ORD 23-012ORDINANCE NO. 23-012
AN ORDINANCE amending the City of Camas' 2023-2024 Budget
Ordinance No. 22 -028.
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Camas approved Ordinance No. 22 -028 and
adopted a biennium budget for fiscal years 2023-2024 ; and
WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Camas desires to effectively utilize and manage
the City's financial resources; and,
WHEREAS, the City will receive additional revenues that were not anticipated at the time of
adopting the budget for 2023 -2024; and
WHEREAS , funds received in excess of estimated revenues during the current fiscal year
when authorized by an ordinance amending the original budget may be included in the expenditure
limitation; and
WHEREAS , the City desires to undertake activities which were not foreseen at the time of
adopting the 2023 budget; and
WHEREAS, the financial activities in the following funds could not have been reasonably
foreseen at the time of adopting the 2023-2024 budget.
Section I
Budget Amendment: The City of Camas ' 2023 Budget as adopted in Ordinance No. 22 -028
is amended as follows:
1. Modify the 2023 Budget for 2022 ERP Professional Services Agreement.
2. Modify the 2023 Budget for the Louis Bloch Park surfacing and bleacher improvements.
3. Modify the 2023 Budget for Citywide Traffic Controller Updates .
4. Modify the 2023 Budget for Brady Road/Grand Ridge Drive intersection improvements .
5. Modify the 2023 Budget for Everett Street Corridor Analysis.
6. Modify the 2023 Budget for a Fire Engine.
7. Modify the 2023 Budget for Library Roof Replacement.
8. Modify the 2023 Budget for the Library HV AC Replacement .
9. Modify the 2023 Budget of a Vactor Truck.
10. Modify the 2023 Budget for a Garbage Truck.
11 . Modify the 2023 Budget for Well 6/14 Transmission Main.
12. Modify the 2023 Budget for 11 th to Brady Road Water Extension .
13. Modify the 2023 Budget for Washougal Wellfield Improvements.
14. Modify the 2023 Budget for Lower Prune Hill Reservoir and Booster Station.
15. Adjust the 2023 Budget for ARPA Transfers .
16. Adjust the 2023 Budget for grant funding for the City's Comprehensive Plan
17. Adjust the 2023 Budget for grant funding for the Citywide Horizontal Curve Study.
18. Adjust the 2023 Budget for moving paving project from Streets to Cemetery.
19. Adjust the 2023 Budget for grant funding for CWFD CARES provider.
20. Adjust the 2023 Budget for CWFD mobile radios funded with wildland fire mobilization
21. Adjust the 2023 Budget for 2023 LTGO Bond
22. Adjust the 2023 Budget for the Nakia Creek Timber Harvest.
23. Adjust the 2023 Budget for Development Credits and Donated Assets .
24. Supplement the 2023 Budget for labor contract settlements wage adjustments .
25 . Supplement the 2023 Budget for ERP equipment to support the ERP project.
26. Supplement the 2023 Budget for the Riverview building lease.
27. Supplement the 2023 Budget for De-leer brine tank for snow/ice control.
28. Supplement the 2023 Budget for replacing the damaged 38 th Avenue traffic controller.
29. Supplement the 2023 Budget for Local Road Safety Plan in progress.
30 . Supplement the 2023 Budget for Station 41 replacement consultant for siting and acquisition.
31 . Supplement the 2023 Budget for fire vehicles and equipment.
32. Reduce the 2023 Budget for four new FTE hires for the biennium.
33. Supplement the 2023 Budget for maintenance on Legacy land properties.
34. Supplement the 2023 Budget for replacing aging storm culverts.
35 . Reduce the 2023 Budget for Columbia Summit Retrofit stormwater pond.
36. Supplement the 2023 Budget for increase in disposal costs in Solid Waste
37. Supplement the 2023 Budget for increasing fuel costs in Solid Waste.
38. Reduce the 2023 Budget for Water/Sewer projects for rate stabilization .
39. Supplement the 2023 Budget for Boulder Creek Intake line improvements and maintenance.
40 . Supplement the 2023 Budget for Northshore Transmission Main.
41 . Supplement the 2023 Budget for the NE 43 rd and Franklin waterline replacement.
42 . Supplement the 2023 Budget for the SE 6th Avenue 16" waterline replacement.
43. Supplement the 2023 Budget for the Prune Hill Park Pump Station improvements .
Section II
Budget Amendment -Effect on Fund Revenues and Expenses: The foregoing increases
affect the City funds as shown on Attachment A.
Section III
Effective Date. This ordinance shall take force and be in effect five days from and after its
publication according to law .
PASSED BY the Council and APPROVED by the Mayor this 4th day of December, 2023
Mayor SIG~D ~r lerk
City Attorney
Attachment A
2023 Budget Amendment -Fund Summary
Budget Estimated Budget Amendment Amended Budget
Beg Fund BalancE Revenues (1) Expenses (1) End Fund Balance Revenues Expenses Fund Balance Note: Budget Packages -: . . ~. .~·:. -: ... ,... ·:t,...,. ~ _! ·• . ., :/ .~ ~ ., , .v•"'J,t:.:::i,,i.,,., '•: ~ ''.°'; 'A"":;,.:._,,.,.·•-•\~('\J>.,_ ••-~:~~-I~,;._:~$ :..... • ;,.:•4 . .:. . •
General $ 15,154,177 $ 32,525,253 $ (37,328,723) $ 10,350,707 $ 290,105 $ (1,313,930) $ 9,326,882 CF-1,CF-2,A-1,A-2,S-1,5-2,5-3
Streets $ 1,129,624 $ 4,238,650 $ (4,144,728) $ 1,223,546 $ 112,892 $ (980,197) $ 356,241 CF-1,CF-3,CF -4,CF-5,A-1,A·3,A-4,S-2,S-4,S-5,S-6
American Rescue Plan Act $ 6,693,541 $ 36,765 $ (3,119,288) $ 3,611,018 $ -$ (549,441) $ 3,061,577 A-1
Tree Fund $ 15,626 $ 100 $ -$ 15,726 $ -$ -$ 15,726
Camas/Washougal Fire & EMS $ 1,131,144 $ 16,297,749 $ (17,405,115) $ 23,778 $ 1,590,148 $ (1,122,310) $ 491,616 CF-1,CF-6,A·l,A·S,A·6,S-1,S·2,S-7,S-8,S·9
Cemetery $ 231,667 $ 284,343 $ (289,256) $ 226,754 $ (100,000) $ 126,754 A-4 -· .
limited GO Debt Service $ -$ 3,372,843 $ (3 ,372,843) $ -$ 541,808 $ (541,808) $ -A-7
REET $ 13,650,215 $ 6,348,221 $ (7,952,755) $ 12,045,681 $ 2 ,280,962 $ (355,182) $ 13,971,461 A-7
Park Impact Fee $ 4,483,941 $ 1,432,598 $ (1 ,371,952) $ 4,544,587 $ $ (70,435) $ 4,474,152 A-7
Transportation Impact Fee $ 3,384,055 $ 804,503 $ (1 ,105,068) $ 3,083,490 $ -$ (146,288) $ 2,937,202 A-7
Fire Impact Fee $ 1,373,616 $ 170,037 $ (360,000) $ 1,183,653 $ $ (905,994) $ 277,659 CF-6
NW 38th Ave Phase 3 $ 784,612 $ 6,100,400 $ (6,100,400) $ 784,612 $ (183,038) $ (30,096) $ 571,478 A-7
Facitilies Ca pital Fund $ 1,433,907 $ 8,033,883 $ (4,533,883) $ 4,933,907 $ 668,184 $ (2,788,000) $ 2,814,091 CF -7,CF -8,A-1,A-7
Lega cy Lands $ 5,934,122 s 10,443 $ (150,000) $ 5,794,565 $ -$ (500,000) $ 5,294,565 5-10
Storm Water $ 2,739,456 $ 2,274,240 $ (2,958,919) $ 2,054,777 $ 235,222 $ (447,242) $ 1,842,757 CF-1,CF-9,A-1 ,S-2,S-11 ,S-12
Solid Waste $ 3,391,084 $ 3 ,355,575 $ (2,960,737) $ 3,785,922 $ 42,160 $ (1,154,026) $ 2,674,056 CF-1,CF-10,A·l,S-13 ,5-14
Water/Sewer $ 13,786,472 $ 15,732,246 $ (18,764,201) s 10,754,517 $ 4,190,101 $ (1,299,769) $ 13,644,849 CF-1,A·l ,A·S ,A-9,S-2 ,5-16,S-18,S-19,S·20
W /5 Capital Projects $ 432,667 $ 1,210,000 $ (1,210,000) $ 432,667 $ 3,303,432 $ (2,328,000) $ 1,408,099 CF-ll,CF-12 ,CF-13,A-8,S-15,S-16,5-17,S-18 ,S-1 9
Water Capital Projects $ 6,231,756 $ -$ -$ 6,231,756 $ -s (2,320,000) $ 3,911,756 CF-14
WS Capital Reserve $ 16,456,337 $ 2,739,545 $ (1 ,150,000) $ 18,045,882 $ -$ (2,435,432) $ 15,610,450 CF-11.CF-13,A-9,5-17
WS Bond Reserve $ 1,234,213 s 5,294 $ -$ 1 ,239,507 $ -$ -$ 1,239,507
lodging Ta x $ 72,657 $ 23,657 $ (35,000) $ 61,314 $ -$ -$ 61,314
Equipment Rental and Replacement $ 2,606,394 $ 2,400,014 $ (3,504,123) $ 1,502,285 $ -$ -$ 1,502,285
Firefighters' Pension $ 1,137,115 $ 8,709 $ (92,265) $ 1 ,053,559 $ -$ -$ 1,053,559
Retiree Medical $ 10,023 $ 156,212 $ (156,709) $ 9,526 $ 50,000 $ -$ 59,526 IS-1
LEOFf 1 Disability Board $ 499,446 $ 175,014 $ (217,593) $ 456,867 $ -$ -$ 456,867
$ 103,997,866 $ 107,736,294 $ (118,283,558) $ 93,450,602 $ 13,121,976 $ (19,388,150) $ 87,184,428
$ (6,266,174)
(1) Budgeted revenues and e xpe nses reflect the 2023 Adopted Budg et
Carry Forward s 2,866,494 $ (11 ,886,175)
Ord Bud get $ 218,908,699 $ 250,397,286 Administrative $ 9,045,482 $ (3,871,375)
2023 Budget $ 107,738,009 $ 118,736,227 Supplemental $ 1,210,000 $ (3,630,600)
Fall 2023 Adj $ 13,121,976 $ 19,388,150
Ad juste d 202 3 $ 120,859,98S $ 138,1 24,377 $ 13,121,976 $ (19 ,388,150)
$ (6,266,174)
2023 Fall Omnibus Budget• Fu nd Balance Impact!
"""""" Erptndlt~s
c.m Fonnnf ,.rulff
Cf-02 loulSBlod,P1rk
Cf--03 Tn1ffk COil i roiier Up1r.ldu
Cf.CM Brady/GrandRldCI!
(f.05 Everett COrridor Anilysls
CF-07 Ubmy Roof
CF-08 UbfaryHV.t.C
CF.00 VactorTru::lt:
CF-10 Garb~elrud
Cf.lJ Wtll6/1•
Fundlng Tranrll!r
CF-12 11th to BndyWIIIH M1ln
Cf.1.f Lower Pl"\IM! H!H BoosterLR~
c,w,1,t>& Tr:in\r,lrnp NW381hA11!>P~ C.ipiul (0Mttutt,on W/SC.,p,tJI
Genera!fund Slfcelfun!I ARl'A !MS Cem"1ery LTGQ RUTflrojctts P,ifk!mpFee Fe!.' Ftrl'l,npfel! l Faciftlit>\Fund ll.'c:irvland~ S1orrnW:i\l'I Sohrtw.,~te Watt>r/Srwe-r P.1a1tth, Praif>tl~ Rhtilil' RetiteeMt>dkul lot;:,I
S 15,IS...177
S 32..S2S,2S3
~ il7,ll8,7UJ
S (300,000)
S 1129,00}
S 1,119,624 S 6,693,541 $ 1,131.l« S 231,667 S 5 13,650.215 S •.483.541 S 3J8',0SS S J.37l.616 S
S 4,2J3,6SO S 36,765 S 16.297,749 S 284,lO S 3,372.843 S 6.34ft221 $ 1,0 2,598 S 804,503 S 170,0)7 S
S {4.14',7211 S(l,119,281} S 01.40S,1t5) S (289,156) S13,l71,143) S (7,952,755) S(l,371,9511 $ (J,105.068) S 1360,000) $
S 1220,0CXI)
S 1B27,697) $
S !905,9~)
,OS,994 S 1905,994)
l_~l~l S s .~s,99◄l s
784,612 S l,.t33,907 $ 5,934,122 $ 2,739,456 S 3,191,0M $ ll,78£.,471 S 431,667 $
6,100,400 S 8,033.Ml S l0,L4l S 2,274,240 $ 3,3S5.S7S $ 15,732,246 $ 1,210,000 $
(6,100,400) $ (.Ullltlll S (J S0.0001 ${2,951,9191 $(2,960,737) S(ll,764,WJJ __ $_(1,2l0,000_) ___ S_
$ (l,◄00,000)
$ ◄B9,000
$ (6,642) $ {21,610) $ (13.169)
$ (590,JOO)
$ 221,500
S ('32,356)
$ {1,200.000)
$ 1,200.000
6,231,756 S 16,456.JD S
$ 2,7l9,54S S
$ It. 150,000} S
$ 11,200,000}
S0,000 S (.S0,000)
l t,400,000)
$ (S90,t00)
(1 .200.000)
$ {21$,000)
S {2,.320,000) $ (2.3W,OOO:
_tgt~~-$ $ ms,2_421 S (4~,026) S ___ 113,169) $ {275-,000} $ (2,320,000) $ (l,2SO,OOOJ $ (9,019,681)
SubtolalF-und0;if;i1ur S IO,O.ll,Z77 Zb8% S J.9Sc.B<1tl $3,611,018 S &$5 S 2l&,n,'1 5 $U,0o1;,68l $'1.544,587 S 3,0BJ,490 S 217,WJ $ 784,612 S 2,687,907 $ S,79-15M $1,67!t.'i3'> Sl,])J,896 S10,741,Ji18 S l'i7,667 S. 3,911.756 $ 1£i,79~Jl8l $ IJ,52& S {9,0J~.M1)
Admlnlstratfvl P.ctl•lfl
A-01 ARPA Tnm1ren
A--02 Comprchet1$111, Plan
A-03 HorltOnlalCurv,nStudy
A-0◄. Cemetery P1vin1BudgetTransftr
A-OS CARESProvlder •lffi
A.-06 Mobll,l\adlo,.
Bond Ptt,tteds
Bood luu..ce Costs
A-08 NakiaC~TknberHat'\11:St
Timber Nie
A-o9 Donned C..e!t•I
Tol1I Adrnll'lfStralivt
12.!92 ${$49,4'1 1) $ 37,%1 $ 12S,OOO
$ 13,722 $ 4?,-160 $ ,0,101
100.000 .$ 100,000
S 100,000 $ {100,000)
(125,000) $ (125,000)
125,000 $ U:S,000
(21,1931 $ (21,193)
s ''"""' S 541,308 S (32.S,0&5) S 170,435) $ (146,288)
$ Z,2I0,962 {183,038) $ 54,184
$ 110.097) (30,0'6) $ (53,000}
s 112,s!}2 L(~9.~11 _ s _ 31,%1 s poo,000) s $ 1,92:5,780 _$ __ (70,4~5) $ [14G,28S) $ (ZU,13◄) S 126,184 S
$ (423,000)
$ 4,100,000
$ {423,000} S ◄23,000
S 970,'32
S U,722 $ 42.160 S 3,767,101 $
5 5,174,107
Subtol<l1hmdBilhlnto: $ 10,249,8!2 Z7.!.'"5. S 5.03,741 $3,0&J,577 S Jll,616 S 126,7!14 S $13,911,461 $4.474,152 $ 2',9l7,20Z $ 217,65.•J $, 51l.478 S 1,8J4,0!J1 5 S,794,!i&S Sl,6?3,257 $3,374,056 S14,!i0ll,44? S 157,667 S J,l)Jl,1S6 S 16,795,BBZ S 9.526 S tl84';,S711J
s.-01 1.11borconr1Ktt
S-01 Fundlnl:Tr.irufer
S.01 Rfilaled Rflll'H ants
S-02 EllPE:quJµrnent
S-03 Rivtl'W'Wtease
S-04 !>e•lccr llrlm Tank
5--05 Repike OtmaJT(I Con1roll"
S-06 loulRo,d5afttyP~n
S-07 Mn41 Repl1ce1Mnl consultant
S-08 Fire Vthftle1 & Equipment
S-09 Reduce 4 CWFD m
s-10 Rose/1.ndbtttrr Housrs
S-11 Endlcott.OPPSl(pllneCulvfflJ
S-12 RemoveS1crmPro)K11forRllt~
~13 Increase fo,Olspos.al Coin
S-14 SolidWastnFutl
S-1S Retr'IO'ttWaterPmJl!ctJ.fOf'Ratn
S-16 BoulderCre!klnUke
S-16 FundlngTran•ftr
S-17 Northshore Trtn;mlulon Mt!n
S-17 Fundln1TtA11sftr
S-111 4~d&FtanUlnW&terilnt
S-!11 ~ndlngTranJffr . ,
S-19 SE 6th Ave'"" Cronl"I Wattrilne
S-19 Funclln1Tn1,uf•r
S-20 Prune HIii P'~rt Pump Station
Ntt eudg11t >.dr,lflment
S 1922,000)
$ ll023,12S1
s S00,000
$ {2,SOO) $ (17,000) -
S (100,000)
$ 1102.000)
S (152,!,00) S 4S),OOO S
S (1$_7~l_SIS49,.f.f1L__!~!!___S..Jt~.,
$ (500) s IB,600) --------------------
S 1,925,780 S 170,OS) S (146,28.1) $ \!JOS,9!M) J
S (S00,000)
S 11$0,000)
S 300,000
S ,«io,0001
S U00,000)
S 1100,0CO)
1100,000) $ 100,000
~ s 1:ns.OOOJ
$ .us.coo
S 1270,000)
$ (270))00} $ 270,000
"'""t 11s:0001
$ (75,000) $ 7$,000
S (4J0,OOO)
S (500,000) S 149,SOO $ (700,000J S {S&l.0>) $ lll0,000 S
$ 1215,000)
1215,000) S
(213,1.J.4) $ (2,119,116) S (S00,000) S (2Jl020) $(11111,3&6) $ 2.1190.ll2 S s,ooo S 12.320,000) S~}JCIOI .. S
50,00Q $
$ {270,000)
City of Camas 2023 Fall Omnibus Budget Packages
Pkg# Carry Forward list
Department Description
General Govt ERP Professional Services
Parks Louis Bloch Park Surfacing & Bleacher lmprovmt
Streets Citywide Traffic Signal Controller Updates
Streets Brady Rd/Grand Ridge Dr Intersection lmprovmt
Streets Everett St (SR-500) Corridor Analysis
CWFD Fire Engine
Capital Facilities Library Roof Replacement
Capital Facilities Library HVAC Replacement
Storm Water Vactor Truck
Solid Waste Garbage Truck
Water Well 6/14 Transmission Main
Water 11th to Brady Water Extension
Water Washougal Wellfield Improvements
Water Lower Prune Hill Reservoir & Booster Station
Administrative List
Department Description
General Govt ARPA Transfers
Community Dev Comprehensive Plan
Streets Citywide Horizontal Curve Safety
Streets Cemetery Paving
CWFD CARES Provider -1 FTE
CWFD Mobile Radios
Debt Service 2023 LTGO Bond
Water Nakia Creek Timber Harvest
Water Development Credits -Donated Capital
Supplemental List
Department Description
General Govt Labor Contract Settlements
General Govt ERP Equipment
General Govt Riverview Lease
Streets De-icer Brine Tank
Streets Replace Damaged 38th Avenue Traffic Controller
Streets Local Road Safety Plan
CWFD Station 41 Replacement Consultant
CWFD Fire Vehicles & Equipment
CWFD Reduce New FTE Hires for biennium
Legacy Lands Rose/Leadbetter Houses
Storm Water Endicott CIPP Slipline Culverts
Storm Water Remove Storm Projects for Rate Stabilization
Solid Waste Increased Disposal Costs
Solid Waste Solid Waste Fuel
Water Remove W/S Projects for Rate Stabilization
Water Boulder Creek Intake
Water Northshore Transmission Main
Water NE 43rd & Franklin Waterline Replacement
Water SE 6th Avenue 16" Waterline Replacement
Sewer Prune Hill Park Pump Station Improvements
Amount Reason
$ 101,731 some work planned for 2022 delayed into 2023
$ 300,000 work was delayed to 2023
$ 220,000 work was delayed to 2023
$ 250,000 work was delayed to 2023
$ 350,000 work was delayed to 2023
$ 905,994 delivery of large vehicle is delayed
$ 1,400,000 work was delayed to 2023
$ 846,000 work was delayed to 2023
$ 368,600 delivery of large vehicle is delayed
$ 432,356 delivery of large vehicle is delayed
$ 1,200,000 work was delayed to 2023
$ 275,000 work was delayed to 2023
$ 50,000 work was delayed to 2023
$ 2,320,000 work was delayed to 2023
$ 9,019,681
Amount Reason
$ -funding transfers held over from 2022
$ -grant funded
$ -grant funded
$ -moving paving project to match capital asset
$ -grant funded
$ -funded with wildland fire mobilization funds
$ (1,497,107) 2023 LTGO bond proceeds & costs, debt service
$ (3,677,000) timber harvest from Nakia Creek wildfire area
$ -internal transfers for donated capital
$ (5,174,107)
Amount Reason
$ 280,000 wage adjustments
$ 60,600 tech and software to support ERP
$ 60,000 lease for building space
$ 25,000 equipment to support snow/ice control
$ 25,000 unanticipated repairs necessary
$ 100,000 completion of in-progress planning
$ 150,000 consultant assist w/ siting & acquistion
$ 102,000 vehicle for CARES staff & eqpmt for fire engine
$ (222,000) removal of 4 new FTE planned for Fall hire
$ 500,000 maintenance on legacy land properties
$ 150,0Q0 replacing some aging storm culverts
$ (300,0d0) Columbia Summit Retrofit, Fargo St Pipeline
$ 600,000 increase of disposal costs due to inflation
$ 100,000 added fuel for solid waste
$ (280,0Q0) Hathaway WL, Crown Rd Booster
$ 100,000 improvements and annual maintenance
$ 215,000 additional funds for budgeted project
$ 270,000 additional funds for budgeted project
$ 75,000 additional funds for budgeted project
$ 410,odo upgrades to pump station
$ 2,420,600
Total Omnibus Budget Packages $ 6,266,174
City of Camas 2023 Fall Omnibus Budget -Description of Packages
Package Title Description
CF-01 ERP Professional Services Carry forward unspent 2022 ERP budget, as project kicked off in 2022,
timelines used to budget firmed up and pushed some work out to 2023
CF-02 Louis Bloch Park Carry forward unspent 2022 budget for surfacing and li>leacher improvements
CF-03 Traffic Controller Upgrades Carry forward unspent 202.2 budget for countywide upgrades, as the large
scale of the work has pushed into 2023
CF-04 Brady/Grand Ridge Carry forward and supplement 2022 budget for intersection improvements,
the scope of which changed once the project began and a clearer picture of
the necessary work emerged
CF-05 Everett Corridor Analysis Carry forward unspent 2022 budget to complete an alternatives analysis for
Everett, including public outreach, with a final plan for future improvement
CF-06 Fire Engine New fire engine to replace aging front line engine as listed in Capital Facilities
Plan (CFP); budgeted for but not expended in 2022.
CF-07 Library Roof Carry forward unspent 2022 budget for work to replace Library roof, which
was delayed by supply chain issues
CF-08 Library HVAC Carry forward unspent 2022 budget for replacement of a falling HVAC in the
library, with partial matching grant funding from the Dept of Commerce
CF-09 Vactor Truck Carry forward unspent 2022 budget for the vactor truck that was expected in
2022 but not received until 2023
CF-10 Garbage Truck Carry forward unspent 2022 budget for a replacement solid waste truck still
on order
CF-11 WellG/14 Carry forward unspent 2022 budget for connecting the two wells with a larger
diameter pipeline to provide additional water pumping capacity
CF-12 11th to Brady Water Main Carry forward unspent 2022 budget for adding a waterline between 11th
Circle and Brady Road to improve fire flows and system redundancy
CF-13 Washougal Wellfield Improvements Carry forward unspent 2022 budget for making improvements to the City's
Washougal River wellfield, which provides the majority of the City's water
CF-14 Lower Prune Hill Booster Station Carry forward unspent 2022 budget to replace existing infrastructure that is
undersized and has reached its useful life
A-01 ARPA Transfers Final funding transfers from ARPA funds to various City funds for pre-
identified expenses
A-02 Comprehensive Plan Existing professional services budget is inadequate fonhe needs of our
Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update which will require the City to address
recent housing legislation, including HB 1110. Requesting to supplement
professional services budget by $62,500 for 2023. These amounts will be
offset by a grant award In the same amount from the Washington State
Department of Commerce.
A-03 Horizonta I Curves Study Fully grant-funded project to identify and make safer any horizontal curves on
the City roads
A-04 Cemetery Paving Moving the final portion of the cemetery paving project from the Street Fund
to the Cemetery Fund in order to keep the City assets ~ogether
A-OS CARES Provider -1 FTE Council approved the creation of a CARES Team provider for the fire
department which shall be funded 100% by a grant from SWAACH (Southwest
Washington Accountable Community of Health).
A-06 Mobile Radios One portable replaces a failed radio, one is for the training captain. The dash
mount radio is Intended for the brush rig that mobilizes on wild land fires, as
the current radio doesn't have enough range to receiv~ communications in
remote locations that are topographically challenging. The second mobile
radio is intended for the training vehicle, as it is a respqnse vehicle.
A-07 Debt Service & Bond issuance Proceeds and issuance costs for the 2023 L TGO bond
A-08 Nakia Creek Timber Harvest Harvest of the timber from the 2022 Nakia Creek wildfiie area in order to
preserve the value of the resultant lumber
A-09 Developer Credits -Donated Capital Entering developer credits for donated capital
S-01 Labor Contracts Additional budget to cover the wage adjustments and ~nnual accrual bank
S-02 ERP Equipment Technical equipment and software licenses necessary to support the more
robust ERP software for permitting and licensing
5-03 Riverview Lease Lease payments that were not part of the Riverview Bt.iilding project budget
5-04 De-I cer Brine Tank Cost of replacement of a 10,500 gallon brine tank with valves and piping for
snow and ice control.
Fund Impacted Overall
Multiple $ 101,731
General $ 300,000
Streets $ 220,000
Streets $ 250,000
Streets $ 350,000
CWFD $ 905,994
Cap Facility $ 1,400,000
Cap Facility $ 846,000
Storm Water $ 368,600
Solid Waste $ 432,356
Water/Sewer $ 1,200,000
Water/Sewer $ 275,000
Water/Sewer $ 50,000
Water/Sewer $ 2,320,000
Multiple $ -
General $ -
Streets $ .
Streets/Cemetery $ -
CWFD $ -
LTGO/Multiple $ (1,497,107)
Water/Sewer $ (3,677,000)
Water/Sewer $ .
General Govt $ 280,000
General Govt $ 60,600
General Govt $ 60,000
Streets $ 25,000
City of Camas 2023 Fall Omnibus Budget -Description of Packages
Package Title Description
S-05 Replace Damaged Traffic Controller Traffic controller on 38th Avenue was damaged by a vehicle. Insurance
recoveries are not anticipated.
S-06 Local Road Safety Plan Completion of the City's traffic safety plan
S-07 Station 41 Replacement Consultant Consultant to study siting of the Fire Station 41 replacement, then assist with
S-08 Fire Vehicles & Equipment 1. An engine was ordered to be delivered in 2023. The engine will arrive empty
and will have to be equipped with tools and equipment. Durable tools will be
parasited from existing engines, however aging hose, J}ower tools and
electronics that are at or near their end of life will have to be replaced.
2. Council approved the hiring of a nurse/paramedic position for the
Community Assistance Referral and Education Services (CARES) program. This
position's salary and benefits are entirely covered by a grant, however the
capital cost of a field vehicle for this position is not.
S-09 Reduce New FTE Hires for biennium Due to economic factors, removal of 4 new hires planned for the Fall of 2023 .
This includes reduction of salary, benefits, training, and equipment/uniforms.
S-10 Rose/Leadbetter Houses Addressing maintenance needs on the City's legacy land properties
S-11 Endicott Cf PP Slipline Culverts There are two sections of a failed 42" CMP culvert. Slip like these two sections
which are approximately 20' and 95' in length. Current culvert has
compromised channel. The slipline will provide structu.ral protection and
prolong this culvert by 30 years without digging up the street and adjoining
yard with mature landscape.
S-12 Remove Storm Projects for Rate Removal of two large storm water projects in order to stabilize the utility rates
Stabilization necessary to support the fund: Fargo Street Pipeline and the Columbia Summit
S-13 Increase for Disposal Costs Additional budget for increases of external taxes, disposal fees, and recycling
contractor costs as a result of economie factors
S-14 Solid Waste Fuel Added fuel consumption for the Solid Waste department
S-15 Remove W/S Projects for Rate Stabilization Removal of two large water projects in order to stabili~e the utility rates
necessary to support the fund: Hathaway Waterline arid Crown Road Booster
S-16 Boulder Creek Intake Work on improvements for the Boulder Creek water intake, including the
annual removal of debris affecting intake
S-17 Norths ho re Transmission Main Additional funds for a budgeted project to complete the water lines on the
North side of Lacamas Lake
S-18 43rd & Franklin Waterline Additional funds for the budgeted project to replace a leaking and undersized
portion of waterline at 43rd/Franklin
S-19 SE 6th Avenue Crossing Waterline Additional funds for budgeted project to repair/replace the 6th Avenue
waterline in 2024, preliminary work occurred in 2023.
S-20 Prune Hill Park Pump Station Upgrades to the Prune Hill Park Pump Station
Fund Impacted Overall
Streets s 25,000
Streets $ 100,000
CWFD $ 150,000
CWFD $ 102,000
CWFD $ (222,000)
Legacy Lands $ 500,000
Storm Water $ 150,000
Storm Water $ (300,000)
Solid Waste $ 600,000
Solid Waste s 100,000
Water $ (280,000)
Water $ 100,000
Water $ 215,000
Water $ 270,000
Water $ 75,000
Sewer $ 410,000
Total $ 6,266,174
Attachment A .. .. '· . , : : ... ... : , .
CF-01 Finance Professional Services ERP Professional Services 0001 s 346,330 $ 370,229 0001 .10.0000.040.5142000.540000. $ (23,899) $ (23,899)
CF-01 Community Dev Professional Svcs ERP Professional Serv ices 0001 s 188,451 s 193,982 0001.58 .0000.140.5593000.540000. s (5,531) s (5,531)
CF-01 Streets Admin Professional Svcs ERP Professional Services 1120 $ 422,163 $ 429,860 1120.40.0000.400.5429000.540000. $ (7,697) $ (7,697)
CF-01 Fire/EMS Profe ssional Services ERP Professional Services 1150 $ 797,883 $ 821,006 1150.20.0000.500.5221000.540000. s (23,123) s (23 ,123)
CF-01 Storm O&M Professional Services ERP Profess ional Services 4190 s 704,384 s 711,026 4190.31 .0000.610.5310000.540000. $ (6,642) $ (6,642)
CF-01 Solid Wa ste Profess ional Services ERP Profess ional Services 4220 $ 244,023 $ 265,693 4220.37,0000.660.5370000.540000. s (21,670) s (21,670)
CF-01 Water/Sewer Admin Prof Services ERP Professional Services 4400 $1,598,348 $ 1,611,517 4400.34.0000. 720.5340000.540000. s (13,169) $ (13,169)
CF-02 Parks Machinery & Equip Louis Bloch Park ADA Upgrades 0001 $ 126,000 $ 426,000 0001.00.0000.180.5947600. 554000. $ (300,000) $ (300,000)
CF-03 Streets Capital Projects Traffic Controller Upgrade s 1120 $ 100,000 $ 320,000 1120.00.0000.400.5953000.565000. $ (220,000) $ (220,000)
CF-04 Neigh Traffic Capital Projects Brady/Grand Ridge lntersctn lmpv 1120 $ $ 250,000 1120.00.0000.420.5953000.565000. $ (250,000) $ (2SO,OOO)
CF-05 Streets Professional Services Everett Corridor Ana lysis 1120 $ 422,163 s n2,163 1120.40.0000.400.5429000.540000. $ (350,000) $ (350,000)
CF-06 EMS Mach/Equip Fire En gi ne 1150 $ 343,000 $ 1,248,994 11so.oo.oooo.;oo.s942200.s54000. $ (905,994) $ (905,994)
CF-06 Transfer In• 3130 Fire Engine 1150 $ 360,000 $ 1,265,994 1150.97.0000.000.3973030.300097. $ 905,994 s 905,994
CF-06 Transfer Out -1150 Fire Engine 3030 s s 905,994 3030.97.0000.000.5971150.500097. $ (905,994) s (905,994)
CF-07 Capital Buildings/Structures Library Roofing Project 3180 $ 583,883 $ 1,983,883 3180.00.0000.000.5947200.562000. $ (1,400,000) $(1,400,000)
CF -08 Capita l Build ing s/Structures Library HVAC Repair/Replace 3180 $ 583,883 $ 1,918,883 3180.00.0000.000.5947200.562000. s (1,33s,0001 I $(1,33s,ooo)
CF-08 State Grant Dept of Commerce Library HVAC Repair/Replace 3180 s s 489,000 3180. 70.0000.000.3340420.300000. $ 489,000 $ 489,000
CF-09 Storm Capital Mach/Equip Vactor Truck 4190 s 209,000 $ 799,100 4190.31.0000.650.5943100.564000. s (590,100) $ (590,100)1
CF-09 State Grant Dept of Ecology Vactor Truck 4190 $ $ 221,500 4190.31.0000.000.3340310.300000. s 221,500 s 221,500
CF-10 !Trash Capital Mach/Equ ip Garbage Truck 4220 s 60,000 s 492,356 4220.37.0000.690.5943700.564000. s (43 2,356) $ (432,356)
CF-11 Capital Water Utilities Well 6/14 Transmission Main 4420 $1,210,000 I $ 2,410,000 4420.34.0000, 760.5943400. 565000. $ (1 ,200,000) $(1,200,000)
CF-11 Transfer In -4600 Well 6/14 Transm ission Ma in 4420 $1,150,000 $2,350,000 4420.97.0000.000.3974600.300097. s 1,200,000 $ 1,200,000
CF-11 Transfer Out -4420 Well 6/14 Transmission Main 4600 $1,150,000 $ 2,350,000 4600. '14 .0000.000.5974420.500097. $ (1,200,000) $(1,200,000)
CF-12 Capital Water Utilities 11th to Brady Water Main 4420 $1,210,000 $ 1,485,000 4420.34.0000. 760.5943400.565000. s (275,000) $ (27S,OOO)
CF-13 Capital Water Utilities Washougal Wellfield lmpvmts 4420 $1,210,000 $ 1,260,000 4420.34.0000.760.5943400.565000. s (50,000) s (50,000)
CF-13 !Transfer In -4600 I Washougal Wellfield lmpvmts 4420 $1,150,000 $ 1,200,000 4420.97.0000.000.3974600.300097. $ 50,000 $ 50,000
CF -13 Transfer Out -4420 Washougal Wellfield lmpvmts 4600 $1,150,000 $1,200,000 4600. 34 .0000.000.5974420.500097. $ (50,000) $ (50,000)
CF-14 Capital Water Util ities Lower Prune Hill Reservoir/Boost 4460 $ $(2,320,000) 4460.34.oooo.ooo.s 943400.s5sooo. $ (2,320,000) $(2,320,000)
A-01 Transfers Out -0001 ARPA Funding Tra nsfers 1130 $:i,589,379 $2,816,984 1130.97.0000.000.5970001.500097. $ (227,605) $ (227,605)
A-01 Transfers Out -1120 ARPA Funding Transfers 1130 $ 18,183 $ 31,075 1130.97.0000.000.5971120.500097. $ (12,892) $ (12,892)
A-01 Transfers Out -1150 ARPA Fund ing Transfers 1130 $ 300,727 $ 338,688 1130.97.0000.000.5971150.500097. s (37,961) s (37 ,961)
A-01 Transfers Out -3180 ARPA Funding Transfers 1130 $ $ 125,000 1130. 97 .0000.000.5973180.500097. $ (1 25,000) s (125,000)
A-01 Transfers Out -4 190 ARPA Funding Transfers 1130 $ 20,376 s 34,098 1130.97.0000.000.5974190.500097. $ (13,722) $ (13 ,722)
A-01 Transfers Out -4220 ARPA Fund ing Transfers 1130 $ 63,962 $ 106,122 1130.97.0000.000.5974220.500097. $ (42 ,160) $ (42,160)
A-01 Tran sfers Out -4400 ARPA Funding Tran sfers 1130 $ 126,661 s 216,762 1130.97.0000.000.5974400.500097. $ (90,101) $ (90,101)
A-01 Transfers In -1130 ARPA Funding Transfers 0001 $2,589,379 $ 2,816,984 0001 .97.0000.000.3971130.300097. $ 227,605 $ 227,605
A-01 Transfers ln-1130 ARPA Funding Transfers 1120 $ 18,183 s 31,075 1120.97.0000.000.3971130.300097. $ 12,892 $ 12,892
A-01 Transfers In -1130 ARPA Funding Transfers 1150 $ 300,727 $ 338,688 1150.97.0000.000.3971130.300097. $ 37,961 $ 37,961
A-01 Transfers In -1130 ARPA Funding Transfers 3180 $ $ 125,000 3180.9l.0000.000.3971130.300097. $ 125,000 $ 125,000
A-01 Tran sfers In • 1130 ARPA Funding Transfers 4190 $ 20,376 $ 34,098 4190.97.0000.000.3971130.300097. $ 13,722 $ 13,722
A-01 Transfers In -1130 ARPA Funding Transfers 4220 $ 63,962 $ 106,122 4220. 97 .0000.000.3971130.300097. $ 42,160 $ 42,160
A-01 Transfers In -1130 ARPA Funding Transfers 4400 $ 126,661 $ 216,762 4400.97.0000.000.3971130.300097. $ 90,101 $ 90,101
A-O Z Planning Professional Se rvi ces Comp Plan Updat es 0001 $ 315,000 $ 377,500 0001.58.0000.150.558 6000.540000. $ (62,500) s (62,5 00)
A-02 State Grant Dept of Commerce Comp Plan Updates 0001 $ $ 62 ,500 0001.ss.oooo.ooo.3340420.300000. $ 62,500 $ 62,soo I
I A-03 I Streets Capital Projects I Horizontal Curve Improvements 11201 $ 100,000 I $ 200,000 11120.00.0000.400.5953000.565000. I 1$ (100,000) $ (100,000)1
A-03 Federal HS IP Grant Horizontal Curve Improve ments 1120 $ $ 100,000 .0000.000. 333 .300000. IS 100,000 $ 100,000
A-04 Street Pres Capital Proje cts Move Cemetery Pa ve to Cemetery 1120 $1,057,302 $ 957,302 1120.00.0000.410.5953000.565000. $ (100,000) $ (100,000)
A-04 Capital Projects Move Cemetery Pave from Stroets 1250 $ $ 100,000 1250.00.0000.490.5943600.561000. $ 100,000 $ 100,000
A-05 EMS Salar ie s CARES provider (FTE ) 1150 $3,215,163 $ 3,311,163 1150.20.0000.500.5227000.511000. $ (96,000) $ (96,000)
A-05 EMS Benefits CARES provider (FTE) 1150 $ 903,340 $ 932,340 1150.20.0000.500.5227000.521000. $ (29,000) $ (29,000)
A-05 State Grant SW WA ACH CARES provider (FTE) 1150 $ $ 125,000 1150.20.0000.000.3670000.300000. $ 125,000 $ 125,000
A-06 Fire Supplies Mobile Radios 1150 $ 27,212 $ 48,405 1150.20.0000.540.5222000.531000. $ (21,193) $ (21,193)
A-06 Wildland Fire Mobilization Mobilization Reimbursement 1150 $ $ 21 ,193 1150.20.0000.000.3422300.300000. $ 21,193 $ 21,193
A-07 GO Bond 2023 LTGO Bond 2400 $1,261,157 $ 1,471,157 2400.0Q.0000.000.5912100.571000. $ (210,000) $ (210,000)
A-07 GO Bond Interest 2023 LTGO 8ond 2400 $ -$ 35,825 2400.80.0000.000.5922200.581000. s (35,825) $ (35,825)
A-07 GO Bond Interest 2023 LTGO 8ond 2400 $1,382,445 $ 1,678,428 2400.00.0000.000.5927S00.581000. $ (295,983) s (295,983)
A-()7 Tnm:ifcr:i In -3000 2023 LTGO Bond 2400 $1,286,862 S 1,611,947 2400.00.0000.000.3973000.300097. $ 325,085 $ 325,085
A-07 Transfers In -3010 2023 LTGO Bond 2400 $ 871,952 $ 942,387 2400.00.0000.000.3973010.300097. $ 70,4 35 $ 70,435
A-07 Tra nsfers In -3020 2023 LTGO Bond 2400 $1,00S,068 $ 1,151,356 2400.00.0000.000.3973020.300097. $ 146,288 s 146,288
A-07 Transfers Out -2400 2023 LTGO Bond 3000 $1,286,862 $ 1,611,947 3000.97.0000.000.5972400.S00097. s (325,085) s (325,085)
Attachment A ...... •. •-., . •· : •:· : ... ~ f •
A-07 Transfers Out -2400 2023 LTGO Bond 3010 $ 871,952 $ 942,387 3010.97.0000.000.5972400.500097. s (70,435) $ (70,435)
MJ7 Transfers Out -2400 2023 LTGO Bond 3020 $1,005,068 $ 1,151,356 3020.97.0000.000.5972400.500097. $ (146,288) $ (146,288)
A-07 Gen Oblig Bond 2023 LTGO Bond 3000 $1,750,000 $ 3,661,333 3000.00.0000.000.3911000.300000. $ 1,911,333 $1,911,333
A-07 Gen Oblig Bond 2023 LTGO Bond 3130 $4,214,000 $ 3,661.333 3130.00.0000.000.3911000.300000. s (552 ,667) $ (552,667)
A-07 Gen ObTTg Bond 2023 LTGO Bond 3180 $7,000,000 $ 6,407,334 3180.00.0000.000.3911000.300000. $ (592,666) $ (592,666)
A-07 Premium on Bond Issue 2023 l TGO Bond 3000 $ -$ 369,629 3000.00.0000.000.3920000.300000. s 369,629 s 369,629
A-07 Premium on Bond Issue 2023 LTGO Bond 3130 s $ 369,629 3130.00.0000.000.3920000.300000. $ 369,629 $ 369,629
A-07 Premium on Bond Issue 2023 LTGO Bond 3180 s $ 646,850 3180.00.0000.000.3920000.300000. $ 646,850 s 646,850
A-07 Bond Issuance Costs 2023 LTGO Bond 3000 $ 257,010 $ 287,107 3000.80.0000.000.5929500.584000. $ (30,097) $ (30,097)
A-07 Bond lssua nee Costs 2023 L TGO Bond 3130 $ $ 30,096 3130.80.0000.000.5929500.584000. $ (30,096) $ (30,096)
A-07 Bond Issuance Costs 2023l TGO Bond 3180 $ $ 53,000 3180.80.0000.000.5929500.584000. $ (53,000) $ (53 ,000)
A-08 Capital Sewer Utilities Nakia Creek Timber Harvest 4420 $ $ 423,000 4420.34.oooo.840.s943500.sGsooo. $ (423,000) $ (423 ,000)
A-08 Transfer In -4400 Funding Transfer In 4420 s 60,000 $ 483,000 4420.97.0000.000.3974400.300097. $ 423,000 $ 423,000
A-08 Miscellaneous Other Operating limber Sale 4400 $ 5,000 $ 4,105,000 4400.34.0000.000.3699100.300000. $ 4,100,000 $ 4,100,000
A-08 TransferOut -4420 Funding Transfer Out 4400 $ 60,000 s 483,000 4400.97.0000.000.5974420.500097. $ (423,000) $ (423,000)
A-09 Transfers In -4600 Recording donated capital 4400 $ $ 970,432 4400.97.0000.000.3974600.300097. $ 970,432 $ 970,432
A-09 Transfers Out -4400 Recording donated capital 4600 $ s 970,432 4600. 3-l .oooo.ooo.5974400.500097. I $ (970,432) $ (970,432)
S-01 Engineering Salaries CPEA Retro Pay 0001 $1,353,630 $ 1,483,630 0001.10.0000.130.5189000.511000. $ (130,000) $ (130,000)
S-01 Police Salaries CPEA Retro Pay 0001 $4,048,9SO $ 4,133,950 0001 .26.0000.090.5212000.511000. $ (85,000) $ (85 ,000)
S-01 Building Sa la ries CPEA Retro Pay 0001 $ 619,778 $ 684,778 0001.53.0000.160.ssssooo.511000. $ (65,000) $ (65,000)
S-01 Transfer Out -1150 Funding Transfer Out 0001 $5,500,000 $6,000,000 0001.97.0000.000.5971150.500097. $ (500,000) $ (500,000)
S-01 Transfer In -0001 Funding Transfer In 1150 $5,500,000 $6,000,000 1150.97.0000.000.3970001.300097. $ 500,000 $ 500,000
S-01 Transfer Out -6020 Funding Transfer Out 0001 $ 102,762 $ 152,762 0001.97.0000.000.5976020.500097. $ (50,000) s (50,000)
5-01 Transfer In -0001 Funding Transfer In 6020 $ 102,762 $ 152,762 6020.97.0000.000.3970001.300097. s 50,000 $ 50,000
S-02 IT Tools & Equipment ERP Support Software & Eqpmt 0001 $ 146,710 s 148,770 0001.10.0000.080.5188000.535000. $ (2,060) $ (2,060)
5-02 Engineering Tools & Equipment ERP Support Software & Eqpmt 0001 s 2,277 $ 19,446 0001.10.0000.130.5189000.535000. $ (17,169) $ (17,169)
S-02 Engineering Prof Svcs ERP Support Software & Eqpmt 0001 $ 50,000 $ 51,210 0001.lQ.0000.130.5189000.540000. $ (1,210) $ (1,210)
S-02 COev Supplies ERP Support Software & Eqpmt 0001 s 1,241 $ 2,787 0001.58.0000.140.5593000.531000. $ (1,546) s (1,546)
S-02 CDev Prof Svcs ERP Support Software & Eqpmt 0001 $ 188,451 $ 188,671 0001.58.0000.140.5593000.540000. $ (220) $ (220)
S-02 Planning Supplies ERP Support Software & Eqpmt 0001 $ 4,438 $ 5 ,579 0001.58.0000.150.5586000.531000. $ (1,141) $ (1,141)
S-02 Planning Prof Svcs ERP Support Software & Eqpmt 0001 $ 315,000 $ 315,660 0001.58.0000.150.5586000.540000. $ (660) $ (660)
S-02 Building Tools & Equipment ERP Support Software & Eqpmt 0001 $ 5,000 $ 13,118 0001.58.0000.160.5585000.535000. $ (8,118) $ (8,118)
S-02 Building Prof Svcs ERP Support Software & Eqpmt 0001 $ 270,122 $ 270,892 0001.58.0000.160.5585000.540000. $ (770) $ (770)
S-02 Parks Maint. Prof Svcs ERP Support Software & Eqpmt 0001 s 120,000 $ 120,110 0001.70.1800.180.5768000.540000. s (110) $ (110)
S-02 Streets Tools & Equipment ERP Support Software & Eqpmt 1120 $ 12,380 $ 18,025 1120.40.0000.400.5423000.535000. $ (5,645) s (5 ,645)
S-02 Streets Prof Svcs ERP Support Software & Eqpmt 1120 s 110,000 $ 110,110 1120.40.0000.400.5423000.540000. $ (110) $ (110)
5-02 Streets Admin Prof Svcs ERP Support Software & Eqpmt 1120 $ 422,163 s 422,273 1120.40.0000.400.5429000.540000. $ (110) $ (110)
S-02 EMS Tools & Equipment ERP Support Software & Eqpmt 1150 $ 52,719 s 56,764 1150.20.0000.500.5227000.535000. $ (4,045) s (4,045)
S-02 Fire Prof Svcs ERP Support Software & Eqpmt 1150 $ 26,032 $ 26,142 1150.20.0000.S00.5227000.540000. $ (110) $ (110)
5-02 Fi re Tools & Equipment ERP Support Software & Eqpmt 1150 $ 4,443 s 16,466 1150.20.0000.540.5223000.535000. $ (12 ,023) $ (12 ,023)
S-02 Fire Prof Svcs ERP Support Software & Eqpmt 1150 $ 155 $ 485 1150.20.0000.540.5223000.540000. s (3 30) $ (330)
S-02 Storm O&M Prof Svcs ERP Sup port Software & Eqpmt 4190 $ 704,384 $ 704,494 4190.31.0000.610.5310000.540000. $ (110) $ (110)
S-02 Storm NPDES Prof Svcs ERP Support Software & Eqpmt 4190 $ 51,441 s 51,661 4190.31.0000.640.5310000.540000. $ (220) $ (220)
S-02 Water Admin Prof Svcs ERP Support Software & Eqpmt 4400 $1,598,348 $ 1,598,568 4400.34.0000. 720.5340000.540000. $ (220) $ (220)
S-02 Water Dist Tools & Equipment ERP Support Software & Eqpmt 4400 $ 175,493 $ 179,726 4400.34.0000.730.5340000.535000. s (4,233) $ (4,233)
S-02 Water Dist Prof Svcs ERP Support Software & Eqpmt 4400 $ 87,305 $ 87,525 4400.34.0000. 730.5340000.540000. $ (220) $ (2ZO)
S-02 Sewer Treatmt Prof Svcs ERP Support Software & Eqpmt 4400 $ 250,000 s 250,220 4400.34.0000.820.5350000.540000. $ (220) s (220)
S-03 IT Rents & Leases Riverview Lease 0001 $ -$ (60,000) 0001.10.0000.080.5188000.545000. s (60,000) $ (60,000)
S-04 Streets Supplies De-icer Brine Tank 1120 $ 30,000 $ 55,000 1120.40.0000.400.5426600.531000. $ (25,000) $ (25,000)
S-05 Streets Capital Damaged Traffic Controller -38th 1120 $ 100,000 $ 125,000 1120.00.0000.400.5953000.565000. $ (25,000) $ (25 ,000)
S-06 Streets Professional Services Loca l Road Safety Plan 1120 $ 422,163 $ 522,163 1120.40.0000.400.5429000.540000. $ (100,000) $ (100,000)
S-07 Fire Professional Services Station 41 Siting Consultant 1150 $ 65,119 $ 215,119 1150.29.oooo.54o.5222000.54oooo. $ (150,000) s (150,000)
S-08 EMS Mach/Equip CARES Provider Vehicle 1150 $ 343,000 $ 385,000 1150.00.0000.500.5942200.564000. $ (42,000) $ (42,000)
S-08 Fire Tools & Equ ipment Fire Engine Equipment 1150 $ 71,703 $ 131,703 1150.20.0000.540.5222000.535000. $ (60,000) $ (60,000)
S-09 Fire Salaries Reduce New Hire FTEs 1150 $5,636,515 $ 5,491,515 1150.20.0000.540.5222000.511000. $ 145,000 $ 145,000
S-09 Fire Benefits Reduce New Hire FTEs 1150 $1,655,740 $1,611,740 1150.20.0000.540.5222000.521000. $ 44,000 $ 44,000
S-09 Fire VEBA Benefit Reduce New Hire FTEs 1150 $ 163,452 $ 150,452 1150.20.0000.540.5222000.522400. $ 13,000 $ 13,000
S-09 Fire Protective Clothing Reduce New Hire FTEs 1150 $ 103,856 $ 97,856 1150.20.0000.540.5222000.522500. $ 6,000 $ 6,000
S-09 Fire Miscellaneous (Training) Reduce New Hire FTEs 1150 $ 72,005 s 58,005 1150.20.0000.540.5224500.549900. $ 14,000 $ 14,000
I S-10 I Legacy lands Capital Rose/Leadbetter House lmpvmt 3200 $ $ 500,000 3200.0().0000.000.5947600.561000. $ (500,000) $ (500,000)
S-11 Storm Water Capital Endicott CIPP Slipline Culverts 4190 $ 100,000 $ 250,000 4190.31.0000.610.5310000.548000. $ (150,000) $ (150,000)
S-12 Storm Water Capital Remove Columbia summit Retrofid 4190 s 200,000 $ 4190.31.0000.650.5310000.565000. $ 200,000 $ 200,000
I 5-12 I Storm Water Capital Remove Fargo Street Pipeline 4190 $ 350,000 $ 250,000 41so.a;.oooo.Gso,5a10000,sG3000, $ 100,000 s 100,000
S-13 Trash Admin Taxes & Assessmt Disposal Costs Increases 4220 $ 131,119 $ 231,119 4220.37.0000.660.5370000.543000. Is (100,000) $ (100,000)
S-13 Trash Disposal Public Utility Disposal Costs Increases 4220 $ 705,915 $ 1,005,915 4220.3?,0000.670.5370000.547000. $ (300,000) $ (300,000)
Attachment A
Prune Hill Park Pump Station
$ 15,169,309 $(21,435,483) $(6,266,174)
Net Total $ 13,121,976 $(19,388,150)
$ (6,266,174)
$ (6,266,174)
Carry Forward $ 2,866,494 $(11,886,175)
Net Balance $ (9,019,681) $(9,019,681)
Administrative $ 9,045,482 $ (3,871,375)
Net Bala nce $ 5,174,107 $ 5,174,107
Supple111ental $ 1,210,000 $ (3,630,600)
Net Balance $ (2,420,600) $(2,420,600)