190,452) Miscellaneous Revenue $ 21,029 $ 23,115 9 .9% $ 13,119 -43.2% $ (9,996) $ 13,162 0.3% $ 43 Transfers from other funds $ 1,741,499 $ 1,692,917 -2.8% $ 1,993,024 17.7% $ 300,107 $ 2,314,990 16.2% $ 321,966 Total Street Fund $ 2,202,511 $ 2,394,444 8.7% $ 2,683,564 12.1% $ 289,120 $ 2,815,121 4 .9% $ 131,557 C/W Fire and EMS Fund Taxes $ 1,235,139 $ 1,411,203 14.3% $ 1,382,864 -2.0% $ (28,339) $ 1,458,012 5.4% $ 75,148 Licenses and Permits $ 24,340 $ 36,158 48.6% $ 37,766 4.4% $ 1,608 $ 38,521 2.0% $ 755 Intergovernmental $ 1,341 $ 1,290 -3.8% $ 1,290 0.0% $ -$ 1,290 0.0% $ Charges for Services $ 4,348,858 $ 4,451,580 2.4% $ 4,802,863 7.9% $ 351,283 $ 4,810,794 0 .2% $ 7,931 Fines and Forfeitures $ 12,355 $ 15,140 22.5% $ 15,821 4.5% $ 681 $ 16,138 2.0% $ 317 Miscellaneous Revenue $ 32,617 $ 45,133 38.4% $ 19,279 -57.3% $ (25,854) $ 19,664 2.0% $ 385 Debt $ -$ 250,000 100.0% $ -$ Transfers from other funds $ 2,919,590 $ 2,963,172 1.5% $ 3,437,793 16.0% $ 474,621 $ 3,260,934 -5.1% $ (176,859) Total C/W Fire and EMS Fund $ 8,574,240 $ 9,173,676 7.0% $ 9,697,676 5.7% $ 524,000 $ 9,605,353 4 .7% $ (92,323) Lodging Tax Fund Taxes $ 9,976 $ 8,895 -10.8% $ 9 ,089 2.2% $ 194 $ 9,275 2.0% $ 186 Miscellaneous Revenue $ 165 $ 240 45.5% $ 235 -2.1 o/o $ (5) $ 230 -2 .1 o/o $ (5) Total Lodging Tax Fund $ 10,141 $ 9,135 -9.9% $ 9,324 2.1 o/o $ 189 $ 9,505 1.9% $ 181 Fund Charges for Services $ 51,259 $ 52,275 2.0% $ 50,478 -3 .4% $ (1,797) $ 51,488 -1.5% $ 1,010 11/21/2016 1 Miscellaneous Revenue Transfers from other funds Total Cemetery Fund Taxes Total Unlimited GO Debt Srv Fund Limited Debt Service Fund Transfers from other funds Total Debt Service Fund Taxes Intergovernmental Charges for Services Miscellaneous Revenue Transfers from other funds Total Real Estate Excise Tax Fund Park Impact Fee Fund Charges for Services Miscellaneous Revenue Total Park Impact Fee Fund Transportation Impact Fee Fund Charges for Services Miscellaneous Revenue Transfers from other funds Total Transportation Impact Fee Fund Fire Impact Fee Fund Charges for Services Miscellaneous Revenue Total Fire Impact Fee Fund llrady Road Construction Fund 11/21/2016 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2015 2016 Annual% 2017 Annual% 2017 2018 Annual% 2018 Actual Projected Change Budget Change Change Budget Change Change 52 $ 131,718 $ 183,029 $ 625,998 $ 625,998 $ 1,063,697 $ 1,063,697 $ 1,604,166 $ 45,505 $ 1,089,381 $ 27,231 $ 28,950 $ 2,795,233 $ 141 128,930 181,346 625,000 625,000 1,315,502 1,315,502 1,785,327 475,000 1,241,907 41,616 819,429 4,363,279 171.2% $ -2.1% $ -0.9% $ -0 .2% $ -0.2% $ 23.7% $ 23 .7% $ 11.3% $ 943 .8% $ 14.0% $ 52 .8% $ 100.0% $ 56.1% $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 169 190,500 241,147 626,000 626,000 1,188,523 1,188,523 1,870,126 - - 2 4,708 - 1,894,834 587,759 10,612 598,371 614,504 4,670 150,000 769,174 98,632 2,547 101,179 19.9% $ 47.8% $ 33.0% $ 0.2% $ 0 .2% $ 28 $ 61,570 $ 59,801 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 202 177,000 228,690 620,000 620,000 43 .3% $ 37.3% $ 26.1% $ -0.8% $ -0.8% $ 33 (13,500) (12,457) (6,000) (6,000) -9.7% $ (126,979) $ 1,127,569 -14.3% $ (60,954) -9.7% $ (126,979) $ 1,127,569 -14.3% $ (60,954) 4 .7% $ 84,799 $ -100.0% $ (475,000) $ -100.0% $ (1,241,907) -40.6% $ (16,908) $ -100.0% $ (819,4291 $ -56.6% $ (2,468,445) $ 100.0% $ 100.0% $ 100.0% $ 100.0% $ 100.0% $ 1 00.0% $ 100.0% $ 100.0% $ 100.0% $ 100.0% $ 587,759 $ 10,612 $ 598,371 $ 614,504 $ 4,670 $ 150,000 $ 769,174 $ 98,632 $ 2,547 $ 101,179 $ 1,976,224 - 29,008 - 2,005,232 621,104 5,628 626,732 649,367 5,196 50,000 704,563 104,228 3,464 107,692 5 .7% $ $ $ 17.4% $ $ 5.8% $ 5.7% $ -47.0% $ 4.7% $ 5 .7% $ 11.3% $ -66.7% $ -8.4% $ 5.7% $ 36.0% $ 6 .4% $ 106,098 4,300 110,398 33,345 (4,984 ) 28,36 1 34,863 526 (100,000) (64,6 1 1) 5,596 917 6,513 2 Intergovernmental Miscellaneous Revenue Debt Proceeds Total Brady Road Con st. Fund 2015 Bond Projects Fund $ $ $ $ 2015 Actual 94,666 149,733 504,508 748,907 'b 'li 'li $ 2016 Pmjected 269,725 4,921 274,646 Annual% Change 184.9% $ -96.7% $ -100.0% -63.3% $ 2017 Budget 1,460,000 5,020 1,465,020 Annual 0;1! Change 441.3% 2.0% 2017 Change 1,190,275 99 433 .4% $ 1,190,374 $ 2018 Budget Annual% Change -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% $ 2018 Change (1,460 ,000) (5,020) -100.0% $ (1,465,020) Miscellaneous Revenue $ 5,518 $ 2,881 -47.8% $ 951 -67.0% $ (1,930) $ --100.0% $ (951) Debt Proceeds $ 2,320,736 100.0% $ -$ Total2015 Bond Proceeds Projects $ 2,320,736 $ 2,881 -99.9% $ 951 -67.0% $ (1,930) $ --100.0% $ (951) Intergovernmental Charges for Services Miscellaneous Revenue Total Storm Drainage Fund Charges for Services Miscellaneous Revenue Total Solid Waste Fund Water/Sewer Fund Charges for Services Mi scellaneous Revenue Loan Proceeds Transfer from other funds Total Water/Sewer Fund Water/Sewer Construction Fund Miscellaneous Revenue Loan Proceeds Transfer from other funds Total W ,.'~Capital Fund North Shore Sewer Construction Project Miscellaneous Revenue Debt Proceeds 11/21/2016 $ 23,274 $ $ 1,254,454 $ $ 19,901 $ $ 1,297,629 $ $ 2,341,849 $ $ 15,562 $ $ 2,357,411 $ $ 11,205,208 $ $ 175,033 $ $ 5,183,384 $ 16,563,625 $ $ $ $ $ 10,284 $ $ 17,142,580 $ 273,750 1,361,690 20,918 1,656,358 2,450,263 17,846 2,468,109 11,426,535 772,197 12,198,732 9,620,228 9,620,228 73,334 12,250 1076.2% $ 1,050,000 8.5% $ 1,453,604 5.1% $ 21,337 27.6% $ 2,524,941 4.6% $ 2,560,408 14.7% $ 18,203 4.7% $ 2,578,611 2.0% $ 12,067,580 341.2% $ 246,826 -100.0% -26.4% $ 12,314,406 $ 1,440,000 100.0% $ 3,070,000 100.0% $ 4,510,000 $ 50,000 283.6% $ 776,250 $ 6 .7% $ 91,914 $ 1,551,722 2.0% $ 419 $ 21,763 52.4% $ 868,583 $ 1,573,485 4.5% $ 110,145 $ 2,675,627 2.0% $ 357 $ 18,566 4.5% $ 110,502 $ 2,694,193 5.6% $ 641,045 $ 12,746,064 -68.0% $ (525,371) $ 251,662 0.9% $ 115,674 $ 12,997,726 100.0% $ 1,440,000 $ 680,000 -100.0% $ (9,620,228) $ 10,950,000 -100.0% $ 3,070,000 $ 255,000 ~53.1 o/o $ (5,110,228) $ 11,885,000 -31.8% $ -100.0% $ (23,334) $ (12,250) 20,000 6.7% $ 98,118 2.0% $ 426 3.9% $ 98,544 4.5% $ 115,219 2.0% $ 363 4.5% $ 115,582 5 .6% $ 678,484 2.0% $ 4,836 6.5% $ 683,320 -52.8% $ (760,000) 100.0% $ 10,950,000 -91.7% $ (2,815,000) 163.5% $ 7,375,000 -60.0% $ (30,000) 3 Total North Shore Sewer Construction Water/Sewer Capital Reserve Fund Charges for Services Miscellaneous Revenue Total Water/Sewer Cap. Fund Water/Sewer Bond Reserve Fund Miscellaneous Revenue Non-Revenues Transfers from Other Funds Total Water/Sewer Bond Res. Fund Charges for Services Miscellaneous Revenue Non-Revenues Total Equipment Rental Fund Miscellaneous Revenue Total Firemen's Pension Fund Transfers from other funds Total Retiree Medical Fund LEOFF I Disability Board Transfer from other funds Total LEOFF 1 Disability Fund 11/21/2016 2015 2016 Annual % 2017 Annual Oft, 2017 2018 Annual % 2018 Actual Projected Change Budget Change Change Budget Change Change $ 17,152,864 $ 85,584 $ 50,000 -41.6% $ (35,584) $ 20,000 -60.0% $ (30,000) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,337,610 $ 36,961 $ 1,374,571 $ 4,050 $ 656,895 $ 7,815 $ 668,760 $ 1,788,803 46,045 1,834,848 17,626 17,626 1,825,094 $ 1,932,181 13,655 $ 15,438 ( 49,135) $ (654) 1,789,614 $ 1,946,965 31,764 $ 31,724 31,764 $ 31,724 $ $ 33.7% $ 24.6% $ 33.5% $ 335.2% $ -100.0% $ -100.0% $ -97.4% $ 5.9% $ 13.1 o/o $ -98.7% 8.8% $ -0.1 o/o $ -0.1 o/o $ $ $ $ $ 1,906,374 46,965 1,953,339 17,979 17,979 1,855,616 15,747 1,871,363 32,358 32,358 97,329 97,329 189,164 189,164 6.6% $ 2.0% $ 6.5% $ 2.0% $ 2.0% $ -4.0% $ 2.0% $ -3.9% $ 2.0% $ 2.0% $ 100.0% $ 100.0% $ 100.0% $ 100.0% $ 117,571 $ 920 $ 118,491 $ 353 $ 353 $ (76,565) $ 309 $ (76,256) $ 634 $ 634 $ 97,329 $ 97,329 $ 189,164 $ 189,164 $ 1,973,365 47,905 2,021,270 18,339 18,339 1,692,778 16,061 1,708,839 33,005 33,005 73,741 73,741 197,450 197,450 3.5% $ 2.0% $ 3.5% $ 2.0% $ 2.0% $ -8.8% $ 2.0% $ -8.7% $ 2.0% $ 2.0% $ -24.2% $ -24.2% $ 4.4% $ 4.4% $ 66,991 940 67,931 360 360 (162,838) 314 (162,524) 647 647 (23,588) (23,588) 8,286 8,286 4 City of Camas Budget Appropriation Summary for 2017-2018 2015 2016 Annual% 2017 Annual% 2017 2018 Annual% 2018 Actual Projected Change Budget Change Change Budget Change Change General Fund Salaries and Benefits $ 1 0,319,352 $ 10,551,175 2.2% $ 11,132,280 5.5% $ 581,105 $ 11,434,484 2.7% $ 302,204 Supplies and Services $ 2,553,863 $ 2,587,896 1 .3% $ 3,166,852 22.4% $ 578,956 $ 2,898,647 -8 .5% $ (268,205) Intergovernmental $ 817,511 $ 889,613 8.8% $ 843,269 -5.2% $ (46,344) $ 877,363 4 .0% $ 34,094 Capital $ 255,974 $ 135,000 -47.3% $ 142,263 5.4% $ 7,263 $ 203,213 42.8% $ 60,950 Transfers to other funds $ 4,795,181 $ 5,059,958 5.5% $ 5,735,966 13.4% $ 676,008 $ 5,871,701 2.4% $ 135,735 Total General Fund $ 18,741,881 $ 19,223,642 2.6% $ 21,020,630 9.3% $ 1,796,988 $ 21,285,408 1.3% $ 264,778 547,481 $ 541,215 -1.1% $ 556,454 2 .8% $ 15,239 $ 573,565 3.1% $ 17,111 Supplies and Se rvices $ 1,111,964 $ 954,438 -14.2% $ 1,248,509 30.8% $ 294,071 $ 1,246,566 -0.2% $ (1,943) Intergovernmental $ 17,499 $ 15,000 -14.3% $ 35,000 133.3% $ 188,250 $ 35,714 2.0% $ 714 Capital $ 599,237 $ 545,012 -9 .0% $ 737,025 35 .2% $ 192,013 $ 774,990 5.2% $ 37,965 Transfers to other funds $ 19,785 $ 332,869 1582.4% $ 184,438 -44.6% $ (148,431) $ 178,414 -3.3% $ (6,024) Total Street Fund $ 2,295,966 $ 2,388,534 4.0% $ 2,761,426 15.6% $ 372,892 $ 2,809,249 1.7% $ 47,823 C/W Fire and EMS Fund Salaries and Benefits $ 7,144,722 $ 7,523,999 5.3% $ 7,540,022 0.2% $ 16,023 $ 7,761,035 2.9% $ 221,013 Supplies and Services $ 857,616 $ 1,045,883 22.0% $ 1,244,420 19.0% $ 198,537 $ 1,227,234 -1 .4% $ (17,186) Intergovernmental $ 271,065 $ 274,583 1.3% $ 184,494 -32 .8% $ 188,250 $ 188,250 2.0% $ 3,756 Capital $ 283,431 $ 250,000 -1 1.8% $ 52,000 -79.2% $ (198,000) $ -100.0% $ (52,000) Debt Payments $ 38,73 1 $ 32;924 -15 .0% -100.0% $ (32,924) $ Transfer to other funds $ 76,007 100.0% $ 76,007 $ 69,526 -8.5% $ (6,481) Total C/W Fire and EMS Fund _ $ 8,595,565 $ 9,127,389 6.2% $ 9,096,943 -0.3% $ (30,446) $ 9,246,045 1.6% $ 149,102 Lodging Tax Fund SupplieS<J!l!LS_eryices $ 14,196 $ 14,000 -1.4% $ 10,000 -28.6% $ (4,000) $ 10,000 0 .0% $ Total Lodging Tax Fund $ u J1-,l26 $ 14,000 -1 .4% $ 10,000 -28.6% $ ( 4,000) $ 10,000 0 .0% $ Cemetl'ry f'uncl Salaries and Benefits $ 107,635 $ 116,065 7 .8% $ 119,872 3.3% $ 3,807 $ 123,874 3.3% $ 4,002 Supplies and Services $ 77,665 $ 64,764 -16.6% $ 121,120 87 .0% $ 56,356 $ 104,109 -14.0% $ (17,011) Total Cemetery Fund $ 185,300 $ 180,829 -2.4% $ 240,992 33.3% $ 60,163 $ 227,983 -5.4% $ (13,009) Principal Interest Total Unlimited GO Debt Srv Fund 11/21/2016 $ $ $ 500,000 $ 122,137 $ 622,137 $ 519,000 103,637 622,637 3.8% $ -15.1% $ 0.1% $ 542,000 84,434 626,434 4.4% $ -18 .5% $ 0 .6% $ 23,000 $ 558,000 3.0% $ 16,000 [19,203) $ 64,380 -23 .8% $ (20,054) 3,797 $ 622,380 -0 .6% $ (4,054) 1 Limited GO Debt Service l'und Principal Interest Total Unlimited GO Debt Srv Fund Supplies and Services Capital Transfers to other funds Total Real Estate Excise Tax Fund Park Impact Fee Fund Supplies and Services Capital Transfers to other funds Total Park Impact Fee Fund Transporation lmp<lCt FL'C l'und $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2015 2016 Annual% 2017 Annual% 2017 2018 Annual% 2018 Actual Projected Change Budget Change Change Budget Change Change 722,761 $ 340,936 $ 1,063,697 $ 83,943 $ 289,386 $ 1,040,163 $ 1,413,492 $ 932,362 411,413 1,343,775 222,395 2,540,000 1,598,896 4,361,291 29.0% $ 20.7% $ 26.3% $ 801,739 386,784 1,188,523 164.9% $ 23,776 777.7% $ 2,075,000 53.7% $ 213,166 208.5% $ 2,311,942 $ $ $ $ 7,926 465,000 157,000 629,926 -14.0% $ ·6.0% $ ·11.6% $ -89.3% $ ·18.3% $ ·86.7% $ -47.0% $ 100.0% $ 100.0% $ 100.0% $ 100.0% $ (130,623) $ 756,026 -5.7% $ (45,713) (24,629) $ 371,543 ·3.9% $ (15,241) (155,252} $ l,l27,569 ·5.1% $ (60,954) (198,619) $ 27,741 16.7% $ 3,965 (465,000) $ 1,350,000 ·34.9% $ (725,000) (1,385,730) $ 113,163 -46.9% $ (100,003) (2,049,349) $ 1,490,904 -35.5% $ (821,038) 7,926 $ 465,000 $ 157,000 $ 629,926 $ 4,145 600,000 157,825 761,970 -47.7% $ 29.0% $ 0.5% $ 21.0% $ (3,781) 135,000 825 132,044 Transfers to other funds $ 730,665 100.0% $ 730,665 $ 668,927 -8 .4% $ (61,738) Total Transportation Impact Fee Fund $ 730,665 100.0% $ 730,665 $ 668,927 -8.4% $ (61,738) Fin• Impact Fee Fund Transferstootherfunds $ 21,021 100.0% $ 21,021 $ 21,017 0.0% $ (4) Total Transportation Impact Fee Fund $ 21,021 100.0% $ 21,02 1 $ 21,017 0.0% $ (4) Brady Hoad Construction Fund Capital $ 201,090 $ 269,725 34.1% $ 1,575,000 483.9% $ 1,305,275 -100.0% $ (1,575,000) Total Brady Road Construction Fund $ 201,090 $ 269,725 34.1% $ 1,575,000 483.9% $ 1,305,275 $ -100.0% $ (1,575,000) 20 IS Bond Projt'cts Fund Capital $ 1,520,130 $ 506,601 -66.7% $ 304,112 -40 .0% $ (202,489) $ -100.0% $ (304,112) Total2015 Bond Projects Fund $ 1,520,130 $ 506,601 -66.7% $ 304,112 -40.0% $ (202,489) $ -100.0% $ (304,112) Salaries and Benefits Supplies and Services Intergovernmental 11/21/2016 $ $ $ 37~009 $ 45~3 80 $ 3~923 $ 331,039 352,340 61,764 ·10.5% $ ·22.5% $ 99.7% $ 382,942 459,065 60,274 15.7% $ 30.3% $ -2.4% $ 5 1,903 $ 106,725 $ (1,490) $ 395,735 454,431 61,504 3.3% $ -1 .0% $ 2.0% $ 12,793 (4,634) 1,230 2 2015 2016 Annual 'Yo 2017 Annual% 2017 2018 Annual% 2018 Actual Projected Change Budget Change Change Budget Change Change Capital Debt Service Payments Transfers to other funds Total Storm Water Fund Solid Waste Fund Salaries and Benefits Supplies and Services Intergovernmental Total Sanitary Fund Water/Sewer Fund $ $ $ $ $ $ 6,407 $ $ 861,719 $ 402,544 $ 1,603,046 $ 105,655 $ 2,111,245 $ 6 18,149 16,861 1,380,153 449,599 1,791,489 110,064 2,351,152 9548.0% $ 1,576,000 $ 86,873 -100.0% 60.2% $ 2,565,154 11.7% $ 1 1.8% $ 4.2% $ 11.4% $ 470,040 1,809,100 117,768 2,396,908 155.0% $ 100.0% $ -100 .0% $ 85 .9% $ 4 .5% $ 1.0% $ 7.0% $ 1.9% $ 957,851 $ 86,873 $ (16,861) 1,185,001 $ 20,441 $ 17,611 $ 7,704 $ 45,756 $ 362,000 86,61 0 1,360,280 485,324 1,829,762 122,526 2,437,612 -no% $ -0 .3% $ -47.0% $ 3.3% $ 1 .1% $ 4.0% $ 1.7% $ Sa laries and Benefits $ 2,026,887 $ 2,211,236 9.1% $ 2,360,500 6.8% $ 149,264 $ 2,435,421 3.2% $ Supplies and Services $ 3,464,994 $ 3,684,819 6.3% $ 4,755,499 29.1% $ 1,070,680 $ 4,817,366 1.3% $ Intergovernmental $ 392,123 $ 407,128 3.8% $ 445,997 9.5% $ 38,869 $ 463,360 3.9% $ Capit al $ 5,650,858 -100.0% $ (1,214,000) (263) (1,204,874) 15,284 20,662 4,758 40,704 74,921 6 1,867 17,363 Debt Service Payments $ 2,942,419 $ 4,540,817 54.3% $ 4,185,715 -7.8% $ (355,1(}2) $ 4,007,272 -4.3% $ (178,443) Transfers to other funds $ 7,815 $ 610,000 7705.5% $ 2,373,469 289 .1% $ 1,763,469 $ 63,808 -97.3% $ (2,309,661) Total Water/Sewer Fund $ 14,485,096 $ 11,454,000 -20 .9% $ 14,121,180 23 .3% $ 2,667,180 $ 11,787,227 · -16.5% $ (2,333,953) W /S Capital Projects Fund Capital____ $ 7,581,554 100.0% $ 4,510;000 -40.5% $ (3,071,554) $ 11,885,000 163.5% $ 7,375,000 Total Wj~ (;apitalProjects $ $ 7,581,554 100.0% $ 4,510,000 -40.5% $ (3,071,554) $ 11,885,000 163.5% $ 7,375,000 North Shore Sewer Constmction Project ___________ _ Capital $ 338,308 $ 1,133,723 235.1% $ 13,000,000 1046.7% $ 11,866,277 $ 2,000,000 -84.6% $ (11,000,000) TotalNorthShoreConstruction $ 338,308 $ 1,133,723 235.1% $13,000,000 1046.7% $ 11,866,277 $ 2,000,000 -84.6% $ (11,000,000) Water/Sewer Capital Hcserve Fund Transfers to other funds $ 291,159 $ -100.0% $ 705,000 100.0% $ 705,000 $ 200,000 ·71.6% $ (505,000) Total Water/Sewer Cap. Fund $ 291,159 $ -100.0% $ 705,000 100.0% $ 705,000 $ 200,000 -71.6% $ (505,000) W;ller/Sewcr Bond Rl'SPrve Fund Transfers to other funds Total Water /Sewer Bond Res. Fund Salaries and Benefits Supplies and Services Debt Capital 11/21/2016 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 446,838 $ 490,078 $ $ 1,899,602 $ 382,558 409,571 2,278 816,044 0.0% $ 0.0% $ -14.4% $ -16.4% $ 100.0% $ -57.0% $ 432,250 548,380 2,500 804,319 0.0% $ 0.0% $ 13 .0% $ 33.9% $ 9.7% $ -1.4% $ $ $ 49,692 $ 138,809 $ 222 $ (11,725) $ 446,157 562,845 518,879 0.0% $ 0.0% $ 3.2% $ 2.6% $ -100.0% $ -35.5% $ 13,907 14,465 (2,500) (285,440) 3 2015 2016 Annual% 2017 Annual% 2017 2018 Annual% 2018 Actual Projected Change Budget Change Change Budget Change Change Total Equpment Rental Fund $ 2,836,518 $ 1,610,451 -43 .2% $ 1,787,449 11.0% $ 176,998 $ 1,527,881 -1 4.5% $ (259,568) Salary and Benefits Transfers to other funds Total Firemen's Pension Fund Retiree Meclici!ll3enefits Fund $ 17,613 $ $ 17,613 $ 22,933 30.2% $ 22,933 30.2% $ 119,601 119,601 -100.0% $ 100.0% $ 421.5% $ (22,933) 119,601 $ 96,668 $ 112,304 112,304 $ -6.1% $ -6.1% $ (7,297) (7,297) Salary and Benefits $ 97,329 $ 97,329 $ 73,741 -24.2% $ (23,588) Total Retiree Medical Fund $ $ $ 97,329 100.0% $ 97,329 $ 73,741 -24.2% $ (23,588) LEOFF 1 Disability Board Salary and Benefits $ 189,164 100.0% $ 189,164 $ 197,450 4 .4% $ 8,286 Total LEOFF 1 Disability Fund $ $ $ 189,164 100.0% $ 189,164 $ 197,450 4.4% $ 8,286 11/21/2016 4 ,, City of Camas General Fund Expenditure Budget Summary for 2017-2018 Legis!Jtive Salaries and Benefits Supplies and Services Total Legislative Salaries and Benefits Supplies and Services Intergovernmental Total Judicial ttve Salaries and Benefits Supplies and Services Intergovernmental Total Executive 1:ti1CC Salaries and Benefits Supplies and Services Intergovernmental Total Finance Supplies and Services Total Legal esourccs Salaries and Benefits Supplies and Services Total Human Resources Administrative Services Salaries and Benefits Supplies and Services Intergovernmental Total Administrative Services 11/21/2016 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2015 2016 Annual% 2017 Annual% 2017 2018 Annual% 2018 Actual Estimate Change Budget Change Change Budget Change Change 126,151 $ 9,720 $ 135,871 $ 70,065 $ 130,730 $ 94,285 $ 295,080 $ 269,900 $ 35,953 $ 3,000 $ 308,853 $ 860,134 $ 90,388 $ 36,841 $ 987,363 $ 115,006 $ 115,006 $ 130,006 $ 17,488 $ 147,494 $ 17~125 $ 11~183 $ 4~728 $ 337,036 $ 120,065 10,944 131,009 74,334 130,245 93,548 298,127 274,031 36,526 3,000 313,557 887,847 93,929 35,629 1,017,405 109,850 109,850 132,484 27,748 160,232 172,814 122,413 37,108 332,335 -4.8% $ 12.6% $ -3.6% $ 6.1% $ -0.4% $ -0 .8% $ 1.0% $ 1.5% $ 1.6% $ 0.0% $ 1.5% $ 3.2% $ 3.9% $ -3.3% $ 3.0% $ -4.5% $ -4 .5% $ 1.9% $ 58.7% $ 8.6% $ -1.3% $ 2.7% $ -13.2% $ -1.4% $ 148,150 12,160 160,310 133,800 142,952 95,597 372,349 286,000 89,577 3,000 378,577 917,500 97,160 40,000 1,054,660 116,665 116,665 166,000 100,682 266,682 16~000 12~290 3~921 333,211 23 .4% $ 11.1% $ 22 .4% $ 80.0% $ 9.8% $ 2.2% $ 24.9% $ 4 .4% $ 145.2% $ 0.0% $ 20.7% $ 3.3% $ 3.4% $ 12 .3% $ 3.7% $ 6 .2% $ 6.2% $ 25.3% $ 262.8% $ 66.4% $ -3.4% $ 4.8% $ 2.2% $ 0.3% $ 28,085 $ 1,216 $ 29,301 $ 59,466 $ 12,707 $ 2,049 $ 74,222 $ 11,969 $ 53,051 $ $ 65,020 $ 29,653 $ 3,231 $ 4,371 $ 37,255 $ 6,815 $ 6,815 $ 33,516 $ 72 ,934 $ 106,450 $ (5,814) $ 5,877 $ 813 $ 876 $ 152,330 12,408 164,738 138,234 145,868 97,547 381,649 294,410 41,405 3,000 338,815 945,680 99,141 40,816 1,085,637 119,045 119,045 171,267 37,655 208,922 171,723 129,258 38,695 339,676 2.8% $ 2.0% $ 2.8% $ 3.3% $ 2.0% $ 2.0% $ 2.5% $ 2.9% $ -53.8% $ 0.0% $ -10.5% $ 3.1% $ 2.0% $ 2.0% $ 2 .9% $ 2.0% $ 2.0% $ 3.2% $ -62.6% $ -21 .7% $ 2.8% $ 0.8% $ 2.0% $ 1.9% $ 4,180 248 4,428 4,434 2,916 1,950 9,300 8,410 (48,172) (39,762) 28,180 1,981 816 30,977 2,380 2,380 5,267 (63,027) (57,760} 4,723 968 774 6,465 1 Supplies and Services Intergovernmental Capital Total Law Enforcement Salaries and Benefits Supplies and Services Intergovernmental Total Detention and Correction Information Services Salaries and Benefits Supplies and Services Capital Totallnformation Services Salaries and Benefits Supplies and Services Intergovernmental Total Engineering Community Development Salaries and Benefits Supplies and Services Total Community Development Salaries and Benefits Supplies and Services Intergovernmental Total Planning Animal Control Supplies and Services Intergovernmental Total Animal Control 11/21/2016 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 548,992 $ 263,750 $ 152,578 $ 4,755,802 $ 127,516 $ 15,092 $ 184,467 $ 327,075 $ 336,856 $ 232,917 $ 15,851 $ 585,624 $ 1,067,550 $ 93,152 $ 150 $ 1,160,852 $ 225,354 $ 4,255 $ 229,609 $ 420,000 $ 129,653 $ 90,150 $ 639,803 $ 388 $ 99,123 $ 99,511 $ 581,936 285,129 23,000 4,768,245 134,206 17,081 227,835 379,122 421,741 254,170 12,000 687,911 1,069,801 119,342 1,189,143 232,766 8 ,110 240,876 436,274 110,781 91,725 638,780 500 112,000 112,500 6.0% $ 8.1% $ -84.9% $ 0.3% $ 5.2% $ 13.2% $ 23.5% $ 15.9% $ 25.2% $ 9.1% $ -24.3% $ 17.5% $ 0 .2% $ 28.1% $ -100.0% $ 2.4% $ 3.3% $ 90.6% $ 4.9% $ 3.9% $ -14.6% $ 1.7% $ -0.2% $ 28.9% $ 13.0% $ 13.1% $ 637,506 219,445 4,900,651 86,800 24,316 232,521 343,637 494,826 261,290 12,263 768,379 1,109,788 135,113 - 1,244,901 242,450 20,026 262,476 460,250 130,950 95,925 687,125 500 114,500 115,000 9.5% $ -23.0% $ -100.0% 2.8% $ -35 .3% $ 42.4% $ 2.1% $ -9.4% $ 17.3% $ 2.8% $ 2 .2% $ 11.7% $ 3.7% $ 13.2% $ $ 4 .7% $ 4.2% $ 146.9% $ 9.0% $ 5.5% $ 18.2% $ 4.6% $ 7.6% $ 0.0% $ 2.2% $ 2.2% $ 55,570 $ (65,684) $ 132,406 $ (47,406) $ 7,235 $ 4,686 $ (35,485) $ 73,085 $ 7,120 $ 263 $ 80,468 $ 39,987 $ 15,771 $ 55,758 $ 9,684 $ 11,916 $ 21,600 $ 23,976 $ 20,169 $ 4,200 $ 48,345 $ $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ 620,556 223,922 4,969,677 89,258 24,307 237,265 350,830 510,019 256,314 73,213 839,546 1,144,811 129,940 1,274,751 250,146 18,435 268,581 474,940 138,600 97,882 711,422 500 133,788 134,288 -2.7% 2.0% 1.4% $ 2.8% $ 0 .0% $ 2.0% $ 2.1% $ 3.1% $ -1.9% $ 497.0% $ 9.3% $ 3.2% $ ·-3.8% $ $ 2.4% $ 3 .2% $ -7.9% $ 2.3% $ 3.2% $ 5.8% $ 2.0% $ 3.5% $ 0.0% $ 16.8% $ 16.8% $ 69,026 2,458 (9) 4,744 7,193 15,193 (4,976) 60,950 71,167 35,023 (5,173) 29,850 7,696 (1,591) 6,105 14,690 7,650 1,957 24,297 19,288 19,288 2 Salaries and Benefits $ 1,065,246 $ 1,088,525 2.2% $ 1,103,266 1.4% $ 14,741 $ 1,137,045 3.1% $ 33,779 Supplies and Services $ 661,295 $ 660,215 -0.2% $ 934,046 41.5% $ 273,831 $ 805,498 -13.8% $ (128,548) Intergovernmental $ 2,100 $ 2,015 -4.0% $ 2,700 34.0% $ 685 $ 2,755 2 .0% $ 55 Total Parks and Recreation $ 1,728,641 $ 1,750,755 1.3% $ 2,040,012 16.5% $ 289,257 $ 1,945,298 -4.6% $ (94,714) 445,105 $ 521,903 17.3% $ 538,000 3.1% $ 16,097 $ 555,904 3.3% $ 17,904 Supplies and Services $ 26,521 $ 20,789 -21.6% $ 31.633 52.2% $ 10,844 $ 29,707 -6.1% $ (1,926) Total Building $ 471,626 $ 542,692 15.1% $ 569,633 5.0% $ 26,941 $ 585,611 2.8% $ 15,978 ces 4,605 $ 113,551 3.2% $ 3,551 Supplies and Services $ 134.480 $ 91,104 -32.3% $ 112,866 23 .9% $ 21,762 $ 114,985 1.9% $ 2,119 Total Central Services $ 238,694 $ 196,499 -17.7% $ 222,866 13.4% $ 26,367 $ 228,536 2.5% $ 5,670 Salaries and Benefits $ 1,105,646 $ 1,000,810 -9.5% $ 1,124,500 12.4% $ 123,690 $ 1,159,716 3.1% $ 35,216 Supplies and Services $ 188,652 $ 192,213 1.9% $ 191,371 -0.4% $ (842) $ 175,273 -8.4% $ (16,098) Intergovernmental $ 918 $ 1,624 76.9% $ 1,660 2.2% $ 36 $ 1,694 2.0% $ 34 Capital $ 87,545 $ 100,000 0.0% $ 130,000 30.0% $ 30,000 $ 130,000 0.0% $ Total Library $ 1,382,761 $ 1,294,647 -6.4% $ 1.447,531 11.8% $ 152,884 $ 1.466,683 1.3% $ 19,152 Support to Other Funds Transfers to Other Funds $ 4,795,181 $ 5,059,958 5.5% $ 5,735,966 13.4% $ 676,008 $ 5,871,701 2.4% $ 135,735 Total Support to Other Funds $ 4,795,181 $ 5,059,958 5.5% $ 5,735,966 13.4% $ 676,008 $ 5,871,701 2.4% $ 135,735 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 18,741,882 $ 19,223,643 2.6% $ 21,020,631 9.3% $ 1,796,988 $ 21,285,406 1.3% $ 264,775 11/21/2016 3