ORD 18-007ORDINANCE NO. 18-007 AN ORDINANCE amending the City of Camas' 2018 Budget Ordinance Nos. 16-023 and 17-018. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Camas approved Ordinance No. 16-023 and adopted a biennium budget for fiscal years 2017-2018; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Camas approved Ordinance 17-018 amending the 2018 Budget; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Camas finds that the proposed adjustments to the Budget for 2018 reflect revenues and expenditures that are intended to ensure the provision of vital municipal services; and, WHEREAS, funds received in excess of estimated revenues during the current fiscal year when authorized by an ordinance amending the original budget may be included in the expenditure limitation, pursuant to RCW 35A.34.200(1)(d); and WHEREAS, the City desires to undertake activities which were not foreseen at the time of adopting the 2018 budget; and WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 35A.34.150, the financial activities in the following funds could not have been reasonably foreseen at the time of adopting the 2018 budget, and WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 2708, the City of Camas established a Biennial Budget process pursuant to the provisions ofRCW 35A.34, including therewith procedures for modification of the Biennial Budget; and WHEREAS, the proposed budget modifications as set forth herein have been provided to the City Council and to the public; and WHEREAS, a public hearing as required on the proposed budget modifications has been held as required. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMAS AS FOLLOWS: Section I Budget Amendments: The City of Camas' 2017-2018 Budget as adopted in Ordinance No. 16-023 and amended by Ordinance 17-018 is amended as shown on Attachment A. Section II Budget Amendment -Effect on Fund Revenues and Expenses: In summary form, modifications to the totals of revenues and appropriations for each separate fund and the aggregate totals for all such funds combined are shown on Attachment B for 2018. Section III Effective Date. This ordinance shall take force and be "n '.ffect five days from and after its publication according to law. - PASSED BY the Council and APPROVED by the Ma o Mayor SIG~~ Clerk AP~ City Attorney ATTACHM ENT A: 2018 Spring Omnibus Packages ·· :·Jfg;Y'.'':!: \ ,~f~i>~raiiffjY's~dj~r TC: ~·· ,.,,·:_)i};'??i ::~:·s_.·~?:~:,·:;'f''•·::·'' l CF #1 HR t (#2 CF#3 Poiice . •' -.. _. --- C::Fi#L P,6 qc~{- cF ns Police CF}t'q_~. ·IT,._ CF#7 IT ci= #? '.f>ar~s\, CF#9 cfit io ·'.· -.-_ .... -._---. CF #11 Library cf #:1,li ':~ st_f~e# CF#lS CWfD ct :ftl 6. -PW . CF#i 7 HR ·CF#l& "HR A#l stfl ' S#2 Streets ,·.--,.,: .. AdmSrv Engin s #3 --· Po l i ~e_· 5 #4 -Parks s '#5 ' ' CW Fb ····- 5 #6 -CWFQ 5#1. ·.PW 5 .#8 . PW .5.#9 ,\. Debt - Carry Forw ard Pac kage s .· Negotiation costsfor labor ~cintracts · '.. /. '.;'.s~h ~A~~~:.M ~stell'ta ~~,i>r9 f~~siq ff ~l ,~¢fvi p e~ t< Two .donations in io17 tci Police for equipment .Par~irij_b ~y i.\:~~~~.~ ~Ptt1A1~rehudget~.~c i r~2017:• PoliceC:ontract Retro Pay for ~()17 City H ~ll·SecJ ·r_it y sist.~m : •' ' CitYServer Storage Array ·. __ . ··• '.r ~68 i_Qg A~·a1 y~i ~·~o11fr~Et~-tf'ofri-?oH '<-, · Replacement Library Carts ·-.. :~e'!1:f l;g.ibg '.~r'n~s:-F.·~ ndi ?~ ~o-~}9·~~-· ' .·. ,~. ' ~ .-: . ;;'-. ::' -··.~•: ;-, ~:::::~:_·;·,, . ·Replacement B.o.ok Drop · o:> .·s ~1 ~~~-~-~p-~i ~~· v:M .. w s1 ~ 19 su f~R~~ · --·~,. c'f.:·'.' ·."···:···~·:.·_~·~'.· ,,.;, ,-b, _0 _ Transportation Plan ·'Powhtpv.f~"E.lectiic~l "Ri:iai~; • Fire Con tract Retrn Pay for2017 _. ···· ·" u tm l~Hat e$,tudy &.stitup~~t~-contim1 ~d-~ .. ,_{." CPEA Contra<;t Retro Pay fo r 2017 Af ~CME¢o'rih~CtR~trci P ~v:it>r 2017 ; Total Carry Forward Admin istrative Packages -. . Move .Preservation to North Shore Sewer Proj Tot al Ad m inistrative Supplemental Packages Soci ~l'~edia S6tt\yare for '.R:eco ~~s R~f~ntio n . Enginee ring Tech full ti\'Tle & Prof. Srv . Assisfarice _.,,_, .. City sha re of Community Center Consultant .- Ea it ~\:i L(ak~' Valv~s -· · Fire Marshal Overtime with increased inspect ions . GeneratSE!,wer Plan · Step Pumping · Upd a~~w/5 1 0 ail .paymenf~for: draws < Total Supplemental Tota l Operating Budget Amendments $ ·$ $ '.$ .$ $ . (~0!000) ... :'(~6,po·m · -(16,700) -~"·-: .. l~'.l-~JS;gpqr, (80,544) · · ~i15;p6o) .·· (15,000) ··--l4·£-9o oJ (3,798) ····;,:$--/,_ -:'}·:·,_~:p_~.~ ' ·J"·. "?:$ $ :, >~_.,_, ._,··'~(?;06~Y (9,0 00) •'' $. ' .. 10;00.0 . '$.. <4o l4o~) .. $ {2iO,OOO) .J .. :{75,ooo) ' $ -(87 ,892) _· $ · : . .·.(~5;QOO) . s (62 A32) $ · _ .· .-0:'(7 ;Q53J $ (764,419) 0 0 i$ S (iQ;iJGO) $ (117,320) :~-Jl0;9QO) $ (50,000) $ ·(f3,sooi $ 4;000 $ J 4(000) $ .. (so;ooo) $ (125,000) ·s (l 2.$;35t?f $ $ (512,076) $ (1,276,495) ATTACHMENT A: 2~1~.~p_r_in~-9.-"'!"ibu s Package ~ c -·' .. ·· ', .. •~api~I e ti.~lle t /. General Govt . 3:, .. , ~ Ge~~·~r~ci~_· _ 4 Stree ts/Capital s: · ' s~ieetii/~'apttal 7 · ·streets/~pl~I 8 ,: ;:• Straet5jci;pit~f 9 . "StreE:is/Capital 10 11 13 14 16 17 18 . 20 26 27 .- 28 . 37 38 39 42 .2 15 19 25 29 30 _36 40 12 21 22 23 24 34 35 41 ·Streets/Capita! Streets/Ca Pita! .·--··,:·. ,'.,P?rks · Parks ·Pai-ks .Parks Pa,rks Parks Storm W ater ·st Orm Water· Storm Water P_Wif~_t~~. PW/Wa~er . PW/W~ter PW/Sewer PW/Se wer P_Vi_J/Se Wer-- Equipment Re~tat -. Generaf·GoJt. P.arks i>;.rks Storm Water PW/Water. ·._PW/Water PVif/Sf!wer PW/Sewer Streets/Capital sfreets/i;a:~ital Pa.rks Pa"rks Pa rks . Parks PW/Water PW/Wate'r PW/Sf7 We r ca rry Forward Pa ~ka_ges Oty ·Hall. Roofing Crty l;laU G~ner,alor · ADA Acce5·s Upgrades · ~av~iiie_nt Ma riagein erif Prograin~ • . • · larkspur La nd Acii uisiitkmf~rSignal PacificRiin at Payri~ '., Oal_ias _Street Project COBG Grant 6th & Norwood LED Street Lights . H e ;itag~f(ai'1~e ~d ?~;king-Go'ad win · Dog Park. Partnership East Lake f rail( North s hore Tra ii'B)' ParklandsTo He ritage Tr~il T-1 tiowl)town Tra il Cooper's View Park . NW -38th Ph . 2 Wetland Monitoring .North Shore Stcir;;,:-'43rd Ditch 'ca mas so Cont;ibuti~n · '/_ . . . -. Forest Hom e Landslide FEMAGrant . nn-;ber' Har~est WeU 6/14 Waterline Transmission Project -· · Water Transmission Main (Slo\\iSands) SRF Lo ~ii #3 . . -.· . -' .• -- 2018 Reveri u ~ Bond !llorth Shore Tra ilsmis si_on Main Local Limits Development Mili _Oitch R~-p la~ementProject: Scheduled Repla cements Total Carry Fo rward Admi nistrative Packa ges Major Building Mainten~~ce North Shore Acquisition/Cleanup ProperiY Acquisition NP:1 lOthilvY Facility Rehabilitation : 544 Reservoir· 1o~s -Revenu e fio ~ci Well 17 Development 2018 Revenue Bond i.a samas-C:reek_ ?urrip station •- 2018 Reve[lu_e Bo)l~ .· I/I Elimination Project . Tota l Administrat ive Suppleme ntal Packa ges Brady Road-Z018 .GO Bond f'!E 3rd Ave. Bridge seismic. Retrofrt: (design bniy) si~te Gra nt .-' .:.·,,.; Wayfinding Signs Ska_te Park lmproliements .. Nort Sh_ore Con servation Lands Conservation Funds 2018 GO .Bond cu ~ryTrail - BCO Grant Slow Sand Caustic Feed Boulde f Fis h -Screen WwrP Roofs Total Supplemental Tot al Capital Bud ge t Am endments $· (300,000) $ ··~ _.,,. (1,25,000) $ (5o,obo) -.~ (i_39,696). $ (911,497) , ;$ (96,1-9\)) $ (672,950) ·292,648• (80,000) $ {92,000) v -·-_(52,00pJ $ (60,000) (99;981) $ (93,457)- $ •. (Zs,00\i) $ (12,575) (3ci,ooi;>) (30A aq1 is;ooi) (10,000) 10,000 j'io,oog) $ (515,050) $ ·-"12,i91;8"!~ $ -· l,463,m $' 834;717 $ (6,242,550) $ (75,000) $ . (245;574) $ (301,121). $ (9,961,903) $ 50,000 $ 250,?JlO $_ 100;000 $ 250,000 '-$ . 2,061,Gsl '(~.061;6si) $ 1,800,000' $ (1,800,000) .$ 2,600,QOO .$ (i,600,ooq) 25ci,oo li. 900,000 1,666,053 (S8S,!i95j $' 506;540 $ (30,,000) $ (25,~00) {8,800,009) 2,500,000 6,300,000. '(9 ~0,000) 127;709 (75,000) (75 ,000) (125,000) 1,024,707 $ (8,037,196) Attachment B 2018 Budget Amendment· Fund Summary Budget Budget Estimated Budget Amendment Amended Beg Fund Balance Revenues (1) Expenses (1) End Fund Balance Revenues Expenses Fund Balance Note: Budget Packages . > "": •--··. -•~}-· ,_ :-(-..•. _;.-:. .·.·:~.:.·:· .... ·-:_ .. ;._~;,.'. .. ";•, (• .. _. .·r-r-:-·;,:.;:.~K.~ · :.. :i. ~··-~·· ·-1 .-,'~t, • .M11~'1'!'1~ ~p .. -;..~·§~·., ·~·-~ ·'""'4',·~·1'>'~~:\,, ..U.."'T" •. ,.i;~~-.l.-.. ~ .......... General $ 4,231,179 $ 22,380,529 $ (21,528,591) $ Streets $ 695,809 $ 2,861,992 $ (2,845,383) $ Camas/Washougal Fire & EMS $ 1,255,852 $ 9,803,226 $ (9 ,522,406) $ Cemetery $ 27,985 $ 228,691 $ (209,557) $ ~,.-s Unlimited GO Debt Service $ 46,687 $ 620,000 $ (622,380) $ Limited GO Debt Service $ $ 1,127,569 $ (1,127,569) $ REEf $ 4,749,909 $ 2,106,574 $ (1,490,904) $ Park Impact Fee $ 1,284,683 $ 797,807 $ (761,970) $ Trans ortatlon Impact Fee $ 510,853 $ 968,570 $ (668,927) $ Fire Impact Fee $ 309,043 $ 253,633 $ (21 ,017) $ Brady Road Construction $ 426,045 $ 1,465,000 $ (1,666,053) $ 6th and Norwood Construction $ $ $ $ Street Lighting LED Project $ 142 $ $ $ Larkspur $ 27,963 $ 3,132,500 $ (3,132,500) $ Bond Fund capital Pro ects $ 449,665 $ $ $ North Shore Cons ervation Project Storm Water $ 2,116,101 $ 1,573,485 $ (1,478,673) $ Solid Waste $ 1,976,865 $ 2,713,565 $ (2,497,102) $ Water/Sewer s 7,131,360 $ 13,032,669 $ 12,880,674) $ W/S Capital Projects $ 273,375 $ 11,885,000 $ (11 ,885,000) $ WS Cap ital Reserve $ 6,404,061 $ 1,514,964 $ (202,400) $ WS Bond Reserve $ 1,630,669 $ 23,666 $ $ North Shore Construction Project $ 8,883,676 $ 20,000 $ (2,000,000) $ .. .. ; ·s , Lodging Ta x $ 15,724 $ 9,505 $ (10,000) $ Firefighter 1s Pension $ 2,267,695 $ 33,005 $ (1,400,361) $ Eciulpment Rental and Replacement $ 2,031,954 $ 1,645,841 $ (132,998) $ Retiree Medical $ 3,275 $ 120,361 $ (120,361) $ LEOFF 1 Dlsabilltv Board $ 21,694 $ 215,218 $ (215,218) $ $ 46,772,264 $ 78,533,370 $ (76,420,044) (1) Budee te d revenues and expenses refl e ct the 2018 Adopted Budget original budget $ 78,533,370 $ $ $ 76,420,043 (1) 5,083,117 $ 5,065 $ (517,058 $ 4,571,124 CF#:ll-11,11,18 5#1·4 712,418 $ 90,000 $ (636,138) $ 166,280 CF# 12-14, A#1, Cap 4,5,9,12 1,536,672 $ 4,000 $ (109,284 $ 1,431,388 CF# 15,17 5#5-6 47,119 $ 47,119 44,307 44,307 5,365,579 $ 1,986,253 $ (3,213,557 4,138,275 Cap 1-2,4,7,8,9,13,14,17, 2,19,12,21,22,24 1,320,520 $ 43,987 1,364,507 Cap 16,17,20;15 810,496 810,496 541,659 541,659 224,992 $ 1,666,053 $ 224,992 1,666,053 Cap 7,10,6 $ 80,000 $ (80,000) Csp10 142 $ 92,000 $ (92,000) Cap 11 27,963 $ 884,481 $ (911,497) 449,665 $ 164,891 $ (614,556 Cap 1·2,7,11 $ 8,800,000 $ (8,800,000) Cap 23 2,210,913 $ 25 ,000 $ 161,677 2,397,590 CFI# 16, 18, Cap 26, 27,28,25 2,193,328 $ (16,250) 2,177,078 CF 1#16 7,283,355 $ (1,075,805 6,207,550 Cft#16,17,18,Ca 9,31,38,39,40134,35,41,51'7·9 $ (3,653,193) $ 3,653,193 Cap 32., 33,39, 29, 30,36, 40 7,716,625 $ (515,050) 7,201,575 capa2 1,654,335 1,654,335 6,903,676 $ 35,126 $ (6,242,550) 696,252 A# 1 Cap 37 . -· · .. -·-.:: .. ' · . 15,229 $ 15,229 900,339 $ 900,339 3,544,797 $ (303,486) $ 3,241,311 CF# 17, 18,cap 42 3,275 $ 3,275 $ 48,590,521 $ 10,179,676 $ (19,493,366) $ 39,276,831 :.s: J 9)ii1~;~961 : $ ;qp~r~ling 'J' ~:·:;-. '"'"' ·•·· · .[ fi:::::;,g •>!<~~~1S<1Pi"rriarY;L1~ .. $ 45,065 $ (809,484) $ (764,419) Carry Forward $ 35,126 $ (35,126) $ Administrative $ 4,000 $ (516,076) $ (512,076) Supplemental $ 84,191 $ (1 ,360,686) Lf :<t2~6;49s1 $ (1,276,495) :~c•?11°L i6··; :<T ,i:<' ·' .,,./·· t :\,~· ''· '.. $ 5,027,816 $ (14,989,718) (9,961,902) Carry Forward $ (6,711,687) $ 7,611,687 900,000 Administrati ve $ 11,700,302 $ (10,675,595) $ 1,024,707 Supplemental $ 10,016,431 $ (18,053,626) $ (8,037,195) (8,037,195) (9,313,690) 23% Atta chment B ~"" ~ .. .. •· ~' -I~ ~ mm.. r;nm, "'l'!!ll':r· .. . ;~ ~~· mJ!nl CF #1 Negotiation costs fo r labor contracts Hum a n Re so u rces 001 $ 15 ,225 $ 25 ,225 001-06-5 18-100-4 1 $ (10 ,000) $ (10 ,000) CF #l Adju st Fund Balance Hum a n Reso urces 001 $ 5,083,117 $ 5,073,117 001-00-508-000-00 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 (10,000) CF#2 I Sub-A rea Master Pian -Profess ional Se rvices CD -Plan n ing 001 I $ 126,408 I $ 186,408 I 001-15-558-600-41 I $ (6 0,000) $ (60,000 CF#2 I Adjust Fund Bal a nce CD -Planning 001 I $ 5,083,117 I $ 5,023,117 I 001-00-508-000-00 1 $ 60,000 $ 60,000 (60,000) CF#3 Two do nat io ns in 2017 to Po lice for equipm ent Police 001 $ 32,025 $ 48,725 001-08 -521-220-35 $ (1 6,7 00) $ (16,700) CF #4 Pa rkin g Device and Softwa re Po lic e 001 $ 32,025 $ 37,025 001-08-521-220-35 $ (5,000) $ (5,000 CF#5 Police Retro Pa y for 2017 Po lice 001 $ 2,873,000 $ 2,953,544 001-08-521-220-11 $ (80,544) $ (80,544 CF #3-#5 Adjust Fund Balance Po lice 001 $ 5,083,117 $ 4,980,873 001-00-508-000-00 $ 102,244 $ 102,244 $ (102,244) CF#6 City Ha ll Se curity System IT 001 $ 93,877 $ 108,877 001-12-518-800-41 $ (15 ,000) $ (15,000) CF#7 I City Server Storage Array IT 001 I $ 114,183 $ 129,183 001-12-51 8-800-35 I $ (15,000) $ (15,000) CF #6·#7 I Adjust Fu nd Bal ance IT 001 I $ 5,083,117 I $ 5,053,117 001-00-508-000-00 I $ 30,000 1 $ 30,000 (30,000) CF#8 Fu nd ing An a lys is Co nt ra cts fro m 2017 Pa rks and Recreation 001 $ $ 42,000 l 00 1-18-575 -400-41 I $ (42,000) $ (42,000) CF #8 Adju st Fu nd Bal ance Parks a nd Recre ation 001 $ 5,083,117 $ 5,041,117 001-00-508-000-00 $ 42,000 $ 42,000 (42,000) CF#9 Rep lace me nt Li b rary Ca rts library 00 1 $ 452 $ 4,250 001-30-572-200-35 $ (3,798) $ (3,798 CF #1 0 Re m a ining Grant Funding from 2017 library 001 $ $ 5,065 001-3 0-5 72 -210-41 $ (5 ,065) $ 15,065) CF#lO Rema ini ng Grant Funding fro m 2017 library 001 $ 6,500 $ 11,565 001-00-367-110-0 0 $ 5,065 $ 5,065 CF#ll Re placement Bo o k Drop Libra ry 001 $ 269 $ 9,269 001-30-572-500-3 5 $ (9,000) $ (9,000) CF #9-#11 Adj ust Fund Bal ance Lib rary 001 $ 5,083,117 $ 5 ,070,319 001-00-508-000-00 $ 12,798 $ 12,798 (12,798) CF#12 Bridge Repa irs w ith WClA Insu ra nc e St reet s 112 $ $ 40,000 112-00-398-000-00 $ 40,000 $ 40,000 CF #12 Bridge Repai rs w it h WCIA Ins u rance Streets 112 $ 81,632 $ 121,632 112-00-54 2-300-48 $ (40,000) $ (40,000) CF #13 Tra ns po rtatio n Pla n Streets 112 $ $ 210,000 112-00-542-900-43 $ (210,000) $ (210,000) CF #14 Downtown Electrical Re pa ir Streets 112 $ 1,909 $ 76,909 112-00-542-710-48 $ (75,000) $ (75,000 CF #12-14 Adjust Fund Balance Streets 11 2 $ 712,418 $ 427,4 18 112-00-508-000-00 $ 285,000 $ 285,000 $ (28 5,000) CF#15 Fire Contract Re t ro Pay fo r 2017 CW FD I 115 I $ 3,428,153 $ 3,516,045 1115-09-5 22-210-11 I $ (87,892)1 $ (87,892) CF#15 Adju st Fu nd Ba la nce CW FD 115 $ 1,5 36,672 $ 1,448,780 115-00-508-000-00 $ 87 ,892 $ 87,892 (87,892) CF #16 Utility Ra te Study & SDC Up dat e Co ntinu ed Sto rm 419 $ 272,114 $ 288,364 4 19-00-531-500-4 1 $ (16,250) $ (16,250) CF #16 Ut ility Rate Study & SDC Up date Co ntin ued So lid Waste 422 $ 160,298 $ 176,548 422-00-53 7-800-4 1 $ (1 6,25 0) $ (16,250) CF#16 Utility Rate Study & SD C Update Co nt inu ed Wa te r-Se wer 424 $ 1,384,184 $ 1,416,684 424-00-53 8-100-41 $ (32,500) $ (32,500) CF #16 Adjust Fund Balance St orm 4 19 $ 2,210,9 13 $ 2,194,663 419-00-5 08-000-00 $ 16,250 $ 16,250 CF #16 Adjust Fund Balance So lid Waste 422 $ 2,193,328 $ 2,177,078 422-00-508-000-00 $ 16,250 $ 16,250 CF #1 6 Adj ust Fund Ba lance Wat er-Sew er 4 24 $ 7,283,35 5 $ 7,250,855 42 4-00-508-000-00 $ 32,500 $ 32,500 (65,000) CF#17 CPEA Contract Ret ro Pay for 2017 General Fund 001 $ 122,855 $ 177,5 13 001-0 6-518-100-11 $ (54,658) $ (54,658) CF#17 CP EA Co nt ract Re t ro Pay for 2017 CWFD 115 $ 201,580 $ 205,472 115-00-522-710-11 $ (3,892) $ (3,892) CF #17 CPEA Contract Retro Pay for 2017 Water-Sewer 424 $ 331,098 $ 332,880 424-00-538-100-11 $ (1,782) $ (1 ,782) CF #17 CPEA Contract Ret ro Pay fo r 20 17 ERR 523 $ 107,428 $ 109,528 523-00-5 48-690-11 $ (2,100) $ (2,100) CF #17 Adjust Fund Ba lance Ge neral Fu nd 001 $ 5,083,117 $ 5,028,4 59 001-00-508 -000-00 $ 54,658 $ 54,658 CF #17 Adjust Fund Balance CWFD 115 $ 1,536,672 $ 1,532,780 115-00-508-000-00 $ 3,892 $ 3,892 CF#17 Adjust Fu nd Bala nce Water-Sewe r 4 24 $ 7,283,355 $ 7,281,573 424-00-508-000-00 $ 1,782 $ 1,782 CF#17 Adjust Fund Ba la nce ERR 523 $ 3,544,797 $ 3,542,697 523-00-508-000-00 $ 2,100 $ 2,100 (62,432) CF#l 8 AFSCME Co nt ra ct Retro Pay fo r 2017 General Fund 001 $ 122,855 $ 124,927 001-06-51 8-100-1 1 $ (2,0 72) $ (2,072) CF #18 AFSC ME Co ntract Ret ro Pa y fo r 2017 Sto rm Water 419 $ 114,527 $ 11 6,600 419-00-53 1-5 00-1 1 $ (2,073) $ (2,073) CF#18 AFSC ME Contract Ret ro Pay for 2017 Wat er-Sewer 424 $ 331,098 $ 333,74 1 424-00-53 8-100-11 $ (2,64 3) $ (2,643 ) CF#18 AFSCM E Contract Re t ro Pay fo r 2017 ERR 523 $ 107,428 $ 107,693 523-00-548 -690-11 $ (265) $ (265 ) CF #18 Adj ust Fun d Ba la nce Ge ne ral Fund 001 $ 5,083,117 $ 5,08 1,045 001-00-508-0 00-00 $ 2,072 $ 2,072 CF#18 Adiust Fu nd Balance Sto rm Wa t e r 4 19 $ 2,2 10,913 $ 2,208,840 419-00-508-000-00 $ 2,0 73 $ 2,073 CF#18 Adjust Fund Ba la nce Water-Sewer 424 $ 7,283,35 5 $ 7,280,7 12 424-00-508-000-00 $ 2,643 $ 2,643 Cf #18 Adjust Fund Balance ERR 523 $ 3,544,7 97 $ 3,544,532 523-00-508-000-00 $ 265 $ 265 (7,053 ) A#l Move Preservatio n t o No rth Sho re Sewer Proj. Streets 11 2 $ $ 35,126 112.00.597 .427 .00 $ (35,126) $ (35 ,126) A#l Adjust Fu nd Balance Streets 112 $ 712,418 $ 677,292 112.00.508.000.00 $ 35,126 $ 35,126 A#l Move Preservation to No rth Shore Sewer Proj. No Shore Sewer Project 427 $ $ 35,1 26 427 .00.397 .112.00 $ 35 ,1 26 $ 35,126 A#l Adjust Fund Ba la nce No Shore Sewer P roject 427 $ 6,903,676 $ 6,938,802 427 .00.308.000.00 $ (35,126) $ (35,126) 5 #1 Social Media Software for Reco rds Retentio n Administ rative Services 00 1 $ 16,837 $ 36,837 001-07-5 18-900-3 1 $ (20 ,000) $ (20,000) 5 #1 Adjust Fund Balance Ad ministrative Services 00 1 $ 5 ,083,117 $ 5,063,117 001-00-508-000-00 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 (20,000) 5#2 I Engineeri ng Tech Full Time I Eng in eerin g I 001 $ 736,0 14 $ 8 13,334 001-13-518-910-11 $ (77,320)1 $ (77,320) 5 #2 I Engineering Prof. Se rvi ces Assista nce I Engin ee ring I 001 $ 60,088 $ 100,088 001-13-518-910-4 1 $ (4o,oooJI $ (4 0,000) 5 #2 I Adj ust Fund Balan ce Engin ee rin g 001 $ 5,083,117 $ 4,965,797 001-00-508-000-00 $ 117,320 $ 117,320 $ (11 7,3 20) 5#3 SWAT Agreement In crease Po lice 001 $ 42,800 $ 53 ,700 001-08-52 1-220-41 $ (10,900) $ (10,900) 5#3 I Adj ust Fu nd Balance I Po lice 001 $ 5,083,117 $ 5,072,21 7 001-00-508-000-00 $ 10,900 1 $ 10,900 (10,900) 5#4 I City share of Comm Ctr. Co nsulta nt Parks and Rec reation 001 $ $ 50,000 001-18-575-400-41 $ (50,000) $ (50,000) 5#4 Adjust Fund Bal a nce Pa rks and Recreation 001 $ 5,083,117 $ 5,033,117 001-00-508-000-00 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 (50,000) 5#5 Ea rthq ua ke valves CW FD 115 $ 4,171 $ 17,671 115-09-522-300-32 $ (13,500) $ (13,500) 5#5 Overtime for increased ins pections CWFD 115 $ 4,000 $ 8,000 115-09-522-300..12 $ (4,000) $ (4,000) 5#5 Fire Permit Fe es CWFD 115 $ 54,183 $ 5 8,183 115-09-322-110-00 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 5 #5 Adjust Fund Ba lance CWFD 115 $ 1,536,672 $ 1,523,172 115-00-508-000-00 $ 13,500 $ 13,500 (13,500 ) 5#6 Ge nera l Sewe r Pl an Water-Sewer 424 50,000 42 4-00-535-810.-41 (50,000) 50,000) 5#8 STEP Pu mpi ng Water-Sewe r 424 125,000 424-00-535-831-41 (125 ,000) (125,000) 5#9 Uodate W/S loa n payment for draws Water-Sewer 424 s 2,265,987 s 2,367,065 424-00-591-380-78 s (101,078) s (101,078) 5#9 Update W/S loan payment for draws Water-Sewer 424 s 1,146,641 s 1,170,919 424-00-592-350-83 s (24,278) s (24,278) 5#9 Adjust Fund Balance Water-S ewer 424 s 7,283,355 s 6,982,999 424-00-508-000-00 s 300,356 $ 300,356 $ (300,356) #1 City Hall Roofing Gene ral Govt. 318 $ $ 300,000 318-00-594-180-62 $ (300,000) $ (300,000) #1 Transfer from REET-City Hall Roofing General Govt. 318 $ $ 139,891 318-00-397-300-00 s 139,891 $ 139,891 #1 Transfer for City Hall Roofing Genera l Govt. 300 $ $ 139,891 300-00-597-318-00 $ (139,891) $ (139,891) #1 Adjust Fund Balance Gene ral Govt. 318 $ 449,665 $ 289,556 318-00-508-000-00 s 160,1 09 s 160,109 #1 Ad jus t Fund Ba lance Genera l Govt. 300 $ 5,365,579 $ 5,225,688 300-00-508-000-00 $ 139,891 $ 139,891 $ (300,000) #3 City Hall Generator Gene ral Govt. 318 $ $ 125,000 $ (125,000) $ (125,000) #3 Transfe r from REET -Generato r Ge ne ral Govt. 318 $ $ 25,000 318-00-397-300-00 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 #3 Adjust Fund Balance Genera l Govt. 318 $ 449,665 $ 349,665 318-00-508-000-00 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 #3 Transfer for City Ha ll Generator Ge nera l Govt. 300 $ $ 25,000 300-00-597-318-00 $ (25 ,000) $ (25,000) #3 Adjust Fund Ba lan ce Genera l Govt. 300 $ 5,365,579 $ 5,340,579 300-00-508-000-00 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ (125,000) #4 ADA Access Upgrades Streets/Capita l 112 $ $ 50,000 112-76-54 2-300-48 s (50,000) $ (50,000) #4 Trans fer from REIT Streets/Capital 112 $ $ 50,000 112-00-397-300-00 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 #4 Transfer t o Streets Streets/Capital 300 s $ 50,000 300-00-597-112-00 $ (50,000) $ (50,000) #4 Adjust Fund Balance Streets/Capital 300 $ 5,365,579 $ 5,315,579 300-00-508-000-00 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 (50,000) #5 Street Preservation from 2017 Streets/Capital 112 $ 774,990 $ 914,596 112-76-59 5-300-6 5 s (139,606) $ (139,606) #5 Adju st Fund Ba lance Streets/Capita l 112 $ 7 12,418 $ 572,812 112-00-508-000-00 $ 139,606 $ 139,606 $ (139,606) #7 Larksp u r Streets/Capita l 319 $ 3,132,500 $ 4,043,997 319-00-595-300-65 $ (911,497) $ (911,497) #7 Transfer from REIT Streets/Ca pita l 319 $ $ 668,949 319-00-397-300-00 $ 668,949 $ 668,949 #7 Transfer from GO Bond Streets/Capital 319 $ $ 97,556 319-00-397-318-00 $ 97,556 $ 97,556 #7 Transfe r from GO Bond -Brady Streets/Capital 319 s $ 144,992 319-00-3 97-315-00 $ 144,992 $ 144,992 #7 Transfer to Larkspur Streets/Capital 300 s $ 668,949 300-00-597-300-00 s (668,949) $ (668,949) #7 Adiust Fund Balance Streets/Capital 300 $ 5 ,365,579 $ 4,696,630 300-00-508-000-00 $ 668,949 $ 668,949 #7 Transfer from GO Bo nd Streets/Capital 318 $ $ 97,556 318-00-597-319-00 $ (97,556) $ (97,556) #7 Adjust Fund Balance Streets/Ca p ital 318 s 449,665 $ 352,109 318-00-508-000-00 $ 97,556 $ 97,556 #7 Transfe r GO Bond from Brady to La rkspur Streets/Ca p ital 315 $ $ 144,992 315-00-597-319-00 s (144,992) s (144,992) #7 Adjus t Fund Balance Streets/Ca pita l 315 $ 224,992 $ 80,000 315-00-508-000-00 $ 144,992 $ 144,992 $ (911,497) #8 land Acquisitio n for Signal Pac Rim Streets/Ca pital 300 $ $ 96,190 300-00-594-640-61 $ (96,190) $ (96,190) #8 Adjus t Fund Balance Streets/Ca pital 300 $ 5,365,579 $ 5,269,389 300-00-508-000-00 $ 96,190 $ 96,190 (96,190) #9 Da ll as Street Project-CD BG Streets/Caoital 300 $ s 672,950 300-00-595-320-6 5 $ (672,950) s (672,950) #9 CDBG Grant Streets/Capital 300 $ $ 292,648 300-00-333-140-00 $ 292,648 $ 292,648 #9 Transfer from Water-Sewer Streets/Capital 300 $ $ 372,950 300-00-397-424-00 s 372,950 $ 372,950 #9 Transfer from Streets Streets/Ca pital 300 $ $ 7,352 300-00-397-112-00 $ 7,352 $ 7,35 2 #9 Tran sfer to REIT-Dallas Street Streets/Capital 424 $ $ 372,950 424-00-597-300-00 $ (372,950) s (372,950) #9 Adjust Fund Ba lance Streets/Capital 424 $ 7,283,355 $ 6,910,405 424-00-508-000-00 $ 372,950 $ 372,950 #9 T ran sfe r to REIT -Dallas Street Streets/Capital 112 $ $ 7,352 112-00-597-300-00 $ (7,352) $ (7,352) #9 Adj ust Fund Balance Streets/Capital 112 $ 7 12,4 18 s 705,066 lU-00-508-000-00 s 7,352 $ 7,352 $ (380,302) #10 6th & Norwood Pedestrian Crossing Street s/Ca pital 3 16 $ $ 80,000 316-00-595-300-65 $ (80,000) $ (80,000) #10 Tra nsfer from Brad y -GO Bond Streets/Capital 316 s $ 80,000 316-00-397-3 15-00 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 #10 Transfer to 6th & Norwood Streets/Capital 3 15 $ $ 80,000 315-00-597-316-00 $ (80,000) $ (80,000) #10 Adjust Fund Bala nce Streets/Capit a l 315 $ 224,992 $ 144,992 315-00-508-000-00 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 (80,000) #11 LED Street lighting Streets/Capital 317 $ $ 92,000 317-00-595-630-65 s (92,000) $ (92,000) #11 Tra nsfer from GO Bond Streets/Capita l 317 $ $ 92,000 317-00-397-318-00 $ 92,000 $ 92,000 #11 Transfer to LED Street light ing Streets/Caoita l 318 $ $ 92,000 318-00-597-317-00 $ (92,000) $ (92,000) #11 Adjust Fund Balance Streets/Capital 318 $ 449,665 $ 357,665 318-00-508-000-00 $ 92,000 $ 92,000 (92,000) #13 He ritage Trailhead Pa rki ng Goodwin Parks/Capita l 300 $ $ 52,000 300-00-594-763-63 $ (52,000) $ (52,000) #14 Dot?' Park Parks/Capita l 300 s $ 60,000 300-00-594-766-63 $ (60,000) $ (60,000) #1 8 Downtown Trail Parks/Capital 300 s $ 25,000 300-00-594-765-63 $ (25,000) $ (25,000) #13,#14 ,#18 Ad just Fund Balance Pa rks/Capita l 300 $ 5,365,579 $ 5,228,579 300-00-508-000-00 $ 137,000 $ 137,000 $ (137,000) #16 Ea st lake Trail (North Shore Trail T-3) Parks/Capital 301 s s (99,981) 301-00-594-763-63 $ (99,981) $ (99,981) #17 Parklands Tra il Pa rk s/Ca pital 301 s $ (93,457) 301-00-594-761-63 $ (93,457) $ (93,457) #20 Cooper's View Park Sign Pa rks/Capital 301 $ $ (12,5 75) 301-00-594-760-65 $ (12,575) $ (12,575) #16,#17,#20 Adj ust Fund Balance Parks/Ca pita I 301 $ 1,320,520 s 1,114,507 301-00-508-000-00 $ 206,013 s 206,013 $ (206,013) #26 NW 38th Ph 2 Wetland Monitoring Storm Water 419 $ 27,000 $ 57,000 419-00-594-534-63 $ (30,000) $ (30,000) #27 North Shore Storm-43rd Ditch Storm Water 419 $ $ 30,000 419-00-594-530-63 $ (30,000) $ (30,000) #27 CSD Contribut ion Storm Water 419 $ $ 15,000 419-00-379-200-00 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 #26 #27 Adju st Fu nd Ba lance Storm Water 419 $ 2,210,913 $ 2,165,913 419-00-508-000-00 $ 45,000 $ 45,000 #28 Fo rest Home Landslid e Storm Water 419 $ 1,266 $ 11,266 419-00-531-515-48 $ (10,000) $ (10,000) #28 FEMA Storm Water 4 19 $ $ 10,000 419-00-331-970-36 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 (45,000} #3 1 Timbe r Harvest W at er-Sewer Capital 426 $ 50,000 $ 70,000 426-00-594-349-65 s (20,000) $ (20,000) #31 Transfer In 424 Water-S ewer Capital 426 $ 50,000 $ 70,000 426-00-397-424-10 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 #31 Transfer to 426 Wa t e r-Sewer Capital 424 $ 50,000 $ 70,000 424-00-597-424-10 $ (20,000) $ (20,000) #31 Adju st Fund Balance Wa t er-Sewer Capital 424 $ 7,283,355 s 7,263,355 424-00-508-000-00 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 #32 Well 6/14 Waterlin e Transmission Project Water-Sewer Capital 426 $ 80,000 $ 595,050 426-00-594-347-65 $ (515,050) $ (5 15,050) #32 Tra nsfer from SDCs Water-Sewer Capital 426 s $ 515,050 426-00-397-432-00 s 515,050 $ 5 15,050 #3 2 Tra nsfer for Well 6/14 Waterli ne Wa ter-Sewe r Capital 432 $ 515,050 432-00-597-426-00 $ (515,050) $ (515,050) #32 Ad jus t Fu nd Ba lance Wat er-Sewer Capital 432 $ 7,7 16,625 $ 7,201,575 432-00-508-000-00 $ 5 15,050 s 5 15,050 #33 Wate r Tra ns mission Mai n (Slow Sands) Water-Sewer Capita l 426 $ 2,297,870 $ (2,297,870) s (2,297,870) #33 SR F Loan #3 Water-Sewer Capital 426 $ $ 1,463,153 426-00-391-800-01 $ 1,463,153 $ 1,463,153 #33 2018 Revenue Bo nd Water-Sewer Cap ital 426 $ 3,200,000 $ 4,034,717 426-00-391-200-00 $ 834,717 $ 834,717 $ (535,050) #37 North Shore Sewer Transmission North Sh o re Sewer Proj 427 $ 2,000,000 $ 8,242,550 427-00-594-3 50-65 $ (6,242,550) $ (6,242,550) #37 Adi Fund Ba lance North Shore Sewer Proj 427 $ $ (6,242,550) 427-00-508-000-00 $ 6,242,550 $ 6,242,550 $ (6,24 2,550 ) #38 Local limits Development Water-Sewer Capita l 426 $ $ 75,000 426-00-594-353-65 $ (75,000) $ (75,000) #39 Mill Ditch Rep lacement Wate r-Sewer Cap ita l 426 $ 245,574 426-00-594-356-65 $ (245,574) $ (245,574) #38 Tra nsfer from Wate r-Se we r-Local limits Water-Sewe r Cap ita l 426 $ $ 75,000 426-00-397-424-08 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 #39 Transfer from Water-Sewer Mill Ditc h Water-Sewe r Cap ital 426 $ $ 245,574 426-00-397-4 24-05 $ 245,574 $ 245,574 #38 Transfer To W/S Ca pital -loca l limits Water-Sewe r Capita l 424 $ $ 75,000 424-00-597-426-08 $ (75,000) $ (75,000) #39 Transfer To W/S Capital-M ill Ditch Water-Sewer Ca pita l 424 $ $ 245,574 424-00-597-426-05 $ (245,574) $ (245,574) #38 #39 Adjust Fund Ba lance Water-Sewer Ca pital 424 $ 7,283,355 $ 6,962,78 1 424-00-508-000-00 $ 320,574 $ 320,574 $ (3 20,5 74) #42 Scheduled Replacements IERR 523 $ 518,878 $ 819,999 523-00-594-480-64 1$ (301,121) $ (301,121) #42 Ad just Fund Balance IERR 5 23 $ 3,544,797 $ 3,243,676 523-00-508-000-00 $ 301,121 I $ 301,121 $ (30 1,121) #2 Reduce Major Ma intenance I General Govt. 300 $ 100,000 I $ 50,000 300-00-594-181-62 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 #19 Delete Property Acquisitio n NP-1 !Parks Capital 300 $ 100,000 $ 300-00-594-760-61 $ 100,000 I $ 100,000 #2#19 Adjust Fund Balance REET 300 $ 5,365,579 I $ 5,515,579 300-00-508-000-00 1 $ (150,000) $ (150,000) 150,000 #1 5 Re du ce North Shore Acquisition and Cleanup Parks Capita l 301 $ 500,000 $ 250,000 301-00-594-7 62-61 $ 25 0,000 $ 250,000 #15 Adjust Fund Balance Parks Capital 301 $ 1,320,520 $ 1,570,520 301-00-508-000-00 $ (250,000) $ (250,000) 250,000 #25 De lete 10th and Ivy Storm Water 419 $ 250,000 $ need to fix $ 250,000 $ 250,000 #25 Adjust Fund Balance Storm Water 419 $ 2,210,913 $ 2,460,913 419-00-508-000-00 $ (250,000) $ (250,000) 250,000 #29 Defer 544 Reservoir Water-Sewer Capita I 426 $ 5,000,000 $ 2,938,313 426-00-594-34 1-65 $ 2,061,687 $ 2,061,687 #29 2018 Revenue Bond Water-Sewer Capital 426 $ 5,000,000 $ 2,938,313 42 6-00-391-800-00 $ (2,061,687) $ (2,061,6871 #30 Redu ce Well 17 Development Wate r-Sewer Capita l 426 $ 2,150,000 $ 350,000 426-00-594-348-65 $ 1,800,000 $ 1,800,000 #30 2018 Revenue Bond Wate r-Sewer Capital 426 $ 2,150,000 $ 350,000 426-00-391-810-00 $ (1,800,000) $ (l,800,000) #36 Reduce Lacamas Creek Pump Station Water-Sew e r Capital 4 26 $ 3,200,000 $ 600,000 426-00-594-359-65 $ 2,600,000 $ 2,600,000 #36 Red uce 2018 Revenue Bond Water-Sewer Capit a l 4 26 $ 3,200,000 $ 600,000 426-00-391-200-00 $ (2,600,000) $ (2 ,600,000) #40 De lete I/I Eliminatio n Project Wate r-Sewer Capital 426 $ 250,000 $ 426-00-397-424-12 $ (250,000) $ (250,0001 #40 De lete I/I Elim inatio n Project Wate r-Sewer Capital 426 $ 250,000 $ 426-00-594-358-65 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 #40 Delete I/I Elim ination Project Wat er-Sewer Capita l 424 $ 250,0 00 $ 424-00-597-426-12 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 #40 Adjust Fund Balance Wat e r-Sewer Capital 4 24 $ 7,283,355 $ 7,533,355 424-00-508-000-00 $ (250,000) $ (250,000) 250,000 #6 I Bradv Road -2018 GO Bond Street s/Capital 315 $ $ 1,666,053 3 15-00-391-800-00 $ 1,666,053 $ 1,666,053 #6 I Adjust Fund Balance Streets/Capital 315 $ 224,992 $ 1,891,045 315-00-308-000-00 1 $ (1,666,053) $ (1 ,666,053 ) #12 NE 3rd Ave Bridge Seis mic Retrofit Streets/Capital 300 $ $ 585,595 $ (585,595) $ (585,595) #1 2 State Gra nt Streets/Capital 300 $ $ 506,540 $ 506,540 $ 506,54 0 #12 Transfer from Streets -match Streets/Ca pita I 300 $ $ 79,055 300-00-397-112-00 $ 79,055 $ 79,055 #12 Transfer to REET -match fo r grant Streets/Capita l 112 $ $ 79,055 112-00-597-300-00 $ (79,055) $ (79,055) #12 Adjust Fund Balance Streets/Capital 112 $ 7 12,418 $ 633,363 112-00-508-000-00 $ 79,055 $ 79,055 (79,055) #21 Wayfinding Signs Parks Cap ita l 300 $ $ 30,000 $ (30,000) $ (30,000) #22 Skate Park Improvements Parks Capita l 300 $ $ 25,000 $ (25,000) $ (25,000) #24 Curry Trail Parks Capita l 300 $ $ 960,000 $ (960,000) $ (9 60,000) #24 RCO Grant Parks Ca p ita l 300 $ $ 727,709 $ 727,709 $ 727,709 #21 #22#24 Adju st Fund Balance Parks Capita l 300 $ 5,3 65 ,579 $ 5,078,288 $ 287,291 $ 287,291 $ (287,29 1) #23 North Shore Conservation Lands Parks Capital $ $ 8,800,000 new fund $ (8,800,000) $ (8,800,000) #23 I Conservation Future Contribution Parks Capita l 1$ 1 $ 2,500,000 1$ 2,500,000 $ 2,500,0 00 #23 12018 GO Bond Parks Capital I 1$ 6,300,000 XXX-00-391-800-00 $ 6,300,000 I $ 6,300,000 #34 Slow Sand Caustic Feed Water /Sewer Ca pita I 426 $ 75,000 $ (75,000) $ (75,000) #3 5 Boulder Fish Screen Wat er /Sewer Ca pita I 426 $ 75,000 $ (75,000) $ (75,000) #4 1 WWTP Roofs Water/Sewer Ca pita I 426 $ 125,000 $ (125,000) $ (125 ,000) #34 #35#41 Transfer from Water-Sewer Water/Sewe r Capital 426 $ $ 275,000 426-00-397-424-00 $ 275,000 $ 275,000 #34 #35#41 Transfer to Water-Sewer Capital Fund Water/Sewer Capit a l 424 $ $ 275,000 424-00-597-426-00 $ (275,000) $ (275,000) #34 #35#4 1 Adjust Fund Balance Wate r/Sewer Capital 424 $ 7,283,355 $ 7,008,355 424-00-508-000-00 $ 275,000 $ 275,000 $ (275,000) 36,814,937 (36,814,937) Net Total 24 ,900,067 (34,213,758) (9,313,691) (9,313,691) Operating Pac kages Ca rry Forward 45,065 (809,484) Net Balance (764,419) (764,419) Administrative 35,126 (35,126) Net Balance 0 Supplementa l 4,000 (516,076) Net Ba lance (512,076) (512,076) (1) (1,276,4 95) Capital Packages Carry Forward 5,129,832 (15,091,735 ) Net Balance (9,961,903) (9,961,903) Administrative 7,611,687 (6,711,687) Net Bala nce 900,000 900,000 Supplemental 12,054,357 (11,029,650) Net Balance 1,024,707 1,024,707 (8,037,196) Budget Summary Tota l 24,900,067 $ (34,213,758) Package Summary (9,313,691) (9,313,690) (1) (9,313,691)