ORD 16-011ORDINANCE NO. 16-011
AN ORDINANCE adopting a new Chapter 18.34 of the Camas
Municipal Code, relating to airport overlay zoning and adopting a
revised Zoning Map.
Section I
A new Chapter 18.34 of the Camas Municipal Code, entitled, CMC 18.34: Airport Overlay
Zoning, is hereby adopted, as set forth in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and by this reference
incorporated herein.
Section II
The Zoning Map area subject to the Overlay adopted herein is attached hereto as Exhibit "B"
and the official Zoning Map of the City of Camas is accordingly revised.
Section III
This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five (5) days from and after its publication
according to law.
PASSED BY the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this d0 day of June, 2016.
City Attorney
Ex h i bit A
Chapter 18 .34 -Airport Overlay Zoning
18.34.01 PURPOSE. It is the purpose of this ordinance to regulate the use of property and to
regulate and restrict the height of structures and objects of natural growth in the vicinity of the
Grove Field Airport, to promote the public health, safety, convenience and general welfare to
increase safety in the use of the airport and to protect persons and property within the airport
affected area and zoning.
A. STATUTORY AUTHORIZATION. This ordinance, designed to protect the approaches,
airspace and hazard areas of the Grove Field Airport is adopted pursuant to RCW
36.70A.510 and RCW 36.70 .547.
B. APPLICABILITY. The jurisdiction of this ordinance shall extend over all lands and waters
within one (1) statute mile from the end of the runways at the Grove Field Airport. (Airport
Affected Area), or as depicted on the Camas Zoning Map, whichever offers greater
C. DEFINITIONS. All distances, unless otherwise specified, shall be measured horizontally.
1. "Airport." The Grove Field Airport located in Clark County, WA, owned and managed by
the Port of Camas-Washougal.
2. "Airport Affected Area." The areas identified as "Airport Overlay" on the Camas Zoning
3. "Airport Hazard." Any structure or object, whether man-made or natural, or use ofland
which obstructs the airspace required for the flight of aircraft in landing or taking off at
the airport or is otherwise hazardous to such landing and taking off.
4 . "Avigation Easement." An easement or right of overflight in the airspace above or in the
vicinity of a particular property. It also includes the right to create such noise or other
effects as may result from the lawful operation of aircraft in such airspace.
5. "Construction." The erection or alteration of any structure or objects either of
permanent or temporary character.
6. "Runway." A portion of the airport having a surface specifically developed and
maintained for the taxiing, landing and taking off of aircraft.
7. "Variance." An authorization granted by the Board of Adjustment to construct, alter, or
use a building or structure in a manner that deviates from the standards of this chapter.
18.34.02 GENERAL PROVISIONS. Use Restrictions.
A. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this ordinance, no use may be made of the land or
water within any zones established by these zoning regulations in such a manner as to
create electrical or electronic interference with navigational signals or radio or radar
communication between the airport and aircraft; or use of which emit or discharge smoke
or which would otherwise be detrimental or injurious to the health, safety and welfare of
the public in use of the airport.
B. Within Airport Overlay Zones an avigation easement recorded on the title/disclosure
statement is required for new or substantial redevelopment of lots, buildings, structures,
and activities. The avigation easement will provide notice that the property is located
within an air traffic area, and is near Grove Airfield, and as such may experience overhead
flights, odor, vibrations, noise and other similar aviation impacts.
Exhibit A to Ordinance 16-011
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18.34.03 VARIANCES.
A. Applications for variances shall be submitted to the Director and shall be forthwith
transmitted to the Port of Camas-Washougal and Washington State Department of
Transportation, Aviation Division for review and comment. The city will allow 14 days for
receipt of comments prior to issuance of decision.
B. In addition, variances shall be handled in accordance with CMC Chapter 18.45 Variances.
A. No person, firm or corporation shall erect or cause to be erected any structure over 150 feet
in height, as measured at the highest point at the object site, within all airport overlay
zones, unless otherwise specified in this chapter. Any structure proposed over 100-feet
must provide an approved 7 460-1 from the FAA.
B. A non-conforming structure may be repaired, rebuilt, altered or extended provided the
structure will not be higher than the limits established on the effective date of this
A. Purpose. Mapping of the overlay zone takes into account the need to protect the
approaches to the airport from incompatible land uses that would limit or adversely affect
the airport's ability to serve its present and future air transportation needs.
B. Location and extent of Airport Overlay Zones within city limits as depicted on the Camas
Zoning Map.
1. Airport Overlay Zone A is a pie-shaped area that includes lands that are within a 2,000
foot radius from the end of the runway. The vertex of the radius is 1,000 feet east of the
end of the runway and the pie-shaped arc encompasses a 30-degree central angle.
2. Airport Overlay Zone B generally includes lands that are 3,000 feet west of Zone A, and
is 750 feet wide for the first 500 feet, then 500 feet wide for the remaining length of
2,500 feet.
3. Airport Overlay Zone C generally includes lands that are within one (1) statute mile
from the end of the runway, and extends to include lands to the northern city limits and
east of La camas Lake.
A. Permitted uses. In addition to the limitations on development and uses contained in the
underlying zone, following additional development standards are required:
1. All enclosed office, sales and work areas that will be subject to a minimum of four
( 4) hours of continuous human occupancy per workday, must utilize construction
techniques that provide a minimum of twenty (20) decibels noise reduction over the
industry standards of 50 decibels.
2. Density. New lots shall be a minimum of one (1) acre in size, with the exception of
lots in existence prior to the date of this ordinance.
Exhibit A to Ordinance 16-011
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3. Landscaping (e.g. trees and bushes) for new development may not include plant
species that will exceed a height of 45 feet when mature.
B. Uses specifically prohibited are:
1. Churches, hospitals, schools, theaters, amphitheaters, stadiums, campgrounds,
wireless communication towers or structures (cell towers) and wildlife hunting
2. Places of public assembly and any other use, which may be susceptible to being
adversely affected by loud and extensive noise or would interfere in the operation of
the airport.
3. Landfills, garbage dumps, offal dump sites and other similarly licenses or titled
facilities used for operations to process, bury, store or otherwise dispose of waste,
trash, and refuse that would attract birds or rodents. Any facility, that would when
ignited, discharge smoke and be considered to be a hazard to navigation of aircraft
in taking off and landing phases of flight at the airport.
4. Signs Prohibited. Use or installation of flashing or illuminated advertising or
business signs, billboards, lights, or other types of illuminated structures, which
would be hazardous for pilots in distinguishing between airport lights and others, or
which result in glare in the eyes of pilots using the airport, thereby impairing
visibility in the vicinity of the airport or endangering the landing, taking off, or
aircraft operations.
A. Zone B shall be mapped to include areas subject to noise levels resulting from frequent
overflights of aircraft and to encourage land uses which, with proper noise reduction techniques
incorporated into construction, will not be adversely affected by such noise and are compatible
with the airport's activities and operations.
B. Prohibited Land Uses. All uses prohibited in Zone A are prohibited in Zone B.
C. Permitted uses. In addition to the limitations on development and uses contained in the
underlying zone, the following additional development standards are required in Zone B:
1. Commercial activity that is allowed within the underlying zoning including:
manufacturing, transportation facilities, retailing services, utilities, warehousing
and wholesaling, provided the following criteria are met;
a. Density. New lots shall be minimum of one (1) acre in size, with the
exception of lots in existence prior to the date of this ordinance.
b. All enclosed office, sales and work areas that will be subject to a minimum of
four (4) continuous hours of human occupancy per working day is suggested
that construction techniques provide a minimum of twenty (20) decibel
noise reduction over the industry standard of 50 decibels.
2. Industries that meet the use requirements must be one (1) acre lot size minimum.
18.34.08 Zone C NOISE
A. Whenever a property owner within Zone C applies for a building permit, it is recommended that
the owner be informed of construction or remodeling techniques that would decrease the noise
associated with the airport operation and heavy air traffic areas.
B. Permitted uses. All uses permitted in the underlying zone.
Exhibit A to Ordinance 16-011
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