ORD 17-013 ORDINANCE NO . 17 -013
AN ORDINANCE adopting amendments to Title 18 Zoning of the
Camas Municipal Code ,
The Council of the City of Camas do ordain as follows :
Section I
The following sections of the Camas Municipal Code are amended as set forth in the attached
Exhibit "A" : 18 . 03 . 030 (noted definitions only) ; 18 . 03 . 040 (noted definitions only) ; 18 . 03 . 040 — Figure
18 . 03 -6 and Figure 18 . 03 - 8 ; 18 . 05 . 010 B ; 18 . 05 . 020 ; 18 . 05 . 040 ; 18 . 05 . 060 ; 18 . 07 . 020 G ; 18 . 07 . 030
Table 1 ; 18 . 07 . 040 Table 2 ; 18 . 09 . 030 Table 1 ; 18 . 09 . 040 ; 18 . 09 . 050 ; 18 . 09 . 140 B ; 18 . 11 . 020 C ;
18 . 13 . 020 ; 18 . 13 . 050 ; 18 . 17 . 050 ; 18 . 17 . 060 ; 18 .26 . 090 131 ; 18 . 51 . 020 ; 18 . 51 . 025 ; 18 . 51 . 030 ; 18 . 51 . 050 .
Section Il
The following sections of the Camas Municipal Code are hereby repealed : 18 . 05 . 040 A, G ; and
18 . 51 . 040 .
Section III
The following section of the Camas Municipal Code is added : 18 . 13 . 055 — Landscape buffering
standards .
Section IV
The following section titles of the Camas Municipal Code are amended as follows :
1 ) Section 18 . 17 . 050 is hereby titled "Fences and walls" .
2) Chapter 18 . 51 is hereby titled " Comprehensive plan and zoning amendments" .
3 ) Section 18 . 51 . 010 is hereby titled "Application for amendments to comprehensive plan" .
4) Section 18 . 51 . 020 is hereby titled "Application review process for comprehensive plan".
5 ) Section 18 . 51 . 025 is hereby titled "Zoning text and map amendments" .
Ordinance No . 17-013 Page - 2
6) Section 18 .51 .030 is hereby titled "Evaluation criteria" .
Section IV
This Ordinance shall take force and be in effect five days from and after its publication according
to law.
PASSED BY the Council and APPROVED bAthis of C) C�o bzr , 2017 .
APPROVED as to form :
City Attorney
Exhibit 1
October 2, 2017
Chapter 18 . 03 — DEFINITIONS , I I a I I I W F v I I W 4 a 0 0 6 9 v 9 a 9 0 0 a 9 a a 0 1 a a a 0 a W % 0 a v a a a a a a 0 a a a Bonn affawn 0 0 0 a 0 d 0 a 0 , o , a a h k h . . . . . 0 . . a 9 F a a a F v 0 a 4 a v a a % 4 4 a 0 0 0 F 0 v 0 v a 0 a a 4 a 1
Chapter 18 . 05 — ZONING MAP AND DISTRICTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Chapter 18 . 07 — USE AUTHORIZATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Chapter 18 . 09 — DENSITYAND DIMENSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Chapter18 . 11 — PARKING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Chapter 18 . 13 — LANDSCAPING . . 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 a a a a a a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 a a a a a a a a a R a 0 0 0 0 a a a a a a 0 A & I I I a a & h a 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 q R * p 9 4 0 4 4 a a a 4 1 1 A a a a a a a a a a a a a a 4 a a 17
Chapter 18 . 17 — SUPPLEMENTAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Section 18 . 26 . 090 — DEVELOPMENT BONUSES . . a 9 a 9 a a a 6 4 0 a a a a 0 0 9 a 0 9 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a a a 0 h h k h W I a I d d d a I I I I 1 0 0 W F I I In W a , , 0 0 6 a 0 0 0 a a a 0 v a a a v a 0 a a a 0 v 0 a a 24
Chapter 18 . 51 — COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND ZONING AMENDMENTS . . 0 a R a a a a a a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a a a a a A a a a a 0 a a 0 0 a a a a a d a a 0 a a 0 a a a 4 a 024
Note to reader : The following proposed amendments are shown as underlined or strike - through
# . A double underlined phrase indicates that it has been moved to another section of the code ,
rather than deleted . The full content of each chapter is not included , which means that if changes
are not shown in this document then they are not intended . All changes were recommended to
be forwarded to Council by the Planning Commission , with the exception of additional changes
proposed by Staff at pages 15 and 25 . See side bar notes on those pages .
Chapter 18 . 03 = DEFINITIONS
18 . 03 . 030 = Definitions for land uses .
For the purposes of this title , the following definitions shall apply :
" Food carts/ food trucks / food delivery business " means a business in which food is primarily prepared and sold from
a vehicle or trailer. + tl�a �s spz,n�F„a ^ n . Restaurants or fast food restaurants with-in a-fixed autheri .zed IeGat , ,, n
permanent building are not included in this definition . Food carts are generally not allowed to conduct business within the
Public right-of-way and must be located on leased or owned property. For more information refer to zoning structure
setbacks , uses allowed in the zone , and siting requirements at CMC Chapter 18 . 18 Site Plan Review.
"Kennel / commercial/ boarding"_ ( primary use ) means any premises or building in which four or more dogs or cats at
least four months of age kept commercially for board , propagation or sale . Facilities for kennels / boarding must be entirely
indoors , unless otherwise approved with a Type III permit .
Kennel / boarding ( incidental use) means any premises or building in which four or more dogs or cats at least four
months of ane are kept commercially for training or board . Propagation and sale of pets may not occur as an incidental use .
Facilities for the boarding of animals may occupy no more than 30 percent of the gross floor area of the primary building
and must be indoors . Excessive barking may be considered cause for revocation of permit in accordance with CMC Section
9 . 32 . 050 - Public disturbance noises .
Exhibit 1
MC17 -02
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"Video rental stare " PiqeaRs A..A establffishMeRt eRgaged primarily OR the bUGiReGG Of FeRtiRg video E;assettes , DVD ' s and
games .
18 . 03 . 040 - Definitions for development terms .
As used in this title :
" Developed/net acreage " means the total acreage of a land use development exclusive of open space and critical
areas . Developed/net acreage includes infrastructure , storm drainage facilities and lots and access easements .
" Lot line " means the property line bounding a lot .
Lot Line , Front . " Front lot line" means , in the case of an interior lot , the lot line separating the lot from a street other
than an alley, and in the case of a corner lot , the shortest lot line separating the lot from a street other than an alley . See
Figure 18 . 03 8-.
Lot Line , Rear. " Rear lot line " means a lot line which is opposite and most distant from the front lot line . In the case of
an ;ar-- irregular shaped lot, a line ten feet in length within the lot parallel to and .* the M .aximwm dist RGemost
distant from the front lot line shall be considered the rear lot line for purposes of determining required setbacks . See Figures
18 . 03- 6 and 19 . 03-9.
roar Zt iir1Gj
10 ft
- 10 FEET 10 FEET
Figure 18 . 034 Rear Lot Line in the Case of aTFiaR916119ran Irregular Lot
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Figure 18 .03 - 8 Yard and Lot Lines 4.2 e€ 22 }
Sections :
18 . 05 . 010 - Zoning maps administration .
A. This title shall consist of the text titled the " City of Camas Zoning Code , " and that certain map or books of maps
identified by the approving signatures of the mayor and the city clerk , and marked and designated as "The Zoning Map
of the City of Camas , " which map or book of maps shall be placed on file in the offices of the city clerk, county auditor,
and other city departments . This title , and each and all of its terms and map details , is to be interpreted in light of the
context of the book of maps in relationship to the comprehensive plan . In any conflict between the maps and the text
of this code the text shall prevail .
B . Zoning text and map Aamendments . Amendments may be proposed by city council or an its „t .,,, Meti ., t, „ r may be
{reposed by the planning commission on its own motion , or such an amendment may be proposed by an applicant or
city staff pursuant to CMC Chapter 18 ,55-51 ndMiRistr t ,„ t, and ProGe ' I :& Cornrehensive Plan and Zoning
Amendments .
C . Administration and Procedures . A correct copy of each amendment to the text or to the map established by this title
shall be maintained on file in the offices of the city clerk and the planning official .
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D . Site Specific Rezones . A site specific rezone involves an application of an owner of a specific parcel or set of contiguous
parcels that does not require modification of the comprehensive plan . Site specific rezones are decided by the hearing
officer after a public hearing . The criteria for reviewing and approving a site specific rezone are as follows :
1 . The use or change in zoning requested shall be in conformity with the adopted comprehensive plan , the provisions
of this title , and the public interest .
2 . The proposed zone change shall be compatible with the existing established development pattern of the
surrounding area in terms of lot sizes , densities and uses .
E . Timing and Responsibility for Updating Official Zoning Map . All amendments hereafter made to the zoning map by
ordinance shall be shown on such map (s) , and it shall be the responsibility of the planning official to keep the maps up
to date at all times . Any amendments to the zoning map shall be made in accordance with the comprehensive plan
map , as amended .
18 . 05 . 020 = Districts designated .
For the purposes of the Code , the city is divided into zoning districts designated as follows :
District Symbol Comprehensive
Residential 15,000 R- 15 Single -family Low
Residential 12,000 R- 12 Single-family Medium
Residential 10,000 R- 10 Single-family Medium
Residential 7, 500 R - 7 . 5 Single -family Medium
Residential 6,000 R- 6 Single-family High
Multifamily40 MF- 10 Multifamily Low
Multifamily48 MF- 18 Multifamily High
R4 . VIt0f-4 .., 4lV 24 nn� D411Itif-, .,, 71 " High
Multifamily Cottage MF - C Overlay
Neighborhood Commercial NC Commercial
Community Commercial CC Commercial
Regional Commercial RC Commercial
Mixed Use MX Commercial
Downtown Commercial DC Commercial
Light Industrial LI Industrial
Heavy Industrial HI Industrial
Business Park BP Industrial
Light Industrial/Business Park LI / BP Light IREIHS .7 -, B SiReSS Pad(Industrial
Neighborhood Park NP Park
Special Use Park SU Park
Open space/Green space OS Open space I Green space
18 . 05 . 040 = Residential and multifamily zones .
ffiAN 0 R -20. Res *deRtial 20 , 000 . ThiS ZORe V S " WeRded te 8RSUre that the rural GharaGter Of GertaiR pertiGns of the Gity 0 S
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1 0 ME; WOPWY thousand sell lare feet at densities Af Ane to twe dwellings per aGre
€A . R- 15 Residential - 15 , 000 . This zone is intended for single-family dwellings with a minimum density of two to three
dwellings per acre . This zone will permit the rural character of a number of existing neighborhoods to be maintained .
The average lot size is fifteen thousand square feet .
GB . R - 12 Residential - 12 , 000 . This zone is intended for single-family dwellings with densities of three to four dwelling units
per acre . This zone is designated for areas with steep topography for greater flexibility in site layout , and where potential
hazards do not exist . The average lot size is twelve thousand square feet .
BC . R4010 Residential - 10 , 000 . This zone is intended for single-family dwellings with densities of four to five dwellings per
acre . This zone is intended to be zoned near low density residential districts , and where potential natural hazards do
not exist . The average lot size is ten thousand square feet .
€D . R - 7 . 5 Residential -7 , 500 . This zone is intended for single-family dwellings with densities of five to six dwellings per acre .
This zone should have less slope than lower density zones , and be adjacent to existing high density residential districts .
The average lot size is seven thousand five hundred square feet .
E . R- 6 Residential -6 , 000 . This zone is intended for single-family dwellings with densities of six to seven dwellings per
acre . The slope of property is less than other lower density residential zones . This zone serves a transition to multifamily
or commercial zones . The average lot size is six thousand square feet .
G; R -5 ResideRtial Thoc.; ZA� np� mS; MtP� RUJP� d f9r SiRgle family dwellings , either or detaGh9d , with deRG 'ties ef
lm,,,ikp� the RNNNR� diStFiGt , this zone serves as a traRG409R tG Multifamily GF GOMMWGial zenes . The average let size is five
thousand and q uare foo+
A.E. MF- 10 Multifamily Residential . This zone provides for a diversity of dwellings such as duplexes , triplexes , fourplexes ,
rowhouses , and apartment complexes , with a density of up to ten units per acre . It is desirable for this zone to be
adjacent to parks and multi - modal transportation systems . This zone can also serve as a transition between commercial
and residential zones .
LG . MF- 18 and -24 Multifamily Residential . These zones are intended to provide for dwellings such as rowhouses and
apartment complexes . It is desirable for these zones to be adjacent to parks and multi - modal transportation systems .
These zones also serve as a transition between commercial and residential zones .
JH . MF-C Cottage . This is an overlay zone , which is intended to increase the housing supply and style choices for smaller ,
single- level dwellings . It is desirable that cottages are designed to include unique architectural elements such as a
front porch , steep- pitch gable roof , and a recessed garage ; and to accommodate those with mobility impairments . This
overlay zone may be utilized within multi -family zones only, and upon approval of a zoning district change .
18 . 05 . 060 - Overlay zones/special planning areas .
Overlay zones implement the goals and values expressed in the comprehensive plan_, or speGial n ! ^ nn .oil^ ^ ^ ro ^ S „ +h
as the NeFth [Dwyer Greek master plan . Uses within this area may be subject to standards which deviate from those in the
primary zone .
Chapter 18 . 07 - USE AUTHORIZATION
Sections :
18 . 07 . 020 - Interpretation of land use tables .
The land use tables in this chapter determine whether a specific use is allowed in a zone district . The zone district is
located on the vertical column and the specific use is located on the horizontal rows of these tables .
A. If the letter "V appears in the box at the intersection of the column and the row, the use is not allowed in that
district , except for certain temporary uses .
B . If the letter " P " appears in the box at the intersection of the column and the row, the use is allowed in that district
subject to review procedures in accordance with CMC Chapter 18 . 55 "Administration and Procedures . "
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C . If the letter " C " appears in the box at the intersection of the column and the row , the use is allowed subject to the
conditional use review procedures specified in Chapter 18 . 43 "Conditional Use Permits , " and the general
requirements of the Camas Municipal Code .
D . If the letter "T" appears in the box at the intersection of the row, the use is temporarily permitted under the
procedures of Chapter 18 . 47 "Temporary Use Permits . " Other temporary uses not listed may be authorized as
provided in Chapter 18 . 47 .
E . If a number appears in a box at the intersection of the column and the row , the use is subject to the requirements
specified in the note corresponding with the number immediately following the table .
F . Uses accessory to a use permitted or conditionally permitted in any zone may be authorized subject only to those
criteria and/or processes deemed applicable by the head of the planning department .
G . If a use is not listed under either Section 18 . 07 . 030 Table 1 or 18 . 07 . 040 Table 2 , and is not an accessory or
temporary use , then the use shall be subject to a zoning code text amendment . Notwithstanding a zoning code
text amendment , , ar whatever FeVieW PFGG8SS is deer ed m ^ re appliGable la , the community development director.-
sgxlmay determine whether a proposed land use not specifically listed in a land use table is allowed in a zone .
The director shall take into consideration the following when making a determination :
1 . Whether or not the proposed use in a particular zone is similar impact to other permitted or conditional
uses or is compatible with other uses ; and
2 . Whether or not the proposed use is consistent with the zone's purpose .
A use listed in one table but not the other shall be considered a prohibited use in the latter.
18 . 07 . 030 = Table 1 —Commercial and industrial land uses .
KEY : P = Permitted Use
C = Conditional Use
X = Prohibited Use
T = Temporary Use
Zoning Districts NC DC CC RC MX BP LI/ LI HI
Commercial Uses
Animal kennel , commercial boarding 6 X X X G X G X X X
P11 P11 P 11 P11
Animal shelter 6 X X X C X C X C P
Antique shop 6 P P P P P C X X P
Appliance sales and service 6 X P P P P P X C P
Automobile repair ( garage ) 6 X P C P X P X P P
Automobile sales, new or used 6 X P X P X P X P P
Automobile service station 6 X P C P X P X P P
Automobile wrecking 6 X X X X X X X X C
Bakery (wholesale ) 6 X X X P X P P 5 P P
Bakery ( retail ) 6 P P P P P P P 5 P P
Banks, savings and loan X P P P P P P 5 P P
Barber and beauty shops 6 P P P P P P P 5 P P
Boat building 6 X X X C X C X C P
Boat repair and sales 6 X P X P X P X P P
Book store 6 C P P P P P P 5 P P
Bowling alley/ billiards 6 X P X P P P X P P
Building, hardware and garden supply store 6 X P C P P P X P P
Bus station 6 X C C P C P X P P
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Zoning Districts NC DC CC RC MX BP LI/ LI HI
Cabinet and carpentry shop 6 X P C P C P P 5 P P
Candy; confectionery store 6 P P P P P P P 5 P P
C 42 E iZ c- R i -� 42 R
Cemetery 6 X X X C X X X C P
Clothing store 6 C P P P P P X P P
Coffee shop, cafe ' or kiosk P P P P P P P 5 P P
Convention center 6 X P X C C P P C X
Day care center 6 C P P C P C P 5 C C
Day care, adult P P P P P P P P P
Day care, family home 6 P P P P P X P 5 P X
Day care, mini -center 6 P P P P P P P 5 P X
Delicatessen ( deli ) 6 P P P P P P P 5 P P
Department store 6 X P C P P P X P X
Electric vehicle battery charging station and rapid P P P P P P P P P
charging stations
Equipment rental 6 C P C C C P P 5 P P
Event center X P C P C P P P P
Feed store 6 X X X P X C X P P
Fitness center/sports club 6 X P P P P P P 5 P P
Funeral home 6 X P C P P X X X X
Florist shop 6 P P P P P P P 5 P X
Food cart/ Food truck / Food delivery business 6 X-C P C P C P X-C P X
Furniture repair; upholstery 6 X P C P P P X P P
Furniture store 6 X P C P P P X P X
Gas/fuel station 6 X P C P X P X P P
Gas/fuel station with mini market 6 X P C P X P X P P
Grocery, large scale 6 X P C P P C 8 X P P
Grocery, small scale 6 P P C P P P X P P
Grocery, neighborhood scale 6 P P P P P P P 5 P X
Hospital , emergency care 6 X C P P P P X P X
Hotel , motel 6 X C C P P P X P X
Household appliance repair 6 X P C P P P X P P
Industrial supplies store 6 X P X C C C X C P
Laundry/dry cleaning ( industrial ) X X X P X X X P P
Laundry/dry cleaning ( retail ) 6 P P P P P P P 5 P P
Laundry ( self-serve ) P P P P P P X P P
Liquor store 6 X P C P C C X C C
Machine shop 6 X X C C C C P 5 C P
Marijuana processor X X X X X X X X X
Marijuana producer X X X X X X X X X
Marijuana retailer X X X X X X X X X
Medical or dental clinics ( outpatient) 6 C P P P P P P 5 P P
Mini-storage/vehicular storage 6 X X C C X P X P P
Manufactured home sales lot 6 X X X P X X X P P
Newspaper printing plant 6 X P C C X X X P P
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Zoning Districts NC DC CC RC MX BP LI/ LI HI
Nursery, plant 6 X P C C C C X C P
Nursing, rest, convalescent, retirement home 6 C P P P P X X X X
Office supply store 6 X P P P P X P 5 P P
Pawnshop 6 X X X X X X X C C
Parcel freight depots 6 X P X P X P P 5 P P
Pet shops 6 X P P P P P X P C
Pharmacy 6 X P P P P P P 5 P P
Photographic/electronics store 6 X P P P P P P5 P P
Plumbing, or mechanical service 6 X X X P C P X P P
Printing, binding, blue printing 6 C P P P P P P 5 P P
Professional office ( S ) 6 C P P P P P P P P
Public agency 6 C P P P P P P P P
Real estate office 6 C P P P P P T P P
Recycling center 6 X X X X X X X P P
Recycling collection point 6 Tor P Tor Tor C C P 5 P P
Recycling plant 6 X X X X X X X C P
Research facility 6 X P C C X P P P P
Restaurant 6 C P P P C P P 5 P P
Restaurant, fast food 6 X P C P C P P , P P
Roadside produce stand 6 T T T T C X T T T
Sand , soil , gravel sales and storage 6 X X X X X X X C P
Second- hand/consignment store 6 C P P P P P X P P
Sexually oriented business �,s X X X X X X P X X
Shoe repair and sales 6 P P P P P P X P P
Smoke shop/ head shop 9 X X P P X X X X X
Stock broker, brokerage firm P P I P P P P P P P
Specialty goods production ( e . g . brew pub ) P P P P P P P P P
Taverns ' X P C P C P X P P
Theater, except drive - in 6 X P C P P P X P P
Truck terminals 6 X C X C X X X C P
Veterinary clinic 6 X P C P P P X P P
Iz g Jz R X 42 X
Warehousing, wholesale and trade 6 X X X C C P P 5 P P
Warehousing, bulk retail 6 X X X C C X X P P
Manufacturing and/or processing of the following :
Cotton , wool , other fibrous material X X X X X P X P P
Food production or treatment X X X C C P X P C
Foundry X X X X X X X C C
Furniture manufacturing X P X X C C X P P
Gas, all kinds ( natural , liquefied ) X X X X X X X X C
Gravel pits/ rock quarries X X X X X X X C P
Hazardous waste treatment — Off-site X X X X X X X X P
Hazardous waste treatment — On -site X X X X X X X X P
Junkyard/wrecking yard X X X X X X X X C
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Zoning Districts NC DC CC RC MX BP LI/ LI HI
Metal fabrication and assembly X X X X X C X X P
Hazardous waste treatment— On -site X X X X X X X X P
Paper, pulp or related products X X X X X X X X P
Signs or other advertising structures X X X C C C P C P
Electronic equipment X P X X X X P P P
Industrial Uses
High -tech industry X P X X P P P Z X X
Manufacturing of miscellaneous goods (e . g . musical X X X X C X X P P
instruments, toys, vehicle parts)
Optical goods X C C C C P P 5 P P
Packaging of prepared materials X X C P C C P 5 C P
Scientific and precision instruments X P X X X P P P P
Recreational, Religious, Cultural Uses
Auditorium 6 C P P P P P X P P
Community club 6 C P P P P P X P P
Church 6 P P P P P P X P P
Golf course/driving range 6 P X P P X P P 5 P P
Library 6 C P P P P P X P P
Museum 6 C P P P P P X P P
Recreational vehicle park ' X X X C X X X P P
Open space 6 P P P P P P P P P
Park or playground P P P P P P P P P
Sports fields 6 C X P P P P X P P
Trails P P P P P P P P P
Educational Uses
College/ university 6 P P P P P P X P P
Elementary school 6 P P P P P P X P P
Junior or senior high school 6 P P P P P P X P P
Private, public or parochial school 6 P P P P P P X P P
Trade, technical or business college 6 P P P P P P P P P
Residential Uses
Adult farm , „ h . , .,, ., G 112 $ X $ X X X X
Bed -, ., .J hY., . l.f@ . t 42 42 _11 X _12 X X X X
DesigRated uf2e# red. h ., .., ., X X X X p- X X X X
Duplex eF t. . .e _family dwelliRg X CP X X 42 X X X X
ire 6 _12 _p X _p X X X X
ueme pati , ., 42 $ 42 X 41 X X X X
LJeWSiRg f9F th ., dirn . NINA 41 p 42 X 9 X X X X
Apakq:R� X 112 X X 42 X X X X
Rpgiclpncp a Fy to and .... p4l with al 111 4a $ X PM X X X X
h . .
SoRgle family - hashed ( e.g . . h .. uses) X CP X X _11 X X X X
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Exhibit 1
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Zoning Districts NC DC CC RC MX BP LI/ LI HI
Residential I le• e s : n Ge. Mme. .e: a1 and 1n 1 . ss4*i . 1 7e. .. e. e•
Adult family home C P P X P X X X X
Assisted living C P P X/ P10 P X X X X
Bed and breakfast P P P X P X X X X
Designated manufactured home X X X X P X X X X
Duplex or two-family dwelling X C/ P ' X X P X X X X
Group home C P P X P X X X X
Home occupation P P P X/ P10 P X X X X
Housing for the disabled P P P X/ P10 P X X X X
Apartment, multifamily development, row houses X C/ P' X/ P10 X/ P10 ILC X X X X
Residence accessory to and connected with a P P P X/ P10 P X X X X
Single-family dwelling X X X X P X X X X
Communication, Utilities and Facilities
Electrical vehicle infrastructure �P �P/ P P P P P P P
Minor. 112 42 4a 42 IZ 42 42 t t
Wireless communications facility. Refer to Chapter 18 . 35
Facilities, minor public P P P P C P P C P
Facility, essential 6 X X C C C C P C C
Railroad tracks and facilities 6 C X C C C X X C C
Temporary Uses
Temporary sales office for a development 4 T T T T T T T T T
Notes :
1 . See CMC Chapter 5 . 36 Sexually Oriented Businesses for additional regulations for siting sexually oriented business
facilities .
2 . Similar uses are permitted in the zone district only at the discretion of the community development director or designee .
3 .
d; Str;GtReserved .
4 . See CMC Chapter 18 . 47 "Temporary Uses " for additional regulations .
5 . See secondary use provisions of LI/ BP zone .
6 . See CMC Chapter 18 . 19 " Design Review" for additional regulations . CMC Chapter 18 . 19 is not applicable to
development in the LI/ BP zone .
7 . Residential uses may be outright permitted if part of a mixed use building , where residential use is not located on the
ground level ; otherwise it shall be a conditional use .
8 . If grocery store is less than one hundred thousand square feet then use is outright permitted . If one hundred thousand
square feet or over then a conditional use permit is required .
9 . A . Must be sited a minimum one thousand feet of the perimeter of the grounds of any elementary or secondary school ,
playground , recreation center or facility , child care center , public park , public transit center, or library, or game arcade to
which is not restricted to persons twenty-one years or older as defined in WAC 314-55-010 on June 20 , 2015 ;
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B . The business shall post clear signage in a conspicuous location near each public entrance stating no person under
the age of twenty- one may enter the premises ; and
C . No smoke shop/head shop subject to this note shall be located within five miles of an existing lawfully established
smoke shop/head shop . All measurements under (A) and ( C) shall be measured from the nearest property line of the
property on which the use is proposed to the nearest property line of an existing business utilizing Clark County GIS .
10 . . On tracts 10 acres or more , subject
to approval by City Council of a master plan and development agreement, a mixed use development may be approved
provided no less than 51 % of the net developable acreage is committed to commercial uses .
11 . Conditional use permit is required if facilities for kennels are proposed outdoors .
18 . 07 . 040 = Table 2-13esidential and multifamily land uses .
KEY : P = Permitted Use
C=Conditional Use
X = Prohibited Use
T = Temporary Use
Authorized Uses in Residential and Multifamily Zones
-------------- --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- --------------------------- -------,
F------------------------ ............................................... -------------------------------- --------------- -- '
Residential Uses
Ir---------- -------------------------------------- - ------------------- ---------
Adult family home, residential care facility, supported living arrangement, or housing for the disabled P P
1 '
Apartments p-
A P 2 P
I --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- ----------------- ----- ----
Assisted living 1 C P
I Designated manufactured homes P P
- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- -------------------------------- ;
Duplex or two -family dwelling C P
------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------- i
Manufactured home X X
I Manufactured home park X C I
- - ------- ...........---........... ------------------- ---- - - -
Nursing, rest, convalescent, retirement home 1 C P
Single faff . ' Residential attached housin or three or more units e rowhouses X P 2 P I
.-�---------------------- -�� - �=9=' � ------------ ........
Single family dwelling (detached) ---------------------------------------- .......................
--------------------- -P P
Incidental Uses
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ------- -----------------------
I Accessory dwelling unit P P
; Animal training: kennel_ boarding -------------- ----------------------------------------- -------------- X C
i Day care center 1 C P
Day care, family home P P
- ----------------------------------------- ------ --------- ---------------------------- ------------------- --------------------- ----------
Day care, minicenter 1 C P
I Electric vehicle battery charging station and rapid charging stations P P
r -------------------------------------
Gardening and horticulture activities P P
----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
Homeoccupation --------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- -- P P
r i
Bed and breakfast 1 C C
-----------------------------------Recreation�Reli�iousfCultural - --------------------- --- -----1
I Church 1 C C
- - - - -- - --------------- - - — - ------- -- - - ------ -
Community clubs, private or public 1 ----------------- ------------------------------------------- ---------- C C
-- o -- -
Library 1 C C
r ------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------- -------
I Museum 1 C C I
1--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------i
Open space 1 P P I
Public or semi-public building 1 C C
r -------------------------------------------- ----------- -------- -----------------
I Park or playground P P I
r - ----------- ------ --------------------------------------- --------------------------------- -- -------------------------
Sports fields 1 C C - --
------------------------.....................-.............-------------------------------------..................-........-.......--------------------------------............ - ------------ —
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- - --------------------------- ------------------------ -
- ------------------------- -------- - - R MF
- -- - - - '
-Trails --------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- - -- P - P-
Educational Uses
iPrivate, public or parochial school 1-------- ---------------------------------------------------- ............. -�
; Trade, technical, business college 1 -------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ---------X-----------------
Colle e umvers� 1 X X
9 = -ry .... ........................................ - -------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------
Communication and Utilities
r----------------------------7-- --------------- -------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ---------�--- ...................i
Miner cengmumeatienf-044ty
Wireless communication facility -1 Refer to Chapter
18 . 35
E C-
r----- - ...-....-....-......- - - - - --------------------- --------------------- ---------------------------- --------- --------------- ;
Facilities, minor public - C C
------------------------------- -----------------------------..............-........-..................-----------------.......................................... -----------------------------------------i
Public utilities, minorC C i
Pumping station 1C C
i Railroad tracks and facilities 1 C C i
Temporary Uses --------------
I Sales o ice or a development in a dwelling 1, 4 T T
of f p 9 -----------------1--------------------------- - '
Sales o rce or a development in a trailer 3, 4 T T
ff -f - -�' - - -------------------------------------- -- ------------------------------ - -
Notes :
1 . See Chapter 18 . 19 " Design Review" for additional regulations .
2 . Permitted in the R zones as part of a planned development only .
3 . Site plan review required per CMC Section 18 . 18 . 020 (A) ( 1 ) .
4 . Notwithstanding the time limitations of a temporary use , a sales office proposed and approved through a Type III
application may be approved with a longer time frame than one hundred eighty days .
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18A9030 - Table 1 — Density and dimensions for commercial and industrial zones .
Bulk Regulations
Maximum Density n a None n a n a 24 n a n a n a n a
( dwelling
units/net acre)
Minimum lot area 51000 None 11800 10, 000 % acre " 10 acres
( square feet) None None None
Minimum lot 40 None " None " " ' None 100 100 48te4 Not
width (feet) } }None None specified
Minimum lot 40 41Atp I �, AtpI None PlAtp 1 100 49te4 Not
depth (feet) None None None None None specified
Setbacks :
Commercial and industrial development setbacks shall be as follows , unless along a flanking street of a corner lot. If alone
flanking street , then the setback must be treated like a front , and provide safe sight distance .
Minimum front 15' Note &4 Note &-4 Note -5-4 Note 3C3 Not 15 "' ate 1 5 ' per 1
yard (feet) ",� spee-ified None foot of
None building
( 200'
minimum )
Minimum side " " '� " '� Plete 1 Mete 1 15 ' or 15 " 100 ' for
yard (feet) None None None None 10 ' 25 ' if None building;
10' Note abutting 25 ' for
1� a parking
al area
Minimum rear Nete 1 Nete 4 Nate 1 date 1 Nete 1 25 ' 50 '-1 100' for
yard (feet) None None None None 25None building;
25 ' for
Lot Coverage
Lot coverage 85 % " '� date 1 Note 1 Nate 4: 70% 50% } 1 story
( percentage ) None None None 1 story None (30% )
60% 2 stories
2 stories (40% )
or more 3 stories
50% (45 % )
Building Height
Maximum building 2 . 5 Nete 1 Nate 1 {fete 1 {Mete 1 acre or less : Pdete 1 Nete 60
height (feet) stories; None None None None 351; 1 to 2 None 1
or 35 acres : 45 '; None
2 acres or
more : 60'
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1 . ATS. limitation .
Notes : �
13. If along a flanking street of corner lot .
2. F QA GA. PAP. F paFG9113 , ( paFrVels berdered. laytwe er meFe streets ) , the setbaGk requirements shall be the sa.m. e for all street
fre Rtages Frent setback rns+ ri Gtinns shall apply ,
24. The densities and dimensions in the LI/BP zone may be reduced under a planned industrial development . See
Chapters 18 . 20 Ncii4h Dwyer Greek Residential Overlay and 18 . 21 Light Industrial/Business Park ,
36. Maximum setback at front building line is ten feet .
54 . Residential dwelling units shall satisfy the front setbacks of CMC Section 18 . 09 . 040 Table 2 , based on comparable lot
size .
18 . 09 . 040 - Table 21 — Density and dimensions—Single-family residential zones .
Density and Dimensions for Single-family Residential Zones '
R3 R-6 R-7 . 5 1140 1142 1145 R49
A . Standard New Lots
Maximum density ( dwelling 8� 7 . 2 5 . 8 4 . 3 3 . 6 2 . 9 3-44
units/gr-ess-net acre )
Average lot area (square feet) &14M 6, 000 7, 500 10, 000 12, 000 15 , 000 20jggg
Minimum lot size ( square feet) 41889 41800 6, 000 81000 91600 12 , 000 461008
Maximum lot size ( square feet) 4s 8-008 788 glow 42-888 44-488 48, 080 34) 008
9 , 000 12 , 000 14 , 000 18 , 000 24 , 000
Minimum lot width (feet) -30 60 70 80 90 100 400
Minimum lot depth (feet) 98 90 90 100 100 100 480
Maximum building lot coverages 45°6 40% 40 % 35 % 30% 30% 30%
Maximum building height (feet) az 35 35 35 35 35 35 35
B . Density Transfer Lots 1
Maximum density ( dwelling 34 7 . 2 5 . 8 4 . 3 3 . 6 2 . 9 2-04
units/netgrsss acre
Minimum lot size (square feet) 3388 41200 51250 71000 81400 10, 500 44;800
Maximum lot size (square feet ) 43 51,080 7, 200 91000 12 , 000 141400 18, 000 24;998
Minimum lot width (feet) 1 40 50 60 60 70 80 g8
Minimum lot depth (feet) ' g8 80 80 90 90 100 400
Maximum building lot coverage 450A 40% 40% 40% 35 % 35 % -3"0
Maximum building height (feet) az 35 35 35 35 35 35 35
Notes :
1 . For additional density and dimension provisions . see CMC Sections 18 . 09 . 060 through 18 . 09 . 180 .
32 . Maximum building height : three stories and a basement , not to exceed height listed .
43 . For parcels with an existing dwelling . a one -time exception maybe allowed to partition from the parent parcel a lot that
exceeds the maximum lot size permitted in the underlying zone . Any further partitioning of the parent parcel or the oversized
lot must comply with the lot size requirements of the underlying zone .
54 . Average lot area is based on the square footage of all lots within the development or plat . The average lot size may
vary from the stated standard by no more than five hundred square feet .
f375 The maximum building lot coverage for single -story homes may be up to forty-five percent in R-6 and R - 7 . 5 zones .
and forty percent in R- 10 and R- 12 zones . To qualify for increased lot coverage , a single -story home cannot include a
basement or additional levels .
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18 . 09 . 040 - Table 2— Buildinq setbacks for single-family residential zones ' .
Lot Area S ^* " ar '4S based e4 Up to 5, 000 to x-586 10,000 12,000 15)AA9 2A15, 000
aveFage gatsizes ( net zene4, 999 '11 , 999 to W to W or more
sq . ft . sq . ft. X13 11,999 14,999 190999 sq . ft .
sq . ft .
Minimum front yard (feet) 45-20 20 2=9 2M9 25 38 30
Minimum side yard and 5 5 § 10 4§ 15
corner lot rear yard (feet)
Minimum side yard flanking a 15 20 28 �$ 25 38 30
street (feet)
Minimum rear yard (feet) 20 25 2-5 25 30 3§ 35
Minimum lot frontage on a 25 30 39 38 35 40 40
cul -de-sac or curve (feet)
Note :
2-1 . Setbacks may be reduced to be consistent with a*er-ag he lot sizes of the development in which it is located .
Notwithstanding the setbacks requirements of this chapter, setbacks and/or building envelopes clearly established on an
approved plat or development shall be applicable .
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18 . 09 . 050 - Table 3-1 Density and dimensions for multifamily residential zones .
MF- 10 MF- 18 44F 24 MF-C Overlay
Density -
Maximum density ( dwelling units per 10 18 24 47824
gess-net acre )
Minimum density (dwelling units per 6 . 0 6 . 0 b 9 6 . 0
netg*ess acre)
Standard lots
Minimum lot area ( square feet ) 3 , 000 2 , 100 489 None
Minimum lot width (feet ) 3-8-36 2-9-26 28 None
Minimum lot depth (feet) 70 60 459 9-None
Maximum gross floor area ( GFA) per No max No max WLq R; 1, 000 Note
dwelling unit ( square feet)
Minimum front yard/at garage front 15/2049 10/ 20478 ' n1�8 0/2048
Minimum side yard (feet) 3 Note 1 3 Note 0 / If abutting R-zone than
setback is 10'
Minimum side yard, flanking a street 15 15 45 15
Minimum rear yard 10 10 10 01 If abutting R -zone than
setback is 10'
Lot coverage
Maximum building lot coverage 55 % 65 % 7-5-OA Building coverage is limited by
a minimum of 200 sq . ft . of
useable yard adjacent to each
dwelling unit .
Building height
Maximum building height (feet) 35 Note 4 -50 4 =5=� 18 Note
Note -2-5
Table -3 Notes :
1 . The non -attached side of a dwelling unit shall be three feet , otherwise a zero- lot line is assumed .
2 . Maximum b ildiRg height- : three stories and a basement but not to exceed height listed above.
3 . Maximum la mldiRg heigh : one story and a basement but not to exceed height listed abeve .
4 . Gross Floor Area ( GFAJ in this instance does not include covered porches or accessory structures as defined per CMC
18 . 17 . 040 .
5 . Maximum four stories but not to exceed height listed .
18 . 09 . 140 = Front yard— Exception .
A . Commercial and Industrial Districts . For a lot in a NC , CC , RC , LI or HI district proposed for commercial or industrial
development , which is across a street from a residential ( R) zone , the yard setback from the street shall be fifteen feet .
B . Sloping Lot in any rezone . If the natural gradient of a lot from front to rear along the lot depth line exceeds an
average of twenty percent , the front yard may be reduced by one foot for each two percent gradient over twenty percent .
In no case under the provisions of this subsection shall the setback be less than ten feet . The front of a garage shall
not be closer than 18 feet from the back of the sidewalk .
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Chapter 18 . 11 - PARKING
Sections ,
18 . 11 . 020 - Design .
The design of off-street parking shall be as follows :
A . Ingress and Egress . The location of all points of ingress and egress to parking areas shall be subject to the review
and approval of the city.
B . Backout Prohibited . In all commercial and industrial developments and in all residential buildings containing five
or more dwelling units , parking areas shall be so arranged as to make it unnecessary for a vehicle to back out into
any street or public right-of-way.
C . Parking Spaces—Access and Dimensions . Adequate provisions shall be made for individual ingress and egress
by vehicles to all parking stalls at all times by means of unobstructed maneuvering aisles . The ^ i+„ is diFE?Gted to
promulgate and eRfGFGe standards fer maRewveriRg aisles and paFkiRg stall dirn8RSOeRs , and to make suGh
1 . Off-street parking space dimensions shall be as follows or as otherwise approved by the director :
a. Standard spaces shall be a minimum of 9 . 0 feet in width :
b . Standard spaces shall be a minimum of 18 . 0 feet in length .
2 . Aisle width dimensions shall be as follows or as otherwise approved by the director :
a . One-way aisle width shall be 15 feet
b. Two-way aisle width shall be 24 feet
D . Small Car Parking Spaces . A maximum of thirty percent of the total required parking spaces may be reduced in
size for the use of small cars , provided these spaces shall be clearly identified with a sign permanently affixed
immediately in front of each space containing the notation "compacts only . " Spaces designed for small cars may
be reduced in size to a minimum of eight feet in width and fifteen feet in length . Where feasible , all small car
spaces shall be located in one or more contiguous areas and/or adjacent to ingress/egress points within parking
facilities . Location of compact car parking spaces shall not create traffic congestion or impede traffic flows .
Chapter 18 . 13 - LANDSCAPING
Sections :
18 . 13 . 010 - Purpose .
The purpose of this chapter is to establish minimum standards for landscaping in order to provide screening between
incompatible land uses , minimize the visual impact of parking areas , provide for shade , minimize erosion , and to implement
the comprehensive plan goal of preserving natural beauty in the city .
18 . 13 . 020 - Scope .
Landscaping standards shall apply to all new multifamily, commercial , industrial-apd-governmental uses , including
change of use , and parking lots of-with greaterthan four spaces , and any development that is subject to Design Review
( Refer to Chapter 18 . 19 Design R Mewl ^tee. For conditional uses permitted in residential and multifamily districts , such
as churches , schools , civic organizations , etc . , the standards for landscaping will be the same as the landscaping standards
in community commercial zones .
MUM - Expansion .
In a case where a site expands , landscaping shall be provided only for the percentage of expansion .
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18 . 13 . 040 - Procedure .
Detailed plans for landscaping shall be submitted with plans for building and site improvements . Included in the plans
shall be type and location of plants and materials .
18 . 13 . 050 - Landscaping standards .
A . The property owner shall be responsible for any future damage to a street , curb , or sidewalk caused by landscaping .
B . Landscaping shall be selected and located to deter sound , filter air contaminants , curtail erosion , minimize stormwater
run -off , contribute to living privacy, reduce the visual impacts of large buildings and paved areas , screen , and
emphasize or separate outdoor spaces of different uses or character . The required landscaping must be a combination
of trees , shrubs , and ground cover to achieve these purposes .
b . ., ntsthat 0z upkeep nnrd mnintnnnnnn shall hn seln +nrl
1) PlaRtc shall n rrcnlmmGn+ n rcnl9R; en+ o Rdinn Rat ural cmnntotinn
Plants nhn nn hall be in GGale with busiding deyelnmm9n+
1=C . Minimum landscaping as a percent of gross site area shall be as follows :
Zone Percent of Landscaping Required
HI 20%
RC, LI 15 %
CC 3915 %
MX 3915 %
NC, MF § 10% on lots less than 10 , 000 square feet; 3915 %
on lots greater than 10, 000 square feet
BP ( see Section 18 . 37 . 040 " Landscaping standards " )
LI/ BP ( see Section 18 . 21 . 070 " Landscaping standards " )
Parking lots ( see Section 18 . 13 . 060 of this chapter )
GD . Deciduous trees shall have straight trunks , be fully branched , have a minimum caliper of nnn ., nd, nnn wo inches ,
be equivalent to a fifteen -gallon container size , and be adequately staked for planting .
#E . Evergreen trees shall be a minimum of five feet in height , fully branched , and adequately staked for planting .
1-F Shrubs shall be a minimum of five -gallon pot size . Upright shrubs shall have a minimum height at planting of eighteen
inches . Spreading shrubs at planting shall have a minimum width of eighteen inches (smaller shrub sizes may be
approved where it is more appropriate within a particular landscape plan ) .
d-G Ground cover, defined as living material and not including bark chips or other mulch , shall at planting , have a maximum
spacing of twelve inches on center for flats , and a maximum twenty-four inches on center between mature plants from
containers of one gallon or larger .
KH . Appropriate measures shall be taken , e . g . , installations of ," ,,gig-irrigation systems, to assure landscaping success .
If plantings fail to survive , it is the responsibility of the property owner to replace them .
L , Trees shall not be plaRted GIGSeF thaR tWGRty filwrP� fP� Uat frGrn the. G6iFb " Re ef the ' RterSeGt 0 Ems ef GtreetG A. r alleys , and
Ret GIGSeF than ten feet frern private driveways ( measured .;;t the barUk edge ef the sidewalk) , fore hydFaRts , er utility peles .
M , Street trees shall not be planted dAj.; Pr th ;; n tweRty feet to ght standards F=XGept f9r publiG safety , ne new light
standaFd lWation should be pesitiened GIGsP. r thA�.A tep feet te aRy existing street tree , and IaFeferably SYGh IGGations will be
at Inco+ twenty fnn+ diston+
N , Trees shall Rot be plaRted Gleser than twe and 9Re half feet fra .m. the fa; ee ef the P� ulrb exr.-.ept at
i} ohne Jr! hn ficin fnn+ frnm +hn n rh ' n ni irh '
roti , rn oroo
%AfhereB theFe are overhead power lines , tree species that Will RW interfeFe with thE) Ge IiReG shall be eheseR7
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Po Trees shall not be plaRted withiR twe feet ef any permaReRt hard sui4aGe paviRg eF walkway. Sidewalk GUtG OR GenGrete
fn� r trees sh �;; " beat le�;; Gt feur feet by four feet ; however, IaFger Guts are eRGGwFaged be ... .. LE allow additiGnal aFea
and water iRtG the reat system and add to the health ef the tree , SpaGe beweOR the tFee and GUGh hard sui4aG9 R; ay
e_r ground never.
QI . Required :trees , as they grow, shall be pruned +e their natural form Loin accordance with the International Society of
Arboriculture . The pruned tree will provide at least eight feet of clearance above sidewalks and twelve feet above street
roadway surfaces .
R,J . Existing trees may be used as street trees if there will be no damage from the development which will kill or weaken
the tree . Sidewalks of variable width and elevation may be utilized to save existing street trees , subject to approval by
the city .
SK. Vision clearance hazards shall be aveideGlanh bited .
L. Street trees and other required landscaping which dies or is removed , must be replaced within one year of death or
removal . Replacement street trees may be an alternative species from the city's recommended tree list , and may be
in a different location as approved by the city,
18 . 13 . 055 = Landscape buffering standards .
A. Landscape buffers shall be in compliance with the below referenced table :
Table 1 = Landscape Buffers
Abutting Residential Commercial Business Park Industrial
� T
-1 (U a �,
L aJ aJ L W L aJ aJ L
1 aJLn ra
aJ (L6 Ln
Ln Ln M Ln ru
p aJ p .Q aJ O aJ p .0 a)
Uses on Site 0 z UO) z N z U z U)
Multifamily 5 ' L1 5 ' L1 10 ' L3 10 ' L2 10 ' L2 10 ' L2 10 ' L2 10 ' L3
Residential w/ F2
Commercial 10 ' L3 5 ' L2 5 ' L1 5 ' L2 5 ' L2 5 ' L2 10' L3 10' L2
Industrial 10 ' L2 L2 L3 L2 10 ' L3 L2 5 ' L2 5 ' Ll
w/ F2
B . Landscaping and Screeninq Design Standards .
1 . L1 , General Landscaping .
a . Intent . The Li standard is intended to be used where distance is the principal means of separating uses or
development, and landscaping enhances the area between them . The Li standard consists principally of
groundcover plants ; trees and high and low shrubs also are required .
b . Required Materials . There are two ways to provide trees and shrubs to comply with an L1 standard . Shrubs
and trees may be grouped . Groundcover plants , grass lawn , or approved flowers must fully cover the
landscaped area not in shrubs and trees .
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2 . L2 , Low Screen .
a . The standard is applied where a low level of screening sufficiently reduces the impact of a use or development ,
or where visibility between areas is more important than a greater visual screen .
b . Required Materials . The L2 standard requires enough low shrubs to form a continuous screen three feet high
and ninety-five percent opaque year- round . In addition , one tree is required per thirty lineal feet of landscaped
area, or as appropriate to provide a tree canopy over the landscaped area . Groundcover plants must fully
cover the remainder of the landscaped area . A three -foot high masonry wall or fence at an F2 standard may
be substituted for shrubs , but the trees and groundcover plants are still required .
3 . L3 , High Screen .
a . The L3 standard provides physical and visual separation between uses or development principally using
screening . It is used where such separation is warranted by a proposed development , notwithstanding loss
of direct views .
b . Required Materials , The L3 standard requires enough high shrubs to form a screen six feet high and ninety-five
percent opaque year- round . In addition , one tree is required per thirty lineal feet of landscaped area, or as
appropriate to provide a tree canopy over the landscaped area . Groundcover plants must fully cover the
remainder of the landscaped area . A six-foot high wall or fence that complies with an F1 or F2 standard may
be substituted for shrubs , but the trees and groundcover plants are still required . When applied along street
lot lines , the screen or wall is to be placed along the interior side of the landscaped area .
4 . Fences .
a. F1 , Partially Sight-Obscuring Fence .
i . Intent . The F1 fence standard provides partial visual separation . The standard is applied where a proposed
use or development has little impact , or where visibility between areas is more important than a total
visual screen .
H . Required Materials . A fence or wall that complies with the F1 standard shall be six feet high , and at least
fifty percent sight-obscuring . Fences may be made of wood , metal , bricks , masonry, or other permanent
materials .
b . F2 , Fully Sight-Obscuring Fence .
i . Intent . The F2 fence standard provides visual separation where complete screening is needed to protect
abutting uses , and landscaping alone cannot provide that separation .
ii . Required Materials . A fence or wall that complies with the F2 standard shall be six feet high , and one
hundred percent sight obscuring . Fences may be made of wood , metal , bricks , masonry or other permanent
materials .
5 . The applicant may provide landscaping and screening that exceeds the standards in this chapter provided :
a. A fence or wall (or a combination of a berm and fence or wall ) , may not exceed a height of six feet above the
finished grade at the base of the fence or wall ( or at the base of a berm , if combined with one ) , unless the
approval authority finds additional height is necessary to mitigate potential adverse effects of the proposed
use , or other uses in the vicinity ; and landscaping and screening shall not create vision clearance hazards .
b . The Community Development Director may approve use of existing vegetation to fulfill landscaping and
screening requirements of this chapter , if that existing landscaping provides at least an eauivalent level of
screening as the standard required for the development in question .
c . Required landscaping and screening shall be located on the perimeter of a lot or parcel . Required
landscaping and screening shall not be located on a public riqht-of-wav or private street easement .
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18 . 17 . 050 - Fences and walls .
A. Purpose . The purpose of this section is to provide minimum regulations for fences and masonry walls , with the desired
objectives of privacy and security for residents , and safety for motorists and pedestrians using the streets and
sidewalks .
B . Permits . If a fence or wall is over six feet high then a building permit will be required , and the fencing/wall must meet
required setbacks .
Sc . Heights and Location .
1Fences/walls not more than six feet in height maybe maintained along the side yard or rear lot lines fully within
the property ; provided , that such wall or fence does not extend into the front yard area. The height of the
fence/wall shall be measured from the finished grade .
4 . 2 . A fence/wall shall not exceed 42 inches high in the front yard . The front yard area is the distance between the
front property line and the nearest point of the building specified in the zone districts under this titlee
i 8 1�T
Yteen tat
G7 AfP. Ae. P. Shall not exGee. . , , e half feet (fGFtY tWG ORGheG) iR height .
D . Access . No fence/wall shall be constructed so as to :
1�{ }�iesl�Block or restrict vehicular access to a dedicated alley, access or way , or
2 k2y-c— create a traffic hazard by impairing or obstructing vision clearance from any driveway , alley, or
access .
:1 , FeRr.,e.q A. 1.4p. F three aAdI ene - haplf feet shall RGt be plaGed ' R the visien GlearaRGe area on Gerner letso
E . Prohibited Materials . Fiberglass sheeting , barbed wire , razor ribbon or other similar temporary material shall not be
permitted as a fencing or wall material, unless otherwise allowed in commercial and industrial zones .
F . Temporary Fences . Vacant property and property under construction may be fenced with a maximum six-foot high,
nhcn, trine fence .
G I Me.a .suremeRt Of FeRGe and Wall He 0 ght . The height E)f a fGRGe eF Waal ' shall be measured at the highest average gFGYRd
' Pup , withon three feet ef Gother side ef SW h mq; ll Ar fpn
required feRGe er wall may vary aR aR; 96IRt RGt W eXG8ed sox iRGheG ; provided , hewever, that In ne eve. .nt shall the
average height Gf 66IGh W��! ' OF fP� nGP� P� XGP� ed the M �aximum height permitted fer that leratien
#G . Agriculture/Ranching (A/R) Exception . Barbed wire and electric fences shall be permitted on land classified A/ R . All
electric fences in such instances shall be clearly identified . Maintenance , repair and replacement of existing fences
shall be governed by state law .
f-H Security fencing may be permitted with the following limitations :
1 . The security fencing shall consist of not more than four strands of barbed wire located on the top of a six -foot high
fence ; and
2 . The security fencing shall be associated with a commercial or industrial development .
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18 . 17 . 060 - Retaining walls .
A . Permits required . Building permits are required for retaining walls over 4 ' -0" in height , and for retaining walls that
support additional weight (e . g . steep slopes , buildings , parking areas ) . Retaining walls are measured from the
bottom of the footing to the top of the wall .
B . Drainage required behind retaining wall to relieve build -up of water pressure .
C . Exterior Facing Retaining Walls are those walls that are supporting fill . The exposed side is facing the neighboring
property or right- of-way and the fill side is within the subject property . ( Refer to Figure 18 . 17 . 060 1 Exterior Facing
Retaining Walls) .
a . When fence is atop the retaining wall , then the total height of wall and fence shall not exceed 42" (front
yard ) or 6 ' -0 " (side and rear yards ) , or setback a distance of one foot for every foot in height of fence in
excess of allowed height .
b . When retaining wall is over 30 " above grade , then guards are required if on the property line .
c . Retaining walls over 6 ' - 0" in height will be subject to Design Review approval ,
prop . line
accesory structure
setback (approx. )
subject property
Max . 6 ' A
�— retaining wall
building setback
Figure 18. 17 . 0604 Exterior Facing Retaining Wall
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D . Interior Facinq Retaining Walls are those walls that are supporting cuts . The fill side of the retaining wall is facing
the neighboring property and the exposed side is facing the subiect property. ( Refer to Figure 18 . 17 . 060 2 Interior
Facing Retaining Walls )
a . When fence is atop the retaining wall , then the total height offence shall not exceed 42" (front) or 6 '- 0" (side
and rear) depending on location , unless fence meets setbacks .
b . When retaining wall is over 30" above grade , then guards are required if on the property line ,
prop . line
fence or
ozz z Zzo
fill side
. O
retaining wall
Figure 18 . 17 . 060-2 Interior Facing Retaining Wall
PAIAPA11here a PP� tamR 0 Rg wall preteGts a Gut below the natur.al grade and m lAAAtP(J Within a required yard , SUGh retailling wall
may be tapped by a fBRGe or wall ef the s. .arne height that would otherwise be permitted at that 19G.MleR Of RG MtailliRg
V99a" f�cr1.#l:G1 See-rigym 18 . 17 . 060 ! (A) Retain ' Rg Aid-cali•s
? '- Ii w -
1� ".ry "N*V i7d
Ya A.
B , Where a retamnong wall Gentaqns a fill abeve thG Ratural grade , and is IGGated WithiR a required yard , the height ef the
retaiRing wall shall be GGnsidered as GORtFibutiRg tG the permissible he 0 ght ef a feRGe OF wall at that IGGatien . A RE) R &4ht
abSGUFORg fenGe up to three and GRe half feet mR height may be eFeGteA + k �
Lll � of th retaiRiRg wall for safety, 99 .9
Figure i Q 17 , 060- 1 ( 6 ) RetainiRg Walls
I �Amlhp� rp� A� VNXA�." A� r fP� AP� P� OCS IA� rVatP� d on a. required yard adjaGGRt to a retaiRmRg wall GC) RtamR * Rg a fill , SuGh wall shall be
G e t b�;; dk d . G tu�A IRE G 19 9 f G n P� f AM 9 t f G R�GUA 1h, 9Re fGE)t ER height Gf SUGh wall OF fGRGe . The area b9tWeeR the wall GF feRGe.
and the retawRoRg wall shall be Iandscaaped. and GGRtmRlJGUS1Y maiRta 9 Red . See Figure 18 . 17 . 060 1 ( G ) RetamRiRg Walls ,
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Exhibit 1
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18 . 26 . 090 - Development bonuses .
B . Residential development :
1 . May increase density of residential development in accordance with the Density Transfer
Standards of CMC Section 18 . 09 .93-040 (Tableof the underlying zone , or , if a multifamily zone ,
then standards may reflect those of the MF-24- 18 a +f�Ghed-zone of CMC Section 18 . 09 . 050 ( T
if landscaping is not sacrificed .
Sections :
18 . 51 . 010 - Application and ^ rater : , + here ; nfor amendments to comprehensive plan .
Any interested person , including applicants , citizens , planning commission , city council , city staff , and other agencies ,
may submit an application in the month of January each year for a comprehensive plan amendment . The application shall
specify :
A . A detailed statement of what is proposed and why ;
B . A statement of the anticipated impacts of the change , including the geographic area affected , and issues
presented by the proposed change ;
C . An explanation of why the current comprehensive plan is deficient or should not continue in effect ;
D . A statement of how the proposed amendment complies with and promotes the goals and specific requirements of
the growth management act ;
E . A statement of what changes , if any , would be required in functional plans ( i . e . , the city' s water, sewer , stormwater
or shoreline plans) if the proposed amendment is adopted ;
F . A statement of what capital improvements , if any, would be needed to support the proposed change which will
affect the capital facilities plans of the city ;
G . A statement of what other changes , if any, are required in other city or county codes , plans , or regulations to
implement the proposed change ; and
H . The application shall include an environmental checklist in accordance with the State Environment Policy Act
(SEPA) .
18 . 51 . 020 - Application review process for comprehensive plan .
The comprehensive plan shall be reviewed once a year as a Type IV legislative process , and in accordance with RCW
35A . 63 . 070-073 , unless there is an emergency, with the following procedure :
A . In the months of November and December , city staff and applicants shall complete preapplication meetings ;
B . In the month of January of each year, applicants shall submit an application form containing all of the information
required by Section 18 . 51 . 010 of this chapter ;
C . The city may take as much as sixty days from the closing of the application period (January thirty-first) to complete
the initial review of proposals . Environmental determination requirements associated with an application may
lengthenn this period . In the menthe of Gehr, , a r, . and . W A 0 of nanh year , , i+ he ni+ shall review f all nrnnnce nhanneo
( inn ) , gine an . , nhannes initiated by the ni+, ) . If no amendments are received , the chairman of the planning
commission shall so report to the mayor and city council , and the annual review of the comprehensive plan shall
be considered completed .
18m51 m025 - Zoning text and map amendments .
A. Amendments to the zoning code text or other development regulations shall follow procedures for a Type IV
decusiGR] egislative process Per GIVIG 18 . 55 . 030 . G , e , hinh may he ad90ted h„ the ni+v n nil at ani time after
Publin nntine and hearinnn rf annl ., nn , nn n mmiss0en nnnsm-deratinn anrf r eRda +innn as v0ded by la ,nr
eXGeot as oreyoded KR this n+ er wwth r eat to the effinial n man
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B . Requests for zoning map amendments shall follow procedures for a Type III decision , and include the following
information with an application
1 . An application form indicating the applicant (s) , application date , property information ( including address , size ,
zoning , and current use) , specific map amendment request , and other pertinent information .
2 . Narrative that addresses the following criteria :
a. The map amendment shall be consistent with the policies and provisions of the comprehensive
plan including the comprehensive plan map;
b . The amendment shall be compatible with the uses and zoning of the adjacent properties and
surrounding areas ;
c . The amendment is warranted due to changed circumstances , error , or because of a demonstrated
need for additional property in the proposed zoning district ;
d . The subject property is suitable for development in conformance with zoning standards under the
proposed zoning district ;
e . Adequate public facilities and services are likely to be available to serve the development allowed by
the proposed zone ;
f . Specific information about the intended use and development of the property.
18 . 51 . 030 - Staff rnnnr+ Evaluation Criteria .
For consideration for-of any proposed amendment to either the comprehensive plan , zoning code text, or
development regulations , Tthe planning department shall prepare and submit to the planning commission a staff report
which addFesses evaluates the following :
A. The jssuzs set fgrthOn thiSGhapter=
€A. Impact upon the City of Camas comprehensive plan and zoning code ;
GB . Impact upon surrounding properties , if applicable ;
-DC . Alternatives to the proposed amendment ; and
€D . Apse Relevant code citations and other adopted rpt documents that may be affected by the proposed
change .
F . The SEP—A°c#ecklistZaRt.1 d. e1en �
The report shall include a copy of the application for each proposed amendment , any written comments on the
proposals received by the department , and shall contain the department' s recommendation on adoption , rejection or deferral
of each proposed change ; and the SEPA checklist with the determination . -
1 Q 5i 040 NOR_ mRadon and hearing .
planning Gernmiss . en shall hold at least a a Mg-GR th9 PFOP069d aMeAdFPP� Atl ff %a NJ V %WF1 1WF %,dF1 0 AP Al lhrnmi�- .W.
time , plaGe , and purpose Gf suGh pyb ! * G heaFiRg shall be published in the OffiGial RewspapeF of the Gity iR aGGGrdaRG8 With
18 . 51 . 050 - Council consideration and decision .
Subsequent to planning commission review and recommendation , the city council shall consider each request for an
amendment to the comprehensive plan or zoning code at a public meeting , at which time the applicant will be allowed to
make a presentation . Any person submitting a written comment on the proposed change shall also be allowed an opportunity
to make a responsive oral presentation . Such opportunities for oral presentation shall be subject to reasonable time
limitations established by the council .
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A. At minimum , the criteria the city council shall use to make a decision on a proposed amendment are as follows :
1 . The application and criteria established therein ;
2 . The staff report and recommendation ;
3 . The planning commission recommendation ;
4 . The public interest .
B . The city council shall make a decision by motion , resolution , or ordinance as appropriate . The city council decision
on a planning commission recommendation following a public hearing shall include one of the following actions :
1 . Approve as recommended ;
2 . Approve with additional conditions ;
3 . Modify, with or without the applicant' s concurrence ;
4 . Deny ( resubmittal is not allowed until the next year for comprehensive plan amendments) ;
5 . Remand the proposal back to the planning commission for further proceedings .
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