ORD 17-002 ORDINANCE NO . 17 - 002
AN ORDINANCE adopting amendments to Title 16 Environment of the
Camas Municipal Code ,
The Council of the City of Camas do ordain as follows :
Section I
The following sections of the Camas Municipal Code are amended as set forth in the attached
Exhibit "A" : 16 . 07 . 020 ; 16 . 13 . 060 ; 16 . 19 . 010 ; 16 . 31 . 010 ; 16 . 31 . 020 N ; 16 . 31 . 070 ; 16 . 31 . 080 ; 16 . 31 . 100
A, B ; 16 . 31 . 120 ; 16 . 31 . 130 ; 16 . 31 . 140 D , F , G ; 16 . 31 . 150C , D4 , D5 , D6 ; 16 . 31 . 160 ; 16 . 33 . 010 B , C ;
16 . 35 . 030 1 , 3 , 13 ; 16 . 35 . 040 B ; 16 . 35 . 050 B ; 16 . 35 . 060 B ; 16 . 35 . 100 A ; 16 . 51 . 090 ; 16 . 51 . 120 A, C 1 c,
C 5 ; 16 . 51 . 130 ; 16 . 51 . 2 10 A , C ; 16 . 53 . 040 B 3 , 4 , C 1 , 2 ; 16 . 53 . 050 D 6 , 7 , 8 ; 16 . 61 . 040 B 3 , D 4 , E
(opening paragraph) , E 7 .
Section II
The following sections of the Camas Municipal Code are hereby repealed : 16 . 07 . 025 ; 16 . 31 . 090 ;
16 . 33 . 020 ; 16 . 33 . 030 ; 16 . 33 . 040 ; 16 . 51 . 090 I ; 16 . 53 . 050 D 6 ; and Chapter 16 . 21 Forms .
Section III
A new Section 16 . 31 . 015 , titled "Archaeological Resource Policies " was moved from Section
16 . 33 . 015 , as set forth in the attached Exhibit ` B " .
Section IV
There is hereby added to the Camas Municipal Code a new Section 16 . 51 . 125 "Vegetation
Removal Permit" as set forth in the attached Exhibit " C " .
Section V
The following chapter and section titles of the Camas Municipal Code are amended as follows :
1 ) Chapter 16 . 01 is hereby titled " State Environmental Policy Act ( SEPA) General
2) Section 16 . 01 . 010 is hereby titled " State Environmental Policy Act Statutory Authority" .
Ordinance No . 17-002 Page - 2
3 ) Section 16 . 07 . 020 is hereby titled "Exemption Levels " .
4) Section 16 . 13 . 030 is hereby titled " SEPA Conditions " .
5 ) Section 16 . 19 . 0 10 is hereby titled "Fees Required" .
6 ) Section 16 . 31 . 080 is hereby titled "Predetermination Report Standards "
7 ) Section 16 . 31 . 100 is hereby titled "Predetermination Report and Review"
8 ) Chapter 16 . 33 is hereby titled "Public View and Open Space Protection" .
9 ) Chapter 16 . 51 is hereby titled " General Provisions for Critical Areas " .
Section VI
This Ordinance shall take force and be in effect five days from and after its publication according
to law. '
PASSED BY the Council and APPROVED by the Mayoris 1 d of /1/JA,.y cf- H , 2017 .
SIGNED : - - _ —
APPROVED as to form :
City Attorney
The city adopts this chapter under the State Environmental Policy Act ( SEPA) , RCW 43 . 21C . 120 , and
the SEPA Rules , WAC 197 - 11 - 904 .
16 . 07 . 020 — FLEXIBLE LEVELS .
A . The city establishes the following exempt levels for minor new construction uRdTWAG 71_
889 / i)(based on local conditions , which is consistent with WAC 197 - 11 - 800 ( 1 ) :
Project Types Exempt Levels in Camas
Single family_ residential dwelliRg , gni + � Up to 40-9 dwelling units
Multifamily residential Up to 9 dwelling units
Agricultural structures Up to 30 , 000 square feet
Office , school , commercial , recreational , service or Up to 4-230 , 000 square feet and associated parking
storage buildings ( including associated parking s lots of up to 40 spaces .
lots )
Parking lots not associated with a structure Up to 20 parking spaces
Landfills and excavation Up to 500 cubic yards
W ten dwelling W mite
thin square feet ) ' ure + e thirty theysandsquare foot3 . Fer '
7 7 9 7
serv' Ge -Gr storage buildings n WAG 197 - 11 -7
fent' parking spaGec '
hundred Gi bin yards ) . UP to five hiQrRdFGd Gubi yaFds .
B . Whenever the city establishes new exempt levels under this section , it shall send them to the
Department of Ecology , headquarters office , Olympia , Washington , under WAC 197 - 11 - 800 ( 1 ) (c) .
C . The exemptions listed in CMC Section 16 . 07 . 020 and WAC 197 - 11 - 800 shall not apply within critical
areas , or within 200 feet of a critical area boundary .
Title 16
March 6, 2017 Page 1 of 19
These maps , whiGh a.. . 11 . . . , ,. . rated by refereRGe , shall be used te generally iRdieate the IGGati9R ef IaR
within the City GharaGterized by steep slGpes ( fifteen PeFGeRt GF greater) , potentially unstable soils , ,
site iRvestigation or studies , whether or net mapped , shall be subjeGt tG the previsiGRs ef this SeGtiE) R . To
the exteRt permitted by state law , the exemptieRs listed iR QMG SeGtien 16 . 07 . 020 and WAG 197 - 11 - 900
h -, II not apply � eiithin ^ nAfirnmmentnlly sensitive areas-.
16 . 13 . 030 -^ SEPA CONDITIONS .
The city may attach conditions to a permit or approval for a proposal so long as :
A . Such conditions are necessary to mitigate specific probable adverse environmental impacts
identified in environmental documents prepared pursuant to this title ; and
B . Such conditions are in writing ; and
C . The mitigation measures included in such conditions are reasonable and capable of being
accomplished ; and
D . The city has considered whether other local , state , or federal mitigation measures applied to the
proposal are sufficient to mitigate the identified impacts ; and
E . Such conditions are based on one or more policies in Section 16 . 13 . 050 of this chapter , and cited
in the license or other decision document .
16 . 13 . 060 = SEPA APPEAL .
Except for permits and variances issued pursuant to the Camas Shoreline Master Program , when any
proposal or action not requiring a deGicinn of th ^ Git „ „ nGil is conditioned or denied on the basis of SEPA
by a nonelected official , the decision shall be appealable to the ni + „ ^ , . n „ ilHearings Examiner . Such appeal
may be perfected by the proponent or any aggrieved party by giving notice to the r^ cr, nRSihl ^ nffi ^ ialCity of
Camas Clerk within ten-fourteen ( 14 ) days of the date the decision h ^�was appeafedissued . Reviewby
the rity r+ n , , nr+ il ch2II be on a de Amin bass
d s ;
16 . 19 . 010 - - FEES REQUIRED .
The city shall require the following fees for its activities in accordance with the provisions of this title .
A 16 . 1 9 , 020 _ Threshold determination . For every environmental checklist the city reviews when it is
lead agency , the city shall collect a fee in accordance with the most current fee schedule adopted
by the city . The time periods provided for by this title for making a threshold determination shall
not begin to run until payment of the fee .
B . Environmental impact statement .
Title 16
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1 . Az.—When the city is the lead agency for a proposal requiring an EIS and the responsible official
determines that the EIS shall be prepared by employees of the city , the city may charge and
collect a reasonable fee from any applicant to cover costs incurred by the city in preparing the
EIS . The responsible official shall advise the applicant ( s ) of the projected costs for the EIS prior
to actual preparation ; the applicant shall post bond or otherwise ensure payment of such costs .
2 . 9. The responsible official may determine that the city will contract directly with a consultant
for preparation of an EIS , or a portion of the EIS , for activities initiated by some persons or
entity other than the city and may bill such costs and expenses directly to the applicant . Such
consultants shall be selected by mutual agreement of the city and applicant after a call for
proposals . The city may require the applicant to post bond or otherwise ensure payment of
such costs .
3 . G�. If a proposal is modified so that an EIS is no longer required , the responsible official shall
refund any fees collected under subsection A or B of this section which remain after incurred
costs are paid .
16 2 gig ADORTinni BY REFERENCEs
ii 9 &G ERViFOAFnental eheeldist..
A .deptieR etie .,
70 Determinatien of nor cinnific: annn ( DNS )
z ° aQ Detnrvminatien efsignifieane and cGGPiRg netiee ( DS )
z�?^'Tt7O'4�.C7 Netirn of aSsumntien of lead agency status
N7 ii 999 Netirsn „f ac-tier
Title 16
March 6, 2017 Page 3 of 19
Snn+� imenTs
16 . 31 . 010 - PURPOSE .
The discovery , identification , excavation , preservation and study of archaeological resources , the
inventorying of archaeological sites and collections , and providing information to state , federal and private
agencies regarding the impact of construction activities on archaeological resources are public functions ,
and the city is an appropriate agency to assist in the carrying out of these functions .
The purposes of this chapter are to :
A . Encourage the identification and preservation of cultural , archaeological , and historic resources
consistent with the Growth Management Act of 1990 , as amended , and Camas ' comprehensive
plan ;
B . Establish clear procedures and specific standards for identifying , documenting and preserving
Camas ' cultural , archaeological and historic resources ;
C . Ensure use of the best available technology and techniques commonly accepted as standards in
the profession of archaeology ;
D . Establish a fair and equitable process for balancing the identification and preservation of cultural ,
archaeological , and historic resources with economic development ;
E . Ensure coordination and consistency in the implementation of the State Environmental Policy Act ,
the Shoreline Management Act and the Growth Management Act .
Fo Develepment ef Iand should be regulated te mitigate adverse impaGtS te arGhaeE) IGgiGaI
16 . 31 . 020 - DEFINITIONS .
In addition to those definitions listed in CMC Chapter 18 . 09 , the following definitions shall apply to this
chapter :
A . "Adequately surveyed and documented " means that : ( 1 ) the survey method , level of analysis , and area
covered are sufficient to meet the requirements of this chapter ; and ( 2 ) the documentation is sufficient
to allow another archaeologist to repeat the survey and reach the same conclusion . Adequacy shall be
determined by the director .
B . " Archaeological object " means an object that comprises the physical evidence of an indigenous and
subsequent culture , including material remains of past human life , including monuments , symbols ,
tools , facilities and technological by- products (WAC 25 - 48 - 020 ( 8 ) ) .
C . "Archaeological resource survey" means procedure by which an archaeologist makes an assessment
of the presence or absence of an archaeological site on a parcel , a preliminary assessment of a site ' s
significance , and a recommendation for further evaluation , avoidance , mitigation , or recovery of
resources .
D . " Archaeological resources " means any material remains of human life or activities which are of
archaeological interest . This shall include all sites , objects , structures , artifacts , implements , and
locations of prehistoric or archaeological interest , whether previously recorded or still unrecognized ,
including , but not limited to , those pertaining to prehistoric and historic American Indian or aboriginal
burials , campsites , dwellings , and their habitation sites , including rock shelters and caves , their artifacts
and implements of culture such as projectile points , arrowheads , skeletal remains , grave goods ,
Title 16
March 6, 2017 Page 4 of 19
basketry , pestles , mauls , and grinding stones , knives , scrapers , rock carvings and paintings , and other
implements and artifacts of any material (WAC 2548 - 020 ( 10 ) ) . This shall also include any material
remains of human life or activities from historic periods which are located at least partially below the
ground surface necessitating the use of archaeological methods for study or recovery .
E . " Archaeological site " means a geographic locality in Washington , including but not limited to ,
submerged and submersible lands , and the bed of the sea within the state ' s jurisdiction , that contains
archaeological objects (WAC 2548 - 020 ( 9 ) ) .
F . "Archaeologist" means either a qualified archaeologist ( RCW 27 . 53 . 030 ( 9 ) ) or a professional
archaeologist ( RCW 27 . 53 . 030 ( 8 ) and WAC 2548 - 020 ( 4) ) who has been approved by the city . Both
qualified archaeologists and professional archaeologists may perform predeterminations and surveys .
Only professional archaeologists may perform services such as evaluation and data recovery for which
a state permit is needed .
G . " DAHP " means the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation .
H . " Department" means the community development department .
I . " Director" means the director of the community development department or designee .
J . " Feature " means an artifact or set of artifacts which loses its integrity when moved due to its size and
complexity ( e . g . , a hearth or a house floor) .
K . " Known , recorded archaeological site " means an archaeological site which has been recorded with
L . " Of archaeological interest" means capable of providing scientific or humanistic understandings of past
human behavior , cultural adaptation , and related topics through the application of scientific or scholarly
techniques such as controlled observation , contextual measurement , controlled collection , analysis ,
interpretation , and explanation (WAC 25 - 48 - 020 ( 12 ) ) .
M . " Predetermination " means a procedure similar to , but of less intensity than an archaeological resource
survey . Its purpose is to determine whether an archaeological site is likely to be present or absent on
a parcel , and based on that determination recommend whether or not to proceed with an archaeological
resource survey .
Na " Probability level " means a ^ t classification of property according to the probability of its having
archaeological resources . The probability levels are low ( zero to twenty pee` or, +4 , low- moderate (tgty
W fr, rty r, ornoRt) , moderate �f�y ^ sixty perGert , moderate - high (sixty to eight„ pei:Gen + l , and high
( eighty to ono hi Rdred peFGeRt which are based on a combination of information from inventories and
predictive models provided by DAHP , other agencies , tribal governments and local permit review . The
probability levels asSinRed to prepeFt „ within the urban growth boundary of the city are generally shown
on maps provided by Clark County Geographic Information Systems Jdentified ir, that map entitled " Git „
of -G a,mas Arg eleg,inalrPFebabrilityv-mry 21 , 2006�'
O . " Significant archaeological site " means an archaeological site which has been determined by a
professional archaeologist to contain : ( 1 ) archaeological objects at a density of at least one hundred
per cubic meter per stratigraphic or cultural unit ; or ( 2 ) at least one feature ; or ( 3 ) at least one relatively
uncommon archaeological object ; or (4) skeletal remains .
P . " Survey" means archaeological resource survey .
Q . " Tribes " means any federally recognized or other local Native American government organization which
may consider the site to be of historic or cultural significance .
16 . 31 . 030 - COORDINATION .
A . General . Where the provisions of this chapter conflict with each other or with other laws , ordinances ,
or programs , the more restrictive provisions shall apply .
B . SMA . The provisions of this chapter shall apply throughout Camas , including areas regulated by the
Shoreline Management Act ( SMA) and the Camas Shoreline Master Program .
Title 16
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C . SEPA . The regulations of the State Environmental Policy Act ( SEPA) shall supplement the provisions
of this chapter .
D . Development Review . For projects subject to Title 18 , Chapter 18 . 55 of the Camas Municipal Code , a
determination that an application is complete shall not be made until any required predetermination
has been completed and a predetermination report has been submitted .
A . Predetermination reports shall be required for any nonexempt ground - disturbing action or activity for
which a permit or approval is required for the following :
1 . - Properties within probability level highn-
2 .
On a parcel of at least five acres
within probability levels moderate - high and moderate=; or
n ^ti„itieS fnr Whi ^ h a permit nr approval is rani iiFed which aro pFepesed ithin one-fourth mile of
a known , recorded archaeological site-i
D-oB . A predetermination shall be required when the director determines that reliable information indicates
the possible existence of an archaeological site on a parcel for which an application for a permit or
approval for a ground - disturbing action or activity has been submitted .
E—nC . A predetermination shall be required when any item of archaeological interest is discovered during
the course of a permitted ground - disturbing action or activity .
. D . During the predetermination process , the director will determine whether a ground - disturbing action
or activity is exempt under Section 16 . 31 . 060 ( B ) ( 3 ) or 16 . 31 . 060 ( C ) ( 7 ) of this chapter . In the event that
the director is able to make such a determination of exemption based solely upon background research
( Section 16 . 31 . 080 ( C ) ) , the city shall reduce the applicant ' s total fee obligation for the project by one -
half of the predetermination fee .
G-. — E . A predetermination shall not be performed when a survey is required under Section 16 . 31 110 of
this chapter .
H F . The director may waive the requirement for a predetermination if the applicant chooses to provide
a survey in accordance with Sections 16 . 31Rol 10 and 16 . 31 . 130 of this chapter .
A predetermination report shall be completed to the high standard of quality which fulfills the purposes of
this chapter . Predeterminations shall include at a minimum the following elements and be Gmad-eut
A . Predeterminations shall be performed by a qualified er--professional archaeologist .
Bm PredetermiRatiGRS shall be perfermed to the high standard of quality whiGh fulfills the purposes ef
thio ^ haptor
GB . Background Research . A thorough review of records , documentation , maps , and other pertinent
literature shall be performed .
BC . Surface Inspection . A visual inspection of the ground surface shall be completed when conditions
yield at least fifty percent visibility .
Title 16
March 6, 2017 Page 6 of 19
€ D . Subsurface Investigation . Subsurface investigation shall be performed when considered
necessary by the archaeologist . When necessary , the following standards shall apply :
1 . Subsurface probes shall be no less than eight inches/twenty centimeters in diameter (twelve
inches/thirty centimeters or more preferred ) at the ground surface , and shall delve no less
than twenty inches/fifty centimeters deep into natural soil deposits whenever possible .
2 . The most appropriate number of and locations for subsurface probes shall be determined by
the archaeologist .
3 . All material excavated by subsurface probes shall be screened using both one -fourth inch
and one - eighth inch hardware mesh cloths .
16m31 RON _ Drerdeterminetien repertsm
A . The prerdeterminotien to the high stand rrd of rn i -+ lity w-hinh fulfill
the eur2eses of this nhnnter qnd ctnnrdnrrdizerd guidelines fuFQ ' + held by the i-leeai + v.- imnt A
report shall be submitted to DAHP , _to the tribes , as well as the city . Refer to the tribal notification
procedures in this chapter ( Section 16 . 31 . 160 ) .
B . Predetermination reports shall be reviewed by the director . When the director determines that a
predetermination report is complete and adequate , the director shall , based upon the information
contained in the report , determine whether an archaeological site is likely to exist .
C . Where the director determines that an archaeological site is not likely to exist , the application may
proceed through the remainder of the development review process .
D . Where the director determines that an archaeological site is likely to exist , an archaeological resource
survey shall be required and carried out in accordance with the provisions of this chapter .
16 . 31 . 120 - SURVEY STANDARDS .
Surveys shall include at a minimum the following elements and be carried out according to the following
standards :
A . Surveys shall be performed by a professional archaeologist .
B . SuFveys shall be performed to the high standard of q . ality WhiGh fulfills the purposes of this
Gh� hapt
GB . Background Research . A thorough review of records , documentation , and other pertinent
literature shall be performed .
OC . Surface Inspection . A systematic , one hundred percent visual inspection of the ground surface
shall be completed when conditions yield at least fifty percent visibility .
€ D . Subsurface Investigation . Subsurface investigation shall be performed when considered
necessary by the archaeologist , utilizing the same standards set forth within CMC Section
16031 . 080 ( E ) .
Title 16
March 6, 2017 Page 7 of 19
16 . 31 . 130 - SURVEY REPORTS .
A report shall be completed for each survey in accordance with state guidelines and to the high
standard of quality which fulfills the purposes of this chapter . A completed report shall be submitted to
DAHP , the tribes , as well as the city .
A . Survey reports shall be reviewed by the director .
B . When the director determines that a survey report is complete and adequate , the director shall , based
upon the information contained in the report , determine whether an archaeological site has been
identified .
C . Where the director determines that no archaeological site has been identified , the application may
proceed through the remainder of the development review process .
D . Where the director determines that an identified archaeological site is not likely to be significant , #as
hoon identified and +s-DAHP and the tribes concur , nGt �' +� ho cirrnifir+ nn + the application may
proceed through the remainder of the development review process .
E . Where the director determines that an archaeological site has been identified and is likely to be
significant , archaeological resources shall be further evaluated , avoided , properly mitigated , or
properly recovered in accordance with the director' s recommendation and subject to state regulations .
F . Priority for protection in - place and thorough evaluation and data recovery shall be given to significant
archaeological sites . Bonding may be required to ensure that the site is treated in accordance with the
director' s recommendation and provisions of the state permit .
G . The City will coordinate with the state if mMonitoring and future corrective measures bare required
to ensure that an archaeological site is not degraded by a permitted development .
16 . 31 . 150 - DISCOVERY PRINCIPLE .
In the event that any item of archaeological interest is uncovered during the course of a permitted
ground -disturbing action or activity :
A . All ground - disturbing activity shall immediately cease .
B . The applicant shall notify the department and DAHP .
C . The applicant shall provide for a predetermination and a predetermination report prepared in
accordance with the provisions of this chapter . The director shall review the report and issue a
determination in accordance with Section 16 . 31 . 100 of this chapter in a rnnahly rJilinon +
whenever feasible ) . Where such determination is that an archaeological site is not likely to exist ,
construction may continue . Where such determination is that an archaeological site is likely to
exist , the applicant shall provide a survey and survey report . The director shall produce a map of
the parcel indicating clearly the portion ( s ) of the parcel , if any , within which construction may
continue under the supervision of an archaeologist and monitoring by the director while the
required survey is being completed . The pFe „i men of thissen+ inn shall apply .
D . In the event any archaeological or historic materials are encountered during project activity , work
in the immediate area ( initially allowing for a one hundred -foot buffer ; this number may vary by
circumstance ) must stop and the following actions taken :
Title 16
March 6, 2017 Page 8 of 19
1 . Implement reasonable measures to protect the discovery site , including any appropriate
stabilization or covering ; and
2 . Take reasonable steps to ensure the confidentiality of the discovery site ; and
3 . Take reasonable steps to restrict access to the site of discovery .
4 . The project proponent will notify the concerned tribes and all appropriate city , county , state ,
and federal agencies , including the Washington State Department of Archaeology and
Historical PreservationD( AHP ) .
5 . The agencies and tribe ( s ) will discuss possible measures to remove or avoid cultural material ,
and will reach an agreement with the project proponent regarding action to be taken and
disposition of material .
6 . If human remains are uncovered , appropriate law enforcement agencies shall be notified first ,
and the above steps followed . If the remains are determined to be native , consultation with
the affected tribes will take place in order to mitigate the final disposition of said remains .
16 . 31 . 160 - NOTIFICATION TO TRIBES ,
A . Whenever a predetermination or survey is required , the applicant shall provide the tribes with
a copy of the application and all supporting materials .
1 . The submittal to the tribes must include city staff contact information . The report must
also inform the tribes that any comments on the development must be received by the
Director within fourteen days from the date that notification was mailed or electronic
mailed ( cc email "a
2 . Reports may be sent by certified mail , return receipt requested ; or by email .
3 . For an application to be considered "technically complete " , the applicant must apd
shall provide proof of GempliaRGe With thio . . .1 iiromon + mailing or emailing . tE) the
A-* B , Comments from the tribes shall be accepted by the director until five p . m . on the fourteenth
day from the date notification was mailed to the tribes . Should the fourteenth day fall on a
nonbusiness day, the comment period shall be extended until five p . m . on the next business
day .
See#+e res
B . Policies .
1 . It is the city' s policy to protect public views of the following significant natural and human - made
features as viewed from public rights of way , public open spaces and water bodies , public trails
and parks , or land that is planned for inclusion in the Open Space Network as identified in the
City of Camas Park , Recreation and Open Space Comprehensive Plan ( as currently adopted ) .
Title 16
March 6, 2017 Page 9 of 19
aa)Mount Hoodi and majGr belies of water innlY vdinn
b) tThe Columbia River ,—i
cc)Lacamas LakeLand
dL.t-heThe Washougal River—. Land
e ) The natural backdrop of Lacamas Lake and the Washougal River .
2 . It is the city' s policy to protect public views of historic sites or landmarks designated by the city or
identified in the review process which , because of their prominence of location or contrasts or
siting , age , or scale , are easily identifiable visual features of their neighborhood or the city and
contribute to the distinctive quality or identity of their neighborhood or the city .
3 . A proposed project may be conditioned or denied to mitigate view impacts .
4 . Mitigating measures may include , but are not limited to :
a . Requiring a change in the height of development ;
b . Requiring a change in the bulk of the development ;
c . Requiring a redesign of the profile of the development ;
d . Requiring on - site view corridors or requiring enhancements to off -site view corridors ;
e . Relocating the project on the site ;
f . Requiring a reduction or re - arrangement of walls , fences , or plant material ; and
g . Requiring a reduction or rearrangement of accessory structures including , but not limited to ,
tower railings and antennae .
C . Visual Analysis Required .
1 . A view analysis must be submitted when a proposed development is like ) to o impact the public
views of areas identified under Subsection B of this chapter .
2 . All visual analyses are to be performed by a qualified Landscape Architect .
3 . The visual analysis will assess both positive and negative visual impacts .
4 . The supporting documentation must include a minimum of two views for consideration : the view
from the development to the public view , and the view toward the development .
A . PEAGY [3aGkgFGU (J
2 . The 1 7 1 9
1 ,
the n out of those f7 , r, otinns
rr-r� .
inin the SttFUGtiGR of arGhae (DiegiGal resp , ernes
4 . Development of land sheuld be regulated te mitigate adverse impaGtS te aFGhaeG44G4-
resoi erncecs
,ti�v� r
Title 16
March 6, 2017 Page 10 of 19
city' s1 . it is the
arnhaeelegiGal cites Ieoated Within the pity
2 . Whenever a dE) VelE) pMeRt prepesal GeRtamRs a known GF SL46peGted arGhaeGleg ; Gal site , thew
respeRsible. OffiG 0 als shall assess the probable effGGt Gf the ampaGt and the Reed for mitigatiRg
aaroha al site nr may arJy oly imgaGta kReWR arnhaeGl9 11Gal site , the prnpnnent may be
required te retaiR the. � wm wl � of a qualified PFE)feSS ; GRal aFGhaeolegmst te assess the RR; paGt G-f
Dreserva DepaFtment of Comm unity De I� meRt , GaRy dey pmentantiVity that may
adversely imnant a reonnRiZed nr of SPenterd arnhaenlnninal si + e .
Site ,
tnmin�` e of inh adverse im;r� an_t-.
6 . MitigatiGR measures may iRGlUde -.D
. Rodartin� size or ef the r ac��
arnhaenlnrric +
anr-! mitigating mead irec , r)if neoeccar� r implemente,
As Rnlinrr RaGknrn �
wideRing , er ether imnrevem�ents �9yy tFaf ' ignalizati�_
13rPvlrrGiE? S .
1 MiRlpgll � w . . eveRt adverse traffmG impaGts that would URdGFR; ' Re the stability , safety and/Gr
Gharac-ter of d9WRtnWRa TnT hhhrJ , nr surrounding areeaas
, nrnn
im ediate area , the use of the street as determined by thG Gity and the ava
cv k W inLfGG 11 I � r+ reatinn withahlr w GF ril�
inn inn rnr��e
Sta � _
Title 16
March 6, 2017 Page 11 of 19
4 Mitigating measures whish may hoMNN � ier) t�nojeGSmay innlu de 7 but are net limiter-! tn :
a.(; hnnr•re . in onnecc
� rr-crc�.ra-;
7 ; nd7
GPF9ViSOen of trancitiRGonti��eS ineli diRg transit pass si
d_ RingC n in •
a --ar� �n-r9 ,
o Sffg n Ooe •
GhaRRelizatk) R9 1 street 7
prp epeF note to the imnor++�the prrecet�Q
g . TYonspertotlon management plonc
URder the above paragraph weuld Ret be adequate te effeGtiVel !T 4 mitigate the adverse OmpaGts ef
the project
16033 . n�-030 GRniinrn nnin ciiRCnrC WATER QUALITY_
L1 Relln \ r Ronkgrei i d
lakes ,1 Gamas ' wateF quality is adversely affeGted primarily duMpiRg Gf pGllytaRts and draiRage related
se age everflews into its streams , 7
and other systems draining Onto the Washougat
and Gelymhia Rivers
streets ,20 Camas ' water quality is also adversely affeGted by sterm drainage FuReff ; RenpeiRt SqwFGe
30 Federal , state and regional water quality regulatiGRs and pregrarnS GanRet always antidpate e
eliminate adverse imnonto to water quality
R QelinieC
1 0 it is the i
20 Feranyprei t proposal WhiGh peses a potential threat to water quality iR Garnas , the reSPGRSable
effiGial shall assess the prebable effeGt Gf the impaGt and the Reed fer mitigatiRg measures , The
assessmeRt shall be Gempleted iR GORSultatien with appropriate ageRGies with water qua4ty
expertise .
3 . if the responsible effiGial makes a written finding that the appliGable federal , state and regienal
4 Mitigating mea resm y'RGI i .tareTvt limiter•) to ,
.Am Ice of an alternative tenhnnlnny •
p—rRTedUGtt9ttt-the ar n�the p rn i eGi er o f erat m e R ;
Go I andscapIRg ,• aP
dLimits OR the time aR d duration of the project or operation ..
Title 16
March 6 , 2017 Page 12 of 19
1 ti 33 Q40 Pi iQLIG FGI ITIES
A . Dnliny I3ar� lsrrrl uRd
PI tl in
c- es and
7 steFm 1 1 parks , 7
h as
7 1 solid waste 7
1 7
B . PoIlGoeT
1 it is the 1
fail it
2m The FeSPORsible 9ffiGial M . ,
essment present and p ! aRRGd GOnditiOR and GapaGity of publiG . . . d facilities to serve
the area affented by the proposal
16 . 35 . 030 - DEFINITIONS .
In addition to those definitions listed in CMC Chapter 18 . 03 , the following terms when used in this
chapter shall mean as follows , unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context :
1 . " Board " shall refer to the Clark G ^ P Pasty beam! of nnmmic inner Board of County Councilors ,
except where reference is made to the " local review board " for purposes of the special
valuation tax incentive program .
2 . " Clark County cultural resources inventory" or " inventory" means a comprehensive inventory
of historic resources within the boundaries of Clark County including resources identified in
the Clark County cultural resources inventory and other inventories by local jurisdictions within
Clark County .
3 . " Commission " means the " Clark County histeriG Historic preservatieR Preservation
r-nmmissienCommission . "
4 . " Contributing " means a property which dates to the historic period and retains sufficient
physical integrity so as to convey its historic character .
5 . " Cultural resources " consist of historic or prehistoric or archaeological sites and standing
structures , cemeteries , burial grounds and funerary objects and distributions of cultural
remains and artifacts .
6 . " Emergency repair" means work necessary to prevent destruction or dilapidation to real
property or structural appurtenances thereto immediately threatened or damaged by fire , flood ,
earthquake or other disaster .
7 . " Historic district" is a geographically definable area possessing a significant concentration ,
linkage or continuity of sites , buildings , structures or objects united by past events or
aesthetically by plan or physical development .
Title 16
March 6, 2017 Page 13 of 19
8 . " National Register of Historic Places " means the national listing of properties significant to our
cultural history because of their documented importance to our history , architectural history ,
engineering or cultural heritage .
9 . " Noncontributing " means a property which either does not date to the historic period or has
not retained sufficient physical integrity so as to convey its historic character .
10 . " Ordinary repair and maintenance " means work for which a permit issued by the city is not
required by law , and where the purpose and effect of such work is to correct any deterioration
or decay of or damage to the real property or structure appurtenance therein and to restore
the same , as nearly as may be practicable , to the condition prior to the occurrence of such
deterioration , decay or damage .
11 . " Qualified archaeologist " means a person who has had formal training and/or experience in
archaeology over a period of at least three years , and has been certified in writing to be a
qualified archaeologist by two professional archaeologists , as defined in RCW 27 . 53 . 030 .
12 . " Significance " shall refer to a quality of a property which helps one understand the history of
the local area , state , or nation by illuminating the local , statewide or nationwide impact of the
events or persons associated with the property , or its architectural type or style in information
potential . The local area may be as large as Clark County or Southwest Washington , or as
small as a neighborhood . Local significance may apply to a property that illustrates a theme
that is important to one or more localities ; state significance to a theme important to the history
of the state ; and national significance to property of exceptional value in representing or
illustrating an important theme in the history of the nation .
13 . " Special valuation tax incentive program " or " special valuation " means the local option
program. which makes available to property owners a special tax valuation for
rehabilitation of historic property ( ies ) . This program allows undeF whi ^ " the assessed value
of an eligible historic property +&-to be determiRed based on aha rate that excludes , for up to
ten years , the actual cost of the rehabilitation .
14 . "Washington Heritage Register" means the state listing of properties significant to the
community , state or nation but which do not meet the criteria of the National Register of
Historic Places .
B . Composition of the Commission . Appointments to the commission shall be made by the Clark GeuRty
beard of ^ nmmiGSiGRersBoard of County Councilors . All members shall be selected based on the
professional or demonstrated expertise criteria ( CCC Section 18 . 328 . 040 ( B ) ) , rather than by
geographic distribution .
B . The commission shall hold a duly advertised public hearing at a regularly scheduled meeting at which
the applicable criteria are reviewed and a recommendation forwarded to the State Department of
Archaeology and Historic Preservation ( DAHP ) within sixty days of the date of application . The QA#R
DAHP shall complete the designation process and notify the applicant of the designation decision .
B . Nominating , Designating and Listing Property ( ies ) or Districts to the local , Clark County Heritage
Register .
Title 16
March 6, 2017 Page 14 of 19
A . Purpose of the Inventory . The Clark County cultural resources inventory is a tool for planning and
research , and includes those resources believed to have cultural or historic significance for the City ,
the Clark County , the region , or the nation , regardless of current ownership .
16 . 51 . 090 - APPLICABILITY .
Land preposThe following proposed activities mare subject to the criteria , guidelines , report
requirements , conditions , and performance standards in this title :
A . Binding site plan ;
B . Blasting permits ;
Co Commercial development ;
D . Conditional use permit ;
E . Light industrial or industrial development ;
F . Planned residential development ;
G . Short plat ;
H . �S+ ubdivision ; } ,, � � , . � �}
ice- ShE) EIi Stan eyelOpMeRt PeFFnit ;,
J- 1 . Any grading , filling , or clearing of land , or logging or removal of timber OR Iand GhaFaGteF; Zed ; n
GFitiGal areadGSGribed on GMM SeG ' 0 ( A ) ; and
KJ . Other activities as specified within this title .
16 . 51 . 120 - ALLOWED ACTIVITIES .
A . Critical Area Report noteque�required . Activities which have been reviewed and permitted or
approved by the city , or other agency with jurisdiction , for impacts to critical or sensitive areas , do not
require submittal of a new critical area report or application under this chapter , unless such submittal
was required previously for the underlying permit .
C . Allowed Activities . The following activities are allowed :
1 . Permit Requests Subsequent to Previous Critical Area Review . Development permits and
approvals that involve both discretionary land use approvals ( such as subdivisions , rezones , or
conditional use permits) and construction approvals ( such as building permits ) if all of the
following conditions have been met :
a . There have been no material changes in the potential impact to the critical area or
management zone since the prior review ,
b . There is no new information available that is applicable to any critical area review of the site
or particular critical area ,
Title 16
March 6, 2017 Page 15 of 19
c . The peFmit or appFevala? RE) t _GXr, ired nr if nn expiration �I�,_da e-j _; � No more than five years
has elapsed since the issuance of t4at-the permit or approval , and
5 . Selective Vegetation Removal Activities . The following vegetation removal activities are allowed
without a permit :
a . The removal of invasive plant species including Himalayan blackberry ( Rubus discolor , R .
procerus ) , Evergreen blackberry ( Rubus laciniatus ) , English Ivy as well as any other noxious
weed or invasive plant species acknowledged by the city , !.y . th hand labor and rnh +
equEpent fen r � ash mn � niers nn , n �ererl trimmers etn 1 -
��}eRt ( �a. , pa ,pewered t , rrr�r� , cel ,
b . Invasive plant removal must be performed with hand labor and light equipment ( e . q . , push
mowers , powered trimmers , etc . ) ; The remey l of trees that are hazardous , poSciiRg a threat
W pUbliG safety , er pesmg aR imminent riSk ef damage te private PrGpeFty , frGM GritiGal aFeas
nerd mananGment _L
FeplaGemeRt treesF
hazard , trees should be tepped. to remeve the hazard rather than Gut at OF Rear the base of
0 The landG. WR8r shall replaGe aR. y trees that are felled er tepped. with Rew trees at a ratie of
approved resteratic) R plaR . Tree spedas. that are native and iqdigenous to the site and a
minimi lm naliper of t ern innhes shall he used,
iv . if a tree te be remeved preVideS GritiGal habitat , suGh as aR eagle peFGh , a qualified Wildlife
biologist shall be GGRSY ! ted te determiRe tiMiRg and metheds of remev .al that well MIRIPRize
irnpants anal
Vo Hazard trees determined te pese an irnM1ReRt threat er danger to publ ' G health or safety ,--G�r
> enviFORMeRtal degradation ,
may be removed er publiG er private propertyfourteen days fGIIGWiRg suGh aGtiE) n , the landGWRe. r shall sybmit a resteratiOR plan that
demonstrates Gmmplianne With these prnVicinns
c . Measures to control a fire or halt the spread of disease or damaging insects consistent with
the State Forest Practices Act ; Chapter 76 . 09 RCW , and Camas fire department
requirements ; provided , that the removed vegetation shall be replaced in - kind or with similar
native species within one year in accordance with an approved restoration plan ;
&d . Chemical Applications . The application of herbicides , pesticides , organic or mineral - derived
fertilizers , or other hazardous substances , provided that their use shall be restricted in
accordance with Department of Fish and Wildlife Management Recommendations , and the
regulations of the Department of Agriculture and the U . S . Environmental Protection Agency ; *
7e . Minor Site Investigative Work . Work necessary for land use submittals , such as surveys , soil
logs , percolation tests , and other related activities , where such activities do not require
construction of new roads or significant amounts of excavation . In every case , impacts to the
critical area shall be minimized and disturbed areas shall be immediately restored ; and
8f . Navigational Aids and Boundary Markers . Construction or modification of navigational aids
and boundary markers .
Title 16
March 6, 2017 Page 16 of 19
16 . 51 . 130 - REVIEW REQUIRED ,
Mapping . The approximate location and extent of critical areas are shown on critical area
maps that are provided by interlocal contract by the Clark County Geographic Information Systems ( a . k . a .
" Maps Online " ) . These maps are to be used as a guide for the city , project applicants , and/or property
owners , and may be continually updated as new critical areas are identified . They are a reference and do
not provide a final critical area designation or delineation . If the proposed activity is within , adjacent to
( within 200 feet ) , or is likely to impact a critical area , the city shall require a critical area report from the
applicant that has been prepared by a qualified professional . If the report concludes that there is a critical
area present then the city of Camas shall :
A . Review and evaluate the critical area report ;
B . Determine whether the development proposal conforms to the purposes and performance
standards of these provisions ;
CO Assess potential impacts to the critical area and determine if they are necessary and unavoidable ;
D . Determine if any mitigation proposed by the applicant is sufficient to protect the functions and
values of the critical area and public health , safety , and welfare concerns consistent with the
goals , purposes , objectives , and requirements of these provisions .
A . Temporary Markers . The outer perimeter of the management zones and/or critical areas may be
FeqYiFedmust-ts be marked in the field in such a way as to ensure that no unauthorized intrusion will
occur , and verified by the director prior to the commencement of permitted activities . This temporary
marking , if Tory , , ired , _ shall be maintained throughout construction , and shall not be removed until
installation of permanent signs , if required , are in plat or final city approval is granted .
C . Fencing .
require the ap pliGa + iInstallation of a permanent fence + „ nity SPeGifina + innc at the edge of the habitat
conservation area or management zone is required9_When in the nPininn of the ni + „
1 . Fencing may be waived in the following circumstances :
a . The applicant demonstrates that fencing will not reasenabl ! �Lprevent future impacts to the habitat
conservation area .
b . The director determines that a proposed use adjoining the buffer does not pose a threat to the
critical area and buffer functions , or there is a public safety issue .
2 . Fencing installed as part of a proposed activity shall be designed so as to not interfere with
species migration , including fish runs , and shall be constructed 42 - inches high and in a manner
that minimizes habitat impacts . Approved fencing styles include : vinyl coated chain link , wooden
split rail , or similar , as approved by the city .
16 . 53 WETLANDS
16 . 53 . 040 - STANDARDS .
B . Wetland Buffers .
3 . Where a residential plats and sybdiVISIeRS is proposed withiR shereliRewithini „ risdi ^ + i ^ n , wetlands and
wetland buffers shall be placed within a non - buildable tract . Refer to density transfer options
within CMC Chapter 18 . 09 Density and Dimensions , if lot dimensions are reduced below minimum
standards . YRIeSS GreatieR ef a traGt would result iR vielatiOR 9f MiRIMUM let depth standards .
Title 16
March 6, 2017 Page 17 of 19
4 . Adjusted Buffer Width ' .
a . Adjustments Authorized by Wetland Permits . Adjustments to the required buffer width are
authorized by Section 16 . 53 . 050 ( D ) of this section upon issuance of a wetland permit .
b . Functionally Isolated Buffer Areas . Areas which are functionally separated from a wetland
and do not protect the wetland from adverse impacts shall be treated as follows :
i . Preexisting roads , structures , or vertical separation shall be excluded from buffers
otherwise required by this chapter ;
ii . Distinct portions of wetlands with reduced habitat functions that are components of
wetlands with an overall habitat rating score greater than five points shall not be subject
to the habitat function buffers designated in Tables 16 . 53 . 040 - 2 and 16 . 53 . 040 - 3 if all
of the following criteria are met :
( A) The area of reduced habitat function is at least one acre in size ;
( B ) The area does not meet any WDFW priority habitat or species criteria ; and
( C ) The required habitat function buffer is provided for all portions of the wetland that
do not have reduced habitat function .
( D ) The buffer reduction afforded by this subsection shall not exceed seventy-five
percent of the required buffer width of Category I and II wetlands .
C . Standard Requirements . Any action granting or approving a development permit application shall be
conditioned on all the following :
1 . Temporary Marking Buffer DUFiRg GGR6tFWGtiGR . The location of the outer extent of the wetland
buffer shall be marked in the field and such markings shall be maintained throughout the duration
of the-permit review and construction .
2 . Permanent Marking of Buffer Area . A permanent physical demarcation of fencing and signs along
the upland boundary of the wetland buffer area shall be installed and thereafter perpetually
maintained .
a . Fencing 96IGh dernarGatienrnayMuSt rnnciot of Inns , a tree nr hedge FG ,w, be 42 - inches high
continuous fencing , which is vinyl coated chain link , wooden split rail , or similar , as
approved by the cityQr ether n8t 6iGal 11 arking approved by he respensihle
effiGial . G iT�
b . Signs must measure smafl-twelve inch ( 12 " ) by eighteen inch ( 18 " ) and shall be posted on
a six foot high green steel post at an interval of one per lot . If demarcation is along a tract
boundary without lots , then place signs at an interval of -ef every one hundred feet;
Whinhever is less _ -Signs must be nerr. etinlli mnintainerJ at Innatinno alnnn the n , iter
per�ett9r oftht.Q wetland bufferasappreved by tmhe responsiblee GffiGal ,�d -worded
substantially as follows : Wetland and Buffer Area Please rRetain in a natural state .
c . Fencing may be waived in the following circumstances :
i . The applicant demonstrates that fencing will not reaonnahly prevent future impacts to
the ' wetland and buffer area .
S-ii . The director determines that a proposed use adjoining the buffer does not pose a threat
to the critical area and buffer functions , or there is a public safety issue .
Title 16
March 6, 2017 Page 18 of 19
16 . 53 . 050 - WETLAND PERMITS .
Uses .c- riteria iR the [ Shereline Master] Program , Chapter 6 at SeGtion 6 . 3 . 15 , Ut Ries
76 . Utility Crossings . Crossing wetlands by utilities is allowed , provided the activity is not prohibited
by subsection ( D ) ( 1 ) of this section , and provided all the following conditions are met :
a . The activity does not result in a decrease in wetland acreage or classification ;
b . The activity results in no more than a short -term six- month decrease in wetland functions ;
c . Impacts to the wetland are minimized .
97 . Other Activities Allowed in a Wetland . Activities not involving stormwater management , utility
crossings , or wetland mitigation are allowed in a wetland , provided the activity is not prohibited
by subsection ( D ) ( 1 ) of this section and if it is not subject to a shoreline permit as listed in Chapter
2 of the [ Shoreline Master] Program , and provided all the following conditions are met :
a . The activity shall not result in a reduction of wetland acreage or function ; and
b . The activity is temporary and shall cease or be completed within three months of the date
the activity begins .
B . Anadromous Fish .
3 . Fills may only intrude into water bodies used by anadromous fish when GGRsistent with the G mas
ShE) FelaRe master pregram , and the applicant demonstrates that the fill is for a water- dependent
use that is in the public interest .
D . Stream Buffer Widths . Stream buffers are established for habitats that include aquatic systems . Unless
otherwise allowed in this title , all structures and activities shall be located outside of the stream buffer
area .
4 . Alternative Mitigation for Stream Buffer Areas . The requirements set forth in this section may be
modified at the city of Oamas.' s discretion if the applicant demonstrates that greater habitat
functions , on a per function basis , can be obtained in the affected drainage basin as a result of
alternative mitigation measures .
E . Stream Buffer Areas , Ponds- , Lakes , Waters of the State . The following specific activities may be
permitted within a stream buffer area , ponds ;�a��and water of the state , or associated buffer when
the activity complies with , and
she-the following standards :
7 . Public Flood Protection Measures . New public flood protection measures and expansion of
existing ones may be permitted , subject to the cit , of Gamas' s review and approval of a critical
area report and the approval of a federal biological assessment by the federal agency responsible
for reviewing actions related to a federally listed species .
Title 16
March 6, 2017 Page 19 of 19
A . Policies .
1_. It is the city' s policy to identify , inventory and preserve archaeological resources and
archaeological sites located within the city .
2 . Whenever a development proposal contains a known or suspected archaeological site the
responsible officials shall assess the probable effect of the impact and the need for mitigating
measures .
3 . Whenever the responsible official determines that a development project may contain an
archaeological site or may adversely impact a known archaeological site , the proponent may be
required to retain the services of a qualified professional archaeologist to assess the impact of
the development , and to propose such mitigating measures as may be necessary .
4 . The responsible official shall notify the Washington State Office of Archaeology and Historic
Preservation , Department of Community Development , of any development activity that may
adversely impact a recognized or suspected archaeological site .
5 . If the responsible official makes a written finding that a development project will adversely impact
an archaeological site , then the responsible official may condition or deny the development project
to minimize such adverse impact .
6 . Mitigation measures may include :
a . Reduction in size or scope of the project ;
b . Requiring the implementation of mitigation measures as recommended by a professional
archaeologist ;.
c . Requiring compliance with any permits or conditions as may be imposed or recommended
by the Washington State Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation .
7 . If archaeoloqical resources are discovered on a development site after approval of the
development by the city without the imposition of appropriate mitigation measures , then the
responsible official may issue an order to cease and desist all development activity in the affected
area until such time as an appropriate archaeological resources assessment can be undertaken
and mitigating measures , if necessary , implemented .
Revision Note : This section was previously located at CMC Section 16 . 33 . 015
Title 16
March 6, 2017
A . Vegetation and tree removal from a critical area or its management zone must be approved by the
Director . An application must include the following information :
1 . The applicant must submit a report from a certified arborist or professional forester that
documents the hazard and provides a pruning plan or replanting plan for the replacement
trees and vegetation . Report must be prepared by a professional unaffiliated with the
company proposing to remove the tree ( s ) .
2 . Tree pruning is preferred over felling . Pruning includes the removal of a hazardous branch ;
crown thinning or crown reduction . When pruning is insufficient to address the hazard , then
trees should be removed as justified by a qualified professional .
a . Tree topping is prohibited . Topping is the cutting of tree branches to stubs
or to lateral branches that are not large enough to assume the terminal role .
b . Reduction . Reduction reduces the size of a tree , often for utility line
clearance . Reducing a tree ' s spread is best accomplished by pruning back
the leaders and branch terminals to secondary branches that are large
enough to assume the terminal roles . Compared to topping , reduction helps
maintain the form and structural integrity of the tree .
c . Crown cleaning and thinning . Proper pruning opens the foliage of a tree ,
reduces weight on heavy limbs , removes dead branches , and helps retain
the tree ' s natural shape and height .
Be Mitigation Required . The landowner shall replace trees that are felled with new trees at a ratio of
two replacement trees for each tree felled within one year in accordance with an approved restoration
plan .
1 . Tree species that are native and indigenous to the site and a minimum caliper of two inches
shall be used .
2 . If a tree to be removed provides critical habitat , such as an eaqle perch , a qualified wildlife
biologist shall be consulted to determine timing and methods of removal that will minimize impacts .
C . Hazard trees determined to pose an imminent threat or danger to public health or safety , or to public
or private property , or serious environmental degradation , may be removed by the landowner prior to
receiving written approval from the city ; provided , that within fourteen days following such action , the
landowner shall submit a proof of hazard ( e . g . photos) together with a restoration plan that
demonstrates compliance with these provisions .
Revision Note : Substantial portions of this new section were previously located at CMC Section 16 . 51 . 120 ( C . S . b ) .
Title 16
March 6 , 2017