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ORD 16-005
ORDINANCE NO. 16-005 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMAS, WASHINGTON AMENDING THE CITY'S 2015-2016 BUDGET ORDINANCE 15-025. WHEREAS, the City Council ofthe City of Camas approved Ordinance No. 15-025 updating 2015-2016 biennium budget for fiscal year 2016; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Camas desires to effectively utilize and manage the City's financial resources; and, WHEREAS, the City will receive additional revenues that were not anticipated at the time of adopting the budget for 2015-2016; and, WHEREAS, funds received in excess of estimated revenues during the current fiscal year when authorized by an ordinance amending the original budget, may be included in the expenditure limitation [RCW 35A.33.120(4)]; and, WHEREAS, the City desires to undertake activities, which were not foreseen at the time of adopting the 2015-2016 budget; and, WHEREAS, the financial activities in the following funds could not have been reasonably foreseen at the time of adopting the 2015-2016 budget; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMAS DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1 Budget Amendment: The City of Camas 2015-2016 Budget as adopted in Ordinance No. 15- 025 is to be amended as follows: 1. Supplement the 2016 Budget for a City-Wide Salary Study. 2. Supplement the 2016 Budget for Labor Negotiations Attorney Costs. Ordinance No. 16-005 3. Modify the 2016 Budget a W ellness Grant and associated expenditures. 4. Modify the 2016 Budget to extend the Swimming Pool Season with a private grant. 5. Modify the 2016 Budget to replace the Library Chiller and insurance proceeds. 6. Modify the 2016 Budget with updated 2016 ERR Rates. 7. Modify the 2016 Budget with Police equipment and a private grant. 8. Modify the 2016 Budget with Police Rifle purchase with surplus sale proceeds. 9. Supplement the 2016 Budget for Development Review Assistance. 10. Carry Forward 2015 Budget to 2016 for Station 42 repairs. 11. Supplement the 2016 Budget for ambulance replacement acquisition. 12. Supplement the 2016 Budget to adjust Storm Water Baseline Budget. 13. Supplement the 2016 Budget to adjust the Solid Waste Baseline Budget. 14. Supplement the 2016 Budget for a Solid Waste Study. 15. Carry Forward 2015 Budget to 2016 for Radio Meter replacement. 16. Carry Forward 2015 Budget to 2016 for Septic Tank Pumping Contract. 17. Removed. 18. Carry Forward 2015 Budget to 2016 for Water System Plan Update. 19. Carry Forward 2015 Budget to 2016 for TV Program for I/I Repairs. 20. Supplement the 2016 Budget to adjust the Water/Sewer Baseline Budget. Page-2 21. (C-1) Carry Forward the 2015 Budget to 2016 for the 6th and Norwood Roundabout Project. 22. (C-2) Carry Forward the 2015 Budget to 2016 for the Street Lighting LED Project. 23. (C-3) Supplement the 2016 Budget for the Franklin Street Rehabilitation Project for Streets and Water and Sewer transmission lines with partial CDBG grant funding, water and sewer rates and street preservations funds. 24. (C-4) Carry Forward the 2015 Budget to 2016 for Fallen LeafLake Project. 25. (C-5) Supplement the 2016 Budget for the Heritage Trailhead Parking-Goodwin Road Project with Real Estate Excise Tax funds. Ordinance No. 16-005 Page-3 26. (C-6) Modify the 2016 Budget for the Cooper's View Project with the removing ofthe Dorothy Fox Park Project. 27. (C-7) Supplement the 2016 Budget for the Stair Repair Project (Trail Linkage) with Real Estate Excise Tax funds. 28. (C-8) Supplement the 2016 Budget for the Oak Mitigation for Friberg/Strunk Project with Real Estate Excise Tax funds. 29. (C-9) Supplement the 2016 Budget with the Storm Damage on Lacamas Lane and Forest Home Road with FEMA funding and Storm Water rates. 30. (C-10) Modify the 2016 Budget with Wetland Mitigation realignment. 31. (C-11) Carry Forward 2015 Budget to 2016 for the Sewer Transmission Main Project. 32. (C-12) Supplement the 2016 Budget for the WWTP Septage Receiving Station Project with sewer rates. SECTION2 Budget Amendment-Effect on Fund Revenues and Expenses. The foregoing increases affect the City funds as shown on Attachment A. SECTION 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval, and publication, as accordance with law. Ordinance No. 16-005 Page-4 PASSED by the Council and APPROVED by the L. SIGNED: ~----~~~-----------Mayor ATTEST: r~ CA..e EY-- Clerk APPROVED as to form: ~A~ City Attorney Attachment A 2016 Budget Amendment~ Fund Summary Budget Budget Beg Fund Balance Capltai/E.IJ~ r"se Funds Unlimited GO Debt Service $ 37,056 $ 625 ,000 $ (622,637) $ Limited GO Debt Service $ -$ 1,315,502 $ (1,315,502) $ Growth Management Act Projects $ 2,872,330 $ 3,515,319 $ (3,288,192) $ NW 38th Ave. Construction $ -$ Friberg Rd . Construction $ -$ 20,000 $ (20,000) $ Brady Road Construction $ 550,306 $ 639,500 $ (1,278,000) $ 6th and Norwood Construction $ 2,011,154 $ 3,000 $ (1,950,000) $ Street lighting LED Project $ 2,352,221 $ 703,500 $ (1,172,869) $ Bond Fund Capital Projects $ 802,341 $ 3,500 $ (800,000) $ Storm Water $ 1,576,769 $ 1,333,121 $ (1,391,474) $ Solid Waste $ 1,2 92,750 $ 2,467,990 $ (2,191,346) $ Water/Sewer $ 4,619,622 $ 21,478,870 $ (21,773,738) $ WS Capi ta l Reserve $ 3,411,472 $ 1,559,805 $ (429,000) $ WS Bond Reserve $ 1,563,559 $ 15,000 $ -$ NUGA Sewer Construction Project $ 16,8 68,838 $ 214,000 $ (2,800,000) $ $ 44,486,699 $ 66,821,017 $ (71,514,3 16) $ $ (1) Budgeted re ven ue s and expenses reflect the 2016 Adopted Budget Estimated Budget Amendm en t Amended 39,419 $ 39,419 -$ - 3,099,457 $ 625,000 $ (1,055,000) $ 2,669,457 -$ - -$ 30,000 $ (30,000) $ - (88,194) $ (88,194) 64,154 $ 551,579 $ (551,579) $ 64,154 1,882,852 $ (1,653,639) $ 229,213 5,841 $ 5,841 1,518,416 $ 2,422,500 $ (3,032 ,221) $ 908,695 1,569,394 $ (348,884) $ 1,2 20,510 4,324,754 $ 600,228 $ (2,029,893) $ 2,895,089 4,542,277 $ 4,542,277 1,578,559 $ 1,578,559 14,282,838 $ (120,000) $ 14,162,838 39,793,400 $ 4,582,358 $ (9,288,402) $ 35,087,357 $ C-1,C-3,C-4,C-S,C-6,C-7,C-8 C-8 C-1 C-2 1,2,12,C-9,C-10 1,2,6,13 1,2,6,15,16,18,19,20,C-l,C-3,C-ll,C·12 ·c-3 -----------~- 2 Labor Negotiations Attorney Costs Supplemental 001 $ 6,723 $ 36,163 001-06-518100-41 $ (29,440) $ (29,440) 2 Adjust Fund Balance Supplemental 001 $ 2,881,559 $ 2,8S2,119 001.00.508.000.00 $ 29,440 $ 29,440 2 labor Negotiations Attorney Costs Supplemental 112 $ 385,305 $ 386,942 112-00-543-300-41 ·$ (1,637) $ (1,637) 2 Adjust Fund Balance Supplemental 112 $ (5,262) $ (6,899) 112.00.508.000.00 $ 1,637 $ 1,637 2 Labor Negotiations Attorney Costs Supplemental 125 $ 6,788 $ 7,152 125-00-536-500-41 $ (364) $ {364) 2 Adjust Fund Balance Supplemental 125 $ 2,873 $ 2,509 125.00.508.000.00 $ 364 $ 364 2 Labor Negotiations Attorney Costs Supplemental 115 $ 157,921 $ 176,112 115-00-522-710-41 $ (18,191) $ (18,191) 2 Adjust Fund Balance Supplemental 115 $ 385,999 $ 367,808 115.00.508.000.00 $ 18,191 $ 18,191 2 Labor Negotiations Attorney Costs Supplemental 419 '$ 184,483 $ 185,393 419-00-553-516-41 $ {910) $ (910) 2 Adjust Fund Balance Supplemental 419 $ 1,518,416 $ 1,517,506 419.00.508.000.00 $ 910 $ 910 2 Labor Negotiations Attorney Costs Supplemental 422 $ 102,782 $ 104,237 422-00-537-700-41 $ (1,455) $ (1,455) 2 Adjust Fund Balance Supplemental 422 $ 1,S69,394 $ 1,567,939 422.00.508.000.00 $ 1,455 $ 1,455 2 Labor Negotiations Attorney Costs Supplemental 424 $ 613,618 $ 620,167 424-00-538-100-41 $ (6,549) $ (6,549) 2 Adjust Fund Balance Supplemental 424 $ 4,324,754 $ 4,318,205 424.00.508.000.00 $ 6,549 $ 6,549 2 Labor Negotiations Attorney Costs Supplemental 523 $ 31,287 $ 32,741 523-00-548-690-41 $ (1,454) $ {1,454) 2 Adjust Fund Balance Supplemental 523 $ 1,135,914 $ 1,134,460 523.00.508.000.00 $ 1,454 --$ _ _1,~~1_ Wellness Grant Administrative $ 36,472 JooLo0.367.ooo.oo I $ 2,250 $ 2,250 Wellness Grant Administrative $ 5,834 1001-06-518-100-31 $ (2,250)1 $ (2,250) 4 Swimming Pool Season Ext. Donation Administrative 001 $ 34,222 $ 51,222 00'1 .00.::167 .000.00 $ 17,000 $ 17,000 4 Swimming Pool Season Ext. Donation Administrative 001 $ 76,666 $ 86,4S5 001-18-576-200-11 $ (9,789) $ (9,789) 4 Swimming Pool Season Ext. Donation Administrative 001 $ 13,800 $ 15,372 001-18-576-200-21 $ (1,572) $ (1,572) 4 Swimming Pool Season Ext. Donation Administrative 001 $ 10,821 $ 12,054 001-18-576-200-31 $ (1,233) $ (1,233) 4 Swimming Pool Season Ext. Donation Administrative 001 $ 14,553 $ 16,211 001-18-576-200-41 $ (1,658) $ (1,658) 4 Swimming Pool Season Ext. Donation Administrative 001 $ 21,688 $ 24,159-001-18-576-200-47 $ (2,471) $ (2,471) 4 Swimming Pool Season Ext. Donation Administrative 001 $ 2,435 $ 2,712 001-18-576-200-53 $ (277) $ (277) Library Chiller Replacement Administrative $ 21,000 I001-00-360-000-00 $ 21,000 Library Chiller Replacement Administrative $ 56,850 1001-30-572-500-48 $ (30,000)1 $ (30,000) 1 6 2016 ERR Rate Changes Administrative 001 $ 32,322 $ 26,815 001-07-518-900-45 $ 5,507 $ 5,507 6 2016 ERR Rate Changes Administrative 001 $ 26,471 $ 30,465 001-08-521·100·45 $ (3,994} $ (3,994) 6 2016 ERR Rate Changes Administrative 001 $ 272,929 $ 241,051 001-08-521-220-45 $ 31,878 $ 31,878 6 2016 ERR Rate Changes Administrative 001 $ 18,720 $ 19,283 001·08-521·700-45 $ (563) $ (563) 6 2016 ERR Rate Changes Administrative 001 $ 10,874 $ 8,182 001·10·523-300-45 $ 2,692 $ 2,692 6 2016 ERR Rate Changes Administrative 001 $ 41,544 $ 41,938 001-13-518-910-45 $ (394} $ (394} 6 2016 ERR Rate Changes Administrative 001 $ 27,888 $ 32,376 001·18-571-200-45· $ (4,488) $ (4,488} 6 2016 ERR Rate Changes Administrative 001 $ 175,656 $ 215,080 001" 18-576-600-45 $ (39,424) $ (39,424) 6 Transfer to Cemetery Fund Administrative 001 $ 120,000 $ 120,930 001-00-597-125-00 $ (930) $ (930) 6 Adjust Fund Balance Administrative 001 $ 2,881,559 $ 2,781,552 001-00-508-000-00 $ 9,716 $ 9,716 6 2016 ERR Rate Changes Administrative 112 $ 160,974 $ 150,967 112-00-542·300-45 . $ 10,007 $ 10,007 6 2016 ERR Rate Changes Administrative 112 $ 10,728 $ 11,049 112-00-542-900-45 $ (321) $ (321) 6 2016 ERR Rate Changes Administrative 112 $ 104,000 $ 93,963 112-00·544-200-45 $ 10,037 $ 10,{)37 6 Adjust Fund Balance Administrative 112 $ (5,262) $ 14,461 112-00-308-000-00 $ (19,723) $ (19,723) 6 2016 ERR Rate Changes Administrative 115 $ 8,000 $ 14,006 115·00-522-710.45 $ (6,006) $ (6,006) 6 2016 ERR Rate Changes Administrative 115 $ 63,516 $ 57,938 115-00-522·210-45 $ 5,578 $ 5,578 6 2016 ERR Rate Changes Administrative 115 $ 12,324 $ 5,li03 115-0Q-522·720.45 $ 6,721 $ 6,721 6 Adjust Fund Balance Administrative 115 $ 385,999 $ 392,292 115-00-308-000-00 $ (6,293) $ (6,293) 6 2016 ERR Rate Changes Administrative 125 $ 34,842 $ 35,772 125 .00.536.500.45 $ (930) $ (930} 6 Transfer from GF Administrative 125 $ 120,000 $ 120,930 125.00.397.001.00 $ 930 $ 930 6 2016 ERR Rate Changes Administrative 422 $ 330,791 $ 339,_685 422.00.537.900.45 $ (8,894) $ (8,894) 6 Adjust Fund Balance Administrative 422 $ 1,569,394 $ 1,560,500 422.00.508.000.00 $ 8,894 $ 8,894 6 2016 ERR Rate Changes Administrative 424 $ 10,728 $ 11,049 424.00.535.811.45 $ (321) $ (321) 6 2016 ERR Rate Changes Administrative 424 $ 76,236 $ 78,612 424.00.535 .850.45 $ (2,376) $ (2,376) 6 2016 ERR Rate Changes . Administrative 424 $ 115,208 $ 116,137 424.00.538.100.45 $ (929) $ {929) 6 Adjust Fund Balance Administrative 424 $ 4,324,754 $ 4,321,128 424.00.508.000.00 $ 3,626 $ 3,626 6 2016 ERR Rate Changes Administrative 523 $ 1,626,170 $ 1,656,485 523-00-348·100-00 $ 30,315 $ 30,315 6 Adjust Fund Balance Administrative 523 $ 1,135,914 $ :).,166,229 523-00-508-000-00 $ (30,315) $ {30,315) Police-Citizen Donation Administrative $ 57,222 001.00.367.000.00 $ 23 ,000 Police· Graphic Reader Board Administrative $ 23,000 001.08-594-210.64 $ (23,000) $ (23,000) Police-Rifle Sale Administrative $ 13,881 001-00-341-710·00 $ 8,556 Police-Rifles Administrative $ 76,041 001·08·521-220-35 $ (8,556} $ (8,556) Development Review Assistance Supplemental $ 39,032 001-13-518-910·41 $ (30,000) $ (30,000) Adjust Fund Balance Supplemental $ 2,851,559 001-00-508-000·00 $ 30,000 Station 42 Repairs Carry Forward 21,000 115.09.522.500.48 $ (11,000) $ (11,000) Adjust Fund Balance Carry Forward 374,999 115 .00.508.000.00 $ 11,000 Ambulance Supplemental $ 250,000 115.00.594.260.64 $ {250,000) $ (250,000) Debt Proceeds Supplemental $ 250,000 115.00 .391 .800.00 $ 250,000 Adjust Storm Water Baseline Supplemental $ 10,803 419.00.553 .500.31 $ (2,000) $ {2,000) Adjust Storm Water Baseline Supplemental $ 49,093 419 .00.553.500.41 $ (10,000) $ (10,000) Adjust Storm_ Water Ba~~jne_ _ ____ Supplemen~---$ 100,580 419.00.553.500.48 $ (18,000) $ (18,000} 2 13 Adjust Solid Waste Baseline Supplemental 422 $ 568,485 $ 668,485 422.00.537.500.47 $ (100,000) $ (100,000) 13 Adjust Solid Waste Baseline Supplemental 422 $ 389,496 $ 419,496 422 .00.537.600.41 $ {30,000) $ (30,000) 13 Adjust Solid Waste Baseline Supplemental 422 $ 2,535 $ 5,035 422.00.537.800.42 $ (2,500) $ (2,500) 13 Adjust Solid Waste Baseline Supplemental 422 $ 12,439 $ 15,439 422.00 .537800.49 $ (3,000) $ (3,000) 13 Adjust Solid Waste Baseline Supplemental 422 $ 98,064 $ 110,064 422 .00.537.800.53 $ (12,000) $ (12,000) 13 Adjust Solid Waste Baseline Supplemental 422 $ 330,791 $ 394,291 422.00.537.900.45 $ (63,500} $ (63,500) 13 Adjust Solid Waste Baseline Supplemental 422 $ 72 $ 1,072 422.00.537 .900.49 $ (1,000) $ (1,000) 13 Adjust Fund Balance Supplemental 422 $ 1,569,394 $ 1,357,394 422.00.508.000.00 $ 212,000 $ 212,000 ' Solid Waste Study Supplemental $ 227,782 422.00637 .700.41 $ (125,000) $ (125,000) Adjust Fund Balance Supplemental $ 1,444,394 422.00.508.000.00 $ 125,000 Radio Meter Project Carry Forward Carry Forward $ 680,884 424.00.534.810.35 $ (290,000) $ (290;000) Adjust Fund Balance Carry Forward $ 4,134,754 424.00.508.000.00 $ 290,000 Septic Tank Pumping Carry Forward Carry Forward $ 38,261 424-00-535-830-41 $ (20,000) $ (20,000) Adjust Fund Balance Carry Forward $ 4,304, 754 424.00 .508.000.00 $ 20,000 Water System Plan Update carry Forward $ 275,000 424-00-534-810-41 $ (275,000) $ (275,000) Adjust Fund Balance Carry Forward $ 4,049, 754 424 .00.508 .000.00 $ 275,000 TV Program for 1/1 Repair Carry Forward $ 72,279 424-00-535-811.41 $ (70,000) $ (70,000) 1/1 Repair Carry Forward $ 250,000 424-00-535-811-48 $ (250,000) $ (250,000) Adjust Fund Balance Carry Forward $ 4,004,754 424-00-508-000-00 $ 320,000 20 Adjust Water Baseline Supplemental 424 $ 176,640 $ 244,640 424 .00.534 .810.45 $ (68,000) $ (68,000) 20 Adjust Water Baseline Supplemental 424 $ 371,356 $ 390,356 424.00.534.810.47 $ (19,000) $ (19,000) 20 Adjust Water Baseline Supplemental 424 $ 2,204 $ 5,204 424.00.534.810.49 $ (3,000) $ (3,000) 20 Adj-ust Sewer Baseline Supplemental 424 $ 610 $ 1,010 424.00.535.811.42 $ (400) $ (400) 20 Adjust Sewer Baseline Supplemental 424 $ 10,728 $ 18,728 424.00 .535 .811.48 $ (8;000) $ (8,000) 20 Adjust Sewer Baseline Supplemental 424 $ 320 $ 1,020 424.00.535.811.49 $ (700) $ (700) 20 Adjust Sewer Baseline Supplemental 424 $ 2,605 $ 3,505 424.00.535.830.42 $ (900) $ (900) 20 Adjust Sewer Baseline Supplemental 424 $ 128 $ 2,128 424.00.535.850.35 $ (2,000) $ (2,000) 20 Adjust Sewer Baseline Supplemental 424 $ 2,992 $ 3,992 424.00.535.850.42 $ (1,000) $ (1,000) 20 Adjust Sewer Baseline Supplemental 424 $ 76,236 $ 96,236 424 .00.535.850.45 $ (20,000) $ (20,000) 20 Adjust Sewer Baseline Supplemental 424 $ 180,364 $ 200,364 424.00.535.850.47 $ (20,000) $ (20,000) 20 Adjust Sewer Baseline Supplemental 424 $ 16,535 $ 20,535 424.00 .538 .100.42 $ (4,000) $ (4,000) 20 Adjust Fund Balance Supplemental 424 $ 4,324,754 $ 4,177,754 424.00.508.000.00 $ 147,000 $ 147,000 ' C-1 6th and Norwood -REET Carry Forward 316 $ -$ 385,000 316-00-397-300-00 $ 385,000 $ 385,000 C-1 6th and Norwood -Water Carry Forward 316 $ . $ 55,000 316-00-397-424-00 $ 55,000 $ 55,000 C-1 6th and Norwood ·Sewer Carry Forward 316 $ -$ 10,000 316-00-397-424-00 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 C-1 6th and Norwood -Street Preservation Carry Forward 316 $ -$ 100,000 316-00-397-112 -00 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 C-1 6th and Norwood -Interest Carry Forward 316 $ 3,000 $ 4,579 316-00-361-112-00 $ 1,579 $ 1,579 C-1 6th and Norwood-Construction Carry Forward 316 $ 1,9SO,OOO $ 2,501,579 316-{)0-595-300-65 $ (551,579) $ (551,579) C-1 6th and Norwood • REET Carry Forward 300 $ -$ 385,000 300-00-597-316-00 $ (385,000) $ (385,000) C-1 Adjust Fund Balance Carry Forward 300 $ 3,099,457 $ 2,714,457 300-00-508-000-00 $ 385,000 $ 385,000 3 4 5