ORD 17-005ORDINANCE NO. 17-005
AN ORDINANCE adopting amendments to Title 17 Land Development
of the Camas Municipal Code.
The Council of the City of Camas do ordain as follows:
Section I
The following sections of the Camas Municipal Code are amended as set forth in the attached
Exhibit"A": 17.0l.050B,B3; 17.07.040B; 17.09.040A; 17.ll.060D; 17.15.050; 17.19.020A;
17.19.030 D3, D5, D6, E, F3, 4, 5, 6; 17.19.040 B6a, lOa, I Ob, 11; 17.21.040 A, A4, B; 17.21.050 A, B;
17.21.060 B, C, D, E, F, G, H; 17.21.070 B4; 17.23.010 Ala.
Section II
The following sections of the Camas Municipal Code are hereby repealed: 17.01.050 C, D;
17.19.030 F3; 17.19.040 A7, Bl lc.
Section III
There is hereby added to the Camas Municipal Code the following new Subsections as set forth in
the attached Exhibit "B": 17.01.050 A5f; 17.01.050 A6.
The section title of the Camas Municipal Code Section 17.21.050 is hereby amended to be titled
"Financial Security Agreements".
Section V
There is hereby added to the Camas Municipal Code the new Figure, as set forth in the attached
Exhibit "C", for reference within Figure 17.19-1 Double Frontage Lots.
Section VI
This Ordinance shall take force and be in effect five days from and after its publication according
to law.
Ordinance No. 17-005 Page -2
APPROVED as to form:
;;;LA JIL_.
City Attorney
Amendments to Camas Municipal Code
Title 17 Land Development
Note: The proposed amendments are shown as strike-through ~ or underlined text. No other deletions or
amendments are intended or inferred.
17 .01.050 -Survey content.
B. Residential surveys or plats Preliminary plats and preliminary short plats shall also include the following:
1. Lot and phase numbers beginning with the number one and numbered consecutively without omission or
2. Tracts to be dedicated to any public or private purpose shall be distinguished from lots intended for general
development with notes stating their purpose and any limitations.
3. Building Envelopes. The survey or plat shall identify the potentially buildable area, to include identification of
required setbacks.
4. Land Inventory. The land inventory shall include the following:
a. Total acreage;
b. Total developed acreage;
c. Total lot area;
d. Total infrastructure acreage (includes storm pond);
e. Total tract area (if not included in subsection (B)(4)(d) or (f) of this section);
f . Total acreage of critical areas (i.e ., wetlands, steep slopes , buffer zones , stream beds, conservation areas);
g. Total acreage of recreational open spaces (not included in subsection (B)(4)(e) or (f) of this section i.e., that
portion of land set aside for trails).
17.07.010 -Purpose and intent.
It is the purpose and intent of this chapter to provide an efficient and timely process that allows consistent review of
boundary line adjustments to ensure such actions do not create nonconformities with zoning and other city regulations , to
provide a permanent record of boundary line adjustments , and to ensure provisions are made for necessary access and
utility easements . A boundary line adjustment is generally between two lots .
17.07.040 -Approval criteria.
B. The adjustment will not create nonconforming lots , with respect to zoning dimension and area standards , zoning
setbacks and lot area coverage standards identified in CMG Chapter 18.09 or to fire, building , QC... Other applicable
Page 1
Short Subdivisions
17.09.040 -Expiration.
A 1 1.
(Effective until December 31 , 2014 .) If the short plat is not recorded vvith in seven years of the date of preliminary short
plat approval , the short plat shall become null and void . Upon written request by the developer prior to the expiration
date, the Community Development Director may grant an extension of not more than two years . The Director shall
consider economic conditions and such other circumstances as may warrant the extension . If the Director den i es a
request for an extension , the deve loper may appeal that decision to the City Council by filing a written notice of appeal
with the Director not later than thirty days after the date of the decision.
(Effective December 31 , 2014 .) If the short plat is not recorded within five years of the date of preliminary short plat
approval, the short plat shall become null and void. Upon written request by the developer prior to the expiration date,
the Community Development Director may grant an extension of not more than four years. The Director shall consider
economic conditions and such other circumstances as may warrant the extension. If the Director denies a request for
an extension, the developer may appeal that decision to the City Council by filing a written notice of appeal with the
Director not later than thirty days after the date of the decision.
17.11.060 -Expiration.
D. For an application timely submitted pursuant to terms of CMG Section 17.11.040, city councilthe approval author ity
may, upon approval of the preliminary plat, extend the proposed timeline for phased development to seven years
maximum from date of preliminary approval to the final plat of the last phase.
Chapter 17.15 -BINDING SITE PLAN (BSP}
17.15.050 -Improvements.
Prior to the issuance of a building permit for construction within a binding site plan , all improvements required to
adequately service that portion of the plan for which the building permit will be issued shall be installed or bo nded secured
in accordance with CMG Chapters 17.19 and 17.21.
17.19.020 -Improvements, supervision, inspections and permits required.
A. Required Improvements.
1. Every developer shall be required to grade and pave streets and alleys , install curbs and gutters , sidewalks ,
monuments, sanitary and storm sewers, water mains, fire hydrants , street lights and street name signs ,
underground transmission lines , provide and install centralized mail delivery bo x es as determined by the U.S.
Postal Service , together with all appurtenances in accordance with specifications and standards in the Camas
Design Standard~ Manual, the six-year street plan, and other state and local adopted standards and plans as may
be applicable .
Page 2
17.19.030 -Tract, block and lot standards.
D. Lots. The lot size, width, shape and orientation shall conform to zoning provisions and the following:
MC1 6-07
3. Building Envelopes. No lot shall be created without a building envelope of a size and configuration suitable for the
type of development anticipated:
a. For single-family detached housingresidential zones , a suitable size and configuration generally includes a
building envelope capable of siting a forty-foot by forty-foot square dwelling within the building envelope,
b. For mu lti-fam il y zones. a suitable size and configuration generally inc ludes a building envelope of twenty-
feet by forty-feet.
bg_. Other factors in considering the suitability of the size and configuration of any residential lot include the
presence of, or proximity to critical areas, adjoining uses or zones , egress and ingress , and necessary cuts
and fills~~
5. Flag lots, access tracts , and private roads may be permitted only when the community development director or
designee finds the applicant meets the criteria listed hereinafter :
a. The pole of a flag lot must be a minimum of twenty feet wide with a minimum of twelve feet of pavement and
shall serve no more than one lot;
b. The structure(s) accessed by a flag lot, access tract , or private road will be required to furnish a minimum of
two off-street parking spaces per residential unit. Under no circumstances will required parking be allowed
along the flag pole lot;
o. Primary struotures aooessed by flag lots, aooess traots , or private roads are required to have automatio fire
g_e . An approved address sign , in accordance with the Camas Municipal Code, must be posted for each
residence where the flag lot leaves the public road or access tract; and
Q.e . To protect the character of the immediate neighborhood , the city may impose special conditions, where
feasible , including access configuration and separation , setbacks, fencing and landscaping;
6. Double Frontage Lots. Residential lots which have street frontage along two opposite lot lines shall be avoidedi,
exoept for lots whioh provide separation of a residential development f rom a traffio arterial or oolleotor, in which
ease additional lot depth of at least twenty feet will be provided to aot as a buffer strip, or ten foot landscape tract
with ten foot additional lot depth , or a combination of both to aohieve twenty foot additiona l depth between the lot
and the traffio arterial ; except for double frontage lots adjacent to an arter ial or collector . which must comp ly with
the following design standards :
__ a~ Landscap ing . A ten foot landscaped tract is prov ided along the real property line to visual ly buff er the rear ya rds
from public view and prevent vehicular access. The ten foot landscaped tract shall include a minimum 2-inch
caliper trees every 30-feet on center, three-foot tall shrubs that form a continuous screen , qroundcover plants that
fully cover the remainder of the landscaped area , and maintained in perpetuity by the homeowner's association.,.
i. If the front of the structure f aces a collector or arterial street. the ten foot landscape t ract is not required ;
ii. The lot must provide pedestrian access to the sidewall<arterial or co ll ector. and includffiee vehicular
aooess to a rear-loaded garage is required .
__ b~ Fenc i ng and Wal ls. A si g ht-obscuring fence or masonry wall shall be located at the line that separates the lot
from the 10 -foot landscape tract (See Figure 17.19 -1 ). The design must include:
i. T he height of the fence or wall shall be a minimum 4-feet tall along a collector and 6-f eet tall along an
ii. The fence or wall shall include co lumns or phys ical indentations in the fence or wall at least every fifty
lineal feet to reduce the mass ing effect of the fenc i ng material.
__ c~ Architectural Des ign . Side and rear building facades visible from an arterial or collector shall maintai n the
architectural design, horizontal and vertical art iculation . level of detail , and materia ls and colors consistent with
the front building facade . Avoid large blank wa lls on side and rear building facades .
Page 3
d . Setbacks . Minimum of 20-foot setback will be provided from the property line separating the lot from the tract
that is adjacent to the arterial or collector.
E. Tracts and Trails.
1. If land division is located in the area of an officially designated trail, in accordance with the current version of the
parks~ af!El-recreation and open space comprehensive plan, provisions shall be made for reservation of the right-
of-way or for easements to the city for trail purposes including the construction of the trail. A minimum fifteen foot
width shall be provided for the proposed trail. Trail standards for each trail type shall be as specified in appendix
B of the parks . recreation and open space comprehensive plan or as amended .
2 . Trails shall be shown as a separate layer on computer diskin an e lectronic format submitted with "as-builts" prior
to final acceptance.
3. Trails , which are dedicated to the city and part of the regional trail system, shall be surveyed and dedicated by the
developer prior to final acceptance.
4. Tracts and trails that are not dedicated to the city and are located within the subdivision, short plat or planned
development are the responsibility of the homeowners association to maintain. Provisions must be in writing , such
as in CC&R's. informing the homeowners of the responsibility and outlining the maintenance procedures in
accordance with city standards.
F . Landscaping .
3 . Tree p lanting, vvhen required as a vegetative buffer , shall be of a species as approved by the city.
4.;2.. The tree planting shall be the responsibility of the land developer and shall be installed .or bonded for prior to final
plat approval , or as specified in the land use decision. Prior to final acceptance of any land development. the
land developer shall install trees adjacent to or within all common areas and landscape tracts as specified in the
Camas Design Standards Manual.
4. Street trees adjacent to ind ividual lots must be installed prior to final occupancy or secured or bonded , and installed
prior to expiration of the two-year warranty period. whicheve r comes first.
a:t . Landscaping shall conform to plant criteria in the Camas Design Standard.§. Manual. Any planting of trees or shrubs
within the right-of-way or vision clearance area must be shown on the construction drawings for approval.
e§.. Storm drainage facilities, pump stations and other visible facilities shall be setback a minimum of thirty feet from
any street or accessory structure and be landscaped in accordance with criteria in the Camas Design Standard.§.
17 .19.040 -Infrastructure standards.
Note: For the purposes of this title, the terms "street" and "road" are synonymous in meaning .
A. Private Street: Private street(s) may be authorized when all of the following occur:
7 . Homes constructed to access f rom p rivate roads shall have automatic fire sprin k lers install ed per ~J FPA 130 or
Page 4
B. Streets.
6. Extension. Proposed street systems shall extend existing streets at the same or greater width unless otherwise
approved by the public works department and authorized by city council in approval of the plat.
a. Where appropriate, s§.treets and pedestrian/bicycle paths shall be extended to the boundaries of the plat to
ensure access to neighboring properties , unless the presence of critical areas or existing development render
suc h extension infeasib le. The city 's goaldesign shall contribute-is to J:tave-an integrated system of_-leeal
streets vehicular and pedestrian circulation whenever practical. \'Vhere platted streets touch, they shall
connect and show extension to adjoining streets .
b. Grading of steep topography may be necessary to achieve this objective .
10. Street Layout. Street layout shall provide for the most advantageous development of the land development,
adjoining area, and the entire neighborhood. Evaluation of street layout shall take into consideration potential
circulation solutions for vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian traffic , and , where feasible , street segments shall be
interconnected .
__ a_. Circu lation Plan . Applicants shall submit a circulation plan at app lication which inc ludes the subject site and
properties within si x hundred (600) feet of the proposed development site. The plan shall incorporate the following
features both onsite and offsite:
____ ..!.:.i. The circulation plan shall be to an engineering scale at 1" = 100' or the scale may be increased or
decreased at a scale approved by the Director;
----=ii. Ex isting and proposed topography for slopes of ten (10) percent or greater. w ith contour intervals not
more than 10 feet;
-----'i=ii. Environmental sensitive lands (geologic hazards, wetlands , floodpla in, shorel ine , etc .)
____ _,i"'""'"v. Existing and proposed streets , bicycle/pedestrian pathways , trails , transit routes; and
_____ v~. Site access points for vehicles, pedestrians, bicyc les, and transit.
__ b_. Cross-circulation shall be provided that meets the following :
----""'""i. Block lengths shall not exceed the maximum access spacing for the roadway -class per the city's Design
Standards Manual,
----=ii. Cul-de-sacs and permanent dead-end streets over 300 f eet in length may be denied unless topographic
or other physical constraints prohibit achieving this standard. When cul-de-sacs or dead end streets are permitted,
a direct pedestrian or bicycle connection shal l be provided to the nearest available street or pedestrian oriented
____ ....:.ii=i. T he City Engineer may recommend approval of a deviation to the design standards of this section based
on findings that the deviation is the minimum necessary to address the constra int and the app lication of the
standard if impract icable due to topography, environmental sensitive lands , or existing adjacent development
patterns .
a_g_. While it is important to minimize the impact to the topography from creating an integrated road system,
improved site development and circulat ion solutions shall not be sacrificed to minimize the amount of cut and
fill requirements of the proposal.
SQ . Where critical areas are impacted, the standards and procedures for rights-of-way in the critical areas overlay
zone shall be followed.
eg. When the proposed development's average lot size is seven thousand four hundred square feet or less , one
additional off-street parking space shall be required for every five units, notwithstanding the requirements of
CMG Chapter 18.11 . These spaces are intended to be located within a common tract.
af . When , on the basis of topography , projected t raffic usage or other relevant facts, it is unfeasible to comply
with the foregoing right-of-way, tract and st reet width standards , the approval authority , upon
recommendation from the city engineer , may permit a deviation from the standards of Table 17.19.040-1 and
Table 17.19 .040-2.
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MC16 -07
eg. The city engineer or designee may determine a wider width is necessary due to site circumstances, including
but not limited to topography , traffic volume, street patterns, on-street parking , lot patterns, land use and bike
and transit facilities that justify an increase in width.
f.b.. When existing streets adjacent to or within land to be developed are of inadequate width, additional right-of-
way shall be provided at the time of land development.
11. Access Management.
a. Access to all marginal access streets shall be restricted so as to minimize congestion and interference with
the traffic carrying capacity of such street, and to provide separation of through and local traffic in accordance
with CMG 17 . The restrictions imposed shall be in accordance with the Camas Design Standard.§
b . The city engineer may grant exceptions to the access restriction policies and standards when no other
feasible access alternative exists.
c. In addition to restricting access, where a residential development abuts or contains an existing or proposed
marginal street, the city may also require reverse frontage lots 'Nith suitable depth , appropriate fencing with
landscaping or masonry walls contained in a non access reservation with a minimum ten foot width along
the real property line , or such other treatment as may be necessary for adequate protection of residential
properties and for the separation of through and local traffic.
17.21.040 -Improvement agreements.
A. Required Improvements. Before any development receives Prior to final Q.@Lapproval , the developer shall install
required improvements and replace or repair any such improvements , which are damaged during the development. In
lieu of installation of all required improvements, the developer may execute and file with the city for review and approva l
by the public works director an agreement guaranteeing completion of such improvements together with any needed
replacement or repair . The agreement shall:
1. Specify the period of time within which all work required would be completed. The time for completion shall not
exceed two years from the date of final approval of the plat. The agreement may provide for reasonable extensions
of time for completion of work. Extensions must be requested, approved by the city council , and properly secured
in advance of the required initial completion date;
2. Require notice by the developer to the public works director promptly upon completion of all required
3. Provide for notice of approval or disapproval by the public works director of the improvement within a reasonable
time after receiving notice of completion;
4. Require bond or other financial security to be provided by the subdivider pursuant to CMC Section 17.21 .050;
5. Provide that if the developer fails to complete all required work within the period specified, the city may take steps
to demand performance of the developer's obligation within a reasonable time not to exceed ninety days from the
date of demand ;
6. Provide that if the required improvements are not completed within that time, the city may take action to require
the subdivider to forfeit the financial security;
7. Provide that the city shall be entitled to recover all costs of such action including reasonable attorney's fees ;
8. Provide that following recovery of the proceeds of the financial security , those proceeds shall be used to complete
the required improvements and pay the costs incurred ; and
9. Provide that should the proceeds of the financial security be insufficient for completion of the work and payment
of the costs, the city shall be entitled to recover the deficiency from the developer.
B. Maintenance Agreement. Regardless of whether all required improvements are completed prior to final approval , as a
condition of such approval the developer shall ex ecute an agreement to assure successful operation of all
improvements. The agreement shall:
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MC16 -07
1. Require the developer to post a bond or othe r financial security in an amount equal to at least ten ~
:f.iveeiqhteen percent (18%) of the total cost of all required improvements to secure successful operation of all
required improvements and full performance of the developer's maintenance obligation. Such financial security
shall be effective for a two-year period following final acceptance of installation of all required improvements ;
17.21.050 -Bonds and other fFinanc ial security agreements .
A. &A€1-Financial Secur ity Requirements. To assure full perfo rmance of the agreements required herein , the developer
shall provide one or more of the following in a form approved by the city attorney within a time fi xed by the city engineer .
which shall include a reasonable amou nt of time to complete said improvements . but shall not exceed two years . Below are
options in order of preference :
1. ~A cash de posi t made with the Cit y of Camas .
2. An assignment of account with a financial institution, which holds the money in an account until such time the city
signs a written release. The assignment of account will allow the city to withdraw the funds in the event the
provisions of the agreement are not met ; aA€i
3. A lette r of cred it as acceptable to the City finance director ; and
L_A surety bond executed by a surety company authorized to transact business in the state of Washington . Surety
bonds may be performance , maintenance /warranty bonds , erosion control/wetland , or subdivision improvement
3. A easl9 9€lfil€lSit ~a9€l witl9 tl9€l City @f C e~es.
B. Amount of Financial Security .
1. For site plan or subdivision improvement bonds , the financial security provided shall be at least one hundred
ti#vtwenty-five:f.ive percent (125 %) of the estimated cost of the improvements to be completed , all related
engineering and incidental expenses , final survey monumentation and preparat ion of reproducible mylar or
electronic records in a format approved by public works and meeting current public wo rk s drawing standa rds of
the "as -built" improvements . The subdivider shall provide an estimate of these costs for acceptance by the public
wo rk s director.
2. For two-year war ranty or ma intenance bonds , the financial security provided shall be at least ~
fiveteneiqhteen percent (18%) of the cost estimate provided in subsection (B)(1) of this section.
3. Erosion prevention and wetland bonds shall equal two hundred percent of the erosion prevention and sediment
control items or wetland management items from the estimate provided in subsection (B)(1) of this section .
C. Defective Work. The acceptance of improvements by the city shall not prevent the city from making a claim against the
developer for any defective work if such is discove red within two years afte r the date of completion of the work .
17 .21.0 60 -Fin a l p lat or s hort plat proce du res f o r lan d divisio ns.
B. Con t ents of Final Plat or Short Plat.
1. The fina l plat or short plat shall include the survey info rmation in CMC Section 17.05.050(A) and (Bl .
2. Statements. The plat shall include the fo llowing statements, and certificates of dedication when required :
a . A certi f icate with the sea l of and signature of the surveyor responsible for the survey and pre liminary plat i n
accordance with RCW 58 .09.080.
b. Certification of examination and approval by the co unty assessor.
c. Recording certificate for completion by the Cla rk County auditor .
d. Signature lines fo r the City of Camas community development director or desiqnee . and fire chief or designee .
e. Certification by the city engineer or designee that the deve lope r has complied with the follow ing :
Page 7
i. All imp rovements have been installed or fina ncially secured for in accordance with the require ments of this
title and with the prel iminary plat approval ;
ii . All improvements can or wi ll meet current public works drawing standards for road. utility and drainage
construction plans ;
iii. Original and reproduci bl e my lar or electronic reco rd s in a format approved by the publ ic works director or
desiqnee and certi f ied by the des igning engineer as be ing "as constructed" have been sub mitted or
financially secured fo r city records.
f. City of Camas finance director certificat e that states there are no delinquent special assessments . and that all
special assessments on any of the property that is dedicated as streets. alleys or for other publ ic use are paid
in full at the date of certification.
q. Signature line for the mayor of the City of Camas.
C. Monumentation .
1. Impr inted Monument. All monuments set in la nd division shall be at least one-half-inch by twenty -four-inc h steel
bar or rod . or equivalent, with durable cap impr inted w ith the license number of the land surveyor setti ng the
2. Centerline Monument. Afte r paving . except as prov ided in CMC Chapter 17.19 , monuments sha ll be d ri ve n flush
with the f inished road surface at the following intersections :
a. Centerline intersect ions ;
b. Points of intersection of cu rves if placement f all s wi thin the pave d area : othe rwise . at the beginni ngs and
endings of curves :
c. Intersections of the plat boundar ies and street cente rlines.
3. Property Line Monume ntat ion . All f ront corners . rear corners . and beginni ngs and endings of curbs shall be set
with monuments , excep t as provided in CMC Chapter 17.19 . In cases where st reet curbs are con cen tri c and /or
parallel with front righ t-o f -way lin es . front property line monumentation may be provided by brass screws or
concrete nails at the in t ersectio ns of curb li nes and the projectio ns of side property lines. If curb mo nu mentat ion
is used . it shall be noted on the pl at. and also that such mo num entat ion is good for projection of li ne on ly and not
for distance.
4. Post-Monumentation. All monume nt s for exterio r bo un daries of the land division shall be set and re fere nced on
the plat prior to plat record ing . Interior monuments nee d not be se t prior to record ing if the develo per certi fi es that
the interior monuments sha ll be set wit hin ninety days of final land division constr uction inspection by t he publ ic
works department, and if the developer guarantees such interior monumentation .
5. Post-Monumentation Bond ing. In lieu of setting int eri or mon uments prior to final plat record ing as prov ided in CMG
Chapter 17.19 . the public wor ks directo r may accept a performance bond in an amount an d with su rety and
cond itions sat isfactory to the d irector or other secu re method as the public works dir ector may require . provid ing
for and securing the actual setting of the interio r monuments.
lL_Final Plat or Short Plat Approval Review Procedures .
1. Referral to Other Departments and Agencies. The community development department shall distribute the final
plat or short plat to all departments and agencies receiving the preliminary plat or short plat, and to any other
departments , special purpose districts and other governmental agencies deemed necessary for their review and
2. Departmental Approval. The community development department and other interested departments and agencies
shall review the final plat or short plat , legal descriptions and lot closures and submit to the commun ity
development department written comments with respect to the final plat or short plat decision criteria.
3. The community development department shall return the redlined plat or short plat with all department comments
to the applicant's architect or engineer , and a copy of the comments to the applicant.
£G . Criteria for Final Plat or Short Plat Approval. The approval authority for subdivision final plats is the city council, and
the community development department is the approval authority for short plats. If a subdivision , then all documents
deemed necessary by the city for final plat approval must be submitted to the community development department no
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MC16 -07
later than a minimum of fourteen calendar days prior to the city council meeting . The following criteria is the basis for
approval :
1. That the proposed final plat or short plat bears the required certificates and statements of approval as required in
CMG Section 17.01.050(C);
2. That the title insurance report furnished by the developer/owner confirms the title of the land, and the proposed
subdivision is vested in the name of the owner(s) whose signature(s) appears on the plat certificate;
3. That the facilities and improvements required to be provided by the developer/owner have been completed or,
alternatively, that the developer/owner has submitted with the proposed final plat or short plat an improvement
bond or other security in conformance with CMG Section 17.21.040;
4. That the plat or short plat is certified as accurate by the land surveyor responsible for the plat or short plat;
5. That the plat or short plat is in substantial conformance with the approved preliminary plat or short plat; and
6. That the plat or short plat meets the requirements of Chapter 58.17 RCW and other applicable state and local
laws which were in effect at the time of preliminary plat or short plat approval.
f.Q . Signing the Plat or Short Plat. Once the community development department verifies that all corrections have been
made, the applicant shall submit two mylar copies for signature.
§€-. Filing the Plat or Short Plat. The applicant shall file the final plat or short plat with the recording division of the Clark
County auditor's office. The plat or short plat will be considered complete when a copy of the recorded documents are
returned to the City of Camas Community Development Department.
!:!..i;:. Permits for one sales office and/or one model home per plat or phase may be issued after the final plat is recorded,
and prior to final acceptance, after review and approval by the city consistent with CMG 18.07.040 Table 2. Building
permits for any other residential or commercial buildings will not be issued until after final acceptance.
17 .21.070 -Final acceptance.
B. The city shall accept all improvements within all land divisions, and applicable site plan developments, provided:
4. Upon approval of the engineering department that the improvements are complete, a warranty bond equal to
twenty fiveteneiqhteen percent (18%) of the cost of the improvement for a period not to exceed two years shall be
submitted to the city to warranty all improvements in accordance with CMG Section 17.21 .050(8)(2). The public
works director or city engineer may grant an exception to this bonding requirement for certain outstanding items ;
17 .23.010 -Exceptions.
A. Exception Criteria.
1. Land Division. Except as provided in subsection (A)(2) or (A)(3) of this section, exceptions from the requirements
of this title may be granted when undue hardship may be created as a result of strict compliance with the provisions
of this title. Any authorization for exception may prescribe conditions deemed necessary or desirable for the public
interest. An exception shall not be granted unless:
a. There are special physical circumstances or conditions affecting the property, such that the strict application
of the provisions of this code would deprive the applicant of the reasonable use or development of -Ri&-the
app licant's land;
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New Sections to Camas Municipal Code
17.01.050 A5f
f. The width and location of existing trails both public and private.
17.01.050 A6
Exhibit B
6. A certificate with the seal of and signature of the surveyor responsible for the survey and
preliminary plat in accordance with RCW 58.09.080.
Exhibit C
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Figure 17.19-1 Double Frontage Lots